- /*
- * $Id$
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at Institute of System Programming of Russian Academy of Science
- * This file is written by Michael Kimelman
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts: gss@ispras.ru
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- int N_OF_K1 = 2000;
- int N_OF_K2 = 2000;
- int N_OF_T0 = 2000;
- char tailb[20];
- char *sh;
- int t2m,k1;
- short k2;
- int expectations = -1;
- int switcher = 0;
- static void
- shift(void)
- {
- k2 -- ;
- k1 ++ ;
- }
- int simple_insertation(void)
- {
- int i;
- fprintf(stderr,"n");
- $ whenever sqlerror continue;
- for(i=0;i<N_OF_K1;i++)
- {
- int v;
- char s[50];
- v=i; /* append to the end of index */
- sprintf(s," %010d ",(N_OF_K1-i)); /* insert at the top of index */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "rRun simple_insertation ... c1(%d - %4d,%10s) ",i,v,s);
- $ insert into tbl1 (k1,t1)
- values (:v,:s );
- if (SQLCODE<0)
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"n");
- for(i=0;i<N_OF_K2;i++)
- {
- int v;
- short sv;
- /* middle sequence */
- sv = (i%2?N_OF_K2 - 1 - i/2:i/2); /* insert in the middle */
- v = N_OF_K1 + i;
- fprintf(stderr,
- "rRun simple_insertation ... c2(%d - %5d,%10d) ",i,sv,v);
- $ insert into tbl2 (k2,t2)
- values (:sv,:v );
- if (SQLCODE<0)
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- $ whenever sqlerror goto fatal_exit;
- int
- show_22(void)
- {
- int t2;
- $ declare show22 cursor for
- ( select k2 from tbl2 group by k2,t2 )
- order by 1 ;
- $ open show22;
- fputs("---c2----n",stdout);
- while(1)
- {
- $ fetch show22 into :k2;
- if(SQLCODE==100) break;
- printf("n|%7d| ",k2);
- }
- fputs("n----c2---n",stdout);
- $ close show22;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- complex_insertation(void)
- {
- int i = 0;
- int cnt =0;
- float ta;
- char tb[20];
- char c[] = "-\|/";
- $ declare c1 cursor for
- ( select k1 from tbl1 )
- order by k1 ;
- $ declare c2 cursor for
- ( select k2 from tbl2 group by k2,t2 )
- order by 1 ;
- $ select count(distinct k1) into :i from tbl1 ;
- fprintf(stderr,"count(tbl1) = %d n",i);
- $ select count(distinct k2) into :i from tbl2 ;
- fprintf(stderr,"count(tbl2) = %d n",i);
- i = cnt = 0;
- $ open c2;
- while(i<N_OF_T0)
- {
- $ fetch c2 into :k2;
- if (SQLCODE==100)
- {
- $ close c2;
- $ open c2; /* start whole loop from the beginning */
- fprintf(stderr,"n restart loop n ");
- continue;
- }
- $ open c1;
- while(i<N_OF_T0)
- {
- $ fetch c1 into :k1;
- if (SQLCODE==100)
- {
- $ close c1;
- break;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"bbbbb%3d%%%c",(int)i,c[i%4]);
- #if 0
- $ select k1 into :cnt from tbl0 where k1 = :k1 and k2 = :k2;
- if (SQLCODE!=100)
- continue;
- #endif
- $ whenever sqlerror continue;
- switch(cnt++%7)
- {
- case 3:
- i++;
- if (k2 == 0)
- ta = k1;
- else
- ta=k1/k2;
- sprintf(tb,"userhole(%g)",ta);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila )
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb, :ta ) ;
- break;
- case 0:
- i++;
- sprintf(tb,"case 1(%d)",i);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila)
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb , 0.5) ;
- break;
- case 2:
- ta = i++;
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k1, k2 ,taila)
- values ( :k1, :k2, :ta ) ;
- break;
- default:
- #if 0
- i++;
- sprintf(tb,"default (%d)",i);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila)
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb , 100 ) ;
- #endif
- break;
- }
- if (SQLCODE == -1) /* if key not unique */
- fprintf(stderr,"ncomplex_insertation ... %4d %4d %4dn",
- i--,k1,k2);
- else if (SQLCODE<0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ncomplex_insertation ... %4d %4d %4dn",
- i-1,k2,k1);
- fprintf(stderr,"insertation problem:'%s' n",gsqlca.errmsg);
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- fast_complex_insertation(void)
- {
- int i = 0;
- int cnt = 0;
- float ta;
- char tb[20];
- char c[] = "-\|/";
- fprintf(stderr,"n");
- if (N_OF_T0 > N_OF_K1*N_OF_K2)
- N_OF_T0 = N_OF_K1*N_OF_K2/2;
- /* SQL__cache(N_OF_T0/10);*/
- SQL__cache(0);
- for(k1 = N_OF_K1-1; k1 >=0;k1--)
- for(k2 = N_OF_K2-1; k2 >=0; k2--) /* easiest way of include */
- {
- if ( N_OF_T0 <= i)
- break;
- #if 1
- fprintf(stderr,"%5d %cbbbbbbb",i,c[i%4]);
- #else
- if (i%50 == 1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%cb",c[(i/50)%4]);
- #endif
- $ whenever sqlerror continue;
- switch(i%7)
- {
- case 3:
- i++;
- if (k2 == 0)
- ta = k1;
- else
- ta=k1/k2;
- sprintf(tb,"userhole(%g)",ta);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila )
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb, :ta ) ;
- break;
- case 1:
- i++;
- sprintf(tb,"case 1(%d)",i);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila)
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb , 0.5) ;
- break;
- case 2:
- ta = i++;
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k1, k2 ,taila)
- values ( :k1, :k2, :ta ) ;
- break;
- default:
- i++;
- sprintf(tb,"default (%d)",i);
- $ insert into tbl0 ( k2, k1 ,tailb, taila)
- values ( :k2, :k1, :tb , 100 ) ;
- }
- if (SQLCODE <0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"ncomplex_insertation ... %4d %4d %4d ",i,k2,k1);
- fprintf(stderr,"insertation problem:'%s' n",gsqlca.errmsg);
- i--;
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"nfast complex_insertation: inserted ?? rows... (checking)");
- $ select count (*) into :i from tbl0 ;
- fprintf(stderr,"rfast complex_insertation: inserted %d rows n",i);
- fatal_exit:
- SQL__cache(0);
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- $ whenever sqlerror goto fatal_exit;
- int
- show_0(void)
- {
- float ta;
- char tb[20];
- $ declare show0 cursor for
- ( select k1,k2,taila,tailb
- from tbl0 )
- ;
- $ open show0;
- fputs("---------------------c0-----------------------n",stdout);
- fputs("| k1 | k2 | taila | tailb |n",stdout);
- fputs("----------------------------------------------n",stdout);
- while(1)
- {
- $ fetch show0 into :k1,:k2, :ta, :tb;
- if(SQLCODE==100) break;
- printf("|%7d|%7d|%7.3g|%20s|n",k1,k2,ta,tb);
- }
- fputs("---------------------c0-----------------------n",stdout);
- $ close show0;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- show_1(void)
- {
- char t1[40];
- $ declare show1 cursor for
- ( select k1,t1
- from tbl1 )
- ;
- $ open show1;
- fputs("---------------------c1---------------------------n",stdout);
- fputs("| k1 | t1 |n",stdout);
- fputs("---------------------c1---------------------------n",stdout);
- while(1)
- {
- $ fetch show1 into :k1, :t1;
- if(SQLCODE==100) break;
- printf("|%7d|%40s|n",k1,t1);
- }
- fputs("---------------------c1---------------------------n",stdout);
- $ close show1;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- show_2(void)
- {
- int t2;
- $ declare show2 cursor for
- ( select k2,t2
- from tbl2 )
- ;
- $ open show2;
- fputs("---------c2---------n",stdout);
- fputs("| k2 | t2 |n",stdout);
- fputs("--------------------n",stdout);
- while(1)
- {
- $ fetch show2 into :k2, :t2;
- if(SQLCODE==100) break;
- printf("|%7d|%10d|n",k2,t2);
- }
- fputs("---------c2---------n",stdout);
- $ close show2;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- show_data(void)
- {
- if ( show_0()!=0 ) return SQLCODE;
- if ( show_1()!=0 ) return SQLCODE;
- if ( show_2()!=0 ) return SQLCODE;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- leveled_selections(void)
- {
- int k = -1;
- if (show_data() !=0)
- return SQLCODE;
- printf("filter level 0...");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 0 - %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 1a...");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0 where taila>0
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 1a- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 1b --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where k1 in (select distinct k1 from tbl1 where t1 like 'k=%' escape '#' )
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 1b- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 1c0..");
- $ select count (distinct k2) into :k from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m ;
- printf("nfilter level 1c0- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 1c --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where not ( 0 = ( select count (distinct k2) from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m) )
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 1c- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 2a --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where
- not ( 0 = ( select count (distinct k2) from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m) )
- and taila>0
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 2a- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 2b --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where k1 in (select distinct k1 from tbl1 where t1 like :sh escape '#' )
- and taila>0
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 2b- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 2c --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where k1 in (select distinct k1 from tbl1 where t1 like :sh escape '#' )
- and not ( 0 = ( select count (distinct k2) from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m) )
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 2c- %dn",k);
- printf("filter level 3 --");
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where
- k1 in (select distinct k1 from tbl1 where t1 like :sh escape '#' )
- and not ( 0 =
- ( select count (distinct k2) from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m) )
- and taila>0
- ;
- printf("nfilter level 3 - %dn",k);
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- simple_selection(void)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- $ declare curs cursor for
- ( select tailb,k1,k2
- from tbl0
- where
- k1 = SOME ( select k1 from tbl1 where t1 like :sh escape '#' )
- and exists ( select * from tbl2 where k2 = tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m )
- and taila > 0
- )
- ;
- $ open curs;
- fputs("n---------------------n",stdout);
- for(j=i=0;;i++)
- {
- $ fetch curs into :tailb,:k1,:k2;
- if(SQLCODE==100) break;
- fputs(tailb,stdout);
- if(i%switcher==0)
- switch(switcher)
- {
- case 1:
- $ delete from tbl0 where current of curs ;
- j++;
- break;
- case 3:
- $ update tbl0 set taila=-taila where current of curs ;
- j++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- $ close curs;
- $ select count(*)
- into :k
- from tbl0
- where
- k1 in (select distinct k1 from tbl1 where t1 like :sh escape '#' )
- and not ( 0 =
- ( select count (distinct k2) from tbl2 where k2=tbl0.k2 and t2<:t2m) )
- and taila>0
- ;
- if(k!=i)
- return 1;
- if(expectations>=0)
- if(i!=expectations)
- return 2;
- expectations=i-j;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int double_test(int swi)
- {
- int rc;
- switcher=swi;
- rc=simple_selection();
- if(rc)
- return rc;
- switcher=0;
- return simple_selection();
- }
- int positioned_delete(void)
- {
- return double_test(1);
- }
- int positioned_update(void)
- {
- return double_test(3);
- }
- int searched_delete(void)
- {
- $ delete from tbl0 where k2=:k2 and k1=:k1 ;
- shift();
- expectations--;
- return simple_selection();
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int searched_update(void)
- {
- $ update tbl0 set taila = -2 - taila where k2 = :k2 and k1 = :k1 ;
- shift();
- expectations--;
- return simple_selection();
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int total_delete(void)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"t0...");
- $ delete from tbl0 ;
- fprintf(stderr,"t1...");
- $ delete from tbl1 ;
- fprintf(stderr,"t2...");
- $ delete from tbl2 ;
- expectations = 0;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- commit_work(void)
- {
- $ commit work;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- int
- rollback_work(void)
- {
- $ rollback work;
- return 0;
- fatal_exit:
- return SQLCODE;
- }
- void
- run(char *tn,int (*f)(void))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Run %s ...",tn);
- if(f())
- {
- fprintf(stderr,": failed(%d): '%s'n",SQLCODE,gsqlca.errmsg);
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- fprintf(stderr,": OKn");
- }
- #define RUN(tn) run(#tn,tn)
- static void
- refresh_settings(void)
- {
- t2m= N_OF_K1 + N_OF_K2/5; /* filter for n_of_k1 + numer of the record */
- sh = "%34%"; /* filter for " %010d " strings */
- k1 = N_OF_K1/2;
- k2 = N_OF_K2 - 5 ;
- assert(k2 > 10);
- assert(k1 > 0);
- }
- int main(int argc,char **argv)
- {
- int pass = 0;
- int loop = 3;
- /* clear place at the beginning */
- if (argc > 1)
- goto skip;
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- RUN(total_delete);
- RUN(commit_work);
- /* checking of simple insert & indexes */
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- N_OF_K1 = 2000;
- N_OF_K2 = 2000;
- RUN(simple_insertation);
- RUN(commit_work);
- RUN(total_delete);
- RUN(commit_work);
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- N_OF_K1 = 200;
- N_OF_K2 = 200;
- N_OF_T0 = N_OF_K1 * N_OF_K2/ 20;
- loop = 2;
- /* protest: 1st look - just running in all direction a a bit */
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- while(loop--)
- {
- printf("pass %d(%d)...n",pass,loop);
- if (loop%2)
- RUN(commit_work);
- RUN(show_data);
- RUN(simple_insertation);
- if (loop%2)
- RUN(commit_work);
- RUN(fast_complex_insertation);
- if (loop%2)
- RUN(commit_work);
- RUN(total_delete);
- }
- RUN(commit_work);
- #if 0
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- RUN(leveled_selections);
- RUN(commit_work);
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- /* RUN(show_data);*/
- RUN(total_delete);
- RUN(commit_work);
- #endif
- /* 1st pass: loading */
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- RUN(simple_insertation);
- RUN(commit_work);
- RUN(complex_insertation);
- RUN(commit_work);
- skip:
- /* 2nd pass: checking functionalities with deletes */
- for(loop = 1; loop; loop--, RUN(rollback_work))
- {
- printf("pass %d...n",pass++);
- refresh_settings();
- /*
- RUN(leveled_selections);
- RUN(simple_selection);
- */
- RUN(positioned_delete);
- RUN(positioned_update);
- RUN(searched_delete);
- RUN(searched_update);
- }
- RUN(commit_work);
- return 0;
- }