资源名称 [点击查看]
- // AUTHOR: XuYongYong
- /* applicat.cpp
- */
- #include "applicat.h"
- #include "yyxmain.h"
- #include "msgbox.h"
- #include <process.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <alloc.h>
- #include "mouse.h"
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- extern "C" far _selectVGABitPlane ( int planeNo, int cmd );
- enum dosErr { dosInvalidFuncCode = 1, dosFileNotFound, dosPathNotFound,
- dosTooManyOpenFiles, dosAccessDenied, dosInvalidHandle,
- dosMemCtrlBkDestryed, dosInsufficientMem, dosInvalidMemBkAddr,
- dosInvalidEnvir, dosInvalidFormat, dosInvalidAccessCode,
- dosInvalidDate, dosUnKnownErr, dosInvalidDrv, dosAttemptRDCurDir,
- dosNotSameDevice, dosNoMoreFiles, dosDiskIsWriteProtected,
- dosBadDiskUnit, dosDriveNotReady, dosInvalidDiskCom, dosCRCErr,
- dosInvalidLeninDiskOp, dosSeekErr, dosNotDosDisk, dosSectorNotFound,
- dosOutofPaper, dosWriteFault, dosReadFault, dosGeneralFailt,
- dosSharingViolation, dosLockViolation, dosWrongDisk };
- application_class::application_class (int menu_num,char *title)
- { int i;
- this->menu_num =menu_num;
- if (this->menu_num<40) this->menu_num=40;
- my_menu=(Tmenu **) farmalloc( (sizeof (Tmenu*)) * (menu_num+1) );
- for (i=0;i<menu_num;i++ ) my_menu[i]=NULL;
- for (i=0;i<=5;i++ ) sub_sysmenu[i]=NULL;
- for (i=0;i<=5;i++ ) sub_win_sysmenu[i]=NULL;
- start_menu =NULL;
- this->title =title;
- // /interrupt/interrupt/interrupt/interrupt/interrupt/interrupt/interrupt
- // timer_active =FALSE;
- // kb_active=FALSE;
- // TIMER_COUNT =10;
- init_msg(); //MUST DO IT FIRST,in case clock send msg
- old_timer =getvect (TIMER_VECTOR);
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,application_class::timer);
- key_code =0;
- old_key =getvect (KEY_VECTOR);
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,application_class::key );
- old_dos_error =getvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR );
- setvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR ,application_class::dos_error );
- old_mouse =getvect (MOUSE_VECTOR); //MUST INIT LATER
- // setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,application_class::mouse );
- }
- BOOL application_class::timer_active =FALSE;
- BOOL application_class::kb_active=FALSE;
- BOOL application_class::mouse_active=FALSE;
- BOOL application_class::dos_error_active=FALSE;
- int application_class::TIMER_COUNT =20;
- int application_class::SLOW_TIMER_COUNT =40;
- //int application_class::key_code =0;
- int application_class::time_counter =0;
- int application_class::slow_time_counter =0;
- application_class::~application_class ()
- { int i;
- // my_menu[0]->dispose_all_submenus();
- // delete (my_menu[0]);
- for (i=0;i<menu_num;i++ ) if (my_menu[i]!=NULL ) delete (my_menu[i]);
- // delete (my_menu[39]);
- delete (sysmenu);
- for (i=0;i<=5;i++ ) if (sub_sysmenu[i]!=NULL )delete (sub_sysmenu[i]);
- delete (win_sysmenu);
- for (i=0;i<=5;i++ )if(sub_win_sysmenu[i]!=NULL )delete (sub_win_sysmenu[i]);
- //
- if (start_menu !=NULL) delete (start_menu);
- farfree (my_menu);
- // restore old int1c
- if (getvect(TIMER_VECTOR)==application_class::timer )
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,old_timer);
- if (getvect(KEY_VECTOR)==application_class::key )
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,old_key);
- if (getvect(MOUSE_VECTOR)==application_class::mouse)
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,old_mouse);
- if (getvect(DOS_ERROR_VECTOR)==application_class::dos_error)
- setvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR,old_dos_error);
- if (sysmouse) delete sysmouse;
- }
- void application_class::get_my_menu()
- {
- my_menu[0] =new Tmenu (0,title,main_help_text,NULL );
- sysmenu =new Tsysmenu (101,"& ","ALT_SPACE",my_menu[0]); {
- sysmenu->bounds.left =my_menu[0]->bounds.left+1;
- sysmenu-> =my_menu[0]->;
- sysmenu->bounds.right=sysmenu->bounds.left+bar_height-2;
- sysmenu->bounds.bottom =my_menu[0]->bounds.bottom-1;
- }
- sub_sysmenu[0]=new Tmenu(SYS_RESTOREID,"&Restore","Restore windnow ",sysmenu);
- sub_sysmenu[1]=new Tmenu(SYS_MOVEID,"&Move","Move window",sysmenu);
- sub_sysmenu[2]=new Tmenu(SYS_SIZEID,"&Size","Change window size",sysmenu);
- sub_sysmenu[3]=new Tmenu(SYS_MINIMIZEID,"Mi&nimize","Iconinize window",sysmenu);
- sub_sysmenu[4]=new Tmenu(SYS_MAXIMIZEID,"Ma&ximize","Streatch window",sysmenu);
- sub_sysmenu[5]=new Tmenu(SYS_CLOSEID,"Close","Close window",sysmenu);
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<5;i++) sub_sysmenu[i]->status |= DISABLE;
- // the order is important
- win_sysmenu =new Tsysmenu (100,"","",my_menu[0]); {
- win_sysmenu->bounds.left =my_menu[0]->bounds.left+1;
- win_sysmenu-> =my_menu[0]->;
- win_sysmenu->bounds.right=win_sysmenu->bounds.left+bar_height-LINE_WIDTH+1;
- win_sysmenu->bounds.bottom =my_menu[0]->bounds.bottom-1;
- // OffsetRect (&win_sysmenu->bounds ,100,100 );
- win_sysmenu->status =INVISIBLE;
- }
- sub_win_sysmenu[0]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_RESTOREID,"&Restore","Restore windnow to ",win_sysmenu);
- sub_win_sysmenu[1]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_MOVEID,"&Move","Move window",win_sysmenu);
- sub_win_sysmenu[2]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_SIZEID,"&Size","Change window size",win_sysmenu);
- sub_win_sysmenu[3]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_MINIMIZEID,"Mi&nimize","Iconinize window",win_sysmenu);
- sub_win_sysmenu[4]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_MAXIMIZEID,"Ma&ximize","Streatch window",win_sysmenu);
- sub_win_sysmenu[5]=new Tmenu(WIN_SYS_CLOSEID,"Close","Close window",win_sysmenu);
- // Set Imme_key
- Imme_Menu_ID[0]= SYS_CLOSEID ; Immediate_key[0]=ALT_F4; Imme_Menu_fptr[0]=sub_win_sysmenu[5];
- Max_Imme_key_nums=2;
- }
- BOOL application_class::echo_to_menu(long menu_ID) // utter virtual
- {
- switch (menu_ID ){
- case SYS_CLOSEID :thequeue.SendMessage(0
- ,SysQuitMSG,NULL );
- break;
- thequeue.SendMessage(pcurrent_selected_win->ID
- ,WinSysCloseMSG,pcurrent_selected_win );
- break;
- case DOSSHELL : DosShell (); break;
- key_code=CTRL_F5;
- thequeue.SendMessage(0, KeyPressedMSG,NULL);
- break;
- default :return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE; // handled
- }
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* **************************** KEY ******************************* */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- int application_class::key_pressed_handler ( int key_scan_num )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* **************************** MSG ******************************* */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- void application_class::show_status(int kind)
- {// disable();
- getviewsettings (¤t_viewport );
- setport (menu_viewport);
- setcolor (HELP_TEXT_COLOR);
- switch ( kind ) {
- case SYS_STATUS:
- FillRect ( sys_status_rect,HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- outtextxy(sys_status_rect.left+10,,sys_status_string);
- break;
- case STATUS:
- FillRect ( status_rect,HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- outtextxy(status_rect.left+10,,status_string);
- break;
- FillRect ( on_line_help_rect,HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- outtextxy( on_line_help_rect.left+10,,main_help_text);
- break;
- }
- // disable();
- setport (current_viewport );
- // enable();
- }
- int application_class::first_class_msg_handler ( MSG& message )
- {
- switch ( message .Action){
- // case MouseLButtonDownMSG:
- // break;
- case MenuActionMSG:
- return echo_to_menu(sysmsg.ID);
- case DlgOkedMSG:
- return Dlg_OK;
- case DlgCanceledMSG:
- return Dlg_CANCEL;
- /* case TimerMSG:
- static unsigned int i=0;
- switch (i++ %8) {
- case 0:
- sprintf (status_string,"_stklen:%ux",_stklen);
- break;
- case 2:
- sprintf (status_string,"s:%up:%ux",stackavail(),_SP);
- break;
- case 4:
- sprintf(status_string,"heaptop:%lux", (unsigned long) coreleft());
- break;
- case 6:
- sprintf(status_string,"Fhtop:%lux", (unsigned long) farcoreleft());
- break;
- }
- show_status(STATUS);
- return FALSE;
- */ case SlowTimerMSG:
- static int heap;
- static unsigned int j=0;
- switch (j++ %3) {
- case 0:
- if (getvect(MOUSE_VECTOR) !=application_class:: mouse ){
- strcpy (sys_status_string,"MOUSE UNOK");
- if (!sysmouse) strcat (sys_status_string," !!");
- else {
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,application_class::mouse );
- sysmouse->on(0);
- }
- }
- else strcpy (sys_status_string,"MOUSE OK");
- break;
- case 1:
- //~ if ((heap=heapcheckfree(0xff)) == _HEAPOK ) strcpy (sys_status_string,"HEAP OK");
- //~ else if (heap==_BADVALUE) strcpy (sys_status_string,"BAD VALUE");
- //~ else strcpy (sys_status_string,"HEAP CORRUPT");
- if ((heap=heapfillfree(0xff)) == _HEAPOK ) strcpy (sys_status_string,"HEAP OK");
- else if (heap==_HEAPEMPTY) strcpy (sys_status_string,"EMPTY");
- else strcpy (sys_status_string,"HEAP CORRUPT");
- break;
- case 2:
- if ((heap=farheapfillfree(0x88)) == _HEAPOK ) strcpy (sys_status_string,"FARH OK");
- else if (heap==_HEAPEMPTY) strcpy (sys_status_string,"EM FARH");
- else strcpy (sys_status_string,"FARH RUPT");
- break;
- }
- show_status(SYS_STATUS);
- return FALSE;
- case SysQuitMSG:
- return Sys_QUIT;
- case KeyPressedMSG:
- return key_pressed_handler( key_code );
- case WinMovingSizingMSG: //for mouse only
- pcurrent_selected_win-> draw_size_rect();
- if (in_win_moving ==TRUE) //moving
- OffsetRect (&pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds,
- mouse_x-old_mouse_x,mouse_y-old_mouse_y );
- else { //sizing
- pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.right +=mouse_x-old_mouse_x;
- pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.bottom +=mouse_y-old_mouse_y;
- }
- if (pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.right>
- win_living_viewport.right-win_living_viewport.left-2)
- pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.right
- =win_living_viewport.right-win_living_viewport.left-2;
- if (pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.bottom>
- pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.bottom
- if (pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.left<2)
- pcurrent_selected_win->newbounds.left=2;
- if (pcurrent_selected_win-><2)
- pcurrent_selected_win->;
- old_mouse_x=mouse_x;
- old_mouse_y=mouse_y;
- pcurrent_selected_win-> draw_size_rect();
- return TRUE;
- case WinSysCloseMSG:
- if (! (((Twin*)message.fptr)->canclose||
- (((Twin*)message.fptr)->func_canclose()) )) return FALSE;
- int x,y;
- if (((Twin*)(message.fptr)) !=pcurrent_selected_win)
- ((Twin*)(message.fptr))->select();
- x=((Twin*)message.fptr)->bounds.left+win_living_viewport.left-menu_viewport.left+LINE_WIDTH;
- y=((Twin*)message.fptr)->;
- win_sysmenu->offsetmenu(-x,-y);
- win_sysmenu->status |=INVISIBLE;
- delete ((Twin*)message.fptr );
- // delete message.fptr;
- return TRUE ;
- case CtrlBreakMSG:
- error ("Ctrl Break Pressed");
- break;
- default: ;//thequeue.GetMessage(sysmsg);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- int application_class::second_class_msg_handler ( MSG& message )
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- int application_class::main_message_loop()
- { int ret_value=FALSE;
- while ( thequeue.GetMessage(sysmsg) )
- {
- if ((ret_value =first_class_msg_handler(sysmsg))!=FALSE) return ret_value;
- // This is the messages MUST be handled; && No more msg should
- // converted to the menu && dialog && win moving
- // && including messages must be shown in ret_value;
- if ( ( pcurrent_selected_win ==NULL )||
- ((!in_win_moving)&&(!(pcurrent_selected_win->type & DIALOG_WIN)))
- )
- ret_value =pcurrent_menu->msg_handler(sysmsg);
- if ( (in_menu_trap)||(ret_value!=FALSE) ) return ret_value;
- if ( pcurrent_selected_win !=NULL )
- pcurrent_selected_win->msg_handler(sysmsg);
- second_class_msg_handler(sysmsg);
- ////////////////!!!!!!!!!!!! New
- /////////// if ( sysmsg.Action == KeyPressedMSG ) key_code =0;
- }
- if (
- (!in_menu_trap) &&
- ( ( pcurrent_selected_win ==NULL )||((!in_win_moving)&&(!(pcurrent_selected_win->type & DIALOG_WIN))))
- )
- anything_in_the_loop();
- return ret_value;
- }
- void application_class::anything_in_the_loop(){};
- void application_class::run()
- {
- int keynum;
- Begin_Program:
- init();
- while (1) {
- /* if( (keynum=bioskey(1) )== -1 ) break;
- else if (keynum !=0 ) {
- keynum=bioskey(0);
- key_pressed_handler( keynum );
- }
- */ if (main_message_loop()==Sys_QUIT) break;
- // if (RE_START != 0) init_screen(); //goto Begin_Program;
- }
- }
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- /* **************************** INIT ******************************* */
- /* ********************************************************************* */
- void application_class::init()
- {
- init_screen();
- init_menu(); // the order is important
- draw_application_win();
- // settextstyle (DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,1 );
- init_win();
- init_ctrl();
- void far *mouse_addr;
- mouse_addr =getvect (0x33);
- if ( (!((mouse_addr==NULL )||(*(unsigned char *)mouse_addr==0xcf))) &&
- !nomouse
- ) { sysmouse=new Tmouse();
- old_mouse =getvect (MOUSE_VECTOR);
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,application_class::mouse );
- }
- else sysmouse =NULL;
- }
- //#include "tvga256.h" // Needs More MEMORY
- void application_class::init_screen()
- {
- int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;
- // gdriver = installuserdriver("TVGA256",DETECTTVGA);/* Request auto-detection */
- // gmode = TVGA640x480;
- initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");
- errorcode = graphresult();
- if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ {
- printf("Graphics error: %sn", grapherrormsg(errorcode));
- printf("Press any key to halt:");
- getch();
- error("graphics error exit"); /* return with error code */
- }
- // RE_START =0;
- screen_viewport.left=0; =0;
- screen_viewport.right =getmaxx(); screen_viewport.bottom=getmaxy();
- screen_viewport.clip =CLIP_ON;
- setusercharsize (10,10,10,10);
- setport (screen_viewport);
- setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, LIGHTGRAY );
- bar (screen_viewport.left,,screen_viewport.right,screen_viewport.bottom);
- font_height =textheight ("HjklMq") +8;
- bar_height =20;
- menu_viewport =screen_viewport;
- menu_viewport.left +=5; +=5;
- menu_viewport.right -=5; menu_viewport.bottom-=5;
- }
- void application_class::draw_application_win()
- {
- /////////////////////////////INIT MENUS PART/////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////INIT MENUS PART/////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////INIT MENUS PART/////////////////////////////////
- // draw Frame rect of the screen
- pcurrent_menu =start_menu;
- pcurrent_menu->psub_menu_selected =my_menu[0];
- setport (screen_viewport);
- setlinestyle ( SOLID_LINE,1,THICK_WIDTH );
- setcolor(LIGHTGRAY);
- Rect temp_rect;
- SetRect (&temp_rect,menu_viewport.left,,
- menu_viewport.right,menu_viewport.bottom );
- InsetRect (&temp_rect, -LINE_WIDTH,-LINE_WIDTH);
- draw_win_frame_rect ( temp_rect );
- // change menu_viewport
- setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, WHITE );
- bar (menu_viewport.left,,menu_viewport.right,menu_viewport.bottom);
- // draw help_rect
- /* SetRect (&on_line_help_rect,0,
- menu_viewport.right-menu_viewport.left,
- */
- SetRect (&on_line_help_rect,0,
- 250,
- SetRect (&sys_status_rect,270,
- 400,
- SetRect (&status_rect,420,
- menu_viewport.right-menu_viewport.left,
- setport (menu_viewport);
- FillRect (on_line_help_rect, HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- InsetRect (&on_line_help_rect, -5, -5 );
- draw_in_button (on_line_help_rect );
- InsetRect (&on_line_help_rect, -1, -1 );
- FillRect (sys_status_rect, HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- InsetRect (&sys_status_rect, -5, -5 );
- draw_in_button (sys_status_rect );
- InsetRect (&sys_status_rect, -1, -1 );
- FillRect (status_rect, HELP_RECT_COLOR );
- InsetRect (&status_rect, -5, -5 );
- draw_in_button (status_rect );
- InsetRect (&status_rect, -1, -1 );
- if (pcurrent_menu ->psub_menu_selected !=NULL ) {
- pcurrent_menu ->psub_menu_selected->pfather_menu=pcurrent_menu;
- pcurrent_menu ->psub_menu_selected->select();
- pcurrent_menu ->psub_menu_selected->pfather_menu=NULL;
- // this makes MOUSE DEAD
- }
- pcurrent_menu ->enter_menu();
- // draw sys menu
- setcolor (BLACK);
- if (pcurrent_menu != NULL ) {
- Rect tmprect;
- setport (menu_viewport);
- tmprect = pcurrent_menu->save_bitmap.bounds;
- InsetRect (&tmprect ,0,1);
- FrameRect (tmprect);
- }
- FillRect (sysmenu->bounds,LIGHTGRAY );
- setcolor (BLACK );
- FrameRect (sysmenu->bounds);
- sysmenu->bounds.bottom -=1;
- sysmenu->bounds.right -=1;
- sysmenu->draw (); //Not Very Good
- // draw up & down rect;
- Rect up_rect,down_rect;
- down_rect =my_menu[0]->bounds;
- down_rect.left=down_rect.right -bar_height+1;
- down_rect.right -=1;
- down_rect.bottom -=1;
- OffsetRect (&down_rect,LINE_WIDTH-1,0 );
- up_rect=down_rect;
- OffsetRect (&up_rect, -bar_height+1,0 );
- draw_out_button (down_rect);
- draw_out_button (up_rect);
- }
- void application_class::init_msg()
- {
- thequeue.Reset();
- }
- void application_class::init_menu()
- { in_menu_trap =FALSE;
- start_menu =new Tmenu ("INIT","");
- get_my_menu();
- // show menus
- }
- void application_class::init_win ()
- {
- win_living_viewport=menu_viewport;
- +=2*bar_height;
- win_living_viewport.bottom -=2*bar_height;
- pfirst_win_of_all =NULL;
- pcurrent_selected_win =NULL;
- }
- void application_class::init_ctrl ()
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////DOSSHELL///////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void application_class::DosShell(void)
- {
- int result;
- if (pcurrent_selected_win != NULL ) {
- exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("Message","MUST CLOSE ALL WINDOWS",MB_OK));
- // thequeue.SendMessage(pcurrent_selected_win->ID,
- // WinSysCloseMSG,pcurrent_selected_win);
- // return ;
- }
- closegraph();
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,old_key);
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,old_timer); //otherwise; queue will run out of it
- puts("Type EXIT to return to Main Program . . .");
- result = spawnlp(P_WAIT, "", NULL);
- if(result==-1) {
- puts("nNot enough memory to run . .");
- getch();
- }
- init_screen();
- draw_application_win();
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,application_class::key );
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,application_class::timer );
- if (sysmouse) sysmouse->on(0);
- }
- */
- void application_class::DosShell(void)
- {
- int result;
- void interrupt (*mynow_timer)(...);
- void interrupt (*mynow_key )(...);
- void interrupt (*mynow_dos_error)(...);
- void interrupt (*mynow_mouse)(...);
- mynow_timer=getvect (TIMER_VECTOR);
- mynow_key =getvect (KEY_VECTOR);
- mynow_dos_error=getvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR);
- mynow_mouse=getvect (MOUSE_VECTOR);
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,old_key);
- setvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR,old_dos_error);
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,old_timer);
- if (getvect(MOUSE_VECTOR)==application_class::mouse)
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,old_mouse);
- //otherwise; queue will run out of it
- mouse_off;
- _screen2Disk ( "XYYSWP.SWP" );
- closegraph();
- puts("Type EXIT to return to Main Program . . .");
- result = spawnlp(P_WAIT, "", NULL);
- if(result==-1) {
- puts("nNot enough memory to run . .");
- getch();
- }
- init_screen();
- // cleardevice ();
- if ( ( _disk2Screen ( "XYYSWP.SWP" ) ) != 0 ) exit (144);
- /// draw_application_win();
- setvect (KEY_VECTOR,mynow_key );
- setvect (TIMER_VECTOR,mynow_timer );
- setvect (DOS_ERROR_VECTOR,mynow_dos_error);
- setvect (MOUSE_VECTOR,mynow_mouse);
- mouse_on;
- }
- // if swp file error occur, it return DOS_ERR Code!
- int application_class::_screen2Disk ( const char * swpfile )
- // return 0 on success // else fail
- {
- int result = 0, i;
- FILE *stream;
- size_t count;
- char tmpstr [ 32 ] = "ADFFT(c)LDh1994";
- struct dosdate_t da;
- struct dostime_t ti;
- _dos_gettime ( & ti );
- _dos_getdate ( & da );
- for ( i = strlen ( tmpstr ); i < 32; i ++ ) tmpstr [ i ] = 0;
- i = 24;
- tmpstr [ i ++ ] = 0x05; // swp file's bandle ID
- i ++;
- *( (unsigned int *) ( & ( tmpstr [ i ] ) ) ) =
- ( (unsigned) ti.hour<<11 ) + ( (unsigned) ti.minute<<5) +
- (unsigned) ti.second + 2;
- i ++; i ++;
- *( (unsigned int *) ( & ( tmpstr [ i ] ) ) ) =
- ( ( da.year - 1980 )<<9 ) + ( (unsigned) da.month<<5) +
- (unsigned);
- if (( stream = fopen(swpfile, "w+b")) == NULL ) return (-1);
- if (( count = fwrite(tmpstr,32 , 1, stream)) != 1 ) return (-1);
- // if ( ( _currentGrafPort->device == VGA ) // IS VGAHI
- // && ( _currentGrafPort->mode == VGAHI ) )
- if ( ( 1 )
- && ( 1 ) )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
- {
- // enable VGA bit-plane read
- _selectVGABitPlane ( i, 0 );
- fseek ( stream,i* 38400L+32, SEEK_SET );
- if ((count =fwrite((void far*)0xa0000000L,
- (unsigned)38400, 1, stream) ) != 1 ) return (-1);
- }
- }
- else return (-1);
- if ( ( fclose ( stream ) ) != 0 ) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- int application_class::_disk2Screen ( const char * swpfile )
- {
- int result = 0, i;
- FILE *stream, *stream1;
- size_t count;
- char tmpstr [ 32 ];
- if (( stream = fopen(swpfile, "r+b")) == NULL ) return (-1);
- if (( count = fread (tmpstr,32 , 1, stream)) != 1 ) return (-1);
- if (( stream1 = fopen("tmp", "w+b")) == NULL ) return (-1);
- if (( count = fwrite(tmpstr,32 , 1, stream1)) != 1 ) return (-1);
- if ( ( strcmp ( tmpstr, "ADFFT(c)LDh1994" ) != 0 ) || ( tmpstr [ 24 ] != 0x05 ) )
- return dosFileNotFound;
- // if ( ( _currentGrafPort->device == VGA ) // OK VGAHI
- // && ( _currentGrafPort->mode == VGAHI ) )
- if ( ( 1 )
- && ( 1 ) )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
- {
- // enable VGA bit-plane write
- _selectVGABitPlane ( i, 1 );
- fseek ( stream,i* 38400L+32, SEEK_SET );
- if ((count =fread ((void far*)0xa0000000L,
- (unsigned)38400, 1, stream) ) != 1 ) return (-1);
- if ((count =fwrite((void far*)0xa0000000L,
- (unsigned)38400, 1, stream1) ) != 1 ) return (-1);
- }
- }
- else return (-1);
- if ( ( fclose ( stream ) ) != 0 ) return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////// exec a dialog //////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int application_class::exec_dialog(Tdialog *pdialog_handled)
- { int ret_value;
- int keynum;
- class MSGQueue savqueue;
- MSG savmsg;
- savqueue =thequeue;
- savmsg =sysmsg;
- thequeue.Reset();
- pdialog_handled->open_one_win ();
- do {
- ret_value=main_message_loop();
- } while ( ( (ret_value != Dlg_OK)&&(ret_value!=Dlg_CANCEL) ) || //Dlg_OK or Dlg_CANCEL
- (pdialog_handled ==pcurrent_selected_win ) );
- // similar to run
- // others no need to delete now
- // No need to delete pdialog_handled;--->deleted as it is closed
- asm cli;
- sysmsg =savmsg;
- thequeue =savqueue;
- asm sti;
- return ret_value;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void interrupt application_class::timer(...)
- {
- // disable();
- // mouse still makes the program crash////////////////// WHY
- if (!timer_active){
- timer_active =TRUE;
- (*old_timer)(...);
- if (thequeue.QueueFull()) goto Ret;
- ///Prevent more queue
- if ( thequeue.first !=thequeue.last ) {
- if (( thequeue.msg_array[thequeue.oldfirst].Action==TimerMSG)
- || (thequeue.msg_array[thequeue.oldfirst].Action==SlowTimerMSG))
- goto Ret;
- }
- time_counter++;
- slow_time_counter ++;
- if ( time_counter > TIMER_COUNT ){
- time_counter =0;
- thequeue.SendMessage(0,TimerMSG,NULL);
- }
- if (slow_time_counter > SLOW_TIMER_COUNT ) {
- slow_time_counter =0 ;
- thequeue.SendMessage(0,SlowTimerMSG,NULL);
- }
- Ret: timer_active =FALSE;
- }
- // enable();
- }
- void interrupt (* application_class::old_timer) (...)=getvect(0x19);
- void interrupt (* application_class::old_key ) (...)=getvect(0x19);
- void interrupt (* application_class::old_mouse) (...)=getvect(0x19);
- void interrupt (* application_class::old_dos_error) (...)=getvect(0x19);
- /*
- #define MYBIOSKEY
- switch (key_code) {
- case 0x48e0:
- key_code=UPKEY;
- break;
- case 0x4be0:
- key_code=LEFTKEY;
- break;
- case 0x4de0:
- key_code=RIGHTKEY;
- break;
- case 0x50e0:
- key_code=DOWNKEY;
- break;
- case 0x8de0:
- key_code=CTRL_UP;
- break;
- case 0x73e0:
- key_code=CTRL_LEFT;
- break;
- case 0x74e0:
- key_code=CTRL_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 0x91e0:
- key_code=CTRL_DOWN;
- break;
- case SPACEKEY:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x08 )
- key_code =ALT_SPACE;
- break;
- case ALT_LEFT:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x04 )
- key_code =CTRL_ALT_LEFT;
- break;
- case ALT_RIGHT:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x04 )
- key_code =CTRL_ALT_RIGHT;
- break;
- };
- */
- #define MYBIOSKEY
- switch (tmp) {
- case 0x53e0:
- tmp=DELKEY;
- break;
- case 0x52e0:
- tmp=INSKEY;
- break;
- case 0x49e0:
- tmp=PGUPKEY;
- break;
- case 0x47e0:
- tmp=HOMEKEY;
- break;
- case 0x4fe0:
- tmp=ENDKEY;
- break;
- case 0x51e0:
- tmp=PGDNKEY;
- break;
- case 0x4be0:
- tmp=LEFTKEY;
- break;
- case 0x4de0:
- break;
- case 0x48e0:
- tmp=UPKEY;
- break;
- case 0x50e0:
- tmp=DOWNKEY;
- break;
- case 0x8de0:
- tmp=CTRL_UP;
- break;
- case 0x73e0:
- tmp=CTRL_LEFT;
- break;
- case 0x74e0:
- break;
- case 0x91e0:
- tmp=CTRL_DOWN;
- break;
- case SPACEKEY:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x08 )
- tmp =ALT_SPACE;
- break;
- case ALT_LEFT:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x04 )
- break;
- case ALT_RIGHT:
- if ( bioskey (0x12) & 0x04 )
- break;
- };
- void interrupt application_class::key (...)
- { register int tmp;
- MSG tmpmsg;
- // disable();
- //~ (*old_key)(...);
- if (!kb_active ){
- kb_active =TRUE;
- (*old_key)(...);
- //~ switch (bioskey(1)) {
- switch (bioskey(0x11)) {
- case -1:
- thequeue.SendMessage(0,CtrlBreakMSG,NULL );
- break;
- case 0:break;
- default :
- //~ key_code=bioskey(0);
- // tmp =key_code;
- //~ key_code=bioskey(0x10);
- tmp=bioskey(0x10);
- if (thequeue.QueueFull()) goto Ret;
- if ( thequeue.first !=thequeue.last ) {
- if (( thequeue.msg_array[thequeue.oldfirst].Action
- ==KeyPressedMSG) && (tmp==key_code))
- goto Ret;
- }
- // if ( thequeue.PeekMessage (tmpmsg) !=FALSE ){
- // if ((tmpmsg.Action==KeyPressedMSG) && (tmp==key_code))
- // goto Ret;
- // }
- key_code =tmp;
- thequeue.SendMessage(0, KeyPressedMSG,NULL);
- }
- Ret: kb_active =FALSE;
- }
- // enable();
- }
- void interrupt application_class::mouse(...)
- {
- // disable();
- (*old_mouse)(...);
- if (!mouse_active ){
- mouse_active =TRUE;
- if (in_win_moving) {
- if (sysmouse->get_release_count(LEFT_BUTTON) >0 ) {
- thequeue.SendMessage(pcurrent_selected_win->ID
- ,WinMovedSizedMSG,pcurrent_selected_win );
- in_win_moving =FALSE;
- mouse_active =FALSE;
- return ;
- }
- sysmouse->get_posn ();
- if ( (abs(old_mouse_x-mouse_x )<10) && (abs(old_mouse_y-mouse_y)<10) ){
- mouse_active =FALSE;
- return ;
- }
- thequeue.SendMessage(0,WinMovingSizingMSG,pcurrent_selected_win);
- mouse_active =FALSE;
- return;
- }
- if (sysmouse->get_press_count(LEFT_BUTTON) >0 )
- thequeue.SendMessage(0,MouseLButtonDownMSG,NULL );
- mouse_active =FALSE;
- }
- // enable();
- }
- void interrupt application_class::dos_error(...)
- { int i,j;
- i=_AX;
- j=_DI;
- if (dos_error_active ) return ;
- dos_error_active =TRUE;
- // enable();
- if ( i & 0x8000 ); // AH bit7 is set ; means not disk error
- else {
- switch (j & 0xff ) {
- case 0x00:strcpy (msgbuf,"Write Protected");break;
- case 0x01:strcpy (msgbuf,"Invalid Drive Number");break;
- case 0x02:strcpy (msgbuf,"Drive not ready");break;
- default :strcpy (msgbuf,"Drive error");break;
- }
- diskerrorno = j & 0xff ;
- putch(' 07');
- // To let the owner do next && retry,etc
- // if (theprogram->exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("Message",msgbuf,MB_RETRYCANCEL))
- // == Dlg_OK ) _AL=0x01;
- // else _AL =0x02;
- dos_error_active =FALSE;
- // _AL =0x00; cannot be touched by the caller
- // asm {
- // mov bp,sp
- // mov ax,[bp+22]
- // mov al,0
- // mov [bp+22],ax
- // }
- return;
- }
- (*old_dos_error );
- dos_error_active =FALSE;
- }