- /*
- * @(#) Version 1.0 98/03/12
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1998 by Huahai Yang
- *
- * Use at your own risk. I do not guarantee the fitness of this
- * software for any purpose, and I do not accept responsibility for
- * any damage you do to yourself or others by using this software.
- * This file may be distributed freely, provided its contents
- * are not tampered with in any way.
- *
- */
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import java.lang.Math;
- /**
- * A card deck, holds 52 cards, deal them and provides their solutions
- * Runs as a thread to caculate solution.
- */
- public class CardDeck extends DraggingImage implements Runnable
- {
- Thread solutionThread;
- SynchronizedVector [] solutions;
- Vector deck;
- int cardPointer;
- boolean clickable;
- DraggingArea container;
- public CardDeck(int x, int y, Image image, DraggingArea container)
- {
- super(x, y, image, container);
- draggable = false;
- clickable = true;
- deck = new Vector();
- for(int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
- {
- deck.addElement(new Card(i, container.cardImages[i], container));
- } // for
- shuffle();
- solutionThread = new Thread(this, "Solution");
- solutionThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- solutionThread.start();
- } // 4 param constructor
- public void setThreadPriority(int priority)
- {
- if(solutionThread != null && solutionThread.isAlive())
- {
- solutionThread.setPriority(priority);
- } //if
- } //setThreadPriority
- /**
- * Stop solution thread
- */
- public void stop()
- {
- if (solutionThread != null)
- {
- solutionThread.stop();
- solutionThread = null;
- } //if
- } //stop
- /**
- * find solutions for all of the 13 deals
- */
- public void run()
- {
- int pointer = 0;
- solutions = new SynchronizedVector [13];
- // initiate solutions
- for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
- {
- solutions[i] = new SynchronizedVector();
- } // for
- for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
- {
- // search solution
- Solution sol = new Solution(
- ( (Card)deck.elementAt(pointer++) ).getCardValue(),
- ( (Card)deck.elementAt(pointer++) ).getCardValue(),
- ( (Card)deck.elementAt(pointer++) ).getCardValue(),
- ( (Card)deck.elementAt(pointer++) ).getCardValue() );
- // put solution sting in to a synchronized place, if the
- // solution is not yet available, its consumers
- // have to wait
- solutions[i].put( sol.getSolution() );
- } // for
- } // run
- public void enableClick()
- {
- clickable = true;
- } // enableClick
- public void disableClick()
- {
- clickable = false;
- } // disableClick
- public boolean isClickable()
- {
- return clickable;
- } // isClickable
- /**
- * return a deal of four cards,
- * these four card are selected from head of the card deck
- */
- public Card [] deal()
- {
- Card [] cards = new Card [4];
- if(cardPointer == 52) return null;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- cards[i] = (Card)deck.elementAt(cardPointer);
- cardPointer++;
- } // for
- return cards ;
- } // deal
- /**
- * get number of current deal
- */
- public int currentDealNumber()
- {
- int deal = cardPointer / 4 - 1;
- if(deal < 0) deal = 0;
- return deal;
- } // currentDealNumber
- /**
- * get current deal's solution
- */
- public Vector currentSolution()
- {
- // if solution not yet available, will wait here
- return ( solutions[currentDealNumber()].get() );
- } // currentSolution
- /**
- * rearrange order of cards and reset cardPointer to zero
- */
- public void shuffle()
- {
- Vector tmpDeck = new Vector();
- int cardNumber = deck.size();
- int pick;
- for(int i = cardNumber - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- pick = (int)( Math.random() * i );
- tmpDeck.addElement( deck.elementAt(pick) );
- deck.removeElementAt(pick);
- } // for
- deck = tmpDeck;
- cardPointer = 0;
- } // shuffle
- }// CardDeck