- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // GPEDIT.H - Definitions and prototypes for Group Policy
- //
- // Copyright 1997-2000, Microsoft Corporation
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Terminology
- //
- // Group Policy Editor - The tool to view a Group Policy Object.
- //
- // Group Policy Object - A collection of administrator defined policies.
- // Each Group Policy Object (GPO) has both file system
- // and Active Directory storage available to it.
- //
- // IGPEInformation - The interface MMC Snapin Extensions use to
- // talk to the Group Policy Editor.
- //
- // IGroupPolicyObject - The interface used to create/edit a GPO directly
- // without going through the Group Policy Editor
- //
- //
- // Group Policy Editor MMC SnapIn GUID
- //
- // {8FC0B734-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_GPESnapIn, 0x8fc0b734, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // Group Policy Editor node ids
- //
- //
- // Computer ConfigurationWindows Settings
- // {8FC0B737-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_Machine, 0x8fc0b737, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // Computer ConfigurationSoftware Settings
- // {8FC0B73A-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_MachineSWSettings, 0x8fc0b73a, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // User ConfigurationWindows Settings
- // {8FC0B738-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_User, 0x8fc0b738, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // User ConfigurationSoftware Settings
- // {8FC0B73C-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_UserSWSettings, 0x8fc0b73c, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // IGPEInformation interface id
- //
- // {8FC0B735-A0E1-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- DEFINE_GUID(IID_IGPEInformation, 0x8fc0b735, 0xa0e1, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // Group Policy Object class id
- //
- // {EA502722-A23D-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_GroupPolicyObject, 0xea502722, 0xa23d, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // Group Policy Object interface id
- //
- // {EA502723-A23D-11d1-A7D3-0000F87571E3}
- DEFINE_GUID(IID_IGroupPolicyObject, 0xea502723, 0xa23d, 0x11d1, 0xa7, 0xd3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xe3);
- //
- // GUID that identifies the registry extension
- //
- #define REGISTRY_EXTENSION_GUID { 0x35378EAC, 0x683F, 0x11D2, 0xA8, 0x9A, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x4F, 0xBB, 0xCF, 0xA2 }
- //========================================================================================
- //
- // Resultant Set of Policy node ids
- //
- //========================================================================================
- //
- // Resultant Set of Policy MMC SnapIn GUID
- //
- // {6DC3804B-7212-458D-ADB0-9A07E2AE1FA2}
- DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_RSOPSnapIn, 0x6dc3804b, 0x7212, 0x458d, 0xad, 0xb0, 0x9a, 0x07, 0xe2, 0xae, 0x1f, 0xa2);
- //
- // Computer ConfigurationWindows Settings
- // {BD4C1A2E-0B7A-4A62-A6B0-C0577539C97E}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_RSOPMachine, 0xbd4c1a2e, 0x0b7a, 0x4a62, 0xa6, 0xb0, 0xc0, 0x57, 0x75, 0x39, 0xc9, 0x7e);
- //
- // Computer ConfigurationSoftware Settings
- // {6A76273E-EB8E-45DB-94C5-25663A5f2C1A}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_RSOPMachineSWSettings, 0x6a76273e, 0xeb8e, 0x45db, 0x94, 0xc5, 0x25, 0x66, 0x3a, 0x5f, 0x2c, 0x1a);
- //
- // User ConfigurationWindows Settings
- // {AB87364F-0CEC-4CD8-9BF8-898F34628FB8}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_RSOPUser, 0xab87364f, 0x0cec, 0x4cd8, 0x9b, 0xf8, 0x89, 0x8f, 0x34, 0x62, 0x8f, 0xb8);
- //
- // User ConfigurationSoftware Settings
- // {E52C5CE3-FD27-4402-84DE-D9A5F2858910}
- //
- DEFINE_GUID(NODEID_RSOPUserSWSettings, 0xe52c5ce3, 0xfd27, 0x4402, 0x84, 0xde, 0xd9, 0xa5, 0xf2, 0x85, 0x89, 0x10);
- //
- // IRSOPInformation interface id
- //
- // {9A5A81B5-D9C7-49EF-9D11-DDF50968C48D}
- DEFINE_GUID(IID_IRSOPInformation, 0x9a5a81b5, 0xd9c7, 0x49ef, 0x9d, 0x11, 0xdd, 0xf5, 0x09, 0x68, 0xc4, 0x8d);
- #ifndef _GPEDIT_H_
- #define _GPEDIT_H_
- //
- // Define API decoration for direct importing of DLL references.
- //
- #if !defined(_GPEDIT_)
- #else
- #define GPEDITAPI
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <objbase.h>
- //
- // Group Policy Object Section flags
- //
- #define GPO_SECTION_ROOT 0 // Root
- #define GPO_SECTION_USER 1 // User
- #define GPO_SECTION_MACHINE 2 // Machine
- //
- // Group Policy Object types
- //
- typedef enum _GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE {
- GPOTypeLocal = 0, // GPO on the local machine
- GPOTypeRemote, // GPO on a remote machine
- GPOTypeDS // GPO in the Active Directory
- //
- // Group Policy Hint types
- //
- typedef enum _GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE {
- GPHintUnknown = 0, // No link information available
- GPHintMachine, // GPO linked to a machine (local or remote)
- GPHintSite, // GPO linked to a site
- GPHintDomain, // GPO linked to a domain
- GPHintOrganizationalUnit, // GPO linked to a organizational unit
- #undef INTERFACE
- #define INTERFACE IGPEInformation
- DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IGPEInformation, IUnknown)
- {
- // *** IUnknown methods ***
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
- // *** IGPEInformation methods ***
- //
- // Returns the unique Group Policy Object name (a GUID)
- //
- // pszName contains the name on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the friendly display name for this Group Policy Object
- //
- // pszName contains the name on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetDisplayName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Returns a registry key handle for the requested section. The returned
- // key is the root of the registry, not the Policies subkey. To set / read
- // a value in the Policies subkey, you will need to call RegOpenKeyEx to
- // open SoftwarePolicies subkey first.
- //
- // The handle has been opened with ALL ACCESS rights. Call RegCloseKey
- // on the handle when finished.
- //
- // dwSection is either GPO_SECTION_USER or GPO_SECTION_MACHINE
- // hKey contains the registry key on return
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetRegistryKey) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, HKEY *hKey) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the Active Directory path to the root of the request section.
- // The path is in ADSI name format.
- //
- // dwSection is one of the GPO_SECTION_* flags
- // pszPath contains the path on return
- // cchMaxPath is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszPath
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetDSPath) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, LPOLESTR pszPath, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the UNC path to the root of the requested section.
- //
- // dwSection is one of the GPO_SECTION_* flags
- // pszPath contains the path on return
- // cchMaxPath is the number of characters that can be stored in pszPath.
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetFileSysPath) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, LPOLESTR pszPath, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the user preferences (options)
- //
- // Currently, there are no options defined. This is reserved for future use.
- //
- // dwOptions receives a bitmask value
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetOptions) (THIS_ DWORD *dwOptions) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the type of GPO being edited.
- //
- // The three types are: a GPO in the Active Directory, the GPO on the local machine,
- // and the GPO on a remote machine.
- //
- // Machine GPOs only have file system storage (no Active Directory storage available).
- // If GetDSPath is called for a machine GPO, the function will succeed
- // and the returned buffer will be the empty string ""
- //
- // Active Directory GPOs have both file system and Active Directory storage available to them.
- //
- // gpoType receives one of the type flags listed above.
- //
- //
- // Returns the type of Active Directory object (or machine) that could be linked to
- // this GPO
- //
- // This is a hint api only. The GPE does not know which Active Directory objects are
- // linked to a particular GPO, but it can offer a hint based upon how the
- // user started the GPE.
- //
- // Use this method with great caution. Some extensions might want to
- // customize their user interface based upon the scoping for this GPO,
- // but it is easy to offer the wrong namespace. Best advice is to
- // always offer your full user interface, but if you choose to use this
- // method, always offer your full user interface if you recieve the
- // unknown hint back.
- //
- // gpHint receives one of the hint flags listed above.
- //
- //
- // Informs the Group Policy Editor that policy settings have changed.
- // Extensions MUST call this methold every time a change is made
- // to a Group Policy Object.
- //
- // bMachine specifies if machine or user policy has changed.
- // bAdd specifies whether this is an add or delete.
- // pGuidExtension is the guid or unique name of extension that
- // will process this GPO.
- // pGuidSnapin is the guid or unique name of snapin that is making
- // this call
- //
- STDMETHOD(PolicyChanged) (THIS_ BOOL bMachine, BOOL bAdd, GUID *pGuidExtension, GUID *pGuidSnapin ) PURE;
- };
- typedef IGPEInformation *LPGPEINFORMATION;
- //
- // Group Policy Object open / creation flags
- //
- #define GPO_OPEN_LOAD_REGISTRY 0x00000001 // Load the registry files
- #define GPO_OPEN_READ_ONLY 0x00000002 // Open the GPO as read only
- //
- // Group Policy Object option flags
- //
- #define GPO_OPTION_DISABLE_USER 0x00000001 // The user portion of this GPO is disabled
- #define GPO_OPTION_DISABLE_MACHINE 0x00000002 // The machine portion of this GPO is disabled
- #undef INTERFACE
- #define INTERFACE IGroupPolicyObject
- DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IGroupPolicyObject, IUnknown)
- {
- // *** IUnknown methods ***
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
- // *** IGroupPolicyObject methods ***
- //
- // Creates a new GPO in the Active Directory with the given friendly name
- // and opens it via OpenDSGPO(). If pszDomainName contains a domain
- // controller name, the GPO will be created on that DC. If it does not
- // specify a domain controller name, the method will select a DC on
- // the callers behalf.
- //
- // pszDomainName contains the ADSI path of the domain root
- // pszDisplayName contains the friendly display name
- // dwFlags is a bitmask of GPO open / creation flags listed above
- //
- STDMETHOD(New) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszDomainName, LPOLESTR pszDisplayName,
- DWORD dwFlags) PURE;
- //
- // Opens the specified Group Policy Object in the Active Directory
- // based upon the passed in flags. If pszPath contains a domain
- // controller name, the GPO will be opened on that DC. If it does
- // not contain a domain controller name, the method will select a
- // DC on the callers behalf. If the registry is not loaded,
- // GetRegistryKey() will return E_FAIL.
- //
- // pszPath contains the ADSI path to the GPO to open
- // dwFlags is a bitmask of GPO open / creation flags listed above
- //
- //
- // Opens the default Group Policy Object on this machine with the
- // dwFlags options listed above. If the registry is not loaded,
- // GetRegistryKey() will return E_FAIL.
- //
- // dwFlags is a bitmask of GPO open / creation flags listed above
- //
- STDMETHOD(OpenLocalMachineGPO) (THIS_ DWORD dwFlags) PURE;
- //
- // Opens the default Group Policy Object on a remote machine with the
- // dwFlags options listed above. If the registry is not loaded,
- // GetRegistryKey() will return E_FAIL.
- //
- // pszComputerName contains the machine name in \machine format
- // dwFlags is a bitmask of GPO open / creation flags listed above
- //
- STDMETHOD(OpenRemoteMachineGPO) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszComputerName, DWORD dwFlags) PURE;
- //
- // Flushes the registry settings to disk and updates the revision
- // number of the GPO.
- //
- // bMachine specifies if machine or user should be saved.
- // bAdd specifies whether this is an add or delete.
- // pGuidExtension is the guid or unique name of extension that
- // will process this GPO.
- // pGuid is a guid
- //
- STDMETHOD(Save) (THIS_ BOOL bMachine, BOOL bAdd, GUID *pGuidExtension, GUID *pGuid ) PURE;
- //
- // Deletes this Group Policy Object.
- //
- // After calling this method, no other methods are valid to call
- // since the data will have been deleted.
- //
- //
- // Returns the unique Group Policy Object name
- //
- // For Active Directory policy objects, this is a GUID
- // For the local policy object, it is the string "Local"
- // For remote policy objects, it is the computername
- //
- // pszName contains the name on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the friendly display name for this Group Policy Object
- //
- // pszName contains the name on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetDisplayName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Sets the friendly display name for this Group Policy Object
- //
- // pszName is the new display name
- //
- STDMETHOD(SetDisplayName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the path to the Group Policy Object
- //
- //
- // If the GPO is an Active Directory object, the path is in ADSI name format.
- // If the GPO is a machine object, it is a file system path
- //
- // pszPath contains the path on return
- // cchMaxPath is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszPath
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetPath) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszPath, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the Active Directory path to the root of the request section.
- // The path is in DN name format.
- //
- // dwSection is one of the GPO_SECTION_* flags
- // pszPath contains the path on return
- // cchMaxPath is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszPath
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetDSPath) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, LPOLESTR pszPath, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the UNC path to the root of the requested section.
- //
- // dwSection is one of the GPO_SECTION_* flags
- // pszPath contains the path on return
- // cchMaxPath is the number of characters that can be stored in pszPath.
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetFileSysPath) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, LPOLESTR pszPath, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
- //
- // Returns a registry key handle for the requested section. The returned
- // key is the root of the registry, not the Policies subkey. To set / read
- // a value in the Policies subkey, you will need to call RegOpenKeyEx to
- // open SoftwarePolicies subkey first.
- //
- // The handle has been opened with ALL ACCESS rights. Call RegCloseKey
- // on the handle when finished.
- //
- // If the GPO was loaded / created without the registry being loaded
- // this method will return E_FAIL.
- //
- // dwSection is either GPO_SECTION_USER or GPO_SECTION_MACHINE
- // hKey contains the registry key on return
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetRegistryKey) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, HKEY *hKey) PURE;
- //
- // Returns any options for this Group Policy Object
- //
- // dwOptions receives the GPO_OPTION_* flags
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetOptions) (THIS_ DWORD *dwOptions) PURE;
- //
- // Sets any options for this Group Policy Object
- //
- // This method sets any options for this GPO. To change
- // an option, that flag must be set in the mask field.
- // If the flag is in the mask field, then the dwOptions
- // field is read for the current state.
- //
- // For example: to disable the GPO, make this call
- //
- //
- // dwOptions specifies one or more GPO_OPTION_* flags
- // dwMask specificies which of the dwOptions to change
- //
- STDMETHOD(SetOptions) (THIS_ DWORD dwOptions, DWORD dwMask) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the type of GPO being edited.
- //
- // The three types are: a GPO in the Active Directory, the GPO on the local machine,
- // and the GPO on a remote machine.
- //
- // Machine GPOs only have file system storage (no Active Directory storage available).
- // If GetDSPath is called for a machine GPO, the function will succeed
- // and the returned buffer will be the empty string ""
- //
- // Active Directory GPOs have both file system and Active Directory storage available to them.
- //
- // gpoType receives one of the type flags
- //
- //
- // Returns the machine name of the remote GPO
- //
- // This method returns the name passed to OpenRemoteMachineGPO.
- //
- // pszName contains the name on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetMachineName) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Returns an array of property sheet pages and the number of pages
- // in the array
- //
- // Note, this method will allocate memory for the array with
- // LocalAlloc. When finished, the caller should free the array
- // with LocalFree
- //
- // hPages address of the pointer for the array of property sheet pages
- // uPageCount receives the number of pages in the array
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetPropertySheetPages) (THIS_ HPROPSHEETPAGE **hPages, UINT *uPageCount) PURE;
- };
- typedef IGroupPolicyObject *LPGROUPPOLICYOBJECT;
- //
- // RSOP flags
- //
- #define RSOP_INFO_FLAG_DIAGNOSTIC_MODE 0x00000001 // Running in diagnostic mode vs planning mode
- #undef INTERFACE
- #define INTERFACE IRSOPInformation
- DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IRSOPInformation, IUnknown)
- {
- // *** IUnknown methods ***
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
- // *** IRSOPInformation methods ***
- //
- // Returns the namespace for the RSOP data
- //
- // dwSection is either GPO_SECTION_USER or GPO_SECTION_MACHINE
- // pszName contains the namespace on return
- // cchMaxLength is the max number of characters that can be stored in pszName
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetNamespace) (THIS_ DWORD dwSection, LPOLESTR pszName, int cchMaxLength) PURE;
- //
- // Returns information about the RSOP session
- //
- // pdwFlags points to a DWORD which contains the flags on return
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetFlags) (THIS_ DWORD * pdwFlags) PURE;
- //
- // Returns the event log text for a specific entry
- //
- // lpEventSource - event log source name
- // lpEventLogName - event log name
- // lpEventTime - event log time in WMI datetime format
- // dwEventID - event ID
- // lpText - Receives a pointer to a buffer containing the text.
- // The caller should free this buffer with CoTaskMemFree.
- //
- STDMETHOD(GetEventLogEntryText) (THIS_ LPOLESTR pszEventSource, LPOLESTR pszEventLogName,
- LPOLESTR pszEventTime, DWORD dwEventID, LPOLESTR *ppszText) PURE;
- };
- typedef IRSOPInformation *LPRSOPINFORMATION;
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // CreateGPOLink
- //
- // Creates a link to a GPO for the specified Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- //
- // lpGPO - ADSI path to the GPO
- // lpContainer - ADSI path to the Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- // fHighPriority - Create the link as the highest or lowest priority
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- //=============================================================================
- CreateGPOLink(
- LPOLESTR lpContainer,
- BOOL fHighPriority);
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // DeleteGPOLink
- //
- // Deletes a link to a GPO for the specified Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- //
- // lpGPO - ADSI path to the GPO
- // lpContainer - ADSI path to the Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- //=============================================================================
- DeleteGPOLink(
- LPOLESTR lpContainer);
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // DeleteAllGPOLinks
- //
- // Deletes all GPO links for the specified Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- //
- // lpContainer - ADSI path to the Site, Domain, or Organizational Unit
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- //=============================================================================
- DeleteAllGPOLinks(
- LPOLESTR lpContainer);
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // BrowseForGPO
- //
- // Displays the GPO browser dialog
- //
- // lpBrowseInfo - Address of a GPOBROWSEINFO structure
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // Flags passed in the dwFlags field of the GPOBROWSEINFO structure
- //
- #define GPO_BROWSE_DISABLENEW 0x00000001 // Disables the New GPO functionality on all pages except "All"
- #define GPO_BROWSE_NOCOMPUTERS 0x00000002 // Removes the Computers tab
- #define GPO_BROWSE_NODSGPOS 0x00000004 // Removes the Domain/OU and Sites tabs
- #define GPO_BROWSE_OPENBUTTON 0x00000008 // Change the Ok button to say Open
- #define GPO_BROWSE_INITTOALL 0x00000010 // Initialize the dialog focused on the All pane
- typedef struct tag_GPOBROWSEINFO
- {
- DWORD dwSize; // [in] Initialized to the size of this structure
- DWORD dwFlags; // [in] Flags defined above
- HWND hwndOwner; // [in] Parent window handle (can be NULL)
- LPOLESTR lpTitle; // [in] Title bar text. If NULL, "Browse for a Group Policy Object" will be the default text
- LPOLESTR lpInitialOU; // [in] Initial Domain/Organizational Unit to open focus on
- LPOLESTR lpDSPath; // [in/out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the Active Directory GPO path
- DWORD dwDSPathSize; // [in] Size in characters of buffer given in lpDSPath
- LPOLESTR lpName; // [in/out] Pointer to a buffer that receives either the computer name or
- // the friendly name of the GPO (can be NULL)
- DWORD dwNameSize; // [in] Size in characters of buffer given in lpName
- GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE gpoType; // [out] Specifies the type of GPO
- GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE gpoHint; // [out] Specifies a hint of the GPO association
- BrowseForGPO(
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // ImportRSoPData
- //
- // Imports a data file generated by ExportRSoPData
- //
- // lpNameSpace - Namespace to place the data in
- // lpFileName - Filename containing the data
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- // Notes: The namespace specified in lpNameSpace must exist prior to calling
- // this function.
- //
- //=============================================================================
- ImportRSoPData(
- LPOLESTR lpNameSpace,
- LPOLESTR lpFileName);
- //=============================================================================
- //
- // ExportRSoPData
- //
- // Exports a WBEM namespace containing RSoP information to a data file.
- // This data file can be imported to a WBEM namespace using ImportRSoPData.
- //
- // lpNameSpace - Namespace to read the data from
- // lpFileName - Filename to receive the data
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if successful
- //
- // Notes: This function should be called twice. Once for the user data
- // and once for the computer data.
- //
- //=============================================================================
- ExportRSoPData(
- LPOLESTR lpNameSpace,
- LPOLESTR lpFileName);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* _GPEDIT_H_ */