- <html>
- <body>
- <pre>
- <h1>Build Log</h1>
- <h3>
- --------------------Configuration: mysqlpp - Win32 Release--------------------
- </h3>
- <h3>Command Lines</h3>
- Creating temporary file "C:WINDOWSTEMPRSPA313.TMP" with contents
- [
- /nologo /MD /GX /O2 /I "mysql/include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /Fp"Release/mysqlpp.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlpluscoldata.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconnection.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusdatetime.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusfield_names.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusfield_types.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusmanip.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusquery.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusset.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusstring_util.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplustype_info.cpp"
- "C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusvallist.cpp"
- ]
- Creating command line "xicl6.exe @C:WINDOWSTEMPRSPA313.TMP"
- Creating temporary file "C:WINDOWSTEMPRSPA314.TMP" with contents
- [
- /nologo /out:"lib/mysql++.lib"
- ".Releasecoldata.obj"
- ".Releaseconnection.obj"
- ".Releasedatetime.obj"
- ".Releasefield_names.obj"
- ".Releasefield_types.obj"
- ".Releasemanip.obj"
- ".Releasequery.obj"
- ".Releaseresult.obj"
- ".Releaseset.obj"
- ".Releasesql_query.obj"
- ".Releasestring_util.obj"
- ".Releasetype_info.obj"
- ".Releasevallist.obj"
- ".mysqlliblibmySQL.lib"
- ]
- Creating command line "xilink6.exe -lib @C:WINDOWSTEMPRSPA314.TMP"
- <h3>Output Window</h3>
- Compiling...
- coldata.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- connection.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- datetime.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- field_names.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- field_types.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- manip.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- query.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- result.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult.cpp(7) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- set.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- sql_query.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- string_util.cpp
- type_info.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- vallist.cpp
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplussql_query1.hh(135) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(40) : warning C4273: 'strtol' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusconvert1.hh(41) : warning C4273: 'strtoul' : inconsistent dll linkage. dllexport assumed.
- C:WindowsDesktoplazymysql++sqlplusresult1.hh(33) : warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
- Creating library...
- <h3>Results</h3>
- mysql++.lib - 0 error(s), 37 warning(s)
- </pre>
- </body>
- </html>