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  4. private List<Category> getTopCategories(List<Category> categories) {
  5. List<Category> topCategories = new ArrayList<Category>();
  6. for(int i=0; i<categories.size(); i++) {
  7. Category c = categories.get(i);
  8. if(c.getGrade() == 1) {
  9. topCategories.add(c);
  10. }
  11. }
  12. return topCategories;
  13. }
  14. private List<Category> getChilds(Category parent, List<Category> categories) {
  15. List<Category> childs = new ArrayList<Category>();
  16. for(int i=0; i<categories.size(); i++) {
  17. Category c = categories.get(i);
  18. if(c.getPid() == parent.getId()) {
  19. childs.add(c);
  20. }
  21. }
  22. return childs;
  23. }
  24. private String getChildsStr(List<Category> childs) {
  25. StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  26. for(int i=0; i<childs.size(); i++) {
  27. Category c = childs.get(i);
  28. buf.append("<a href='ShowProducts.jsp?categoryId=" + c.getId() + "'>")
  29.    .append(c.getName()).append("</a>")
  30.    .append("-");
  31. }
  32. return buf.toString();
  33. }
  34.  %>
  35. <%
  36. List<Category> categories = CategoryService.getInstance().getCategories();
  37. List<Category> topCategories = getTopCategories(categories);
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  417.                                         &nbsp;携相随(04.20-04.26)</font></a>&nbsp;<img src="images/hot_gif.gif"><br>
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  419.                                         ·<a class="twoji" target="_blank" href="">神奇与实用并存,星座礼物..</a><br>
  420.                                         ·<a class="twoji" target="_blank" href="">无限关爱3m优视灯关爱灯下..</a><br>
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  450.                                       <td class="twoji" align="left">·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=85" target="_blank">贝尔金成为2006网球大师杯..</a><br>
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  452.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=83" target="_blank">梁彦春出任贝尔金中国区总..</a><br>
  453.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=82" target="_blank">狂飚300M 802.11n无线路由</a><br>
  454.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=81" target="_blank">Pre-N 2代宽带无线路由器</a><br>
  455.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=79" target="_blank">金山毒霸杀毒U盘重装上阵</a><br>
  456.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=78" target="_blank">数码音频转播器真假说明</a><br>
  457.                                         ·<a class="twoji" href=";fileid=77" target="_blank">贝克曼清洁博士系列介绍</a><br></td>
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  551.                                               <td align="left" height="118" valign="middle"><span class="white">·<a href="" class="white">瑞士军刀 瑞士卡0.7100红</a><br>
  552.                                                 ·<a href="" class="white">3M 指示标签透明随身盒组合装(黄/蓝)</a><br>
  553.                                                 ·<a href="" class="white">德国贝克曼博士助洗去污剂100克*2装</a><br>
  554.                                                 ·<a href="" class="white">贝尔金无线迷你小鹰+贝尔金护腕式鼠标..</a><br>
  555.                                                 ·<a href="" class="white">欧姆龙905计步器</a><br>
  556.                                                 ·<a href="" class="white">贝尔金伸缩式AV视听线(黑色)</a><br>
  557.                                                 </span></td>
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  612.                                            second = topCategories.get(i+1);
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  618.                                                <%=first.getName() %>
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  634.                                                <%=second == null ? "" :  getChildsStr(getChilds(second, categories))%>
  635.                                               </td>
  636.                                             </tr>
  637.                                            <%
  638.                                            }
  639.                                             %>
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  664.                                             <tr>
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  666.                                             </tr>
  667.                                             <tr>
  668.                                               <td height="25"><img src="images/tou_02.gif"><a href="" class="twoji" title="3M 可调节笔记本底座-立式">3M 可调节笔记本底座-立式</a></td>
  669.                                             </tr>
  670.                                             <tr>
  671.                                               <td height="2"><img src="images/xian.gif" height="1" width="170"></td>
  672.                                             </tr>
  673.                                             <tr>
  674.                                               <td height="25"><img src="images/tou_02.gif"><a href="" class="twoji" title="贝尔金车载电源(车载交流供电器 300W)">贝尔金车载电源(车载交流..</a></td>
  675.                                             </tr>
  676.                                             <tr>
  677.                                               <td height="2"><img src="images/xian.gif" height="1" width="170"></td>
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