



  1. /*****************************************************************************
  2. * DXTrans.idl *
  3. *-------------*
  4. *
  5. *   Description:
  6. *       This is the IDL file for DirectX installable transform coclass,
  7. *   interface, and type definitions.
  8. *
  9. *   History:
  10. *   09/02/1999  a-matcal    Added IDXTFilterBehavior, IDXTFilter interfaces.
  11. *                           Added CDXTFilterFactory, CDXTFilterBehavior,
  12. *                                 CDXTFilter coclasses.
  13. *
  14. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. *   Creation: EWC 07/07/97
  16. *   Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1997-1999
  17. *   All rights reserved.
  18. *
  19. *****************************************************************************/
  20. cpp_quote("#include <servprov.h>")
  21. cpp_quote("#include <ddraw.h>")
  22. cpp_quote("#include <d3d.h>")
  23. cpp_quote("#include <d3drm.h>")
  24. cpp_quote("#include <urlmon.h>")
  25. //--- Import base idl
  26. import "oaidl.idl";
  27. import "ocidl.idl";
  28. import "servprov.idl";
  29. import "comcat.idl";
  30. //
  31. //  Since direct draw does not have an IDL, we'll define DDSURFACEDESC to
  32. //  be a void, but include ddraw.h in the header file.  This makes MIDL happy.
  33. //
  34. #ifndef DDSURFACEDESC
  35. cpp_quote("#if 0")
  36. cpp_quote("// Bogus definition used to make MIDL compiler happy")
  37. typedef void DDSURFACEDESC;
  38. typedef void D3DRMBOX;
  39. typedef void D3DVECTOR;
  40. typedef void D3DRMMATRIX4D;
  41. typedef void* LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES;
  42. cpp_quote("#endif")
  43. #endif
  44. //--- Additional includes
  45. //--- Export
  46. cpp_quote( "#ifdef _DXTRANSIMPL")
  47. cpp_quote( "    #define _DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT _declspec(dllexport)")
  48. cpp_quote( "#else")
  49. cpp_quote( "    #define _DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT _declspec(dllimport)")
  50. cpp_quote( "#endif")
  51. //=== Forward References ====================================================
  52. interface IDXTransformFactory;
  53. interface IDXTransform;
  54. interface IDXTaskManager;
  55. interface IDXSurfaceFactory;
  56. interface IDXSurface;
  57. interface IDXARGBSurfaceInit;
  58. interface IDXRawSurface;
  59. interface IDXARGBReadPtr;
  60. interface IDXARGBReadWritePtr;
  61. interface IDXDCLock;
  62. interface IDXTScale;
  63. interface IDXLookupTable;
  64. interface IDXTBindHost;
  65. interface IBindHost;
  66. interface IDXTScaleOutput;
  67. interface IDXGradient;
  68. //=== Constants =============================================================
  69. cpp_quote("//")
  70. cpp_quote("//   All GUIDs for DXTransform are declared in DXTGUID.C in the SDK include directory")
  71. cpp_quote("//")
  72. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB1;") 
  73. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB2;") 
  74. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB4;") 
  75. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB8;") 
  76. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB332;") 
  77. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_ARGB4444;") 
  78. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB565;") 
  79. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_BGR565;") 
  80. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB555;") 
  81. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_ARGB1555;") 
  82. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB24;") 
  83. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_BGR24;") 
  84. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_RGB32;") 
  85. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_BGR32;") 
  86. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_ABGR32;") 
  87. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_ARGB32;") 
  88. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_PMARGB32;") 
  89. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_A1;") 
  90. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_A2;") 
  91. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_A4;") 
  92. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_A8;") 
  93. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_Z8;") 
  94. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_Z16;") 
  95. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_Z24;") 
  96. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID DDPF_Z32;") 
  97. cpp_quote("//")
  98. cpp_quote("//   Component categories")
  99. cpp_quote("//")
  100. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID CATID_DXImageTransform;")
  101. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID CATID_DX3DTransform;")
  102. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID CATID_DXAuthoringTransform;")
  103. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID CATID_DXSurface;")
  104. cpp_quote("//")
  105. cpp_quote("//   Service IDs")
  106. cpp_quote("//")
  107. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID SID_SDirectDraw;")
  108. cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const GUID SID_SDirect3DRM;")
  109. cpp_quote("#define SID_SDXTaskManager CLSID_DXTaskManager")
  110. cpp_quote("#define SID_SDXSurfaceFactory IID_IDXSurfaceFactory")
  111. cpp_quote("#define SID_SDXTransformFactory IID_IDXTransformFactory")
  112. //=== Struct & Enum definitions =============================================
  113. //=== Interface definitions =================================================
  114. [
  115.     uuid(17B59B2B-9CC8-11d1-9053-00C04FD9189D),
  116.     helpstring("IDXBaseObject Interface"),
  117.     pointer_default(unique)
  118. ]
  119. interface IDXBaseObject : IUnknown
  120. {
  121.     HRESULT GetGenerationId( [out]ULONG *pID);
  122.     HRESULT IncrementGenerationId([in] BOOL bRefresh);
  123.     HRESULT GetObjectSize( [out] ULONG *pcbSize);
  124. }
  125. //--- Dimension identifiers
  126. typedef enum DXBNDID
  127. {
  128.     DXB_X = 0,
  129.     DXB_Y = 1,
  130.     DXB_Z = 2,
  131.     DXB_T = 3
  132. } DXBNDID;
  133. //--- Bound types
  134. typedef enum DXBNDTYPE
  135. {
  136.     DXBT_DISCRETE,
  137.     DXBT_DISCRETE64,
  139.     DXBT_CONTINUOUS64
  140. } DXBNDTYPE;
  141. //--- Discrete bounds (image & sound)
  142. typedef struct DXDBND
  143. {
  144.     long  Min;    
  145.     long  Max;
  146. } DXDBND;
  147. typedef DXDBND DXDBNDS[4];
  148. typedef struct DXDBND64
  149. {
  150.     LONGLONG Min;    
  151.     LONGLONG Max;
  152. } DXDBND64;
  153. typedef DXDBND64 DXDBNDS64[4];
  154. //--- Continuous bounds (geometry)
  155. typedef struct DXCBND
  156. {
  157.     float Min;    
  158.     float Max;
  159. } DXCBND;
  160. typedef DXCBND DXCBNDS[4];
  161. typedef struct DXCBND64
  162. {
  163.     double Min;    
  164.     double Max;
  165. } DXCBND64;
  166. typedef DXCBND64 DXCBNDS64[4];
  167. //--- Combined space
  168. typedef union DXBNDS switch( DXBNDTYPE eType ) u
  169. {
  170.   case DXBT_DISCRETE:
  171.     DXDBND D[4];
  172.   case DXBT_DISCRETE64:
  173.     DXDBND64 LD[4];
  174.   case DXBT_CONTINUOUS:
  175.     DXCBND C[4];
  176.   case DXBT_CONTINUOUS64:
  177.     DXCBND64 LC[4];
  178. } DXBNDS;
  179. //--- Discrete 4D vector
  180. typedef long DXDVEC[4];
  181. typedef LONGLONG DXDVEC64[4];
  182. //--- Continous 4D vector
  183. typedef float DXCVEC[4];
  184. typedef double DXCVEC64[4];
  185. //--- Combined space vector
  186. typedef union DXVEC switch( DXBNDTYPE eType ) u
  187. {
  188.   case DXBT_DISCRETE:
  189.     long D[4];
  190.   case DXBT_DISCRETE64:
  191.     LONGLONG LD[4];
  192.   case DXBT_CONTINUOUS:
  193.     float C[4];
  194.   case DXBT_CONTINUOUS64:
  195.     double LC[4];
  196. } DXVEC;
  197. //--- IDXTransformFactory ---------------------------------------------------
  198. [
  199.     uuid(6A950B2B-A971-11d1-81C8-0000F87557DB),
  200.     helpstring("IDXTransformFactory Interface"),
  201.     pointer_default(unique)
  202. ]
  203. interface IDXTransformFactory : IServiceProvider
  204. {
  205.     HRESULT SetService( [in]REFGUID guidService, 
  206.                         [in]IUnknown *pUnkService,
  207.                         [in]BOOL bWeakReference);
  208.     HRESULT CreateTransform( [in, size_is(ulNumInputs)]IUnknown** punkInputs,
  209.                              [in]ULONG ulNumInputs,
  210.                              [in, size_is(ulNumOutputs)]IUnknown** punkOutputs,
  211.                              [in]ULONG ulNumOutputs,
  212.                              [in]IPropertyBag* pInitProps, [in]IErrorLog* pErrLog,
  213.                              [in]REFCLSID TransCLSID, [in]REFIID TransIID,
  214.                              [out, iid_is(TransIID)]void** ppTransform );
  215.     HRESULT InitializeTransform( [in]IDXTransform* pTransform,
  216.                                  [in, size_is(ulNumInputs)]IUnknown** punkInputs,
  217.                                  [in]ULONG ulNumInputs,
  218.                                  [in, size_is(ulNumOutputs)]IUnknown** punkOutputs,
  219.                                  [in]ULONG ulNumOutputs,
  220.                                  [in]IPropertyBag* pInitProps, [in]IErrorLog* pErrLog );
  221. };
  222. //--- IDXTransform -------------------------------------------------
  223. typedef enum DXTMISCFLAGS
  224. {
  225.     DXTMF_BLEND_WITH_OUTPUT   = ( 1L << 0 ),
  226.     DXTMF_DITHER_OUTPUT       = ( 1L << 1 ),
  227.     DXTMF_OPTION_MASK         = (0x0000FFFF),   // Low word is settable options
  229.     //
  230.     //  Status flags can not be changed by call to SetMiscFlags
  231.     //
  232.     DXTMF_BLEND_SUPPORTED     = ( 1L << 16 ),
  233.     DXTMF_DITHER_SUPPORTED    = ( 1L << 17 ),
  234.     DXTMF_INPLACE_OPERATION   = ( 1L << 24 ),
  235.     DXTMF_BOUNDS_SUPPORTED    = ( 1L << 25 ),
  236.     DXTMF_PLACEMENT_SUPPORTED = ( 1L << 26 ),
  237.     DXTMF_QUALITY_SUPPORTED   = ( 1L << 27 ),
  238.     DXTMF_OPAQUE_RESULT       = ( 1L << 28 )
  240. typedef enum DXINOUTINFOFLAGS
  241. {
  242.     DXINOUTF_OPTIONAL = ( 1L << 0)
  244. [
  245.     uuid(30A5FB78-E11F-11d1-9064-00C04FD9189D),
  246.     helpstring("IDXTransform Interface"),
  247.     pointer_default(unique)
  248. ]
  249. interface IDXTransform : IDXBaseObject
  250. {
  251.     HRESULT Setup( [in, size_is(ulNumInputs)] IUnknown * const * punkInputs,
  252.                    [in]ULONG ulNumInputs,
  253.                    [in, size_is(ulNumOutputs)] IUnknown * const * punkOutputs,
  254.                    [in]ULONG ulNumOutputs,
  255.                    [in]DWORD dwFlags );
  256.     HRESULT Execute( [in]const GUID* pRequestID, [in]const DXBNDS *pClipBnds,
  257.                      [in]const DXVEC *pPlacement );
  258.     HRESULT MapBoundsIn2Out( [in] const DXBNDS *pInBounds,
  259.                              [in]ULONG ulNumInBnds,
  260.                              [in]ULONG ulOutIndex,
  261.                              [out]DXBNDS *pOutBounds );
  262.     HRESULT MapBoundsOut2In( [in] ULONG ulOutIndex,
  263.                              [in] const DXBNDS *pOutBounds,
  264.                              [in] ULONG ulInIndex,
  265.                              [out]DXBNDS *pInBounds );
  266.     HRESULT SetMiscFlags( [in] DWORD dwMiscFlags);
  267.     HRESULT GetMiscFlags( [out]DWORD * pdwMiscFlags );
  268.     HRESULT GetInOutInfo( [in]BOOL bIsOutput, [in]ULONG ulIndex,
  269.                           [out]DWORD *pdwFlags, [out, size_is(*pcIDs)] GUID *pIDs,
  270.                           [in, out] ULONG *pcIDs,
  271.                           [out] IUnknown **ppUnkCurrentObject);
  272.     HRESULT SetQuality( [in] float fQuality );
  273.     HRESULT GetQuality( [out] float * fQuality );
  274. };
  275. [
  276.     uuid(30A5FB79-E11F-11d1-9064-00C04FD9189D),
  277.     helpstring("IDXSurfacePick Interface"),
  278.     pointer_default(unique)
  279. ]
  280. interface IDXSurfacePick : IUnknown
  281. {
  282.     HRESULT PointPick([in]const DXVEC *pPoint,
  283.                       [out]ULONG * pulInputSurfaceIndex,
  284.                       [out]DXVEC *pInputPoint);
  285. }
  286. //--- IDXTBindHost ---------------------------------------------------
  287. //  This interface is used to set a site-specific bind host for a transform.
  288. //  Only transforms that need access to a bind host need to implement this interface.
  289. //
  290. //  For some reason, MIDL does not like IBindHost, so we've declared this interface local
  291. //
  292. [
  293.     uuid(D26BCE55-E9DC-11d1-9066-00C04FD9189D),
  294.     helpstring("IDXTBindHost Interface"),
  295.     pointer_default(unique),
  296.     local
  297. ]
  298. interface IDXTBindHost : IUnknown
  299. {
  300.     HRESULT SetBindHost([in] IBindHost * pBindHost);
  301. }
  302. //--- IDXTaskManager ---------------------------------------------------
  303. // This interface is used to implement a task managment service provider
  304. // to optimize thread usage.
  305. // Function type prototypes
  306. typedef void (__stdcall DXTASKPROC)(void *pTaskData, BOOL* pbContinueProcessing );
  308. typedef void (__stdcall DXAPCPROC)(DWORD dwData);
  310. cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus")
  311. cpp_quote("typedef struct DXTMTASKINFO" )
  312. cpp_quote("{")
  313. cpp_quote("    PFNDXTASKPROC pfnTaskProc;       // Pointer to function to execute")
  314. cpp_quote("    PVOID         pTaskData;         // Pointer to argument data")
  315. cpp_quote("    PFNDXAPCPROC  pfnCompletionAPC;  // Pointer to completion APC proc")
  316. cpp_quote("    DWORD         dwCompletionData;  // Pointer to APC proc data")
  317. cpp_quote("    const GUID*   pRequestID;        // Used to identify groups of tasks")
  318. cpp_quote("} DXTMTASKINFO;")
  319. cpp_quote("#else")
  320.     typedef struct DXTMTASKINFO
  321.     {
  322.         PVOID       pfnTaskProc;       // Pointer to function to execute
  323.         PVOID       pTaskData;         // Pointer to argument data
  324.         PVOID       pfnCompletionAPC;  // Pointer to completion APC proc
  325.         DWORD       dwCompletionData;  // Pointer to APC proc data
  326.         const GUID* pRequestID;        // Used to identify groups of tasks
  327.     } DXTMTASKINFO;
  328. cpp_quote("#endif")
  329. [
  330.     local,
  331.     uuid(254DBBC1-F922-11d0-883A-3C8B00C10000),
  332.     helpstring("IDXTaskManager Interface"),
  333.     pointer_default(unique)
  334. ]
  335. interface IDXTaskManager : IUnknown
  336. {
  337.     HRESULT QueryNumProcessors( [out]ULONG* pulNumProc );
  338.     HRESULT SetThreadPoolSize( [in]ULONG ulNumThreads );
  339.     HRESULT GetThreadPoolSize( [out]ULONG* pulNumThreads );
  340.     HRESULT SetConcurrencyLimit( [in]ULONG ulNumThreads );
  341.     HRESULT GetConcurrencyLimit( [out]ULONG* pulNumThreads );
  342.     HRESULT ScheduleTasks( [in]DXTMTASKINFO TaskInfo[],
  343.                            [in]HANDLE Events[],
  344.                            [out]DWORD TaskIDs[],
  345.                            [in]ULONG ulNumTasks, [in]ULONG ulWaitPeriod );
  346.     HRESULT TerminateTasks( [in]DWORD TaskIDs[], [in]ULONG ulCount,
  347.                             [in]ULONG ulTimeOut );
  348.     HRESULT TerminateRequest( [in]REFIID RequestID, [in]ULONG ulTimeOut );
  349. };
  350. //--- IDXSurfaceFactory ---------------------------------------------------
  351. //
  352. //  We want an operator so that we can cast from a DXSAMPLE to a DWORD, so for C++ we will
  353. //  define the structure a special way.
  354. //
  355. cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus")
  356. cpp_quote("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
  357. cpp_quote("")
  358. cpp_quote("class DXBASESAMPLE;")
  359. cpp_quote("class DXSAMPLE;")
  360. cpp_quote("class DXPMSAMPLE;")
  361. cpp_quote("")
  362. cpp_quote("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
  363. cpp_quote("")
  364. cpp_quote("class DXBASESAMPLE")
  365. cpp_quote("{")
  366. cpp_quote("public:")
  367. cpp_quote("    BYTE Blue;")
  368. cpp_quote("    BYTE Green;")
  369. cpp_quote("    BYTE Red;")
  370. cpp_quote("    BYTE Alpha;")
  371. cpp_quote("    DXBASESAMPLE() {}")
  372. cpp_quote("    DXBASESAMPLE(const BYTE alpha, const BYTE red, const BYTE green, const BYTE blue) :")
  373. cpp_quote("        Alpha(alpha),")
  374. cpp_quote("        Red(red),")
  375. cpp_quote("        Green(green),")
  376. cpp_quote("        Blue(blue) {}")
  377. cpp_quote("    DXBASESAMPLE(const DWORD val) { *this = (*(DXBASESAMPLE *)&val); }")
  378. cpp_quote("    operator DWORD () const {return *((DWORD *)this); }")
  379. cpp_quote("    DWORD operator=(const DWORD val) { return *this = *((DXBASESAMPLE *)&val); }")
  380. cpp_quote("}; // DXBASESAMPLE")
  381. cpp_quote("")
  382. cpp_quote("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
  383. cpp_quote("")
  384. cpp_quote("class DXSAMPLE : public DXBASESAMPLE")
  385. cpp_quote("{")
  386. cpp_quote("public:")
  387. cpp_quote("    DXSAMPLE() {}")
  388. cpp_quote("    DXSAMPLE(const BYTE alpha, const BYTE red, const BYTE green, const BYTE blue) :")
  389. cpp_quote("         DXBASESAMPLE(alpha, red, green, blue) {}")
  390. cpp_quote("    DXSAMPLE(const DWORD val) { *this = (*(DXSAMPLE *)&val); }")
  391. cpp_quote("    operator DWORD () const {return *((DWORD *)this); }")
  392. cpp_quote("    DWORD operator=(const DWORD val) { return *this = *((DXSAMPLE *)&val); }")
  393. cpp_quote("    operator DXPMSAMPLE() const;")
  394. cpp_quote("}; // DXSAMPLE")
  395. cpp_quote("")
  396. cpp_quote("/////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
  397. cpp_quote("")
  398. cpp_quote("class DXPMSAMPLE : public DXBASESAMPLE")
  399. cpp_quote("{")
  400. cpp_quote("public:")
  401. cpp_quote("    DXPMSAMPLE() {}")
  402. cpp_quote("    DXPMSAMPLE(const BYTE alpha, const BYTE red, const BYTE green, const BYTE blue) :")
  403. cpp_quote("         DXBASESAMPLE(alpha, red, green, blue) {}")
  404. cpp_quote("    DXPMSAMPLE(const DWORD val) { *this = (*(DXPMSAMPLE *)&val); }")
  405. cpp_quote("    operator DWORD () const {return *((DWORD *)this); }")
  406. cpp_quote("    DWORD operator=(const DWORD val) { return *this = *((DXPMSAMPLE *)&val); }")
  407. cpp_quote("    operator DXSAMPLE() const;")
  408. cpp_quote("}; // DXPMSAMPLE")
  409. cpp_quote("")
  410. cpp_quote("//")
  411. cpp_quote("// The following cast operators are to prevent a direct assignment of a DXSAMPLE to a DXPMSAMPLE")
  412. cpp_quote("//")
  413. cpp_quote("inline DXSAMPLE::operator DXPMSAMPLE() const { return *((DXPMSAMPLE *)this); }")
  414. cpp_quote("inline DXPMSAMPLE::operator DXSAMPLE() const { return *((DXSAMPLE *)this); }")
  415. cpp_quote("#else // !__cplusplus")
  416. typedef struct DXBASESAMPLE
  417. {
  418.     BYTE Blue;
  419.     BYTE Green;
  420.     BYTE Red; 
  421.     BYTE Alpha;
  423. typedef struct DXSAMPLE
  424. {
  425.     BYTE Blue;
  426.     BYTE Green;
  427.     BYTE Red; 
  428.     BYTE Alpha;
  429. } DXSAMPLE;
  430. typedef struct DXPMSAMPLE
  431. {
  432.     BYTE Blue;
  433.     BYTE Green;
  434.     BYTE Red; 
  435.     BYTE Alpha;
  436. } DXPMSAMPLE;
  437. cpp_quote("#endif // !__cplusplus")
  438. typedef enum DXRUNTYPE
  439. {
  440.     DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR  = 0,        // The run is zero Alpha
  441.     DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE = 1,        // The run is full Alpha (i.e. 255)
  442.     DXRUNTYPE_TRANS  = 2,        // The run is non-zero Alpha
  443.     DXRUNTYPE_UNKNOWN= 3         // The run type is unknown.  Caller must inspect.
  444. } DXRUNTYPE;
  445. const ULONG DX_MAX_RUN_INFO_COUNT = 128; // Defines the maximum number of RUNINFOs in a single row
  446. cpp_quote("// Ignore the definition used by MIDL for TLB generation")
  447. cpp_quote("#if 0")
  448. typedef struct DXRUNINFO
  449. {
  450.     ULONG Bitfields;
  451. } DXRUNINFO;
  452. cpp_quote("#endif // 0")
  453. // Emit the C definition to the H file directly, as bit fields are not
  454. // supported by MIDL.
  455. cpp_quote("typedef struct DXRUNINFO")
  456. cpp_quote("{")
  457. cpp_quote("    ULONG   Type  : 2;   // Type")
  458. cpp_quote("    ULONG   Count : 30;  // Number of samples in run")
  459. cpp_quote("} DXRUNINFO;")
  460. typedef enum DXSFCREATE
  461. {
  462.     DXSF_FORMAT_IS_CLSID    = ( 1L << 0 ),
  463.     DXSF_NO_LAZY_DDRAW_LOCK = ( 1L << 1 )
  464. } DXSFCREATE;
  465. typedef enum DXBLTOPTIONS
  466. {
  467.     DXBOF_DO_OVER          = (1L << 0),
  468.     DXBOF_DITHER           = (1L << 1)
  470. [
  471.     uuid(144946F5-C4D4-11d1-81D1-0000F87557DB),
  472.     helpstring("IDXSurfaceFactory Interface"),
  473.     pointer_default(unique)
  474. ]
  475. interface IDXSurfaceFactory : IUnknown
  476. {
  477.     [local] HRESULT CreateSurface([in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  478.                           [in] const DDSURFACEDESC * pDDSurfaceDesc,
  479.                           [in] const GUID * pFormatID,
  480.                           [in] const DXBNDS *pBounds, 
  481.                           [in] DWORD dwFlags,
  482.                           [in] IUnknown *punkOuter,
  483.                           [in] REFIID riid, 
  484.                           [out, iid_is( riid )] void ** ppDXSurface);
  485.     HRESULT CreateFromDDSurface([in] IUnknown *pDDrawSurface,
  486.                           [in] const GUID *pFormatID,
  487.                           [in] DWORD dwFlags,
  488.                           [in] IUnknown *punkOuter,
  489.                           [in] REFIID riid, 
  490.                           [out, iid_is( riid )] void ** ppDXSurface);
  491.     [local] HRESULT LoadImage(
  492.                       [in] const LPWSTR pszFileName,
  493.                       [in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  494.                       [in] const DDSURFACEDESC * pDDSurfaceDesc,
  495.                       [in] const GUID *pFormatID,
  496.                       [in] REFIID riid, 
  497.                       [out, iid_is( riid )] void ** ppDXSurface);
  498.     [local] HRESULT LoadImageFromStream([in] IStream *pStream,
  499.                                 [in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  500.                                 [in] const DDSURFACEDESC * pDDSurfaceDesc,
  501.                                 [in] const GUID *pFormatID,
  502.                                 [in] REFIID riid, 
  503.                                 [out, iid_is( riid )] void ** ppDXSurface);
  504.     [local] HRESULT CopySurfaceToNewFormat( [in]IDXSurface* pSrc,
  505.                                             [in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  506.                                             [in] const DDSURFACEDESC * pDDSurfaceDesc,
  507.                                             [in] const GUID *pDestFormatID,
  508.                                             [out] IDXSurface** ppNewSurface );
  509.     [local] HRESULT CreateD3DRMTexture([in] IDXSurface *pSrc,
  510.                                        [in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  511.                                        [in] IUnknown *pD3DRM3,
  512.                                        [in] REFIID riid,
  513.                                        [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppTexture3);
  514.     HRESULT BitBlt([in] IDXSurface *pDest,
  515.                    [in] const DXVEC *pPlacement,
  516.                    [in] IDXSurface *pSrc,
  517.                    [in] const DXBNDS *pClipBounds,
  518.                    [in] DWORD dwFlags);
  519. }
  520. typedef enum DXSURFMODCOMPOP
  521. {
  522.     DXSURFMOD_COMP_OVER         = 0,
  524.     DXSURFMOD_COMP_MAX_VALID    = 1
  527. [
  528.     uuid(9EA3B637-C37D-11d1-905E-00C04FD9189D),
  529.     helpstring("IDXSurfaceModifier Interface"),
  530.     pointer_default(unique)
  531. ]
  532. interface IDXSurfaceModifier : IUnknown
  533. {
  534.     HRESULT SetFillColor([in] DXSAMPLE Color);
  535.     HRESULT GetFillColor([out] DXSAMPLE *pColor);
  536.     HRESULT SetBounds([in] const DXBNDS *pBounds ); // Get supported though IDXSurface interface
  537.     HRESULT SetBackground([in] IDXSurface *pSurface);
  538.     HRESULT GetBackground([out] IDXSurface **ppSurface);
  539.     HRESULT SetCompositeOperation([in] DXSURFMODCOMPOP CompOp);
  540.     HRESULT GetCompositeOperation([out] DXSURFMODCOMPOP *pCompOp);
  541.     //
  542.     //  The following methods only apply to the FOREGROUND surface
  543.     //
  544.     HRESULT SetForeground([in] IDXSurface *pSurface, [in] BOOL bTile, [in] const POINT * pOrigin);
  545.     HRESULT GetForeground([out] IDXSurface **ppSurface, [out] BOOL *pbTile, [out] POINT * pOrigin);
  546.     HRESULT SetOpacity([in] float Opacity);
  547.     HRESULT GetOpacity([out] float *pOpacity);    
  548.     HRESULT SetLookup( [in]IDXLookupTable * pLookupTable );
  549.     HRESULT GetLookup( [out]IDXLookupTable ** ppLookupTable );
  550. }
  551. //--- IDXSurface ---------------------------------------------------
  552. typedef enum DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM
  553. {
  554.     DXPF_FLAGSMASK      = (0xFFFF0000), // Top word is flags, low word is enum  
  555.     DXPF_NONPREMULT     = (0x00010000), // Flags to be OR'd with pixel formats
  556.     DXPF_TRANSPARENCY   = (0x00020000), // Color key or one-bit alpha (alpha only 0 or 0xFF)
  557.     DXPF_TRANSLUCENCY   = (0x00040000), // Alpha can be any value from 0->0xFF
  558.     //
  559.     //  This 3-bit field is used to determine what type of dithering to be used
  560.     //  
  561.     DXPF_2BITERROR      = (0x00200000), // 2 bits of error term 
  562.     DXPF_3BITERROR      = (0x00300000), // 3 bits of error term for color (16-bit color)
  563.     DXPF_4BITERROR      = (0x00400000), // 4 bits of error term (ARGB 4444)
  564.     DXPF_5BITERROR      = (0x00500000), // 5 bits of error term for color (8-bit color)
  565.     DXPF_ERRORMASK      = (0x00700000), // Mask of bits used for dithering
  566.     DXPF_NONSTANDARD    = (0),  // To be used for any surface that is not one of the following formats
  567.                                 // This can be combined with DXPFNONPREMULT if the surface can work
  568.                                 // better in non-premultiplied space.
  572.     DXPF_A8             = (4 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY | DXPF_TRANSLUCENCY),
  573.     DXPF_RGB32          = (5),
  574.     DXPF_RGB24          = (6),
  575.     DXPF_RGB565         = (7 | DXPF_3BITERROR),
  576.     DXPF_RGB555         = (8 | DXPF_3BITERROR),
  577.     DXPF_RGB8           = (9 | DXPF_5BITERROR),
  578.     DXPF_ARGB1555       = (10 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY | DXPF_3BITERROR),
  579.     DXPF_RGB32_CK       = (DXPF_RGB32 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY),
  580.     DXPF_RGB24_CK       = (DXPF_RGB24 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY),
  581.     DXPF_RGB555_CK      = (DXPF_RGB555 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY),
  582.     DXPF_RGB565_CK      = (DXPF_RGB565 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY),
  583.     DXPF_RGB8_CK        = (DXPF_RGB8 | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY)
  585. typedef enum DXLOCKSURF
  586. {
  587.     DXLOCKF_READ        =       0,
  588.     DXLOCKF_READWRITE   =       (1 << 0),
  589.     DXLOCKF_EXISTINGINFOONLY =  (1 << 1),   // If used in conjunction with WANTRUNINFO will prevent creation of a runmap if one does not exist
  590.     DXLOCKF_WANTRUNINFO =       (1 << 2),
  591.     //
  592.     // The flags in the high word should be specific to the type of pointer that
  593.     // is requested.  These flags define ARGB flags.  These flags are advisory and
  594.     // are not required to be set for ARGB locks.
  595.     //
  596.     DXLOCKF_NONPREMULT  =   (1 << 16),    // Caller will request non-premultiplied data
  598. } DXLOCKSURF;
  599. typedef enum DXSURFSTATUS
  600. {
  601.     DXSURF_TRANSIENT    =   (1 << 0),   // Data in this surface changes often.    
  602.     DXSURF_READONLY     =   (1 << 1),   // Surface is read-only
  605. [
  606.     uuid(B39FD73F-E139-11d1-9065-00C04FD9189D),
  607.     helpstring("IDXSurface Interface"),
  608.     pointer_default(unique)
  609. ]
  610. interface IDXSurface : IDXBaseObject
  611. {
  612.     HRESULT GetPixelFormat([out] GUID * pFormatID, [out] DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM *pSampleFormatEnum); 
  613.     HRESULT GetBounds( [out]DXBNDS *pBounds );
  614.     HRESULT GetStatusFlags([out] DWORD * pdwStatusFlags);
  615.     HRESULT SetStatusFlags([in] DWORD dwStatusFlags);
  616.     HRESULT LockSurface( [in]const DXBNDS *pBounds, [in]ULONG ulTimeOut, [in]DWORD dwFlags, 
  617.                          [in]REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppPointer,
  618.                          [out]ULONG* pulGenerationId );
  619.     HRESULT GetDirectDrawSurface( [in] REFIID riid,
  620.                                   [out, iid_is(riid)] void ** ppSurface);
  621.     HRESULT GetColorKey(DXSAMPLE * pColorKey);  // Can return E_NOTIMPL
  622.     HRESULT SetColorKey(DXSAMPLE ColorKey);     // Set color of 0 to get rid of color key, can return E_NOTIMPL
  623.     HRESULT LockSurfaceDC( [in] const DXBNDS *pBounds, [in]ULONG ulTimeOut, [in] DWORD dwFlags,
  624.                            [out] IDXDCLock **ppDCLock);
  625.     HRESULT SetAppData(DWORD_PTR dwAppData);
  626.     HRESULT GetAppData(DWORD_PTR *pdwAppData);
  627. }
  628. //--- IDXSurfaceInit ---------------------------------------------------
  629. [
  630.     uuid(9EA3B639-C37D-11d1-905E-00C04FD9189D),
  631.     helpstring("IDXSurfaceInit Interface"),
  632.     pointer_default(unique),
  633.     local
  634. ]
  635. interface IDXSurfaceInit : IUnknown
  636. {
  637.     HRESULT InitSurface([in] IUnknown *pDirectDraw,
  638.                         [in] const DDSURFACEDESC *pDDSurfaceDesc,
  639.                         [in] const GUID * pFormatID,
  640.                         [in] const DXBNDS *pBounds,
  641.                         [in] DWORD dwFlags);
  642. };
  643. //--- IDXARGBSurfaceInit ---------------------------------------------------
  644. [
  645.     uuid(9EA3B63A-C37D-11d1-905E-00C04FD9189D),
  646.     helpstring("IDXARGBSurfaceInit Interface"),
  647.     pointer_default(unique),
  648.     local
  649. ]
  650. interface IDXARGBSurfaceInit : IDXSurfaceInit
  651. {
  652.     HRESULT InitFromDDSurface( [in] IUnknown *pDDrawSurface,
  653.                                [in] const GUID * pFormatID,
  654.                                [in] DWORD dwFlags);
  655.     HRESULT InitFromRawSurface([in] IDXRawSurface *pRawSurface);
  656. };
  657. //--- IDXARGBReadPtr ---------------------------------------------------
  658. typedef struct tagDXNATIVETYPEINFO
  659. {
  660.     BYTE *          pCurrentData;
  661.     BYTE *          pFirstByte;
  662.     long            lPitch;
  663.     DWORD           dwColorKey;
  665. typedef struct tagDXPACKEDRECTDESC
  666. {
  667.     DXBASESAMPLE    *pSamples;
  668.     BOOL            bPremult;
  669.     RECT            rect;
  670.     long            lRowPadding;
  672. typedef struct tagDXOVERSAMPLEDESC
  673. {
  674.     POINT       p;
  675.     DXPMSAMPLE  Color;
  678. [
  679.     uuid(EAAAC2D6-C290-11d1-905D-00C04FD9189D),
  680.     helpstring("IDXARGBReadPtr Interface"),
  681.     pointer_default(unique),
  682.     local
  683. ]
  684. interface IDXARGBReadPtr : IUnknown
  685. {
  686.     HRESULT GetSurface( [in]REFIID riid, [out, iid_is( riid )]void ** ppSurface);
  687.     DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM GetNativeType( [out]DXNATIVETYPEINFO *pInfo );
  688.     void Move( [in]long cSamples );
  689.     void MoveToRow( [in]ULONG y );
  690.     void MoveToXY( [in]ULONG x, [in]ULONG y);
  691.     ULONG MoveAndGetRunInfo( [in]ULONG Row, [out] const DXRUNINFO** ppInfo );  // Returns count of runs
  692.     DXSAMPLE   * Unpack( [in]DXSAMPLE* pSamples, [in]ULONG cSamples, [in]BOOL bMove );
  693.     DXPMSAMPLE * UnpackPremult( [in]DXPMSAMPLE* pSamples, [in]ULONG cSamples, [in]BOOL bMove );
  694.     void UnpackRect([in] const DXPACKEDRECTDESC * pRectDesc);
  695. };
  696. //--- IDXARGBReadWritePtr ---------------------------------------------------
  697. [
  698.     uuid(EAAAC2D7-C290-11d1-905D-00C04FD9189D),
  699.     helpstring("IDXARGBReadWritePtr Interface"),
  700.     pointer_default(unique),
  701.     local
  702. ]
  703. interface IDXARGBReadWritePtr : IDXARGBReadPtr
  704. {
  705.     void PackAndMove( [in]const DXSAMPLE *pSamples, [in]ULONG cSamples );
  706.     void PackPremultAndMove( [in]const DXPMSAMPLE *pSamples, [in]ULONG cSamples );
  707.     void PackRect([in]const DXPACKEDRECTDESC *pRectDesc);
  708.     void CopyAndMoveBoth( [in]DXBASESAMPLE *pScratchBuffer, [in]IDXARGBReadPtr *pSrc,
  709.                           [in]ULONG cSamples, [in]BOOL bIsOpaque );
  710.     void CopyRect( [in] DXBASESAMPLE *pScratchBuffer, 
  711.                    [in] const RECT *pDestRect, [in]IDXARGBReadPtr *pSrc,
  712.                    [in] const POINT *pSrcOrigin, [in]BOOL bIsOpaque);
  713.     void FillAndMove( [in]DXBASESAMPLE *pScratchBuffer, [in]DXPMSAMPLE SampVal,
  714.                       [in]ULONG cSamples, [in]BOOL bDoOver );
  715.     void FillRect( [in]const RECT *pRect, [in]DXPMSAMPLE SampVal, [in]BOOL bDoOver );
  716.     void OverSample( [in]const DXOVERSAMPLEDESC * pOverDesc);
  717.     void OverArrayAndMove([in]DXBASESAMPLE *pScratchBuffer, 
  718.                           [in] const DXPMSAMPLE *pSrc,
  719.                           [in] ULONG cSamples);
  720. };
  721. [
  722.     uuid(0F619456-CF39-11d1-905E-00C04FD9189D),
  723.     helpstring("IDXDCLock Interface"),
  724.     pointer_default(unique),
  725.     local
  726. ]
  727. interface IDXDCLock : IUnknown
  728. {
  729.     HDC GetDC(void);
  730. }
  731. //
  732. //  Generic interface that any transform can support which allows caller to specify the
  733. //  desired output bounds.
  734. //
  735. [
  736.     uuid(B2024B50-EE77-11d1-9066-00C04FD9189D),
  737.     helpstring("IDXTScaleOutput Interface"),
  738.     pointer_default(unique)
  739. ]
  740. interface IDXTScaleOutput : IUnknown
  741. {
  742.     HRESULT SetOutputSize([in] const SIZE OutSize, [in] BOOL bMaintainAspect);
  743. };
  744. //
  745. //  Simple gradient
  746. //
  747. [
  748.     uuid(B2024B51-EE77-11d1-9066-00C04FD9189D),
  749.     helpstring("IDXGradient Interface"),
  750.     pointer_default(unique)
  751. ]
  752. interface IDXGradient : IDXTScaleOutput
  753. {
  754.     HRESULT SetGradient(DXSAMPLE StartColor, DXSAMPLE EndColor, BOOL bHorizontal);
  755.     HRESULT GetOutputSize([out] SIZE *pOutSize);
  756. };
  757. //--- IDXTScale --------------------------------------------------------
  758. // This is the control interface for the simple scale transform
  759. //
  760. [
  761.     uuid(B39FD742-E139-11d1-9065-00C04FD9189D),
  762.     helpstring("IDXTScale Interface"),
  763.     pointer_default(unique)
  764. ]
  765. interface IDXTScale : IUnknown
  766. {
  767.     HRESULT SetScales( [in]float Scales[2] );
  768.     HRESULT GetScales( [out]float Scales[2] );
  769.     HRESULT ScaleFitToSize( [in,out]DXBNDS* pClipBounds,
  770.                             [in]SIZE FitToSize, [in]BOOL bMaintainAspect );
  771. };
  772. //--- IDXEffect -------------------------------------------------
  773. //  This interface is used to generically control transforms that
  774. //  are transition effects.
  775. typedef enum DISPIDDXEFFECT
  776. {
  777.     DISPID_DXECAPABILITIES = 10000, // Start at 10000 to avoid conflicts with inhereted interfaces
  779.     DISPID_DXESTEP,
  783. typedef enum DXEFFECTTYPE
  784. {
  785.     DXTET_PERIODIC = (1 << 0),  // Result at 1 is same as result at 0
  786.     DXTET_MORPH = (1 << 1)      // Transition between 2 inputs (input 0 to input 1)
  788. [
  789.     object,
  790.     uuid(E31FB81B-1335-11d1-8189-0000F87557DB),
  791.     dual,
  792.     helpstring("IDXEffect Interface"),
  793.     pointer_default(unique)
  794. ]
  795. interface IDXEffect : IDispatch
  796. {
  797.     [propget, id(DISPID_DXECAPABILITIES)]
  798.         HRESULT Capabilities([out, retval] long *pVal);
  799.     [propget, id(DISPID_DXEPROGRESS)]
  800.         HRESULT Progress([out, retval] float *pVal);
  801.     [propput, id(DISPID_DXEPROGRESS)]
  802.         HRESULT Progress([in] float newVal);
  803.     [propget, id(DISPID_DXESTEP)]
  804.         HRESULT StepResolution([out, retval] float *pVal);
  805.     [propget, id(DISPID_DXEDURATION)]
  806.         HRESULT Duration([out, retval] float *pVal);
  807.     [propput, id(DISPID_DXEDURATION)]
  808.         HRESULT Duration([in] float newVal);
  809. };
  810. //--- IDXLookupTable ---------------------------------------------
  811. [
  812.     uuid(01BAFC7F-9E63-11d1-9053-00C04FD9189D),
  813.     helpstring("IDXLookupTable Interface"),
  814.     pointer_default(unique)
  815. ]
  816. interface IDXLookupTable : IDXBaseObject
  817. {
  818.     HRESULT GetTables( [out]BYTE RedLUT[256],
  819.                        [out]BYTE GreenLUT[256],
  820.                        [out]BYTE BlueLUT[256],
  821.                        [out]BYTE AlphaLUT[256] );
  822.     HRESULT IsChannelIdentity([out] DXBASESAMPLE * pSampleBools);
  823.     HRESULT GetIndexValues([in] ULONG Index, [out] DXBASESAMPLE *pSample);
  824.     HRESULT ApplyTables([in, out] DXSAMPLE *pSamples, [in] ULONG cSamples);
  825. };
  826. typedef struct DXRAWSURFACEINFO
  827. {
  828.     BYTE        * pFirstByte;
  829.     long        lPitch;
  830.     ULONG       Width;
  831.     ULONG       Height;
  832.     const GUID  * pPixelFormat;
  833.     HDC         hdc;
  834.     DWORD       dwColorKey;     // Note:  High byte must == 0xFF for color keyed surface.  Low 3 bytes are native data type.
  835.     DXBASESAMPLE * pPalette;
  837. //
  838. //  User created objects support IDXRawSurface
  839. //
  840. [
  841.     uuid(09756C8A-D96A-11d1-9062-00C04FD9189D),
  842.     helpstring("IDXRawSurface Interface"),
  843.     pointer_default(unique),
  844.     local
  845. ]
  846. interface IDXRawSurface : IUnknown
  847. {
  848.     HRESULT GetSurfaceInfo(DXRAWSURFACEINFO * pSurfaceInfo);
  849. }
  850. //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  851. //
  852. //  IHTMLDXTransform
  853. //
  854. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  855. [
  856.     uuid(30E2AB7D-4FDD-4159-B7EA-DC722BF4ADE5),
  857.     helpstring("IHTMLDXTransform Interface"),
  858.     pointer_default(unique),
  859.     local
  860. ]
  861. interface IHTMLDXTransform : IUnknown
  862. {
  863.     HRESULT SetHostUrl(BSTR bstrHostUrl);
  864. }
  865. //=== CoClass definitions =================================================
  866. [
  867.     uuid(54314D1D-35FE-11d1-81A1-0000F87557DB),
  868.     version(1.0),
  869.     helpstring("Microsoft DirectX Transform 1.0 Type Library")
  870. ]
  871. library DXTRANSLib
  872. {
  873.     importlib("stdole32.tlb");
  874.     importlib("stdole2.tlb");
  875.     ///////////////////////////////
  876.     // DXTransformFactory CoClass
  877.     ///////////////////////////////
  878.     [
  879.         uuid(D1FE6762-FC48-11D0-883A-3C8B00C10000),
  880.         helpstring("DXTransformFactory Class")
  881.     ]
  882.     coclass DXTransformFactory
  883.     {
  884.         [default] interface IDXTransformFactory;
  885.         interface IDXSurfaceFactory;
  886.     };
  887.     ///////////////////////////////
  888.     // DXTaskManager CoClass
  889.     ///////////////////////////////
  890.     [
  891.         uuid(4CB26C03-FF93-11d0-817E-0000F87557DB),
  892.         helpstring("DXTaskManager Class")
  893.     ]
  894.     coclass DXTaskManager
  895.     {
  896.         [default] interface IDXTaskManager;
  897.     };
  898.     ///////////////////////////////
  899.     // DXTScale CoClass
  900.     ///////////////////////////////
  901.     [
  902.         uuid(555278E2-05DB-11D1-883A-3C8B00C10000),
  903.         helpstring("DXTScale Class")
  904.     ]
  905.     coclass DXTScale
  906.     {
  907.         [default] interface IDXTScale;
  908.     };
  909.     ///////////////////////////////
  910.     // DXSurface CoClass
  911.     ///////////////////////////////
  912.     [
  913. uuid(0E890F83-5F79-11D1-9043-00C04FD9189D),
  914. helpstring("DXSurface Class")
  915.     ]
  916.     coclass DXSurface
  917.     {
  918. [default] interface IDXSurface;
  919.     };
  920.     ///////////////////////////////
  921.     // DXSurfaceModifier CoClass
  922.     ///////////////////////////////
  923.     [
  924. uuid(3E669F1D-9C23-11d1-9053-00C04FD9189D),
  925. helpstring("DXSurfaceModifier Class")
  926.     ]
  927.     coclass DXSurfaceModifier
  928.     {
  929. [default] interface IDXSurfaceModifier;
  930.     };
  931.     ///////////////////////////////
  932.     // DXGradient CoClass
  933.     ///////////////////////////////
  934.     [
  935. uuid(C6365470-F667-11d1-9067-00C04FD9189D),
  936. helpstring("DXGradient Class")
  937.     ]
  938.     coclass DXGradient
  939.     {
  940.         [default] interface IDXGradient;
  941.     };
  942. };