- <html>
- <body>
- <pre>
- <h1>Build Log</h1>
- <h3>
- --------------------Configuration: IOCPServer - Win32 Debug--------------------
- </h3>
- <h3>Command Lines</h3>
- Creating temporary file "C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP53.tmp" with contents
- [
- /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /Fp"Debug/IOCPServer.pch" /YX /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerCriticalSection.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerEvent.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerException.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerIOBuffer.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerIOCompletionPort.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerManualResetEvent.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerNodeList.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerSocket.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerSocketServer.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerThread.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerUsesWinsock.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerUtils.cpp"
- "D:swrod3SwordOnlineSourcesNetworkIOCPServerWin32Exception.cpp"
- ]
- Creating command line "cl.exe @C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP53.tmp"
- Creating temporary file "C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP54.tmp" with contents
- [
- /nologo /out:"DebugIOCPServer.lib"
- .DebugCriticalSection.obj
- .DebugEvent.obj
- .DebugException.obj
- .DebugIOBuffer.obj
- .DebugIOCompletionPort.obj
- .DebugManualResetEvent.obj
- .DebugNodeList.obj
- .DebugSocket.obj
- .DebugSocketServer.obj
- .DebugThread.obj
- .DebugUsesWinsock.obj
- .DebugUtils.obj
- .DebugWin32Exception.obj
- ]
- Creating command line "link.exe -lib @C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP54.tmp"
- <h3>Output Window</h3>
- Compiling...
- CriticalSection.cpp
- Event.cpp
- Exception.cpp
- IOBuffer.cpp
- IOCompletionPort.cpp
- ManualResetEvent.cpp
- NodeList.cpp
- Socket.cpp
- SocketServer.cpp
- NOTE : --------------------OnlineGameLib [Server] : Announcement--------------------
- NOTE : Developing a truly scalable Winsock Server using IO Completion Ports(IOCP)
- NOTE : But this module depend on the microsoft platform
- NOTE : Requirements :
- NOTE : * Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 4.0 and later.
- NOTE : * Windows 95/98/Me: Unsupported.
- NOTE :
- NOTE : liupeng xishanju.zhuhai.china 2003.1
- NOTE : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Thread.cpp
- UsesWinsock.cpp
- Utils.cpp
- Win32Exception.cpp
- Creating library...
- Creating temporary file "C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP55.bat" with contents
- [
- @echo off
- copy debugiocpserver.lib ......libiocpserver.lib
- ]
- Creating command line "C:DOCUME~1chenpengLOCALS~1TempRSP55.bat"
- 已复制 1 个文件。
- <h3>Results</h3>
- IOCPServer.lib - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
- </pre>
- </body>
- </html>