资源名称 [点击查看]
- // AUTHOR: XuYongYong
- /* --------------------------------------------------------
- Defines type TFileDialog. This defines the basic
- behavior of all file dialogs.
- -------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "yyxmain.h"
- #include "filedial.h"
- #include "msgbox.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dir.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- /*
- char _FAR * _CType _FARFUNC _fullpath( char _FAR *__buf,
- const char _FAR *__path,
- size_t __maxlen );
- */
- /*
- extern "C" {
- char far* _fullpath (char far *__buf,const char far *__path,size_t __maxlen);
- }
- */
- int filedial_class::get_sub_files (char *path_name,char **sub_files)
- {
- // return nums; -1:Error
- struct ffblk ffblk;
- int done;
- int file_counter=0;
- done = findfirst(path_name,&ffblk, (FA_HIDDEN| FA_RDONLY |
- if (done==ENOENT) return -1;
- while (!done)
- {
- if ( !(ffblk.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC)) {
- // strcpy ( ((FILENAMESTRING *)sub_files )[file_counter],ffblk.ff_name );
- strcpy (sub_files[file_counter],ffblk.ff_name );
- file_counter ++;
- }
- done = findnext(&ffblk);
- }
- return file_counter;
- }
- int filedial_class::get_sub_dires (char *dir_name,char **sub_dires)
- {
- //return nums; -1:Error ADDING [A][B][C][D] etc;
- struct ffblk ffblk;
- int done ,i;
- int dir_counter =0;
- char path[100];
- // char * disk[10]={"A:","B:","C:","D:","E:","F:" };
- char * disk[10]={"A:","B:","C:","D:","E:","F:" };
- strcpy(path,dir_name); //E.G "dos"
- strcat(path,"*.*");
- done = findfirst(path,&ffblk, (FA_DIREC /*| FA_HIDDEN| FA_RDONLY |
- if (done==ENOENT) return -1;
- while (!done)
- {
- if ((ffblk.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC) && (strcmp(ffblk.ff_name,"."))) {
- strcpy (sub_dires[dir_counter],ffblk.ff_name );
- dir_counter ++;
- }
- done = findnext(&ffblk);
- }
- for (i=0;i< /*int disknum=setdisk(getdisk())*/ 4 ; i++ ) {
- strcpy (sub_dires[dir_counter],disk[i]);
- dir_counter ++;
- }
- return dir_counter;
- }
- BOOL filedial_class::haswildcards(char *pathname)
- { register i;
- for (i=strlen (pathname)-1; (i>=0) && pathname[i] !='\'; i-- )
- if ((pathname[i] =='*') || (pathname[i] =='?')) return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- char * filedial_class::getfilename(char *pathname)
- {
- char *p;
- p = strrchr(pathname, '\');
- if ( !p )
- p = strrchr(pathname, ':');
- if ( !p )
- return pathname;
- else
- return p + 1;
- }
- int filedial_class::analyse_edit_filename(char *buf)
- {
- struct ffblk ffblk;
- int done;
- // input:: edit_filename
- // if part path ,connect with dirname
- if ((! strchr(edit_filename,':') ) && (edit_filename[0] !='\' )){
- strcpy (buf,dirname);
- strcat (buf,edit_filename);
- strcpy (edit_filename,buf);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////// !!!!!!!!!! BC3.0
- _fullpath(buf, edit_filename, MAXPATH);
- // now I should realize fullpath ,as .. . etc in tc1.00
- // strcpy (buf,edit_filename);
- /* Now c:dos ----> c:dos
- but c: ----> c:
- */
- if ( buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\' ) buf[strlen(buf)-1] =' ';
- /* Now c:dos ----> c:dos
- and c: ----> c:
- */
- if ( haswildcards (edit_filename ) == TRUE ) {
- strcpy (wildcards, getfilename (buf));
- (getfilename(buf))[0] =' ';
- if ( buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\' ) buf[strlen(buf)-1] =' ';
- } else { // split wildcards from buf
- // assume wildcards not contains '';
- if (!strcmp (wildcards,"*.*")) strcpy (wildcards,"*.*" );
- }
- done = findfirst( buf ,&ffblk, ( FA_DIREC| FA_HIDDEN| FA_RDONLY |
- // perror (sys_errlist[errno]);
- if ( (done)&&(buf[strlen(buf)-1]!=':') ) {
- // ; no such file or directory c:dos
- // since root directory is the exception c:
- char buf1[100];
- strcpy (buf1,buf);
- getfilename(buf1)[0] =' ';
- strcat (buf1,"*.*");
- done = findfirst( buf1 ,&ffblk, FA_DIREC );
- if (done ) return 0; //error path
- else return 3; //true dirname, no file
- ;
- } else { // exists such file or directory
- if( !(ffblk.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC) && (buf[strlen(buf)-1]!=':') ) {
- //buf is a existed file // ??
- return 1;
- } else { // is an existing directory
- return 2;
- }
- }
- }
- BOOL filedial_class:: change_edit_filename()
- {
- char buf[100];
- int i=analyse_edit_filename(buf);
- strcpy (edit_filename,wildcards);
- switch (i) {
- case 0:
- case 3: return FALSE; //other information
- case 1: strcpy (pathname ,buf ); //existed file
- strcpy (dirname, buf);
- strcat (dirname,"\");
- getfilename(buf)[0] =' ';
- return TRUE;
- case 2: //existed directory
- strcat (buf,"\");
- strcpy (dirname ,buf ); //dirname use for sub_dires' search
- strcpy (pathname ,buf ); //pathname use for sub_files' search
- strcat (pathname ,wildcards );
- return FALSE;
- }
- // NO need Return A value
- return FALSE;
- }
- filedial_class::filedial_class(int ID,char *title,int left,int top,int width,int height,
- int atype, char *apath )
- :dialog_class(ID,title,left,top,width,height)
- {
- int i;
- achFile =apath; // a Path For the last time
- dial_type =atype;
- for (i=0;i<MAXFILES;i++ ) { files[i]=new FILENAMESTRING;
- if ( files[i]==NULL) error("Less memory");
- }
- for (i=0;i<MAXDIRES;i++ ) { dires[i]=new FILENAMESTRING;
- if ( dires[i]==NULL) error("Less memory");
- }
- // putch(' 07');
- dirname[0]=' ';
- pathname[0]=' ';
- strcpy (edit_filename,apath);
- change_edit_filename();
- // putch(' 07');
- if (!(filesnum=get_sub_files (pathname,files ))) filesnum=0;
- if (!(diresnum=get_sub_dires (dirname,dires ))) diresnum=0;
- // putch(' 07');
- insert_control( dires_listscrl =new Tlistscrl (DIRES_ID,"&Directories",216,80,150,100,
- diresnum,dires) );
- insert_control( files_listscrl =new Tlistscrl (FILES_ID,"&Files",16,80,160,100,
- filesnum,files) );
- if ( dial_type == SD_FILESAVE ) {
- files_listscrl->status |=INVISIBLE;
- files_listscrl->status |=DISABLE;
- }
- insert_control( file_tedit =new Ttedit (EDIT_ID,"File&name",16,32,128,22 ,
- edit_filename, 25 ) );
- insert_control( dir_tstatic =new Tstatic (13,"Directory",
- 206,30,150,20, dirname ,ALIGN_LEFT ) );
- canclose =FALSE;
- }
- filedial_class::~filedial_class ()
- { int i;
- for (i=0;i<MAXFILES;i++ ) if (files[i]!=NULL )delete files[i];
- for (i=0;i<MAXDIRES;i++ ) if (dires[i]!=NULL )delete dires[i];
- }
- void filedial_class::updatelists( )
- {
- change_edit_filename();
- if (!(filesnum=get_sub_files (pathname,files ))) filesnum=0;
- if (!(diresnum=get_sub_dires (dirname,dires ))) diresnum=0;
- strcpy (file_tedit->text,edit_filename);
- file_tedit ->update_control();
- strcpy (dir_tstatic->text, dirname);
- dir_tstatic ->draw ();
- files_listscrl->listbox->max_value =filesnum -1;
- files_listscrl->listbox->current_value=-1;
- files_listscrl ->update_control();
- dires_listscrl->listbox->max_value =diresnum -1;
- dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value=-1;
- dires_listscrl ->update_control();
- }
- BOOL filedial_class::disk_ready (int disk_num ) // 0,1,2,3,
- {
- struct dfree adfree;
- Redo:
- getdfree(disk_num+1, &adfree);
- if ( diskerrorno != 0 ) {
- if (theprogram->exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox("Message",msgbuf,MB_RETRYCANCEL))
- != Dlg_OK ) { diskerrorno =0; return FALSE; }
- else { diskerrorno =0; goto Redo ;}
- }
- if ( adfree.df_sclus == 0xFFFF ) return FALSE; else return TRUE;
- // On error df_sclus in the dfree structure to 0xFFFF
- }
- int filedial_class::msg_handler (MSG& message)
- { int done ;
- char buf[100];
- switch (message.Action) {
- case EditInputedMSG:
- if (message.fptr==file_tedit) {
- strcpy (edit_filename,file_tedit->text);
- if (( analyse_edit_filename(buf) ==1 ) ||
- ((analyse_edit_filename(buf) ==3 )&&(dial_type==SD_FILESAVE))
- ) {
- // thequeue.SendMessage(ok_button->ID,
- // ButtonPushedMSG,ok_button);
- // Note::EditInputedMSG--------->
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- updatelists ();
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- break;
- // after you selected sth
- case ListBoxItemSelectedMSG:
- // if (message.ID==((FILES_ID <<8)|222)) {
- if((message.fptr==files_listscrl->listbox) &&
- (files_listscrl->listbox->current_value>=files_listscrl->listbox->min_value)&&
- (files_listscrl->listbox->current_value<=files_listscrl->listbox->max_value )
- ) {
- // now selected one file
- thequeue.SendMessage(ok_button->ID,
- ButtonPushedMSG,ok_button);
- return TRUE;
- } else
- // if (message.ID==((DIRES_ID <<8)|222)) {
- if((message.fptr==dires_listscrl->listbox) &&
- (dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value>=dires_listscrl->listbox->min_value)&&
- (dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value<=dires_listscrl->listbox->max_value )
- ) {
- // int disknum =setdisk(getdisk());
- int disknum =4; //NOte::when many disk exits
- int real_dir_num =dires_listscrl->listbox->max_value -disknum+1;
- if (dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value >=
- dires_listscrl->listbox->max_value -disknum+1
- ) { // A: B: etc
- int new_disk=dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value-real_dir_num;
- while ( !disk_ready(new_disk) )
- if (theprogram->exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox
- ("Message","Disk Not Ready",MB_RETRYCANCEL)) ==Dlg_CANCEL)
- return TRUE;
- strcpy (dirname ,"");
- strcpy (edit_filename,dirname);
- strcat (edit_filename,dires_listscrl->listbox->string_list[
- dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value]);
- updatelists ();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // As you are selecting
- // <--- ---> ^V etc
- case ListBoxValueChangedMSG:
- if((message.fptr==files_listscrl->listbox) &&
- (files_listscrl->listbox->current_value>=files_listscrl->listbox->min_value)&&
- (files_listscrl->listbox->current_value<=files_listscrl->listbox->max_value )
- ) {
- strcpy (file_tedit->text,files_listscrl->listbox->string_list[
- files_listscrl->listbox->current_value]);
- file_tedit ->update_control();
- // return TRUE; //For listscrl use
- break;
- } else
- // FROM dires_listscrl, changed one selection
- if((message.fptr==dires_listscrl->listbox) &&
- (dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value>=dires_listscrl->listbox->min_value)&&
- (dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value<=dires_listscrl->listbox->max_value )
- ) {
- strcpy (file_tedit->text,dires_listscrl->listbox->string_list[
- dires_listscrl->listbox->current_value]);
- if (file_tedit->text[strlen(file_tedit->text)-1] !=':')
- strcat (file_tedit->text, "\");
- strcat (file_tedit->text,wildcards);
- file_tedit ->update_control();
- // return TRUE; //For listscrl use
- break;
- }
- }
- return dialog_class::msg_handler (message);
- }
- BOOL filedial_class::func_canclose()
- {
- char buf[100];
- strcpy (edit_filename, file_tedit->text);
- switch ( dial_type ) {
- case SD_FILESAVE :
- if ( ( analyse_edit_filename(buf) ==1 ) || (analyse_edit_filename(buf) ==3 )
- ) {
- strcpy (achFile, buf );
- return TRUE;
- }; break;
- case SD_FILEOPEN :
- if ( analyse_edit_filename(buf) ==1 ) {
- strcpy (achFile, buf );
- return TRUE;
- }; break;
- } // switch
- theprogram->exec_dialog(new Tmsgbox
- ("Message","Sorry, Please Select a File",MB_OK));
- return FALSE;
- }