- /*
- * File: UiFaceSelector.cpp
- * Desc: 表情选择窗口
- * Author: flying
- * Creation: 2003/7/8
- * 今天是偶老婆的生日哦,呵呵
- */
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "KWin32.h"
- #include "KIniFile.h"
- #include "../Elem/Wnds.h"
- #include "../Elem/WndMessage.h"
- #include "../Elem/MouseHover.h"
- #include "UiFaceSelector.h"
- #include "../UiBase.h"
- #include "../UiSoundSetting.h"
- #include "../../../Represent/iRepresent/iRepresentShell.h"
- #include "../../../Represent/iRepresent/KRepresentUnit.h"
- #include "../../../Engine/src/Text.h"
- #include <crtdbg.h>
- extern iRepresentShell* g_pRepresentShell;
- KUiFaceSelector* KUiFaceSelector::m_pSelf = NULL;
- KUiFaceSelector::KFaceItem* KUiFaceSelector::ms_pFaceList = NULL;
- int KUiFaceSelector::ms_nNumFaces = 0;
- #define SCHEME_INI_FACE "表情符号选择窗口.ini"
- #define SCHEME_INI_FACE_DETAIL "\Ui\表情大全.ini"
- KUiFaceSelector::KUiFaceSelector()
- {
- m_nCurrIndex = -1;
- m_bIsExpandMode = FALSE;
- m_pCallerWnd = NULL;
- m_pvCallerParam = NULL;
- m_nNormColuCount = 0;
- m_nExpColuCount = 0;
- m_nRowCount = 0;
- m_nBtnWidth = m_nBtnHeight = 1;
- m_nIndentH = m_nIndentV = 0;
- }
- KUiFaceSelector* KUiFaceSelector::OpenWindow(KWndWindow* pCaller, void* pvParam)
- {
- if (m_pSelf == NULL)
- {
- m_pSelf = new KUiFaceSelector;
- if (m_pSelf)
- m_pSelf->Initialize();
- }
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- m_pSelf->m_pCallerWnd = pCaller;
- m_pSelf->m_pvCallerParam = pvParam;
- m_pSelf->Show();
- m_pSelf->BringToTop();
- }
- return m_pSelf;
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::CloseWindow(bool bDestroy)
- {
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- m_pSelf->Hide();
- if (bDestroy)
- {
- m_pSelf->Destroy();
- m_pSelf = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- KUiFaceSelector* KUiFaceSelector::GetIfVisible()
- {
- if (m_pSelf && m_pSelf->IsVisible())
- return m_pSelf;
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- int KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFaceText(char* pDest, const char* pSrc, int nCount)
- {
- if (pDest == NULL || pSrc == NULL || nCount < 0)
- return 0;
- int nConvertCount = 0;
- unsigned char cCharacter;
- int nReadPos = 0;
- while(nReadPos < nCount)
- {
- cCharacter = pSrc[nReadPos];
- if (cCharacter > 0x80)
- {
- if (nReadPos + 1 < nCount) //是可能是中文文字
- {
- pDest[nConvertCount++] = cCharacter;
- pDest[nConvertCount++] = pSrc[nReadPos+ 1];
- nReadPos += 2;
- }
- else //大于0x80的单字节西文字符被过滤掉
- break;
- }
- else if (cCharacter == 0x0d) //换行
- {
- if (nReadPos + 1 < nCount && pSrc[nReadPos + 1] == 0x0a)
- nReadPos += 2;
- else
- nReadPos ++;
- pDest[nConvertCount++] = 0x0a;
- }
- else if((cCharacter >= 0x20 && cCharacter < 0x7F) || cCharacter == 0x0a)
- {
- if (!ConvertFace(pDest, nConvertCount, pSrc, nCount, nReadPos))
- {
- pDest[nConvertCount++] = cCharacter;
- nReadPos++;
- }
- }
- else
- nReadPos++;
- }
- return nConvertCount;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 功能:转换表情符
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int KUiFaceSelector::ConvertFace(char* pDest, int& nConvertCount, const char* pSrc, int nCount, int& nReadPos)
- {
- int nRemainCount = nCount - nReadPos;
- _ASSERT(pDest != NULL && pSrc != NULL && nRemainCount > 0);
- for (int i = 0; i < ms_nNumFaces; i++)
- {
- int nLen = strlen(ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceText);
- if (nLen <= nRemainCount && memcmp(ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceText, pSrc + nReadPos, nLen) == 0)
- {
- nConvertCount += sprintf(pDest + nConvertCount, "<pic=%d>", i);
- nReadPos += nLen;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- //初始化
- void KUiFaceSelector::Initialize()
- {
- AddChild(&m_LessBtn);
- AddChild(&m_MoreBtn);
- char szScheme[128];
- g_UiBase.GetCurSchemePath(szScheme, sizeof(szScheme));
- LoadScheme(szScheme);
- Wnd_AddWindow(this, WL_TOPMOST);
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::LoadFaceList()
- {
- if (ms_pFaceList == NULL)
- {
- free (ms_pFaceList);
- ms_pFaceList = NULL;
- }
- ms_nNumFaces = 0;
- KIniFile Ini;
- {
- int nCount, i;
- char szSection[8];
- Ini.GetInteger("List", "Count", 0, &nCount);
- if (nCount > 0)
- {
- ms_pFaceList = (KFaceItem*)malloc(sizeof(KFaceItem) * nCount);
- if (ms_pFaceList)
- {
- ms_nNumFaces = nCount;
- for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- sprintf(szSection, "Face%d", i + 1);
- Ini.GetString(szSection, "Text", "", ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceText,
- sizeof(ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceText));
- Ini.GetString(szSection, "Tip", "", ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceTip,
- sizeof(ms_pFaceList[i].szFaceTip));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::Clear()
- {
- if (m_pSelf)
- m_pSelf->CloseWindow(true);
- if (ms_pFaceList)
- {
- free (ms_pFaceList);
- ms_pFaceList = NULL;
- }
- ms_nNumFaces = 0;
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::OnSelFace()
- {
- if (m_pCallerWnd && m_nCurrIndex >= 0 && m_nCurrIndex < ms_nNumFaces)
- {
- m_pCallerWnd->WndProc(WND_M_OTHER_WORK_RESULT,
- (unsigned int)m_pvCallerParam, (int)ms_pFaceList[m_nCurrIndex].szFaceText);
- }
- CloseWindow(false);
- }
- int KUiFaceSelector::WndProc(unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int uParam, int nParam)
- {
- int nResult = false;
- switch(uMsg)
- {
- m_nCurrIndex = GetFaceAtPos(LOWORD(nParam), HIWORD(nParam));
- OnSelFace();
- nResult = true;
- break;
- {
- int x = (int)(short)(LOWORD(nParam));
- int y = (int)(short)(HIWORD(nParam));
- int nIndex = GetFaceAtPos(x, y);
- if (nIndex != m_nCurrIndex)
- {
- m_nCurrIndex = nIndex;
- UpdateFaceTip(x, y);
- }
- }
- nResult = true;
- break;
- if (m_nCurrIndex >= 0)
- {
- m_nCurrIndex = -1;
- UpdateFaceTip(0, 0);
- }
- break;
- if(uParam == (unsigned int)&m_MoreBtn)
- OnExpandWnd();
- else if(uParam == (unsigned int)&m_LessBtn)
- OnUnExpandWnd();
- nResult = true;
- break;
- default:
- nResult = KWndWindow::WndProc(uMsg, uParam, nParam);
- break;
- }
- return nResult;
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::OnExpandWnd()
- {
- if (m_bIsExpandMode)
- return;
- m_bIsExpandMode = TRUE;
- m_MoreBtn.Hide();
- m_LessBtn.Show();
- SetSize(m_nBtnWidth * (m_nNormColuCount + m_nExpColuCount), m_Height);
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::OnUnExpandWnd()
- {
- if (m_bIsExpandMode == FALSE)
- return;
- m_bIsExpandMode = FALSE;
- m_LessBtn.Hide();
- m_MoreBtn.Show();
- SetSize(m_nBtnWidth * m_nNormColuCount, m_Height);
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::LoadScheme(const char* pScheme)
- {
- char Buff[128];
- KIniFile Ini;
- sprintf(Buff, "%s\%s", pScheme, SCHEME_INI_FACE);
- if (Ini.Load(Buff))
- {
- Init(&Ini, "Main");
- m_MoreBtn.Init(&Ini, "BtnMore");
- m_LessBtn.Init(&Ini, "BtnLess");
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "ColumnCount", 0, &m_nNormColuCount);
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "BigColumnCount", 0, &m_nExpColuCount);
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "Row", 0, &m_nRowCount);
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "BtnWidth", 1, &m_nBtnWidth);
- if (m_nBtnWidth < 1)
- m_nBtnWidth = 1;
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "BtnHeight", 1, &m_nBtnHeight);
- if (m_nBtnHeight < 1)
- m_nBtnHeight = 1;
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "IndentH", 0, &m_nIndentH);
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "IndentV", 0, &m_nIndentV);
- // Now let's get the color configuration information
- Ini.GetString("Main", "BgColor", "0,0,0", Buff, 128);
- m_nBgColor = (GetColor(Buff) & 0x00ffffff);
- Ini.GetString("Main", "BgOver", "0,0,0", Buff, 128);
- m_nBgOver = (GetColor(Buff) & 0x00ffffff);
- Ini.GetString("Main", "BorderColor", "0,0,0", Buff, 128);
- m_nBorderColor = GetColor(Buff);// & 0x00ffffff); // alpha
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "BgAlpha", 0, (int*)&m_nBgAlpha);
- m_nBgColor |= (m_nBgAlpha << 24); // 处理alpha
- /* if (ms_nNumFaces <= m_nNormColuCount)
- {
- m_Width = (MAX_SPACE + m_nBtnWidth) * ms_nNumFaces + MAX_SPACE;
- m_Height = 2 * MAX_SPACE + m_nBtnHeight;
- }
- else
- {
- int Lines = 0;
- m_Width = (MAX_SPACE + m_nBtnWidth) * m_nNormColuCount + MAX_SPACE;
- //if (ms_nNumFaces % m_nNormColuCount == 0)
- // Lines = ms_nNumFaces / m_nNormColuCount;
- //else
- // Lines = ms_nNumFaces / m_nNormColuCount + 1;
- m_Height = (MAX_SPACE + m_nBtnHeight) * m_nRowCount + MAX_SPACE;
- }
- */
- if (m_bIsExpandMode == FALSE)
- {
- m_MoreBtn.Show();
- m_LessBtn.Hide();
- SetSize(m_nBtnWidth * m_nNormColuCount, m_Height);
- }
- else
- {
- m_MoreBtn.Hide();
- m_LessBtn.Show();
- SetSize(m_nBtnWidth * (m_nNormColuCount + m_nExpColuCount), m_Height);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::UpdateFaceTip(int x, int y)
- {
- if (m_nCurrIndex >= 0)
- {
- char szToolTip[64] = "";
- sprintf(szToolTip, "%s(%s)", ms_pFaceList[m_nCurrIndex].szFaceTip,
- ms_pFaceList[m_nCurrIndex].szFaceText);
- g_MouseOver.SetMouseHoverInfo((void*)(KWndWindow*)this, m_nCurrIndex,
- x, y, false, true);
- g_MouseOver.SetMouseHoverTitle(szToolTip, strlen(szToolTip), 0xffffffff);
- }
- else
- {
- g_MouseOver.CancelMouseHoverInfo();
- }
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::PaintWindow()
- {
- KWndWindow::PaintWindow();
- //==绘制底面==
- KRUShadow bg;
- bg.Color.Color_dw = m_nBgColor;
- bg.oPosition.nX = m_nAbsoluteLeft;
- bg.oPosition.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop;
- bg.oEndPos.nX = m_nAbsoluteLeft + m_Width;
- bg.oEndPos.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop + m_Height;
- bg.oEndPos.nZ = bg.oPosition.nZ = 0;
- g_pRepresentShell->DrawPrimitives(1, &bg, RU_T_SHADOW, true);
- int h, v, nCount;
- //==绘制分隔边框==
- KRULine line;
- line.Color.Color_dw = m_nBorderColor;
- line.oPosition.nX = m_nAbsoluteLeft;
- line.oEndPos.nX = m_nAbsoluteLeft + m_Width;
- line.oEndPos.nY = line.oPosition.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop;
- line.oEndPos.nZ = line.oPosition.nZ = 0;
- for (v = 0; v <= m_nRowCount; v++)
- {
- g_pRepresentShell->DrawPrimitives(1, &line, RU_T_LINE, true);
- line.oPosition.nY += m_nBtnHeight;
- line.oEndPos.nY = line.oPosition.nY;
- }
- if (m_bIsExpandMode)
- nCount = m_nNormColuCount + m_nExpColuCount;
- else
- nCount = m_nNormColuCount;
- line.oEndPos.nX = line.oPosition.nX = m_nAbsoluteLeft;
- line.oPosition.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop;
- line.oEndPos.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop + m_Height;
- for (h = 0; h <= nCount; h++)
- {
- g_pRepresentShell->DrawPrimitives(1, &line, RU_T_LINE, true);
- line.oPosition.nX += m_nBtnWidth;
- line.oEndPos.nX = line.oPosition.nX;
- }
- // draw the face pic
- int nIndex, nNumH, nStartX;
- char cBuffer[8];
- KOutputTextParam param;
- cBuffer[0] = KTC_INLINE_PIC;
- param.BorderColor = 0;
- param.bPicPackInSingleLine = false;
- param.Color = 0;
- param.nNumLine = 2;
- param.nSkipLine = 0;
- param.nVertAlign = 1;
- //====绘制左侧表情图标的初始化====
- nIndex = 0;
- nCount = m_nRowCount * m_nNormColuCount;
- if (m_bIsExpandMode == FALSE)
- nCount--;
- if (nCount > ms_nNumFaces)
- nCount = ms_nNumFaces;
- nNumH = m_nNormColuCount;
- nStartX = m_nAbsoluteLeft + m_nIndentH;
- for (int nbRight = 0; nbRight <= 1; nbRight ++)
- {
- param.nY = m_nAbsoluteTop + m_nIndentV;
- for (v = 0; v < m_nRowCount; v++)
- {
- param.nX = nStartX;
- for (h = 0; h < nNumH; h++)
- {
- if (nIndex >= nCount)
- {
- v = m_nRowCount; //要外层循环也退出
- break;
- }
- if (nIndex == m_nCurrIndex)
- { //===绘制选中表情图标的底色===
- bg.Color.Color_dw = m_nBgOver;
- bg.oPosition.nX = param.nX - m_nIndentH;
- bg.oPosition.nY = param.nY - m_nIndentV;
- bg.oEndPos.nX = bg.oPosition.nX + m_nBtnWidth - 1;
- bg.oEndPos.nY = bg.oPosition.nY + m_nBtnHeight - 1;
- g_pRepresentShell->DrawPrimitives(1, &bg, RU_T_SHADOW, true);
- }
- *((WORD*)(cBuffer + 1)) = nIndex;
- g_pRepresentShell->OutputRichText(12, ¶m, cBuffer, 3);
- param.nX += m_nBtnWidth;
- nIndex ++;
- }
- param.nY += m_nBtnHeight;
- }
- if (m_bIsExpandMode == FALSE)
- break;
- //====绘制右侧表情图标的初始化====
- nCount = m_nRowCount * (m_nNormColuCount + m_nExpColuCount) - 1;
- if (nCount > ms_nNumFaces)
- nCount = ms_nNumFaces;
- nNumH = m_nExpColuCount;
- nStartX += nNumH * m_nBtnWidth;
- }
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::Show()
- {
- Wnd_SetCapture(this);
- KWndWindow::Show();
- }
- void KUiFaceSelector::Hide()
- {
- Wnd_ReleaseCapture();
- KWndWindow::Hide();
- }
- int KUiFaceSelector::GetFaceAtPos(int x, int y)
- {
- int nIndex = -1;
- if (PtInWindow(x, y))
- {
- x = (x - m_nAbsoluteLeft) / m_nBtnWidth;
- y = (y - m_nAbsoluteTop) / m_nBtnHeight;
- if (x < m_nNormColuCount)
- {
- nIndex = m_nNormColuCount * y + x;
- }
- else
- {
- nIndex = m_nNormColuCount * m_nRowCount + m_nExpColuCount * y + (x - m_nNormColuCount);
- }
- if (nIndex >= ms_nNumFaces)
- nIndex = -1;
- }
- return nIndex;
- }