- /********************************************************************
- created: 2003/02/13
- file base: Utils
- file ext: h
- author: liupeng
- purpose: Header file for common routines
- *********************************************************************/
- #ifndef __INCLUDE_UTILS_H__
- #define __INCLUDE_UTILS_H__
- #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nameless struct/union
- #ifndef _WINDOWS_
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #include <windows.h>
- #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #endif
- #include "tstring.h"
- #include <strstream>
- #include <atlbase.h> // USES_CONVERSION
- #pragma warning(default: 4201)
- /*
- * namespace OnlineGameLib::Win32
- */
- namespace OnlineGameLib {
- namespace Win32 {
- /*
- * Debugging defines...
- */
- #ifndef DEBUG_ONLY
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define DEBUG_ONLY(x) x
- #else
- #define DEBUG_ONLY(x)
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- * Functions defined in this file...
- */
- /*
- * Converts a type to a _tstring.
- * Convert a type to a string by streaming it. Requires that there's an ostream
- * inserter available for type T.
- *
- * parameter num could be declared as a pointer to const
- */
- template <class T>
- _tstring ToString( T num )
- {
- _tstring strNum = _T("");
- {
- std::strstream buf;
- buf << num << std::ends;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- std::string temp = buf.str();
- strNum = A2W(temp.c_str());
- #else
- strNum = buf.str();
- #endif
- buf.freeze(false);
- }
- return strNum;
- }
- template <class T>
- bool ToBool( const T &value )
- {
- return ( 0 != value );
- }
- inline bool BOOL_to_bool(const BOOL bResult)
- {
- /*
- * Convert a make believe BOOL into a real bool.
- * Removes warning C4800...
- */
- return (TRUE == bResult);
- }
- _tstring HexToString( const BYTE *pBuffer, size_t iBytes );
- void StringToHex( const _tstring &str, BYTE *pBuffer, size_t nBytes );
- _tstring GetLastErrorMessage( DWORD last_error );
- _tstring GetCurrentDirectory();
- _tstring GetDateStamp();
- _tstring GetTimeStamp();
- void SetLogFileName( const _tstring &name );
- void Output( const _tstring &message );
- void OutPutInfo( const _tstring &message );
- void Trace2File( const _tstring &message );
- _tstring ToHex( BYTE c );
- _tstring DumpData( const BYTE * const pData, size_t dataLength, size_t lineLength = 0 );
- _tstring GetComputerName();
- _tstring GetModuleFileName( HINSTANCE hModule = 0 );
- _tstring GetUserName();
- _tstring GetFileVersion();
- _tstring StripLeading( const _tstring &source, const char toStrip );
- _tstring StripTrailing( const _tstring &source, const char toStrip );
- } // End of namespace OnlineGameLib
- } // End of namespace Win32
- #endif //__INCLUDE_UTILS_H__