- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // T_SafeVector.h
- //
- // The follwing template classes provide a way of creating and accessing SafeArrays.
- // They are derived from the C++ standard library (STL) vector class and can be used
- // the same way. They can be accessed just like an array (with the [] operator).
- //
- // Use the constructors or assignment operators to extract the SafeArray from a
- // SAFEARRAY* or array variant (VARIANT or _variant_t). The elements will be
- // copied into the vector. Use the GetSafeArray() or GetVariant() methods to pack
- // the elements back into a SafeArray.
- //
- // To create a new SafeArray, declare a varaible of the appropriate type and call
- // resize() to set the size, or push_back() to grow the array. Call GetSafeArray()
- // or GetVariant() to produce a SafeArray.
- //
- // See the T_SafeVector2 class at the bottom of this file for more information
- // about the constructors, extractors, and assignment operators.
- //
- // Use the following pre-defined array types:
- //
- // Array Type - Element Type
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // _bstr_tSafeVector - BSTR (uses _bstr_t)
- // longSafeVector - long
- // shortSafeVector - short
- // byteSafeVector - byte
- // boolSafeVector - bool
- // CWbemClassObjectSafeVector - IWbemClassObject (uses CWbemClassObject)
- //
- // Copyright (c)1997 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if !defined(__T_SafeVector_H)
- #define __T_SafeVector_H
- #pragma once
- #pragma warning( disable : 4786) // identifier was truncated to 'number' characters in the debug information
- #pragma warning( disable : 4503) // decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
- typedef std::vector<_bstr_t> _bstr_tVec;
- typedef std::vector<long> longVec;
- typedef std::vector<short> shortVec;
- typedef std::vector<unsigned char> byteVec;
- typedef std::vector<bool> boolVec;
- #if !defined(NO_WBEM)
- typedef std::vector<CWbemClassObject> coVec;
- #endif
- template<typename TNContainer,typename TNDataType>
- class T_SAExtractScaler
- {
- public:
- void SetToContainer(TNContainer& _cont,void * pData,int l,int u)
- {
- TNDataType * pWalk = reinterpret_cast<TNDataType *>(pData);
- for(;l < (u+1);l++,pWalk++)
- {
- _cont.push_back( *pWalk);
- }
- }
- void GetFromContainer
- (
- TNContainer& _cont,
- void * pData,
- TNContainer::iterator walk,
- TNContainer::iterator finish
- )
- {
- TNDataType * pWalk = reinterpret_cast<TNDataType *>(pData);
- for(;walk != finish;walk++,pWalk++)
- {
- *pWalk = *walk;
- }
- }
- _bstr_t FormatDebugOutput
- (
- TNContainer::iterator first,
- TNContainer::iterator item,
- TNContainer::iterator last
- )
- {
- _bstr_t sRet;
- try
- {
- _variant_t v;
- v = v.operator=(TNDataType(*item));
- v.ChangeType(VT_BSTR);
- sRet = (_bstr_t) v;
- if( (item+1)!=last )
- {
- sRet += ", ";
- }
- }
- catch(_com_error&)
- {
- sRet = "Not supported";
- }
- return sRet;
- }
- };
- template<typename TNContainer>
- class T_Extract_bstr_t
- {
- public:
- T_Extract_bstr_t()
- {
- }
- void SetToContainer(TNContainer& _cont,void * pData,int l,int u)
- {
- BSTR * pWalk = reinterpret_cast<BSTR*>(pData);
- for(;l < (u+1);l++,pWalk++)
- {
- _cont.push_back( _bstr_t(*pWalk,true) );
- }
- }
- void GetFromContainer
- (
- TNContainer& _cont,
- void * pData,
- TNContainer::iterator walk,
- TNContainer::iterator finish
- )
- {
- BSTR * pWalk = reinterpret_cast<BSTR*>(pData);
- for(;walk != finish;walk++,pWalk++)
- {
- *pWalk = (*walk).copy();
- }
- }
- _bstr_t FormatDebugOutput
- (
- TNContainer::iterator first,
- TNContainer::iterator item,
- TNContainer::iterator last
- )
- {
- _bstr_t sRet;
- sRet += """;
- sRet += (*item);
- sRet += """;
- if( (item+1)!=last )
- {
- sRet += ", ";
- }
- return sRet;
- }
- };
- #if !defined(NO_WBEM)
- template<typename TNContainer>
- class T_Extract_IUnknown
- {
- public:
- T_Extract_IUnknown()
- {
- }
- void SetToContainer(TNContainer& _cont,void * pData,int l,int u)
- {
- IUnknown ** pWalk = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(pData);
- for(;l< (u+1);l++,pWalk++)
- {
- _cont.push_back( CWbemClassObject((IWbemClassObject*)*pWalk) );
- }
- }
- void GetFromContainer
- (
- TNContainer& _cont,
- void * pData,
- TNContainer::iterator walk,
- TNContainer::iterator finish
- )
- {
- IUnknown ** pWalk = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(pData);
- for(;walk != finish;walk++,pWalk++)
- {
- (*walk)->AddRef();
- *pWalk = (*walk);
- }
- }
- _bstr_t FormatDebugOutput
- (
- TNContainer::iterator first,
- TNContainer::iterator item,
- TNContainer::iterator last
- )
- {
- _bstr_t sRet;
- try
- {
- _variant_t v( long(item -first) );
- v.ChangeType(VT_BSTR);
- _variant_t v2( long(last-first-1) );
- v2.ChangeType(VT_BSTR);
- sRet += "Object [";
- sRet += (_bstr_t)v;
- sRet += " of ";
- sRet += (_bstr_t)v2;
- sRet += "]n";
- sRet += (*item).GetObjectText();
- if( (item+1) != last )
- {
- sRet += "n";
- }
- }
- catch(_com_error&)
- {
- sRet = "Not supported";
- }
- return sRet;
- }
- };
- #endif
- typedef T_SAExtractScaler<longVec,long> __exptExtractlong;
- typedef T_SAExtractScaler<shortVec,short> __exptExtractshort;
- typedef T_SAExtractScaler<byteVec,unsigned char> __exptExtractbyte;
- typedef T_SAExtractScaler<boolVec,bool> __exptExtractbool;
- typedef T_Extract_bstr_t<_bstr_tVec> __exptExtract_bstr_t;
- #if !defined(NO_WBEM)
- typedef T_Extract_IUnknown<coVec> __exptExtractco;
- #endif
- template<typename TNContainer,typename TNExtractor>
- class T_SafeArrayImp
- {
- public:
- void ConstructContainerFromSafeArray
- (
- TNExtractor& _extract,
- TNContainer& _cont,
- )
- {
- long l = 0;
- long u = 0;
- void * pData;
- hr = SafeArrayGetLBound(_pSA,1,&l);
- hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(_pSA,1,&u);
- hr = SafeArrayAccessData(_pSA,&pData);
- if(hr == S_OK)
- {
- _extract.SetToContainer(_cont,pData,l,u);
- SafeArrayUnaccessData(_pSA);
- }
- }
- SAFEARRAY * ConstructSafeArrayFromConatiner
- (
- TNExtractor& _extract,
- VARTYPE _vt,
- TNContainer& _cont,
- TNContainer::iterator start,
- TNContainer::iterator finish
- )
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
- void * pData;
- rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
- rgsabound[0].cElements = _cont.size();
- pRet = SafeArrayCreate(_vt,1,rgsabound);
- if(pRet)
- {
- hr = SafeArrayAccessData(pRet,&pData);
- if(hr == S_OK)
- {
- _extract.GetFromContainer(_cont,pData,start,finish);
- SafeArrayUnaccessData(pRet);
- }
- }
- return pRet;
- }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // T_SafeVector2
- //
- // Derived from TNContainer which should be a type of STL vector.
- // Provides for the conversion between vector and SafeArray.
- //
- template
- <
- VARTYPE TNVariant,
- typename TNDataType,
- typename TNContainer = std::vector<TNDataType>,
- typename TNExtractor = T_SAExtractScaler<TNContainer,TNDataType>
- >
- class T_SafeVector2 : public TNContainer
- {
- private:
- T_SafeArrayImp<TNContainer,TNExtractor> m_Array;
- protected:
- public:
- T_SafeVector2()
- {
- }
- // copy constructor
- T_SafeVector2(const TNContainer& _copy) : TNContainer(_copy)
- {
- }
- // Construct vector from array variant, extracts elements
- T_SafeVector2(_variant_t& _ValueArray)
- {
- if(_ValueArray.vt & VT_ARRAY)
- {
- m_Array.ConstructContainerFromSafeArray(TNExtractor(),*this,_ValueArray.parray);
- }
- }
- // Construct vector from SAFEARRAY, extracts elements
- T_SafeVector2(SAFEARRAY * _pArray)
- {
- m_Array.ConstructContainerFromSafeArray(TNExtractor(),*this,_pArray);
- }
- // assign vector from array variant, extracts elements
- T_SafeVector2& operator=(_variant_t& _ValueArray)
- {
- clear();
- if(_ValueArray.vt & VT_ARRAY)
- {
- m_Array.ConstructContainerFromSafeArray(TNExtractor(),*this,_ValueArray.parray);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // assign vector from SAFEARRAY, extracts elements
- T_SafeVector2& operator=(SAFEARRAY * _pArray)
- {
- clear();
- m_Array.ConstructContainerFromSafeArray(TNExtractor(),*this,_pArray);
- return *this;
- }
- // assign vector from another vector, copies elements
- T_SafeVector2& operator=(const TNContainer& _copy)
- {
- TNContainer::operator=(_copy);
- return *this;
- }
- ~T_SafeVector2()
- {
- }
- // create SafeArray from a portion of the vector elements and return a SAFEARRAY*
- SAFEARRAY * GetSafeArray(TNContainer::iterator start,TNContainer::iterator finish)
- {
- return m_Array.ConstructSafeArrayFromConatiner(TNExtractor(),TNVariant,*this,start,finish);
- }
- // create SafeArray from the vector elements and return a SAFEARRAY*
- SAFEARRAY * GetSafeArray()
- {
- return GetSafeArray(begin(),end());
- }
- // create SafeArray from a portion of the vector elements and return as an array variant
- _variant_t GetVariant(TNContainer::iterator start,TNContainer::iterator finish)
- {
- _variant_t vRet;
- vRet.vt = TNVariant|VT_ARRAY;
- vRet.parray = GetSafeArray(start,finish);
- return vRet;
- }
- // create SafeArray from the vector elements and return as an array variant
- _variant_t GetVariant()
- {
- return GetVariant(begin(),end());
- }
- _bstr_t FormatDebugOutput()
- {
- _bstr_t sOutput;
- for(iterator walk = begin();walk != end();walk++)
- {
- sOutput += TNExtractor().FormatDebugOutput(begin(),walk,end());
- }
- return sOutput;
- }
- };
- typedef T_SafeVector2
- <
- _bstr_t,
- _bstr_tVec,
- T_Extract_bstr_t<_bstr_tVec>
- >
- _bstr_tSafeVector;
- typedef T_SafeVector2<VT_I4,long> longSafeVector;
- typedef T_SafeVector2<VT_I2,short> shortSafeVector;
- typedef T_SafeVector2<VT_UI1,unsigned char> byteSafeVector;
- typedef T_SafeVector2<VT_BOOL,bool> boolSafeVector;
- #if !defined(NO_WBEM)
- typedef T_SafeVector2
- <
- CWbemClassObject,
- std::vector<CWbemClassObject>,
- T_Extract_IUnknown<std::vector<CWbemClassObject> >
- >
- CWbemClassObjectSafeVector;
- #endif
- #endif // __T_SafeVector_H