- #!/my/gnu/bin/perl -w
- # This is a test with uses 5 processes to insert, update and select from
- # two tables.
- # One inserts records in the tables, one updates some record in it and
- # the last 3 does different selects on the tables.
- #
- $opt_loop_count=10000; # Change this to make test harder/easier
- ##################### Standard benchmark inits ##############################
- use Mysql;
- use Getopt::Long;
- use Benchmark;
- package main;
- $opt_skip_create=$opt_skip_in=$opt_verbose=$opt_fast_insert=
- $opt_lock_tables=$opt_debug=$opt_skip_delete=$opt_fast=$opt_force=0;
- $opt_host=""; $opt_db="test";
- GetOptions("host=s","db=s","loop-count=i","skip-create","skip-in","skip-delete",
- "verbose","fast-insert","lock-tables","debug","fast","force") || die "Aborted";
- $opt_verbose=$opt_debug=$opt_lock_tables=$opt_fast_insert=$opt_fast=$opt_skip_in=$Mysql::db_errstr=$opt_force=undef; # Ignore warnings from these
- print "Testing 5 multiple connections to a server with 1 insert, 1 updaten";
- print "and 3 select connections.n";
- $firsttable = "bench_f1";
- $secondtable = "bench_f2";
- ####
- #### Start timeing and start test
- ####
- $start_time=new Benchmark;
- if (!$opt_skip_create)
- {
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $Mysql::QUIET = 1;
- $dbh->Query("drop table $firsttable");
- $dbh->Query("drop table $secondtable");
- $Mysql::QUIET = 0;
- print "Creating tables $firsttable and $secondtable in database $opt_dbn";
- $dbh->Query("create table $firsttable (id int(6) not null, info varchar(32), marker char(1), primary key(id))") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("create table $secondtable (id int(6) not null, row int(3) not null,value double, primary key(id,row))") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh=0; # Close handler
- }
- $|= 1; # Autoflush
- ####
- #### Start the tests
- ####
- test_1() if (($pid=fork()) == 0); $work{$pid}="insert";
- test_2() if (($pid=fork()) == 0); $work{$pid}="update";
- test_3() if (($pid=fork()) == 0); $work{$pid}="select1";
- test_4() if (($pid=fork()) == 0); $work{$pid}="select2";
- test_5() if (($pid=fork()) == 0); $work{$pid}="select3";
- $errors=0;
- while (($pid=wait()) != -1)
- {
- $ret=$?/256;
- print "thread '" . $work{$pid} . "' finnished with exit code $retn";
- $errors++ if ($ret != 0);
- }
- if (!$opt_skip_delete && !$errors)
- {
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("drop table $firsttable");
- $dbh->Query("drop table $secondtable");
- }
- print ($errors ? "Test failedn" :"Test okn");
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Total time: " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $start_time),"noc") . "n";
- exit(0);
- #
- # Insert records in the two tables
- #
- sub test_1
- {
- my ($dbh,$tmpvar,$rows,$found,$i);
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $tmpvar=1;
- $rows=$found=0;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $opt_loop_count; $i++)
- {
- $tmpvar^= ((($tmpvar + 63) + $i)*3 % 100000);
- $sth=$dbh->Query("insert into $firsttable values ($i,'This is entry $i','')") || die "Got error on insert: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $row_count=($i % 7)+1;
- $rows+=1+$row_count;
- for ($j=0 ; $j < $row_count; $j++)
- {
- $sth=$dbh->Query("insert into $secondtable values ($i,$j,0)") || die "Got error on insert: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- }
- if (($tmpvar % 10) == 0)
- {
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select max(info) from $firsttable") || die "Got error on select max(info): $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select max(value) from $secondtable") || die "Got error on select max(info): $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $found+=2;
- }
- }
- $dbh=0;
- print "Test_1: Inserted $rows rows, found $found rowsn";
- exit(0);
- }
- #
- # Update records in both tables
- #
- sub test_2
- {
- my ($dbh,$id,$tmpvar,$rows,$found,$i,$max_id,$tmp);
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $tmpvar=111111;
- $rows=$found=$max_id=$id=0;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $opt_loop_count ; $i++)
- {
- $tmp=(($tmpvar + 63) + $i)*3;
- $tmp=$tmp-int($tmp/100000)*100000;
- $tmpvar^= $tmp;
- $tmp=$tmpvar - int($tmpvar/10)*10;
- if ($max_id*$tmp == 0)
- {
- $max_id=0;
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select max(id) from $firsttable where marker=''") || die "Got error select max: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- if ((@row = $sth->FetchRow()) && defined($row[0]))
- {
- $found++;
- $max_id=$id=$row[0];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $id= $tmpvar % ($max_id-1)+1;
- }
- if ($id)
- {
- $sth=$dbh->Query("update $firsttable set marker='x' where id=$id") || die "Got error update $firsttable: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $rows+=$sth->affected_rows;
- if ($sth->affected_rows)
- {
- $sth=$dbh->Query("update $secondtable set value=$i where id=$id") || die "Got error update $firsttable: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $rows+=$sth->affected_rows;
- }
- }
- }
- $dbh=0;
- print "Test_2: Found $found rows, Updated $rows rowsn";
- exit(0);
- }
- #
- # select records
- #
- sub test_3
- {
- my ($dbh,$id,$tmpvar,$rows,$i);
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $tmpvar=222222;
- $rows=0;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $opt_loop_count ; $i++)
- {
- $tmpvar^= ((($tmpvar + 63) + $i)*3 % 100000);
- $id=$tmpvar % $opt_loop_count;
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select id from $firsttable where id=$id") || die "Got error on select from $firsttable: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $rows+=$sth->numrows;
- }
- $dbh=0;
- print "Test_3: Found $rows rowsn";
- exit(0);
- }
- #
- # Note that this uses row=1 and in some cases won't find any matching
- # records
- #
- sub test_4
- {
- my ($dbh,$id,$tmpvar,$rows,$i);
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $tmpvar=333333;
- $rows=0;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $opt_loop_count; $i++)
- {
- $tmpvar^= ((($tmpvar + 63) + $i)*3 % 100000);
- $id=$tmpvar % $opt_loop_count;
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select id from $secondtable where id=$id") || die "Got error on select form $secondtable: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $rows+=$sth->numrows;
- }
- $dbh=0;
- print "Test_4: Found $rows rowsn";
- exit(0);
- }
- sub test_5
- {
- my ($dbh,$id,$tmpvar,$rows,$i,$max_id);
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($opt_host, $opt_db) || die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $tmpvar=444444;
- $rows=$max_id=0;
- for ($i=0 ; $i < $opt_loop_count ; $i++)
- {
- $tmpvar^= ((($tmpvar + 63) + $i)*3 % 100000);
- if ($max_id == 0 || ($tmpvar % 10 == 0))
- {
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select max(id) from $firsttable") || die "Got error select max: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- if ((@row = $sth->FetchRow()) && defined($row[0]))
- {
- $max_id=$id=$row[0];
- }
- else
- {
- $id=0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $id= $tmpvar % $max_id;
- }
- $sth=$dbh->Query("select value from $firsttable,$secondtable where $$id and $$") || die "Got error on select form $secondtable: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $rows+=$sth->numrows;
- }
- $dbh=0;
- print "Test_5: Found $rows rowsn";
- exit(0);
- }