- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sword3 Engine (c) 1999-2000 by Kingsoft
- //
- // File: KIniFile.h
- // Date: 2000.08.08
- // Code: WangWei(Daphnis)
- // Desc: Header File
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef KIniFile_H
- #define KIniFile_H
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "KMemStack.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef struct tagKeyNode {
- LPSTR pKey;
- LPSTR pValue;
- tagKeyNode* pNextNode;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef struct tagSecNode {
- LPSTR pSection;
- tagKeyNode pKeyNode;
- tagSecNode* pNextNode;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ENGINE_API void g_SetIniCodec(int nCodec);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class ENGINE_API KIniFile
- {
- private:
- SECNODE m_Header;
- LONG m_Offset;
- KMemStack m_MemStack;
- private:
- void CreateIniLink(LPVOID Buffer,LONG Size);
- void ReleaseIniLink();
- DWORD String2Id(LPCSTR pString);
- BOOL ReadLine(LPSTR Buffer,LONG Size);
- BOOL IsKeyChar(char ch);
- LPSTR SplitKeyValue(LPSTR pString);
- BOOL SetKeyValue(LPCSTR pSection,LPCSTR pKey,LPCSTR pValue);
- BOOL GetKeyValue(LPCSTR pSection,LPCSTR pKey,LPSTR pValue,DWORD dwSize);
- public:
- KIniFile();
- ~KIniFile();
- BOOL Load(LPCSTR FileName);
- BOOL Save(LPCSTR FileName);
- BOOL LoadPack(LPCSTR FileName);
- BOOL SavePack(LPCSTR FileName);
- void Clear();
- BOOL IsSectionExist(LPCSTR lpSection);
- void EraseSection(LPCSTR lpSection);
- void EraseKey(LPCSTR lpSection, LPCSTR lpKey);
- BOOL GetString(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // points to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // points to default string
- LPSTR lpRString, // points to destination buffer
- DWORD dwSize // size of string buffer
- );
- BOOL GetInteger(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // points to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
- int nDefault, // default value
- int *pnValue // return value
- );
- void GetInteger2(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // points to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
- int *pnValue1, // value 1
- int *pnValue2 // value 2
- );
- BOOL GetFloat(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // points to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
- float fDefault, // default value
- float *pfValue // return value
- );
- void GetFloat2(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // points to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // points to key name
- float *pfValue1, // value 1
- float *pfValue2 // value 2
- );
- void GetStruct(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- LPVOID lpStruct, // pointer to buffer that contains data to add
- DWORD dwSize // size, in bytes, of the buffer
- );
- void GetRect(
- LPCSTR lpSection,
- LPCSTR lpKeyName,
- RECT *pRect
- );
- void GetFloat3(
- LPCSTR lpSection,
- LPCSTR lpKeyName,
- float *pFloat
- );
- void GetFloat4(
- LPCSTR lpSection,
- LPCSTR lpKeyName,
- float *pRect
- );
- void GetBool(
- LPCSTR lpSection,
- LPCSTR lpKeyName,
- BOOL *pBool
- );
- void WriteString(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- LPCSTR lpString // pointer to string to add
- );
- void WriteInteger(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- int Value // value to write
- );
- void WriteInteger2(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- int Value1, // value 1 to write
- int Value2 // value 2 to write
- );
- void WriteFloat(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- float fValue // value to write
- );
- void WriteFloat2(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- float fValue1, // value 1 to write
- float fValue2 // value 2 to write
- );
- void WriteStruct(
- LPCSTR lpSection, // pointer to section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
- LPVOID lpStruct, // pointer to buffer that contains data to add
- DWORD dwSize // size, in bytes, of the buffer
- );
- BOOL GetNextSection(LPCSTR pSection, LPSTR pNextSection);
- BOOL GetNextKey(LPCSTR pSection, LPCSTR pKey, LPSTR pNextKey);
- int GetSectionCount();
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #endif