资源名称:QRCodeLib.rar [点击查看]
- using System;
- using QRCodeDecoder = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.QRCodeDecoder;
- using ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Data;
- using AlignmentPatternNotFoundException = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.ExceptionHandler.AlignmentPatternNotFoundException;
- using FinderPatternNotFoundException = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.ExceptionHandler.FinderPatternNotFoundException;
- using SymbolNotFoundException = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.ExceptionHandler.SymbolNotFoundException;
- using InvalidVersionException = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.ExceptionHandler.InvalidVersionException;
- using VersionInformationException = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.ExceptionHandler.VersionInformationException;
- using ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Geom;
- using ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Reader.Pattern;
- using ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Util;
- using SystemUtils = ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Util.SystemUtils;
- namespace ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Reader
- {
- public class QRCodeImageReader
- {
- internal DebugCanvas canvas;
- //boolean[][] image;
- //DP =
- //23 ...side pixels of image will be limited maximum 255 (8 bits)
- //22 .. side pixels of image will be limited maximum 511 (9 bits)
- //21 .. side pixels of image will be limited maximum 1023 (10 bits)
- //I think it's good idea to use DECIMAL_POINT with type "long" too.
- public static int DECIMAL_POINT = 21;
- public const bool POINT_DARK = true;
- public const bool POINT_LIGHT = false;
- internal SamplingGrid samplingGrid;
- internal bool[][] bitmap;
- public QRCodeImageReader()
- {
- this.canvas = QRCodeDecoder.Canvas;
- }
- private class ModulePitch
- {
- public int top;
- public int left;
- public int bottom;
- public int right;
- public ModulePitch(QRCodeImageReader enclosingInstance)
- {
- InitBlock(enclosingInstance);
- }
- private void InitBlock(QRCodeImageReader enclosingInstance)
- {
- this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
- }
- private QRCodeImageReader enclosingInstance;
- public QRCodeImageReader Enclosing_Instance
- {
- get
- {
- return enclosingInstance;
- }
- }
- }
- internal virtual bool[][] applyMedianFilter(bool[][] image, int threshold)
- {
- bool[][] filteredMatrix = new bool[image.Length][];
- for (int i = 0; i < image.Length; i++)
- {
- filteredMatrix[i] = new bool[image[0].Length];
- }
- //filtering noise in image with median filter
- int numPointDark;
- for (int y = 1; y < image[0].Length - 1; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 1; x < image.Length - 1; x++)
- {
- //if (image[x][y] == true) {
- numPointDark = 0;
- for (int fy = - 1; fy < 2; fy++)
- {
- for (int fx = - 1; fx < 2; fx++)
- {
- if (image[x + fx][y + fy] == true)
- {
- numPointDark++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (numPointDark > threshold)
- filteredMatrix[x][y] = POINT_DARK;
- }
- }
- return filteredMatrix;
- }
- internal virtual bool[][] applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(bool[][] image, int threshold)
- {
- bool[][] filteredMatrix = new bool[image.Length][];
- for (int i = 0; i < image.Length; i++)
- {
- filteredMatrix[i] = new bool[image[0].Length];
- }
- //filtering noise in image with median filter
- int numPointDark;
- for (int y = 2; y < image[0].Length - 2; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 2; x < image.Length - 2; x++)
- {
- //if (image[x][y] == true) {
- numPointDark = 0;
- for (int f = - 2; f < 3; f++)
- {
- if (image[x + f][y] == true)
- numPointDark++;
- if (image[x][y + f] == true)
- numPointDark++;
- }
- if (numPointDark > threshold)
- filteredMatrix[x][y] = POINT_DARK;
- }
- }
- return filteredMatrix;
- }
- internal virtual bool[][] filterImage(int[][] image)
- {
- imageToGrayScale(image);
- bool[][] bitmap = grayScaleToBitmap(image);
- return bitmap;
- }
- internal virtual void imageToGrayScale(int[][] image)
- {
- for (int y = 0; y < image[0].Length; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < image.Length; x++)
- {
- int r = image[x][y] >> 16 & 0xFF;
- int g = image[x][y] >> 8 & 0xFF;
- int b = image[x][y] & 0xFF;
- int m = (r * 30 + g * 59 + b * 11) / 100;
- image[x][y] = m;
- }
- }
- }
- internal virtual bool[][] grayScaleToBitmap(int[][] grayScale)
- {
- int[][] middle = getMiddleBrightnessPerArea(grayScale);
- int sqrtNumArea = middle.Length;
- int areaWidth = grayScale.Length / sqrtNumArea;
- int areaHeight = grayScale[0].Length / sqrtNumArea;
- bool[][] bitmap = new bool[grayScale.Length][];
- for (int i = 0; i < grayScale.Length; i++)
- {
- bitmap[i] = new bool[grayScale[0].Length];
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++)
- {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++)
- {
- for (int dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
- {
- for (int dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
- {
- bitmap[areaWidth * ax + dx][areaHeight * ay + dy] = (grayScale[areaWidth * ax + dx][areaHeight * ay + dy] < middle[ax][ay])?true:false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return bitmap;
- }
- internal virtual int[][] getMiddleBrightnessPerArea(int[][] image)
- {
- int numSqrtArea = 4;
- //obtain middle brightness((min + max) / 2) per area
- int areaWidth = image.Length / numSqrtArea;
- int areaHeight = image[0].Length / numSqrtArea;
- int[][][] minmax = new int[numSqrtArea][][];
- for (int i = 0; i < numSqrtArea; i++)
- {
- minmax[i] = new int[numSqrtArea][];
- for (int i2 = 0; i2 < numSqrtArea; i2++)
- {
- minmax[i][i2] = new int[2];
- }
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < numSqrtArea; ay++)
- {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < numSqrtArea; ax++)
- {
- minmax[ax][ay][0] = 0xFF;
- for (int dy = 0; dy < areaHeight; dy++)
- {
- for (int dx = 0; dx < areaWidth; dx++)
- {
- int target = image[areaWidth * ax + dx][areaHeight * ay + dy];
- if (target < minmax[ax][ay][0])
- minmax[ax][ay][0] = target;
- if (target > minmax[ax][ay][1])
- minmax[ax][ay][1] = target;
- }
- }
- //minmax[ax][ay][0] = (minmax[ax][ay][0] + minmax[ax][ay][1]) / 2;
- }
- }
- int[][] middle = new int[numSqrtArea][];
- for (int i3 = 0; i3 < numSqrtArea; i3++)
- {
- middle[i3] = new int[numSqrtArea];
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < numSqrtArea; ay++)
- {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < numSqrtArea; ax++)
- {
- middle[ax][ay] = (minmax[ax][ay][0] + minmax[ax][ay][1]) / 2;
- //Console.out.print(middle[ax][ay] + ",");
- }
- //Console.out.println("");
- }
- //Console.out.println("");
- return middle;
- }
- public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbol(int[][] image)
- {
- int longSide = (image.Length < image[0].Length)?image[0].Length:image.Length;
- QRCodeImageReader.DECIMAL_POINT = 23 - QRCodeUtility.sqrt(longSide / 256);
- bitmap = filterImage(image);
- canvas.println("Drawing matrix.");
- canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap);
- canvas.println("Scanning Finder Pattern.");
- FinderPattern finderPattern = null;
- try
- {
- finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap);
- }
- catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException e)
- {
- canvas.println("Not found, now retrying...");
- bitmap = applyCrossMaskingMedianFilter(bitmap, 5);
- canvas.drawMatrix(bitmap);
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)
- ;
- try
- {
- finderPattern = FinderPattern.findFinderPattern(bitmap);
- }
- catch (FinderPatternNotFoundException e2)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e2.Message);
- }
- catch (VersionInformationException e2)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e2.Message);
- }
- }
- catch (VersionInformationException e)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e.Message);
- }
- canvas.println("FinderPattern at");
- String finderPatternCoordinates = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR).ToString() + finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL).ToString();
- canvas.println(finderPatternCoordinates);
- int[] sincos = finderPattern.getAngle();
- canvas.println("Angle*4098: Sin " + System.Convert.ToString(sincos[0]) + " " + "Cos " + System.Convert.ToString(sincos[1]));
- int version = finderPattern.Version;
- canvas.println("Version: " + System.Convert.ToString(version));
- if (version < 1 || version > 40)
- throw new InvalidVersionException("Invalid version: " + version);
- AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern = null;
- try
- {
- alignmentPattern = AlignmentPattern.findAlignmentPattern(bitmap, finderPattern);
- }
- catch (AlignmentPatternNotFoundException e)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException(e.Message);
- }
- int matrixLength = alignmentPattern.getCenter().Length;
- canvas.println("AlignmentPatterns at");
- for (int y = 0; y < matrixLength; y++)
- {
- String alignmentPatternCoordinates = "";
- for (int x = 0; x < matrixLength; x++)
- {
- alignmentPatternCoordinates += alignmentPattern.getCenter()[x][y].ToString();
- }
- canvas.println(alignmentPatternCoordinates);
- }
- //for(int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) Console.out.println("");
- canvas.println("Creating sampling grid.");
- //[TODO] need all-purpose method
- //samplingGrid = getSamplingGrid2_6(finderPattern, alignmentPattern);
- samplingGrid = getSamplingGrid(finderPattern, alignmentPattern);
- canvas.println("Reading grid.");
- bool[][] qRCodeMatrix = null;
- try
- {
- qRCodeMatrix = getQRCodeMatrix(bitmap, samplingGrid);
- }
- catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary");
- }
- //canvas.drawMatrix(qRCodeMatrix);
- return new QRCodeSymbol(qRCodeMatrix);
- }
- public virtual QRCodeSymbol getQRCodeSymbolWithAdjustedGrid(Point adjust)
- {
- if (bitmap == null || samplingGrid == null)
- {
- throw new System.SystemException("This method must be called after QRCodeImageReader.getQRCodeSymbol() called");
- }
- samplingGrid.adjust(adjust);
- canvas.println("Sampling grid adjusted d(" + adjust.X + "," + adjust.Y + ")");
- bool[][] qRCodeMatrix = null;
- try
- {
- qRCodeMatrix = getQRCodeMatrix(bitmap, samplingGrid);
- }
- catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException e)
- {
- throw new SymbolNotFoundException("Sampling grid exceeded image boundary");
- }
- return new QRCodeSymbol(qRCodeMatrix);
- }
- // For only version 1 which has no Alignement Patterns
- /* SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid1(FinderPattern finderPattern) {
- int sqrtNumArea = 1;
- int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //get nummber of modules at side
- int sqrtNumAreaModules = sqrtNumModules / sqrtNumArea;
- Point[] centers = finderPattern.getCenter();
- int logicalDistance = 14;
- SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea);
- Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY;
- ModulePitch modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //store (up,left) order
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0], centers[1], logicalDistance);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0], centers[2], logicalDistance);
- //X軸に垂直の基線(一般に縦)
- baseLineX = new Line(
- finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL),
- finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL));
- Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), modulePitch.top);
- axis.setOrigin(baseLineX.getP1());
- baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3, -3));
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(baseLineX.getP2());
- baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3, 3));
- //Y軸に垂直の基線(一般に横)
- baseLineY =
- new Line(finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL),
- finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR));
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(baseLineY.getP1());
- baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3, -3));
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(baseLineY.getP2());
- baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3, -3));
- //baseLineX.translate(1,1);
- //baseLineY.translate(1,1);
- samplingGrid.initGrid(0, 0, sqrtNumAreaModules, sqrtNumAreaModules);
- for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumAreaModules; i++) {
- gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0));
- gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i));
- samplingGrid.setXLine(0,0,i,gridLineX);
- samplingGrid.setYLine(0,0,i,gridLineY);
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) {
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), Color.BLUE);
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), Color.BLUE);
- }
- }
- return samplingGrid;
- }*/
- //sampllingGrid[areaX][areaY][direction(x=0,y=1)][EachLines]
- /* SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid2_6(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) {
- Point centers[][] = alignmentPattern.getCenter();
- centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL);
- centers[1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR);
- centers[0][1] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL);
- int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //一辺当たりのモジュール数を得る
- SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(1);
- Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY;
- int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance();
- Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize());
- ModulePitch modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //top left bottom rightの順に格納
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 6);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 6);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0, -3), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3, 0), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- //X軸に垂直の基線(一般に縦)
- baseLineX = new Line();
- baseLineY = new Line();
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]);
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 6);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][0], centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 6);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3,0), centers[1][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3));
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3,3));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right);
- baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3,-3));
- baseLineX.translate(1,1);
- baseLineY.translate(1,1);
- samplingGrid.initGrid(0, 0, sqrtNumModules, sqrtNumModules);
- for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumModules; i++) {
- gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0));
- gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right);
- gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i));
- samplingGrid.setXLine(0,0,i,gridLineX);
- samplingGrid.setYLine(0,0,i,gridLineY);
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) {
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE);
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE);
- }
- }
- return samplingGrid;
- }
- //for version 7-13
- SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid7_13(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern) {
- Point centers[][] = alignmentPattern.getCenter();
- centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL);
- centers[2][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR);
- centers[0][2] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL);
- int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); //一辺当たりのモジュール数を得る
- int sqrtNumArea = 2;
- int sqrtNumAreaModules = sqrtNumModules / sqrtNumArea;
- sqrtNumAreaModules++;
- SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea);
- Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY;
- int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance();
- Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize());
- ModulePitch modulePitch;
- for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++) {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++) {
- modulePitch = new ModulePitch(); //top left bottom rightの順に格納
- baseLineX = new Line();
- baseLineY = new Line();
- axis.setModulePitch(finderPattern.getModuleSize());
- if (ax == 0 && ay == 0) {
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][0]);
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,3), centers[1][0], logicalDistance + 3);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(3,0), centers[0][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], centers[1][1], logicalDistance);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][0], centers[1][1], logicalDistance);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3));
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-3,-3));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-6,0));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right);
- baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,-6));
- }
- else if (ax == 1 && ay == 0) {
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[2][0], logicalDistance + 3);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][0], centers[1][1], logicalDistance);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[2][1], logicalDistance);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[2][0]);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(-3,0), centers[2][1], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][0]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(0,-6));
- baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,-6));
- baseLineX.setP2(centers[1][1]);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[2][0]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right);
- baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(3,-3));
- }
- else if (ax == 0 && ay == 1) {
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], centers[1][1], logicalDistance);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][2]);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[0][1], axis.translate(3,0), logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(axis.translate(0,-3), centers[1][2], logicalDistance + 3);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[1][2], logicalDistance);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][1]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- baseLineX.setP1(axis.translate(-6,0));
- baseLineY.setP1(axis.translate(-6,0));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[0][2]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(-3, 3));
- baseLineY.setP2(centers[1][1]);
- }
- else if (ax == 1 && ay == 1) {
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[2][1], logicalDistance);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][1], centers[1][2], logicalDistance);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(centers[1][2], centers[2][2], logicalDistance);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(centers[2][1], centers[2][2], logicalDistance);
- baseLineX.setP1(centers[1][1]);
- baseLineY.setP1(centers[1][1]);
- axis.setOrigin(centers[1][2]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- baseLineX.setP2(axis.translate(0,6));
- axis.setOrigin(centers[2][1]);
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- baseLineY.setP2(axis.translate(6,0));
- }
- samplingGrid.initGrid(ax,ay, sqrtNumAreaModules, sqrtNumAreaModules);
- for (int i = 0; i < sqrtNumAreaModules; i++) {
- gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.top);
- gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i,0));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineX.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.bottom);
- gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i,0));
- gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2());
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP1());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.left);
- gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0,i));
- axis.setOrigin(gridLineY.getP2());
- axis.setModulePitch(modulePitch.right);
- gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0,i));
- samplingGrid.setXLine(ax,ay,i,gridLineX);
- samplingGrid.setYLine(ax,ay,i,gridLineY);
- }
- }
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < samplingGrid.getHeight(); ay++) {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < samplingGrid.getWidth();ax++) {
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getXLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE);
- canvas.drawLines(samplingGrid.getYLines(ax,ay), java.awt.Color.BLUE);
- }
- }
- return samplingGrid;
- }*/
- /// <summary> Generic Sampling grid method</summary>
- internal virtual SamplingGrid getSamplingGrid(FinderPattern finderPattern, AlignmentPattern alignmentPattern)
- {
- Point[][] centers = alignmentPattern.getCenter();
- int version = finderPattern.Version;
- int sqrtCenters = (version / 7) + 2;
- centers[0][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UL);
- centers[sqrtCenters - 1][0] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.UR);
- centers[0][sqrtCenters - 1] = finderPattern.getCenter(FinderPattern.DL);
- //int sqrtNumModules = finderPattern.getSqrtNumModules(); /// The number of modules per one side is obtained
- int sqrtNumArea = sqrtCenters - 1;
- //--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//
- SamplingGrid samplingGrid = new SamplingGrid(sqrtNumArea);
- Line baseLineX, baseLineY, gridLineX, gridLineY;
- ///???
- //Point[] targetCenters;
- //int logicalDistance = alignmentPattern.getLogicalDistance();
- Axis axis = new Axis(finderPattern.getAngle(), finderPattern.getModuleSize());
- ModulePitch modulePitch;
- // for each area :
- for (int ay = 0; ay < sqrtNumArea; ay++)
- {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < sqrtNumArea; ax++)
- {
- modulePitch = new ModulePitch(this); /// Housing to order
- baseLineX = new Line();
- baseLineY = new Line();
- axis.ModulePitch = finderPattern.getModuleSize();
- Point[][] logicalCenters = AlignmentPattern.getLogicalCenter(finderPattern);
- Point upperLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay];
- Point upperRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay];
- Point lowerLeftPoint = centers[ax][ay + 1];
- Point lowerRightPoint = centers[ax + 1][ay + 1];
- Point logicalUpperLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay];
- Point logicalUpperRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay];
- Point logicalLowerLeftPoint = logicalCenters[ax][ay + 1];
- Point logicalLowerRightPoint = logicalCenters[ax + 1][ay + 1];
- if (ax == 0 && ay == 0)
- // left upper corner
- {
- if (sqrtNumArea == 1)
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, - 3, - 3);
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, - 3);
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, - 3, 3);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(- 6, - 6);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(3, - 3);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(- 3, 3);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6);
- }
- else
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, - 3, - 3);
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, - 6);
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, - 6, 0);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(- 6, - 6);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, - 6);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(- 6, 0);
- }
- }
- else if (ax == 0 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1)
- // left bottom corner
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, - 6, 0);
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, - 3, 3);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(- 6, 0);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(- 6, 6);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6);
- }
- else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == 0)
- // right upper corner
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, - 6);
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 3, - 3);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, - 6);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, - 6);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0);
- }
- else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1 && ay == sqrtNumArea - 1)
- // right bottom corner
- {
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6);
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 6);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 6);
- }
- else if (ax == 0)
- // left side
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, - 6, 0);
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, - 6, 0);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(- 6, 0);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(- 6, 0);
- }
- else if (ax == sqrtNumArea - 1)
- // right
- {
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 6, 0);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 6, 0);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(6, 0);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(6, 0);
- }
- else if (ay == 0)
- // top
- {
- upperLeftPoint = axis.translate(upperLeftPoint, 0, - 6);
- upperRightPoint = axis.translate(upperRightPoint, 0, - 6);
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, - 6);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, - 6);
- }
- else if (ay == sqrtNumArea - 1)
- // bottom
- {
- lowerLeftPoint = axis.translate(lowerLeftPoint, 0, 6);
- lowerRightPoint = axis.translate(lowerRightPoint, 0, 6);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 6);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 6);
- }
- if (ax == 0)
- {
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(1, 0);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(- 1, 0);
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(- 1, 0);
- }
- if (ay == 0)
- {
- logicalLowerLeftPoint.translate(0, 1);
- logicalLowerRightPoint.translate(0, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- logicalUpperLeftPoint.translate(0, - 1);
- logicalUpperRightPoint.translate(0, - 1);
- }
- int logicalWidth = logicalUpperRightPoint.X - logicalUpperLeftPoint.X;
- int logicalHeight = logicalLowerLeftPoint.Y - logicalUpperLeftPoint.Y;
- if (version < 7)
- {
- logicalWidth += 3;
- logicalHeight += 3;
- }
- modulePitch.top = getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, upperRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1);
- modulePitch.left = getAreaModulePitch(upperLeftPoint, lowerLeftPoint, logicalHeight - 1);
- modulePitch.bottom = getAreaModulePitch(lowerLeftPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalWidth - 1);
- modulePitch.right = getAreaModulePitch(upperRightPoint, lowerRightPoint, logicalHeight - 1);
- baseLineX.setP1(upperLeftPoint);
- baseLineY.setP1(upperLeftPoint);
- baseLineX.setP2(lowerLeftPoint);
- baseLineY.setP2(upperRightPoint);
- samplingGrid.initGrid(ax, ay, logicalWidth, logicalHeight);
- for (int i = 0; i < logicalWidth; i++)
- {
- gridLineX = new Line(baseLineX.getP1(), baseLineX.getP2());
- axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP1();
- axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.top;
- gridLineX.setP1(axis.translate(i, 0));
- axis.Origin = gridLineX.getP2();
- axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.bottom;
- gridLineX.setP2(axis.translate(i, 0));
- samplingGrid.setXLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineX);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < logicalHeight; i++)
- {
- gridLineY = new Line(baseLineY.getP1(), baseLineY.getP2());
- axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP1();
- axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.left;
- gridLineY.setP1(axis.translate(0, i));
- axis.Origin = gridLineY.getP2();
- axis.ModulePitch = modulePitch.right;
- gridLineY.setP2(axis.translate(0, i));
- samplingGrid.setYLine(ax, ay, i, gridLineY);
- }
- }
- }
- return samplingGrid;
- }
- //get module pitch in single area
- internal virtual int getAreaModulePitch(Point start, Point end, int logicalDistance)
- {
- Line tempLine;
- tempLine = new Line(start, end);
- int realDistance = tempLine.Length;
- int modulePitch = (realDistance << DECIMAL_POINT) / logicalDistance;
- return modulePitch;
- }
- //gridLines[areaX][areaY][direction(x=0,y=1)][EachLines]
- internal virtual bool[][] getQRCodeMatrix(bool[][] image, SamplingGrid gridLines)
- {
- //int gridSize = gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0);
- int gridSize = gridLines.TotalWidth;
- // now this is done within the SamplingGrid class...
- // if (gridLines.getWidth() >= 2)
- // gridSize-=1;
- canvas.println("gridSize=" + gridSize);
- //canvas.println("gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0) = "+gridLines.getWidth() * gridLines.getWidth(0,0));
- Point bottomRightPoint = null;
- bool[][] sampledMatrix = new bool[gridSize][];
- for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++)
- {
- sampledMatrix[i] = new bool[gridSize];
- }
- for (int ay = 0; ay < gridLines.getHeight(); ay++)
- {
- for (int ax = 0; ax < gridLines.getWidth(); ax++)
- {
- System.Collections.ArrayList sampledPoints = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10)); //only for visualiz;
- for (int y = 0; y < gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay); y++)
- {
- for (int x = 0; x < gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay); x++)
- {
- int x1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().X;
- int y1 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP1().Y;
- int x2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().X;
- int y2 = gridLines.getXLine(ax, ay, x).getP2().Y;
- int x3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().X;
- int y3 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP1().Y;
- int x4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().X;
- int y4 = gridLines.getYLine(ax, ay, y).getP2().Y;
- int e = (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x2);
- int f = (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (x1 - x2);
- int g = (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) * (y2 - y1) - (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (y4 - y3);
- sampledMatrix[gridLines.getX(ax, x)][gridLines.getY(ay, y)] = image[f / e][g / e];
- if ((ay == gridLines.getHeight() - 1 && ax == gridLines.getWidth() - 1) && y == gridLines.getHeight(ax, ay) - 1 && x == gridLines.getWidth(ax, ay) - 1)
- bottomRightPoint = new Point(f / e, g / e);
- //calling canvas.drawPoint in loop can be very slow.
- // use canvas.drawPoints if you need
- //canvas.drawPoint(new Point(f / e,g / e), Color.RED);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (bottomRightPoint.X > image.Length - 1 || bottomRightPoint.Y > image[0].Length - 1)
- throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Sampling grid pointed out of image");
- canvas.drawPoint(bottomRightPoint, ThoughtWorks.QRCode.Codec.Util.Color_Fields.BLUE);
- return sampledMatrix;
- }
- }
- }