- //-----------------------------------------//
- // //
- // File : KStdAfx.cpp //
- // Author : Yang Xiaodong //
- // Modified : 8/14/2002 //
- // //
- //-----------------------------------------//
- #include "GlobalFun.h"
- #include "process.h"
- static const TCHAR szEnter1[] = _T("rn");
- static const UINT uiEnter1 = _tcslen( szEnter1 );
- static const TCHAR szEnter2[] = _T("nr");
- static const UINT uiEnter2 = _tcslen( szEnter2 );
- static const TCHAR szEnter3[] = _T("r");
- static const UINT uiEnter3 = _tcslen( szEnter3 );
- static const TCHAR szEnter4[] = _T("n");
- static const UINT uiEnter4 = _tcslen( szEnter4 );
- static const TCHAR szTabKey[] = { 0x09, 0 };
- static const UINT uiTabkey = _tcslen( szTabKey );
- static const UINT uiTab2SpaceNum = 4;
- static const TCHAR szSpaceKey[] = _T(" ");
- static const UINT uiSpaceKey = _tcslen( szSpaceKey );
- static const TCHAR szLBracket[] = _T("[");
- static const UINT uiLBracket = _tcslen( szLBracket );
- static const TCHAR szRBracket[] = _T("]");
- static const UINT uiRBracket = _tcslen( szRBracket );
- static const TCHAR szEqual[] = _T("=");
- static const UINT uiEqual = _tcslen( szEqual );
- static BOOL IsEnterKey( LPCTSTR lpChar,
- BOOL* pEnterType = NULL )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpChar, szEnter1, uiEnter1 ) )
- {
- if ( NULL != pEnterType )
- {
- *pEnterType = TRUE;
- }
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpChar, szEnter2, uiEnter2 ) )
- {
- if ( NULL != pEnterType )
- {
- *pEnterType = TRUE;
- }
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpChar, szEnter3, uiEnter3 ) )
- {
- if ( NULL != pEnterType )
- {
- *pEnterType = FALSE;
- }
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpChar, szEnter4, uiEnter4 ) )
- {
- if ( NULL != pEnterType )
- {
- *pEnterType = FALSE;
- }
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- static long GetFirstLineLen( LPCTSTR lpszSource )
- {
- long liRet = 0;
- if ( NULL != lpszSource )
- {
- LPTSTR lpszAt = ( LPTSTR )lpszSource;
- BOOL bHasEnterKey = FALSE;
- while ( 0 != lpszAt[0] )
- {
- if ( (0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szEnter1, uiEnter1 ) )
- || ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szEnter2, uiEnter2 ) )
- || ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szEnter3, uiEnter3 ) )
- || ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szEnter4, uiEnter4 ) ) )
- {
- bHasEnterKey = TRUE;
- liRet = lpszAt - lpszSource;
- break;
- }
- lpszAt++;
- }
- if ( !bHasEnterKey )
- {
- liRet = lpszAt - lpszSource;
- }
- }
- return liRet;
- }
- static BOOL GetStrInStrPos( LPCTSTR lpszSouce,
- LPCTSTR lpszSearch,
- long &liOffset )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- if ( ( NULL == lpszSouce )
- || ( NULL == lpszSearch ) )
- {
- bRet = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- long liSource = _tcslen( lpszSouce );
- long liSearch = _tcslen( lpszSearch );
- LPTSTR lpszAt = ( LPTSTR )( lpszSouce );
- for ( long i = 0; i < liSource; i++ )
- {
- if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, lpszSearch, liSearch ) )
- {
- bRet = TRUE;
- liOffset = i;
- break;
- }
- lpszAt++;
- }
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : GetPrivateProfileKeyPos
- // Return : int
- // = -1 ---- Error;
- // = 0 ---- Has no the section;
- // = 1 ---- Finds out the key successfully;
- // = 2 ---- Only finds out the section.
- // Platform : Unconcerned.
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static int GetPrivateProfileKeyPos( LPCTSTR lpszBuf,
- LPCTSTR lpszAppName,
- LPCTSTR lpszKeyName,
- long &liOffset,
- long &liSize )
- {
- int iRet = -1;
- if ( ( NULL == lpszBuf )
- || ( NULL == lpszAppName )
- || ( NULL == lpszKeyName ) )
- {
- iRet = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- BOOL bSearchFlag = FALSE;
- LPTSTR lpszAt = ( LPTSTR )lpszBuf;
- long liAppName = _tcslen( lpszAppName );
- LPTSTR lpszModifiedAppName = new TCHAR[liAppName+3];
- if ( NULL != lpszModifiedAppName )
- {
- _tcscpy( lpszModifiedAppName, szLBracket );
- _tcscpy( lpszModifiedAppName + uiLBracket, lpszAppName );
- _tcscpy( lpszModifiedAppName + uiLBracket + liAppName, szRBracket );
- long liAppNameOffset;
- bSearchFlag = GetStrInStrPos( lpszBuf, lpszModifiedAppName, liAppNameOffset );
- if ( bSearchFlag )
- {
- lpszAt +=
- liAppNameOffset + liAppName + uiLBracket + uiRBracket;
- long liKeyNameOffset;
- bSearchFlag = GetStrInStrPos( lpszAt, lpszKeyName, liKeyNameOffset );
- if ( bSearchFlag )
- {
- liOffset =
- liAppNameOffset + liKeyNameOffset + liAppName + uiLBracket + uiRBracket;
- liSize = GetFirstLineLen( lpszAt + liKeyNameOffset );
- iRet = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- liOffset =
- liAppNameOffset + liAppName + uiLBracket + uiRBracket;
- liSize = 0;
- iRet = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iRet = 0;
- }
- delete []lpszModifiedAppName;
- }
- }
- return iRet;
- }
- static LPTSTR GetKeyValue( LPCTSTR lpszKeyLine, long &liKeyValueSize )
- {
- LPTSTR lpszRet = NULL;
- if ( NULL != lpszKeyLine )
- {
- long liKeySize = GetFirstLineLen( lpszKeyLine );
- LPTSTR lpszAt = ( LPTSTR )lpszKeyLine;
- BOOL bHasValue = FALSE;
- long i;
- for ( i = 0; i < liKeySize; i++ )
- {
- if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szEqual, uiEqual ) )
- {
- bHasValue = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- lpszAt++;
- }
- if ( bHasValue )
- {
- for ( i += uiEqual, lpszAt += uiEqual; i < liKeySize; )
- {
- if ( 0 == _tcsncmp( lpszAt, szSpaceKey, uiSpaceKey ) )
- {
- lpszAt += uiSpaceKey;
- i += uiSpaceKey;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( ( lpszAt - lpszKeyLine ) < liKeySize )
- {
- lpszRet = lpszAt;
- liKeyValueSize =
- liKeySize - ( lpszAt - lpszKeyLine );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return lpszRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPIWritePrivateProfileString
- // Return : BOOL
- // Description : copies a string into the
- // specified section of an
- // initialization file.
- // Platform : Unconcerned.
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL KPIWritePrivateProfileString( LPCTSTR lpszAppName, /* section name */
- LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, /* key name */
- LPCTSTR lpszString, /* string to add */
- LPCTSTR lpszFileName /* initialization file */ )
- {
- BOOL bRet = TRUE;
- if ( ( NULL == lpszAppName )
- || ( NULL == lpszKeyName )
- || ( NULL == lpszString )
- || ( NULL == lpszFileName ) )
- {
- bRet = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- FILE* pFile = fopen( lpszFileName, "rb" );
- long liFileSize = 0;
- char* lpszFileBuf = NULL;
- if ( NULL != pFile )
- {
- fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );
- liFileSize = ftell( pFile );
- if ( liFileSize > 0 )
- {
- lpszFileBuf = new char[liFileSize+1];
- if ( NULL != lpszFileBuf )
- {
- fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
- fread( lpszFileBuf, 1, liFileSize, pFile );
- lpszFileBuf[liFileSize] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- fclose( pFile );
- bRet = FALSE;
- return bRet;
- }
- }
- fclose( pFile );
- }
- pFile = fopen( lpszFileName, "wb" );
- if ( NULL != pFile )
- {
- if ( 0 == liFileSize )
- {
- fwrite( szLBracket, 1, uiLBracket, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszAppName, 1, _tcslen( lpszAppName ), pFile );
- fwrite( szRBracket, 1, uiRBracket, pFile );
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszKeyName, 1, _tcslen( lpszKeyName ), pFile );
- fwrite( szEqual, 1, uiEqual, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszString, 1, _tcslen( lpszString ), pFile );
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- }
- else
- {
- long liOffset, liSize;
- int iResult =
- GetPrivateProfileKeyPos( lpszFileBuf,
- lpszAppName,
- lpszKeyName,
- liOffset,
- liSize );
- if ( 0 == iResult )
- {
- fwrite( lpszFileBuf, 1, liFileSize, pFile );
- if ( ( !IsEnterKey( &( lpszFileBuf[liFileSize-2] ) ) )
- && ( !IsEnterKey( &( lpszFileBuf[liFileSize-3] ) ) ) )
- {
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- }
- fwrite( szLBracket, 1, uiLBracket, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszAppName, 1, _tcslen( lpszAppName ), pFile );
- fwrite( szRBracket, 1, uiRBracket, pFile );
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszKeyName, 1, _tcslen( lpszKeyName ), pFile );
- fwrite( szEqual, 1, uiEqual, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszString, 1, _tcslen( lpszString ), pFile );
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( 1 == iResult )
- {
- fwrite( lpszFileBuf, 1, liOffset, pFile );
- long liKeyLen =
- GetFirstLineLen( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ) );
- LPTSTR lpszKeyTemp = new TCHAR[liKeyLen+1];
- memcpy( lpszKeyTemp, &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ), liKeyLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
- lpszKeyTemp[liKeyLen] = 0;
- long liKeyValueSize;
- if ( NULL != GetKeyValue( lpszKeyTemp, liKeyValueSize ) )
- {
- fwrite( lpszKeyTemp, 1, liKeyLen - liKeyValueSize, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszString, 1, _tcslen( lpszString ), pFile );
- fwrite( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset+liKeyLen] ), 1, liFileSize - liOffset - liKeyLen, pFile );
- }
- else
- {
- fwrite( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ), 1, liFileSize - liOffset, pFile );
- }
- delete []lpszKeyTemp;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( 2 == iResult )
- {
- fwrite( lpszFileBuf, 1, liOffset, pFile );
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszKeyName, 1, _tcslen( lpszKeyName ), pFile );
- fwrite( szEqual, 1, uiEqual, pFile );
- fwrite( lpszString, 1, _tcslen( lpszString ), pFile );
- if ( !IsEnterKey( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ) ) )
- {
- fwrite( szEnter1, 1, uiEnter1, pFile );
- }
- fwrite( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ), 1, liFileSize - liOffset, pFile );
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- bRet = FALSE;
- }
- }
- fclose( pFile );
- }
- else
- {
- bRet = FALSE;
- }
- if ( NULL != lpszFileBuf )
- {
- delete []lpszFileBuf;
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- bRet = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPIGetPrivateProfileString
- // Return : DWORD
- // The return value is the number of
- // characters copied to the buffer,
- // not including the terminating null
- // character.
- // Description : retrieves a string from
- // the specified section in
- // an initialization file.
- // Platform : Unconcerned.
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD KPIGetPrivateProfileString( LPCTSTR lpszAppName, /* section name(Input) */
- LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, /* key name(Input) */
- LPCTSTR lpszDefault, /* default string(Input) */
- LPTSTR lpszReturnedString, /* destination buffer(Output) */
- DWORD dwSize, /* size of destination buffer(Input) */
- LPCTSTR lpszFileName /* initialization file name(Input) */ )
- {
- DWORD dwRet = 0;
- if ( ( NULL == lpszAppName )
- || ( NULL == lpszKeyName )
- || ( NULL == lpszDefault )
- || ( NULL == lpszFileName ) )
- {
- return dwRet;
- }
- try
- {
- FILE* pFile = fopen( lpszFileName, "rb" );
- if ( NULL != pFile )
- {
- fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );
- long liFileSize = ftell( pFile );
- char* lpszFileBuf = NULL;
- if ( liFileSize > 0 )
- {
- lpszFileBuf = new char[liFileSize+1];
- if ( NULL != lpszFileBuf )
- {
- fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
- fread( lpszFileBuf, 1, liFileSize, pFile );
- lpszFileBuf[liFileSize] = 0;
- long liOffset, liSize;
- int iResult =
- GetPrivateProfileKeyPos( lpszFileBuf,
- lpszAppName,
- lpszKeyName,
- liOffset,
- liSize );
- if ( 1 == iResult )
- {
- long liKeyLen =
- GetFirstLineLen( &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ) );
- LPTSTR lpszKeyTemp = new TCHAR[liKeyLen+1];
- memcpy( lpszKeyTemp, &( lpszFileBuf[liOffset] ), liKeyLen * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
- lpszKeyTemp[liKeyLen] = 0;
- long liKeyValueSize;
- LPTSTR lpszKeyValue =
- GetKeyValue( lpszKeyTemp, liKeyValueSize );
- if ( NULL != lpszKeyValue )
- {
- dwRet = liKeyValueSize;
- DWORD dwCopyLen =
- dwSize <= liKeyValueSize ? dwSize : liKeyValueSize;
- if ( NULL != lpszReturnedString )
- {
- memcpy( lpszReturnedString, lpszKeyValue, dwCopyLen );
- if ( dwSize > dwCopyLen )
- {
- lpszReturnedString[dwCopyLen] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dwRet = _tcslen( lpszDefault );
- DWORD dwCopyLen =
- dwSize <= dwRet ? dwSize : dwRet;
- if ( NULL != lpszReturnedString )
- {
- memcpy( lpszReturnedString, lpszDefault, dwCopyLen );
- if ( dwSize > dwCopyLen )
- {
- lpszReturnedString[dwCopyLen] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- delete []lpszKeyTemp;
- }
- else
- {
- dwRet = _tcslen( lpszDefault );
- DWORD dwCopyLen =
- dwSize <= dwRet ? dwSize : dwRet;
- if ( NULL != lpszReturnedString )
- {
- memcpy( lpszReturnedString, lpszDefault, dwCopyLen );
- if ( dwSize > dwCopyLen )
- {
- lpszReturnedString[dwCopyLen] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- delete []lpszFileBuf;
- }
- }
- fclose( pFile );
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- }
- return dwRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPIWaitForSingleObject
- // Return : DWORD
- // = 0 ---- failed;
- // = 1 ---- The state of the specified
- // object is signaled;
- // = 2 ---- time out;
- // = ... ---- Not defined.
- // Platform : Windows 9X/NT/2000/Later
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD KPIWaitForSingleObject( HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds )
- {
- DWORD dwRet = 0;
- DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject( hHandle, dwMilliseconds );
- switch ( dwResult )
- {
- dwRet = 0;
- break;
- case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
- dwRet = 1;
- break;
- dwRet = 2;
- break;
- default:
- dwRet = 0;
- break;
- }
- return dwRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPICloseHandle
- // Return : BOOL
- // Platform : Windows 9X/NT/2000/Later
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL KPICloseHandle( HANDLE hObject )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- bRet = CloseHandle( hObject );
- return bRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPITerminateThread
- // Return : BOOL
- // Platform : Windows 9X/NT/2000/Later
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL KPITerminateThread( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwExitCode )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- bRet = TerminateThread( hThread, dwExitCode );
- return bRet;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // < Function >
- // Name : KPICreateThread
- // Return : HANDLE
- // Returns 0 if function is failed;
- // Returns the handle of new thread if
- // function is successful.
- // Description : Creates a thread to execute within
- // the virtual address space of the
- // calling process.
- // Platform : Windows 9X/NT/2000/Later
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- HANDLE KPICreateThread( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, /* thread function */
- LPVOID lpParameter, /* thread argument */
- LPDWORD lpThreadId /* thread identifier */ )
- {
- typedef unsigned ( __stdcall *start_address )( void * );
- hRet =
- (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, (start_address)lpStartAddress, lpParameter, 0, (unsigned*)lpThreadId);
- return hRet;
- }
- SOCKET KPICreateUDPSocket( int iPort )
- {
- // The follow code is used to initialize
- // the environment for Windows OS platform
- // and should be removed or changed when
- // replanted to other platforms.
- //------>BEGIN
- WORD wVersionRequired = MAKEWORD(1,1);
- if ( 0 != WSAStartup( wVersionRequired, &WSAdata ) )
- {
- return s;
- }
- //<------END
- if ( INVALID_SOCKET == s )
- {
- return s;
- }
- SOCKADDR_IN local;
- local.sin_family = AF_INET;
- local.sin_port = htons( ( short )( iPort ) );
- local.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY );
- if ( bind( s, ( SOCKADDR* )( &local ), sizeof( local ) )
- {
- closesocket( s );
- return s;
- }
- WSACleanup(); // Needed on Windows OS platforms.
- return s;
- }
- HANDLE KPICreateEvent( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, /* SD */
- BOOL bManualReset, /* reset type */
- BOOL bInitialState, /* initial state */
- LPCTSTR lpszName /* object name */ )
- {
- hRet = CreateEvent( lpEventAttributes, bManualReset, bInitialState, lpszName );
- return hRet;
- }
- BOOL KPISetEvent( HANDLE hEvent/* handle to event */ )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- bRet = SetEvent( hEvent );
- return bRet;
- }
- BOOL KPIResetEvent( HANDLE hEvent/* handle to event */ )
- {
- BOOL bRet = FALSE;
- bRet = ResetEvent( hEvent );
- return bRet;
- }
- void KPIGetExePath( LPSTR lpExePath, DWORD dwSize )
- {
- if ( lpExePath )
- {
- memset( lpExePath, 0, dwSize );
- GetModuleFileName( NULL, lpExePath, dwSize );
- DWORD dwEndAt;
- dwEndAt = strlen( lpExePath ) - 1;
- while ( dwEndAt >= 1 )
- {
- if ( lpExePath[dwEndAt-1] == '\' )
- {
- lpExePath[dwEndAt] = 0;
- break;
- }
- dwEndAt--;
- }
- }
- }
- HANDLE KPICreateMutex( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, /* SD */
- BOOL bInitialOwner, /* initial owner */
- LPCTSTR lpName /* object name */ )
- {
- return CreateMutex( lpMutexAttributes, bInitialOwner, lpName );
- }
- BOOL KPIReleaseMutex( HANDLE hMutex )
- {
- return ReleaseMutex( hMutex );
- }
- unsigned long KPIHash( char* pStr, unsigned long ulModel, unsigned long ulBaseNum )
- {
- assert( ( NULL != pStr ) && ( 0 < ulModel ) );
- unsigned long i = 0;
- unsigned long j = 1;
- while ( *pStr )
- {
- i += ( ( unsigned char )*pStr ) * j++;
- pStr++;
- }
- return ( i % ulModel + ulBaseNum );
- }
- void KPIPrintToFile( const TCHAR* lpszFilePath, const TCHAR* lpszFmt, ... )
- {
- if ( ( NULL == lpszFilePath )
- || ( NULL == lpszFmt ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- FILE* pF = fopen( lpszFilePath, "a+b" );
- if ( NULL != pF )
- {
- fseek( pF, 0, SEEK_END );
- va_list args;
- va_start( args, lpszFmt );
- vfprintf( pF, lpszFmt, args );
- va_end ( args );
- fclose( pF );
- }
- }
- void KPIPrintToFile( FILE* pFile, const TCHAR* lpszFmt, ... )
- {
- if ( ( NULL == pFile )
- || ( NULL == lpszFmt ) )
- {
- return;
- }
- va_list args;
- va_start( args, lpszFmt );
- vfprintf( pFile, lpszFmt, args );
- va_end ( args );
- }