- /********************************************************************
- File : UiStrengthRank.cpp
- Creator : Fyt(Fan Zhanpeng)
- create data : 08-11-2003(mm-dd-yyyy)
- Description : 排名窗口的实现部分
- *********************************************************************/
- #include "KWin32.h"
- #include "../Elem/Wnds.h"
- #include "../Elem/WndMessage.h"
- #include "../Elem/WndMessageListBox.h"
- #include "../UiBase.h"
- #include "../UiSoundSetting.h"
- #include "../../../core/src/gamedatadef.h"
- #include "../../../core/src/CoreShell.h"
- #include "../../../Engine/src/Text.h"
- #include "../../../Engine/src/KFilePath.h"
- #include "UiStrengthRank.h"
- #define INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI "排名的临时文件.ini"
- #define INDEX_AND_RANK_MAPPING "\Ui\排名ID.ini"
- #define STRENGTH_RANK_INI "排名.ini"
- //发送获取信息请求以后,得不到响应的超时时间
- #define GET_RANK_TIME_OUT 10000
- extern iCoreShell* g_pCoreShell;
- KUiStrengthRank* KUiStrengthRank::m_pSelf;
- KLinkStruct<KRankIndexNode> KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData;
- KLinkStruct<KRankNode> KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData;
- KIniFile KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexIDIni;
- BOOL KUiStrengthRank::m_bIsIndexDataChange = FALSE;
- BOOL KUiStrengthRank::m_bIsRankDataChange = FALSE;
- extern IInlinePicEngineSink* g_pIInlinePicSink;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- KUiStrengthRank::KUiStrengthRank()
- {
- m_pCurrentIndexNode= NULL;
- m_pIDontThinkSo = NULL;
- m_pLastGettimes = NULL;
- m_uLastGetRankTime = 0;
- m_uLastGetIndexTime = 0;
- m_nLastIndex = -1;
- }
- KUiStrengthRank::~KUiStrengthRank()
- {
- if(m_pLastGettimes)
- {
- delete(m_pLastGettimes);
- m_pLastGettimes = NULL;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:如果窗口正被显示,则返回实例指针
- *****************************************************************************/
- KUiStrengthRank* KUiStrengthRank::GetIfVisible()
- {
- if (m_pSelf && m_pSelf->IsVisible())
- return m_pSelf;
- return NULL;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:打开窗口,返回唯一的一个类对象实例
- *****************************************************************************/
- KUiStrengthRank* KUiStrengthRank::OpenWindow()
- {
- if (m_pSelf == NULL)
- {
- m_pSelf = new KUiStrengthRank;
- if (m_pSelf)
- m_pSelf->Initialize();
- }
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- m_pSelf->BringToTop();
- m_pSelf->Show();
- }
- return m_pSelf;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:打开窗口,显示默认数据,返回唯一的一个类对象实例
- *****************************************************************************/
- KUiStrengthRank* KUiStrengthRank::OpenDefaultWindow(int nId)
- {
- if (m_pSelf == NULL)
- {
- m_pSelf = new KUiStrengthRank;
- if (m_pSelf)
- m_pSelf->Initialize();
- }
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- m_pSelf->BringToTop();
- m_pSelf->Show();
- m_pSelf->ArrangeDefaultData();
- }
- return m_pSelf;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:安排默认数据的显示
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::ArrangeDefaultData()
- {
- KIniFile Ini;
- {
- KRankIndex *pIndex = NULL;
- int nCount;
- m_IndexData.Clear();
- m_pCurrentIndexNode = NULL;
- m_RankData.Clear();
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "ListCount", 0, &nCount);
- pIndex = new KRankIndex[nCount];
- if(pIndex)
- {
- for(int i=0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- pIndex[i].usIndexId = i + 1;
- pIndex[i].bValueAppened = 1;
- pIndex[i].bSortFlag = 1;
- }
- NewIndexArrive(nCount, pIndex);
- m_pCurrentIndexNode = m_IndexData.Reset();
- delete(pIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:初始化窗口
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::Initialize()
- {
- AddChild(&m_BtnClose);
- AddChild(&m_IndexList);
- AddChild(&m_IndexScroll);
- AddChild(&m_RankList);
- m_IndexList.SetScrollbar(&m_IndexScroll);
- AddChild(&m_RankScroll);
- m_RankList.SetScrollbar(&m_RankScroll);
- m_IndexList.SetTopItemIndex(0);
- char Scheme[256];
- g_UiBase.GetCurSchemePath(Scheme, 256);
- LoadScheme(Scheme);
- g_pIInlinePicSink->AddCustomInlinePic(m_usSteadyPic, m_szSteadyPicPath);
- g_pIInlinePicSink->AddCustomInlinePic(m_usDownPic, m_szDownPicPath);
- g_pIInlinePicSink->AddCustomInlinePic(m_usUpPic, m_szUpPicPath);
- int nWidth, nHeight;
- m_RankList.GetSize(&nWidth, &nHeight);
- m_nLineLen = nWidth * 2 / m_nFontSize - 1;
- if(m_pLastGettimes == NULL && m_IndexData.GetCount())
- {
- m_pLastGettimes = new unsigned int[m_IndexData.GetCount()];
- if(m_pLastGettimes)
- memset(m_pLastGettimes, 0, m_IndexData.GetCount());
- }
- Wnd_AddWindow(this);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:关闭窗口,同时可以选则是否删除对象实例
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::CloseWindow(bool bDestory)
- {
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- m_pSelf->Hide();
- m_pSelf->ReleaseData();
- if (bDestory)
- {
- m_pSelf->ReleasePic();
- m_pSelf->Destroy();
- m_pSelf = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:更新控件数据的统一调度函数
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::Breathe()
- {
- if(m_bIsIndexDataChange)
- {
- ConstructIndexView();
- m_bIsIndexDataChange = FALSE;
- if (m_nLastIndex < 0 || m_nLastIndex >= m_IndexData.GetCount())
- {
- m_IndexList.SetCurSel(0);
- }
- }
- if(m_bIsRankDataChange)
- {
- ConstructRankView();
- m_bIsRankDataChange = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:响应窗口消息的窗口函数
- *****************************************************************************/
- int KUiStrengthRank::WndProc(unsigned int uMsg, unsigned int uParam, int nParam)
- {
- int nRet = 0;
- switch(uMsg)
- {
- if (uParam == (unsigned int)(KWndWindow*)&m_IndexList)
- {
- int nIndex = nParam;
- if (nIndex < 0)
- {
- if (m_nLastIndex >= 0)
- m_IndexList.SetCurSel(m_nLastIndex);
- }
- else if (nIndex != m_nLastIndex)
- {
- m_nLastIndex = nIndex;
- // Get the content of "nParam" index.
- KRankIndexNode *SelNode = m_IndexData.GetItem(nIndex);
- if(SelNode)
- {
- m_pCurrentIndexNode = SelNode;
- UpdateRankData(SelNode->usIndexId);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- if (uParam == (unsigned int)(KWndWindow*)&m_IndexScroll)
- m_IndexList.SetTopItemIndex(nParam);
- else if (uParam == (unsigned int)(KWndWindow*)&m_RankScroll)
- m_RankList.SetFirstShowLine(nParam);
- break;
- if (uParam == (unsigned int)(KWndWindow*)&m_BtnClose)
- CloseWindow(false);
- break;
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- if(uParam == VK_ESCAPE)
- CloseWindow(false);
- break;
- default:
- nRet = KWndShowAnimate::WndProc(uMsg, uParam, nParam);
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:载入界面方案
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::LoadScheme(const char* pScheme)
- {
- if (m_pSelf)
- {
- char Buff[128];
- KIniFile Ini;
- sprintf(Buff, "%s\%s", pScheme, STRENGTH_RANK_INI);
- if (Ini.Load(Buff))
- {
- m_pSelf->Init(&Ini, "Main");
- m_pSelf->m_BtnClose.Init(&Ini, "BtnClose");
- m_pSelf->m_IndexList.Init(&Ini, "IndexList");
- m_pSelf->m_IndexScroll.Init(&Ini, "IndexScroll");
- m_pSelf->m_RankScroll.Init(&Ini, "MessageScroll");
- m_pSelf->m_RankList.Init(&Ini, "MessageList");
- Ini.GetString("Main", "Color", "0,0,0", Buff, sizeof(Buff));
- m_pSelf->m_uColor = GetColor(Buff);
- Ini.GetInteger("MessageList", "Font", 12, &m_pSelf->m_nFontSize);
- Ini.GetString("Main", "UpPic", "", m_pSelf->m_szUpPicPath, sizeof(m_pSelf->m_szUpPicPath));
- Ini.GetString("Main", "DownPic", "", m_pSelf->m_szDownPicPath, sizeof(m_pSelf->m_szDownPicPath));
- Ini.GetString("Main", "SteadyPic", "", m_pSelf->m_szSteadyPicPath, sizeof(m_pSelf->m_szSteadyPicPath));
- Ini.GetInteger("Main", "DefaultID", 0, &m_pSelf->m_nDefaultID);
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:卸载图形文件
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::ReleasePic()
- {
- g_pIInlinePicSink->RemoveCustomInlinePic(m_usUpPic);
- g_pIInlinePicSink->RemoveCustomInlinePic(m_usDownPic);
- g_pIInlinePicSink->RemoveCustomInlinePic(m_usSteadyPic);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:释放数据和重置显示
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::ReleaseData()
- {
- m_IndexData.Clear();
- m_RankData.Clear();
- m_pCurrentIndexNode = NULL;
- m_IndexList.SetContent(m_pIDontThinkSo,0,0,0);
- m_RankList.Clear();
- if(m_pIDontThinkSo)
- {
- delete(m_pIDontThinkSo);
- m_pIDontThinkSo = NULL;
- }
- m_nLastIndex = -1;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:更新索引数据-有INI就取INI,没有就问Core要,WAKAKA
- *****************************************************************************/
- //void KUiStrengthRank::UpdateIndexData()
- //{
- // KIniFile Ini;
- //
- // m_IndexData.Clear();
- // if(!(Ini.Load(INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI) && LoadIndexIni(&Ini)))
- // SendGetIndexToCore();
- //}
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:更新排名数据-有INI就取INI,没有就问Core要,WAKAKA
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::UpdateRankData(int nID)
- {
- KIniFile Ini;
- m_RankData.Clear();
- m_RankList.Clear();
- char szFileName[128];
- sprintf(szFileName, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- if(!(Ini.Load(szFileName) && LoadRankIni(&Ini, nID)))
- SendGetRankToCore(nID);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:从INI中载入索引数据
- *****************************************************************************/
- BOOL KUiStrengthRank::LoadIndexIni(KIniFile *Ini)
- {
- BOOL nRet = FALSE;
- KRankIndex *pData = NULL;
- int nCount, i, j;
- char szKey[32];
- KRankIndex NewNode;
- if(Ini->IsSectionExist("Index"))
- {
- Ini->GetInteger("Index", "Count", 0, &nCount);
- if(!pData)
- pData = new KRankIndex[nCount];
- if(pData && nCount)
- {
- for(i = 1;i <= nCount;i++)
- {
- memset(&NewNode, 0, sizeof(KRankIndex));
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_ID", i);
- Ini->GetInteger("Index", szKey, 0, &j);
- NewNode.usIndexId = (unsigned short)j;
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_Appened", i);
- Ini->GetInteger("Index", szKey, 0, &j);
- NewNode.bValueAppened = (j != 0);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_SortFlag", i);
- Ini->GetInteger("Index", szKey, 0, &j);
- NewNode.bSortFlag = (j != 0);
- memcpy(pData + i - 1, &NewNode, sizeof(KRankIndex));
- }
- AddIndex(nCount, pData);
- m_bIsIndexDataChange = nRet = TRUE;
- delete(pData);
- pData = NULL;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:从INI中载入排名数据
- *****************************************************************************/
- BOOL KUiStrengthRank::LoadRankIni(KIniFile *Ini, int nID)
- {
- char szSection[32], szKey[32];
- BOOL nRet = FALSE;
- KRankMessage *pData = NULL;
- KRankMessage NewNode;
- int nCount, i;
- sprintf(szSection, "%d", nID);
- if(Ini->IsSectionExist(szSection))
- {
- Ini->GetInteger(szSection, "Count", 0, &nCount);
- if(!pData)
- pData = new KRankMessage[nCount];
- if(pData && nCount)
- {
- for(i = 1;i <= nCount;i++)
- {
- memset(&NewNode, 0, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i);
- Ini->GetStruct(szSection, szKey, &NewNode, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- memcpy(pData + i - 1, &NewNode, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- }
- AddRank((nID << 16) + nCount, pData);
- m_bIsRankDataChange = nRet = TRUE;
- delete(pData);
- pData = NULL;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:从Core那里抢劫索引数据
- *****************************************************************************/
- //void KUiStrengthRank::SendRobIndexToCore()
- //{
- // SendGetIndexToCore();
- //}
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:从Core那里获取索引数据
- *****************************************************************************/
- //void KUiStrengthRank::SendGetIndexToCore()
- //{
- // if(g_pCoreShell && IR_GetCurrentTime() - m_uLastGetIndexTime > GET_RANK_TIME_OUT)
- // {
- // m_uLastGetIndexTime = IR_GetCurrentTime();
- // g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_QUERY_RANK_INFORMATION, 0, TRUE);
- // }
- //}
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:从Core那里获取排名数据
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::SendGetRankToCore(int nID)
- {
- if(g_pCoreShell && m_pLastGettimes && IR_GetCurrentTime() - m_pLastGettimes[m_nLastIndex] > GET_RANK_TIME_OUT)
- {
- m_pLastGettimes[m_nLastIndex] = IR_GetCurrentTime();
- g_pCoreShell->OperationRequest(GOI_QUERY_RANK_INFORMATION, (unsigned int)nID, 0);
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把Index的数据(m_data)构造进去m_indexList里面,那就可以绘制的时候显示出来
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::ConstructIndexView()
- {
- KRankIndexNode *pNode;
- unsigned char *pPos;
- int i, nCount;
- nCount = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.GetCount();
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.Reset();
- if(m_pIDontThinkSo)
- {
- delete(m_pIDontThinkSo);
- m_pIDontThinkSo = NULL;
- }
- m_pIDontThinkSo = new unsigned char[MAX_RANK_MESSAGE_LENGTH * nCount];
- if(m_pIDontThinkSo)
- {
- pPos = m_pIDontThinkSo;
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- memcpy(pPos, pNode->szMsg, pNode->nMsgLen);
- pPos[pNode->nMsgLen] = 0;
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.NextItem();
- }
- m_IndexList.SetContent(m_pIDontThinkSo, nCount, MAX_RANK_MESSAGE_LENGTH, 0);
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把Rank的排名数据构造进去m_RankList里面,以可以绘制的时候显示出来
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::ConstructRankView()
- {
- int i, nCount;
- KRankNode *pNode;
- nCount = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.GetCount();
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.Reset();
- m_RankList.SetFirstShowLine(0);
- if(m_pCurrentIndexNode && (m_pCurrentIndexNode->bValueAppened || m_pCurrentIndexNode->bSortFlag) )
- {
- char szBuf[32];
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- pNode->szMsg[pNode->usMsgLen] = KTC_TAB;
- pNode->usMsgLen ++;
- //构造额外数据字符串
- if(m_pCurrentIndexNode->bValueAppened)
- {
- sprintf(szBuf, "%d", pNode->nValueAppend);
- //有单位就写下单位
- if(m_pCurrentIndexNode->szUnit[0])
- {
- sprintf(szBuf, "%s%s", szBuf, m_pCurrentIndexNode->szUnit);
- }
- //构造好的字符串扩展进排名字符串里
- memcpy(pNode->szMsg + pNode->usMsgLen, szBuf, strlen(szBuf));
- pNode->usMsgLen += strlen(szBuf);
- }
- //加进上升持平下降图片
- if(m_pCurrentIndexNode->bSortFlag)
- {
- pNode->szMsg[pNode->usMsgLen] = KTC_INLINE_PIC;
- if(pNode->nValueAppend > 0)
- {
- *((short *)(&pNode->szMsg[pNode->usMsgLen + 1])) = m_usUpPic;
- }
- else if(pNode->nValueAppend < 0)
- {
- *((short *)(&pNode->szMsg[pNode->usMsgLen + 1])) = m_usDownPic;
- }
- else
- {
- *((short *)(&pNode->szMsg[pNode->usMsgLen + 1])) = m_usSteadyPic;
- }
- pNode->usMsgLen += 3;
- }
- //展开
- pNode->usMsgLen = TDrawOutString(pNode->szMsg, pNode->usMsgLen,
- m_nLineLen, m_nFontSize);
- m_RankList.AddOneMessage(pNode->szMsg, pNode->usMsgLen, 0);
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.NextItem();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- pNode->usMsgLen = TDrawOutString(pNode->szMsg, pNode->usMsgLen,
- m_nLineLen, m_nFontSize);
- m_RankList.AddOneMessage(pNode->szMsg, pNode->usMsgLen, 0);
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.NextItem();
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:新的索引消息来了
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::NewIndexArrive(unsigned int uParam, struct KRankIndex *pIndex)
- {
- if(m_pSelf)
- {
- if(m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes)
- {
- delete(m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes);
- m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes = NULL;
- }
- if(uParam > 0)
- {
- m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes = new unsigned int[uParam];
- if(m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes)
- {
- memset(m_pSelf->m_pLastGettimes, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * uParam);
- }
- }
- }
- AddIndex(uParam, pIndex);
- //StoreNewDataToTempFile(uParam, pIndex);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:新的排名信息来了
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::NewRankArrive(unsigned int uParam, KRankMessage *pRankData)
- {
- AddRank(uParam, pRankData);
- StoreNewDataToTempFile(uParam, pRankData);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:添加索引信息
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::AddIndex(unsigned int uParam, struct KRankIndex *pIndex)
- {
- KRankIndex *pIncome;
- KRankIndexNode Node;
- char szKey[32];
- int nCount, i;
- nCount = uParam;
- pIncome = pIndex;
- if(!m_IndexIDIni.IsSectionExist("Index"))
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- memcpy(&Node, pIncome, sizeof(KRankIndex));
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_Title", pIncome->usIndexId);
- m_IndexIDIni.GetString("Index", szKey, "", Node.szMsg,
- Node.nMsgLen = strlen(Node.szMsg);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_Unit", pIncome->usIndexId);
- m_IndexIDIni.GetString("Index", szKey, "", Node.szUnit, sizeof(Node.szUnit));
- m_IndexData.AddItem(Node);
- pIncome++;
- }
- m_bIsIndexDataChange = TRUE;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:添加排名信息
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::AddRank(unsigned int uParam, KRankMessage *pRankData)
- {
- KRankMessage *pIncome;
- int nID, nCount, i;
- KRankNode Node;
- pIncome = pRankData;
- nCount = uParam & 0xffff;
- nID = uParam >> 16;
- if(m_pSelf && m_pSelf->m_pCurrentIndexNode && nID == m_pSelf->m_pCurrentIndexNode->usIndexId)
- {
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- if(pIncome->szMsg[0])
- {
- memcpy(&Node, pIncome, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- m_RankData.AddItem(Node);
- }
- pIncome++;
- }
- m_bIsRankDataChange = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把索引和排名记录进临时文件
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::StoreTempIni()
- {
- KIniFile Ini;
- int nCount, i;
- KRankNode *pNode;
- KRankIndexNode *pIndexNode;
- char szSection[32], szKey[32], szFileName[128];
- sprintf(szFileName, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- Ini.Load(szFileName);
- //先写索引
- nCount = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.GetCount();
- if(nCount)
- {
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", "Count", nCount);
- pIndexNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.Reset();
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_ID", i + 1);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIndexNode->usIndexId);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_Appened", i + 1);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIndexNode->bValueAppened);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_SortFlag", i + 1);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIndexNode->bSortFlag);
- pIndexNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_IndexData.NextItem();
- if(!pIndexNode) break;
- }
- }
- //然后写排名
- nCount = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.GetCount();
- if(nCount && m_pSelf->m_pCurrentIndexNode)
- {
- sprintf(szSection, "%d", m_pSelf->m_pCurrentIndexNode->usIndexId);
- Ini.WriteInteger(szSection, "Count", nCount);
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.Reset();
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i + 1);
- Ini.WriteStruct(szSection, szKey, pNode, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- pNode = KUiStrengthRank::m_RankData.NextItem();
- if(!pNode) break;
- }
- }
- Ini.Save(szFileName);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把新收到的索引资料存到临时文件
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::StoreNewDataToTempFile(unsigned int uParam, KRankIndex *pInData)
- {
- KIniFile Ini;
- char szKey[32], szFileName[128];
- KRankIndex *pIncome;
- int nCount, nIniCount, i;
- nCount = uParam;
- pIncome= pInData;
- sprintf(szFileName, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- Ini.Load(szFileName);
- Ini.GetInteger("Index", "Count", 0, &nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", "Count", nIniCount + nCount);
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_ID", i + 1 + nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIncome[i].usIndexId);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_Appened", i + 1 + nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIncome[i].bValueAppened);
- sprintf(szKey, "%d_SortFlag", i + 1 + nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteInteger("Index", szKey, pIncome[i].bSortFlag);
- }
- Ini.Save(szFileName);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把新收到的排名资料存到临时文件
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::StoreNewDataToTempFile(unsigned int uParam, KRankMessage *pInData)
- {
- KIniFile Ini;
- KRankMessage *pIncome;
- int nCount, nIniCount, nID, i;
- char szSection[32], szKey[32], szFileName[128];
- nCount = uParam & 0xffff;
- nID = uParam >> 16;
- pIncome= pInData;
- sprintf(szFileName, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- Ini.Load(szFileName);
- sprintf(szSection, "%d", nID);
- Ini.GetInteger(szSection, "Count", 0, &nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteInteger(szSection, "Count", nIniCount + nCount);
- for(i = 0;i < nCount;i++)
- {
- sprintf(szKey, "%d", i + 1 + nIniCount);
- Ini.WriteStruct(szSection, szKey, pIncome + i, sizeof(KRankMessage));
- }
- Ini.Save(szFileName);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:检测临时文件是否存在,不存在则创建
- *****************************************************************************/
- int KUiStrengthRank::AttachTempFile()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- char szPath[128], szFile[128];
- sprintf(szFile, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- g_GetFullPath(szPath, szFile);
- if(!(fp = fopen(szPath, "r")))
- {
- fp = fopen(szPath, "w");
- fclose(fp);
- if(!(fp = fopen(szPath, "r")))
- return 0;
- else
- fclose(fp);
- }
- else
- {
- fclose(fp);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:清空临时文件
- *****************************************************************************/
- void KUiStrengthRank::RemoveTempFile()
- {
- char szPath[128], szFile[128];
- sprintf(szFile, "%s\%s", g_UiBase.GetUserTempDataFolder(), INDEX_AND_RANK_DATA_INI);
- g_GetFullPath(szPath, szFile);
- remove(szPath);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *功能:把字串左右扩展到指定长度,中间用Tab分开
- *****************************************************************************/
- int TDrawOutString(char *szBuf, int nBufLen, int nLineLen, int nFontsize)
- {
- int nTabPos, nOldLineLen;
- nTabPos = TFindSpecialCtrlInEncodedText(szBuf, nBufLen, 0, KTC_TAB);
- if(nTabPos > 0)
- {
- TGetEncodedTextLineCount(szBuf, nBufLen, 0, nOldLineLen, nFontsize);
- if(nOldLineLen < nLineLen)
- {
- memmove(szBuf + nTabPos + nLineLen - nOldLineLen + 1, szBuf + nTabPos + 1, nBufLen - nTabPos - 1);
- memset(szBuf + nTabPos, 0x20, nLineLen - nOldLineLen + 1);
- return nBufLen + nLineLen - nOldLineLen;
- }
- }
- return nBufLen;
- }