- //@parm IEventPropertyBag ** | ppProperties | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the source properties."), propget]
- HRESULT Properties([out,retval] IEventPropertyBag **ppProperties);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSource | Save | Save changes. Changes made with the other methods on
- // this interface do not take effect until this method is called.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Save changes.")]
- HRESULT Save();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventSources | Provides access to a collection of event sources.
- @meth HRESULT | Item | Get a source.
- @meth HRESULT | Add | Create a source.
- @meth HRESULT | Remove | Remove a source.
- @meth HRESULT | Count [propget] | Get the count of the sources.
- @meth HRESULT | _NewEnum [propget] | Get an enumerator for the sources.
- @xref <i IEventSource>
- */
- [
- dual,
- helpstring("Provides access to a collection of event sources."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(73e8c930-a652-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventSources : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSources | Item | Get a source.
- //@parm VARIANT * | pvarDesired | [out,retval] Specifies the source to get. This is either a
- // number representing the one-based index of the desired source in the collection, or it is a
- // string representing the GUID of the source (presumably converted using the StringFromGUID2()
- // function).
- //@parm IEventSource ** | ppSource | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the item was not present. *ppSource is NULL.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSource>
- [helpstring("Get a source."),id(DISPID_VALUE)]
- HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT *pvarDesired, [out,retval] IEventSource **ppSource);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSources | Add | Create a source. This method creates an unitialized
- // source - the client must call methods on the resulting IEventSource interface to set
- // properties for the new source, and then must call IEventSource::Save() to save the new source.
- //@parm BSTR | pszSource | [in] Specifies the ID of the new source. This must be a GUID,
- // converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function. If this value is NULL, or an
- // empty string, or GUID_NULL, then a new GUID will be generated for the source (and the
- // IEventSource::ID() [propget] method can be used to retrieve it).
- //@parm IEventSource ** | ppSource | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the source already existed. A pointer to the pre-existing source is
- // returned.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSource> <om IEventSource::ID [propget]>
- [helpstring("Create a source.")]
- HRESULT Add([in] BSTR pszSource, [out,retval] IEventSource **ppSource);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSources | Remove | Remove a source.
- //@parm VARIANT * | pvarDesired | [in] Specifies the source to remove. This must be a GUID,
- // converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the source didn't exist.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <om IEventSource::ID [propget]>
- [helpstring("Remove a source.")]
- HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT *pvarDesired);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSources | Count [propget] | Get the count of the sources.
- //@parm long * | plCount | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the count of the sources."),propget]
- HRESULT Count([out,retval] long *plCount);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSources | _NewEnum [propget] | Get an enumerator for the sources.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkEnum | [out,retval] Receives the result, which is an object which
- // implements IEnumVARIANT for enumerating the IEventSource interfaces of the event types in the
- // collection.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSource>
- [helpstring("Get an enumerator for the sources."),id(DISPID_NEWENUM),propget,hidden]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkEnum);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventSourceType | Provides access to information about a source type.
- @meth HRESULT | ID [propget] | Get the ID.
- @meth HRESULT | DisplayName [propget] | Get the display name.
- @meth HRESULT | DisplayName [propput] | Set the display name.
- @meth HRESULT | DisplayName [propputref] | Set the display name.
- @meth HRESULT | EventTypes [propget] | Get the event types.
- @meth HRESULT | Sources [propget] | Get the sources.
- @meth HRESULT | Save | Save changes.
- @xref <i IEventSources> <om IEventSourceType::Sources [propget]>
- */
- [
- dual,
- helpstring("Provides access to information about a source type."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(063a62e0-a652-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventSourceType : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | ID [propget] | Get the ID.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrID | [out,retval] Receives the result. This will be the GUID of the
- // source type, converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the ID."),propget]
- HRESULT ID([out,retval] BSTR *pstrID);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | DisplayName [propget] | Get the display name.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrDisplayName | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the display name."),propget]
- HRESULT DisplayName([out,retval] BSTR *pstrDisplayName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | DisplayName [propput] | Set the display name.
- //@parm BSTR | pszDisplayName | [in] Specifies the value.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the display name."),propput]
- HRESULT DisplayName([in] BSTR pszDisplayName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | DisplayName [propputref] | Set the display name.
- //@parm BSTR * | ppszDisplayName | [in] Specifies the value.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the display name."),propputref]
- HRESULT DisplayName([in] BSTR *ppszDisplayName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | EventTypes [propget] | Get the event types.
- //@parm IEventTypes ** | ppEventTypes | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventTypes> <i IEventType>
- [helpstring("Get the event types."),propget]
- HRESULT EventTypes([out,retval] IEventTypes **ppEventTypes);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | Sources [propget] | Get the event sources.
- //@parm IEventSources ** | ppSources | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSources> <i IEventSource>
- [helpstring("Get the event sources."),propget]
- HRESULT Sources([out,retval] IEventSources **ppSources);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceType | Save | Save changes. Changes made with the other methods on
- // this interface do not take effect until this method is called.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Save changes.")]
- HRESULT Save();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventSourceTypes | Provides access to a collection of event source types.
- @meth HRESULT | Item | Get a source type.
- @meth HRESULT | Add | Create a source type.
- @meth HRESULT | Remove | Remove a source type.
- @meth HRESULT | Count [propget] | Get the count of the source types.
- @meth HRESULT | _NewEnum [propget] | Get an enumerator for the source types.
- @xref <i IEventSourceType> <om IEventManager::SourceTypes [propget]>
- */
- [
- dual,
- helpstring("Provides access to a collection of event source types."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(caf30fd0-a651-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventSourceTypes : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceTypes | Item | Get a source type.
- //@parm VARIANT * | pvarDesired | [in] Specifies the source type to get. This is either a number
- // representing the one-based index of the source type in the collection, or it is the GUID of
- // source type, converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function.
- //@parm IEventSourceType ** | ppSourceType | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the item is not present. *ppSourceType is NULL.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSourceType>
- [helpstring("Get a source type."),id(DISPID_VALUE)]
- HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT *pvarDesired, [out,retval] IEventSourceType **ppSourceType);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceTypes | Add | Add a source type.
- //@parm BSTR | pszSourceType | [in] Specifies the ID for the new source type. This is a
- // GUID, converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function. If this value is NULL, or
- // an empty string, or GUID_NULL, then a new GUID will be generated for the source type (and can
- // be retrieved using the IEventSourceType::ID() method).
- //@parm IEventSourceType ** | ppSourceType | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the source type already existed, and a pointer to the pre-existing
- // type is returned.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSourceType>
- [helpstring("Create a source type.")]
- HRESULT Add([in] BSTR pszSourceType, [out,retval] IEventSourceType **ppSourceType);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceTypes | Remove | Remove a source type.
- //@parm VARIANT * | pvarDesired | [in] Specifies the source type to remove. This must be a GUID,
- // converted to a string using the StringFromGUID2() function.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the source didn't exist.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Remove a source type.")]
- HRESULT Remove([in] VARIANT *pvarDesired);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceTypes | Count [propget] | Get the count of the source types.
- //@parm long * | plCount | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the count of the source types."),propget]
- HRESULT Count([out,retval] long *plCount);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSourceTypes | _NewEnum [propget] | Get an enumerator for the source types.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkEnum | [out,retval] Receives the result, which is an object which
- // implements IEnumVARIANT for enumerating the IEventSourceType interfaces of the event types in
- // the collection.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSourceType>
- [helpstring("Get an enumerator for the source types."),id(DISPID_NEWENUM),propget,hidden]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkEnum);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventManager | Provides access to registered source types, and facilities for firing
- events.
- @meth HRESULT | SourceTypes [propget] | Get the source types.
- @meth HRESULT | CreateSink | Creates an event sink from an event binding.
- @xref <i IEventSourceTypes> <i IEventSourceType>
- */
- [
- dual,
- helpstring("Provides access to registered source types, and facilities for firing events."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(5f6012b0-a651-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventManager : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventManager | SourceTypes [propget] | Get the source types.
- //@parm IEventSourceTypes ** | ppSourceTypes | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- //@xref <i IEventSourceTypes> <i IEventSourceType> <i IEventType>
- [helpstring("Get the source types."),propget]
- HRESULT SourceTypes([out,retval] IEventSourceTypes **ppSourceTypes);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventManager | CreateSink | Creates a sink for a binding.
- //@parm IEventBinding * | pBinding | [in,unique] Specifies the binding to create the sink for.
- //@parm IEventDeliveryOptions * | pDeliveryOptions | [in,unique] Specifies the options for firing
- // the event to this sink. If this value is NULL, then default options are used.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkSink | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue EVENTS_E_DISABLED | Failure, the binding is disabled.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Creates a sink for a binding.")]
- HRESULT CreateSink([in,unique] IEventBinding *pBinding,
- [in,unique] IEventDeliveryOptions *pDeliveryOptions,
- [out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkSink);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventDatabasePlugin | Provides facilities for pluggable binding database stores.
- @meth HRESULT | Database [propget] | Get the binding database.
- @meth HRESULT | Database [propput] | Set the binding database.
- @meth HRESULT | Database [propputref] | Set the binding database.
- @meth HRESULT | Name [propget] | Get the name.
- @meth HRESULT | Name [propput] | Set the name.
- @meth HRESULT | Name [propputref] | Set the name.
- @meth HRESULT | Parent [propget] | Get the parent.
- @meth HRESULT | Parent [propput] | Set the parent.
- @meth HRESULT | Parent [propputref] | Set the parent.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provides facilities for pluggable binding database stores."),
- hidden,
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(4915fb10-af97-11d0-a9eb-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventDatabasePlugin : IUnknown
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Database [propget] | Get the binding database.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag ** | ppDatabase | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the binding database."),propget]
- HRESULT Database([out,retval] IEventPropertyBag **ppDatabase);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Database [propput] | Set the binding database.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag * | pDatabase | [in] Specifies the binding database.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the binding database."),propput]
- HRESULT Database([in] IEventPropertyBag *pDatabase);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Database [propputref] | Set the binding database.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag ** | ppDatabase | [in] Specifies the binding database.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the binding database."),propputref]
- HRESULT Database([in] IEventPropertyBag **ppDatabase);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Name [propget] | Get the name.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrName | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the name."),propget]
- HRESULT Name([out,retval] BSTR *pstrName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Name [propput] | Set the name.
- //@parm BSTR | strName | [in] Specifies the name.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the name."),propput]
- HRESULT Name([in] BSTR strName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Name [propputref] | Set the name.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrName | [in] Specifies the name.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the name."),propputref]
- HRESULT Name([in] BSTR *pstrName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Parent [propget] | Get the parent.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag ** | ppParent | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Get the parent."),propget]
- HRESULT Parent([out,retval] IEventPropertyBag **ppParent);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Parent [propput] | Set the Parent.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag * | pDatabase | [in] Specifies the parent.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the parent."),propput]
- HRESULT Parent([in] IEventPropertyBag *pParent);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabasePlugin | Parent [propputref] | Set the parent.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag ** | ppDatabase | [in] Specifies the parent.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Set the parent."),propputref]
- HRESULT Parent([in] IEventPropertyBag **ppParent);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventDatabaseManager | Provides facilities for managing a binding database.
- @meth HRESULT | CreateDatabase | Create a moniker for a database.
- @meth HRESULT | EraseDatabase | Remove all of the information in a database.
- @meth HRESULT | MakeVServerPath | Formats a service name and instance number into a complete path.
- @meth HRESULT | MakeVRootPath | Formats a service name, instance number, and virtual root into a complete path.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provides facilities for managing a binding database."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(adc25b30-cbd8-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventDatabaseManager : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabaseManager | CreateDatabase | Create a moniker for a database.
- //@parm BSTR | strPath | [in] Specifies the complete path to the database.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppMonDatabase | [out,retval] Receives the moniker - this object implements the
- // IMoniker interface. Calling the moniker's IMoniker::BindToObject method yields an object which
- // provides access to the database.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the database already existed.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Create a moniker for a database.")]
- HRESULT CreateDatabase([in] BSTR strPath, [out,retval] IUnknown **ppMonDatabase);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabaseManager | EraseDatabase | Remove all of the information in a
- // database.
- //@parm BSTR | strPath | [in] Specifies the complete path to the database.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access is denied.
- [helpstring("Remove all of the information in a database.")]
- HRESULT EraseDatabase([in] BSTR strPath);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabaseManager | MakeVServerPath | Formats a service name and instance
- // number into a complete path.
- //@parm BSTR | strService | [in] Specifies the service name.
- //@parm long | lInstance | [in] Specifies the service instance.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrPath | [out,retval] Receives the complete path.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_INVALIDARG | Failure, the strService is in a bad format, or lInstance is out of bounds.
- [helpstring("Formats a service name and instance number into a complete path.")]
- HRESULT MakeVServerPath([in] BSTR strService, [in] long lInstance, [out,retval] BSTR *pstrPath);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDatabaseManager | MakeVRootPath | Formats a service name, instance number,
- // and virtual root into a complete path.
- //@parm BSTR | strService | [in] Specifies the service name.
- //@parm long | lInstance | [in] Specifies the service instance.
- //@parm BSTR | strRoot | [in] Specifies the virtual root.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrPath | [out,retval] Receives the complete path.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_INVALIDARG | Failure, the strService or strRoot is in a bad format, or lInstance is out
- // of bounds.
- [helpstring("Formats a service name, virtual root, and instance number into a complete path.")]
- HRESULT MakeVRootPath([in] BSTR strService, [in] long lInstance, [in] BSTR strRoot, [out,retval] BSTR *pstrPath);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventUtil | Provide's utility functions.
- @meth HRESULT | DisplayNameFromMoniker | Get a monker's display name.
- @meth HRESULT | MonikerFromDisplayName | Create a moniker from a display name.
- @meth HRESULT | ObjectFromMoniker | Perform IMoniker::BindToObject.
- @meth HRESULT | GetNewGUID | Create a new GUID.
- @meth HRESULT | CopyPropertyBag | Copy an IEventPropertyBag in-depth.
- @meth HRESULT | CopyPropertyBagShallow | Perform a shallow copy of an IEventPropertyBag
- @meth HRESULT | DispatchFromObject | Perform QueryInterface for IID_IDispatch.
- @meth HRESULT | GetIndexedGUID | Get an indexed GUID.
- @meth HRESULT | RegisterSource | Register a new source.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provides utility functions."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(c61670e0-cd6e-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventUtil : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | DisplayNameFromMoniker | Get a moniker's display name.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkMoniker | [in] Specifies the moniker.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrDisplayName | [out,retval] Receives the display name.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_NOINTERFACE | Failure, the object does not implement IMoniker.
- [helpstring("Get a moniker's display name.")]
- HRESULT DisplayNameFromMoniker([in] IUnknown *pUnkMoniker, [out,retval] BSTR *pstrDisplayName);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | MonikerFromDisplayName | Create a moniker from a display name.
- //@parm BSTR | strDisplayName | [in] Specifies the display name.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkMoniker | [out,retval] Receives the moniker.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Create a moniker from a display name.")]
- HRESULT MonikerFromDisplayName([in] BSTR strDisplayName, [out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkMoniker);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | ObjectFromMoniker | Perform IMoniker::BindToObject.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkMoniker | [in] Specifies the moniker.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkObject | [out,retval] Receives the object.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Perform IMoniker::BindToObject.")]
- HRESULT ObjectFromMoniker([in] IUnknown *pUnkMoniker, [out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkObject);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | GetNewGUID | Create a new GUID.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrGUID | [out,retval] Receives the new GUID.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Create a new GUID.")]
- HRESULT GetNewGUID([out,retval] BSTR *pstrGUID);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | CopyPropertyBag | Copy an IEventPropertyBag in-depth. The result
- // is implemented with an in-memory object.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkInput | [in] Specifies the input.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkOutput | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Copy an IEventPropertyBag in-depth.")]
- HRESULT CopyPropertyBag([in] IUnknown *pUnkInput, [out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkOutput);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | CopyPropertyBagShallow | Perform a shallow copy of an
- // IEventPropertyBag. The result is implemented with an in-memory object.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkInput | [in] Specifies the input.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkOutput | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Perform a shallow copy of an IEventPropertyBag.")]
- HRESULT CopyPropertyBagShallow([in] IUnknown *pUnkInput, [out,retval] IUnknown **ppUnkOutput);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | DispatchFromObject | Perform QueryInterface for IID_IDispatch.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkObject | [in] Specifies the object.
- //@parm IDispatch ** | ppDispOutput | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOINTERFACE | Failure, the object does not support IDispatch.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Perform QueryInterface for IID_IDispatch.")]
- HRESULT DispatchFromObject([in] IUnknown *pUnkObject, [out,retval] IDispatch **ppDispOutput);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | GetIndexedGUID | Get an indexed GUID. For a given base GUID and
- // index, this method will always return the same (unique) GUID.
- //@parm BSTR | strGUID | [in] Specifies the base GUID.
- //@parm long | lValue | [in] Specifies the index.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Get an indexed GUID.")]
- HRESULT GetIndexedGUID([in] BSTR strGUID, [in] long lValue, [out,retval] BSTR *pstrResult);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventUtil | RegisterSource | Register a new source.
- //@parm BSTR | strSourceType | [in] Specifies the GUID of the Source Type for the new Source.
- //@parm BSTR | strSource | [in] Specifies the GUID of the new Source. If lIndex is -1 then this
- // parameter is the actual GUID. Otherwise, this parameter is the base GUID, and
- // IEventUtil::GetIndexGUID is used the generate the actual GUID.
- //@parm long | lInstance | [in] Specifies the instance of the GUID. See the strDatabaseManager
- // parameter for how this parameter is used.
- //@parm BSTR | strService | [in] Specifies the service name of the new Source. This is used as a
- // parameter to either IEventDatabaseManager::MakeVRootPath or IEventDatabaseManager::MakeVServerPath.
- //@parm BSTR | strVRoot | [in] Specifies the virtual root of the new Source. If this parameter is
- // a zero-length string or is NULL, then no virtual root is used.
- //@parm BSTR | strDatabaseManager | [in] Specifies the GUID or ProgID of the object which implements
- // IEventDatabaseManager for generating the path of the binding database for the new Source. If the
- // strVRoot parameter is specifies, then IEventDatabaseManager::MakeVRootPath is used - otherwise,
- // IEventDatabaseManager::MakeVServerPath is used.
- //@parm BSTR | strDisplayName | [in] Specifies the Display Name for the new Source.
- //@parm IEventBindingManager ** | ppBindingManager | [out,retval,unique] Receives the
- // IEventBindingManager interface for the object which stores the bindings for the new Source. This
- // parameter may not be NULL - the output must be accepted.
- // this parameter is NULL, then the interface is not returned.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue SEO_E_NOTPRESENT | Failure, the Source Type is not registered.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue E_ACCESSDENIED | Failure, access denied.
- [helpstring("Register a new source.")]
- HRESULT RegisterSource([in] BSTR strSourceType,
- [in] BSTR strSource,
- [in] long lInstance,
- [in] BSTR strService,
- [in] BSTR strVRoot,
- [in] BSTR strDatabaseManager,
- [in] BSTR strDisplayName,
- [out,retval] IEventBindingManager **ppBindingManager);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventComCat | Provides access to component categories.
- @meth HRESULT | RegisterCategory | Register a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | UnRegisterCategory | Unregister a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | RegisterClassImplementsCategory | Register a class as implementing a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | UnRegisterClassImplementsCategory | Unregister a class as implementing a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | RegisterClassRequiresCategory | Register a class as requiring a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | UnRegisterClassRequiresCategory | Unregister a class as requiring a component category.
- @meth HRESULT | GetCategories | Get the registered component categories.
- @meth HRESULT | GetCategoryDescription | Get the description for a component category.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provides access to component categories."),
- object,
- oleautomation,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(65a70ec0-cd87-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74)
- ]
- interface IEventComCat : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | RegisterCategory | Register a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszDescription | [in] Specifies the description.
- //@parm long | lcidLanguage | [in] Specifies the LCID of the description. This should be 0 for
- // LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 1024 for LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, or 2048 for LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT - or some other
- // language-specific value.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Register a component category.")]
- HRESULT RegisterCategory([in] BSTR pszCategory, [in] BSTR pszDescription, [in] long lcidLanguage);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | UnRegisterCategory | Unregister a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the component category.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Unregister a component category.")]
- HRESULT UnRegisterCategory([in] BSTR pszCategory);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | RegisterClassImplementsCategory | Register a class as implementing
- // a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszClass | [in] Specifies the class.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the component category.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Register a class as implementing a component category.")]
- HRESULT RegisterClassImplementsCategory([in] BSTR pszClass, [in] BSTR pszCategory);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | UnRegisterClassImplementsCategory | Unregister a class as
- // implementing a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszClass | [in] Specifies the class.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the category.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Unregister a class as implementing a component category.")]
- HRESULT UnRegisterClassImplementsCategory([in] BSTR pszClass, [in] BSTR pszCategory);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | RegisterClassRequiresCategory | Register a class as requiring a
- // component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszClass | [in] Specifies the class.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the category.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Register a class as requiring a component category.")]
- HRESULT RegisterClassRequiresCategory([in] BSTR pszClass, [in] BSTR pszCategory);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | UnRegisterClassRequiresCategory | Unregister a class as requiring
- // a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszClass | [in] Specifies the class.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the category.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Unregister a class as requiring a component category.")]
- HRESULT UnRegisterClassRequiresCategory([in] BSTR pszClass, [in] BSTR pszCategory);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | GetCategories | Get the registered component categories.
- //@parm SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) * | psaCategories | [out,retval] Receives the list of registered component
- // categories.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- [helpstring("Get the registered component categories.")]
- HRESULT GetCategories([out,retval] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT) *psaCategories);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventComCat | GetCategoryDescription | Get the description for a component category.
- //@parm BSTR | pszCategory | [in] Specifies the category.
- //@parm long | lcidLanguage | [in] Specifies the desired LCID of the description. This should be 0
- // for LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 1024 for LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, or 2048 for LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT - or some
- // other language-specific value.
- //@parm BSTR * | pstrDescription | [out,retval] Receives the description.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- //@rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- //@rvalue CAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST | Failure, the category does not exist.
- //@rvalue CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION | Failure, there is not description string for the specified locale.
- [helpstring("Get the description for a component category.")]
- HRESULT GetCategoryDescription([in] BSTR pszCategory, [in] long lcidLanguage, [out,retval] BSTR *pstrDescription);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventNotifyBindingChange | Receives notifications of changes to a binding database.
- @meth HRESULT | OnChange | Called when a change occurs.
- @xref <i IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp>
- */
- [
- helpstring("Receives notifications of changes to a binding database."),
- hidden,
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(08f4f2a0-dc5b-11d0-aa0f-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventNotifyBindingChange : IUnknown
- {
- //@method HRESULT | IEventNotifyBindingChange | OnChange | Called when a change occurs.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- [helpstring("Called when a change occurs.")]
- HRESULT OnChange();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp | Receives notifications of changes to a binding database (IDispatch).
- @meth HRESULT | OnChange | Called when a change occurs.
- @xref <i IEventNotifyBindingChange>
- */
- [
- dual,
- helpstring("Receives notifications of changes to a binding database."),
- hidden,
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(dc3d83b0-e99f-11d0-aa10-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp : IDispatch
- {
- //@method HRESULT | IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp | OnChange | Called when a change occurs.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- [helpstring("Called when a change occurs."),id(1)]
- HRESULT OnChange();
- };
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @interface ISEOInitObject | Same interface as IPersistPropertyBag but uses shallow binding.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Same interface as IPersistPropertyBag but uses shallow binding."),
- hidden,
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(9bb6aab0-af6d-11d0-8bd2-00c04fd42e37)
- ]
- interface ISEOInitObject : IPersistPropertyBag
- {
- // No methods (uses IPersistPropertyBag methods).
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventRuleEngine | Evaluates events against rules.
- @meth HRESULT | Evaluate | Evaluate the event against the rule.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Evaluates events against rules."),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(da816090-f343-11d0-aa14-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventRuleEngine : IUnknown
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventRuleEngine | Evaluate | Evaluate the event against the rule.
- //@parm IEventPropertyBag | pEvent | [in] Specifies the event.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the rule evaluated to TRUE.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the rule evaluated to FALSE.
- //@xref <i IEventPropertyBag>
- [helpstring("Evaluate the event against the rule.")]
- HRESULT Evaluate([in,unique] IUnknown *pEvent);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventPersistBinding | Persists an object to/from a binding. This interface derives from IPersist.
- @meth HRESULT | IsDirty | Checks the object for changes since it was last saved.
- @meth HRESULT | Load | Initializes an object from the binding where it was previously saved.
- @meth HRESULT | Save | Saves an object to the specified binding.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Persists an object to/from a binding."),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(e9311660-1a98-11d1-aa26-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventPersistBinding : IPersist
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventPersistBinding | IsDirty | Checks the object for changes since it was last saved.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the object has changed since the last time it was saved.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the object has not changed since the last time it was saved.
- [helpstring("Checks the object for changes since it was last saved.")]
- HRESULT IsDirty();
- //@method HRESULT | IEventPersistBinding | Load | Initializes an object from the binding where it was previously saved.
- //@parm IEventBinding * | piBinding | [in] Specifies the binding to load from.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the object successfully initialized itself.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- [helpstring("Initializes an object from the binding where it was previously saved.")]
- HRESULT Load([in] IEventBinding *piBinding);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventPersistBinding | Save | Saves an object to the specified binding.
- //@parm IEventBinding * | piBinding | [in] Specifies the binding to save to.
- //@parm VARIANT_BOOL | fClearDirty | [in] Specifies whether or not the object should clear its dirty flag.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the object successfully saved itself.
- //@rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- [helpstring("Saves an object to the specified binding.")]
- HRESULT Save([in] IEventBinding * piBinding, [in] VARIANT_BOOL fClearDirty);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventSinkNotify | Generic sink interface.
- @meth HRESULT | OnEvent | Called when the event happens.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Generic sink interface."),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(bdf065b0-f346-11d0-aa14-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventSinkNotify : IUnknown
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSinkNotify | OnEvent | Called when the event happens.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the rule evaluated to TRUE.
- [helpstring("Called when the event happens."),id(DISPID_VALUE)]
- HRESULT OnEvent();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventSinkNotifyDisp | Generic sink interface (IDispatch).
- @meth HRESULT | OnEvent | Called when the event happens.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Generic sink interface (IDispatch)."),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(33a79660-f347-11d0-aa14-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventSinkNotifyDisp : IDispatch
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventSinkNotifyDisp | OnEvent | Called when the event happens.
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the rule evaluated to TRUE.
- [helpstring("Called when the event happens."),id(DISPID_VALUE)]
- HRESULT OnEvent();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventIsCacheable | Determine whether or not the object should be cached.
- @meth HRESULT | IsCacheable | Determine whether or not the object should be cached.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Determine whether or not the object should be cached"),
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(22e0f830-1e81-11d1-aa29-00aa006bc80b)
- ]
- interface IEventIsCacheable : IUnknown
- {
- import "wtypes.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- //@method HRESULT | IEventIsCacheable | IsCacheable | Determine whether or not the object should be cached
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success, the object should be cached.
- //@rvalue S_FALSE | Success, the object should not be cached.
- [helpstring("Determine whether or not the object should be cached")]
- HRESULT IsCacheable();
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventCreateOptions | Provide options for creating objects. Objects implementating this
- interface may be passed as the pDeliveryOptions parameter to IEventManager::CreateSink, so that
- operations during the object creation may be overridden.
- @meth HRESULT | CreateBindCtx | Override the Win32 CreateBindCtx function.
- @meth HRESULT | MkParseDisplayName | Override the Win32 MkParseDisplayName function.
- @meth HRESULT | BindToObject | Override the IMoniker:BindToObject method.
- @meth HRESULT | CoCreateInstance | Override the Win32 CoCreateInstance function.
- @meth HRESULT | Init | Override initialization.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provide options for creating objects."),
- hidden,
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(c0287bfe-ef7f-11d1-9fff-00c04fa37348)
- ]
- interface IEventCreateOptions : IEventDeliveryOptions
- {
- //@method HRESULT | IEventCreateOptions | CreateBindCtx | Override the Win32 CreateBindCtx function.
- // By implementating this method, the object can provide its own IBindCtx for use during object
- // creation. See the documentation for the Win32 CreateBindCtx function for more information.
- //@parm DWORD | dwReserved | [in] Reserved. Must be 0.
- //@parm IBindCtx ** | ppBindCtx | [out] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue SUCCEEDED() | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented. The caller should call the Win32 CreateBindCtx function.
- //@rvalue FAILED() | Failure.
- [helpstring("Override the Win32 CreateBindCtx function.")]
- HRESULT CreateBindCtx([in] DWORD dwReserved, [out] IBindCtx **ppBindCtx);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventCreateOptions | MkParseDisplayName | Override the Win32 MkParseDisplayName
- // function. By implementing this method, the object can perform its own logic for converting a
- // display name into an IMoniker interface during object creation. See the documentation for the
- // Win32 MkParseDisplayName function for more information.
- //@parm IBindCtx * | pBindCtx | [in] Specifies the bind context.
- //@parm LPCOLESTR | pszUserName | [in] Specifes the display name.
- //@parm ULONG * | pchEaten | [out] Receives the number of characters consumed from the display name.
- //@parm IMoniker ** | ppMoniker | [out] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue SUCCEEDED() | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented. The caller should call the Win32 MkParseDisplayName function.
- //@rvalue FAILED() | Failure.
- [helpstring("Override the Win32 MkParseDisplayName function.")]
- HRESULT MkParseDisplayName([in] IBindCtx *pBindCtx,
- [in] LPCOLESTR pszUserName,
- [out] ULONG * pchEaten,
- [out] LPMONIKER *ppMoniker);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventCreateOptions | BindToObject | Override the IMoniker::BindToObject method.
- // By implementing this method, the object can perform its own logic for binding a moniker to an
- // object during object creation. See the documentation for IMoniker::BindToObject for more
- // information.
- //@parm IMoniker * | pMoniker | [in] Specifies the moniker to bind.
- //@parm IBindCtx * | pBindCtx | [in[ Specifies the bind context.
- //@parm IMoniker * | pmkLeft | [in] Specifies the moniker to the left.
- //@parm REFIID | riidResult | [in] Specifies the desired interface on the object.
- //@parm LPVOID * | ppvResult | [out,iid_is(riidResult)] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue SUCCEEDED() | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented. The caller should call the moniker's IMoniker::BindToObject
- // method.
- //@rvalue FAILED() | Failure.
- [helpstring("Override the IMoniker::BindToObject method.")]
- HRESULT BindToObject([in] IMoniker *pMoniker,
- [in] IBindCtx *pBindCtx,
- [in] IMoniker *pmkLeft,
- [in] REFIID riidResult,
- [out,iid_is(riidResult)] LPVOID *ppvResult);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventCreateOptions | CoCreateInstance | Override the Win32 CoCreateInstance
- // function. By implementing this method, the object can perform its own logic for creating an
- // object. See the documentation for the Win32 CoCreateInstance function for more information.
- //@parm REFCLSID | rclsidDesired | [in] Specifies the CLSID of the object to create.
- //@parm IUnkown * | pUnkOuter | [in] Specifies the outer unknown which is aggregating the new object.
- //@parm DWORD | dwClsCtx | [in] Specifies the creation context.
- //@parm REFIID | riidResult | [in] Specifies the IID of the interface which to be returned.
- //@parm LPVOID * | ppvResult | [out,iid_is(riidResult)] Receives the result.
- //@rvalue SUCCEEDED() | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented. The caller should call the Win32 CoCreateInstance function.
- //@rvalue FAILED() | Failure.
- [helpstring("Override the Win32 CoCreateInstance function.")]
- HRESULT CoCreateInstance([in] REFCLSID rclsidDesired,
- [in] IUnknown *pUnkOuter,
- [in] DWORD dwClsCtx,
- [in] REFIID riidResult,
- [out,iid_is(riidResult)] LPVOID *ppvResult);
- //@method HRESULT | IEventCreateOptions | Init | Override the initialization. By implementing this
- // method, the object can perform its own logic to initialize the object.
- //@parm REFIID | riidObject | [in] Specifies the IID of the interface on the object.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkObject | [in,out,iid_is(riidObject)] Specifies the object. The method
- // can cause a different object to be used by placing it in this output parameter.
- //@parm IEventBinding * | pBinding | [in,unique] Specifies the binding for which the object is being
- // created. May be NULL.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pInitProps | [in,unique] Specifies additional initialization parameters. May be
- // NULL.
- //@rvalue SUCCEEDED() | Success. The caller should not invoke its own initialization logic for the
- // object.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPL | Not implemented. The caller should invoke its own initialization logic. Note
- // that even if this value it returned, the method may still have placed a different interface
- // pointer into *ppUnkObject.
- //@rvalue FAILED() | Failure.
- [helpstring("Override the object initialization.")]
- HRESULT Init([in] REFIID riidObject,
- [in,out,iid_is(riidObject)] IUnknown **ppUnkObject,
- [in,unique] IEventBinding *pBinding,
- [in,unique] IUnknown *pInitProps);
- };
- /*
- @interface IEventDispatcherChain | Provide chaining of dispatcher instances.
- @meth HRESULT | SetPrevious | Set the previous dispatcher.
- */
- [
- helpstring("Provide chaining of dispatcher instances."),
- hidden,
- object,
- pointer_default(unique),
- uuid(58a90754-fb15-11d1-a00c-00c04fa37348)
- ]
- interface IEventDispatcherChain : IUnknown
- {
- //@method HRESULT | IEventDispatcherChain | SetPrevious | Set the previous dispatcher. During
- // a binding change notification, if the old dispatcher supports the IClassFactory interface
- // the router will use the old dispatcher to create a new dispatcher. Once the new dispatcher
- // is created, before the router calls the new dispatcher's IEventDispatcher::SetContext method,
- // if the new dispatcher supports IEventDispatcherChain, the router will call the new dispatcher's
- // IEventDispatcherChain::SetPrevious method, passing in the interface pointer of the old
- // dispatcher - this gives the new dispatcher an opportunity to cooperate with the old
- // dispatcher during a binding change notification. The new dispatcher may also return an
- // enumerator for the event types which the router should preload into the new dispatcher.
- //@parm IUnknown * | pUnkPrevious | [in] Specifies the old dispatcher.
- //@parm IUnknown ** | ppUnkPreload | [out] Receives an interface pointer for preloading. If this
- // object is non-NULL and implements IEnumGUID, the router will (attempt to) immediately call
- // IEventDispatcher::SetContext for each event type returned by IEnumGUID::Next. (The router may
- // not be able to make the call immediately due to locks held on the binding database - in this
- // case, the router will hold the IEnumGUID interface, and will make the SetContext calls the next
- // time the server calls one of the IEventRouter::GetDispatcher... methods.)
- //@rvalue S_OK | Success.
- //@rvalue E_NOTIMPLE | Not implemented.
- [helpstring("Set the previous dispatcher.")]
- HRESULT SetPrevious([in] IUnknown *pUnkPrevious, [out] IUnknown **ppUnkPreload);
- };
- [
- helpstring("Server Extension Objects COM Library"),
- uuid(bbf0fc10-2238-11d0-a9ce-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- library SEOLib
- {
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- interface ISEODictionaryItem;
- interface ISEODictionary;
- interface IEventLock;
- interface ISEORouter;
- interface IMCISMessageFilter;
- interface ISEOBindingRuleEngine;
- interface ISEOEventSink;
- interface ISEORegDictionary;
- interface ISEOBindingConverter;
- interface ISEODispatcher;
- interface IEventDeliveryOptions;
- interface IEventTypeSinks;
- interface IEventType;
- interface IEventPropertyBag;
- interface IEventBinding;
- interface IEventBindings;
- interface IEventTypes;
- interface IEventBindingManager;
- interface IEventSource;
- interface IEventSources;
- interface IEventSourceType;
- interface IEventSourceTypes;
- interface IEventManager;
- interface ISEOInitObject;
- interface IEventDatabasePlugin;
- interface IEventDatabaseManager;
- interface IEventUtil;
- interface IEventComCat;
- interface IEventNotifyBindingChange;
- interface IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp;
- interface IEventRouter;
- interface IEventDispatcher;
- interface IEventRuleEngine;
- interface IEventSinkNotify;
- interface IEventSinkNotifyDisp;
- interface IEventPersistBinding;
- interface IEventIsCacheable;
- interface IEventCreateOptions;
- interface IEventDispatcherChain;
- //@doc SEO
- //@const HRESULT | SEO_S_MOREDATA | Success, the buffer was not large enough to contain all of the data.
- //@const HRESULT | SEO_E_NOTPRESENT | Failure, the item is not present.
- //@const HRESULT | SEO_E_TIMEOUT | Failure, the timeout expired.
- //@const HRESULT | SEO_S_DONEPROCESSING | Success, the message should not be handed to any other
- // extension objects at this binding point.
- //@const HRESULT | EVENTS_E_BADATA | Failure, bad data was presented.
- //@const HRESULT | EVENTS_E_TIMEOUT | Failure, the timeout expired.
- //@const HRESULT | EVENTS_E_DISABLED | Failure, the binding is disabled.
- //@doc SEO
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implements an ISEODictionary in the registry."),
- hidden,
- uuid(c4df0040-2d33-11d0-a9cf-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEORegDictionary
- {
- [default] interface ISEODictionary;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which wraps MimeOle with an ISEODictionary."),
- hidden,
- uuid(c4df0041-2d33-11d0-a9cf-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEOMimeDictionary
- {
- [default] interface ISEODictionary;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class provides an ISEODictionary in memory."),
- hidden,
- uuid(c4df0042-2d33-11d0-a9cf-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEOMemDictionary
- {
- [default] interface ISEODictionary;
- interface IPropertyBag;
- interface IEventPropertyBag;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class provides an ISEODictionary on the Metabase."),
- hidden,
- uuid(c4df0043-2d33-11d0-a9cf-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEOMetaDictionary
- {
- interface ISEODictionary;
- interface ISEOInitObject;
- interface IPropertyBag;
- [default] interface IEventPropertyBag;
- interface IEventLock;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- //@object CSEODictionaryItem | Provides an ISEODictionaryItem in memory.
- //@supint ISEODictionaryItem | General-purpose access to a single dictionary item.
- //@xref <i ISEODictionary>
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class provides an ISEODictionaryItem in memory."),
- hidden,
- uuid(2e3a0ec0-89d7-11d0-a9e6-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEODictionaryItem
- {
- [default] interface ISEODictionaryItem;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class implements an ISEORouter."),
- hidden,
- uuid(83d63730-94fd-11d0-a9e8-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEORouter
- {
- [default] interface ISEORouter;
- }
- //@object CEventLock | Provides an IEventLock.
- //@supint IEventLock | Contention control.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class provides IEventLock."),
- hidden,
- uuid(2e3abb30-af88-11d0-a9eb-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventLock
- {
- [default] interface IEventLock;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- helpstring("Class which implements IStream."),
- hidden,
- uuid(ed1343b0-a8a6-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEOStream
- {
- [default] interface IStream;
- }
- //@object CEventManager | Implements the global event source manager (ProgID = "Event.Manager").
- //@supint IEventManager | Provides access to registered source types, and facilities for firing events.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("CEventManager"),uuid(35172920-a700-11d0-a9ea-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventManager
- {
- [default] interface IEventManager;
- interface IEventDatabasePlugin;
- }
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implements IEventBindingManager."),
- hidden,
- uuid(53d01080-af98-11d0-a9eb-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventBindingManager
- {
- [default] interface IEventBindingManager;
- interface IEventDatabasePlugin;
- interface ISEOInitObject;
- interface IConnectionPointContainer;
- [source,default] interface IEventNotifyBindingChangeDisp;
- [source] interface IEventNotifyBindingChange;
- }
- //@doc SEO
- [
- helpstring("Generic Moniker class for objects which support ISEOInitObject."),
- hidden,
- uuid(7e3bf330-b28e-11d0-8bd8-00c04fd42e37),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CSEOGenericMoniker
- {
- [default] interface IMoniker;
- interface IParseDisplayName;
- }
- //@object CEventMetabaseDatabaseManager | Class which implements IEventDatabaseManager for the metabase (ProgID = "Event.MetabaseDatabaseManager").
- //@supint IEventDatabaseManager | Provides facilities for managing a binding database.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implements IEventDatabaseManager for the metabase."),
- uuid(8a58cdc0-cbdc-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventMetabaseDatabaseManager
- {
- [default] interface IEventDatabaseManager;
- }
- //@object CEventUtil | Class which implements IEventUtil (ProgID = "Event.Util").
- //@supint IEventUtil | Provides utility functions.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implement IEventUtil."),
- uuid(a1e041d0-cd73-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventUtil
- {
- [default] interface IEventUtil;
- }
- //@object CEventComCat | Class which implements IEventComCat (ProgID = "Event.ComCat").
- //@supint IEventComCat | Provides access to component categories.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implements IEventComCat."),
- uuid(ae1ef300-cd8f-11d0-a9f8-00aa00685c74),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventComCat
- {
- [default] interface IEventComCat;
- }
- //@object CEventRouter | Class which implements IEventRouter (ProgID = "Event.Router").
- //@supint IEventRouter | Event router.
- [
- control,
- helpstring("Class which implements IEventRouter."),
- hidden,
- uuid(9f82f020-f6fd-11d0-aa14-00aa006bc80b),
- version(1.0)
- ]
- coclass CEventRouter
- {
- [default] interface IEventRouter;
- }
- };
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | MCISInitSEOA | Initialize SEO. Creates an ISEORouter object which routes events
- within the specified service and virtual server.
- @parm LPCSTR | pszService | [in] Specifies the name of the service.
- @parm DWORD | dwVirtualServer | [in] Specifies the virtual server instance.
- @parm ISEORouter ** | pprouterResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEORouter> <f MCISInitSEOW>
- */
- cpp_quote(" DWORD dwVirtualServer,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEORouter **pprouterResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | MCISInitSEOW | Initialize SEO. Creates an ISEORouter object which routes events
- within the specified service and virtual server.
- @parm LPCWSTR | pszService | [in] Specifies the name of the service.
- @parm DWORD | dwVirtualServer | [in] Specifies the virtual server instance.
- @parm ISEORouter ** | pprouterResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEORouter> <f MCISInitSEOA>
- */
- cpp_quote(" DWORD dwVirtualServer,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEORouter **pprouterResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzA | Creates an ISEODictionary object from an array of
- property names and an array of property values.
- @parm DWORD | dwCount | [in] The count of the elements in the ppszNames and ppszValues arrays.
- @parm LPCSTR * | ppszNames | [in] An array of pointers to strings which are the names of the properties
- in the dictionary.
- @parm LPCSTR * | ppszValues | [in] An array of pointers to MULTI_SZ strings which are the values of the
- properties in the dictionary. Any value which contains only a single string will be placed in the
- dictionary as a string. Any value which contains multiple strings will be placed in the dictionary as
- an ISEODictionaryItem object.
- @parm BOOL | bCopy | [in] Whether or not to make a copy of the data in ppszNames and ppszValues. This
- parameter is ignored if the value of bReadOnly is TRUE, and a copy will always be made (i.e. if the
- resulting dictionary is to allow writes, then a copy must be made of the input data).
- @parm BOOL | bReadOnly | [in] Whether or not the resulting dictionary should be read-only. If this
- parameter is FALSE, then the bCopy parameter will be ignored and a copy will always be made (i.e. if the
- resulting dictionary is to allow writes, then a copy must be made of the input data).
- @parm ISEODictionary ** | ppdictResult | [out,retval] The resulting dictionary.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i ISEODictionaryItem> <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzW>
- <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryA> <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryW>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzA( DWORD dwCount,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCSTR *ppszNames,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCSTR *ppszValues,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bCopy,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bReadOnly,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzW | Creates an ISEODictionary object from an array of
- property names and an array of property values.
- @parm DWORD | dwCount | [in] The count of the elements in the ppszNames and ppszValues arrays.
- @parm LPCWSTR * | ppszNames | [in] An array of pointers to strings which are the names of the properties
- in the dictionary.
- @parm LPCWSTR * | ppszValues | [in] An array of pointers to MULTI_SZ strings which are the values of the
- properties in the dictionary. Any value which contains only a single string will be placed in the
- dictionary as a string. Any value which contains multiple strings will be placed in the dictionary as
- an ISEODictionaryItem object.
- @parm BOOL | bCopy | [in] Whether or not to make a copy of the data in ppszNames and ppszValues. This
- parameter is ignored if the value of bReadOnly is TRUE, and a copy will always be made (i.e. if the
- resulting dictionary is to allow writes, then a copy must be made of the input data).
- @parm BOOL | bReadOnly | [in] Whether or not the resulting dictionary should be read-only. If this
- parameter is FALSE, then the bCopy parameter will be ignored and a copy will always be made (i.e. if the
- resulting dictionary is to allow writes, then a copy must be made of the input data).
- @parm ISEODictionary ** | ppdictResult | [out,retval] The resulting dictionary.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i ISEODictionaryItem> <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzA>
- <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryA> <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryW>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzW( DWORD dwCount,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR *ppszNames,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR *ppszValues,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bCopy,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bReadOnly,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryA | Creates two arrays of strings from an ISEODictionary object.
- @parm ISEODictionary * | pdictDictionary | [in,unique] Specifies the dictionary to get the values from.
- @parm DWORD * | pdwCount | [out] Receives the count of the elements in the pppszNames and pppszValues arrays.
- @parm LPSTR ** | pppszNames | [out] Receives a pointer to the array of strings which are the names of the
- properties. This array is allocated by SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionary() using the CoTaskMemAlloc()
- function, and the caller must use CoTaskMemFree(*pppszNames) to free it.
- @parm LPSTR ** | ppszValues | [out] Recieves a pointer to the array of MULTI_SZ strings which are the
- values of the properties. This array is allocated by SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionary() using the
- CoTaskMemAlloc() function, and the caller must use CoTaskMemFree(*pppszValues) to free it.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i ISEODictionaryItem> <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryW>
- <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzA> <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzW>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryA( ISEODictionary *pdictDictionary,")
- cpp_quote(" DWORD *pdwCount,")
- cpp_quote(" LPSTR **pppszNames,")
- cpp_quote(" LPSTR **pppszValues);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryW | Creates two arrays of strings from an ISEODictionary object.
- @parm ISEODictionary * | pdictDictionary | [in,unique] Specifies the dictionary to get the values from.
- @parm DWORD * | pdwCount | [out] Receives the count of the elements in the pppszNames and pppszValues arrays.
- @parm LPWSTR ** | pppszNames | [out] Receives a pointer to the array of strings which are the names of the
- properties. This array is allocated by SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionary() using the CoTaskMemAlloc()
- function, and the caller must use CoTaskMemFree(*pppszNames) to free it.
- @parm LPWSTR ** | ppszValues | [out] Recieves a pointer to the array of MULTI_SZ strings which are the
- values of the properties. This array is allocated by SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionary() using the
- CoTaskMemAlloc() function, and the caller must use CoTaskMemFree(*pppszValues) to free it.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i ISEODictionaryItem> <f SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryA>
- <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzA> <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromMultiSzW>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCreateMultiSzFromDictionaryW( ISEODictionary *pdictDictionary,")
- cpp_quote(" DWORD *pdwCount,")
- cpp_quote(" LPWSTR **pppszNames,")
- cpp_quote(" LPWSTR **pppszValues);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | MCISGetBindingInMetabaseA | Creates an ISEODictionary for a binding in the metabase.
- @parm LPCSTR | pszService | [in] Specifies the name of the service.
- @parm DWORD | dwVirtualServer | [in] Specifies the virtual server instance.
- @parm REFGUID | guidEventSource | [in] Specifies the event source. May be GUID_NULL, in which case
- the pszBinding parameter is ignored and the returned dictionary is for the root of the binding tree.
- @parm LPCSTR | pszBinding | [in] Specifies the name of the binding. If this value is NULL, and bCreate
- is TRUE, then the function creates a new binding.
- @parm BOOL | bCreate | [in] Specifies whether or not to create the binding. If this value is TRUE, then
- if the binding is not already present, it will be created. If this value is FALSE, and the binding is not
- already present, then the function returns SEO_E_NOTPRESENT.
- @parm BOOL | bLock | [in] Specifies whether the ISEODictionary should hold a lock on the Metabase. If
- this value is TRUE, then the lock lasts for the lifetime of the ISEODictionary object. If this value is
- FALSE, then the caller is responsible for managing locking - the caller should query the returned object
- for an IEventLock interface.
- @parm ISEODictionary ** | ppdictResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue SEO_E_NOTPRESENT | Failure, the binding is not present and bCreate was FALSE.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i IEventLock> <f MCISGetBindingInMetabaseW>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE MCISGetBindingInMetabaseA( LPCSTR pszService,")
- cpp_quote(" DWORD dwVirtualServer,")
- cpp_quote(" REFGUID guidEventSource,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszBinding,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bCreate,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL fLock,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | MCISGetBindingInMetabaseW | Creates an ISEODictionary for a binding in the metabase.
- @parm LPCWSTR | pszService | [in] Specifies the name of the service.
- @parm DWORD | dwVirtualServer | [in] Specifies the virtual server instance.
- @parm REFGUID | guidEventSource | [in] Specifies the event source. May be GUID_NULL, in which case
- the pszBinding parameter is ignore and the returned dictionary is for the root of the binding tree.
- @parm LPCWSTR | pszBinding | [in] Specifies the name of the binding. If this value is NULL, and bCreate
- is TRUE, then the function creates a new binding.
- @parm BOOL | bCreate | [in] Specifies whether or not to create the binding. If this value is TRUE, then
- if the binding is not already present, it will be created. If this value is FALSE, and the binding is not
- already present, then the function returns SEO_E_NOTPRESENT.
- @parm BOOL | bLock | [in] Specifies whether the ISEODictionary should hold a lock on the Metabase. If
- this value is TRUE, then the lock lasts for the lifetime of the ISEODictionary object. If this value is
- FALSE, then the caller is responsible for managing locking - the caller should query the returned object
- for an IEventLock interface.
- @parm ISEODictionary ** | ppdictResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue SEO_E_NOTPRESENT | Failure, the binding is not present and bCreate was FALSE.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <i IEventLock> <f MCISGetBindingInMetabaseA>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE MCISGetBindingInMetabaseW( LPCWSTR pszService,")
- cpp_quote(" DWORD dwVirtualServer,")
- cpp_quote(" REFGUID guidEventSource,")
- cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszBinding,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bCreate,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL fLock,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOListenForEvent | Registers a callback object which gets called when a handle is
- signaled. This function gives the hEvent handle to a background thread - that single thread watches
- all of the handles given to it (using the WaitForMultipleObjectsEx() function), and when any one of
- them is signaled, calls the corresponding event sink.
- @parm ISEORouter * | piRouter | [in,unique] Specifies the router in whose context the listening happens.
- @parm HANDLE | hEvent | [in] Specifies the handle of the event.
- @parm ISEOEventSink * | psinkEventSink | [in,unique] Specifies the event sink object to call when the handle
- is signaled.
- @parm BOOL | bOnce | [in] If TRUE, then the event is only fired once, and then is removed from the
- list of watched events.
- @parm DWORD * | pdwListenHandle | [out] Receives a value which is passed to SEOCancelListenForEvent()
- when the client no longer wants the event to be watched.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEOEventSink> <f SEOCancelListenForEvent>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOListenForEvent( ISEORouter *piRouter,")
- cpp_quote(" HANDLE hEvent,")
- cpp_quote(" ISEOEventSink *psinkEventSink,")
- cpp_quote(" BOOL bOnce,")
- cpp_quote(" DWORD *pdwListenHandle);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCancelListenForEvent | Cancels the effects of the SEOListenForEvent() function.
- @parm ISEORouter * | piRouter | [in] Specifies the context in which the event handling is to take place.
- @parm DWORD | dwHandle | [in] Specifies the instance of SEOListenForEvent() which is to be canceled.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue SEO_E_NOTPRESENT | Failure, the specified instance of SEOListenForEvent was not found.
- @xref <f SEOListenForEvent> <i ISEORouter>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCancelListenForEvent( DWORD dwHandle);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateIStreamFromFileA | Creates an IStream object for a file.
- @parm HANDLE | hFile | [in] Species the handle of an open file to create the IStream from. If this
- value is NULL, then the pszFile parameter is used. If this value is non-NULL, then the handle is
- duplicated and that duplicate is used by the IStream.
- @parm LPCSTR | pszFile | [in] Specifies the name of the file. If hFile is non-NULL, then this name
- will be saved - the file will only be opened if one of the IStream's methods actually needs to access
- the file. (Note that if this is a relative pathname, and if the current directory changes between
- when the IStream is created and when the IStream attempts to open the file, then unexpected results
- may occur.)
- @parm IStream ** | ppstreamResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <f SEOCreateIStreamFromFileW>
- */
- cpp_quote(" LPCSTR pszFile,")
- cpp_quote(" IStream **ppstreamResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateIStreamFromFileW | Creates an IStream object for a file.
- @parm HANDLE | hFile | [in] Species the handle of an open file to create the IStream from. If this
- value is NULL, then the pszFile parameter is used. If this value is non-NULL, then the handle is
- duplicated and that duplicate is used by the IStream.
- @parm LPCWSTR | pszFile | [in] Specifies the name of the file. If hFile is non-NULL, then this name
- will be saved - the file will only be opened if one of the IStream's methods actually needs to access
- the file. (Note that if this is a relative pathname, and if the current directory changes between
- when the IStream is created and when the IStream attempts to open the file, then unexpected results
- may occur.)
- @parm IStream ** | ppstreamResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <f SEOCreateIStreamFromFileA>
- */
- cpp_quote(" LPCWSTR pszFile,")
- cpp_quote(" IStream **ppstreamResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCopyDictionary | Copies a dictionary in-depth - the resulting object is a
- CSEOMemDictionary.
- @parm ISEODictionary * | pdictIn | [in,unique] Specifies the input dictionary.
- @parm ISEODictionary ** |ppdictResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCopyDictionary( ISEODictionary *pdictIn, ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOCreateDictionaryFromIStream | Creates a dictionary from a stream.
- @parm IStream * | pstreamIn | [in] The source stream.
- @parm ISEODictionary ** | ppdictResult | [out,retval] Receives the result.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <f SEOWriteDictionaryToIStream>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOCreateDictionaryFromIStream( IStream *pstreamIn, ISEODictionary **ppdictResult);")
- //@doc SEO
- /*
- @func HRESULT | SEOWriteDictionaryToIStream | Writes a dictionary to a stream.
- @parm ISEODictionary * | pdictIn | [in] Specifies the dictionary.
- @parm IStream * | pstreamOut | [in] The stream to write the dictionary to.
- @rvalue S_OK | Success.
- @rvalue E_POINTER | Failure, a bad pointer was passed to the function.
- @rvalue E_OUTOFMEMORY | Failure, out of memory.
- @xref <i ISEODictionary> <f SEOCreateDictionaryFromIStream>
- */
- cpp_quote("SEODLLDEF HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE SEOWriteDictionaryToIStream( ISEODictionary *pdictIn, IStream *pstreamOut);")