- #include <windows.h>
- #include "manip3.hh"
- // quote manipulator
- bool dont_quote_auto=false;
- SQLQueryParms& operator << (quote_type2 p, SQLString &in) {
- if (in.is_string) {
- if (in.dont_escape) {
- SQLString in2 = "'" + in + "'";
- in2.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in2;
- } else {
- char* s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- SQLString in2 = SQLString("'") + s + "'";
- in2.processed = true;
- *p.qparms << in2;
- delete[] s;
- return *p.qparms;
- }
- } else {
- in.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_type1 o, const string &in) {
- char* s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- *o.ostr << "'" << s << "'";
- delete[] s;
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_type1 o, const char* const &in) {
- unsigned int size;
- for (size=0; in[size]; size++);
- char* s = new char[size*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in), size);
- *o.ostr << "'" << s << "'";
- delete[] s;
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <class Str>
- inline ostream& _manip (quote_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<Str>& in) {
- if (in.escape_q()) {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- if (in.quote_q())
- *o.ostr << "'" << s << "'";
- else
- *o.ostr << s;
- delete[] s;
- } else if (in.quote_q()) {
- *o.ostr << "'" << in << "'";
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in)
- {
- return _manip(o,in);
- }
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in)
- {
- return _manip(o,in);
- }
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ostream& operator << (ostream& o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in)
- {
- if (dont_quote_auto || (o.rdbuf() == cout.rdbuf()) || (o.rdbuf() == cerr.rdbuf())) return o << in.get_string();
- if (in.escape_q()) {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- if (in.quote_q())
- o << "'" << s << "'";
- else
- o << s;
- delete[] s;
- } else if (in.quote_q()) {
- o << "'" << in.get_string() << "'";
- } else {
- o << in.get_string();
- }
- return o;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ostream& operator << (ostream& o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in) {
- if (dont_quote_auto || (o.rdbuf() == cout.rdbuf()) || (o.rdbuf() == cerr.rdbuf())) return o << in.get_string();
- if (in.escape_q()) {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- if (in.quote_q())
- o << "'" << s << "'";
- else
- o << s;
- delete[] s;
- } else if (in.quote_q()) {
- o << "'" << in.get_string() << "'";
- } else {
- o << in.get_string();
- }
- return o;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SQLQuery& operator << (SQLQuery& o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in)
- {
- if (dont_quote_auto)
- {
- o << in.get_string();
- return o;
- }
- if (in.escape_q())
- {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- if (in.quote_q())
- {
- o << "'" << s << "'";
- }
- else
- o << s;
- delete[] s;
- }
- else if (in.quote_q())
- {
- o << "'" << in.get_string() << "'";
- }
- else
- {
- o << in.get_string();
- }
- return o;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SQLQuery& operator << (SQLQuery& o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in)
- {
- if (dont_quote_auto) {o << in.get_string(); return o;}
- if (in.escape_q()) {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- if (in.quote_q())
- o << "'" << s << "'";
- else
- o << s;
- delete[] s;
- } else if (in.quote_q()) {
- o << "'" << in.get_string() << "'";
- } else {
- o << in.get_string();
- }
- return o;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // moved from manip1.hh
- SQLQuery& operator << (SQLQuery& o, const char* txt)
- {
- o << string(txt);
- return o ;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // quote only manipulator
- SQLQueryParms & operator << (quote_only_type2 p, SQLString &in) {
- if (in.is_string) {
- SQLString in2 = "'" + in + "'";
- in2.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in2;
- } else {
- in.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in;
- }
- }
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_only_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in) {
- if (in.quote_q()) {
- *o.ostr << "'" << in << "'";
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_only_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in) {
- if (in.quote_q()) {
- *o.ostr << "'" << in << "'";
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- // quote double only manipulator
- SQLQueryParms & operator << (quote_double_only_type2 p, SQLString &in) {
- if (in.is_string) {
- SQLString in2 = """ + in + """;
- in2.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in2;
- } else {
- in.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in;
- }
- }
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_double_only_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in) {
- if (in.quote_q()) {
- *o.ostr << "'" << in << "'";
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (quote_double_only_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in) {
- if (in.quote_q()) {
- *o.ostr << "'" << in << "'";
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- // escape manipulator
- SQLQueryParms & operator << (escape_type2 p, SQLString &in) {
- if (in.is_string) {
- if (in.dont_escape) {
- in.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in;
- } else {
- char* s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- SQLString in2 = s;
- in2.processed = true;
- *p.qparms << in2;
- delete[] s;
- return *p.qparms;
- }
- } else {
- in.processed = true;
- return *p.qparms << in;
- }
- }
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (escape_type1 o, const string &in) {
- char* s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size());
- *o.ostr << s;
- delete[] s;
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (escape_type1 o, const char* const &in) {
- unsigned int size;
- for (size=0; in[size]; size++);
- char* s = new char[size*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in), size);
- *o.ostr << s;
- delete[] s;
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- */
- template <class Str>
- inline ostream& _manip (escape_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<Str>& in) {
- if (in.escape_q()) {
- char *s = new char[in.size()*2+1];
- mysql_escape_string(s, const_cast<char *>(in.c_str()), in.size() );
- delete[] s;
- } else {
- *o.ostr << in;
- }
- return *o.ostr;
- }
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (escape_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<string>& in) {
- return _manip(o,in);
- }
- */
- // FIX: this function has moved to manip1.hh to avoid VC++ linker errors
- /*
- template <>
- ostream& operator << (escape_type1 o, const mysql_ColData<const_string>& in) {
- return _manip(o,in);
- }
- */