- /********************************************************************
- created: 2003/02/14
- file base: SocketServer
- file ext: h
- author: liupeng
- purpose: Build
- *********************************************************************/
- #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include "UsesWinsock.h"
- #include "Thread.h"
- #include "CriticalSection.h"
- #include "IOCompletionPort.h"
- #include "IOBuffer.h"
- #include "ManualResetEvent.h"
- #include "NodeList.h"
- #include "OpaqueUserData.h"
- /*
- * namespace OnlineGameLib::Win32
- */
- namespace OnlineGameLib {
- namespace Win32 {
- /*
- * CSocketServer
- */
- class CSocketServer : protected CThread, private CUsesWinsock, private CIOBuffer::Allocator
- {
- public:
- class Socket;
- class WorkerThread;
- friend class Socket;
- virtual ~CSocketServer();
- void Open(
- unsigned long addressToListenOn,
- unsigned short portToListenOn
- );
- using CThread::Start;
- void StartAcceptingConnections();
- void StopAcceptingConnections();
- void InitiateShutdown();
- void WaitForShutdownToComplete();
- protected:
- CSocketServer(
- unsigned long addressToListenOn,
- unsigned short portToListenOn,
- size_t maxFreeSockets,
- size_t maxFreeBuffers,
- size_t bufferSize = 1024,
- size_t numThreads = 0);
- CSocketServer(
- size_t maxFreeSockets,
- size_t maxFreeBuffers,
- size_t bufferSize = 1024,
- size_t numThreads = 0);
- void ReleaseSockets();
- void ReleaseBuffers();
- /*
- * Virtual function has different access specifier to base class
- */
- virtual int Run();
- private:
- /*
- * Override this to create your worker thread
- */
- virtual WorkerThread *CreateWorkerThread( CIOCompletionPort &iocp ) = 0;
- /*
- * Override this to create the listening socket of your choice
- */
- virtual SOCKET CreateListeningSocket(
- unsigned long address,
- unsigned short port) = 0;
- /*
- * Interface for derived classes to receive state change notifications...
- */
- virtual void OnStartAcceptingConnections() {}
- virtual void OnStopAcceptingConnections() {}
- virtual void OnShutdownInitiated() {}
- virtual void OnShutdownComplete() {}
- virtual void OnConnectionCreated() {}
- virtual void OnConnectionEstablished(
- Socket *pSocket,
- CIOBuffer *pAddress) = 0;
- virtual void OnConnectionClosed( Socket * /*pSocket*/ ) {}
- virtual void OnConnectionDestroyed() {}
- virtual void OnError( const _tstring &message );
- virtual void OnBufferCreated() {}
- virtual void OnBufferAllocated() {}
- virtual void OnBufferReleased() {}
- virtual void OnBufferDestroyed() {}
- Socket *AllocateSocket( SOCKET theSocket );
- void ReleaseSocket( Socket *pSocket );
- void DestroySocket( Socket *pSocket );
- void PostAbortiveClose( Socket *pSocket );
- void Read( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer );
- void Write( Socket *pSocket, const char *pData, size_t dataLength, bool thenShutdown );
- void Write( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer, bool thenShutdown );
- virtual void PreWrite(
- Socket *pSocket,
- CIOBuffer *pBuffer,
- const char *pData,
- size_t dataLength ) {};
- const size_t m_numThreads;
- CCriticalSection m_listManipulationSection;
- typedef OnlineGameLib::TNodeList<Socket> SocketList;
- SocketList m_activeList;
- SocketList m_freeList;
- SOCKET m_listeningSocket;
- CIOCompletionPort m_iocp;
- CManualResetEvent m_shutdownEvent;
- CManualResetEvent m_acceptConnectionsEvent;
- unsigned long m_address;
- unsigned short m_port;
- const size_t m_maxFreeSockets;
- /*
- * No copies do not implement
- */
- CSocketServer( const CSocketServer &rhs );
- CSocketServer &operator=( const CSocketServer &rhs );
- };
- /*
- * CSocketServer::Socket
- */
- class CSocketServer::Socket : public CNodeList::Node, public COpaqueUserData
- {
- public :
- friend class CSocketServer;
- friend class CSocketServer::WorkerThread;
- void Read( CIOBuffer *pBuffer = 0 );
- void Write( const char *pData, size_t dataLength, bool thenShutdown = false );
- void Write( CIOBuffer *pBuffer, bool thenShutdown = false );
- void AddRef();
- void Release();
- void Shutdown( int how = SD_BOTH );
- void Close();
- void AbortiveClose();
- private:
- Socket( CSocketServer &server, SOCKET socket );
- ~Socket();
- void Attach( SOCKET socket );
- CSocketServer &m_server;
- SOCKET m_socket;
- long m_ref;
- /*
- * No copies do not implement
- */
- Socket( const Socket &rhs );
- Socket &operator=( const Socket &rhs );
- };
- /*
- * CSocketServer::WorkerThread
- */
- class CSocketServer::WorkerThread : public CThread
- {
- public:
- virtual ~WorkerThread() {}
- void InitiateShutdown();
- void WaitForShutdownToComplete();
- protected:
- explicit WorkerThread( CIOCompletionPort &iocp );
- /*
- * Virtual function has different access specifier to base class
- */
- virtual int Run();
- private:
- virtual void OnBeginProcessing() {}
- virtual void OnEndProcessing() {}
- virtual void OnError( const _tstring &message );
- void Read( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer ) const;
- virtual void ReadCompleted( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer ) = 0;
- void Write( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer ) const;
- virtual void WriteCompleted( Socket *pSocket, CIOBuffer *pBuffer );
- void AbortiveClose( Socket *pSocket );
- CIOCompletionPort &m_iocp;
- /*
- * No copies do not implement
- */
- WorkerThread( const WorkerThread &rhs );
- WorkerThread &operator=( const WorkerThread &rhs );
- };
- } // End of namespace OnlineGameLib
- } // End of namespace Win32