资源名称:dos_gui.zip [点击查看]
- /*
- About DOS_WIN
- This program is to generate a Windows - Like Graphical User Interface(GUI)
- in DOS. It is mainly for users to develop their own programs in DOS.
- In DOS, the porogram has offered a lot of Windows-like facilities such as
- Multi-Windows, DIalog, Button, CheckBox, Radios, ListBox, ScrollBar, and
- PullDown Menus ( With no-limit SubMenus!) And a lot of Other Choices.
- It also offer Mouse Functions for Menu selection and Window operation.
- With all SOURCE CODEs Included, You can easily modify it for your own
- purpose especially when you want to write a Graphics Program while you
- donot like to use the Windows Programming !! Since the program is designed
- as a C++ downword system, some parts like GUI are completely indepentent.
- You can easily modify the main program and insert your own codes to it.
- The package include a Example of Drawing a 3D-Object and viewing it in any
- way. To start it just type the exe file and the program will work. It will
- work on a PC with EGA/VGA Monitor. It is Compiled by Borland C++ 3.1
- You can distribute the source code freely only together with this readme
- file. Since this is a shareware, you are required to register in order
- to use it in your own program. It will cost $500.
- However, if you do not like to pay so much, you can also pay as much as you
- wish to register. Just think the time and energe you will save by this
- program !
- After you register for this program, you will get permission to
- include the source code to your own program. Besides,you will also
- get more detailed comments of the source code and you can get answers
- from author about any programming problems without extra fee.
- Money and Check should mail to:
- <Current Address: Valid Since Sept. 1995>
- Mr. Yongyong Xu,
- 1940 Howard Street. Apt. 333,
- Kalamazoo, MI 49008
- U.S.A.
- Telephone: (616) 387-7569
- EMail: yxu@cs.wmich.edu (prefered)
- or
- 99xu1@grog.lab.cc.wmich.edu
- When you cannot reach me by the above address, try the next:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- <Permanet Home Address>
- Mr. Xu Yongyong,
- Building 34 Room 604,
- HuayuanXinCun , Chang Zhou
- Jiang Su Province 213016
- P.R.China
- Tel:(86)-(519)-(328-0177)
- */
- // AUTHOR: XuYongYong
- /* yyxmain.cpp
- */
- #define __YYXMAIN
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "mouse.h"
- #include "yyxmain.h"
- #include "dialog.h"
- #include "filedial.h"
- #include "msgbox.h"
- #include "3dmenu.h"
- #include "3dgbas.h"
- void error (char *error_message )
- {
- if (getvect(TIMER_VECTOR)==application_class::timer )
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,theprogram->old_timer);
- if (getvect(KEY_VECTOR)==theprogram->application_class::key )
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,theprogram->old_key);
- if (getvect(MOUSE_VECTOR)==theprogram->application_class::mouse)
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,theprogram->old_mouse);
- if (getvect(DOS_ERROR_VECTOR)==application_class::dos_error)
- setvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR,theprogram->old_dos_error);
- delete theprogram;
- puts(error_message);
- putch (' 07');
- exit(1);
- }
- #include <signal.h>
- void Catcher(int *reglist);
- void Catcher(int *reglist)
- {
- theprogram->exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("Message","Floating point error",MB_OK));
- error("");
- // puts("Caught it!");
- // *(reglist + 8) = 3; /* make return AX = 3 */
- }
- int matherr (struct exception *a)
- {
- if (a->type == DOMAIN) {
- puts (a->name);
- putch(0x07);
- a->retval =1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void myexit() // Normal Exited message after main
- {
- if (bioskey(1) == 0)
- // if (bioskey(0) == SPACEKEY)
- {
- closegraph();
- }
- puts ("OK, Exited");
- }
- #pragma exit myexit
- ///theprogram_class:////theprogram_class:////theprogram_class:////theprogram_class://
- theprogram_class::theprogram_class(int menu_num,char *title)
- :application_class(menu_num,title){};
- void theprogram_class::get_my_menu()
- {
- application_class::get_my_menu();
- my_menu[SPECIAL_MENU] =new Tmenu (SPECIAL_MENU," ",
- "Special Function",my_menu[MAIN_MENU] );
- my_menu[GRAPH] =new Tmenu (GRAPH,"&Graph",
- "",my_menu[MAIN_MENU] );
- my_menu[ROTATE] =new Tmenu (ROTATE,"&Rotate",
- " ",my_menu[MAIN_MENU] );
- my_menu[HELP] =new Tmenu (HELP,"&Helps",
- "Helps ",my_menu[MAIN_MENU] );
- my_menu[ABOUT_MENU_ITEM] =new Tmenu (ABOUT_MENU_ITEM,"About... ",
- "About the Program",my_menu[HELP] );
- // the order is important
- // win_sysmenu =new Tsysmenu (100,"","",my_menu[0]);
- my_menu[NEW] =new Tmenu (NEW,"&New ",
- "new graph ", my_menu[GRAPH] );
- my_menu[CLOSE] =new Tmenu (CLOSE,"&Close ",
- "close current graph",my_menu[GRAPH] );
- my_menu[MYDOSSHELL] =new Tmenu (DOSSHELL,"&Dosshell",
- "return to dos",my_menu[GRAPH] );
- my_menu[QUIT] =new Tmenu (QUIT,"&Quit ALT_X",
- "Quit the system",my_menu[GRAPH] );
- my_menu[LEFT] =new Tmenu (LEFT,"&Left",
- "Left", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[RIGHT] =new Tmenu (RIGHT,"&Right",
- "Right", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[UP] =new Tmenu (UP,"&Up",
- "Up", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[DOWN] =new Tmenu (DOWN,"&Down",
- "Down", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[NEAR] =new Tmenu (NEAR,"&Near ...F2KEY",
- "Near ....F2KEY", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[FAR ] =new Tmenu (FAR ,"&Far ...F1KEY",
- "Far ....F1KEY", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- // my_menu[DISTANCE ] =new Tmenu (DISTANCE,"D&istance",
- // "Distance ....F3KEY", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[VIEWPOINT ] =new Tmenu (DISTANCE,"V&iewpoint",
- "VIEWPOINT ....F4KEY", my_menu[ROTATE] );
- my_menu[X_VALUE ] =new Tmenu (X_VALUE ,"X&value ",
- "X_Value ....", my_menu[VIEWPOINT] );
- my_menu[Y_VALUE ] =new Tmenu (Y_VALUE ,"Y&value ",
- "Y_Value ....", my_menu[VIEWPOINT] );
- my_menu[Z_VALUE ] =new Tmenu (Z_VALUE ,"Zvalue ",
- "Z_Value ....", my_menu[VIEWPOINT] );
- start_menu->psub_menu_selected =my_menu[MAIN_MENU];
- start_menu->pson_menu =my_menu[MAIN_MENU];
- Imme_Menu_ID[0]= QUIT; Immediate_key[0]=ALT_X; Imme_Menu_fptr[0]=my_menu[QUIT];
- Max_Imme_key_nums=1; //
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include <stdio.h>
- void theprogram_class::newgraph ()
- {
- FILE *in;
- char fileopen[100]="NONAME00.dat";
- int izero; // 0xff ===> Nrmgraph ; 0xfe ===> Modgraph
- strcpy (msgbuf,"OK,You Opened a New Graph");
- exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("Message",msgbuf,MB_OK));
- Tgraphbas *agraph;
- if (pcurrent_selected_win ==NULL ) {
- agraph=new Tgraphbas(1,fileopen,UNRESERVE_WIN,ALT_1,5,5,540,340 );
- agraph->open_one_win ();
- } else if ((pcurrent_selected_win->bounds.right+25<600) &&
- (pcurrent_selected_win->bounds.bottom+25<400)){
- agraph=new Tgraphbas(1,fileopen,UNRESERVE_WIN,ALT_1,
- pcurrent_selected_win->bounds.left+25,
- pcurrent_selected_win->bounds.top +25,
- 540,340 );
- agraph->open_one_win ();
- } else {
- agraph=new Tgraphbas(1,fileopen,UNRESERVE_WIN,ALT_1,5,5,550,340 );
- agraph->open_one_win ();
- }
- }
- void theprogram_class::close()
- {
- if ( pcurrent_selected_win != NULL )
- thequeue.SendMessage(pcurrent_selected_win->ID,
- WinSysCloseMSG,pcurrent_selected_win);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL theprogram_class::echo_to_menu(long menu_ID)
- {
- if (application_class::echo_to_menu(menu_ID)) return TRUE;
- switch (menu_ID ){
- case MAIN_MENU : ; break;
- case SPECIAL_MENU : ; break;
- strcpy (msgbuf,"NEW VERSION OF XYY 3D SYSTEM");
- exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("HELP",msgbuf,MB_OK));
- break;
- case NEW: newgraph(); break;
- case CLOSE: close(); break;
- case QUIT: thequeue.SendMessage(0,SysQuitMSG,NULL );break;
- default: return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int theprogram_class::second_class_msg_handler (MSG& message)
- { int ret_value;
- ret_value =application_class::second_class_msg_handler (message);
- return ret_value;
- }
- void theprogram_class::anything_in_the_loop()
- {
- }
- void theprogram_class::init_ctrl()
- {
- }
- //extern unsigned _stklen = 543210U;
- //extern unsigned _stklen = 64000U;
- extern unsigned _stklen = 54000U;
- typedef void (*fptr)(int);
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- { int status;
- signal(SIGFPE, (fptr)Catcher); /* cast Catcher to appropriate type */
- if (strcmpi (argv[1],"/NOMOUSE")==0 ) nomouse =TRUE;
- if (strcmpi (argv[1],"/MOUSECOM1")==0 ) MOUSE_VECTOR=0x0c;
- if (strcmpi (argv[1],"/MOUSECOM2")==0 ) MOUSE_VECTOR=0x0b;
- if ( (strcmpi (argv[1],"/?")==0 ) ||
- (strcmpi (argv[1],"/H")==0 ) ||
- (strcmpi (argv[1],"/HELP")==0 )
- ) {
- printf ("n Usage: %s [/NOMOUSE /MOUSECOM1 /MOUSECOM2]", argv[0]);
- puts ("n Programed By Xu Yongyong 1994");
- return 0;
- }
- theprogram =new theprogram_class
- (99," XYY 3-D SYSTEM 1994");
- theprogram->run();
- status =theprogram->status;
- delete ( theprogram );
- return status;
- }