- #!/my/gnu/bin/perl
- # This is a test with uses two processes to a database.
- # The other inserts records in two tables, the other does a lot of joins
- # on these.
- #
- # Warning, the output from this test will differ in 'found' from time to time,
- # but there should never be any errors
- #
- $host= shift || "";
- $test_db="test";
- use Mysql;
- $|= 1; # Autoflush
- $org_file="/tmp/export-org.$$";
- $tmp_file="/tmp/export-old.$$";
- $tmp_file2="/tmp/export-new.$$";
- print "Connection to database $test_dbn";
- $dbh = Mysql->Connect($host) || die "Can't connect: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $dbh->SelectDB($test_db) || die "Can't use database $test_db: $Mysql::db_errstrn";
- $dbh->Query("drop table export"); # Ignore this error
- print "Creating tablen";
- ($dbh->Query("
- CREATE TABLE export (
- auto int(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment,
- string char(11) NOT NULL,
- tiny tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- short smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- medium mediumint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- longint int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- longlong bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- real_float float(13,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0',
- real_double double(13,1) NOT NULL,
- utiny tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- ushort smallint(5) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '00000',
- umedium mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- ulong int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- ulonglong bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
- time_stamp timestamp,
- blob_col blob,
- tinyblob_col tinyblob,
- mediumblob_col tinyblob not null,
- longblob_col longblob not null,
- PRIMARY KEY (auto),
- KEY (string(5)),
- KEY unsigned_tinykey (utiny),
- KEY (tiny),
- KEY (short),
- FOREIGN KEY (medium) references export,
- KEY (longlong),
- KEY (real_float),
- KEY (real_double),
- KEY (ushort),
- KEY (umedium),
- KEY (ulong),
- KEY (ulonglong),
- KEY (ulonglong,ulong))")) or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- print "Inserting datan";
- @A=("insert into export values (10, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1)",
- "insert into export values (NULL,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,NULL,NULL,NULL,2,2)",
- "insert into export values (0,1/3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,'','','','3')",
- "insert into export values (0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,'-1')",
- "insert into export values (0,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,-4294967295,'-4294967295')",
- "insert into export values (0,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,4294967295,'4294967295')",
- "insert into export (string,tinyblob_col) values ('special','''\0\ttn''')",
- "insert into export (string) values (',,!!\\##')",
- "insert into export (tinyblob_col) values (',,!!!\\\##')"
- );
- foreach $A (@A)
- {
- $dbh->Query($A) or die "query: $A returned: " . $Mysql::db_errstr;
- }
- print "Doing dump, load, check on different formatsn";
- @A=(# Ordinary format
- "",
- # Field terminated by something
- "fields optionally enclosed by '+' escaped by '' terminated by ',,,' lines terminated by ',,,,'",
- "fields enclosed by '' terminated by ',' lines terminated by ''",
- "fields enclosed by '' terminated by ',' lines terminated by '!!'",
- #Fields enclosed by
- #"fields enclosed by '+' terminated by ''",
- #"fields enclosed by '+' terminated by '' lines terminated by ''",
- "fields enclosed by '+' terminated by ',,' lines terminated by '!!!'",
- "fields enclosed by '+' terminated by ',,' lines terminated by '##'",
- "fields enclosed by '+' escaped by '' terminated by ',,' lines terminated by '###'",
- "fields enclosed by '+' escaped by '' terminated by '!' lines terminated by ''",
- "fields enclosed by '+' terminated by ',' lines terminated by ''",
- #Fields optionally enclosed by
- "fields optionally enclosed by '+' terminated by ','",
- "fields optionally enclosed by '+' terminated by ',' lines terminated by ''",
- "fields optionally enclosed by '''' terminated by ',' lines starting by 'INSERT INTO a VALUES(' terminated by ');n'",
- );
- $dbh->Query("select * into outfile '$org_file' from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- foreach $A (@A)
- {
- unlink($tmp_file);
- unlink($tmp_file2);
- $dbh->Query("select * into outfile '$tmp_file' $A from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("delete from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("load data infile '$tmp_file' into table export $A") or die $Mysql::db_errstr . " with format: $An";
- $dbh->Query("select * into outfile '$tmp_file2' from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- if (`cmp $tmp_file2 $org_file`)
- {
- print "Using format $An";
- print "$tmp_file2 and $org_file differ. Plese check filesn";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- @A=(#Fixed size fields
- "fields enclosed by '' escaped by '' terminated by ''",
- "fields enclosed by '' escaped by '' terminated by '' lines terminated by '\r\n'",
- "fields enclosed by '' terminated by '' lines terminated by ''"
- );
- unlink($org_file);
- $field_list="auto,ifnull(string,''),tiny,short,medium,longint,longlong,real_float,ifnull(real_double,''),utiny,ushort,umedium,ulong,ulonglong,time_stamp";
- $dbh->Query("select $field_list into outfile '$org_file' from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $field_list="auto,string,tiny,short,medium,longint,longlong,real_float,real_double,utiny,ushort,umedium,ulong,ulonglong,time_stamp";
- foreach $A (@A)
- {
- unlink($tmp_file);
- unlink($tmp_file2);
- $dbh->Query("select $field_list into outfile '$tmp_file' $A from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("delete from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("load data infile '$tmp_file' into table export $A ($field_list)") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- $dbh->Query("select $field_list into outfile '$tmp_file2' from export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- if (`cmp $tmp_file2 $org_file`)
- {
- print "Using format $An";
- print "$tmp_file2 and $org_file differ. Plese check filesn";
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- unlink($tmp_file);
- unlink($tmp_file2);
- unlink($org_file);
- $dbh->Query("drop table export") or die $Mysql::db_errstr;
- print "Test okn";
- exit 0;