- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- midl_pragma warning( disable: 2400 )
- #include <olectl.h>
- import "ocidl.idl";
- #include "shdispid.h"
- [
- uuid(50a7e9b0-70ef-11d1-b75a-00a0c90564fe), // LIBID_Shell32
- helpstring("Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation"),
- lcid(0x0000),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- library Shell32
- {
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- [
- uuid(9BA05970-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39), // IID_IFolderViewOC
- helpstring("Folder View Events Forwarder Object"),
- helpcontext(0x0000),
- hidden,
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- odl
- ]
- interface IFolderViewOC : IDispatch
- {
- [helpstring("Set the ShellFolderView object to monitor events of."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- HRESULT SetFolderView([in] IDispatch *pdisp);
- }
- [
- uuid(62112AA2-EBE4-11cf-A5FB-0020AFE7292D), // IID_DShellFolderViewEvents
- helpstring("Event interface for ShellFolderView"),
- ]
- dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods:
- [id(DISPID_SELECTIONCHANGED), helpstring("The Selection in the view changed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- void SelectionChanged();
- [id(DISPID_FILELISTENUMDONE), helpstring("The folder has finished enumerating (flashlight is gone)."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- void EnumDone();
- [id(DISPID_VERBINVOKED), helpstring("A verb was invoked on an items in the view (return false to cancel)."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- VARIANT_BOOL VerbInvoked();
- [id(DISPID_DEFAULTVERBINVOKED), helpstring("the default verb (double click) was invoked on an items in the view (return false to cancel)."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- VARIANT_BOOL DefaultVerbInvoked();
- [id(DISPID_BEGINDRAG), helpstring("user started to drag an item (return false to cancel)."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- VARIANT_BOOL BeginDrag();
- }
- [
- uuid(9BA05971-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39), // CLSID_ShellFolderViewOC
- helpstring("Shell Folder View Events Router."),
- hidden
- ]
- coclass ShellFolderViewOC
- {
- [default] interface IFolderViewOC;
- [default, source] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents;
- }
- [
- uuid(4a3df050-23bd-11d2-939f-00a0c91eedba), // IID_DFConstraint
- helpstring("Constraint used in search command"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- ]
- interface DFConstraint : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get the constraint name")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the constraint Value")]
- HRESULT Value([out, retval] VARIANT *pv);
- }
- [
- uuid(1D2EFD50-75CE-11d1-B75A-00A0C90564FE), // IID_ISearchCommandExt
- helpstring("DocFind automation interface"),
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- ]
- interface ISearchCommandExt : IDispatch
- {
- // NOTE: these dispid's can't conflict with ADOCommand which starts at 0x60030009
- [id(1), helpstring("Clear out the results")]
- HRESULT ClearResults(void);
- [id(2), helpstring("Navigate to Search Results")]
- HRESULT NavigateToSearchResults(void);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Get the progress text")]
- HRESULT ProgressText([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- // We may want a set of flags:
- // SCE_DEFAULT = 0x0000,
- // SCE_NOUI = 0x0001,
- // and a way to specify the filename through automation.
- // None of this is needed now, so simply use:
- //
- [id(4), helpstring("Save Search")]
- HRESULT SaveSearch(void);
- [id(5), helpstring("Get the last error information")]
- HRESULT GetErrorInfo([out] BSTR *pbs, [out,retval] int *phr);
- // ISearchCommandExt::SearchFor parameters
- typedef enum
- {
- [id(6), helpstring("Search For Files/Folders(0) or Computers(1)")]
- HRESULT SearchFor([in] int iFor);
- [id(7), helpstring("Get Scope information - Indexed/NonIndexed/Mixed")]
- HRESULT GetScopeInfo([in] BSTR bsScope, [out] int *pdwScopeInfo);
- [id(8), helpstring("Restore the specified search file.")]
- HRESULT RestoreSavedSearch( [in] VARIANT *pvarFile );
- // Duplicates of the ADOCommand - only those we care about...
- [id(100), helpstring("Start the search")]
- HRESULT Execute([in, optional]VARIANT *RecordsAffected, [in, optional]VARIANT *Parameters,
- [in, optional]long Options);
- [id(101), helpstring("Create a parameter")]
- HRESULT AddConstraint([in]BSTR Name, [in]VARIANT Value);
- [id(102), helpstring("Enum through the constraints...")]
- HRESULT GetNextConstraint([in] VARIANT_BOOL fReset, [out, retval] DFConstraint **ppdfc);
- }
- typedef
- [
- uuid(418f4e6a-b903-11d1-b0a6-00c04fc33aa5),
- helpstring("Search Command Execute Errors")
- ]
- enum SearchCommandExecuteErrors {
- [helpstring("Path not found")] SCEE_PATHNOTFOUND = 1,
- [helpstring("Max files found")] SCEE_MAXFILESFOUND,
- [helpstring("Index search on Non Indexed Scope")] SCEE_INDEXSEARCH,
- [helpstring("Index Constraint Error")] SCEE_CONSTRAINT,
- [helpstring("Index search on Indexed and Non-Indexed Scopes")] SCEE_SCOPEMISMATCH,
- [helpstring("Case sensitive indexed search")] SCEE_CASESENINDEX,
- [helpstring("Indexing not complete")] SCEE_INDEXNOTCOMPLETE,
- } SearchCommandExecuteErrors;
- // Setup a set of Forward references
- interface FolderItem;
- interface FolderItems;
- interface FolderItemVerb;
- interface FolderItemVerbs;
- [
- uuid(BBCBDE60-C3FF-11CE-8350-444553540000), // IID_Folder
- helpstring("Definition of interface Folder"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- ]
- interface Folder : IDispatch
- {
- //Properties
- [id(0), propget, helpstring("Get the display name for the window")]
- HRESULT Title([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT ParentFolder([out, retval] Folder **ppsf);
- //Methods
- [helpstring("The collection of Items in folder")]
- HRESULT Items([out, retval] FolderItems **ppid);
- [helpstring("Parse the name to get an item.")]
- HRESULT ParseName([in] BSTR bName, [out, retval] FolderItem **ppid);
- [helpstring("Create a new sub folder in this folder.")]
- HRESULT NewFolder([in] BSTR bName, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions);
- [helpstring("Move Items to this folder.")]
- HRESULT MoveHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions);
- [helpstring("Copy Items to this folder.")]
- HRESULT CopyHere([in] VARIANT vItem, [in, optional] VARIANT vOptions);
- [helpstring("Get the details about an item.")]
- HRESULT GetDetailsOf([in] VARIANT vItem, [in] int iColumn, [out, retval]BSTR *pbs);
- }
- [
- uuid(f0d2d8ef-3890-11d2-bf8b-00c04fb93661), //IID_Folder2
- helpstring("Definition of interface Folder2"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- ]
- // ie5+ interface
- interface Folder2 : Folder
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Folder's FolderItem interface")]
- HRESULT Self([out, retval] FolderItem **ppfi);
- [propget, helpstring("Offline status of the server?")]
- HRESULT OfflineStatus([out, retval] LONG *pul);
- [helpstring("Synchronize all offline files")]
- HRESULT Synchronize(void);
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Should the WebView barricade be shown?")]
- HRESULT HaveToShowWebViewBarricade([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbHaveToShowWebViewBarricade);
- [helpstring("Call this after the WebView barricade is dismissed by the user")]
- HRESULT DismissedWebViewBarricade();
- }
- typedef
- [
- uuid(35f1a0d0-3e9a-11d2-8499-005345000000),
- helpstring("Constants for Folder2.OfflineStatus")
- ]
- enum OfflineFolderStatus {
- [helpstring("Offline caching not available for this folder")] OFS_INACTIVE = -1,
- [helpstring("Server is online")] OFS_ONLINE,
- [helpstring("Server is offline")] OFS_OFFLINE,
- [helpstring("Server is offline but is reachable")] OFS_SERVERBACK,
- [helpstring("Server is online with unmerged changes")] OFS_DIRTYCACHE,
- } OfflineFolderStatus;
- [
- uuid(A7AE5F64-C4D7-4d7f-9307-4D24EE54B841), //IID_Folder3
- helpstring("Definition of interface Folder version 3"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- ]
- // Millen interface
- interface Folder3 : Folder2
- {
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Ask if the WebView barricade should be shown or not")]
- HRESULT ShowWebViewBarricade([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbShowWebViewBarricade);
- [id(2), propput, helpstring("Set if the WebView barricade should be shown or not for this barricadable folder")]
- HRESULT ShowWebViewBarricade([in] VARIANT_BOOL bShowWebViewBarricade);
- }
- [
- uuid(FAC32C80-CBE4-11CE-8350-444553540000), // IID_FolderItem
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem"),
- oleautomation,
- dual
- ]
- interface FolderItem : IDispatch
- {
- typedef [unique] FolderItem *LPFOLDERITEM; // For C callers
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [id(0), propget, helpstring("Get display name for item")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [id(0), propput, helpstring("Set the name for the item")]
- HRESULT Name([in] BSTR bs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the pathname to the item")]
- HRESULT Path([out, retval]BSTR *pbs);
- [propget, helpstring("If item is link return link object")]
- HRESULT GetLink([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("If item is a folder return folder object")]
- HRESULT GetFolder([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Is the item a link?")]
- HRESULT IsLink([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb);
- [propget, helpstring("Is the item a Folder?")]
- HRESULT IsFolder([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb);
- [propget, helpstring("Is the item a file system object?")]
- HRESULT IsFileSystem([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb);
- [propget, helpstring("Is the item browsable?")]
- HRESULT IsBrowsable([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pb);
- [propget, helpstring("Modification Date?")]
- HRESULT ModifyDate([out, retval] DATE *pdt);
- [propput, helpstring("Modification Date?")]
- HRESULT ModifyDate([in] DATE dt);
- [propget, helpstring("Size")]
- HRESULT Size([out, retval] LONG *pul);
- [propget, helpstring("Type")]
- HRESULT Type([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [helpstring("Get the list of verbs for the object")]
- HRESULT Verbs([out, retval] FolderItemVerbs **ppfic);
- [helpstring("Execute a command on the item")]
- HRESULT InvokeVerb([in,optional] VARIANT vVerb);
- }
- [
- uuid(edc817aa-92b8-11d1-b075-00c04fc33aa5), // IID_FolderItem2
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItem Version 2"),
- oleautomation,
- dual
- ]
- // IE5+ interface, right?
- interface FolderItem2 : FolderItem
- {
- [helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb")]
- HRESULT InvokeVerbEx([in,optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in,optional] VARIANT vArgs);
- [helpstring("Access an extended property")]
- HRESULT ExtendedProperty([in] BSTR bstrPropName, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvRet);
- }
- [
- uuid(2fe352ea-fd1f-11d2-b1f4-00c04f8eeb3e), // CLSID_ShellFolderItem
- helpstring("Shell Folder Item")
- ]
- coclass ShellFolderItem
- {
- [default] interface FolderItem2;
- }
- [
- uuid(744129E0-CBE5-11CE-8350-444553540000), // IID_FolderItems
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems"),
- oleautomation,
- dual
- ]
- interface FolderItems : IDispatch
- {
- //Properties
- [propget, helpstring("Get count of items in the folder")]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *plCount);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- //Methods
- //Standard Methods
- [helpstring("Return the figure for the given index")]
- HRESULT Item([in,optional] VARIANT index, [out, retval]FolderItem **ppid);
- [id(-4), helpstring("Enumerates the figures")]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppunk);
- }
- // IE5+ interface
- [
- uuid(C94F0AD0-F363-11d2-A327-00C04F8EEC7F), // IID_FolderItems2
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 2"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- odl,
- ]
- interface FolderItems2 : FolderItems
- {
- [helpstring("Extended version of InvokeVerb for a collection of Folder Items")]
- HRESULT InvokeVerbEx([in,optional] VARIANT vVerb, [in,optional] VARIANT vArgs);
- }
- // Millennium interface
- [
- uuid(eaa7c309-bbec-49d5-821d-64d966cb667f), // IID_FolderItems3
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItems Version 3"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- odl,
- ]
- interface FolderItems3 : FolderItems2
- {
- [helpstring("Set a wildcard filter to apply to the items returned")]
- HRESULT Filter([in] long grfFlags, [in] BSTR bstrFileSpec);
- [id(0), propget, helpstring("Get the list of verbs common to all the items")]
- HRESULT Verbs([out, retval] FolderItemVerbs **ppfic);
- }
- [
- uuid(08EC3E00-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), // IID_FolderItemVerb
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerb"),
- oleautomation,
- dual
- ]
- interface FolderItemVerb : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [id(0), propget, helpstring("Get display name for item")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [helpstring("Execute the verb")]
- }
- [
- uuid(1F8352C0-50B0-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), // IID_FolderItemVerbs
- helpstring("Definition of interface FolderItemVerbs"),
- oleautomation,
- dual
- ]
- interface FolderItemVerbs : IDispatch
- {
- //Properties
- [propget, helpstring("Get count of open folder windows")]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *plCount);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- //Methods
- //Standard Methods
- [helpstring("Return the specified verb")]
- HRESULT Item([in,optional] VARIANT index, [out, retval]FolderItemVerb **ppid);
- [id(-4), helpstring("Enumerates the figures")]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown **ppunk);
- }
- [
- uuid(88A05C00-F000-11CE-8350-444553540000), // IID_IShellLinkDual
- helpstring("Definition of Shell Link IDispatch interface"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- hidden,
- ]
- interface IShellLinkDual : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get the path of the link")]
- HRESULT Path([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the path of the link")]
- HRESULT Path([in] BSTR bs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the description for the link")]
- HRESULT Description([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the description for the link")]
- HRESULT Description([in] BSTR bs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the working directory for the link")]
- HRESULT WorkingDirectory([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the working directory for the link")]
- HRESULT WorkingDirectory([in] BSTR bs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the arguments for the link")]
- HRESULT Arguments([out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the arguments for the link")]
- HRESULT Arguments([in] BSTR bs);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the Hotkey for the link")]
- HRESULT Hotkey([out, retval] int *piHK);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the Hotkey for the link")]
- HRESULT Hotkey([in] int iHK);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the Show Command for the link")]
- HRESULT ShowCommand([out, retval] int *piShowCommand);
- [propput, helpstring("Set the Show Command for the link")]
- HRESULT ShowCommand([in] int iShowCommand);
- // STDMETHOD(SetRelativePath)(THIS_ LPCSTR pszPathRel, DWORD dwReserved) PURE;
- //Methods
- [helpstring("Tell the link to resolve itself")]
- HRESULT Resolve([in] int fFlags);
- [helpstring("Get the IconLocation for the link")]
- HRESULT GetIconLocation([out] BSTR *pbs, [out,retval] int *piIcon);
- [helpstring("Set the IconLocation for the link")]
- HRESULT SetIconLocation([in] BSTR bs, [in] int iIcon);
- [helpstring("Tell the link to save the changes")]
- HRESULT Save ([in, optional] VARIANT vWhere);
- }
- [
- uuid(317EE249-F12E-11d2-B1E4-00C04F8EEB3E), // IID_IShellLinkDual2
- helpstring("Shell Link2 IDispatch interface"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- hidden
- ]
- interface IShellLinkDual2 : IShellLinkDual
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get the target of a link object")]
- HRESULT Target([out, retval] FolderItem **ppfi);
- }
- [
- // note, this object does not really exist, leave this for compat with
- // VB programs that do "dim foo as ShellLinkObject"
- uuid(11219420-1768-11d1-95BE-00609797EA4F), // CLSID_ShellLinkObject
- helpstring("Shell Link object")
- ]
- coclass ShellLinkObject // funny name so we don't conflict with CLSID_ShellLink
- {
- [default] interface IShellLinkDual;
- }
- [
- uuid(E7A1AF80-4D96-11CF-960C-0080C7F4EE85), // IID_IShellFolderViewDual
- helpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual
- ]
- interface IShellFolderViewDual : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get the folder being viewed")]
- HRESULT Folder([out, retval] Folder **ppid);
- [helpstring("The collection of Selected Items in folder")]
- HRESULT SelectedItems([out, retval] FolderItems **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("The currently focused item in the folder")]
- HRESULT FocusedItem([out, retval] FolderItem **ppid);
- [helpstring("Select the item")]
- HRESULT SelectItem([in]VARIANT *pvfi, [in] int dwFlags);
- [helpstring("Show items menu and return command selected")]
- HRESULT PopupItemMenu([in]FolderItem *pfi, [in, optional]VARIANT vx, [in, optional]VARIANT vy, [out, retval] BSTR *pbs);
- [propget, helpstring("Returns the scripting automation model."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- HRESULT Script([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
- [propget, helpstring("Returns the view options for showing a folder."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- HRESULT ViewOptions([out,retval] long * plViewOptions);
- }
- [
- uuid(31C147b6-0ADE-4A3C-B514-DDF932EF6D17), // IID_IShellFolderViewDual2
- helpstring("definition of interface IShellFolderViewDual2"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual
- ]
- interface IShellFolderViewDual2 : IShellFolderViewDual
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get Current View Mode")]
- HRESULT CurrentViewMode([out, retval] UINT *pViewMode);
- [propput, helpstring("Put Current View Mode")]
- HRESULT CurrentViewMode([in] UINT ViewMode);
- [helpstring("Select Item relative to the Current Item")]
- HRESULT SelectItemRelative([in] int iRelative);
- }
- [
- uuid(62112AA1-EBE4-11cf-A5FB-0020AFE7292D), // CLSID_ShellFolderView
- helpstring("Shell Folder View Object")
- ]
- coclass ShellFolderView
- {
- [default] interface IShellFolderViewDual2;
- [source,default] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents;
- }
- [
- uuid(CE20DAB9-B353-469b-8B4D-6DBB3A7BA016), // IID_IMigrationWizardAuto
- helpstring("definition of interface IMigrationWizardAuto"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual
- ]
- interface IMigrationWizardAuto : IDispatch
- {
- [helpstring("Create Tool Disk")]
- HRESULT CreateToolDisk([in] BSTR pszDrivePath, [in] BSTR pszFilesPath, [in] BSTR pszManifestPath);
- [helpstring("Apply Settings")]
- HRESULT ApplySettings([in] BSTR pszStore);
- [helpstring("Cancel current operation")]
- HRESULT Cancel();
- }
- cpp_quote("//===================================================================")
- cpp_quote("//DESCRIPTION:")
- cpp_quote("//OnProgress: This message is fired periodically as the object executes a")
- cpp_quote("// task, either creating a tool disk or applying settings. The")
- cpp_quote("// pszMsg parameter is a user-readable string with information")
- cpp_quote("// about what is currently being done, or an empty string if this")
- cpp_quote("// has not been implemented. The iDone parameter is an integer value")
- cpp_quote("// which relates the numerical amount of work that has been done.")
- cpp_quote("// The iTotal paramater is an integer value which relates the total")
- cpp_quote("// amount of work in the task. The ratio of iDone to iTotal is the")
- cpp_quote("// fraction of the task that has been completed.")
- cpp_quote("// Note that the string in pszMessage will not necessarily contain")
- cpp_quote("// %d tokens, so do not use the three parameters in an sprintf")
- cpp_quote("// and expect it to work.")
- cpp_quote("#define SZ_MIGWIZPROGRESS_OK L""")
- cpp_quote("//========================================")
- cpp_quote("//OnComplete: This message is fired when the object has completed either ")
- cpp_quote("// creating a tool disk or applying settings. This can be either")
- cpp_quote("// a successful completion (pszMsg is the empty string), an")
- cpp_quote("// acknowledgment of the user's cancel (pszMsg is 'Cancel'),")
- cpp_quote("// the error message that there is no disk in the drive")
- cpp_quote("// (pszMsg is 'No Disk') or a general failure. (pszMsg is 'Fail')")
- cpp_quote("// ")
- cpp_quote("#define SZ_MIGWIZCOMPLETE_OK L""")
- cpp_quote("#define SZ_MIGWIZCOMPLETE_CANCEL L"Cancel"")
- cpp_quote("#define SZ_MIGWIZCOMPLETE_FAIL L"Fail"")
- cpp_quote("#define SZ_MIGWIZCOMPLETE_NODISK L"No Disk"")
- cpp_quote("//===================================================================")
- [
- uuid(D2AC137D-A6D8-43b6-9879-EA34B67E1880), // IID_DMigrationWizardAutoEvents, for Migration Wizard OOBE Events
- helpstring("Event interface for MigrationWizardAuto"),
- ]
- dispinterface DMigrationWizardAutoEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods:
- [id(1), helpstring("Progress was made."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- void OnProgress([in] BSTR pszMessage, [in] int iDone, [in] int iTotal);
- [id(2), helpstring("The process completed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
- void OnComplete([in] BSTR pszMessage);
- }
- cpp_quote("//===================================================================")
- cpp_quote("//DESCRIPTION:")
- cpp_quote("// This object handles automation calls from OOBE (Out Of Box Experience)")
- cpp_quote("// and contains the Migration Wizard Engine located in migoobe.dll.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Someday, this code will live inside of migoobe.dll, but we didn't ")
- cpp_quote("// have time to generate an entirely new typelib for migoobe.dll so we ")
- cpp_quote("// piggybacked on shell32's to make the development of the automation ")
- cpp_quote("// quicker to satisfy time constraints.")
- cpp_quote("//========================================")
- cpp_quote("//WARNING:")
- cpp_quote("// Only the first registered listener will receive fired events.")
- cpp_quote("// Because of the architecture of this object, if multiple objects")
- cpp_quote("// register for advisement on MigrationWizardAuto's dispatch")
- cpp_quote("// interface, only the first object to register will actually")
- cpp_quote("// receive the fired events. This may be fixed when this object")
- cpp_quote("// is moved into migoobe.dll and out of shell32.dll.")
- cpp_quote("//===================================================================")
- [
- uuid(67331D85-BE17-42f6-8D3F-47B8E8B26637), // CLSID_MigrationWizardAuto
- helpstring("Migration Wizard Engine Object")
- ]
- coclass MigrationWizardAuto
- {
- [default] interface IMigrationWizardAuto;
- [default, source] dispinterface DMigrationWizardAutoEvents;
- }
- typedef
- [
- uuid(742A99A0-C77E-11D0-A32C-00A0C91EEDBA),
- helpstring("Constants for ViewOptions")
- ]
- enum ShellFolderViewOptions {
- [helpstring("Show All Objects")] SFVVO_SHOWALLOBJECTS = 0x00000001,
- [helpstring("Show File Extensions")] SFVVO_SHOWEXTENSIONS = 0x00000002,
- [helpstring("Color encode Compressed files")] SFVVO_SHOWCOMPCOLOR = 0x00000008,
- [helpstring("Show System Files")] SFVVO_SHOWSYSFILES = 0x00000020,
- [helpstring("Use Windows 95 UI settings")] SFVVO_WIN95CLASSIC = 0x00000040,
- [helpstring("User needs to double click in web View")] SFVVO_DOUBLECLICKINWEBVIEW = 0x00000080,
- [helpstring("Is Desktop HTML enabled")] SFVVO_DESKTOPHTML = 0x00000200,
- } ShellFolderViewOptions;
- [
- uuid(D8F015C0-C278-11CE-A49E-444553540000), // IID_IShellDispatch
- helpstring("Definition of interface IShellDispatch"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual,
- ]
- interface IShellDispatch : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, helpstring("Get Application object")]
- HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [propget, helpstring("Get Parent object")]
- HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- //=========================================================
- // Name Space methods and properties
- [helpstring("Get special folder from ShellSpecialFolderConstants")]
- HRESULT NameSpace([in] VARIANT vDir, [out, retval] Folder **ppsdf);
- [helpstring("Browse the name space for a Folder")]
- HRESULT BrowseForFolder([in] long Hwnd,
- [in] BSTR Title,
- [in] long Options,
- [in,optional] VARIANT RootFolder,
- [out, retval] FOLDER **ppsdf);
- [helpstring("The collection of open folder windows")]
- HRESULT Windows([out, retval] IDispatch **ppid);
- [helpstring("Open a folder")]
- HRESULT Open([in] VARIANT vDir);
- [helpstring("Explore a folder")]
- HRESULT Explore([in] VARIANT vDir);
- [helpstring("Minimize all windows")]
- HRESULT MinimizeAll(void);
- [helpstring("Undo Minimize All")]
- HRESULT UndoMinimizeALL(void);
- [helpstring("Bring up the file run")]
- HRESULT FileRun(void);
- [helpstring("Cascade Windows")]
- HRESULT CascadeWindows(void);
- [helpstring("Tile windows vertically")]
- HRESULT TileVertically(void);
- [helpstring("Tile windows horizontally")]
- HRESULT TileHorizontally(void);
- [helpstring("Exit Windows")]
- HRESULT ShutdownWindows(void);
- [helpstring("Suspend the pc")]
- HRESULT Suspend(void);
- [helpstring("Eject the pc")]
- HRESULT EjectPC(void);
- [helpstring("Bring up the Set time dialog")]
- HRESULT SetTime(void);
- [helpstring("Handle Tray properties")]
- HRESULT TrayProperties(void);
- [helpstring("Display shell help")]
- HRESULT Help(void);
- [helpstring("Find Files")]
- HRESULT FindFiles(void);
- [helpstring("Find a computer")]
- HRESULT FindComputer(void);
- [helpstring("Refresh the menu")]
- HRESULT RefreshMenu(void);
- [helpstring("Run a Control Panel Item")]
- HRESULT ControlPanelItem([in] BSTR szDir);
- }
- [
- uuid(A4C6892C-3BA9-11d2-9DEA-00C04FB16162), // IID_IShellDispatch2
- helpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual,
- ]
- interface IShellDispatch2 : IShellDispatch
- {
- [helpstring("get restriction settings")]
- HRESULT IsRestricted([in] BSTR Group, [in] BSTR Restriction, [out, retval] long * plRestrictValue);
- [helpstring("Execute generic command")]
- HRESULT ShellExecute([in] BSTR File, [in, optional] VARIANT vArgs,
- [in, optional] VARIANT vDir, [in, optional] VARIANT vOperation,
- [in, optional] VARIANT vShow);
- // search for a printer
- [helpstring("Find a Printer in the Directory Service")]
- HRESULT FindPrinter([in, optional] BSTR name, [in, optional] BSTR location, [in, optional] BSTR model);
- [helpstring("Retrieve info about the user's system")]
- HRESULT GetSystemInformation([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] VARIANT *pv);
- [helpstring("Start a service by name, and optionally set it to autostart.")]
- HRESULT ServiceStart([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent,
- [out,retval] VARIANT *pSuccess);
- [helpstring("Stop a service by name, and optionally disable autostart.")]
- HRESULT ServiceStop([in] BSTR ServiceName, [in] VARIANT Persistent,
- [out,retval] VARIANT *pSuccess);
- [helpstring("Determine if a service is running by name.")]
- HRESULT IsServiceRunning([in] BSTR ServiceName,
- [out,retval] VARIANT *pRunning);
- [helpstring("Determine if the current user can start/stop the named service.")]
- HRESULT CanStartStopService([in] BSTR ServiceName,
- [out,retval] VARIANT *pCanStartStop);
- [helpstring("Show/Hide browser bar.")]
- HRESULT ShowBrowserBar( [in]BSTR bstrClsid, [in]VARIANT bShow, [out,retval] VARIANT *pSuccess );
- }
- // Millennium interface
- [
- uuid(177160ca-bb5a-411c-841d-bd38facdeaa0), // IID_IShellDispatch3
- helpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual,
- ]
- interface IShellDispatch3 : IShellDispatch2
- {
- [helpstring("Add an object to the Recent Docuements")]
- HRESULT AddToRecent([in] VARIANT varFile, [in, optional] BSTR bstrCategory);
- }
- // Whistler interface
- [
- uuid(efd84b2d-4bcf-4298-be25-eb542a59fbda), // IID_IShellDispatch4
- helpstring("Updated IShellDispatch"),
- oleautomation,
- hidden,
- dual,
- ]
- interface IShellDispatch4 : IShellDispatch3
- {
- [helpstring("Windows Security")]
- HRESULT WindowsSecurity(void);
- [helpstring("Raise/lower the desktop")]
- HRESULT ToggleDesktop(void);
- [helpstring("Return explorer policy value")]
- HRESULT ExplorerPolicy([in] BSTR bstrPolicyName, [out, retval] VARIANT *pValue);
- [helpstring("Return shell global setting")]
- HRESULT GetSetting([in] long lSetting, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult);
- }
- [
- uuid(13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000), // CLSID_Shell
- helpstring("Shell Object Type Information")
- ]
- coclass Shell
- {
- [default] interface IShellDispatch;
- }
- [
- uuid(0A89A860-D7B1-11CE-8350-444553540000), // CLSID_ShellDispatchInproc
- helpstring("ShellDispatch Load in Shell Context"),
- hidden
- ]
- coclass ShellDispatchInproc
- {
- interface IUnknown;
- }
- [
- uuid(1820FED0-473E-11D0-A96C-00C04FD705A2), // CLSID_WebViewFolderContents
- hidden
- ]
- coclass WebViewFolderContents
- {
- [default] interface IShellFolderViewDual;
- [source,default] dispinterface DShellFolderViewEvents;
- }
- typedef
- [
- uuid(CA31EA20-48D0-11CF-8350-444553540000),
- helpstring("Constants for Special Folders for open/Explore")
- ]
- enum ShellSpecialFolderConstants {
- [helpstring("Special Folder DESKTOP")] ssfDESKTOP = 0x0000,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAMS")] ssfPROGRAMS = 0x0002,
- [helpstring("Special Folder CONTROLS")] ssfCONTROLS = 0x0003,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PRINTERS")] ssfPRINTERS = 0x0004,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PERSONAL")] ssfPERSONAL = 0x0005,
- [helpstring("Special Folder FAVORITES")] ssfFAVORITES = 0x0006,
- [helpstring("Special Folder STARTUP")] ssfSTARTUP = 0x0007,
- [helpstring("Special Folder RECENT")] ssfRECENT = 0x0008,
- [helpstring("Special Folder SENDTO")] ssfSENDTO = 0x0009,
- [helpstring("Special Folder BITBUCKET")] ssfBITBUCKET = 0x000a,
- [helpstring("Special Folder STARTMENU")] ssfSTARTMENU = 0x000b,
- [helpstring("Special Folder DESKTOPDIRECTORY")] ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0010,
- [helpstring("Special Folder DRIVES")] ssfDRIVES = 0x0011,
- [helpstring("Special Folder NETWORK")] ssfNETWORK = 0x0012,
- [helpstring("Special Folder NETHOOD")] ssfNETHOOD = 0x0013,
- [helpstring("Special Folder FONTS")] ssfFONTS = 0x0014,
- [helpstring("Special Folder TEMPLATES")] ssfTEMPLATES = 0x0015,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTMENU")] ssfCOMMONSTARTMENU = 0x0016,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON PROGRAMS")] ssfCOMMONPROGRAMS = 0x0017,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON STARTUP")] ssfCOMMONSTARTUP = 0x0018,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON DESKTOPDIR")] ssfCOMMONDESKTOPDIR = 0x0019,
- [helpstring("Special Folder APPDATA")] ssfAPPDATA = 0x001a,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PRINTHOOD")] ssfPRINTHOOD = 0x001b,
- [helpstring("Special Folder LOCAL APPDATA")] ssfLOCALAPPDATA = 0x001c,
- [helpstring("Special Folder ALTSTARTUP")] ssfALTSTARTUP = 0x001d,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON ALTSTARTUP")] ssfCOMMONALTSTARTUP = 0x001e,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON FAVORITES")] ssfCOMMONFAVORITES = 0x001f,
- [helpstring("Special Folder INTERNET CACHE")] ssfINTERNETCACHE = 0x0020,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COOKIES")] ssfCOOKIES = 0x0021,
- [helpstring("Special Folder HISTORY")] ssfHISTORY = 0x0022,
- [helpstring("Special Folder COMMON APPDATA")] ssfCOMMONAPPDATA = 0x0023,
- [helpstring("Special Folder WINDOWS")] ssfWINDOWS = 0x0024,
- [helpstring("Special Folder SYSTEM")] ssfSYSTEM = 0x0025,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILES")] ssfPROGRAMFILES = 0x0026,
- [helpstring("Special Folder MYPICTURES")] ssfMYPICTURES = 0x0027,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PROFILE")] ssfPROFILE = 0x0028,
- [helpstring("Special Folder SYSTEMx86")] ssfSYSTEMx86 = 0x0029,
- [helpstring("Special Folder PROGRAM FILESx86")] ssfPROGRAMFILESx86 = 0x0030,
- } ShellSpecialFolderConstants;
- [
- uuid(60890160-69f0-11d1-b758-00a0c90564fe), // DIID_DSearchCommandEvents
- helpstring("Event interface for command events"),
- ]
- dispinterface DSearchCommandEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods:
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_START), helpstring("Search started.")]
- HRESULT SearchStart(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_COMPLETE), helpstring("Search completed normally.")]
- HRESULT SearchComplete(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_ABORT), helpstring("Search cancelled.")]
- HRESULT SearchAbort(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_UPDATE), helpstring("Recordset changed.")]
- HRESULT RecordsetUpdate(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_PROGRESSTEXT), helpstring("The Progress text changed")]
- HRESULT ProgressTextChanged(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_ERROR), helpstring("An error has happened.")]
- HRESULT SearchError(void);
- [id(DISPID_SEARCHCOMMAND_RESTORE), helpstring("Criteria and resultes restored from file.")]
- HRESULT SearchRestored(void);
- }
- [
- uuid(B005E690-678D-11d1-B758-00A0C90564FE), // CLSID_SearchCommand
- helpstring("Search command object."),
- ]
- coclass SearchCommand
- {
- [default] interface IDispatch;
- [default, source] dispinterface DSearchCommandEvents;
- }
- [
- uuid(2D91EEA1-9932-11d2-BE86-00A0C9A83DA1), // IID_IFileSearchBand
- helpstring("IFileSearchBand Interface"),
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- hidden,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IFileSearchBand : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("method SetFocus")]
- HRESULT SetFocus(void);
- [id(2), helpstring("method SetSearchParameters")]
- HRESULT SetSearchParameters([in] BSTR* pbstrSearchID, [in]VARIANT_BOOL bNavToResults, [in,optional] VARIANT* pvarScope, [in,optional]VARIANT* pvarQueryFile );
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Retrieve the guid of the currently active search.")]
- HRESULT SearchID([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrSearchID );
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Get the search scope")]
- HRESULT Scope([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarScope );
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Retrieve the file from which the search was restored.")]
- HRESULT QueryFile([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarFile );
- };
- [
- uuid(C4EE31F3-4768-11D2-BE5C-00A0C9A83DA1), // CLSID_FileSearchBand
- helpstring("FileSearchBand Class"),
- hidden
- ]
- coclass FileSearchBand
- {
- [default] interface IFileSearchBand;
- };
- [
- uuid(18bcc359-4990-4bfb-b951-3c83702be5f9),
- object,
- dual,
- helpstring("IWebWizardHost interface")
- ]
- interface IWebWizardHost : IDispatch
- {
- [id(0)] HRESULT FinalBack();
- [id(1)] HRESULT FinalNext();
- [id(2)] HRESULT Cancel();
- [id(3), propput] HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR bstrCaption);
- [id(3), propget] HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrCaption);
- [id(4), propput] HRESULT Property([in] BSTR bstrPropertyName, [in] VARIANT* pvProperty);
- [id(4), propget] HRESULT Property([in] BSTR bstrPropertyName, [out, retval] VARIANT* pvProperty);
- [id(5)] HRESULT SetWizardButtons([in] VARIANT_BOOL vfEnableBack, [in] VARIANT_BOOL vfEnableNext, [in] VARIANT_BOOL vfLastPage);
- [id(6)] HRESULT SetHeaderText([in] BSTR bstrHeaderTitle, [in] BSTR bstrHeaderSubtitle);
- };
- [
- uuid(0751c551-7568-41c9-8e5b-e22e38919236),
- object,
- dual,
- helpstring("INewWDEvents interface")
- ]
- interface INewWDEvents: IWebWizardHost
- {
- [id(7)] HRESULT PassportAuthenticate([in] BSTR bstrSignInUrl, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvfAuthenitcated);
- };
- [
- uuid(b30f7305-5967-45d1-b7bc-d6eb7163d770),
- object,
- dual,
- helpstring("IPassportClientServices")
- ]
- interface IPassportClientServices: IDispatch
- {
- [id(0)] HRESULT MemberExists([in] BSTR bstrUser, [in] BSTR bstrPassword, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvfExists);
- };
- [
- uuid(2d2307c8-7db4-40d6-9100-d52af4f97a5b), // CLSID_PassportClientServices
- helpstring("PassportClientServices Class"),
- hidden
- ]
- coclass PassportClientServices
- {
- [default] interface IPassportClientServices;
- };
- }; // Shell32 library
- interface IAutoComplete;
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IAutoComplete interface")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// [Member functions]")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IAutoComplete::Init(hwndEdit, punkACL, pwszRegKeyPath, pwszQuickComplete)")
- cpp_quote("// This function initializes an AutoComplete object, telling it")
- cpp_quote("// what control to subclass, and what list of strings to process.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IAutoComplete::Enable(fEnable)")
- cpp_quote("// This function enables or disables the AutoComplete functionality.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- [
- helpstring("AutoComplete engine for URL type formatted strings"),
- local,
- object,
- uuid(00bb2762-6a77-11d0-a535-00c04fd7d062),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IAutoComplete : IUnknown
- {
- typedef [unique] IAutoComplete *LPAUTOCOMPLETE; // For C callers
- [in] HWND hwndEdit, // hwnd of editbox or editbox deriviative.
- [in, unique] IUnknown * punkACL, // Pointer to object containing string to complete from. (IEnumString *)
- [in, unique] LPCOLESTR pwszRegKeyPath, //
- [in] LPCOLESTR pwszQuickComplete
- );
- HRESULT Enable([in] BOOL fEnable); // Is it enabled?
- }
- [
- helpstring("AutoComplete engine for URL type formatted strings"),
- local,
- object,
- uuid(EAC04BC0-3791-11d2-BB95-0060977B464C),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IAutoComplete2 : IAutoComplete
- {
- typedef [unique] IAutoComplete2 *LPAUTOCOMPLETE2; // For C callers
- typedef enum _tagAUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS
- {
- ACO_NONE = 0x00, // No AutoComplete
- ACO_AUTOSUGGEST = 0x01, // enable autosuggest dropdown
- ACO_AUTOAPPEND = 0x02, // enable autoappend
- ACO_SEARCH = 0x04, // add search entry to completion list
- ACO_FILTERPREFIXES = 0x08, // don't match common prefixes (www., http://, etc)
- ACO_USETAB = 0x10, // use tab to select autosuggest entries
- ACO_UPDOWNKEYDROPSLIST = 0x20, // up/down arrow key invokes autosuggest dropdown (if enabled)
- ACO_RTLREADING = 0x40, // enable RTL reading order for dropdown
- HRESULT SetOptions([in] DWORD dwFlag);
- HRESULT GetOptions([out] DWORD* pdwFlag);
- }
- cpp_quote("// INTERFACE: IEnumACString")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// This interface was implemented to return autocomplete strings")
- cpp_quote("// into the caller's buffer (to reduce the number of memory allocations).")
- cpp_quote("// A sort index is also returned to control the order of items displayed.")
- cpp_quote("// by autocomplete. The sort index should be set to zero if unused.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// The NextItem method increments the current index by one (similar to Next")
- cpp_quote("// when one item is requested).")
- cpp_quote("//")
- [
- helpstring("Enumerator for Autocomplete Strings"),
- local,
- object,
- uuid(8E74C210-CF9D-4eaf-A403-7356428F0A5A),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IEnumACString : IEnumString
- {
- typedef [unique] IEnumACString *PENUMACSTRING;
- typedef [unique] IEnumACString *LPENUMACSTRING;
- typedef enum _tagACENUMOPTION
- {
- ACEO_NONE = 0x0000, // No options
- ACEO_MOSTRECENTFIRST = 0x0001, // Display most recently used items first
- // (pulSortIndex is seconds since item was last used)
- ACEO_FIRSTUNUSED = 0x10000,// 0x00010000 through 0xffff0000 are for enumerator
- // specific options (0x0002-0xffff are reserved)
- HRESULT NextItem(
- [out, string, unique, size_is(cchMax)] LPOLESTR pszUrl,
- [in] ULONG cchMax,
- [out] ULONG* pulSortIndex);
- HRESULT SetEnumOptions([in] DWORD dwOptions);
- HRESULT GetEnumOptions([out] DWORD* pdwOptions);
- }
- cpp_quote("// INTERFACE: IAsyncOperation")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// This interface was implemented to turn some previously synchronous")
- cpp_quote("// interfaces into async. The following example is for")
- cpp_quote("// doing the IDataObject::Drop() operation asynchronously.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Sometimes the rendering of the IDataObject data (IDataObject::GetData() or")
- cpp_quote("// STGMEDIUM.pStream->Read()) can be time intensive. The IDropTarget")
- cpp_quote("// may want to do this on another thread.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Implimentation Check list:")
- cpp_quote("// DoDragDrop Caller:")
- cpp_quote("// If this code can support asynch operations, then it needs to")
- cpp_quote("// QueryInterface() the IDataObject for IAsyncOperation.")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::SetAsyncMode(VARIANT_TRUE).")
- cpp_quote("// After calling DoDragDrop(), call InOperation(). If any call fails")
- cpp_quote("// or InOperation() return FALSE, use the pdwEffect returned by DoDragDrop()")
- cpp_quote("// and the operation completed synchrously.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// OleSetClipboard Caller:")
- cpp_quote("// If this code can support asynch operations, then it needs to")
- cpp_quote("// QueryInterface() the IDataObject for IAsyncOperation. Then call")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::SetAsyncMode(VARIANT_TRUE).")
- cpp_quote("// If any of that fails, the final dwEffect should be passed to the IDataObject via")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IDataObect Object:")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::GetAsyncMode() should return whatever was last passed in")
- cpp_quote("// fDoOpAsync to ::SetAsyncMode() or VARIANT_FALSE if ::SetAsyncMode()")
- cpp_quote("// was never called.")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::SetAsyncMode() should AddRef and store paocb.")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::StartOperation() should store the fact that this was called and")
- cpp_quote("// cause InOperation() to return VARIANT_TRUE. pbcReserved is not used and needs")
- cpp_quote("// to be NULL.")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::InOperation() should return VARIANT_TRUE only if ::StartOperation()")
- cpp_quote("// was called.")
- cpp_quote("// IAsyncOperation::EndOperation() needs to call paocbpaocb->EndOperation() with the same")
- cpp_quote("// parameters. Then release paocb.")
- cpp_quote("// IDataObject::SetData(CFSTR_PERFORMEDDROPEFFECT) When this happens, call")
- cpp_quote("// EndOperation(<into VAR>S_OK, NULL, <into VAR>dwEffect) and pass the dwEffect from the hglobal.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IDropTarget Object:")
- cpp_quote("// IDropTarget::Drop() If asynch operations aren't supported, nothing is required.")
- cpp_quote("// The asynch operation can only happen if GetAsyncMode() returns VARIANT_TRUE.")
- cpp_quote("// Before starting the asynch operation, StartOperation(NULL) needs to be called before")
- cpp_quote("// returning from IDropTarget::Drop().")
- interface IAsyncOperation;
- [
- helpstring("Interface to allow the IDataObject operation to occur asynchronously."),
- uuid(3D8B0590-F691-11d2-8EA9-006097DF5BD4),
- object,
- ]
- interface IAsyncOperation : IUnknown
- {
- typedef [unique] IAsyncOperation * LPASYNCOPERATION;
- HRESULT SetAsyncMode([in] BOOL fDoOpAsync);
- HRESULT GetAsyncMode([out] BOOL * pfIsOpAsync);
- HRESULT StartOperation([in, unique, optional] IBindCtx * pbcReserved);
- HRESULT InOperation([out] BOOL * pfInAsyncOp);
- HRESULT EndOperation([in] HRESULT hResult, [in, unique] IBindCtx * pbcReserved, [in] DWORD dwEffects);
- }