- /*
- ** $Id: lfunc.c,v 1.34 2000/10/30 12:20:29 roberto Exp $
- ** Auxiliary functions to manipulate prototypes and closures
- ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "lua.h"
- #include "lfunc.h"
- #include "lmem.h"
- #include "lstate.h"
- #define sizeclosure(n) ((int)sizeof(Closure) + (int)sizeof(TObject)*((n)-1))
- Closure *luaF_newclosure (lua_State *L, int nelems) {
- int size = sizeclosure(nelems);
- Closure *c = (Closure *)luaM_malloc(L, size);
- c->next = L->rootcl;
- L->rootcl = c;
- c->mark = c;
- c->nupvalues = nelems;
- L->nblocks += size;
- return c;
- }
- Proto *luaF_newproto (lua_State *L) {
- Proto *f = luaM_new(L, Proto);
- f->knum = NULL;
- f->nknum = 0;
- f->kstr = NULL;
- f->nkstr = 0;
- f->kproto = NULL;
- f->nkproto = 0;
- f->code = NULL;
- f->ncode = 0;
- f->numparams = 0;
- f->is_vararg = 0;
- f->maxstacksize = 0;
- f->marked = 0;
- f->lineinfo = NULL;
- f->nlineinfo = 0;
- f->nlocvars = 0;
- f->locvars = NULL;
- f->lineDefined = 0;
- f->source = NULL;
- f->next = L->rootproto; /* chain in list of protos */
- L->rootproto = f;
- return f;
- }
- static size_t protosize (Proto *f) {
- return sizeof(Proto)
- + f->nknum*sizeof(Number)
- + f->nkstr*sizeof(TString *)
- + f->nkproto*sizeof(Proto *)
- + f->ncode*sizeof(Instruction)
- + f->nlocvars*sizeof(struct LocVar)
- + f->nlineinfo*sizeof(int);
- }
- void luaF_protook (lua_State *L, Proto *f, int pc) {
- f->ncode = pc; /* signal that proto was properly created */
- L->nblocks += protosize(f);
- }
- void luaF_freeproto (lua_State *L, Proto *f) {
- if (f->ncode > 0) /* function was properly created? */
- L->nblocks -= protosize(f);
- luaM_free(L, f->code);
- luaM_free(L, f->locvars);
- luaM_free(L, f->kstr);
- luaM_free(L, f->knum);
- luaM_free(L, f->kproto);
- luaM_free(L, f->lineinfo);
- luaM_free(L, f);
- }
- void luaF_freeclosure (lua_State *L, Closure *c) {
- L->nblocks -= sizeclosure(c->nupvalues);
- luaM_free(L, c);
- }
- /*
- ** Look for n-th local variable at line `line' in function `func'.
- ** Returns NULL if not found.
- */
- const char *luaF_getlocalname (const Proto *f, int local_number, int pc) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i<f->nlocvars && f->locvars[i].startpc <= pc; i++) {
- if (pc < f->locvars[i].endpc) { /* is variable active? */
- local_number--;
- if (local_number == 0)
- return f->locvars[i].varname->str;
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* not found */
- }