- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright ( C ) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2002.
- //
- // File: regexpr2.h
- //
- // Contents: classes for regular expression pattern matching a-la perl
- //
- // Classes: basic_rpattern_base
- //
- // Functions: rpattern::match
- // rpattern::substitute
- // match_results::cbackrefs
- // match_results::backref
- // match_results::all_backrefs
- // match_results::backref_str
- //
- // Author: Eric Niebler ( )
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef REGEXPR_H
- #define REGEXPR_H
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- // warning C4097: typedef-name '' used as synonym for class-name
- // warning C4189: local variable is initialized but not referenced
- // warning C4514: '' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
- // warning C4702: unreachable code
- // warning C4710: function 'blah' not inlined
- // warning C4786: identifier was truncated to '255' characters in the debug information
- # pragma warning( push )
- # pragma warning( disable : 4097 4189 4514 4702 4710 4786 )
- extern "C" unsigned long __cdecl _exception_code();
- # if _MSC_VER < 1300
- extern "C" int __cdecl _resetstkoflw(void);
- # else
- # include <malloc.h> // for _resetstkoflw
- # endif
- #endif
- #include <list>
- #include <iosfwd>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "syntax2.h"
- #include "restack.h"
- namespace regex
- {
- // This is the default alignment for the unsafe heterogeneous stack.
- // If you are getting a compiler error in one of the unsafe_stack
- // methods, then compile with -DREGEX_STACK_ALIGNMENT=16 or 32
- # define REGEX_STACK_ALIGNMENT sizeof( void* )
- #endif
- #ifndef REGEX_DEBUG
- # if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG) | defined(DBG)
- # define REGEX_DEBUG 1
- # else
- # define REGEX_DEBUG 0
- # endif
- #endif
- namespace detail
- {
- typedef hetero_stack<REGEX_STACK_ALIGNMENT,true,true,32,0> unsafe_stack;
- #else
- typedef hetero_stack<REGEX_STACK_ALIGNMENT,false,true,4096,1024> unsafe_stack;
- #endif
- // Used to initialize variables with the same value they would have
- // if they were initialized as a static global. ( Ptrs get NULL,
- // integer types get 0, etc, etc )
- template<typename T> struct static_init { static T const value; };
- template<typename T> T const static_init<T>::value = T();
- //
- // Forward declarations
- //
- template< typename CI > class sub_expr;
- template< typename CI > class match_group_base;
- template< typename CI > class basic_rpattern_base_impl;
- template< typename CI > struct match_param;
- template< typename CI > struct sub_expr_base;
- template< typename CI > struct matcher_helper;
- } // namespace detail
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: width_type
- //
- // Description: represents the width of a sub-expression
- //
- // Members: m_min - smallest number of characters a sub-expr can span
- // m_max - largest number of characters a sub-expr can span
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct width_type
- {
- size_t m_min;
- size_t m_max;
- };
- inline width_type const uninit_width()
- {
- width_type const width = { size_t( -1 ), size_t( -1 ) };
- return width;
- }
- // Helper function for processing escape sequences
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- void process_escapes( std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str, bool fPattern = false ); //throw()
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: backref_tag
- //
- // Description: Struct which contains a back-reference. It is a template
- // on the iterator type.
- //
- // Methods: backref_tag - c'tor
- // operator bool - so that if( br ) is true if this br matched
- // operator! - inverse of operator bool()
- //
- // Members: reserved - move along, nothing to see here
- //
- // History: 8/9/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI >
- class backref_tag : public std::pair<CI, CI>
- {
- struct detail_t { detail_t * d; };
- template< typename OSTREAM >
- void REGEX_CDECL _do_print( OSTREAM & sout, ... ) const
- {
- typedef typename OSTREAM::char_type CH;
- typedef typename OSTREAM::traits_type TR;
- std::ostreambuf_iterator<CH, TR> iout( sout );
- for( CI iter = first; iter != second; ++iter, ++iout )
- *iout = *iter;
- }
- template< typename OSTREAM >
- void _do_print( OSTREAM & sout, typename OSTREAM::char_type const * ) const
- {
- sout.write( first, static_cast<std::streamsize>( std::distance( first, second ) ) );
- }
- public:
- typedef CI iterator_type;
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<CI>::value_type char_type;
- typedef std::basic_string<char_type> string_type;
- explicit backref_tag(
- CI i1 = detail::static_init<CI>::value,
- CI i2 = detail::static_init<CI>::value )
- : std::pair<CI, CI>( i1, i2 ),
- matched( false ),
- reserved1( i1 ),
- reserved2( 0 ),
- reserved3( false ),
- reserved4( detail::static_init<CI>::value ),
- reserved5( detail::static_init<CI>::value )
- {
- }
- CI begin() const
- {
- return first;
- }
- CI end() const
- {
- return second;
- }
- string_type const str() const
- {
- return matched ? string_type( first, second ) : string_type();
- }
- // Use the "safe bool" idiom. This allows implicit conversion to bool,
- // but not to int. It also disallows conversion to void*.
- typedef detail_t * detail_t::* bool_type;
- operator bool_type() const //throw()
- {
- return matched ? &detail_t::d : 0;
- }
- bool operator!() const //throw()
- {
- return ! matched;
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR >
- std::basic_ostream<CH, TR> & print( std::basic_ostream<CH, TR> & sout ) const
- {
- _do_print( sout, CI() );
- return sout;
- }
- bool matched;
- CI reserved1; // used for internal book-keeping
- size_t reserved2; // used for internal book-keeping
- bool reserved3; // used for internal book-keeping
- CI reserved4; // used for internal book-keeping
- CI reserved5; // used for internal book-keeping
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: basic_match_results
- //
- // Description: Use this structure for returning match/substitute results
- // out from the match()/substitute() methods.
- //
- // Methods: cbackrefs -
- // backref -
- // all_backrefs -
- // rlength -
- //
- // Members: m_rgbackrefs -
- //
- // Typedefs: const_iterator -
- // backref_type -
- // backref_vector -
- //
- // History: 8/8/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI >
- struct basic_match_results
- {
- typedef CI const_iterator;
- typedef backref_tag< const_iterator > backref_type;
- typedef std::vector< backref_type > backref_vector;
- friend struct detail::matcher_helper<CI>;
- virtual ~basic_match_results()
- {
- }
- size_t cbackrefs() const //throw()
- {
- return m_rgbackrefs.size();
- }
- backref_type const & backref( size_t cbackref ) const //throw( std::out_of_range )
- {
- return cbackref );
- }
- backref_vector const & all_backrefs() const //throw()
- {
- return m_rgbackrefs;
- }
- size_t rstart( size_t cbackref = 0 ) const //throw( std::out_of_range )
- {
- return std::distance( ibegin, cbackref ).first );
- }
- size_t rlength( size_t cbackref = 0 ) const //throw( std::out_of_range )
- {
- return std::distance( cbackref ).first, cbackref ).second );
- }
- private:
- backref_vector m_rgbackrefs;
- CI ibegin;
- };
- template< typename CH >
- struct basic_match_results_c : public basic_match_results<CH const *>
- {
- typedef basic_match_results<CH const *> base;
- typedef typename base::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef typename base::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename base::backref_vector backref_vector;
- };
- template< typename CH, typename TR = std::char_traits<CH>, typename AL = std::allocator<CH> >
- struct basic_subst_results : public basic_match_results<typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator>
- {
- typedef basic_match_results<typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator> base;
- typedef typename base::const_iterator const_iterator;
- typedef typename base::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename base::backref_vector backref_vector;
- typedef std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> string_type;
- friend struct detail::matcher_helper<const_iterator>;
- basic_subst_results()
- : m_pbackref_str( &m_backref_str )
- {
- }
- string_type const & backref_str() const //throw()
- {
- return *m_pbackref_str;
- }
- private:
- string_type m_backref_str;
- string_type const * m_pbackref_str;
- };
- // The REGEX_MODE is a way of controlling how matching occurs.
- {
- MODE_FAST, // Uses the fast, recursive algorithm. Could overflow stack.
- MODE_SAFE, // Uses the slow, iterative algorithm. Can't overflow stack.
- MODE_MIXED, // Uses a heuristic to automatically determine which algorithm
- // is the most appropriate for this pattern.
- // MS VC++ has structured exception handling, which makes the
- // consequences of a stack overflow much less severe. Because of this,
- // it is possible to use the "fast" algorithm always on MS platforms,
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #else
- #endif
- };
- template< typename CH >
- void reset_intrinsic_charsets( CH ch = CH( 0 ) );
- // This is for implementation details that really belong in the
- // cpp file, but can't go there because of template strangeness.
- #include "reimpl2.h"
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: basic_rpattern_base
- //
- // Description:
- //
- // Methods: basic_rpattern_base - c'tor
- // basic_rpattern_base -
- // basic_rpattern_base -
- // init - ( re )initialize the pattern
- // init -
- // set_substitution - set the substitution string
- // _find_next_group - parse the next group of the pattern
- // _find_next - parse the next sub_expr of the pattern
- // _find_atom - parse the next atom of the pattern
- // _quantify - quantify the sub_expr
- // _common_init - perform some common initialization tasks
- // _parse_subst - parse the substitution string
- // _add_subst_backref - add a backref node to the subst list
- //
- // Members: m_invisible_groups - list of hidden groups
- //
- // Typedefs: syntax_type -
- // backref_type -
- // backref_vector -
- // string_type -
- // size_type -
- //
- // History: 8/14/2000 - ericne - Created
- // 8/5/2001 - ericne - complete overhaul
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI, typename SY >
- class basic_rpattern_base : protected detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>
- {
- typedef detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> impl;
- public:
- typedef SY syntax_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::traits_type traits_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>::backref_vector backref_vector;
- // Work-around for an apparant bug in gcc
- struct iter_wrap
- {
- typename string_type::iterator & ipat;
- iter_wrap( typename string_type::iterator & i ) : ipat(i) {}
- private:
- iter_wrap( iter_wrap const & );
- iter_wrap & operator=( iter_wrap const & );
- };
- void init(
- string_type const & pat,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ); //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc );
- void init(
- string_type const & pat,
- string_type const & subst,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ); //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc );
- void set_substitution(
- string_type const & subst ); //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc );
- REGEX_FLAGS flags() const { return impl::flags(); }
- REGEX_MODE mode() const { return impl::mode(); }
- width_type get_width() const { return impl::get_width(); }
- size_t cgroups() const { return impl::cgroups(); }
- string_type const & get_pat() const { return impl::get_pat(); }
- string_type const & get_subst() const { return impl::get_subst(); }
- void swap( basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> & that ) { impl::swap( that ); }
- static size_t const npos;
- protected:
- basic_rpattern_base() //throw()
- : detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>()
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern_base(
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> const & that ) //throw()
- : detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>( that.flags(), that.mode(), that.get_pat(), that.get_subst() )
- {
- // Don't call _normalize_string(). If that.flags()&NORMALIZE,
- // then subst has already been normalized.
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::_common_init( m_flags );
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::_parse_subst( *m_subst, m_fuses_backrefs, m_subst_list ); // must come after _common_init
- }
- explicit basic_rpattern_base(
- string_type const & pat,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- : detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>( flags, mode, pat )
- {
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::_common_init( m_flags );
- }
- basic_rpattern_base(
- string_type const & pat,
- string_type const & subst,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- : detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI>( flags, mode, pat, subst )
- {
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::_common_init( m_flags );
- _normalize_string( *m_subst );
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::_parse_subst( *m_subst, m_fuses_backrefs, m_subst_list ); // must come after _common_init
- }
- basic_rpattern_base & operator=(
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> const & that ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- {
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> temp( that );
- swap( temp );
- return *this;
- }
- detail::match_group_base<CI> * _find_next_group(
- iter_wrap & iw,
- detail::match_group_base<CI> * pgroup, syntax_type & sy,
- std::vector<detail::match_group_base<CI>*> & rggroups );
- bool _find_next(
- iter_wrap & iw,
- detail::match_group_base<CI> * pgroup, syntax_type & sy,
- std::vector<detail::match_group_base<CI>*> & rggroups );
- void _find_atom(
- iter_wrap & iw,
- detail::match_group_base<CI> * pgroup,
- syntax_type & sy );
- void _quantify(
- std::auto_ptr<detail::sub_expr<CI> > & pnew,
- iter_wrap & iw,
- bool is_group,
- syntax_type & sy );
- void _add_subst_backref(
- detail::subst_node & snode,
- size_t nbackref,
- size_t rstart,
- bool & uses_backrefs,
- detail::subst_list_type & subst_list ) const;
- virtual void _parse_subst(
- string_type & subst,
- bool & uses_backrefs,
- detail::subst_list_type & subst_list ) const;
- virtual void _common_init( REGEX_FLAGS flags );
- };
- template< typename CI, typename SY >
- size_t const basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::npos = size_t( -1 );
- // VC6 is buggy in its handling of the typename keyword
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) & _MSC_VER < 1300
- #else
- # define REGEX_TYPENAME typename
- #endif
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: basic_rpattern
- //
- // Description: generic regex pattern object
- //
- // Methods: basic_rpattern - c'tor
- // basic_rpattern -
- // basic_rpattern -
- // match - match from begin iter to end iter
- // match - match a null-terminated string
- // match - match a std::string
- // count - count matches from begin iter to end iter
- // count - count matches in a null-terminated string
- // count - count matches in a std::string
- // substitute - do substitutions in a std::string
- // _do_match - internal implementation
- // _do_count - internal implementation
- //
- // History: 8/13/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CI, typename SY = perl_syntax<REGEX_TYPENAME std::iterator_traits<CI>::value_type> >
- class basic_rpattern : public basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>
- {
- typedef detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CI> impl;
- public:
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::syntax_type syntax_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::traits_type traits_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::backref_vector backref_vector;
- basic_rpattern() //throw()
- : basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>()
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern( basic_rpattern const & that )
- : basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>( that )
- {
- }
- explicit basic_rpattern(
- string_type const & pat,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- : basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>( pat, flags, mode )
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern(
- string_type const & pat,
- string_type const & subst,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- : basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>( pat, subst, flags, mode )
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern & operator=( basic_rpattern<CI, SY> const & that ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- {
- basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY>::operator=( that );
- return *this;
- }
- // CI2 must be convertible to type CI
- template< typename CI2 >
- backref_type const & match(
- CI2 ibegin,
- CI2 iend,
- basic_match_results<CI> & results ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- detail::match_param<CI> param = detail::matcher_helper<CI>::init_param( ibegin, iend, results );
- return impl::_do_match( param, false ) ? results.backref(0) : detail::static_init<backref_type>::value;
- }
- template< typename CH >
- backref_type const & match(
- CH * szbegin,
- basic_match_results<CI> & results ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- typedef CH * CI2;
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- detail::match_param<CI> param = detail::matcher_helper<CI>::init_param( szbegin, (CH*)0, results );
- return impl::_do_match( param, szbegin ) ? results.backref(0) : detail::static_init<backref_type>::value;
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- backref_type const & match(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> const & str,
- basic_match_results<CI> & results,
- size_type pos,
- size_type len ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- typedef typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator CI2;
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- detail::match_param<CI> param = detail::matcher_helper<CI>::init_param( str.begin(), str.begin(), results );
- if( len == npos || pos + len >= str.size() )
- param.istop = CI(str.end());
- else
- std::advance( param.istop, pos + len );
- std::advance( param.istart, pos );
- param.ibegin = param.istart;
- return impl::_do_match( param, false ) ? results.backref(0) : detail::static_init<backref_type>::value;
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- backref_type const & match(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> const & str,
- basic_match_results<CI> & results ) const
- {
- return match( str, results, 0, impl::npos );
- }
- template< typename CI2 >
- size_t count( CI2 ibegin, CI2 iend ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- backref_vector rgbackrefs;
- detail::match_param<CI> param( ibegin, iend, & rgbackrefs );
- return impl::_do_count( param, false );
- }
- template< typename CH >
- size_t count( CH * szbegin ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- typedef CH * CI2;
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- backref_vector rgbackrefs;
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CH const * is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- detail::match_param<CI> param( szbegin, (CH*)0, & rgbackrefs );
- return impl::_do_count( param, szbegin );
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- size_t count(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> const & str,
- size_type pos,
- size_type len ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- typedef typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator CI2;
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- backref_vector rgbackrefs;
- // If your compile breaks here, then the string you passed in has
- // a different iterator type than this rpattern type is expecting
- detail::match_param<CI> param( str.begin(), str.begin(), & rgbackrefs );
- if( len == npos || pos + len >= str.size() )
- param.istop = CI(str.end());
- else
- std::advance( param.istop, pos + len );
- std::advance( param.istart, pos );
- param.ibegin = param.istart;
- return impl::_do_count( param, false );
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- size_t count( std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> const & str ) const
- {
- return count( str, 0, impl::npos );
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- size_t substitute(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str,
- basic_subst_results<CH, TR, AL> & results,
- size_type pos,
- size_type len ) const
- {
- // If your compile breaks here, it is because CI2 is not
- // convertible to type CI. Check the declaration of your rpattern object.
- typedef typename std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL>::const_iterator CI2;
- detail::static_assert< detail::is_convertible<CI2,CI>::value > const iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- ( void ) iterator_types_are_not_convertible;
- return detail::matcher_helper<CI>::_Do_subst( *this, str, results, pos, len );
- }
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename AL >
- size_t substitute(
- std::basic_string<CH, TR, AL> & str,
- basic_subst_results<CH, TR, AL> & results ) const
- {
- return substitute( str, results, 0, impl::npos );
- }
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: basic_rpattern_c
- //
- // Description: a pattern object optimized for matching C-style, NULL-
- // terminated strings. It treats the null-terminator as
- // the end-of-string condition.
- //
- // Methods: basic_rpattern_c - c'tor
- // basic_rpattern_c -
- // basic_rpattern_c -
- // match - match a null-terminated string
- // count - count matches in a null-terminated string
- // _do_match_c - internal implementation
- // _do_count_c - internal implementation
- //
- // History: 8/13/2001 - ericne - Created
- //
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template< typename CH, typename SY = perl_syntax<CH> >
- class basic_rpattern_c : public basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>
- {
- typedef detail::basic_rpattern_base_impl<CH const *> impl;
- public:
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::syntax_type syntax_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::char_type char_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::traits_type traits_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::string_type string_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::backref_type backref_type;
- typedef typename basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::backref_vector backref_vector;
- basic_rpattern_c() //throw()
- : basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>()
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern_c( basic_rpattern_c const & that )
- : basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>( that )
- {
- }
- explicit basic_rpattern_c(
- string_type const & pat,
- REGEX_MODE mode = MODE_DEFAULT ) //throw( bad_regexpr, std::bad_alloc )
- : basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>( pat, flags, mode )
- {
- }
- basic_rpattern_c & operator=( basic_rpattern_c<CH, SY> const & that )
- {
- basic_rpattern_base<CH const *, SY>::operator=( that );
- return *this;
- }
- backref_type const & match(
- CH const * szbegin,
- basic_match_results_c<CH> & results ) const
- {
- detail::match_param<CH const *> param = detail::matcher_helper<CH const *>::init_param( szbegin, 0, results );
- return impl::_do_match( param, szbegin ) ? results.backref(0) : detail::static_init<backref_type>::value;
- }
- size_t count( CH const * szbegin ) const
- {
- backref_vector rgbackrefs;
- detail::match_param<CH const *> param( szbegin, 0, & rgbackrefs );
- return impl::_do_count( param, szbegin );
- }
- };
- #if defined(UNICODE) | defined(_UNICODE)
- typedef wchar_t rechar_t;
- #else
- typedef char rechar_t;
- #endif
- typedef std::basic_string<rechar_t> restring;
- // On many implementations of the STL, string::iterator is not a typedef
- // for char*. Rather, it is a wrapper class. As a result, the regex code
- // gets instantiated twice, once for bare pointers (rpattern_c) and once for
- // the wrapped pointers (rpattern). But if there is a conversion from the
- // bare ptr to the wrapped ptr, then we only need to instantiate the template
- // for the wrapped ptr, and the code will work for the bare ptrs, too.
- // This can be a significant space savings. The REGEX_FOLD_INSTANTIONS
- // macro controls this optimization. The default is "off" for backwards
- // compatibility. To turn the optimization on, compile with:
- #endif
- typedef ::regex::detail::select
- <
- detail::is_convertible<rechar_t const *,restring::const_iterator>::value,
- restring::const_iterator,
- rechar_t const *
- >::type lpctstr_t;
- // For matching against null-terminated strings
- typedef basic_rpattern<lpctstr_t, perl_syntax<rechar_t> > perl_rpattern_c;
- typedef basic_rpattern<lpctstr_t, posix_syntax<rechar_t> > posix_rpattern_c;
- // For matching against std::strings
- typedef basic_rpattern<restring::const_iterator, perl_syntax<rechar_t> > perl_rpattern;
- typedef basic_rpattern<restring::const_iterator, posix_syntax<rechar_t> > posix_rpattern;
- // Default to perl syntax
- typedef perl_rpattern rpattern;
- typedef perl_rpattern_c rpattern_c;
- // typedefs for the commonly used match_results and subst_results
- typedef basic_match_results<restring::const_iterator> match_results;
- typedef basic_match_results<lpctstr_t> match_results_c;
- typedef basic_subst_results<rechar_t> subst_results;
- #if defined(_MSC_VER) & _MSC_VER >= 1300
- // These are no longer useful, and will go away in a future release
- // You should be using the version without the _c
- # pragma deprecated( basic_rpattern_c )
- # pragma deprecated( basic_match_results_c )
- #endif
- //
- // Define some classes and macros for creating function-local
- // static const rpatterns in a thread-safe way
- //
- #if defined( _MSC_VER ) & defined( _MT )
- namespace detail
- {
- template< typename PAT >
- class rpattern_destroyer
- {
- PAT const & m_refPat;
- bool volatile const & m_fConstructed;
- public:
- rpattern_destroyer( volatile bool const & fConstructed, PAT const & refPat )
- : m_fConstructed( fConstructed ), m_refPat( refPat )
- {
- }
- ~rpattern_destroyer()
- {
- if( m_fConstructed )
- ( &m_refPat )->~PAT();
- }
- };
- struct CRegExLock
- {
- CRegExLock();
- ~CRegExLock();
- };
- } // namespace detail
- #define STATIC_RPATTERN_EX( type, var, params )
- static unsigned char s_rgb_##var[ sizeof( type ) ];
- static bool volatile s_f_##var = false;
- static type const & var = *reinterpret_cast<type*>( s_rgb_##var );
- static regex::detail::rpattern_destroyer<type> const s_des_##var( s_f_##var, var );
- if( ! s_f_##var )
- {
- regex::detail::CRegExLock objLock;
- if( ! s_f_##var )
- {
- new( static_cast<void*>( s_rgb_##var ) ) type params;
- s_f_##var = true;
- }
- }
- #else
- #define STATIC_RPATTERN_EX( type, var, params )
- static type const var params;
- #endif
- #define STATIC_RPATTERN( var, params )
- STATIC_RPATTERN_EX( regex::rpattern, var, params )
- #define STATIC_RPATTERN_C( var, params )
- STATIC_RPATTERN_EX( regex::rpattern_c, var, params )
- //
- // ostream inserter operator for back-references
- //
- template< typename CH, typename TR, typename CI >
- inline std::basic_ostream<CH, TR> & operator<<(
- std::basic_ostream<CH, TR> & sout,
- backref_tag<CI> const & br )
- {
- return br.print( sout );
- }
- } // namespace regex
- //
- // specializations for std::swap
- //
- namespace std
- {
- template<>
- inline void swap( regex::detail::regex_arena & left, regex::detail::regex_arena & right )
- {
- left.swap( right );
- }
- template< typename CI, typename SY >
- inline void swap( regex::basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> & left, regex::basic_rpattern_base<CI, SY> & right )
- {
- left.swap( right );
- }
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma warning( pop )
- #endif
- #endif