资源名称:cspeech.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
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- title{Manual for CSpeech 1.0: a SAPI wrapper class}
- author{Julian Smart}
- date{February 1998}
- %
- makeindex
- begin{document}
- maketitle
- %
- pagestyle{fancyplain}
- bibliographystyle{plain}
- pagenumbering{roman}
- setheader{{it CONTENTS}}{}{}{}{}{{it CONTENTS}}
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}
- tableofcontents%
- newpage%
- pagenumbering{arabic}%
- chapter{Introduction}label{intro}
- pagenumbering{arabic}%
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}
- CSpeech is a class library that puts a very simple wrapper around the SAPI COM objects.
- SAPI is Microsoft's Speech API, which can be downloaded from:
- begin{verbatim}
- http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/srg/install.htm
- end{verbatim}
- SAPI is an API which mediates between an application and the currently-selected speech engine,
- provided by a third-party vendor. Microsoft bundle their experimental text-to-speech engine
- with the full SAPI Suite, but this engine may not be redistributed. Unless
- you already have a SAPI-compliant text-to-speech engine, make sure you download the
- SDK 3.0 (or above) Suite, not just the SDK, since the Suite also contains the Microsoft TTS
- and Command and Control engines. (Note: I tried one independent vendor's supposedly SAPI-compliant
- demo, and my SAPI sample crashed until I unloaded the demo and re-installed SAPI. So beware!)
- CSpeech deals with just text-to-speech, and currently not with the
- voice recognition side. Also, it doesn't wrap every capability, just the most useful
- ones.
- CSpeech works with both MFC and wxWindows. It should be easy to make it work with plain Windows
- and Borland's OWL, but I don't have time to look into those.
- chapter{CSpeech compilation}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}
- For MFC compilation, use the provided project file in the {tt src} directory.
- Make sure that in cspeech.h, the __MFC__ symbol is defined, and the __WXWIN__ symbol is not defined.
- For wxWindows compilation, use the provided makefile.nt in the {tt src} directory.
- Make sure that in cspeech.h, the __WXWIN__ symbol is defined, and the __MFC__ symbol is not defined.
- To test out CSpeech, compile and run one of the sample programs in samples/mfcsample or
- samples/wxsample.
- Note that programs compiled with CSpeech must also have a source file guidseg.cpp to initialize
- the appropriate COM GUIDs.
- chapter{Bugs and future developments}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}
- section{Bugs}
- These are the known bugs:
- begin{enumerate}itemsep=0pt
- item The samples sometimes crash on exit, particularly after they have been
- run and quit several times. Probably this is something to do with bad OLE cleanup
- in the CSpeech code but I'm not a good enough OLE programmer to fix this. Contributions
- and suggestions very welcome.
- item Not all TTS functions are wrapped.
- item The dialog functions ignore the title parameter
- because I don't know how to convert a CString to a PWSTR.
- end{enumerate}
- section{Future developments}
- begin{itemize}itemsep=0pt
- item The samples could be rather less naive.
- item One could separate out the implementation of CSpeech into a DLL, so that CSpeech
- could support engines that are not SAPI-compliant (instead there would be a simple CSpeech
- DLL specification).
- item More TTS functionality could be supported, plus MS Voice functionality.
- item I wrote this class as a small step towards a free framework to help programmers
- add accessibility to their applications. By which I mean, the ability for the application
- to be used by (mainly visually) handicapped people. Anyone who is interested in collaborating
- on such a project please contact me at julian.smart@ukonline.co.uk.
- end{itemize}
- input classes.tex
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- input changes.tex
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- addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
- printindex
- end{document}