- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
- #
- # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Library General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- # Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- # MA 02111-1307, USA
- #
- # Test of creating the ATIS database and doing many different selects on it
- #
- # changes made for Oracle compatibility
- # - added Oracle to the '' to ' ' translation
- # - skip blank lines from the datafiles
- # - skip a couple of the tests in Q4 that Oracle doesn't understand
- ################### Standard benchmark inits ##############################
- use DBI;
- use Benchmark;
- $opt_loop_count=100; # Run selects this many times
- chomp($pwd = `pwd`); $pwd = "." if ($pwd eq '');
- require "$pwd/bench-init.pl" || die "Can't read Configuration file: $!n";
- if ($opt_small_test)
- {
- $opt_loop_count/=10;
- }
- print "ATIS table testnn";
- ####
- #### Connect and start timeing
- ####
- $dbh = $server->connect();
- $start_time=new Benchmark;
- ####
- #### Create needed tables
- ####
- init_data(); # Get table definitions
- if (!$opt_skip_create)
- {
- print "Creating tablesn";
- $loop_time= new Benchmark;
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- my $array_ref = $tables[$ti];
- # This may fail if we have no table so do not check answer
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table $table_name" . $server->{'drop_attr'});
- print "Creating table $table_namen" if ($opt_verbose);
- do_many($dbh,@$array_ref);
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Time for create_table (" . ($#tables+1) ."): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- if ($opt_fast && defined($server->{vacuum}))
- {
- $server->vacuum(0,$dbh);
- }
- ####
- #### Insert data
- ####
- print "Inserting datan";
- $loop_time= new Benchmark;
- $row_count=0;
- $double_quotes=$server->{'double_quotes'};
- if ($opt_lock_tables)
- {
- @tmp=@table_names; push(@tmp,@extra_names);
- print "LOCK TABLES @tmpn" if ($opt_debug);
- $sth = $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES " . join(" WRITE,", @tmp) . " WRITE") ||
- die $DBI::errstr;
- }
- if ($opt_fast && $server->{'limits'}->{'load_data_infile'})
- {
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- my $file = "$pwd/Data/ATIS/${table_name}.txt";
- print "$table_name - $filen" if ($opt_debug);
- $row_count += $server->insert_file($table_name,$file,$dbh);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- my $array_ref = $tables[$ti];
- my @table = @$array_ref;
- my $insert_start = "insert into $table_name values (";
- open(DATA, "$pwd/Data/ATIS/${table_name}.txt") || die "Can't open text file: $pwd/Data/ATIS/${table_name}.txtn";
- while(<DATA>)
- {
- chomp;
- next unless ( $_ =~ /w/ ); # skip blank lines
- my $command = $insert_start . $_ . ")";
- $command =~ s/''/' '/g if ($opt_server =~ /empress/i || $opt_server =~ /oracle/i);
- $command =~ s/\'//g if ($opt_server =~ /informix/i);
- print "$commandn" if ($opt_debug);
- $command =~ s/\'/''/g if ($double_quotes);
- $sth = $dbh->do($command) or die "Got error: $DBI::errstr when executing '$command'n";
- $row_count++;
- }
- }
- close(DATA);
- }
- if ($opt_lock_tables)
- {
- $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES");
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Time to insert ($row_count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "nn";
- }
- if ($opt_fast && defined($server->{vacuum}))
- {
- $server->vacuum(0,$dbh,@table_names);
- }
- if ($opt_lock_tables)
- {
- @tmp=@table_names; push(@tmp,@extra_names);
- $sth = $dbh->do("LOCK TABLES " . join(" READ,", @tmp) . " READ") ||
- die $DBI::errstr;
- }
- #
- # Now the fun begins. Let's do some simple queries on the result
- #
- # The query array is defined as:
- # query, number of rows in result, 0|1 where 1 means that the query is possible
- #
- print "Retrieving datan";
- @Q1=("select_simple_join",
- "select city.city_name,state.state_name,city.city_code from city,state where city.city_code='MATL' and city.state_code=state.state_code",1,1,
- "select city.city_name,state.state_name,city.city_code from state,city where city.state_code=state.state_code",11,1,
- "select month_name.month_name,day_name.day_name from month_name,day_name where month_name.month_number=day_name.day_code",7,1,
- "select month_name.month_name,day_name.day_name from month_name,day_name where month_name.month_number=day_name.day_code and day_name.day_code >= 4",4,1,
- "select flight.flight_code,aircraft.aircraft_type from flight,aircraft where flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code",579,1,
- );
- @Q2=("select_join",
- "select airline.airline_name,aircraft.aircraft_type from aircraft,airline,flight where flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code and flight.airline_code=airline.airline_code",579,1);
- @Q21=("select_key_prefix_join",
- "select fare.fare_code from restrict_carrier,airline,fare where restrict_carrier.airline_code=airline.airline_code and fare.restrict_code=restrict_carrier.restrict_code",5692,1,
- );
- @Q3=("select_distinct",
- "select distinct category from aircraft",6,1,
- "select distinct from_airport from flight",9,1,
- "select distinct aircraft_code from flight",22,1,
- "select distinct * from fare",534,1,
- "select distinct flight_code from flight_fare",579,1,
- "select distinct flight.flight_code,aircraft.aircraft_type from flight,aircraft where flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code",579,1,
- "select distinct airline.airline_name,aircraft.aircraft_type from aircraft,airline,flight where flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code and flight.airline_code=airline.airline_code",44,$limits->{'join_optimizer'},
- "select distinct airline.airline_name,aircraft.aircraft_type from flight,aircraft,airline where flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code and flight.airline_code=airline.airline_code",44,1,
- );
- @Q4=("select_group",
- "select day_name.day_name,day_name.day_code,count(*) from flight_day,day_name where day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by day_name.day_name,day_name.day_code order by day_name.day_code",7,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select day_name.day_name,count(*) from flight_day,day_name where day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by day_name.day_name",7,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select month_name,day_name from month_name,day_name where month_number=day_code and day_code>3 group by month_name,day_name",4,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select day_name.day_name,flight_day.day_code,count(*) from flight_day,day_name where day_name.day_code=flight_day.day_code group by flight_day.day_code,day_name.day_name order by flight_day.day_code",7,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select sum(engines) from aircraft",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select avg(engines) from aircraft",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select avg(engines) from aircraft where engines>0",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select count(*),min(pay_load),max(pay_load) from aircraft where pay_load>0",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select min(flight_code),min(flight_code) from flight",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select min(from_airport),min(to_airport) from flight",1,$limits->{'group_functions'} && $limits->{'group_func_sql_min_str'},
- "select count(*) from aircraft where pay_load>10000",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select count(*) from aircraft where pay_load<>0",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select count(*) from flight where flight_code >= 112793",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select count(if(pay_load,1,NULL)) from aircraft",1,$limits->{'if'} && $limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select std(engines) from aircraft",1,$limits->{'group_func_extra_std'},
- "SELECT from_airport,to_airport,avg(time_elapsed) FROM flight WHERE from_airport='ATL' AND to_airport='BOS' group by from_airport,to_airport",1,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select city_code, avg(ground_fare) from ground_service where ground_fare<>0 group by city_code",11,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select count(*), ground_service.city_code from ground_service group by ground_service.city_code",12,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select category,count(*) as totalnr from aircraft where engines=2 group by category having totalnr>4",3,$limits->{'group_functions'} && $limits->{'having_with_alias'},
- "select category,count(*) from aircraft where engines=2 group by category having count(*)>4",3,$limits->{'group_functions'} && $limits->{'having_with_group'},
- "select flight_number,range_miles,fare_class FROM aircraft,flight,flight_class WHERE flight.flight_code=flight_class.flight_code AND flight.aircraft_code=aircraft.aircraft_code AND range_miles<>0 AND (stops=1 OR stops=2) GROUP BY flight_number,range_miles,fare_class",150,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select distinct from_airport.time_zone_code,to_airport.time_zone_code,(FLOOR(arrival_time/100)*60+MOD(arrival_time,100)-FLOOR(departure_time/100)*60-MOD(departure_time,100)-time_elapsed)/60 AS time_zone_diff FROM flight,airport AS from_airport,airport AS to_airport WHERE flight.from_airport=from_airport.airport_code AND flight.to_airport=to_airport.airport_code GROUP BY from_airport.time_zone_code,to_airport.time_zone_code,arrival_time,departure_time,time_elapsed",21,$limits->{'func_odbc_mod'} && $limits->{'func_odbc_floor'} && $limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select DISTINCT from_airport.time_zone_code,to_airport.time_zone_code,MOD((FLOOR(arrival_time/100)*60+MOD(arrival_time,100)-FLOOR(departure_time/100)*60-MOD(departure_time,100)-time_elapsed)/60+36,24)-12 AS time_zone_diff FROM flight,airport AS from_airport,airport AS to_airport WHERE flight.from_airport=from_airport.airport_code AND flight.to_airport=to_airport.airport_code and MOD((FLOOR(arrival_time/100)*60+MOD(arrival_time,100)-FLOOR(departure_time/100)*60-MOD(departure_time,100)-time_elapsed)/60+36,24)-12 < 10",14,$limits->{'func_odbc_mod'} && $limits->{'func_odbc_floor'} && $limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select from_airport,to_airport,range_miles,time_elapsed FROM aircraft,flight WHERE aircraft.aircraft_code=flight.aircraft_code AND to_airport NOT LIKE from_airport AND range_miles<>0 AND time_elapsed<>0 GROUP BY from_airport,to_airport,range_miles,time_elapsed",409,$limits->{'group_functions'} && $limits->{'like_with_column'},
- "SELECT airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction FROM airport_service,state,airport,city WHERE airport_service.city_code=city.city_code AND airport_service.airport_code=airport.airport_code AND state.state_code=airport.state_code AND state.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.country_name=city.country_name AND airport.country_name=state.country_name AND city.time_zone_code=airport.time_zone_code GROUP BY airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction ORDER BY state_name",11,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "SELECT airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction FROM airport_service,state,airport,city WHERE airport_service.city_code=city.city_code AND airport_service.airport_code=airport.airport_code AND state.state_code=airport.state_code AND state.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.country_name=city.country_name AND airport.country_name=state.country_name AND city.time_zone_code=airport.time_zone_code GROUP BY airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction ORDER BY state_name DESC",11,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "SELECT airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction FROM airport_service,state,airport,city WHERE airport_service.city_code=city.city_code AND airport_service.airport_code=airport.airport_code AND state.state_code=airport.state_code AND state.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.state_code=city.state_code AND airport.country_name=city.country_name AND airport.country_name=state.country_name AND city.time_zone_code=airport.time_zone_code GROUP BY airport.country_name,state.state_name,city.city_name,airport_service.direction ORDER BY state_name",11,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "SELECT from_airport,to_airport,fare.fare_class,night,one_way_cost,rnd_trip_cost,class_days FROM compound_class,fare WHERE compound_class.fare_class=fare.fare_class AND one_way_cost <= 825 AND one_way_cost >= 280 AND from_airport='SFO' AND to_airport='DFW' GROUP BY from_airport,to_airport,fare.fare_class,night,one_way_cost,rnd_trip_cost,class_days ORDER BY one_way_cost",10,$limits->{'group_functions'},
- "select engines,category,cruising_speed,from_airport,to_airport FROM aircraft,flight WHERE category='JET' AND ENGINES >= 1 AND aircraft.aircraft_code=flight.aircraft_code AND to_airport NOT LIKE from_airport AND stops>0 GROUP BY engines,category,cruising_speed,from_airport,to_airport ORDER BY engines DESC",29,$limits->{'group_functions'} && $limits->{'like_with_column'},
- );
- @Q=(@Q1,@Q2,@Q21,@Q3,@Q4);
- foreach $Q (@Q)
- {
- $count=$estimated=0;
- $loop_time= new Benchmark;
- for ($i=1 ; $i <= $opt_loop_count; $i++)
- {
- for ($j=1 ; $j < $#$Q ; $j+=3)
- {
- if ($Q->[$j+2])
- { # We can do it with current limits
- $count++;
- if ($i == 100) # Do something different
- {
- if (($row_count=fetch_all_rows($dbh,$server->query($Q->[$j]))) !=
- $Q->[$j+1])
- {
- if ($row_count == undef())
- {
- die "Got error: $DBI::errstr when executing " . $Q->[$j] ."n"."got $row_count instead of $Q->[$j+1] *** n";
- }
- print "Warning: Query '" . $Q->[$j] . "' returned $row_count rows when it should have returned " . $Q->[$j+1] . " rowsn";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- defined(fetch_all_rows($dbh,$server->query($Q->[$j])))
- or die "ERROR: $DBI::errstr executing '$Q->[$j]'n";
- }
- }
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- last if ($estimated=predict_query_time($loop_time,$end_time,$count,$i,
- $opt_loop_count));
- print "Loop $in" if ($opt_verbose);
- }
- if ($count)
- {
- if ($estimated)
- { print "Estimated time"; }
- else
- { print "Time"; }
- print " for " . $Q->[0] . " ($count): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "n";
- }
- }
- print "n";
- ####
- #### Delete the tables
- ####
- if (!$opt_skip_delete) # Only used when testing
- {
- print "Removing tablesn";
- $loop_time= new Benchmark;
- if ($opt_lock_tables)
- {
- $sth = $dbh->do("UNLOCK TABLES") || die $DBI::errstr;
- }
- for ($ti = 0; $ti <= $#table_names; $ti++)
- {
- my $table_name = $table_names[$ti];
- $sth = $dbh->do("drop table $table_name" . $server->{'drop_attr'});
- }
- $end_time=new Benchmark;
- print "Time to drop_table (" .($#table_names+1) . "): " .
- timestr(timediff($end_time, $loop_time),"all") . "n";
- }
- if ($opt_fast && defined($server->{vacuum}))
- {
- $server->vacuum(0,$dbh);
- }
- ####
- #### End of benchmark
- ####
- $dbh->disconnect; # close connection
- end_benchmark($start_time);
- sub init_data
- {
- @aircraft=
- $server->create("aircraft",
- ["aircraft_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "aircraft_type char(64) NOT NULL",
- "engines tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "category char(10) NOT NULL",
- "wide_body char(3) NOT NULL",
- "wing_span float(6,2) NOT NULL",
- "length1 float(6,2) NOT NULL",
- "weight integer(7) NOT NULL",
- "capacity smallint(3) NOT NULL",
- "pay_load integer(7) NOT NULL",
- "cruising_speed mediumint(5) NOT NULL",
- "range_miles mediumint(5) NOT NULL",
- "pressurized char(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (aircraft_code)"]);
- @airline=
- $server->create("airline",
- ["airline_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "airline_name char(64) NOT NULL",
- "notes char(38) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (airline_code)"]);
- @airport=
- $server->create("airport",
- ["airport_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "airport_name char(40) NOT NULL",
- "location char(36) NOT NULL",
- "state_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "country_name char(25) NOT NULL",
- "time_zone_code char(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (airport_code)"]);
- @airport_service=
- $server->create("airport_service",
- ["city_code char(4) NOT NULL",
- "airport_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "miles_distant float(4,1) NOT NULL",
- "direction char(3) NOT NULL",
- "minutes_distant smallint(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (city_code, airport_code)"]);
- @city=
- $server->create("city",
- ["city_code char(4) NOT NULL",
- "city_name char(25) NOT NULL",
- "state_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "country_name char(25) NOT NULL",
- "time_zone_code char(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (city_code)"]);
- @class_of_service=
- $server->create("class_of_service",
- ["class_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "rank tinyint(2) NOT NULL",
- "class_description char(80) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (class_code)"]);
- @code_description=
- $server->create("code_description",
- ["code char(5) NOT NULL",
- "description char(110) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (code)"]);
- @compound_class=
- $server->create("compound_class",
- ["fare_class char(3) NOT NULL",
- "base_class char(2) NOT NULL",
- "class_type char(10) NOT NULL",
- "premium char(3) NOT NULL",
- "economy char(3) NOT NULL",
- "discounted char(3) NOT NULL",
- "night char(3) NOT NULL",
- "season_fare char(4) NOT NULL",
- "class_days char(7) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (fare_class)"]);
- @connect_leg=
- $server->create("connect_leg",
- ["connect_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "leg_number tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "flight_code integer(8) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (connect_code, leg_number, flight_code)"]);
- @connection=
- $server->create("fconnection",
- ["connect_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "from_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "to_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "departure_time smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "arrival_time smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "flight_days char(7) NOT NULL",
- "stops tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "connections tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "time_elapsed smallint(4) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (connect_code)",
- "INDEX from_airport1 (from_airport)",
- "INDEX to_airport1 (to_airport)"]);
- @day_name=
- $server->create("day_name",
- ["day_code tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "day_name char(9) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (day_code)"]);
- @dual_carrier=
- $server->create("dual_carrier",
- ["main_airline char(2) NOT NULL",
- "dual_airline char(2) NOT NULL",
- "low_flight smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "high_flight smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "fconnection_name char(64) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (main_airline, dual_airline, low_flight)",
- "INDEX main_airline1 (main_airline)"]);
- @fare=
- $server->create("fare",
- ["fare_code char(8) NOT NULL",
- "from_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "to_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "fare_class char(3) NOT NULL",
- "fare_airline char(2) NOT NULL",
- "restrict_code char(5) NOT NULL",
- "one_way_cost float(7,2) NOT NULL",
- "rnd_trip_cost float(8,2) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (fare_code)",
- "INDEX from_airport2 (from_airport)",
- "INDEX to_airport2 (to_airport)"]);
- @flight=
- $server->create("flight",
- ["flight_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "flight_days char(7) NOT NULL",
- "from_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "to_airport char(3) NOT NULL",
- "departure_time smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "arrival_time smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "airline_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "flight_number smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "class_string char(8) NOT NULL",
- "aircraft_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "meal_code char(7) NOT NULL",
- "stops tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "dual_carrier char(1) NOT NULL",
- "time_elapsed smallint(4) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (flight_code)",
- "INDEX from_airport3 (from_airport)",
- "INDEX to_airport3 (to_airport)"]);
- @flight_class=
- $server->create("flight_class",
- ["flight_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "fare_class char(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (flight_code, fare_class)"]);
- @flight_day=
- $server->create("flight_day",
- ["day_mask char(7) NOT NULL",
- "day_code tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "day_name char(9) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (day_mask, day_code)"]);
- @flight_fare=
- $server->create("flight_fare",
- ["flight_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "fare_code char(8) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (flight_code, fare_code)"]);
- @food_service=
- $server->create("food_service",
- ["meal_code char(4) NOT NULL",
- "meal_number tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "meal_class char(10) NOT NULL",
- "meal_description char(10) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (meal_code, meal_number, meal_class)"]);
- @ground_service=
- $server->create("ground_service",
- ["city_code char(4) NOT NULL",
- "airport_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "transport_code char(1) NOT NULL",
- "ground_fare float(6,2) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (city_code, airport_code, transport_code)"]);
- @time_interval=
- $server->create("time_interval",
- ["period char(20) NOT NULL",
- "begin_time smallint(4) NOT NULL",
- "end_time smallint(4) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (period, begin_time)"]);
- @month_name=
- $server->create("month_name",
- ["month_number tinyint(2) NOT NULL",
- "month_name char(9) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (month_number)"]);
- @restrict_carrier=
- $server->create("restrict_carrier",
- ["restrict_code char(5) NOT NULL",
- "airline_code char(2) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (restrict_code, airline_code)"]);
- @restrict_class=
- $server->create("restrict_class",
- ["restrict_code char(5) NOT NULL",
- "ex_fare_class char(12) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (restrict_code, ex_fare_class)"]);
- @restriction=
- $server->create("restriction",
- ["restrict_code char(5) NOT NULL",
- "application char(80) NOT NULL",
- "no_discounts char(80) NOT NULL",
- "reserve_ticket smallint(3) NOT NULL",
- "stopovers char(1) NOT NULL",
- "return_min smallint(3) NOT NULL",
- "return_max smallint(3) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (restrict_code)"]);
- @state=
- $server->create("state",
- ["state_code char(2) NOT NULL",
- "state_name char(25) NOT NULL",
- "country_name char(25) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (state_code)"]);
- @stop=
- $server->create("stop1",
- ["flight_code integer(8) NOT NULL",
- "stop_number tinyint(1) NOT NULL",
- "stop_flight integer(8) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (flight_code, stop_number)"]);
- @time_zone=
- $server->create("time_zone",
- ["time_zone_code char(3) NOT NULL",
- "time_zone_name char(32) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (time_zone_code, time_zone_name)"]);
- @transport=
- $server->create("transport",
- ["transport_code char(1) NOT NULL",
- "transport_desc char(32) NOT NULL"],
- ["PRIMARY KEY (transport_code)"]);
- # Avoid not used warnings
- @tables =
- (@aircraft, @airline, @airport, @airport_service,
- @city, @class_of_service, @code_description,
- @compound_class, @connect_leg, @connection, @day_name,
- @dual_carrier, @fare, @flight, @flight_class, @flight_day,
- @flight_fare, @food_service, @ground_service, @time_interval,
- @month_name,
- @restrict_carrier, @restrict_class, @restriction, @state, @stop,
- @time_zone, @transport);
- @table_names =
- ("aircraft", "airline", "airport", "airport_service",
- "city", "class_of_service", "code_description",
- "compound_class", "connect_leg", "fconnection", "day_name",
- "dual_carrier", "fare", "flight", "flight_class", "flight_day",
- "flight_fare", "food_service", "ground_service", "time_interval",
- "month_name",
- "restrict_carrier", "restrict_class", "restriction", "state", "stop1",
- "time_zone", "transport");
- # Alias used in joins
- @extra_names=("airport as from_airport","airport as to_airport");
- }