- /********************************************************************
- created: 2003/04/08
- file base: GamePlayer
- file ext: h
- author: liupeng
- purpose:
- *********************************************************************/
- #include "IPlayer.h"
- #pragma warning(disable : 4786) // identifier was truncated to '255' characters
- // in the debug information
- #include "CriticalSection.h"
- #include "tstring.h"
- #include "Buffer.h"
- #include "IClient.h"
- #include "RainbowInterface.h"
- #include "IServer.h"
- #include "HeavenInterface.h"
- #include "S3DBInterface.h"
- #include "KRoleStreamArtery.h"
- #include <vector>
- #include <map>
- using namespace std;
- typedef vector< void* > stdVector;
- typedef map< LONG, const void * > stdMap;
- /*
- * class CGamePlayer
- */
- class CGamePlayer : public IPlayer
- {
- public:
- explicit CGamePlayer( IServer *pPlayerSender, IClient *pRoleDBSender, LONG nIdentityID = -1 );
- virtual ~CGamePlayer();
- /*
- * Task option
- */
- enum
- {
- /*
- * Task command
- */
- enumLogin = 0,
- enumLogOut,
- enumExchangeRegin,
- /*
- * Task status
- */
- enumComplete,
- enumRepeat,
- enumNone
- };
- virtual bool DispatchTask( LONG lnTaskID );
- virtual bool IsWorking() { return false; }
- virtual int Run();
- virtual bool AppendData( const void *pData );
- virtual bool Create( const char * const pName, const char * const pPassword );
- virtual bool Destroy( const char * const pPassword );
- static bool SetupGlobalAllocator( size_t bufferSize, size_t maxFreeBuffers );
- private:
- /*
- * Event option
- */
- enum
- {
- enumQuitEvent = 0, // the first value must be set zero
- enumWorkEvent,
- enumEventTotal // must put it on last, be used to total counts of variable
- };
- static LONG m_slnIdentityCounts;
- LONG m_lnIdentityID;
- bool ( CGamePlayer::* EventProcessor[enumEventTotal] )();
- void InitEventProcessor();
- /*
- * Task system
- */
- class CTask
- {
- public:
- explicit CTask( CGamePlayer *pReceiver, UINT nTaskID, UINT nNextTaskID = enumComplete );
- ~CTask();
- typedef bool ( CGamePlayer::* Action )();
- size_t AddCmd( Action pFun, UINT nFaildValue = enumNone );
- UINT Execute();
- void Reset() { m_indexCmd = 0; }
- protected:
- CTask();
- OnlineGameLib::Win32::CCriticalSection m_cs;
- private:
- CGamePlayer *m_pReceiver;
- stdVector m_stdCommand;
- size_t m_indexCmd;
- UINT m_nTaskProgID;
- UINT m_nNextTaskID;
- };
- CTask m_theLoginTask;
- CTask m_theLogoutTask;
- CTask m_theExchangeReginTask;
- void SetCurrentTask( UINT nID ) { m_nCurrentTaskID = nID; /*::InterlockedExchange( &m_nCurrentTaskID, nID );*/ }
- UINT GetCurrentTask() { return m_nCurrentTaskID; /*::InterlockedExchange( &m_nCurrentTaskID, m_nCurrentTaskID );*/ }
- UINT m_nCurrentTaskID;
- void InitTaskProcessor();
- /*
- * Information
- */
- OnlineGameLib::Win32::_tstring m_sAccountName;
- OnlineGameLib::Win32::_tstring m_sPassword;
- OnlineGameLib::Win32::_tstring m_sBlockBuffer; // temporal variable
- static OnlineGameLib::Win32::CBuffer::Allocator m_theGlobalAllocator;
- enum
- {
- enumRoleListCount = 3
- };
- S3DBI_RoleBaseInfo m_theRoleDBList[enumRoleListCount];
- struct tagRoleInfomation
- {
- int nIndexInList;
- TRoleData theRoleData;
- };
- tagRoleInfomation m_theRoleInfomation;
- /*
- * Network
- */
- /*
- * The role dabase
- */
- IClient *m_pRoleDBSender;
- IServer *m_pPlayerServer;
- KRoleStreamVein m_theRoleStreamVein;
- class CDataQueue
- {
- private:
- stdMap m_theData;
- OnlineGameLib::Win32::CCriticalSection m_csQueue;
- public:
- ~CDataQueue();
- void Empty();
- size_t Push( LONG lnID, const void * pData );
- const void *Top( LONG lnID );
- size_t Pop( LONG lnID );
- };
- CDataQueue m_theDataQueue;
- protected:
- /*
- * Event function
- */
- bool Quit();
- bool Work();
- /*
- * Helper function
- */
- bool TaskCompleted();
- /*
- * Task function
- */
- bool QueryAccPwd();
- bool VerifyAccount();
- bool QueryRoleList();
- bool GetRoleListInfo();
- bool QueryRoleInfo();
- bool ProcessRoleInfo();
- };
- #endif // __INCLUDE_GAMEPLAYER_H__