资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- chapter{Class reference}label{classes}
- setheader{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{it CHAPTER thechapter}}%
- setfooter{thepage}{}{}{}{}{thepage}
- section{class{CSpeech}}label{cspeech}
- CSpeech is used to control SAPI and also to receive feedback. If you wish to receive feedback,
- derive a new class and override one or more On... functions.
- Note that the MFC-conformant types CString and BOOL are used. If you are using wxWindows,
- these are actually wxString and Bool.
- wxheading{Member functions}
- membersection{CSpeech::CSpeech}label{cspeechconstr}
- func{}{CSpeech}{void}
- Constructs a new speech object. Call helpref{CSpeech::Init}{cspeechinit} to initialize
- the object and helpref{CSpeech::Terminate}{cspeechterminate} to terminate the object.
- membersection{CSpeech::destruct{CSpeech}}
- func{}{destruct{CSpeech}}{void}
- Destructor.
- membersection{CSpeech::AboutDialog}label{cspeechaboutdialog}
- func{BOOL}{AboutDialog}{param{window_t }{parentWindow}, param{const CString& }{title = ""}}
- Invokes the 'About' dialog for the current engine.
- {it parentWindow} is an HWND in the current implementation.
- {it title} is the title that should appear in the dialog. Current this is not used,
- and the engine supplies the title.
- Returns FALSE if the engine does not implement it, or there was some other problem.
- membersection{CSpeech::Default}label{cspeechdefault}
- func{BOOL}{Default}{void}
- Sets the text-to-speech engine to its defaults by innjecting a RST tag.
- membersection{CSpeech::Enumerate}label{cspeechenumerate}
- func{BOOL}{EnumerateModes}{void}
- Enumerates all the possible modes (voices). This is called by helpref{CSpeech::Init}{cspeechinit} but
- may be called again if, for example, the user has installed or removed engines.
- membersection{CSpeech::FindMode}label{cspeechfindmode}
- func{int}{FindMode}{param{const CString& }{modeName}}
- Finds the index of the mode matching the given name.
- The return value will be between zero and the number returned
- by helpref{CSpeech::GetModeCount}{cspeechgetmodecount}; or it will
- be -1 to indicate that the mode was not found.
- membersection{CSpeech::GeneralDialog}label{cspeechgeneraldialog}
- func{BOOL}{GeneralDialog}{param{window_t }{parentWindow}, param{const CString& }{title = ""}}
- Invokes the general settings dialog for the current engine.
- {it parentWindow} is an HWND in the current implementation.
- {it title} is the title that should appear in the dialog. Current this is not used,
- and the engine supplies the title.
- Returns FALSE if the engine does not implement it, or there was some other problem.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMaxPitch}label{cspeechgetmaxpitch}
- constfunc{int}{GetMaxPitch}{void}
- Returns the maximum pitch value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMaxSpeed}label{cspeechgetmaxspeed}
- constfunc{int}{GetMaxSpeed}{void}
- Returns the maximum speed value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMaxVolume}label{cspeechgetmaxvolume}
- constfunc{int}{GetMaxVolume}{void}
- Returns the maximum volume value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMinPitch}label{cspeechgetminpitch}
- constfunc{int}{GetMinPitch}{void}
- Returns the minimum pitch value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMinSpeed}label{cspeechgetminspeed}
- constfunc{int}{GetMinSpeed}{void}
- Returns the minimum speed value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetMinVolume}label{cspeechgetminvolume}
- constfunc{int}{GetMinVolume}{void}
- Returns the minimum volume value.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetModeCount}label{cspeechgetmodecount}
- constfunc{int}{GetModeCount}{void}
- Returns the number of modes (voices) currently supported.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetModeFeatures}label{cspeechgetmodefeatures}
- constfunc{long}{GetModeFeatures}{param{int}{ mode}}
- Returns a bitlist of the features supported by this mode (voice) at index {it mode}.
- {it mode} can be between zero and the number returned
- by helpref{CSpeech::GetModeCount}{cspeechgetmodecount}.
- The return value types will eventually be replaced by values independent of
- the SAPI header file.
- membersection{CSpeech::GetModeName}label{cspeechgetmodename}
- constfunc{CString}{GetModeName}{param{int}{ mode}}
- Returns the name of the mode (voice) at index {it mode}.
- {it mode} can be between zero and the number returned
- by helpref{CSpeech::GetModeCount}{cspeechgetmodecount}.
- membersection{CSpeech::Init}label{cspeechinit}
- func{BOOL}{Init}{void}
- Initializes and enumerates modes. You must call this function
- before calling other member functions.
- See also helpref{CSpeech::Terminate}{cspeechterminate}.
- membersection{CSpeech::Inject}label{cspeechinject}
- func{BOOL}{Inject}{param{const CString& }{text}}
- Injects text-to-speech control tags into the text currently being spoken.
- A string can contain multiple tags, separated by spaces.
- Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- membersection{CSpeech::LexiconDialog}label{cspeechlexicondialog}
- func{BOOL}{LexiconDialog}{param{window_t }{parentWindow}, param{const CString& }{title = ""}}
- Invokes the lexicon dialog for the current engine.
- {it parentWindow} is an HWND in the current implementation.
- {it title} is the title that should appear in the dialog. Current this is not used,
- and the engine supplies the title.
- Returns FALSE if the engine does not implement it, or there was some other problem.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnAttribChanged}label{cspeechonattribchanged}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnAttributeChanged}{param{long}{ attribId}}
- Called when an attribute has changed.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnAudioStart}label{cspeechonaudiostart}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnAudioStart}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}}
- Called when audio output starts.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnAudioStop}label{cspeechonaudiostop}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnAudioStop}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}}
- Called when audio output stops.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnBookMark}label{cspeechonbookmark}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnBookMark}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}, param{long}{ markNum}}
- Called when a bookmark is encountered.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnTextDataDone}label{cspeechontextdatadone}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnTextDataStarted}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}, param{long}{ flags}}
- Called when utterance of the text data has completed.
- Note: this doesn't seem to be called by SAPI. Use helpref{CSpeech::OnAudioStop}{cspeechonaudiostop} instead.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnTextDataStarted}label{cspeechontextdatastarted}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnTextDataStarted}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}}
- Called when the text data has been sent to the engine.
- Note: this doesn't seem to be called by SAPI. Use helpref{CSpeech::OnAudioStart}{cspeechonaudiostart} instead.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnVisual}label{cspeechonvisual}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnVisual}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}, param{char}{ IPAPhoneme},rtfsp
- param{char}{ enginePhoneme}, param{long}{ hints}, param{const CSpeechMouth&}{ mouth}}
- Called to give the application the chance to draw a visual representation of the current utterance.
- membersection{CSpeech::OnWordPosition}label{cspeechonwordposition}
- func{virtual BOOL}{OnWordPosition}{param{timestamp_t}{ timeStamp}, param{long}{ byteOffset}}
- Notifies the application of the word that is currently being played.
- membersection{CSpeech::Pause}label{cspeechpause}
- func{BOOL}{Pause}{param{BOOL}{ pause}}
- If {it pause} is TRUE, the speech will be paused. If {it pause} is FALSE, the speech
- is resumed.
- Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- membersection{CSpeech::Reset}label{cspeechreset}
- func{BOOL}{Reset}{void}
- Resets the text-to-speech engine.
- membersection{CSpeech::Say}label{cspeechsay}
- func{BOOL}{Say}{param{const CString& }{text}, param{BOOL }{tagged = FALSE}}
- Utters the given text. If {it tagged} is TRUE, the text is treated as tagged (there are
- SAPI tags inserted for controlling emphasis etc.)
- Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
- membersection{CSpeech::SetMode}label{cspeechsetmode}
- func{BOOL}{SetMode}{param{int}{ mode}}
- Sets the current mode (voice).
- {it mode} can be between zero and the number returned
- by helpref{CSpeech::GetModeCount}{cspeechgetmodecount}.
- membersection{CSpeech::SetPitch}label{cspeechsetpitch}
- func{BOOL}{SetPitch}{param{int}{ pitch}}
- Sets the pitch. {it pitch} should be a value between
- the values returned by helpref{CSpeech::GetMinPitch}{cspeechgetminpitch} and
- rtfsphelpref{CSpeech::GetMaxPitch}{cspeechgetmaxpitch}.
- membersection{CSpeech::SetSpeed}label{cspeechsetspeed}
- func{BOOL}{SetSpeed}{param{long}{ speed}}
- Sets the speed. {it speed} should be a value between
- the values returned by helpref{CSpeech::GetMinSpeed}{cspeechgetminspeed} and
- rtfsphelpref{CSpeech::GetMaxSpeed}{cspeechgetmaxspeed}.
- membersection{CSpeech::SetVolume}label{cspeechsetvolume}
- func{BOOL}{SetVolume}{param{long}{ volume}}
- Sets the volume. {it volume} should be a value between
- the values returned by helpref{CSpeech::GetMinVolume}{cspeechgetminvolume} and
- rtfsphelpref{CSpeech::GetMaxVolume}{cspeechgetmaxvolume}.
- membersection{CSpeech::Terminate}label{cspeechterminate}
- func{BOOL}{Terminate}{void}
- Cleans up the CSpeech object and associated COM objects. You must call this function
- before the speech object is destroyed.
- See also helpref{CSpeech::Init}{cspeechinit}.
- membersection{CSpeech::TranslateDialog}label{cspeechtranslatedialog}
- func{BOOL}{TranslateDialog}{param{window_t }{parentWindow}, param{const CString& }{title = ""}}
- Invokes the translation dialog for the current engine, letting the user control symbols, currencies,
- abbreviations, and number-translation techniques.
- {it parentWindow} is an HWND in the current implementation.
- {it title} is the title that should appear in the dialog. Current this is not used,
- and the engine supplies the title.
- Returns FALSE if the engine does not implement it, or there was some other problem.
- section{class{CSpeechMouth}}label{cspeechmouth}
- CSpeechMouth is a class holding information about the mouth position, and is currently only
- used in helpref{CSpeech::OnVisual}{cspeechonvisual}.
- This class will be documented in more detail at a future date.
- wxheading{Data members}
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_mouthHeight}label{cspeechmouthmouthheight}
- member{int}{m_mouthHeight}
- Mouth height.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_mouthWidth}label{cspeechmouthmouthwidth}
- member{int}{m_mouthWidth}
- Mouth width.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_mouthUpturn}label{cspeechmouthmouthupturn}
- member{int}{m_mouthUpturn}
- Mouth upturn.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_jawOpen}label{cspeechmouthjawopen}
- member{int}{m_jawOpen}
- Extent of the jaw.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_teethUpperVisible}label{cspeechmouthteethuppervisible}
- member{int}{m_teethUpperVisible}
- Extent to which the upper teeth are visible.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_teethLowerVisible}label{cspeechmouthteethlowervisible}
- member{int}{m_teethLowerVisible}
- Extent to which the lower teeth are visible.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_tonguePosn}label{cspeechmouthtongueposn}
- member{int}{m_tonguePosn}
- Tongue position.
- membersection{CSpeechMouth::m_lipTension}label{cspeechmouthliptension}
- member{int}{m_lipTension}
- Lip tension.
- section{Data types}label{datatypes}
- The following data types have been defined for CSpeech.
- wxheading{timestamp_t}
- This is defined as u_int64_t.
- wxheading{window_t}
- This is defined as void*, and is converted to a HWND in the CSpeech implementation.