- /*
- * @(#) Version 1.0 98/03/12
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998 by Huahai Yang
- *
- * Use at your own risk. I do not guarantee the fitness of this
- * software for any purpose, and I am not responsible for
- * any damage you do to yourself or others by using this software.
- * This file may be distributed freely, provided its contents
- * are not tampered with in any way.
- *
- */
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * Main class of Arithmetic24 applet. Draws basic interface and
- * coordinates among playing board, clock and score keeper.
- * @see DraggingArea
- * @see Clock
- * @see ScoreKeeper
- * @version 1.0
- * @author Huahai Yang
- */
- public class Arithmetic24 extends Applet
- implements ActionListener,
- ItemListener,
- Observer
- {
- Button noSolutionButton,
- doneButton;
- Label feedBackLabel;
- Clock clock;
- Choice difficultyLevel;
- ScoreKeeper score;
- DraggingArea playingBoard;
- // time limit
- final int BEGINNER_TIME = 120,
- SoundList soundList;
- String correctSound = "",
- wrongSound = "",
- badExpSound = "",
- timeOutSound = "",
- fillSlotSound = "",
- clickDeckSound = "";
- /**
- * Sets up basic layout of applet and prepare sound files
- */
- public void init()
- {
- setSize(600, 400);
- playingBoard = new DraggingArea();
- Panel panel1 = new Panel(),
- panel2 = new Panel();
- difficultyLevel = new Choice();
- difficultyLevel.addItem("Beginner");
- difficultyLevel.addItem("Intermediate");
- difficultyLevel.addItem("Expert");
- difficultyLevel.addItemListener(this);
- difficultyLevel.setEnabled(true);
- panel1.add(difficultyLevel);
- clock = new Clock(BEGINNER_TIME);
- clock.setActionCommand("timeout");
- clock.addActionListener(this);
- panel1.add(clock);
- feedBackLabel = new Label("Goal: compute 24. Click deck to start.");
- feedBackLabel.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 16));
- feedBackLabel.setForeground(;
- panel1.add(feedBackLabel);
- score = new ScoreKeeper();
- panel1.add(score);
- GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
- GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
- setLayout(gridbag);
- c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- gridbag.setConstraints(panel1, c);
- add(panel1);
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- c.gridheight = 4;
- gridbag.setConstraints(playingBoard, c);
- add(playingBoard);
- panel2.setLayout(gridbag);
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- c.ipadx = 15;
- c.ipady = 10;
- c.insets = new Insets (5, 20, 5, 20);
- noSolutionButton = new Button();
- noSolutionButton.setActionCommand("no solution");
- noSolutionButton.setLabel("No Solutions.");
- noSolutionButton.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 14));
- noSolutionButton.setForeground(new Color(255));
- noSolutionButton.addActionListener(this);
- gridbag.setConstraints(noSolutionButton, c);
- panel2.add(noSolutionButton);
- doneButton = new Button();
- doneButton.setActionCommand("done");
- doneButton.setLabel("I got a solution!");
- doneButton.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 14));
- doneButton.setForeground(new Color(16711935));
- doneButton.addActionListener(this);
- gridbag.setConstraints(doneButton, c);
- panel2.add(doneButton);
- c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- gridbag.setConstraints(panel2, c);
- add(panel2);
- startLoadingSounds();
- } //init
- /**
- * Start asynchronous sound loading.
- */
- void startLoadingSounds()
- {
- soundList = new SoundList(this, getCodeBase());
- soundList.startLoading(clickDeckSound);
- soundList.startLoading(fillSlotSound);
- soundList.startLoading(timeOutSound);
- soundList.startLoading(badExpSound);
- soundList.startLoading(correctSound);
- soundList.startLoading(wrongSound);
- } //startLoadingSounds
- /**
- * Starts applet by starting dragging thread
- * @see DraggingArea
- */
- public void start()
- {
- playingBoard.start();
- } // start
- /**
- * Stop applet by stopping dragging thread
- * @see DraggingArea
- */
- public void stop()
- {
- clock.stop();
- playingBoard.stop();
- } // stop
- /**
- * Called before retrieve the solution. In the case that
- * the solution is not available yet, progarm will wait here,
- * so enhance the solution thread's priority to minimize the
- * waiting time
- */
- private void beginWaitSolution()
- {
- feedBackLabel.setText("I am thinking...");
- playingBoard.cardDeck.setThreadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
- } //beginWaitSolution
- /**
- * reset solution thread's priority
- */
- private void endWaitSolution()
- {
- playingBoard.cardDeck.setThreadPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- } //endWaitSolution
- /**
- * Handles playing status changes
- * @see PlayingStatus
- * @see DraggingArea
- */
- public void update(Observable observable, Object status)
- {
- if(observable instanceof PlayingStatus)
- {
- switch( ((Integer)status).intValue() )
- {
- case PlayingStatus.DEALED:
- clock.start();
- noSolutionButton.setEnabled(true);
- doneButton.setEnabled(true);
- difficultyLevel.setEnabled(false);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Drag cards and operaters.");
- break;
- case PlayingStatus.WAITING:
- noSolutionButton.setEnabled(false);
- doneButton.setEnabled(false);
- difficultyLevel.setEnabled(true);
- break;
- case PlayingStatus.ROUND_OVER:
- //TO DO: record user score
- playingBoard.stop();
- feedBackLabel.setText("You got " + score.getScore() +
- " points. Lets play again.");
- score.resetScore();
- playingBoard.start();
- noSolutionButton.setEnabled(false);
- doneButton.setEnabled(false);
- break;
- } // switch
- } // if
- } // update for observer
- /**
- * Handles action events fired by buttons and clock
- * @see Clock
- */
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- {
- double timePassed = (double)clock.getTime() / clock.getTimeLimit();
- String command = e.getActionCommand();
- if(command == "no solution")
- {
- beginWaitSolution();
- if( playingBoard.currentSolution() == null )
- {
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.NO_NO, timePassed);
- soundList.playClip(correctSound);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Correct.");
- } // if no solution
- else
- {
- soundList.playClip(wrongSound);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Let me show you a solution.");
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.HAS_NO, timePassed);
- playingBoard.beginAnimation();
- } // else if has solution
- endWaitSolution();
- } // if press "no solution"
- else if(command == "done")
- {
- Expression userDid;
- double value;
- if(playingBoard.isFullExpression())
- {
- userDid= new
- Expression(playingBoard.userCreatedExpression());
- } // if
- else
- {
- soundList.playClip(badExpSound);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Bad expression, try again.");
- return;
- } // else
- try
- {
- value = userDid.getValue();
- } // try
- catch(IllegalExpressionException exception)
- {
- soundList.playClip(badExpSound);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Bad expression, try again.");
- return;
- } //catch
- if( value == 24.0 )
- {
- soundList.playClip(correctSound);
- feedBackLabel.setText("Right!");
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.HAS_RIGHT, timePassed);
- } // if equals 24
- else
- {
- beginWaitSolution();
- soundList.playClip(wrongSound);
- if( playingBoard.currentSolution() == null )
- {
- feedBackLabel.setText("No solution, you are wrong.");
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.NO_HAS, timePassed);
- } // if no solution
- else
- {
- feedBackLabel.setText("Wrong, here is a correct solution.");
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.HAS_WRONG, timePassed);
- playingBoard.beginAnimation();
- } // else has solution
- endWaitSolution();
- } // else not equals 24
- } // else if press "done"
- else
- {
- soundList.playClip(timeOutSound);
- score.updateScore(ScoreKeeper.TIME_OUT, 1);
- if( playingBoard.currentSolution() != null )
- {
- feedBackLabel.setText("Time out, here is a solution.");
- playingBoard.beginAnimation();
- } //if
- else
- {
- feedBackLabel.setText("Time out, there is no solution.");
- } //else
- } // else timeout
- clock.stop();
- playingBoard.cardDeck.enableClick();
- playingBoard.setStatus(PlayingStatus.WAITING);
- } // actionPerformed
- /**
- * Handles difficultyLevel choice event
- */
- public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
- {
- String select = new String(difficultyLevel.getSelectedItem());
- if(select.equals("Beginner"))
- {
- clock.setTimeLimit( BEGINNER_TIME );
- score.setLevelWeight( ScoreKeeper.BEGINNER );
- } // if
- else if( select.equals("Intermediate") )
- {
- score.setLevelWeight( ScoreKeeper.INTERMEDIATE );
- clock.setTimeLimit( INTERMEDIATE_TIME );
- } // else if
- else
- {
- score.setLevelWeight( ScoreKeeper.EXPERT );
- clock.setTimeLimit( EXPERT_TIME );
- } // else
- } // itemStateChanged
- } //Arithmetic24