资源名称 [点击查看]
- /************************************************************************************************
- Usage:
- <applet code="Asteroids.class" width=w height=h></applet>
- Keyboard Controls:
- S - Start Game P - Pause Game
- Cursor Left - Rotate Left Cursor Up - Fire Thrusters
- Cursor Right - Rotate Right Cursor Down - Fire Retro Thrusters
- Spacebar - Fire Cannon H - Hyperspace
- M - Toggle Sound D - Toggle Graphics Detail
- ************************************************************************************************/
- import java.awt.*;
- import*;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.applet.Applet;
- import java.applet.AudioClip;
- /************************************************************************************************
- The AsteroidsSprite class defines a game object, including it's shape, position, movement and
- rotation. It also can detemine if two objects collide.
- ************************************************************************************************/
- class AsteroidsSprite {
- // Fields:
- static int width; // Dimensions of the graphics area.
- static int height;
- Polygon shape; // Initial sprite shape, centered at the origin (0,0).
- boolean active; // Active flag.
- double angle; // Current angle of rotation.
- double deltaAngle; // Amount to change the rotation angle.
- double currentX, currentY; // Current position on screen.
- double deltaX, deltaY; // Amount to change the screen position.
- Polygon sprite; // Final location and shape of sprite after applying rotation and
- // moving to screen position. Used for drawing on the screen and
- // in detecting collisions.
- // Constructors:
- public AsteroidsSprite() {
- this.shape = new Polygon();
- = false;
- this.angle = 0.0;
- this.deltaAngle = 0.0;
- this.currentX = 0.0;
- this.currentY = 0.0;
- this.deltaX = 0.0;
- this.deltaY = 0.0;
- this.sprite = new Polygon();
- }
- // Methods:
- public void advance() {
- // Update the rotation and position of the sprite based on the delta values. If the sprite
- // moves off the edge of the screen, it is wrapped around to the other side.
- this.angle += this.deltaAngle;
- if (this.angle < 0)
- this.angle += 2 * Math.PI;
- if (this.angle > 2 * Math.PI)
- this.angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
- this.currentX += this.deltaX;
- if (this.currentX < -width / 2)
- this.currentX += width;
- if (this.currentX > width / 2)
- this.currentX -= width;
- this.currentY -= this.deltaY;
- if (this.currentY < -height / 2)
- this.currentY += height;
- if (this.currentY > height / 2)
- this.currentY -= height;
- }
- public void render() {
- int i;
- // Render the sprite's shape and location by rotating it's base shape and moving it to
- // it's proper screen position.
- this.sprite = new Polygon();
- for (i = 0; i < this.shape.npoints; i++)
- this.sprite.addPoint((int) Math.round(this.shape.xpoints[i] * Math.cos(this.angle) + this.shape.ypoints[i] * Math.sin(this.angle)) + (int) Math.round(this.currentX) + width / 2,
- (int) Math.round(this.shape.ypoints[i] * Math.cos(this.angle) - this.shape.xpoints[i] * Math.sin(this.angle)) + (int) Math.round(this.currentY) + height / 2);
- }
- public boolean isColliding(AsteroidsSprite s) {
- int i;
- // Determine if one sprite overlaps with another, i.e., if any vertice
- // of one sprite lands inside the other.
- for (i = 0; i < s.sprite.npoints; i++)
- if (this.sprite.inside(s.sprite.xpoints[i], s.sprite.ypoints[i]))
- return true;
- for (i = 0; i < this.sprite.npoints; i++)
- if (s.sprite.inside(this.sprite.xpoints[i], this.sprite.ypoints[i]))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************************
- Main applet code.
- ************************************************************************************************/
- public class Asteroids extends Applet implements Runnable {
- // Thread control variables.
- Thread loadThread;
- Thread loopThread;
- // Constants
- static final int DELAY = 50; // Milliseconds between screen updates.
- static final int MAX_SHIPS = 3; // Starting number of ships per game.
- static final int MAX_SHOTS = 6; // Maximum number of sprites for photons,
- static final int MAX_ROCKS = 8; // asteroids and explosions.
- static final int MAX_SCRAP = 20;
- static final int SCRAP_COUNT = 30; // Counter starting values.
- static final int HYPER_COUNT = 60;
- static final int STORM_PAUSE = 30;
- static final int UFO_PASSES = 3;
- static final int MIN_ROCK_SIDES = 8; // Asteroid shape and size ranges.
- static final int MAX_ROCK_SIDES = 12;
- static final int MIN_ROCK_SIZE = 20;
- static final int MAX_ROCK_SIZE = 40;
- static final int MIN_ROCK_SPEED = 2;
- static final int MAX_ROCK_SPEED = 12;
- static final int BIG_POINTS = 25; // Points for shooting different objects.
- static final int SMALL_POINTS = 50;
- static final int UFO_POINTS = 250;
- static final int MISSLE_POINTS = 500;
- static final int NEW_SHIP_POINTS = 5000; // Number of points needed to earn a new ship.
- static final int NEW_UFO_POINTS = 2750; // Number of points between flying saucers.
- // Background stars.
- int numStars;
- Point[] stars;
- // Game data.
- int score;
- int highScore;
- int newShipScore;
- int newUfoScore;
- boolean loaded = false;
- boolean paused;
- boolean playing;
- boolean sound;
- boolean detail;
- // Key flags.
- boolean left = false;
- boolean right = false;
- boolean up = false;
- boolean down = false;
- // Sprite objects.
- AsteroidsSprite ship;
- AsteroidsSprite ufo;
- AsteroidsSprite missle;
- AsteroidsSprite[] photons = new AsteroidsSprite[MAX_SHOTS];
- AsteroidsSprite[] asteroids = new AsteroidsSprite[MAX_ROCKS];
- AsteroidsSprite[] explosions = new AsteroidsSprite[MAX_SCRAP];
- // Ship data.
- int shipsLeft; // Number of ships left to play, including current one.
- int shipCounter; // Time counter for ship explosion.
- int hyperCounter; // Time counter for hyperspace.
- // Photon data.
- int[] photonCounter = new int[MAX_SHOTS]; // Time counter for life of a photon.
- int photonIndex; // Next available photon sprite.
- // Flying saucer data.
- int ufoPassesLeft; // Number of flying saucer passes.
- int ufoCounter; // Time counter for each pass.
- // Missle data.
- int missleCounter; // Counter for life of missle.
- // Asteroid data.
- boolean[] asteroidIsSmall = new boolean[MAX_ROCKS]; // Asteroid size flag.
- int asteroidsCounter; // Break-time counter.
- int asteroidsSpeed; // Asteroid speed.
- int asteroidsLeft; // Number of active asteroids.
- // Explosion data.
- int[] explosionCounter = new int[MAX_SCRAP]; // Time counters for explosions.
- int explosionIndex; // Next available explosion sprite.
- // Sound clips.
- AudioClip crashSound;
- AudioClip explosionSound;
- AudioClip fireSound;
- AudioClip missleSound;
- AudioClip saucerSound;
- AudioClip thrustersSound;
- AudioClip warpSound;
- // Flags for looping sound clips.
- boolean thrustersPlaying;
- boolean saucerPlaying;
- boolean misslePlaying;
- // Values for the offscreen image.
- Dimension offDimension;
- Image offImage;
- Graphics offGraphics;
- // Font data.
- Font font = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 12);
- FontMetrics fm;
- int fontWidth;
- int fontHeight;
- // Applet information.
- public String getAppletInfo() {
- return("Asteroids, Copyright 1998 by Mike Hall.");
- }
- public void init() {
- Graphics g;
- Dimension d;
- int i;
- // Take credit.
- System.out.println("Asteroids, Copyright 1998 by Mike Hall.");
- // Find the size of the screen and set the values for sprites.
- g = getGraphics();
- d = size();
- AsteroidsSprite.width = d.width;
- AsteroidsSprite.height = d.height;
- // Generate starry background.
- numStars = AsteroidsSprite.width * AsteroidsSprite.height / 5000;
- stars = new Point[numStars];
- for (i = 0; i < numStars; i++)
- stars[i] = new Point((int) (Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.width), (int) (Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.height));
- // Create shape for the ship sprite.
- ship = new AsteroidsSprite();
- ship.shape.addPoint(0, -10);
- ship.shape.addPoint(7, 10);
- ship.shape.addPoint(-7, 10);
- // Create shape for the photon sprites.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++) {
- photons[i] = new AsteroidsSprite();
- photons[i].shape.addPoint(1, 1);
- photons[i].shape.addPoint(1, -1);
- photons[i].shape.addPoint(-1, 1);
- photons[i].shape.addPoint(-1, -1);
- }
- // Create shape for the flying saucer.
- ufo = new AsteroidsSprite();
- ufo.shape.addPoint(-15, 0);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(-10, -5);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(-5, -5);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(-5, -9);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(5, -9);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(5, -5);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(10, -5);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(15, 0);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(10, 5);
- ufo.shape.addPoint(-10, 5);
- // Create shape for the guided missle.
- missle = new AsteroidsSprite();
- missle.shape.addPoint(0, -4);
- missle.shape.addPoint(1, -3);
- missle.shape.addPoint(1, 3);
- missle.shape.addPoint(2, 4);
- missle.shape.addPoint(-2, 4);
- missle.shape.addPoint(-1, 3);
- missle.shape.addPoint(-1, -3);
- // Create asteroid sprites.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ROCKS; i++)
- asteroids[i] = new AsteroidsSprite();
- // Create explosion sprites.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRAP; i++)
- explosions[i] = new AsteroidsSprite();
- // Set font data.
- g.setFont(font);
- fm = g.getFontMetrics();
- fontWidth = fm.getMaxAdvance();
- fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
- // Initialize game data and put us in 'game over' mode.
- highScore = 0;
- sound = true;
- detail = true;
- initGame();
- endGame();
- }
- public void initGame() {
- // Initialize game data and sprites.
- score = 0;
- shipsLeft = MAX_SHIPS;
- asteroidsSpeed = MIN_ROCK_SPEED;
- newShipScore = NEW_SHIP_POINTS;
- newUfoScore = NEW_UFO_POINTS;
- initShip();
- initPhotons();
- stopUfo();
- stopMissle();
- initAsteroids();
- initExplosions();
- playing = true;
- paused = false;
- }
- public void endGame() {
- // Stop ship, flying saucer, guided missle and associated sounds.
- playing = false;
- stopShip();
- stopUfo();
- stopMissle();
- }
- public void start() {
- if (loopThread == null) {
- loopThread = new Thread(this);
- loopThread.start();
- }
- if (!loaded && loadThread == null) {
- loadThread = new Thread(this);
- loadThread.start();
- }
- }
- public void stop() {
- if (loopThread != null) {
- loopThread.stop();
- loopThread = null;
- }
- if (loadThread != null) {
- loadThread.stop();
- loadThread = null;
- }
- }
- public void run() {
- int i, j;
- long startTime;
- // Lower this thread's priority and get the current time.
- Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- // Run thread for loading sounds.
- if (!loaded && Thread.currentThread() == loadThread) {
- loadSounds();
- loaded = true;
- loadThread.stop();
- }
- // This is the main loop.
- while (Thread.currentThread() == loopThread) {
- if (!paused) {
- // Move and process all sprites.
- updateShip();
- updatePhotons();
- updateUfo();
- updateMissle();
- updateAsteroids();
- updateExplosions();
- // Check the score and advance high score, add a new ship or start the flying
- // saucer as necessary.
- if (score > highScore)
- highScore = score;
- if (score > newShipScore) {
- newShipScore += NEW_SHIP_POINTS;
- shipsLeft++;
- }
- if (playing && score > newUfoScore && ! {
- newUfoScore += NEW_UFO_POINTS;
- ufoPassesLeft = UFO_PASSES;
- initUfo();
- }
- // If all asteroids have been destroyed create a new batch.
- if (asteroidsLeft <= 0)
- if (--asteroidsCounter <= 0)
- initAsteroids();
- }
- // Update the screen and set the timer for the next loop.
- repaint();
- try {
- startTime += DELAY;
- Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, startTime - System.currentTimeMillis()));
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- public void loadSounds() {
- // Load all sound clips by playing and immediately stopping them.
- try {
- crashSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- explosionSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- fireSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- missleSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- saucerSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- thrustersSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- warpSound = getAudioClip(new URL(getDocumentBase(), ""));
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException e) {}
-; crashSound.stop();
-; explosionSound.stop();
-; fireSound.stop();
-; missleSound.stop();
-; saucerSound.stop();
-; thrustersSound.stop();
-; warpSound.stop();
- }
- public void initShip() {
- = true;
- ship.angle = 0.0;
- ship.deltaAngle = 0.0;
- ship.currentX = 0.0;
- ship.currentY = 0.0;
- ship.deltaX = 0.0;
- ship.deltaY = 0.0;
- ship.render();
- if (loaded)
- thrustersSound.stop();
- thrustersPlaying = false;
- hyperCounter = 0;
- }
- public void updateShip() {
- double dx, dy, limit;
- if (!playing)
- return;
- // Rotate the ship if left or right cursor key is down.
- if (left) {
- ship.angle += Math.PI / 16.0;
- if (ship.angle > 2 * Math.PI)
- ship.angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
- }
- if (right) {
- ship.angle -= Math.PI / 16.0;
- if (ship.angle < 0)
- ship.angle += 2 * Math.PI;
- }
- // Fire thrusters if up or down cursor key is down. Don't let ship go past
- // the speed limit.
- dx = -Math.sin(ship.angle);
- dy = Math.cos(ship.angle);
- limit = 0.8 * MIN_ROCK_SIZE;
- if (up) {
- if (ship.deltaX + dx > -limit && ship.deltaX + dx < limit)
- ship.deltaX += dx;
- if (ship.deltaY + dy > -limit && ship.deltaY + dy < limit)
- ship.deltaY += dy;
- }
- if (down) {
- if (ship.deltaX - dx > -limit && ship.deltaX - dx < limit)
- ship.deltaX -= dx;
- if (ship.deltaY - dy > -limit && ship.deltaY - dy < limit)
- ship.deltaY -= dy;
- }
- // Move the ship. If it is currently in hyperspace, advance the countdown.
- if ( {
- ship.advance();
- ship.render();
- if (hyperCounter > 0)
- hyperCounter--;
- }
- // Ship is exploding, advance the countdown or create a new ship if it is
- // done exploding. The new ship is added as though it were in hyperspace.
- // (This gives the player time to move the ship if it is in imminent danger.)
- // If that was the last ship, end the game.
- else
- if (--shipCounter <= 0)
- if (shipsLeft > 0) {
- initShip();
- hyperCounter = HYPER_COUNT;
- }
- else
- endGame();
- }
- public void stopShip() {
- = false;
- shipCounter = SCRAP_COUNT;
- if (shipsLeft > 0)
- shipsLeft--;
- if (loaded)
- thrustersSound.stop();
- thrustersPlaying = false;
- }
- public void initPhotons() {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++) {
- photons[i].active = false;
- photonCounter[i] = 0;
- }
- photonIndex = 0;
- }
- public void updatePhotons() {
- int i;
- // Move any active photons. Stop it when its counter has expired.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++)
- if (photons[i].active) {
- photons[i].advance();
- photons[i].render();
- if (--photonCounter[i] < 0)
- photons[i].active = false;
- }
- }
- public void initUfo() {
- double temp;
- // Randomly set flying saucer at left or right edge of the screen.
- = true;
- ufo.currentX = -AsteroidsSprite.width / 2;
- ufo.currentY = Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.height;
- ufo.deltaX = MIN_ROCK_SPEED + Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SPEED - MIN_ROCK_SPEED);
- if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
- ufo.deltaX = -ufo.deltaX;
- ufo.currentX = AsteroidsSprite.width / 2;
- }
- ufo.deltaY = MIN_ROCK_SPEED + Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SPEED - MIN_ROCK_SPEED);
- if (Math.random() < 0.5)
- ufo.deltaY = -ufo.deltaY;
- ufo.render();
- saucerPlaying = true;
- if (sound)
- saucerSound.loop();
- // Set counter for this pass.
- ufoCounter = (int) Math.floor(AsteroidsSprite.width / Math.abs(ufo.deltaX));
- }
- public void updateUfo() {
- int i, d;
- // Move the flying saucer and check for collision with a photon. Stop it when its
- // counter has expired.
- if ( {
- ufo.advance();
- ufo.render();
- if (--ufoCounter <= 0)
- if (--ufoPassesLeft > 0)
- initUfo();
- else
- stopUfo();
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++)
- if (photons[i].active && ufo.isColliding(photons[i])) {
- if (sound)
- explode(ufo);
- stopUfo();
- score += UFO_POINTS;
- }
- // On occassion, fire a missle at the ship if the saucer is not
- // too close to it.
- d = (int) Math.max(Math.abs(ufo.currentX - ship.currentX), Math.abs(ufo.currentY - ship.currentY));
- if ( && hyperCounter <= 0 && && ! &&
- d > 4 * MAX_ROCK_SIZE && Math.random() < .03)
- initMissle();
- }
- }
- }
- public void stopUfo() {
- = false;
- ufoCounter = 0;
- ufoPassesLeft = 0;
- if (loaded)
- saucerSound.stop();
- saucerPlaying = false;
- }
- public void initMissle() {
- = true;
- missle.angle = 0.0;
- missle.deltaAngle = 0.0;
- missle.currentX = ufo.currentX;
- missle.currentY = ufo.currentY;
- missle.deltaX = 0.0;
- missle.deltaY = 0.0;
- missle.render();
- missleCounter = 3 * Math.max(AsteroidsSprite.width, AsteroidsSprite.height) / MIN_ROCK_SIZE;
- if (sound)
- missleSound.loop();
- misslePlaying = true;
- }
- public void updateMissle() {
- int i;
- // Move the guided missle and check for collision with ship or photon. Stop it when its
- // counter has expired.
- if ( {
- if (--missleCounter <= 0)
- stopMissle();
- else {
- guideMissle();
- missle.advance();
- missle.render();
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++)
- if (photons[i].active && missle.isColliding(photons[i])) {
- if (sound)
- explode(missle);
- stopMissle();
- score += MISSLE_POINTS;
- }
- if ( && && hyperCounter <= 0 && ship.isColliding(missle)) {
- if (sound)
- explode(ship);
- stopShip();
- stopUfo();
- stopMissle();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void guideMissle() {
- double dx, dy, angle;
- if (! || hyperCounter > 0)
- return;
- // Find the angle needed to hit the ship.
- dx = ship.currentX - missle.currentX;
- dy = ship.currentY - missle.currentY;
- if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
- angle = 0;
- if (dx == 0) {
- if (dy < 0)
- angle = -Math.PI / 2;
- else
- angle = Math.PI / 2;
- }
- else {
- angle = Math.atan(Math.abs(dy / dx));
- if (dy > 0)
- angle = -angle;
- if (dx < 0)
- angle = Math.PI - angle;
- }
- // Adjust angle for screen coordinates.
- missle.angle = angle - Math.PI / 2;
- // Change the missle's angle so that it points toward the ship.
- missle.deltaX = MIN_ROCK_SIZE / 3 * -Math.sin(missle.angle);
- missle.deltaY = MIN_ROCK_SIZE / 3 * Math.cos(missle.angle);
- }
- public void stopMissle() {
- = false;
- missleCounter = 0;
- if (loaded)
- missleSound.stop();
- misslePlaying = false;
- }
- public void initAsteroids() {
- int i, j;
- int s;
- double theta, r;
- int x, y;
- // Create random shapes, positions and movements for each asteroid.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ROCKS; i++) {
- // Create a jagged shape for the asteroid and give it a random rotation.
- asteroids[i].shape = new Polygon();
- s = MIN_ROCK_SIDES + (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SIDES - MIN_ROCK_SIDES));
- for (j = 0; j < s; j ++) {
- theta = 2 * Math.PI / s * j;
- r = MIN_ROCK_SIZE + (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SIZE - MIN_ROCK_SIZE));
- x = (int) -Math.round(r * Math.sin(theta));
- y = (int) Math.round(r * Math.cos(theta));
- asteroids[i].shape.addPoint(x, y);
- }
- asteroids[i].active = true;
- asteroids[i].angle = 0.0;
- asteroids[i].deltaAngle = (Math.random() - 0.5) / 10;
- // Place the asteroid at one edge of the screen.
- if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
- asteroids[i].currentX = -AsteroidsSprite.width / 2;
- if (Math.random() < 0.5)
- asteroids[i].currentX = AsteroidsSprite.width / 2;
- asteroids[i].currentY = Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.height;
- }
- else {
- asteroids[i].currentX = Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.width;
- asteroids[i].currentY = -AsteroidsSprite.height / 2;
- if (Math.random() < 0.5)
- asteroids[i].currentY = AsteroidsSprite.height / 2;
- }
- // Set a random motion for the asteroid.
- asteroids[i].deltaX = Math.random() * asteroidsSpeed;
- if (Math.random() < 0.5)
- asteroids[i].deltaX = -asteroids[i].deltaX;
- asteroids[i].deltaY = Math.random() * asteroidsSpeed;
- if (Math.random() < 0.5)
- asteroids[i].deltaY = -asteroids[i].deltaY;
- asteroids[i].render();
- asteroidIsSmall[i] = false;
- }
- asteroidsCounter = STORM_PAUSE;
- asteroidsLeft = MAX_ROCKS;
- if (asteroidsSpeed < MAX_ROCK_SPEED)
- asteroidsSpeed++;
- }
- public void initSmallAsteroids(int n) {
- int count;
- int i, j;
- int s;
- double tempX, tempY;
- double theta, r;
- int x, y;
- // Create one or two smaller asteroids from a larger one using inactive asteroids. The new
- // asteroids will be placed in the same position as the old one but will have a new, smaller
- // shape and new, randomly generated movements.
- count = 0;
- i = 0;
- tempX = asteroids[n].currentX;
- tempY = asteroids[n].currentY;
- do {
- if (!asteroids[i].active) {
- asteroids[i].shape = new Polygon();
- s = MIN_ROCK_SIDES + (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SIDES - MIN_ROCK_SIDES));
- for (j = 0; j < s; j ++) {
- theta = 2 * Math.PI / s * j;
- r = (MIN_ROCK_SIZE + (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SIZE - MIN_ROCK_SIZE))) / 2;
- x = (int) -Math.round(r * Math.sin(theta));
- y = (int) Math.round(r * Math.cos(theta));
- asteroids[i].shape.addPoint(x, y);
- }
- asteroids[i].active = true;
- asteroids[i].angle = 0.0;
- asteroids[i].deltaAngle = (Math.random() - 0.5) / 10;
- asteroids[i].currentX = tempX;
- asteroids[i].currentY = tempY;
- asteroids[i].deltaX = Math.random() * 2 * asteroidsSpeed - asteroidsSpeed;
- asteroids[i].deltaY = Math.random() * 2 * asteroidsSpeed - asteroidsSpeed;
- asteroids[i].render();
- asteroidIsSmall[i] = true;
- count++;
- asteroidsLeft++;
- }
- i++;
- } while (i < MAX_ROCKS && count < 2);
- }
- public void updateAsteroids() {
- int i, j;
- // Move any active asteroids and check for collisions.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ROCKS; i++)
- if (asteroids[i].active) {
- asteroids[i].advance();
- asteroids[i].render();
- // If hit by photon, kill asteroid and advance score. If asteroid is large,
- // make some smaller ones to replace it.
- for (j = 0; j < MAX_SHOTS; j++)
- if (photons[j].active && asteroids[i].active && asteroids[i].isColliding(photons[j])) {
- asteroidsLeft--;
- asteroids[i].active = false;
- photons[j].active = false;
- if (sound)
- explode(asteroids[i]);
- if (!asteroidIsSmall[i]) {
- score += BIG_POINTS;
- initSmallAsteroids(i);
- }
- else
- score += SMALL_POINTS;
- }
- // If the ship is not in hyperspace, see if it is hit.
- if ( && hyperCounter <= 0 && asteroids[i].active && asteroids[i].isColliding(ship)) {
- if (sound)
- explode(ship);
- stopShip();
- stopUfo();
- stopMissle();
- }
- }
- }
- public void initExplosions() {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRAP; i++) {
- explosions[i].shape = new Polygon();
- explosions[i].active = false;
- explosionCounter[i] = 0;
- }
- explosionIndex = 0;
- }
- public void explode(AsteroidsSprite s) {
- int c, i, j;
- // Create sprites for explosion animation. The each individual line segment of the given sprite
- // is used to create a new sprite that will move outward from the sprite's original position
- // with a random rotation.
- s.render();
- c = 2;
- if (detail || s.sprite.npoints < 6)
- c = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < s.sprite.npoints; i += c) {
- explosionIndex++;
- if (explosionIndex >= MAX_SCRAP)
- explosionIndex = 0;
- explosions[explosionIndex].active = true;
- explosions[explosionIndex].shape = new Polygon();
- explosions[explosionIndex].shape.addPoint(s.shape.xpoints[i], s.shape.ypoints[i]);
- j = i + 1;
- if (j >= s.sprite.npoints)
- j -= s.sprite.npoints;
- explosions[explosionIndex].shape.addPoint(s.shape.xpoints[j], s.shape.ypoints[j]);
- explosions[explosionIndex].angle = s.angle;
- explosions[explosionIndex].deltaAngle = (Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI - Math.PI) / 15;
- explosions[explosionIndex].currentX = s.currentX;
- explosions[explosionIndex].currentY = s.currentY;
- explosions[explosionIndex].deltaX = -s.shape.xpoints[i] / 5;
- explosions[explosionIndex].deltaY = -s.shape.ypoints[i] / 5;
- explosionCounter[explosionIndex] = SCRAP_COUNT;
- }
- }
- public void updateExplosions() {
- int i;
- // Move any active explosion debris. Stop explosion when its counter has expired.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRAP; i++)
- if (explosions[i].active) {
- explosions[i].advance();
- explosions[i].render();
- if (--explosionCounter[i] < 0)
- explosions[i].active = false;
- }
- }
- public boolean keyDown(Event e, int key) {
- // Check if any cursor keys have been pressed and set flags.
- if (key == Event.LEFT)
- left = true;
- if (key == Event.RIGHT)
- right = true;
- if (key == Event.UP)
- up = true;
- if (key == Event.DOWN)
- down = true;
- if ((up || down) && && !thrustersPlaying) {
- if (sound && !paused)
- thrustersSound.loop();
- thrustersPlaying = true;
- }
- // Spacebar: fire a photon and start its counter.
- if (key == 32 && {
- if (sound & !paused)
- photonIndex++;
- if (photonIndex >= MAX_SHOTS)
- photonIndex = 0;
- photons[photonIndex].active = true;
- photons[photonIndex].currentX = ship.currentX;
- photons[photonIndex].currentY = ship.currentY;
- photons[photonIndex].deltaX = MIN_ROCK_SIZE * -Math.sin(ship.angle);
- photons[photonIndex].deltaY = MIN_ROCK_SIZE * Math.cos(ship.angle);
- photonCounter[photonIndex] = Math.min(AsteroidsSprite.width, AsteroidsSprite.height) / MIN_ROCK_SIZE;
- }
- // 'H' key: warp ship into hyperspace by moving to a random location and starting counter.
- if (key == 104 && && hyperCounter <= 0) {
- ship.currentX = Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.width;
- ship.currentX = Math.random() * AsteroidsSprite.height;
- hyperCounter = HYPER_COUNT;
- if (sound & !paused)
- }
- // 'P' key: toggle pause mode and start or stop any active looping sound clips.
- if (key == 112) {
- if (paused) {
- if (sound && misslePlaying)
- missleSound.loop();
- if (sound && saucerPlaying)
- saucerSound.loop();
- if (sound && thrustersPlaying)
- thrustersSound.loop();
- }
- else {
- if (misslePlaying)
- missleSound.stop();
- if (saucerPlaying)
- saucerSound.stop();
- if (thrustersPlaying)
- thrustersSound.stop();
- }
- paused = !paused;
- }
- // 'M' key: toggle sound on or off and stop any looping sound clips.
- if (key == 109 && loaded) {
- if (sound) {
- crashSound.stop();
- explosionSound.stop();
- fireSound.stop();
- missleSound.stop();
- saucerSound.stop();
- thrustersSound.stop();
- warpSound.stop();
- }
- else {
- if (misslePlaying && !paused)
- missleSound.loop();
- if (saucerPlaying && !paused)
- saucerSound.loop();
- if (thrustersPlaying && !paused)
- thrustersSound.loop();
- }
- sound = !sound;
- }
- // 'D' key: toggle graphics detail on or off.
- if (key == 100)
- detail = !detail;
- // 'S' key: start the game, if not already in progress.
- if (key == 115 && loaded && !playing)
- initGame();
- return true;
- }
- public boolean keyUp(Event e, int key) {
- // Check if any cursor keys where released and set flags.
- if (key == Event.LEFT)
- left = false;
- if (key == Event.RIGHT)
- right = false;
- if (key == Event.UP)
- up = false;
- if (key == Event.DOWN)
- down = false;
- if (!up && !down && thrustersPlaying) {
- thrustersSound.stop();
- thrustersPlaying = false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public void paint(Graphics g) {
- update(g);
- }
- public void update(Graphics g) {
- Dimension d = size();
- int i;
- int c;
- String s;
- // Create the offscreen graphics context, if no good one exists.
- if (offGraphics == null || d.width != offDimension.width || d.height != offDimension.height) {
- offDimension = d;
- offImage = createImage(d.width, d.height);
- offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
- }
- // Fill in background and stars.
- offGraphics.setColor(;
- offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height);
- if (detail) {
- offGraphics.setColor(Color.white);
- for (i = 0; i < numStars; i++)
- offGraphics.drawLine(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].x, stars[i].y);
- }
- // Draw photon bullets.
- offGraphics.setColor(Color.white);
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHOTS; i++)
- if (photons[i].active)
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(photons[i].sprite);
- // Draw the guided missle, counter is used to quickly fade color to black when near expiration.
- c = Math.min(missleCounter * 24, 255);
- offGraphics.setColor(new Color(c, c, c));
- if ( {
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(missle.sprite);
- offGraphics.drawLine(missle.sprite.xpoints[missle.sprite.npoints - 1], missle.sprite.ypoints[missle.sprite.npoints - 1],
- missle.sprite.xpoints[0], missle.sprite.ypoints[0]);
- }
- // Draw the asteroids.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_ROCKS; i++)
- if (asteroids[i].active) {
- if (detail) {
- offGraphics.setColor(;
- offGraphics.fillPolygon(asteroids[i].sprite);
- }
- offGraphics.setColor(Color.white);
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(asteroids[i].sprite);
- offGraphics.drawLine(asteroids[i].sprite.xpoints[asteroids[i].sprite.npoints - 1], asteroids[i].sprite.ypoints[asteroids[i].sprite.npoints - 1],
- asteroids[i].sprite.xpoints[0], asteroids[i].sprite.ypoints[0]);
- }
- // Draw the flying saucer.
- if ( {
- if (detail) {
- offGraphics.setColor(;
- offGraphics.fillPolygon(ufo.sprite);
- }
- offGraphics.setColor(Color.white);
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(ufo.sprite);
- offGraphics.drawLine(ufo.sprite.xpoints[ufo.sprite.npoints - 1], ufo.sprite.ypoints[ufo.sprite.npoints - 1],
- ufo.sprite.xpoints[0], ufo.sprite.ypoints[0]);
- }
- // Draw the ship, counter is used to fade color to white on hyperspace.
- c = 255 - (255 / HYPER_COUNT) * hyperCounter;
- if ( {
- if (detail && hyperCounter == 0) {
- offGraphics.setColor(;
- offGraphics.fillPolygon(ship.sprite);
- }
- offGraphics.setColor(new Color(c, c, c));
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(ship.sprite);
- offGraphics.drawLine(ship.sprite.xpoints[ship.sprite.npoints - 1], ship.sprite.ypoints[ship.sprite.npoints - 1],
- ship.sprite.xpoints[0], ship.sprite.ypoints[0]);
- }
- // Draw any explosion debris, counters are used to fade color to black.
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_SCRAP; i++)
- if (explosions[i].active) {
- c = (255 / SCRAP_COUNT) * explosionCounter [i];
- offGraphics.setColor(new Color(c, c, c));
- offGraphics.drawPolygon(explosions[i].sprite);
- }
- // Display status and messages.
- offGraphics.setFont(font);
- offGraphics.setColor(Color.white);
- offGraphics.drawString("Score: " + score, fontWidth, fontHeight);
- offGraphics.drawString("Ships: " + shipsLeft, fontWidth, d.height - fontHeight);
- s = "High: " + highScore;
- offGraphics.drawString(s, d.width - (fontWidth + fm.stringWidth(s)), fontHeight);
- if (!sound) {
- s = "Mute";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, d.width - (fontWidth + fm.stringWidth(s)), d.height - fontHeight);
- }
- if (!playing) {
- s = "A S T E R O I D S";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 2);
- s = "Copyright 1998 by Mike Hall";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 2 + fontHeight);
- if (!loaded) {
- s = "Loading sounds...";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 4);
- }
- else {
- s = "Game Over";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 4);
- s = "'S' to Start";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 4 + fontHeight);
- }
- }
- else if (paused) {
- s = "Game Paused";
- offGraphics.drawString(s, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(s)) / 2, d.height / 4);
- }
- // Copy the off screen buffer to the screen.
- g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this);
- }
- }