- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright ( C ) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2002.
- //
- // File: reimpl2.h
- //
- // Functions: helpers for matching and substituting regular expressions
- //
- // Notes: implementation details that really belong in a cpp file,
- // but can't because of template weirdness
- //
- // Author: Eric Niebler ( )
- //
- // History: 8/15/2001 ericne Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef REIMPL_H
- #define REIMPL_H
- //
- // Helper functions for match and substitute
- //
- #ifndef _MSC_VER
- #define __assume( x ) assert( false ); break;
- #endif
- namespace detail
- {
- // For use while doing uppercase/lowercase conversions:
- // For use while doing uppercase/lowercase conversions:
- inline char regex_toupper( char ch ) { return ( char )toupper( ch ); }
- inline char regex_tolower( char ch ) { return ( char )tolower( ch ); }
- inline wchar_t regex_toupper( wchar_t ch ) { return ( wchar_t )towupper( ch ); }
- inline wchar_t regex_tolower( wchar_t ch ) { return ( wchar_t )towlower( ch ); }
- template< typename II, typename CI >
- inline void regex_toupper( II ibegin, CI iend )
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<CI>::value_type char_type;
- typedef std::char_traits<char_type> traits_type;
- for( ; iend != ibegin; ++ibegin )
- traits_type::assign( *ibegin, regex_toupper( *ibegin ) );
- }
- template< typename II, typename CI >
- inline void regex_tolower( II ibegin, CI iend )
- {
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<CI>::value_type char_type;
- typedef std::char_traits<char_type> traits_type;
- for( ; iend != ibegin; ++ibegin )
- traits_type::assign( *ibegin, regex_tolower( *ibegin ) );
- }
- // Work-around for a template-template parameter problem on VC7.0
- template<typename T> struct type2type { typedef T type; };
- template<bool F> struct bool2type { enum { value = F }; };
- typedef bool2type<true> true_t;
- typedef bool2type<false> false_t;
- //
- // Helper fn for swapping two auto_ptr's
- //
- template< typename T >
- inline void swap_auto_ptr( std::auto_ptr<T> & left, std::auto_ptr<T> & right )
- {
- std::auto_ptr<T> temp( left );
- left = right;
- right = temp;
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: match_param
- //
- // Description: Struct that contains the state of the matching operation.
- // Passed by reference to all recursive_match_all_ and recursive_match_this routines.
- //
- // Methods: match_param - ctor
- // match_param - ctor
- //
- // Members: ibegin - start of the string
- // istart - start of this iteration
- // istop - end of the string
- // prgbackrefs - pointer to backref array
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI >
- struct match_param
- {
- typedef backref_tag< CI > backref_type;
- typedef std::vector<backref_type> backref_vector;
- // Used by the recursive_match routines
- backref_vector * prgbackrefs;
- CI ibegin;
- CI istart;
- CI istop;
- // Used by the iterative_match routines
- CI icur;
- unsafe_stack * pstack;
- sub_expr_base<CI> const * next;
- bool no0len;
- sub_expr_base<CI> const * first;
- match_param(
- CI _istart,
- CI _istop,
- std::vector< backref_tag< CI > > * _prgbackrefs )
- : prgbackrefs( _prgbackrefs ),
- ibegin( _istart ),
- istart( _istart ),
- istop( _istop ),
- icur( _istart ),
- pstack( NULL ),
- next( NULL ),
- no0len( false )
- {
- }
- match_param(
- CI _ibegin,
- CI _istart,
- CI _istop,
- std::vector< backref_tag< CI > > * _prgbackrefs )
- : prgbackrefs( _prgbackrefs ),
- ibegin( _ibegin ),
- istart( _istart ),
- istop( _istop ),
- icur( _istart ),
- pstack( NULL ),
- next( NULL ),
- no0len( false )
- {
- }
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: regex_arena
- //
- // Description: A small, fast allocator for speeding up pattern compilation.
- // Every basic_rpattern object has an arena as a member.
- // sub_expr objects can only be allocated from this arena.
- // Memory is alloc'ed in chunks using ::operator new(). Chunks
- // are freed en-masse when the arena gets destroyed, or when
- // deallocate is explicitly called.
- //
- // Methods: _new_block - create a new block & put it in m_pfirst
- // regex_arena - c'tor
- // ~regex_arena - free all memory blocks
- // allocate - Grab some preallocated memory.
- // deallocate - free all memory blocks.
- // max_size - the largest chunk of memory the arena is
- // capable of allocating.
- //
- // Members: m_pfirst - ptr to first block in list
- //
- // History: 8/17/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class regex_arena
- {
- struct block;
- friend struct block;
- block * m_pfirst;
- size_t m_default_size;
- void _new_block( size_t size ); //throw( std::bad_alloc );
- regex_arena( regex_arena const & );
- regex_arena & operator=( regex_arena const & );
- public:
- explicit regex_arena( size_t default_size );
- ~regex_arena();
- void * allocate( size_t size ); //throw( std::bad_alloc );
- void deallocate(); //throw();
- size_t max_size() const;
- void swap( regex_arena & that ); // throw()
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: sub_expr_base
- //
- // Description: patterns are "compiled" into a directed graph of sub_expr_base
- // structs. Matching is accomplished by traversing this graph.
- //
- // Methods: ~sub_expr_base - virt dtor so cleanup happens correctly
- // recursive_match_all_ - match this sub-expression and all following
- // sub-expression
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI >
- struct sub_expr_base
- {
- virtual ~sub_expr_base() = 0;
- virtual bool recursive_match_all_( match_param<CI> &, CI ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- virtual bool recursive_match_all_c( match_param<CI> &, CI ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- virtual bool iterative_match_this_( match_param<CI> & ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- virtual bool iterative_match_this_c( match_param<CI> & ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- virtual bool iterative_rematch_this_( match_param<CI> & ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- virtual bool iterative_rematch_this_c( match_param<CI> & ) const = 0; //throw() = 0;
- // Use the regex_arena for memory management
- static void * operator new( size_t size, regex_arena & arena )
- {
- return arena.allocate( size );
- }
- static void operator delete( void *, regex_arena & )
- {
- }
- // Invoke the d'tor, but don't bother freeing memory. That will
- // happen automatically when the arena object gets destroyed.
- static void operator delete( void * )
- {
- }
- // For choosing an appropriate virtual function based on a compile time constant
- bool recursive_match_all_( match_param<CI> & param, CI icur, false_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return recursive_match_all_( param, icur );
- }
- bool recursive_match_all_( match_param<CI> & param, CI icur, true_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return recursive_match_all_c( param, icur );
- }
- bool iterative_match_this_( match_param<CI> & param, false_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return iterative_match_this_( param );
- }
- bool iterative_match_this_( match_param<CI> & param, true_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return iterative_match_this_c( param );
- }
- bool iterative_rematch_this_( match_param<CI> & param, false_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return iterative_rematch_this_( param );
- }
- bool iterative_rematch_this_( match_param<CI> & param, true_t ) const //throw()
- {
- return iterative_rematch_this_c( param );
- }
- };
- template< typename CI >
- inline sub_expr_base<CI>::~sub_expr_base()
- {
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: subst_node
- //
- // Description: Substitution strings are parsed into an array of these
- // structures in order to speed up subst operations.
- //
- // Members: stype - type of this struct
- // subst_string - do a string substitution
- // subst_backref - do a bacref substitution
- // op - execute an operation
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct subst_node
- {
- enum subst_type
- {
- };
- enum { PREMATCH = -1, POSTMATCH = -2 };
- enum op_type
- {
- };
- subst_type stype;
- union
- {
- struct
- {
- size_t rstart;
- size_t rlength;
- } subst_string;
- size_t subst_backref;
- op_type op;
- };
- };
- typedef std::list<subst_node> subst_list_type;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: basic_rpattern_base_impl
- //
- // Description:
- //
- // Methods: basic_rpattern_base_impl - ctor
- // flags - get the state of the flags
- // uses_backrefs - true if the backrefs are referenced
- // get_first_subexpression - return ptr to first sub_expr struct
- // get_width - get min/max nbr chars this pattern can match
- // loops - if false, we only need to try to match at 1st position
- // cgroups - number of visible groups
- // _cgroups_total - total number of groups, including hidden ( ?: ) groups
- // get_pat - get string representing the pattern
- // get_subst - get string representing the substitution string
- // get_subst_list - get the list of subst nodes
- // _normalize_string - perform character escaping
- //
- // Members: m_fuses_backrefs - true if subst string refers to backrefs
- // m_floop - false if pat only needs to be matched in one place
- // m_cgroups - total count of groups
- // m_cgroups_visible - count of visible groups
- // m_flags - the flags
- // m_nwidth - width of this pattern
- // m_pat - pattern string
- // m_subst - substitution string
- // m_subst_list - list of substitution nodes
- // m_pfirst - ptr to first subexpression to match
- //
- // Typedefs: char_type -
- // string_type -
- // size_type -
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI >
- class basic_rpattern_base_impl
- {
- basic_rpattern_base_impl( basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> const & );
- basic_rpattern_base_impl & operator=( basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> const & );
- protected:
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<CI>::value_type char_type;
- typedef std::char_traits<char_type> traits_type;
- typedef std::basic_string<char_type> string_type;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef backref_tag<CI> backref_type;
- typedef std::vector<backref_type> backref_vector;
- explicit basic_rpattern_base_impl(
- string_type const & pat = string_type(),
- string_type const & subst = string_type() ) //throw()
- : m_arena( DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE() ),
- m_fuses_backrefs( false ),
- m_floop( true ),
- m_fok_to_recurse( true ),
- m_cgroups( 0 ),
- m_cgroups_visible( 0 ),
- m_flags( flags ),
- m_mode( mode ),
- m_nwidth( uninit_width() ),
- m_pat( new string_type( pat ) ),
- m_subst( new string_type( subst ) ),
- m_subst_list(),
- m_pfirst( NULL ),
- m_invisible_groups()
- {
- }
- virtual ~basic_rpattern_base_impl();
- regex_arena m_arena; // The sub_expr arena
- bool m_fuses_backrefs; // true if the substitution uses backrefs
- bool m_floop; // false if m_pfirst->recursive_match_all_ only needs to be called once
- bool m_fok_to_recurse; // false if the pattern would recurse too deeply
- size_t m_cgroups; // number of groups ( always at least one )
- size_t m_cgroups_visible; // number of visible groups
- REGEX_FLAGS m_flags; // flags used to customize search/replace
- REGEX_MODE m_mode; // Used to pick the fast or safe algorithm
- width_type m_nwidth; // width of the pattern
- std::auto_ptr<string_type> m_pat; // contains the unparsed pattern
- std::auto_ptr<string_type> m_subst; // contains the unparsed substitution
- subst_list_type m_subst_list; // used to speed up substitution
- std::auto_ptr<sub_expr_base<CI> const> m_pfirst; // first subexpression in pattern
- std::list<size_t> m_invisible_groups; // groups w/o backrefs
- size_t _cgroups_total() const //throw()
- {
- return m_cgroups;
- }
- bool _loops() const //throw()
- {
- return m_floop;
- }
- size_t _get_next_group_nbr()
- {
- return m_cgroups++;
- }
- void _normalize_string( string_type & str ) const //throw()
- {
- if( NORMALIZE & flags() )
- process_escapes( str, true );
- }
- bool _save_backrefs() const //throw()
- {
- return m_fuses_backrefs || ! ( flags() & NOBACKREFS );
- }
- sub_expr_base<CI> const * _get_first_subexpression() const //throw()
- {
- return m_pfirst.get();
- }
- bool _ok_to_recurse() const //throw()
- {
- switch( m_mode )
- {
- case MODE_FAST:
- return true;
- case MODE_SAFE:
- return false;
- case MODE_MIXED:
- return m_fok_to_recurse;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- // These are virtual so that when the instantiator object implicitly
- // instantiates this template, these functions still get external linkage.
- virtual bool _do_match( match_param<CI> & param, bool use_null ) const;
- virtual bool _do_match( match_param<CI> & param, char_type const * szbegin ) const;
- virtual size_t _do_count( match_param<CI> & param, bool use_null ) const;
- virtual size_t _do_count( match_param<CI> & param, char_type const * szbegin ) const;
- friend struct matcher_helper<CI>;
- REGEX_FLAGS flags() const //throw()
- {
- return m_flags;
- }
- REGEX_MODE mode() const // throw()
- {
- return m_mode;
- }
- width_type get_width() const //throw()
- {
- return m_nwidth;
- }
- size_t cgroups() const //throw()
- {
- return m_cgroups_visible;
- }
- string_type const & get_pat() const //throw()
- {
- return *m_pat;
- }
- string_type const & get_subst() const //throw()
- {
- return *m_subst;
- }
- void swap( basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> & that ) // throw()
- {
- std::swap( m_fuses_backrefs, that.m_fuses_backrefs );
- std::swap( m_floop, that.m_floop );
- std::swap( m_fok_to_recurse, that.m_fok_to_recurse );
- std::swap( m_cgroups, that.m_cgroups );
- std::swap( m_cgroups_visible, that.m_cgroups_visible );
- std::swap( m_flags, that.m_flags );
- std::swap( m_mode, that.m_mode );
- std::swap( m_nwidth, that.m_nwidth );
- swap_auto_ptr( m_pat, that.m_pat );
- swap_auto_ptr( m_subst, that.m_subst );
- swap_auto_ptr( m_pfirst, that.m_pfirst );
- m_subst_list.swap( that.m_subst_list );
- m_invisible_groups.swap( m_invisible_groups );
- m_arena.swap( that.m_arena );
- }
- static size_t const npos;
- };
- template< typename CI >
- size_t const basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::npos = size_t( -1 );
- template< typename CI >
- struct matcher_helper
- {
- typedef basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> rpattern_type;
- typedef typename rpattern_type::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename rpattern_type::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename rpattern_type::traits_type traits_type;
- typedef typename rpattern_type::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename rpattern_type::backref_vector backref_vector;
- static match_param<CI> init_param( CI ibegin, CI iend, basic_match_results<CI> & results )
- {
- results.ibegin = ibegin;
- return match_param<CI>( ibegin, iend, & results.m_rgbackrefs );
- }
- // Here is the main dispatch loop. It is responsible for calling
- // match on the current sub-expression and repeating for the next
- // sub-expression. It also backtracks the match when it needs to.
- template< typename CSTRINGS >
- static bool _Do_match_iterative( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur, CSTRINGS )
- {
- unsafe_stack & s = *param.pstack;
- void * jump_ptr = s.set_jump(); // the bottom of the stack
- param.icur = icur;
- if( ! expr->iterative_match_this_( param, CSTRINGS() ) )
- {
- return false;
- }
- for( ;; )
- {
- do
- {
- if( == NULL ) // This means we're done
- if( param.no0len && param.istart == param.icur )
- goto keep_looking;
- else
- return s.long_jump( jump_ptr ), true;
- s.push( expr );
- expr =;
- }
- while( expr->iterative_match_this_( param, CSTRINGS() ) );
- do
- {
- if( jump_ptr == s.set_jump() ) // No more posibilities to try
- return false;
- s.pop( expr );
- keep_looking:;
- }
- while( ! expr->iterative_rematch_this_( param, CSTRINGS() ) );
- }
- }
- static bool _Do_match_iterative_helper( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur )
- {
- return _Do_match_iterative( expr, param, icur, false_t() );
- }
- static bool _Do_match_iterative_helper_c( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur )
- {
- return _Do_match_iterative( expr, param, icur, true_t() );
- }
- static bool _Do_match_recursive( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur )
- {
- return expr->recursive_match_all_( param, icur );
- }
- static bool _Do_match_recursive_c( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur )
- {
- return expr->recursive_match_all_c( param, icur );
- }
- static bool _Do_match_impl( rpattern_type const & pat, match_param<CI> & param, bool const use_null )
- {
- typedef std::list<size_t>::const_iterator LCI;
- typedef bool ( *pfndomatch_t )( sub_expr_base<CI> const * expr, match_param<CI> & param, CI icur );
- bool floop = pat._loops();
- unsigned flags = pat.flags();
- width_type nwidth = pat.get_width();
- // If the pstack parameter is not NULL, we should do a safe, iterative match.
- // Otherwise, we should do a fast, recursive match.
- pfndomatch_t pfndomatch;
- if( NULL != param.pstack )
- if( use_null )
- pfndomatch = &_Do_match_iterative_helper_c;
- else
- pfndomatch = &_Do_match_iterative_helper;
- else
- if( use_null )
- pfndomatch = &_Do_match_recursive_c;
- else
- pfndomatch = &_Do_match_recursive;
- sub_expr_base<CI> const * pfirst = pat._get_first_subexpression();
- param.first = pfirst;
- assert( NULL != param.prgbackrefs );
- param.prgbackrefs->resize( pat._cgroups_total() );
- std::fill( param.prgbackrefs->begin(), param.prgbackrefs->end(), backref_type() );
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- __try
- {
- #endif
- if( ! use_null )
- {
- // If the minimum width of the pattern exceeds the width of the
- // string, a succesful match is impossible
- if( nwidth.m_min <= ( size_t )std::distance( param.istart, param.istop ) )
- {
- CI local_istop = param.istop;
- std::advance( local_istop, -int( nwidth.m_min ) );
- if( RIGHTMOST & flags )
- {
- // begin trying to match after the last character.
- // Continue to the beginning
- for( CI icur = local_istop; icur >= param.istart; --icur, param.no0len = false )
- if( ( *pfndomatch )( pfirst, param, icur ) )
- break; // m_floop not used for rightmost matches
- }
- else
- {
- // begin trying to match before the first character.
- // Continue to the end
- for( CI icur = param.istart; icur <= local_istop; ++icur, param.no0len = false )
- if( ( *pfndomatch )( pfirst, param, icur ) || ! floop )
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- assert( 0 == ( RIGHTMOST & flags ) );
- // begin trying to match before the first character.
- // Continue to the end
- for( CI icur = param.istart; ; ++icur, param.no0len = false )
- {
- if( ( *pfndomatch )( pfirst, param, icur ) || ! floop )
- break;
- if( traits_type::eq( REGEX_CHAR(char_type,' '), *icur ) )
- break;
- }
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- }
- __except( REGEX_STACK_OVERFLOW == _exception_code() )
- {
- // we have overflowed the stack. reset the guard page.
- _resetstkoflw();
- // This match fails silently.
- std::fill( param.prgbackrefs->begin(), param.prgbackrefs->end(), backref_tag<CI>() );
- }
- #endif
- // Remove information about the "invisible" groups
- if( ( *param.prgbackrefs )[0].matched )
- {
- size_t dropped = 0;
- std::list<size_t> const & l = pat.m_invisible_groups;
- for( LCI curr = l.begin(), next = l.begin(); curr != l.end(); curr = next, ++dropped )
- {
- if( ++next == l.end() )
- {
- std::copy(
- param.prgbackrefs->begin() + *curr + 1,
- param.prgbackrefs->end(),
- param.prgbackrefs->begin() + *curr - dropped );
- }
- else
- {
- std::copy(
- param.prgbackrefs->begin() + *curr + 1,
- param.prgbackrefs->begin() + *next,
- param.prgbackrefs->begin() + *curr - dropped );
- }
- }
- param.prgbackrefs->resize( param.prgbackrefs->size() - dropped );
- }
- else
- {
- param.prgbackrefs->resize( param.prgbackrefs->size() - pat.m_invisible_groups.size() );
- }
- return ( *param.prgbackrefs )[0].matched;
- }
- static bool _Do_match_with_stack( rpattern_type const & pat, match_param<CI> & param, bool const use_null );
- static bool _Do_match( rpattern_type const & pat, match_param<CI> & param, bool const use_null )
- {
- if( pat._ok_to_recurse() )
- return _Do_match_impl( pat, param, use_null );
- return _Do_match_with_stack( pat, param, use_null );
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- static size_t _Do_subst_internal(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str,
- basic_subst_results<CH, TR, AL> const & results,
- rpattern_type const & pat,
- size_type strpos,
- size_type strlen )
- {
- typedef subst_list_type::const_iterator LCI;
- enum { UPPER = -1, NIL, LOWER } next = NIL, rest = NIL;
- bool first = true;
- size_t old_strpos = strpos;
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::iterator itstrlen = str.begin();
- std::advance( itstrlen, strpos + strlen );
- std::basic_string<char_type> const & subst = pat.get_subst();
- for( LCI isubst = pat.m_subst_list.begin(); isubst != pat.m_subst_list.end(); ++isubst )
- {
- size_t sublen;
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator itsubpos1; // iter into str
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator itsublen1;
- typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator itsubpos2; // iter into subst string
- typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator itsublen2;
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::iterator itstrpos = str.begin();
- std::advance( itstrpos, strpos );
- switch( isubst->stype )
- {
- case subst_node::SUBST_STRING:
- itsubpos2 = subst.begin();
- std::advance( itsubpos2, isubst->subst_string.rstart );
- itsublen2 = itsubpos2;
- std::advance( itsublen2, isubst->subst_string.rlength );
- if( first )
- str.replace( itstrpos, itstrlen, itsubpos2, itsublen2 );
- else
- str.insert( itstrpos, itsubpos2, itsublen2 );
- sublen = std::distance( itsubpos2, itsublen2 );
- break;
- case subst_node::SUBST_BACKREF:
- switch( isubst->subst_backref )
- {
- case subst_node::PREMATCH:
- itsubpos1 = results.backref_str().begin();
- itsublen1 = itsubpos1;
- std::advance( itsublen1, sublen = results.rstart() );
- break;
- case subst_node::POSTMATCH:
- itsubpos1 = results.backref_str().begin();
- std::advance( itsubpos1, results.rstart() + results.rlength() );
- itsublen1 = results.backref_str().end();
- break;
- default:
- itsubpos1 = results.backref_str().begin();
- std::advance( itsubpos1, results.rstart( isubst->subst_backref ) );
- itsublen1 = itsubpos1;
- std::advance( itsublen1, results.rlength( isubst->subst_backref ) );
- break;
- }
- if( first )
- str.replace( itstrpos, itstrlen, itsubpos1, itsublen1 );
- else
- str.insert( itstrpos, itsubpos1, itsublen1 );
- sublen = std::distance( itsubpos1, itsublen1 );
- break;
- case subst_node::SUBST_OP:
- switch( isubst->op )
- {
- case subst_node::UPPER_ON:
- rest = UPPER;
- break;
- case subst_node::UPPER_NEXT:
- next = UPPER;
- break;
- case subst_node::LOWER_ON:
- rest = LOWER;
- break;
- case subst_node::LOWER_NEXT:
- next = LOWER;
- break;
- case subst_node::ALL_OFF:
- rest = NIL;
- break;
- default:
- __assume( 0 );
- }
- continue; // jump to the next item in the list
- default:
- __assume( 0 );
- }
- first = false;
- // Are we upper- or lower-casing this string?
- if( rest )
- {
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::iterator istart = str.begin();
- std::advance( istart, strpos );
- typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator istop = istart;
- std::advance( istop, sublen );
- switch( rest )
- {
- case UPPER:
- regex_toupper( istart, istop );
- break;
- case LOWER:
- regex_tolower( istart, istop );
- break;
- default:
- __assume( 0 );
- }
- }
- // Are we upper- or lower-casing the next character?
- if( next )
- {
- switch( next )
- {
- case UPPER:
- str[strpos] = regex_toupper( str[strpos] );
- break;
- case LOWER:
- str[strpos] = regex_tolower( str[strpos] );
- break;
- default:
- __assume( 0 );
- }
- next = NIL;
- }
- strpos += sublen;
- }
- // If *first* is still true, then we never called str.replace, and the substitution
- // string is empty. Erase the part of the string that the pattern matched.
- if( first )
- str.erase( strpos, strlen );
- // return length of the substitution
- return strpos - old_strpos;
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- static size_t _Do_subst(
- rpattern_type const & pat,
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str,
- basic_subst_results<CH, TR, AL> & results,
- size_type pos,
- size_type len )
- {
- typedef std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> string_type;
- results.m_pbackref_str = pat._save_backrefs() ? &( results.m_backref_str = str ) : &str;
- results.ibegin = results.m_pbackref_str->begin();
- size_t csubst = 0;
- size_type stop_offset = results.m_pbackref_str->size();
- if( len != rpattern_type::npos )
- stop_offset = (std::min)( size_t( pos + len ), stop_offset );
- match_param<CI> param( results.ibegin, results.ibegin, & results.m_rgbackrefs );
- std::advance( param.istart, pos );
- std::advance( param.istop, stop_offset );
- param.ibegin = param.istart;
- if( GLOBAL & pat.flags() )
- {
- bool const fAll = ( ALLBACKREFS == ( ALLBACKREFS & pat.flags() ) );
- bool const fFirst = ( FIRSTBACKREFS == ( FIRSTBACKREFS & pat.flags() ) );
- backref_vector rgtempbackrefs; // temporary vector used if fsave_backrefs
- size_type pos_offset = 0; // keep track of how much the backref_str and
- // the current string are out of sync
- while( _Do_match( pat, param, false ) )
- {
- backref_type const & br = results.m_rgbackrefs[0];
- ++csubst;
- size_type match_length = std::distance( br.first, br.second );
- pos = std::distance( results.ibegin, br.first );
- size_type subst_length = _Do_subst_internal( str, results, pat, pos + pos_offset, match_length );
- if( pat._save_backrefs() )
- {
- pos += match_length;
- pos_offset += ( subst_length - match_length );
- // Handle specially the backref flags
- if( fFirst )
- rgtempbackrefs.push_back( br );
- else if( fAll )
- rgtempbackrefs.insert( rgtempbackrefs.end(),
- param.prgbackrefs->begin(),
- param.prgbackrefs->end() );
- else
- rgtempbackrefs.swap( *param.prgbackrefs );
- }
- else
- {
- pos += subst_length;
- stop_offset += ( subst_length - match_length );
- results.ibegin = results.m_pbackref_str->begin();
- // we're not saving backref information, so we don't
- // need to do any special backref maintenance here
- }
- // prevent a pattern that matches 0 characters from matching
- // again at the same point in the string
- param.no0len = ( 0 == match_length );
- param.istart = results.ibegin;
- std::advance( param.istart, pos ); // ineffecient for bidirectional iterators.
- param.istop = results.ibegin;
- std::advance( param.istop, stop_offset ); // ineffecient for bidirectional iterators.
- }
- // If we did special backref handling, swap the backref vectors
- if( pat._save_backrefs() )
- {
- param.prgbackrefs->swap( rgtempbackrefs );
- }
- else if( ! ( *param.prgbackrefs )[0].matched )
- {
- param.prgbackrefs->clear();
- }
- }
- else if( _Do_match( pat, param, false ) )
- {
- backref_type const & br = results.m_rgbackrefs[0];
- ++csubst;
- _Do_subst_internal(
- str, results, pat,
- std::distance( results.ibegin, br.first ),
- std::distance( br.first, br.second ) );
- results.ibegin = results.m_pbackref_str->begin();
- }
- if( NOBACKREFS == ( pat.flags() & NOBACKREFS ) )
- {
- param.prgbackrefs->clear();
- }
- return csubst;
- }
- };
- template< typename CI >
- REGEX_NOINLINE bool matcher_helper<CI>::_Do_match_with_stack( rpattern_type const & pat, match_param<CI> & param, bool const use_null )
- {
- unsafe_stack s;
- param.pstack = &s;
- return _Do_match_impl( pat, param, use_null );
- }
- //
- // Some helper functions needed by process_escapes
- //
- template< typename CH >
- inline bool regex_isxdigit( CH ch )
- {
- return ( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'9') >= ch )
- || ( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'f') >= ch )
- || ( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'A') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'F') >= ch );
- }
- template< typename CH >
- inline int regex_xdigit2int( CH ch )
- {
- if( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'f') >= ch )
- return ch - REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a') + 10;
- if( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'A') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'F') >= ch )
- return ch - REGEX_CHAR(CH,'A') + 10;
- return ch - REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0');
- }
- } // namespace detail
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: process_escapes
- //
- // Description: Turn the escape sequnces f n r t v \ into their
- // ASCII character equivalents. Also, optionally process
- // perl escape sequences.
- //
- // Returns: void
- //
- // Arguments: str - the string to process
- // fPattern - true if the string is to be processed as a regex
- //
- // Notes: When fPattern is true, the perl escape sequences are not
- // processed. If there is an octal or hex excape sequence, we
- // don't want to turn it into a regex metacharacter here. We
- // leave it unescaped so the regex parser correctly interprests
- // it as a character literal.
- //
- // History: 8/1/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- inline void process_escapes( std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str, bool fPattern ) //throw()
- {
- typedef typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::size_type size_type;
- size_type i = 0;
- size_type const npos = std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::npos;
- if( str.empty() )
- return;
- while( npos != ( i = str.find( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'\'), i ) ) )
- {
- if( str.size() - 1 == i )
- return;
- switch( str[i+1] )
- {
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'b'):
- if( ! fPattern )
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'b') );
- else
- ++i;
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'e'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, CH( 27 ) );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'f'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'f') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'n'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'n') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'r'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'r') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'t'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'t') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'v'):
- str.replace( i, 2, 1, REGEX_CHAR(CH,'v') );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'\'):
- if( fPattern )
- {
- if( i+3 < str.size() && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'\') == str[i+2] && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'\') == str[i+3] )
- str.erase( i, 2 );
- ++i;
- }
- else
- str.erase( i, 1 );
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'1'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'2'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'3'):
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'4'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'5'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'6'): case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'7'):
- if( ! fPattern )
- {
- size_t j=i+2;
- CH ch = CH( str[i+1] - REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0') );
- for( ; j-i < 4 && j < str.size() && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0') <= str[j] && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'7') >= str[j]; ++j )
- ch = CH( ch * 8 + ( str[j] - REGEX_CHAR(CH,'0') ) );
- str.replace( i, j-i, 1, ch );
- }
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'x'):
- if( ! fPattern )
- {
- CH ch = 0;
- size_t j=i+2;
- for( ; j-i < 4 && j < str.size() && detail::regex_isxdigit( str[j] ); ++j )
- ch = CH( ch * 16 + detail::regex_xdigit2int( str[j] ) );
- str.replace( i, j-i, 1, ch );
- }
- break;
- case REGEX_CHAR(CH,'c'):
- if( ! fPattern && i+2 < str.size() )
- {
- CH ch = str[i+2];
- if( REGEX_CHAR(CH,'a') <= ch && REGEX_CHAR(CH,'z') >= ch )
- ch = detail::regex_toupper( ch );
- str.replace( i, 3, 1, CH( ch ^ 0x40 ) );
- }
- break;
- default:
- if( fPattern )
- ++i;
- else
- str.erase( i, 1 );
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- if( str.size() <= i )
- return;
- }
- }
- #ifndef _MSC_VER
- #undef __assume
- #endif
- #endif