- /*****************************************************************************************
- // 快捷键系统
- // Copyright : Kingsoft 2002
- // Author : Wooy(Wu yue)
- // CreateTime: 2003-1-13
- *****************************************************************************************/
- #include "KWin32.h"
- #include "KIniFile.h"
- #include "ShortcutKey.h"
- #include "UiBase.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiTeamManage.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiOptions.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiStatus.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiItem.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiSkills.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiChannelSubscibe.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiPlayerBar.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiESCDlg.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiSkillTree.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiMiniMap.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiMsgCentrePad.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiChatCentre.h"
- #include "UICase/UiFaceSelector.h"
- #include "UICase/UiHelper.h"
- #include "UICase/UiHelper2.h"
- #include "UICase/UiTaskNote.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiTrade.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiShop.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiStoreBox.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiHeaderControlBar.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiToolsControlBar.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiGame.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiNewsMessage.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiTongCreateSheet.h"
- #include "UiCase/uisysmsgcentre.h"
- #include "Elem/SpecialFuncs.h"
- #include "UiShell.h"
- #include "KProtocol.h"
- #include "KRelayProtocol.h"
- #include "KTongProtocol.h"
- #include "../../core/Src/KPlayerMenuState.h"
- #include "../../core/src/coreshell.h"
- extern iCoreShell* g_pCoreShell;
- #include <crtdbg.h>
- KLuaScript KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_Script;
- COMMAND_SETTING* KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_pCommands = NULL;
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_nCommands = 0;
- bool KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_Enable = false;
- SHORTFUNCMAP KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_FunsMap;
- bool KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse = false;
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX = 0;
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY = 0;
- #define UI_AUTOEXEC_SETTING_FILE "\Ui\autoexec.lua"
- #define GAME_CONFIG_FILE "\config.ini"
- {
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////
- //x assist funcs
- static inline bool __x_isgraph(char c)
- {
- return c < 0 || isgraph(c);
- }
- inline bool __x_memcpy_n(void* d, size_t l, const void* s, size_t n)
- {
- if (l < n)
- return false;
- memcpy(d, s, n);
- return true;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::HandleKeyInput(unsigned int uKey, int nModifier)
- {
- int nIndex = FindCommand(MAKELONG(uKey, nModifier));
- if (nIndex >= 0)
- {
- return ExcuteScript(ms_pCommands[nIndex].szDo);
- }
- return false;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::HandleMouseInput(unsigned int uKey, int nModifier, int x, int y)
- {
- if (ms_bMouse)
- return false;
- ms_bMouse = true;
- ms_MouseX = x;
- ms_MouseY = y;
- int nIndex = FindCommand(MAKELONG(uKey, nModifier));
- int nRet = false;
- if (nIndex >= 0)
- {
- nRet = ExcuteScript(ms_pCommands[nIndex].szDo);
- }
- ms_bMouse = false;
- return nRet;
- }
- void KShortcutKeyCentre::Enable(bool b)
- {
- ms_Enable = b;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //窗口列表
- char* l_WindowList[] =
- {
- "team", //0 队伍
- "map", //1 地图
- "status", //2 状态
- "Items", //3 物品
- "skills", //4 技能
- "system", //5 系统
- "friend", //6 好友
- "help", //7 详细帮助
- "tasknote", //8 任务记事
- "leftskill", //9 左手技能
- "rightskill", //10 右手技能
- "commandline", //11 命令行
- "options", //12 选项
- "statustool", //13 状态工具条
- "normaltool", //14 常用工具条
- "chatroom", //15 聊天窗口
- "newsmessage", //16 新闻窗口
- "debug", //17 调试用的,搞好删掉...
- };
- int FindWindow(const char* szname)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(l_WindowList) / sizeof(char*); i++)
- {
- if (strcmpi(l_WindowList[i], szname) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- bool UiCloseWndsInGame(bool bAll);
- int LuaOpenWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strWindow = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strWindow)
- {
- switch(FindWindow(strWindow))
- {
- case 0: //队伍
- if (KUiTeamManage::GetIfVisible())
- KUiTeamManage::CloseWindow();
- else
- {
- KUiTeamManage::OpenWindow();
- }
- break;
- case 1: //地图
- MapToggleStatus();
- break;
- case 2: //状态
- if (KUiStatus::GetIfVisible())
- KUiStatus::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiStatus::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 3: //物品
- if (KUiItem::GetIfVisible())
- KUiItem::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiItem::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 4: //技能
- if (KUiSkills::GetIfVisible())
- KUiSkills::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiSkills::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 5: //系统
- if (UiCloseWndsInGame(false) == false)
- KUiESCDlg::OpenWindow();
- break;
- //选项
- case 6: //好友
- if (KUiChatCentre::GetIfVisible())
- KUiChatCentre::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiChatCentre::OpenWindow(true);
- break;
- case 7: //详细帮助
- if (KUiHelper2::GetIfVisible())
- KUiHelper2::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiHelper2::OpenWindow(true);
- break;
- case 8: //任务记事
- if (KUiTaskNote::GetIfVisible())
- KUiTaskNote::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiTaskNote::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 9: //左手技能
- if (KUiSkillTree::GetIfVisible())
- KUiSkillTree::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiSkillTree::OpenWindow(true);
- break;
- case 10: //右手技能
- if (KUiSkillTree::GetIfVisible())
- KUiSkillTree::CloseWindow(false);
- else
- KUiSkillTree::OpenWindow(false);
- break;
- case 12: //选项
- if (KUiOptions::GetIfVisible())
- KUiOptions::CloseWindow();
- else
- KUiOptions::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 16: //新闻
- if (KUiNewsMessage::GetIfVisible())
- KUiNewsMessage::CloseWindow();
- else
- KUiNewsMessage::OpenWindow();
- break;
- case 17: //调试用的
- if (KUiTongCreateSheet::GetIfVisible())
- KUiTongCreateSheet::CloseWindow();
- else
- KUiTongCreateSheet::OpenWindow();
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- KWndWindow* FindWndWindow(const char* szname)
- {
- KWndWindow* pWin = NULL;
- switch(FindWindow(szname))
- {
- case 1: //1 地图
- pWin = KUiMiniMap::GetSelf();
- break;
- case 13: //13 状态工具条
- pWin = KUiHeaderControlBar::GetSelf();
- break;
- case 14: //14 常用工具条
- pWin = KUiToolsControlBar::GetSelf();
- break;
- case 15: //15 聊天窗口
- pWin = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetSelf();
- break;
- }
- return pWin;
- }
- int LuaMoveWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strWindow = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int nX = (int)(Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2));
- int nY = (int)(Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 3));
- KWndWindow* pWin = FindWndWindow(strWindow);
- if (pWin)
- {
- pWin->SetPosition(nX, nY);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSizeWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strWindow = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int nW = (int)(Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2));
- int nH = (int)(Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 3));
- KWndWindow* pWin = FindWndWindow(strWindow);
- if (pWin)
- {
- pWin->SetSize(nW, nH);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaShowWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strWindow = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int nShow = (int)(Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2));
- if (strWindow)
- {
- KWndWindow* pWin = FindWndWindow(strWindow);
- if (pWin)
- {
- if (nShow)
- pWin->Show();
- else
- pWin->Hide();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaFocusWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strWindow = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strWindow)
- {
- switch(FindWindow(strWindow))
- {
- case 11: // 命令行
- KUiPlayerBar::InputNameMsg(false, "", true);
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaShortcutSkill(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- KUiSkillTree::HandleShortcutKey(nIndex);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaDirectShortcutSkill(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- KUiSkillTree::DirectHandleShortcutKey(nIndex);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaShortcutUseItem(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- //快捷物品的使用
- KUiPlayerBar::OnUseItem(nIndex);
- return 0;
- }
- //状态列表
- char* l_StatusList[] =
- {
- "run", //0 跑步
- "sit", //1 打坐
- "trade", //2 交易
- "pk", //3 PK
- "horse", //4 马
- "showplayername", //5 显示玩家名字
- "showplayerlife", //6 显示玩家生命
- "showplayermana", //7 显示玩家内力
- "showplayernumber", //8 界面显示玩家数字
- };
- int FindStatus(const char* szname)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(l_StatusList) / sizeof(char*); i++)
- {
- if (strcmpi(l_StatusList[i], szname) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int LuaSwitchStatus(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strStatus = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strStatus)
- {
- switch(FindStatus(strStatus))
- {
- case 0: //跑步
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_PLAYER_ACTION, PA_RUN, 0);
- break;
- case 1: //打坐
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_PLAYER_ACTION, PA_SIT, 0);
- break;
- case 2: //交易
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_TRADE_WILLING, 0, true);
- break;
- case 3: //PK
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_PK_SETTING, 0,
- !g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_PK_SETTING, 0, 0));
- }
- break;
- case 4: //马
- //if (g_pCoreShell)
- // g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_PK_SETTING, 0, Player_PK::ms_bPK);
- break;
- case 5: //显示玩家名字
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_SHOW_PLAYERS_NAME, 0,
- !g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_SHOW_PLAYERS_NAME, 0, 0));
- }
- break;
- case 6: //显示玩家生命
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_SHOW_PLAYERS_LIFE, 0,
- !g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_SHOW_PLAYERS_LIFE, 0, 0));
- }
- break;
- case 7: //显示玩家内力
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_SHOW_PLAYERS_MANA, 0,
- !g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_SHOW_PLAYERS_MANA, 0, 0));
- }
- break;
- case 8: //界面显示玩家数字
- Player_Life::m_bText = !Player_Life::m_bText;
- Player_Mana::m_bText = !Player_Mana::m_bText;
- Player_Stamina::m_bText = !Player_Stamina::m_bText;
- Player_Exp::m_bText = !Player_Exp::m_bText;
- break;
- case 9:
- KUiPlayerBar::SwitchChannel();
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSwitchChannel(Lua_State * L)
- {
- int nbUp = 0;
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 1)
- {
- nbUp = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- }
- KUiPlayerBar::SwitchChannel(nbUp);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaRegisterEvent(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 2)
- {
- char * szName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int hWnd = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2);
- g_UiBase.RegisterEvent(szName, (HANDLE)hWnd);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaUnregisterEvent(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 2)
- {
- char * szName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int hWnd = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2);
- g_UiBase.UnregisterEvent(szName, (HANDLE)hWnd);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSendEvent(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 2)
- {
- char * szName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- int nType = Lua_GetValueType(L, 2);
- char * szEvent = NULL;
- if (nType == LUA_TSTRING)
- szEvent = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- else if (nType == LUA_TNUMBER)
- {
- int nNum = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2);
- static char szNum[64];
- sprintf(szNum, "%d", nNum);
- szEvent = szNum;
- }
- if (szEvent)
- g_UiBase.NotifyOneEvent(szName, szEvent);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- extern int g_bRepresent3;
- extern int g_bScreen;
- int LuaGetAppStatus(Lua_State * L)
- {
- int nRet = -1;
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 1)
- {
- char * szName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (szName)
- {
- if (strcmpi(szName, "FullWindow") == 0)
- {
- nRet = g_bScreen ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else if (strcmpi(szName, "3D") == 0)
- {
- nRet = g_bRepresent3 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else if (strcmpi(szName, "2D") == 0)
- {
- nRet = !g_bRepresent3 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- }
- Lua_PushNumber(L, nRet);
- return 1;
- }
- namespace hotkey_str
- {
- std::string DescHotKey(DWORD hk)
- {
- static const char* modidesc_table[] = {
- // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Ext", "", "", "", ""
- };
- static const char* vkeydesc_table[] = {
- // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- // 8 9 A B C D E F
- "", "LButton", "RButton", "Cancel", "MButton", "", "", "", //0
- "BackSpace","Tab", "", "", "Clear", "Enter", "", "",
- "", "", "", "Pause", "CapLock", "", "", "", //1
- "", "", "", "ESC", "Convert", "NonConvert","Accept", "ModeChange",
- "Space", "PageUp", "PageDown", "End", "Home", "Left", "Up", "Right", //2
- "Down", "Select", "Print", "Execute", "PrintScreen", "Insert", "Delete", "Help",
- "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", //3
- "8", "9", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", //4
- "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
- "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", //5
- "X", "Y", "Z", "Windows", "", "Menu", "", "",
- "Num0", "Num1", "Num2", "Num3", "Num4", "Num5", "Num6", "Num7", //6
- "Num8", "Num9", "Num*", "Num+", "Separator","Num-", "Num.", "Num/",
- "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", //7
- "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16",
- "F17", "F18", "F19", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24", //8
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "NumLock", "ScrollLock","", "", "", "", "", "", //9
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //A
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //B
- "", "", ";", "=", ",", "-", ".", "/",
- "`", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //C
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //D
- "", "", "", "[", "\", "]", "'", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //E
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", //F
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "LDButton", "RDButton", "MDButton", "", "", "", "", "", //10
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- };
- static const size_t count_moditbl = sizeof(modidesc_table) / sizeof(modidesc_table[0]);
- static const size_t count_vkeytbl = sizeof(vkeydesc_table) / sizeof(vkeydesc_table[0]);
- static const char STR_DELIMITER[] = " + ";
- static const size_t LEN_DELIMITER = sizeof(STR_DELIMITER) - sizeof(STR_DELIMITER[0]);
- const WORD modi = HIWORD(hk);
- const WORD vkey = LOWORD(hk);
- if ((modi & 0xFF00) || (vkey >= count_vkeytbl))
- return "";
- const char* szVkDesc = vkeydesc_table[vkey];
- if (!szVkDesc[0])
- return "";
- std::string desc;
- {{
- for (size_t pos = 0; pos <= count_moditbl; pos++)
- {
- const char* szDesc = NULL;
- if (pos < count_moditbl)
- {
- if (!(modi & (0x01 << pos)))
- continue;
- szDesc = modidesc_table[pos];
- if (!szDesc[0])
- return "";
- }
- else
- {
- szDesc = szVkDesc;
- }
- if (!desc.empty())
- desc += STR_DELIMITER;
- desc += szDesc;
- }
- }}
- return desc;
- }
- DWORD ParseHotKey(const std::string& desc)
- {
- static const struct PATTERNMAP
- {
- enum {MASK_VKEY = 0x0000FFFF};
- typedef std::pair<DWORD, DWORD> HOTKEYPART;
- typedef std::map<std::string, HOTKEYPART, string_iless> DESC2HKPMAP;
- {
- const struct _PATTERN
- {
- char* desc;
- DWORD mask;
- DWORD value;
- } pattern_table[] = {
- //modifier
- {"Alt", HOTKEYF_ALT<<16, HOTKEYF_ALT<<16}, {"Ext", HOTKEYF_EXT<<16, HOTKEYF_EXT<<16},
- //vk
- {"BackSpace", MASK_VKEY, VK_BACK}, {"Tab", MASK_VKEY, VK_TAB}, {"Clear", MASK_VKEY, VK_CLEAR},
- {"Return", MASK_VKEY, VK_RETURN}, {"Pause", MASK_VKEY, VK_PAUSE},
- {"Escape", MASK_VKEY, VK_ESCAPE}, {"Space", MASK_VKEY, VK_SPACE},
- {"Prior", MASK_VKEY, VK_PRIOR}, {"Next", MASK_VKEY, VK_NEXT}, {"End", MASK_VKEY, VK_END}, {"Home", MASK_VKEY, VK_HOME},
- {"Left", MASK_VKEY, VK_LEFT}, {"Up", MASK_VKEY, VK_UP}, {"Right", MASK_VKEY, VK_RIGHT}, {"Down", MASK_VKEY, VK_DOWN},
- {"Insert", MASK_VKEY, VK_INSERT}, {"Delete", MASK_VKEY, VK_DELETE},
- {"Select", MASK_VKEY, VK_SELECT}, {"Print", MASK_VKEY, VK_PRINT}, {"Execute", MASK_VKEY, VK_EXECUTE},
- {"0", MASK_VKEY, '0'}, {"1", MASK_VKEY, '1'}, {"2", MASK_VKEY, '2'}, {"3", MASK_VKEY, '3'},
- {"4", MASK_VKEY, '4'}, {"5", MASK_VKEY, '5'}, {"6", MASK_VKEY, '6'}, {"7", MASK_VKEY, '7'},
- {"8", MASK_VKEY, '8'}, {"9", MASK_VKEY, '9'},
- {"A", MASK_VKEY, 'A'}, {"B", MASK_VKEY, 'B'}, {"C", MASK_VKEY, 'C'}, {"D", MASK_VKEY, 'D'},
- {"E", MASK_VKEY, 'E'}, {"F", MASK_VKEY, 'F'}, {"G", MASK_VKEY, 'G'}, {"H", MASK_VKEY, 'H'},
- {"I", MASK_VKEY, 'I'}, {"J", MASK_VKEY, 'J'}, {"K", MASK_VKEY, 'K'}, {"L", MASK_VKEY, 'L'},
- {"M", MASK_VKEY, 'M'}, {"N", MASK_VKEY, 'N'}, {"O", MASK_VKEY, 'O'}, {"P", MASK_VKEY, 'P'},
- {"Q", MASK_VKEY, 'Q'}, {"R", MASK_VKEY, 'R'}, {"S", MASK_VKEY, 'S'}, {"T", MASK_VKEY, 'T'},
- {"U", MASK_VKEY, 'U'}, {"V", MASK_VKEY, 'V'}, {"W", MASK_VKEY, 'W'}, {"X", MASK_VKEY, 'X'},
- {"Y", MASK_VKEY, 'Y'}, {"Z", MASK_VKEY, 'Z'},
- {"F1", MASK_VKEY, VK_F1}, {"F2", MASK_VKEY, VK_F2}, {"F3", MASK_VKEY, VK_F3}, {"F4", MASK_VKEY, VK_F4},
- {"F5", MASK_VKEY, VK_F5}, {"F6", MASK_VKEY, VK_F6}, {"F7", MASK_VKEY, VK_F7}, {"F8", MASK_VKEY, VK_F8},
- {"F9", MASK_VKEY, VK_F9}, {"F10", MASK_VKEY, VK_F10}, {"F11", MASK_VKEY, VK_F11}, {"F12", MASK_VKEY, VK_F12},
- {"F13", MASK_VKEY, VK_F13}, {"F14", MASK_VKEY, VK_F14}, {"F15", MASK_VKEY, VK_F15}, {"F16", MASK_VKEY, VK_F16},
- {"F17", MASK_VKEY, VK_F17}, {"F18", MASK_VKEY, VK_F18}, {"F19", MASK_VKEY, VK_F19}, {"F20", MASK_VKEY, VK_F20},
- {"F21", MASK_VKEY, VK_F21}, {"F22", MASK_VKEY, VK_F22}, {"F23", MASK_VKEY, VK_F23}, {"F24", MASK_VKEY, VK_F24},
- {";", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BA}, {"=", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BB}, {",", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BC}, {"-", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BD},
- {".", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BE}, {"/", MASK_VKEY, 0x00BF}, {"`", MASK_VKEY, 0x00C0},
- {"[", MASK_VKEY, 0x00DB},
- {"\", MASK_VKEY, 0x00DC}, {"]", MASK_VKEY, 0x00DD}, {"'", MASK_VKEY, 0x00DE},
- //modifier alias
- {"Break", MASK_VKEY, VK_PAUSE},
- //vk alias
- {"PageUp", MASK_VKEY, VK_PRIOR}, {"PageDown", MASK_VKEY, VK_NEXT},
- {"ScrlLock", MASK_VKEY, VK_SCROLL},
- {"NumDecimal", MASK_VKEY, VK_DECIMAL},
- {"PrintScreen", MASK_VKEY, VK_SNAPSHOT},
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pattern_table)/sizeof(pattern_table[0]); i++)
- {
- const _PATTERN& pat = pattern_table[i];
- theMap[std::string(pat.desc)] = std::make_pair(pat.mask, pat.value);
- }
- }
- } s_mapPattern;
- static const char CH_DELIMITER = '+';
- if (desc.empty())
- return 0;
- DWORD hkcode = 0;
- const char* szToken = desc.c_str(), * szLimit = NULL, * szNext = NULL;
- for ( ; *szToken; szToken = szNext)
- {
- for (szNext = NULL, szLimit = szToken; *szLimit; szLimit++)
- {
- if (*szLimit == CH_DELIMITER)
- {
- for (szNext = szLimit + 1; ; szNext++)
- {
- if (!*szNext)
- {
- szLimit ++;
- break;
- }
- if (*szNext == CH_DELIMITER)
- szLimit ++;
- else if (__x_isgraph(*szNext))
- break;
- }
- if (szLimit <= szToken)
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- while (!__x_isgraph(*szToken))
- {
- szToken ++;
- if (szToken >= szLimit)
- return 0;
- }
- const char* pe = szLimit - 1;
- while (!__x_isgraph(*pe))
- pe --;
- size_t toklen = pe - szToken + 1;
- PATTERNMAP::DESC2HKPMAP::const_iterator it = s_mapPattern.theMap.find(std::string(szToken, toklen));
- if (it == s_mapPattern.theMap.end())
- return 0;
- const PATTERNMAP::HOTKEYPART& hkp = (*it).second;
- if (hkcode & hkp.first)
- return 0;
- hkcode |= hkp.second;
- if (szNext == NULL)
- break;
- }
- if (!(hkcode & PATTERNMAP::MASK_VKEY))
- return 0;
- return hkcode;
- }
- } //namespace hotkey_str
- int LuaAddCommand(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strUKey = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strDo = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- cs.uKey = hotkey_str::ParseHotKey(strUKey);
- strncpy(cs.szCommand, strName, 31);
- cs.szCommand[31] = 0;
- strncpy(cs.szDo, strDo, 127);
- cs.szDo[127] = 0;
- KShortcutKeyCentre::AddCommand(&cs);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaRemoveCommand(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strUKey = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- cs.uKey = hotkey_str::ParseHotKey(strUKey);
- if (cs.uKey != 0)
- KShortcutKeyCentre::RemoveCommand(KShortcutKeyCentre::FindCommand(cs.uKey));
- else if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- strncpy(cs.szCommand, strName, 31);
- cs.szCommand[31] = 0;
- KShortcutKeyCentre::RemoveCommand(KShortcutKeyCentre::FindCommand(cs.szCommand));
- }
- else //清除所有命令
- {
- KShortcutKeyCentre::RemoveCommandAll();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaMakeFriend(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- strncpy(SelectPlayer.Name, strName, 32);
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_MAKEFRIEND);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaCreateTeam(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->TeamOperation(TEAM_OI_CREATE, 0, 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaJoinTeam(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_JOINTEAM);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaInviteTeam(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_INVITETEAM);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaTrade(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_TRADE);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaRevenge(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_REVENGE);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaFollow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_FOLLOW);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaViewItem(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0)
- {
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell &&
- g_pCoreShell->FindSpecialNPC(strName, &SelectPlayer, nKind) && nKind == kind_player)
- {
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_VIEWITEM);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaPrintScreen(Lua_State * L)
- {
- SaveScreenToFile();
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaClearMessage(Lua_State * L)
- {
- KUiMsgCentrePad::Clear();
- return 0;
- }
- #include "../../Engine/src/Text.h"
- int LuaSay(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMessage = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nLen = strlen(strMessage);
- if (strName && strName[0] != 0 && !KUiPlayerBar::IsSelfName(strName))
- {
- if (KUiPlayerBar::IsCanSendMessage(strMessage, nLen, strName, -1))
- {
- char Buffer[1536];
- nLen = KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFaceText(Buffer, strMessage, nLen);
- nLen = TEncodeText(Buffer, nLen);
- KUiPlayerBar::OnSendSomeoneMessage(strName, Buffer, nLen);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaChat(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strChannelName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMessage = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nLen = strlen(strMessage);
- if (strChannelName && strChannelName[0] != 0)
- {
- int nIndex = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelIndex(strChannelName);
- DWORD nChannelID = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelID(nIndex);
- if (nChannelID != -1)
- {
- if (KUiPlayerBar::IsCanSendMessage(strMessage, nLen, strChannelName, nChannelID))
- {
- char Buffer[1536];
- nLen = KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFaceText(Buffer, strMessage, nLen);
- nLen = TEncodeText(Buffer, nLen);
- KUiMsgCentrePad::CheckChannel(nIndex, true);
- KUiPlayerBar::OnSendChannelMessage(nChannelID, Buffer, nLen);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaRegisterFunctionAlias(Lua_State * L)
- {
- int nCount = Lua_GetTopIndex(L);
- if (nCount < 2)
- return 0;
- char * strFunAlias = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strFun = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nParam = 0;
- if (nCount >= 3)
- {
- nParam = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 3);
- }
- for(int i = 4; i <= nCount; i++)
- {
- char* sDefault = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, i);
- if (sDefault == NULL || sDefault[0] == 0)
- List.push_back("""");
- else
- List.push_back(sDefault);
- }
- KShortcutKeyCentre::RegisterFunctionAlias(strFunAlias, strFun, nParam, List);
- return 0;
- }
- #include "UiChatPhrase.h"
- extern KUiChatPhrase g_UiChatPhrase;
- int LuaSayPhrase(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- char szPhrase[64];
- int nLen = g_UiChatPhrase.GetPhrase(nIndex, szPhrase);
- if (nLen > 0)
- {
- DWORD nChannelID = -1;
- //附近玩家
- int nChannelDataCount = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelCount();
- for (int n = 0; n < nChannelDataCount; n++)
- {
- if (KUiMsgCentrePad::IsChannelType(n, KUiMsgCentrePad::ch_Screen))
- {
- nChannelID = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelID(n);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (nChannelID != -1)
- {
- if (KUiPlayerBar::IsCanSendMessage(szPhrase, nLen, KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelTitle(KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelIndex(nChannelID)), nChannelID))
- {
- char Buffer[1536];
- nLen = KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFaceText(Buffer, szPhrase, nLen);
- nLen = TEncodeText(Buffer, nLen);
- KUiMsgCentrePad::CheckChannel(n, true);
- KUiPlayerBar::OnSendChannelMessage(nChannelID, Buffer, nLen);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSayEmote(Lua_State * L)
- {
- char *pszDestName, *pszDestChannel;
- int nEmoteIndex;
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- nEmoteIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 3);
- pszDestName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- pszDestChannel = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- ProcessEmote(pszDestName, pszDestChannel, nEmoteIndex);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaGetCurrentChannelName(Lua_State * L)
- {
- int nCurChannel = KUiPlayerBar::GetCurChannel();
- if(nCurChannel >= 0 && nCurChannel < KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelCount())
- {
- Lua_PushString(L, KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelTitle(nCurChannel));
- }
- else
- {
- Lua_PushString(L, "");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int LuaGetRecentPlayerName(Lua_State * L)
- {
- int nCurChannel = KUiPlayerBar::GetCurChannel();
- if(nCurChannel >= KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelCount())
- {
- Lua_PushString(L, KUiPlayerBar::GetRecentPlayerName(nCurChannel));
- }
- else
- {
- Lua_PushString(L, "");
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int LuaConvertEmotes(Lua_State * L)
- {
- g_UiChatPhrase.ConstructFunctionAlias();
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetEmote(Lua_State *L)
- {
- int nIndex = -1, nParamCount = Lua_GetTopIndex(L);
- char *pszCmd, *pszName, *pszStringTarget, *pszStringSelf;
- switch(nParamCount)
- {
- case 5:
- nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 5);
- case 4:
- pszCmd = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- pszName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- pszStringSelf = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 4);
- pszStringTarget = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- g_UiChatPhrase.SetEmote(pszCmd, pszName, pszStringTarget, pszStringSelf, nIndex);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetScreenShotFolder(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if(Lua_GetTopIndex(L) == 1)
- {
- char *pszFolder = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char szPath[256], Buff[128];
- if(pszFolder[0] == '$' && pszFolder[1] == '\')
- {
- g_GetRootPath(Buff);
- sprintf(szPath, "%s\%s", Buff, pszFolder + 2);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(szPath, pszFolder, strlen(pszFolder) + 1);
- }
- SetScrPicPath(szPath);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetPhrase(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- int nIndex = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- char * strPhrase = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nLen = strlen(strPhrase);
- if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < g_UiChatPhrase.GetPhraseCount())
- {
- g_UiChatPhrase.SetPhrase(nIndex, strPhrase, nLen);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #include "../Login/Login.h"
- #include "UiCase/UiInit.h"
- int LuaExitGame(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (KUiESCDlg::GetIfVisible())
- KUiESCDlg::CloseWindow(false);
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_EXIT_GAME, 0, 0);
- g_LoginLogic.ReturnToIdle();
- UiEndGame();
- KUiInit::OpenWindow(true, false);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaExit(Lua_State * L)
- {
- UiPostQuitMsg();
- return 0;
- }
- #define GAME_CONFIG_STRING_INI "\Ui\杂烩.ini"
- int LuaSet3D(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- KIniFile Ini, IniString;
- KSystemMessage Msg;
- int nBool = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- Msg.eType = SMT_NORMAL;
- Msg.byConfirmType = SMCT_NONE;
- Msg.byPriority = 0;
- Msg.byParamSize = 0;
- if (nBool)
- {
- IniString.GetString("Config", "3D", "游戏设为3D模式,重新启动游戏后生效。", Msg.szMessage, sizeof(Msg.szMessage));
- Ini.WriteInteger("Client", "Represent", SCREEN_MODE_3D);
- }
- else
- {
- IniString.GetString("Config", "2D", "游戏设为2D模式,重新启动游戏后生效。", Msg.szMessage, sizeof(Msg.szMessage));
- Ini.WriteInteger("Client", "Represent", SCREEN_MODE_2D);
- }
- KUiSysMsgCentre::AMessageArrival(&Msg, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetFullWindow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- KIniFile Ini, IniString;
- KSystemMessage Msg;
- int nBool = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- Msg.eType = SMT_NORMAL;
- Msg.byConfirmType = SMCT_NONE;
- Msg.byPriority = 0;
- Msg.byParamSize = 0;
- if (nBool)
- {
- IniString.GetString("Config", "FullWindow", "游戏设定改变为全屏运行,将在下次启动游戏的时候生效。", Msg.szMessage, sizeof(Msg.szMessage));
- Ini.WriteInteger("Client", "FullScreen", 1);
- }
- else
- {
- IniString.GetString("Config", "Window", "游戏设定改变为窗口运行,将在下次启动游戏的时候生效。", Msg.szMessage, sizeof(Msg.szMessage));
- Ini.WriteInteger("Client", "FullScreen", 0);
- }
- KUiSysMsgCentre::AMessageArrival(&Msg, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaMoveTo(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- int nDir = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- int nM = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 2);
- if (nDir < 0)
- nDir = 0;
- if (nDir > 63)
- nDir = 63;
- if (nM < 0)
- nM = 0;
- if (nM > 2)
- nM = 2;
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->Goto(nDir, nM);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaTurnTo(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nDir = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- if (nDir < 0)
- nDir = 0;
- if (nDir > 2)
- nDir = 2;
- if (g_pCoreShell)
- g_pCoreShell->Turn(nDir);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Action(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell->ThrowAwayItem()) //先扔掉手里的物品
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nNPCKind = -1;
- if (g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_all, false, &SelectPlayer, nNPCKind))
- {
- int nRelation = g_pCoreShell->GetNPCRelation(SelectPlayer.nIndex);
- if (nRelation == relation_enemy)
- {
- KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill immedItemSkillInfo;
- memset(&immedItemSkillInfo, 0, sizeof(KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill));
- g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_PLAYER_IMMED_ITEMSKILL, (int)&immedItemSkillInfo, 0);
- if (!g_pCoreShell->LockSomeoneUseSkill(SelectPlayer.nIndex, immedItemSkillInfo.IMmediaSkill[0].uId)) //锁定失败
- g_pCoreShell->LockSomeoneAction(0); //解锁
- }
- else if (nRelation == relation_dialog)
- {
- g_pCoreShell->LockSomeoneAction(SelectPlayer.nIndex);
- }
- }
- else
- g_pCoreShell->LockSomeoneAction(0);
- int nObjKind = -1;
- int nObjectIdx = 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell->FindSelectObject(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, false, nObjectIdx, nObjKind))
- {
- g_pCoreShell->LockObjectAction(nObjectIdx);
- }
- else
- g_pCoreShell->LockObjectAction(0);
- g_pCoreShell->GotoWhere(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Force0(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell->ThrowAwayItem()) //先扔掉手里的物品
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill immedItemSkillInfo;
- memset(&immedItemSkillInfo, 0, sizeof(KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill));
- g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_PLAYER_IMMED_ITEMSKILL, (int)&immedItemSkillInfo, 0);
- g_pCoreShell->UseSkill(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, immedItemSkillInfo.IMmediaSkill[0].uId);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Force1(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell->ThrowAwayItem()) //先扔掉手里的物品
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill immedItemSkillInfo;
- memset(&immedItemSkillInfo, 0, sizeof(KUiPlayerImmedItemSkill));
- g_pCoreShell->GetGameData(GDI_PLAYER_IMMED_ITEMSKILL, (int)&immedItemSkillInfo, 0);
- g_pCoreShell->UseSkill(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, immedItemSkillInfo.IMmediaSkill[1].uId);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_MoveTo(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nM = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- if (nM < 0)
- nM = 0;
- if (nM > 2)
- nM = 2;
- g_pCoreShell->GotoWhere(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, nM);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Menu(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- PopUpContextPeopleMenu(SelectPlayer, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Emote_Menu(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- PopUpContextEmoteMenu(SelectPlayer.Name, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Say(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_CHAT);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_MakeFriend(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_MAKEFRIEND);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_JoinTeam(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_JOINTEAM);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_InviteTeam(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_INVITETEAM);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Trade(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_TRADE);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Revenge(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_REVENGE);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_Follow(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_FOLLOW);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_ViewItem(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_VIEWITEM);
- return 0;
- }
- int Mouse_BlackList(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (!KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_bMouse)
- return 0;
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- KUiPlayerItem SelectPlayer;
- int nKind = -1;
- if (!(g_pCoreShell->FindSelectNPC(KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseX, KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_MouseY, relation_none | relation_ally | relation_enemy, false, &SelectPlayer, nKind)
- && kind_player == nKind))
- return 0;
- ProcessPeople(&SelectPlayer, ACTION_BLACKLIST);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaThrowAwayItem(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (g_pCoreShell == NULL)
- return 0;
- g_pCoreShell->ThrowAwayItem();
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetChatFontSzie(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- int nF = (int)Lua_ValueToNumber(L, 1);
- KUiMsgCentrePad::SetFontSize(nF);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetChannelTextColor(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strBColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- if (strName && strColor)
- {
- KUiMsgCentrePad::SetChannelTextColor(strName, GetColor(strColor), GetColor(strBColor));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetMeTextColor(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strBColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- if (strColor)
- {
- KUiMsgCentrePad::SetMSNTextColor(0, GetColor(strColor), GetColor(strBColor));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetFriendTextColor(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strBColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- if (strColor)
- {
- KUiMsgCentrePad::SetMSNTextColor(1, GetColor(strColor), GetColor(strBColor));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetStrangerTextColor(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strBColor = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- if (strColor)
- {
- KUiMsgCentrePad::SetMSNTextColor(2, GetColor(strColor), GetColor(strBColor));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaDebug(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strMode = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strcmpi(strMode, "ShowMouseWnd") == 0)
- {
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void AddBlackList(const char* strName, const char* strGroup);
- int LuaAddBlackList(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1 && Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- std::string group;
- if (strGroup)
- group = strGroup;
- AddBlackList(strName, group.c_str());
- return 0;
- }
- void RemoveBlackList(char* strName);
- void ClearBlackList();
- int LuaRemoveBlackList(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- if (strName == NULL || strName[0] == 0)
- ClearBlackList();
- else
- RemoveBlackList(strName);
- return 0;
- }
- void CreateAddinUnit(const char* UnitName);
- int LuaCreateAddinUnit(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- CreateAddinUnit(strName);
- return 0;
- }
- void DeleteAddinUnit(const char* UnitName);
- int LuaDeleteAddinUnit(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 1)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- DeleteAddinUnit(strName);
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaCreateUnitGroup(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::NewGroup(nUint, strGroup);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaRenameUnitGroup(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strNewGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::ReplaceGroupName(nUint, strGroup, strNewGroup);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaMoveUnitGroup(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strNewGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::MoveGroupToGroup(nUint, strGroup, strNewGroup, false);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaDeleteUnitGroup(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::MoveGroupToGroup(nUint, strGroup, "", true);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaMoveUnitMember(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMember = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::MoveFriendToGroup(nUint, strMember, strGroup);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaCreateAddinUnitMember(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMember = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strGroup = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindAddinUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::AddFriendInfo(nUint, strMember, strGroup);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaDeleteAddinUnitMember(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMember = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindAddinUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- KUiChatCentre::DeleteFriend(nUint, strMember, true);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaSetAddinUnitMemberStatus(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 3)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMember = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- char * strStatus = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 3);
- int nUint = KUiChatCentre::FindAddinUnitIndex(strName);
- if (nUint >= 0)
- {
- int nStatus = stateOnline;
- if (strStatus == NULL || strStatus[0] == 0)
- nStatus = stateOffline;
- KUiChatCentre::FriendStatus(nUint, strMember, nStatus);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int LuaShowSomeoneMessage(Lua_State * L)
- {
- if (Lua_GetTopIndex(L) != 2)
- return 0;
- char * strName = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 1);
- char * strMessage = (char *)Lua_ValueToString(L, 2);
- if (strName == NULL || strName[0] == 0)
- return 0;
- int nLen = strlen(strMessage);
- char Buffer[1536];
- nLen = KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFaceText(Buffer, strMessage, nLen);
- nLen = TEncodeText(Buffer, nLen);
- KUiMsgCentrePad::ShowSomeoneMessage(strName, Buffer, nLen);
- return 0;
- }
- TLua_Funcs GameScriptFuns[] =
- {
- {"Mouse_Action", Mouse_Action},
- {"Mouse_Force0", Mouse_Force0},
- {"Mouse_Force1", Mouse_Force1},
- {"Mouse_MoveTo", Mouse_MoveTo}, //mode
- {"Mouse_Menu", Mouse_Menu},
- {"Mouse_Emote_Menu", Mouse_Emote_Menu},
- {"Mouse_Say", Mouse_Say},
- {"Mouse_MakeFriend", Mouse_MakeFriend},
- {"Mouse_JoinTeam", Mouse_JoinTeam},
- {"Mouse_InviteTeam", Mouse_InviteTeam},
- {"Mouse_Trade", Mouse_Trade},
- {"Mouse_Revenge", Mouse_Revenge},
- {"Mouse_Follow", Mouse_Follow},
- {"Mouse_ViewItem", Mouse_ViewItem},
- {"Mouse_BlackList", Mouse_BlackList},
- {"AddCommand", LuaAddCommand}, //char* szKey, char* szName, char* szScript
- {"RemoveCommand", LuaRemoveCommand}, //char* szKey, char* szName
- {"Open", LuaOpenWindow}, //char* szWindow
- {"Focus", LuaFocusWindow}, //char* szWindow
- {"Switch", LuaSwitchStatus}, //char* szStatus
- {"ShortcutSkill", LuaShortcutSkill}, //int nIdex [0, SKILLTREE_SHORTCUT_SKILL_COUNT)
- {"DirectShortcutSkill", LuaDirectShortcutSkill}, //int nIdex [0, SKILLTREE_SHORTCUT_SKILL_COUNT)
- {"ShortcutUseItem", LuaShortcutUseItem}, //int nIdex [0, UPB_IMMEDIA_ITEM_COUNT)
- {"MakeFriend", LuaMakeFriend}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"CreateTeam", LuaCreateTeam},
- {"JoinTeam", LuaJoinTeam}, //char* szTeamLeaderName
- {"InviteTeam", LuaInviteTeam}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"Trade", LuaTrade}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"Revenge", LuaRevenge}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"Follow", LuaFollow}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"ViewItem", LuaViewItem}, //char* szPlayerName
- {"PrintScreen", LuaPrintScreen},
- {"ClearMessage", LuaClearMessage},
- {"Say", LuaSay}, // char * strPlayerName, char * strMessage
- {"Chat", LuaChat}, // char * strChannelName, char * strMessage
- {"RegisterFunctionAlias", LuaRegisterFunctionAlias}, //char * strFunAlias, char * strFun, [int nParam], [Paramlist...]
- {"SayPhrase", LuaSayPhrase}, //int nIndex
- {"SetPhrase", LuaSetPhrase}, //int nIndex, char * strPhrase
- {"SayEmote", LuaSayEmote}, //char* pszDestName, char* pszDestChannel, int nEmoteIndex
- {"ExitGame", LuaExitGame},
- {"Exit", LuaExit},
- {"Set3D", LuaSet3D}, //int nBool
- {"SetFullWindow", LuaSetFullWindow}, //int nBool
- {"MoveWindow", LuaMoveWindow}, //char* szWindow, x, y
- {"SizeWindow", LuaSizeWindow}, //char* szWindow, w, h
- {"ShowWindow", LuaShowWindow}, //char* szWindow, bool
- {"MoveTo", LuaMoveTo}, //dir, mode
- {"TurnTo", LuaTurnTo}, //dir
- {"ThrowAwayItem", LuaThrowAwayItem},
- {"SetChatFontSize", LuaSetChatFontSzie}, //nFontSize
- {"SetChannelTextColor", LuaSetChannelTextColor}, //char* strname, char* strColor, char* strBorderColor
- {"SetMeTextColor", LuaSetMeTextColor}, //char* strColor, char* strBorderColor
- {"SetFriendTextColor", LuaSetFriendTextColor}, //char* strColor, char* strBorderColor
- {"SetStrangerTextColor", LuaSetStrangerTextColor}, //char* strColor, char* strBorderColor
- {"AddBlackList", LuaAddBlackList}, //char* strName, [char* strGroup]
- {"RemoveBlackList", LuaRemoveBlackList}, //char* strName
- {"Debug", LuaDebug}, //char* strMode
- {"SwitchChannel", LuaSwitchChannel},
- {"RegisterEvent", LuaRegisterEvent}, //char* strName, HWND hWnd
- {"UnregisterEvent", LuaUnregisterEvent}, //char* strName, HWND hWnd
- {"SendEvent", LuaSendEvent}, //char* strName, char* szEvent
- {"GetAppStatus", LuaGetAppStatus},
- {"ShowSomeoneMessage", LuaShowSomeoneMessage}, //char* strName, char* szMessage
- {"GetCurrentChannelName", LuaGetCurrentChannelName},//return the Current Channel Name if isn't private channel, or null in private channel
- {"GetRecentPlayerName", LuaGetRecentPlayerName}, //return the telling player name if is private channel, or null in public channel
- {"CreateAddinUnit", LuaCreateAddinUnit}, //char* strName
- {"DeleteAddinUnit", LuaDeleteAddinUnit}, //char* strName
- {"CreateUnitGroup", LuaCreateUnitGroup}, //char* strName, char* strGroup
- {"RenameUnitGroup", LuaRenameUnitGroup}, //char* strName, char* strGroup, char* strNewGroup
- {"MoveUnitGroup", LuaMoveUnitGroup}, //char* strName, char* strGroup, char* strNewGroup
- {"DeleteUnitGroup", LuaDeleteUnitGroup}, //char* strName, char* strGroup
- {"MoveUnitMember", LuaMoveUnitMember}, //char* strName, char* strMember, char* strGroup
- {"CreateAddinUnitMember", LuaCreateAddinUnitMember}, //char* strName, char* strMember, char* strGroup
- {"DeleteAddinUnitMember", LuaDeleteAddinUnitMember}, //char* strName, char* strMember
- {"SetAddinUnitMemberStatus", LuaSetAddinUnitMemberStatus}, //char* strName, char* strMember, char* strStatus
- {"ConvertEmotes", LuaConvertEmotes}, //Convert the WHOLE Emote File into Lua file
- {"SetEmote", LuaSetEmote}, //Set a emote expression, give 5 param,1 = command,2 = emote name,3 = emote expression with target,4 = emote expression without target,5 = emote index,if 5 set give,willl change the command,name,strings of emote with this index,if not give,this function will search the emote index by the command
- {"SetScreenShotFolder", LuaSetScreenShotFolder},//Set the ScreenShot save folder
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int g_GetGameScriptFunNum()
- {
- return sizeof(GameScriptFuns) / sizeof(TLua_Funcs);
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::InitScript()
- {
- if (ms_Script.Init() && ms_Script.RegisterFunctions(GameScriptFuns, g_GetGameScriptFunNum()))
- {
- return LoadScript(UI_AUTOEXEC_SETTING_FILE);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::LoadScript(char* pFileName)
- {
- ClearScript();
- return ms_Script.Load(pFileName);
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::UninitScript()
- {
- return ClearScript();
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::ClearScript()
- {
- if (ms_pCommands)
- free(ms_pCommands);
- ms_pCommands = NULL;
- ms_nCommands = 0;
- ms_FunsMap.clear();
- g_UiChatPhrase.ClearAllPhrase();
- return TRUE;
- }
- #define SCRIPT_SECTION "ScriptAuto"
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::LoadPrivateSetting(KIniFile* pFile)
- {
- if (pFile == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nVersion = 0;
- pFile->GetInteger(SCRIPT_SECTION, "Version", 0, &nVersion);
- int nVersionDefault = 1;
- KIniFile* pFileDefault = g_UiBase.GetCommConfigFile();
- if (pFileDefault)
- pFileDefault->GetInteger("ShortcutSet", "Version", 1, &nVersionDefault);
- if (nVersion < nVersionDefault) //没有系统缺省版本高的私人版本不加载
- return FALSE;
- ClearScript();
- char szKey[10];
- char szLine[256];
- int i = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pFile->GetString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, "", szLine, 255);
- if (szLine[0] == 0)
- break;
- else
- {
- if (ms_Script.LoadBuffer((PBYTE)szLine, strlen(szLine)))
- {
- ms_Script.ExecuteCode();
- }
- }
- i++;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- int SaveBlackListPrivateSetting(KIniFile* pFile, LPCSTR lpSection, int nStart);
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::SavePrivateSetting(KIniFile* pFile)
- {
- if (pFile == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nVersionDefault = 1;
- KIniFile* pFileDefault = g_UiBase.GetCommConfigFile();
- if (pFileDefault)
- pFileDefault->GetInteger("ShortcutSet", "Version", 1, &nVersionDefault);
- pFile->WriteInteger(SCRIPT_SECTION, "Version", nVersionDefault);
- char szKey[10];
- char szLine[512];
- int i = 0;
- for (; i < ms_nCommands; i++)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "AddCommand("%s", "%s", "%s")", GetKeyName(ms_pCommands[i].uKey), ms_pCommands[i].szCommand, ms_pCommands[i].szDo);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- }
- SHORTFUNCMAP::iterator iFun = ms_FunsMap.begin();
- while (iFun != ms_FunsMap.end())
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- int nLen = sprintf(szLine, "RegisterFunctionAlias("%s", "%s", %d", iFun->first.c_str(), iFun->second.strName.c_str(),
- iFun->second.nParamNum);
- PARAMLIST::iterator iP = iFun->second.strDefaultParam.begin();
- while (iP != iFun->second.strDefaultParam.end())
- {
- std::string strP = (*iP);
- if (strP.empty() || strP == """")
- nLen += sprintf(szLine + nLen, ", """);
- else
- nLen += sprintf(szLine + nLen, ", "%s"", strP.c_str());
- iP++;
- }
- strcat(szLine + nLen, ")");
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- iFun++;
- i++;
- }
- i = g_UiChatPhrase.SavePrivateSetting(pFile, SCRIPT_SECTION, i);
- KWndWindow* pWin = NULL;
- int nX, nY;
- int nW, nH;
- pWin = KUiMiniMap::GetSelf();
- if (pWin)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pWin->GetPosition(&nX, &nY);
- sprintf(szLine, "MoveWindow("%s", %d, %d)", "map", nX, nY);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "ShowWindow("%s", %d)", "map", pWin->IsVisible() ? 1 : 0);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- }
- pWin = KUiHeaderControlBar::GetSelf();
- if (pWin)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pWin->GetPosition(&nX, &nY);
- sprintf(szLine, "MoveWindow("%s", %d, %d)", "statustool", nX, nY);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "ShowWindow("%s", %d)", "statustool", pWin->IsVisible() ? 1 : 0);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- }
- pWin = KUiToolsControlBar::GetSelf();
- if (pWin)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pWin->GetPosition(&nX, &nY);
- sprintf(szLine, "MoveWindow("%s", %d, %d)", "normaltool", nX, nY);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "ShowWindow("%s", %d)", "normaltool", pWin->IsVisible() ? 1 : 0);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- }
- pWin = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetSelf();
- if (pWin)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pWin->GetPosition(&nX, &nY);
- sprintf(szLine, "MoveWindow("%s", %d, %d)", "chatroom", nX, nY);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- pWin->GetSize(&nW, &nH);
- sprintf(szLine, "SizeWindow("%s", %d, %d)", "chatroom", nW, nH);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "ShowWindow("%s", %d)", "chatroom", pWin->IsVisible() ? 1 : 0);
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "SetChatFontSize(%d)", KUiMsgCentrePad::GetFontSize());
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- int nCIndex = 0;
- DWORD uColor = 0;
- DWORD uBColor = 0;
- char* pTitle = NULL;
- while (1)
- {
- uColor = 0;
- uBColor = 0;
- pTitle = KUiMsgCentrePad::GetChannelTextColor(nCIndex++, uColor, uBColor);
- if (pTitle == NULL)
- break;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "SetChannelTextColor("%s", "%s", "%s")", pTitle, std::string(GetColorString(uColor)).c_str(), std::string(GetColorString(uBColor)).c_str());
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- }
- uColor = 0;
- uBColor = 0;
- KUiMsgCentrePad::GetMSNTextColor(0, uColor, uBColor);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "SetMeTextColor("%s", "%s")", std::string(GetColorString(uColor)).c_str(), std::string(GetColorString(uBColor)).c_str());
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- uColor = 0;
- uBColor = 0;
- KUiMsgCentrePad::GetMSNTextColor(1, uColor, uBColor);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "SetFriendTextColor("%s", "%s")", std::string(GetColorString(uColor)).c_str(), std::string(GetColorString(uBColor)).c_str());
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- uColor = 0;
- uBColor = 0;
- KUiMsgCentrePad::GetMSNTextColor(2, uColor, uBColor);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- sprintf(szLine, "SetStrangerTextColor("%s", "%s")", std::string(GetColorString(uColor)).c_str(), std::string(GetColorString(uBColor)).c_str());
- pFile->WriteString(SCRIPT_SECTION, szKey, szLine);
- i++;
- }
- i = SaveBlackListPrivateSetting(pFile, SCRIPT_SECTION, i);
- return i;
- }
- size_t Compile(const char* src, char* dst, size_t dstlen)
- {
- static const char str_param_begin[] = " ( ";
- static const char str_param_end[] = " ) ";
- static const char str_param_split[] = ", ";
- static const char str_quote_begin[] = """;
- static const char str_quote_end[] = """;
- static const size_t len_param_begin = sizeof(str_param_begin) - sizeof(str_param_begin[0]);
- static const size_t len_param_end = sizeof(str_param_end) - sizeof(str_param_end[0]);
- static const size_t len_param_split = sizeof(str_param_split) - sizeof(str_param_split[0]);
- static const char len_quote_begin = sizeof(str_quote_begin) - sizeof(str_quote_begin[0]);
- static const char len_quote_end = sizeof(str_quote_end) - sizeof(str_quote_end[0]);
- if (src == NULL || dst == NULL || dstlen <= 0)
- return 0;
- SHORTFUNCMAP::iterator iFun = KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_FunsMap.end();
- size_t uselen = 0;
- size_t cntToken = 0;
- const char* szToken = NULL;
- const char* szNext = src - 1;
- for ( ; ; )
- {
- for (szToken = szNext + 1; *szToken; szToken++)
- {
- if (__x_isgraph(*szToken))
- break;
- }
- if (!*szToken)
- break;
- for (szNext = szToken + 1; *szNext; szNext++)
- {
- if (!__x_isgraph(*szNext))
- break;
- }
- size_t toklen = szNext - szToken;
- if (cntToken > 0)
- {//param
- if (cntToken > 1)
- {//non first param
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_param_split, len_param_split))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_param_split;
- }
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_quote_begin, len_quote_begin))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_quote_begin;
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, szToken, toklen))
- return 0;
- uselen += toklen;
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_quote_end, len_quote_end))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_quote_end;
- }
- else
- {//func name
- iFun = KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_FunsMap.find(std::string(szToken, toklen));
- if (iFun == KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_FunsMap.end())
- {
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, szToken, toklen))
- return 0;
- uselen += toklen;
- }
- else
- {
- const std::string& name = iFun->second.strName;
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, name.c_str(), name.size()))
- return 0;
- uselen += name.size();
- }
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_param_begin, len_param_begin))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_param_begin;
- }
- cntToken ++;
- if (!*szNext)
- break;
- }
- if (cntToken > 0)
- {//is func, fill ')'
- if (iFun != KShortcutKeyCentre::ms_FunsMap.end())
- {
- int nParamCount = cntToken - 1;
- if (iFun->second.nParamNum - nParamCount > 0)
- { //补默认参数
- _ASSERT(iFun->second.strDefaultParam.size() == iFun->second.nParamNum);
- PARAMLIST::iterator iP = iFun->second.strDefaultParam.begin();
- for (int nSkip = nParamCount; nSkip > 0; nSkip--)
- {
- iP++;
- }
- for (int nDefault = iFun->second.nParamNum - nParamCount; nDefault > 0; nDefault--)
- {
- if (nParamCount > 0)
- {
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_param_split, len_param_split))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_param_split;
- }
- const std::string& name = (*iP);
- iP++;
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, name.c_str(), name.size()))
- return 0;
- uselen += name.size();
- nParamCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!__x_memcpy_n(dst + uselen, dstlen - uselen, str_param_end, len_param_end))
- return 0;
- uselen += len_param_end;
- }
- return uselen;
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::TranslateExcuteScript(const char * ScriptCommand)
- {
- if (ScriptCommand && ScriptCommand[0] != 0)
- {
- int nIndex = FindCommand(ScriptCommand); //首先寻找快捷键带的名称
- if (nIndex >= 0)
- {
- if (ms_pCommands[nIndex].szDo[0] != 0)
- return ExcuteScript(ms_pCommands[nIndex].szDo);
- }
- else//翻译通常语法为严格语法
- {
- char szTrueCommand[512];
- szTrueCommand[0] = 0;
- //语法转换和函数名转换
- int nLen = Compile(ScriptCommand, szTrueCommand, 511);
- szTrueCommand[nLen] = 0;
- return ExcuteScript(szTrueCommand);
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::ExcuteScript(const char * ScriptCommand)
- {
- if (g_UiBase.GetStatus() != UIS_S_IDLE || !ms_Enable)
- return FALSE;
- if (ScriptCommand && ScriptCommand[0] != 0)
- {
- if (ms_Script.LoadBuffer((PBYTE)ScriptCommand, strlen(ScriptCommand)))
- {
- return ms_Script.ExecuteCode();
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::ExcuteHWNDScript(const char * ScriptCommand)
- {
- if (ScriptCommand && ScriptCommand[0] != 0)
- {
- if (ms_Script.LoadBuffer((PBYTE)ScriptCommand, strlen(ScriptCommand)))
- {
- return ms_Script.ExecuteCode();
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::AddCommand(COMMAND_SETTING* pAdd) //复制Add数据并增加到Commands中,如果uKey!=0则覆盖原uKey,否则如szCommand[0]!=0则覆盖szCommand相同者
- {
- int nIndex = -1;
- if (pAdd == NULL)
- return nIndex;
- if (pAdd->uKey != 0)
- {
- nIndex = FindCommand(pAdd->uKey);
- }
- else if (pAdd->szCommand[0] != 0)
- {
- nIndex = FindCommand(pAdd->szCommand);
- }
- else
- return nIndex;
- if (nIndex >= 0)
- {
- ms_pCommands[nIndex] = *pAdd;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ms_pCommands == NULL)
- {
- ms_pCommands = (COMMAND_SETTING*)malloc(sizeof(COMMAND_SETTING));
- ms_pCommands[0] = *pAdd;
- nIndex = 0;
- ms_nCommands = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ms_pCommands = (COMMAND_SETTING*)realloc(ms_pCommands, sizeof(COMMAND_SETTING) * (ms_nCommands + 1));
- ms_pCommands[ms_nCommands] = *pAdd;
- nIndex = ms_nCommands;
- ms_nCommands++;
- }
- }
- return nIndex;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::RemoveCommand(int nIndex) //返回剩余Command的总数
- {
- if (ms_pCommands && nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < ms_nCommands)
- {
- if (nIndex != ms_nCommands - 1)
- {
- memmove(ms_pCommands + nIndex, ms_pCommands + nIndex + 1, sizeof(COMMAND_SETTING));
- }
- ms_nCommands--;
- }
- return ms_nCommands;
- }
- void KShortcutKeyCentre::RemoveCommandAll()
- {
- ms_nCommands = 0;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::FindCommand(DWORD uKey)
- {
- if (uKey == 0)
- return -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < ms_nCommands; i++)
- {
- if (ms_pCommands[i].uKey != 0 && ms_pCommands[i].uKey == uKey)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::FindCommand(const char* szCommand)
- {
- if (szCommand == NULL || szCommand[0] == 0)
- return -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < ms_nCommands; i++)
- {
- if (ms_pCommands[i].szCommand[0] != 0 &&
- strcmpi(ms_pCommands[i].szCommand, szCommand) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int KShortcutKeyCentre::FindCommandByScript(const char* szScript)
- {
- if (szScript == NULL || szScript[0] == 0)
- return -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < ms_nCommands; i++)
- {
- if (ms_pCommands[i].szDo[0] != 0 &&
- strcmpi(ms_pCommands[i].szDo, szScript) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- DWORD KShortcutKeyCentre::GetCommandKey(int nIndex)
- {
- if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < ms_nCommands)
- {
- return ms_pCommands[nIndex].uKey;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- const char* KShortcutKeyCentre::GetKeyName(DWORD Key)
- {
- static std::string s_descHK;
- s_descHK = hotkey_str::DescHotKey(Key);
- return s_descHK.c_str();
- }
- BOOL KShortcutKeyCentre::RegisterFunctionAlias(const char * strFunAlias, const char * strFun, int nParam, const PARAMLIST& List)
- {
- if (strFunAlias && strFunAlias[0] != 0 &&
- strFun && strFun[0] != 0)
- {
- ShortFuncInfo info;
- info.strName = strFun;
- info.nParamNum = nParam;
- info.strDefaultParam = List;
- if (info.nParamNum >= info.strDefaultParam.size())
- {
- for (int i = info.nParamNum - info.strDefaultParam.size(); i > 0; i--)
- {
- info.strDefaultParam.push_back("""");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = info.strDefaultParam.size() - info.nParamNum; i > 0; i--)
- {
- info.strDefaultParam.pop_back();
- }
- }
- _ASSERT(info.nParamNum == info.strDefaultParam.size());
- ms_FunsMap[strFunAlias] = info;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }