



  1.  *
  2.  *      Joystick
  3.  *
  4.  ****************************************************************************/
  5. #ifndef DIJ_RINGZERO
  6. typedef struct DIJOYSTATE {
  7.     LONG    lX;                     /* x-axis position              */
  8.     LONG    lY;                     /* y-axis position              */
  9.     LONG    lZ;                     /* z-axis position              */
  10.     LONG    lRx;                    /* x-axis rotation              */
  11.     LONG    lRy;                    /* y-axis rotation              */
  12.     LONG    lRz;                    /* z-axis rotation              */
  13.     LONG    rglSlider[2];           /* extra axes positions         */
  14.     DWORD   rgdwPOV[4];             /* POV directions               */
  15.     BYTE    rgbButtons[32];         /* 32 buttons                   */
  17. typedef struct DIJOYSTATE2 {
  18.     LONG    lX;                     /* x-axis position              */
  19.     LONG    lY;                     /* y-axis position              */
  20.     LONG    lZ;                     /* z-axis position              */
  21.     LONG    lRx;                    /* x-axis rotation              */
  22.     LONG    lRy;                    /* y-axis rotation              */
  23.     LONG    lRz;                    /* z-axis rotation              */
  24.     LONG    rglSlider[2];           /* extra axes positions         */
  25.     DWORD   rgdwPOV[4];             /* POV directions               */
  26.     BYTE    rgbButtons[128];        /* 128 buttons                  */
  27.     LONG    lVX;                    /* x-axis velocity              */
  28.     LONG    lVY;                    /* y-axis velocity              */
  29.     LONG    lVZ;                    /* z-axis velocity              */
  30.     LONG    lVRx;                   /* x-axis angular velocity      */
  31.     LONG    lVRy;                   /* y-axis angular velocity      */
  32.     LONG    lVRz;                   /* z-axis angular velocity      */
  33.     LONG    rglVSlider[2];          /* extra axes velocities        */
  34.     LONG    lAX;                    /* x-axis acceleration          */
  35.     LONG    lAY;                    /* y-axis acceleration          */
  36.     LONG    lAZ;                    /* z-axis acceleration          */
  37.     LONG    lARx;                   /* x-axis angular acceleration  */
  38.     LONG    lARy;                   /* y-axis angular acceleration  */
  39.     LONG    lARz;                   /* z-axis angular acceleration  */
  40.     LONG    rglASlider[2];          /* extra axes accelerations     */
  41.     LONG    lFX;                    /* x-axis force                 */
  42.     LONG    lFY;                    /* y-axis force                 */
  43.     LONG    lFZ;                    /* z-axis force                 */
  44.     LONG    lFRx;                   /* x-axis torque                */
  45.     LONG    lFRy;                   /* y-axis torque                */
  46.     LONG    lFRz;                   /* z-axis torque                */
  47.     LONG    rglFSlider[2];          /* extra axes forces            */
  49. #define DIJOFS_X            FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lX)
  50. #define DIJOFS_Y            FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lY)
  51. #define DIJOFS_Z            FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lZ)
  52. #define DIJOFS_RX           FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lRx)
  53. #define DIJOFS_RY           FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lRy)
  54. #define DIJOFS_RZ           FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, lRz)
  55. #define DIJOFS_SLIDER(n)   (FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, rglSlider) + 
  56.                                                         (n) * sizeof(LONG))
  57. #define DIJOFS_POV(n)      (FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, rgdwPOV) + 
  58.                                                         (n) * sizeof(DWORD))
  59. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON(n)   (FIELD_OFFSET(DIJOYSTATE, rgbButtons) + (n))
  60. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON0      DIJOFS_BUTTON(0)
  61. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON1      DIJOFS_BUTTON(1)
  62. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON2      DIJOFS_BUTTON(2)
  63. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON3      DIJOFS_BUTTON(3)
  64. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON4      DIJOFS_BUTTON(4)
  65. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON5      DIJOFS_BUTTON(5)
  66. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON6      DIJOFS_BUTTON(6)
  67. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON7      DIJOFS_BUTTON(7)
  68. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON8      DIJOFS_BUTTON(8)
  69. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON9      DIJOFS_BUTTON(9)
  70. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON10     DIJOFS_BUTTON(10)
  71. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON11     DIJOFS_BUTTON(11)
  72. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON12     DIJOFS_BUTTON(12)
  73. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON13     DIJOFS_BUTTON(13)
  74. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON14     DIJOFS_BUTTON(14)
  75. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON15     DIJOFS_BUTTON(15)
  76. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON16     DIJOFS_BUTTON(16)
  77. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON17     DIJOFS_BUTTON(17)
  78. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON18     DIJOFS_BUTTON(18)
  79. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON19     DIJOFS_BUTTON(19)
  80. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON20     DIJOFS_BUTTON(20)
  81. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON21     DIJOFS_BUTTON(21)
  82. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON22     DIJOFS_BUTTON(22)
  83. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON23     DIJOFS_BUTTON(23)
  84. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON24     DIJOFS_BUTTON(24)
  85. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON25     DIJOFS_BUTTON(25)
  86. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON26     DIJOFS_BUTTON(26)
  87. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON27     DIJOFS_BUTTON(27)
  88. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON28     DIJOFS_BUTTON(28)
  89. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON29     DIJOFS_BUTTON(29)
  90. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON30     DIJOFS_BUTTON(30)
  91. #define DIJOFS_BUTTON31     DIJOFS_BUTTON(31)
  92. #endif /* DIJ_RINGZERO */
  93. /****************************************************************************
  94.  *
  95.  *  IDirectInput
  96.  *
  97.  ****************************************************************************/
  98. #ifndef DIJ_RINGZERO
  99. #define DIENUM_STOP             0
  100. #define DIENUM_CONTINUE         1
  103. #ifdef UNICODE
  105. #else
  107. #endif // !UNICODE
  109. #define DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES       0x00000000
  110. #define DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY     0x00000001
  111. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0500)
  112. #define DIEDFL_FORCEFEEDBACK    0x00000100
  113. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0500 */
  114. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x050a)
  115. #define DIEDFL_INCLUDEALIASES   0x00010000
  116. #define DIEDFL_INCLUDEPHANTOMS  0x00020000
  117. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x050a */
  118. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800)
  119. #define DIEDFL_INCLUDEHIDDEN    0x00040000
  120. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800 */
  121. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800)
  124. #ifdef UNICODE
  126. #else
  128. #endif // !UNICODE
  129. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800 */
  130. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800)
  131. #define DIEDBS_MAPPEDPRI1         0x00000001
  132. #define DIEDBS_MAPPEDPRI2         0x00000002
  133. #define DIEDBS_RECENTDEVICE       0x00000010
  134. #define DIEDBS_NEWDEVICE          0x00000020
  135. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800 */
  136. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800)
  137. #define DIEDBSFL_ATTACHEDONLY       0x00000000
  138. #define DIEDBSFL_THISUSER           0x00000010
  140. #define DIEDBSFL_AVAILABLEDEVICES   0x00001000
  141. #define DIEDBSFL_MULTIMICEKEYBOARDS 0x00002000
  142. #define DIEDBSFL_NONGAMINGDEVICES   0x00004000
  143. #define DIEDBSFL_VALID              0x00007110
  144. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800 */
  145. #undef INTERFACE
  146. #define INTERFACE IDirectInputW
  147. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInputW, IUnknown)
  148. {
  149.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  150.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  152.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  153.     /*** IDirectInputW methods ***/
  156.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  157.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  159. };
  160. typedef struct IDirectInputW *LPDIRECTINPUTW;
  161. #undef INTERFACE
  162. #define INTERFACE IDirectInputA
  163. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInputA, IUnknown)
  164. {
  165.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  166.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  168.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  169.     /*** IDirectInputA methods ***/
  172.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  173.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  175. };
  176. typedef struct IDirectInputA *LPDIRECTINPUTA;
  177. #ifdef UNICODE
  178. #define IID_IDirectInput IID_IDirectInputW
  179. #define IDirectInput IDirectInputW
  180. #define IDirectInputVtbl IDirectInputWVtbl
  181. #else
  182. #define IID_IDirectInput IID_IDirectInputA
  183. #define IDirectInput IDirectInputA
  184. #define IDirectInputVtbl IDirectInputAVtbl
  185. #endif
  186. typedef struct IDirectInput *LPDIRECTINPUT;
  187. #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE)
  188. #define IDirectInput_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b)
  189. #define IDirectInput_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p)
  190. #define IDirectInput_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p)
  191. #define IDirectInput_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateDevice(p,a,b,c)
  192. #define IDirectInput_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d)
  193. #define IDirectInput_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetDeviceStatus(p,a)
  194. #define IDirectInput_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->RunControlPanel(p,a,b)
  195. #define IDirectInput_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->Initialize(p,a,b)
  196. #else
  197. #define IDirectInput_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b)
  198. #define IDirectInput_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef()
  199. #define IDirectInput_Release(p) (p)->Release()
  200. #define IDirectInput_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->CreateDevice(a,b,c)
  201. #define IDirectInput_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->EnumDevices(a,b,c,d)
  202. #define IDirectInput_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->GetDeviceStatus(a)
  203. #define IDirectInput_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->RunControlPanel(a,b)
  204. #define IDirectInput_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->Initialize(a,b)
  205. #endif
  206. #undef INTERFACE
  207. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput2W
  208. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput2W, IDirectInputW)
  209. {
  210.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  211.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  213.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  214.     /*** IDirectInputW methods ***/
  217.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  218.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  220.     /*** IDirectInput2W methods ***/
  222. };
  223. typedef struct IDirectInput2W *LPDIRECTINPUT2W;
  224. #undef INTERFACE
  225. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput2A
  226. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput2A, IDirectInputA)
  227. {
  228.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  229.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  231.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  232.     /*** IDirectInputA methods ***/
  235.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  236.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  238.     /*** IDirectInput2A methods ***/
  240. };
  241. typedef struct IDirectInput2A *LPDIRECTINPUT2A;
  242. #ifdef UNICODE
  243. #define IID_IDirectInput2 IID_IDirectInput2W
  244. #define IDirectInput2 IDirectInput2W
  245. #define IDirectInput2Vtbl IDirectInput2WVtbl
  246. #else
  247. #define IID_IDirectInput2 IID_IDirectInput2A
  248. #define IDirectInput2 IDirectInput2A
  249. #define IDirectInput2Vtbl IDirectInput2AVtbl
  250. #endif
  251. typedef struct IDirectInput2 *LPDIRECTINPUT2;
  252. #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE)
  253. #define IDirectInput2_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b)
  254. #define IDirectInput2_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p)
  255. #define IDirectInput2_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p)
  256. #define IDirectInput2_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateDevice(p,a,b,c)
  257. #define IDirectInput2_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d)
  258. #define IDirectInput2_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetDeviceStatus(p,a)
  259. #define IDirectInput2_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->RunControlPanel(p,a,b)
  260. #define IDirectInput2_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->Initialize(p,a,b)
  261. #define IDirectInput2_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->FindDevice(p,a,b,c)
  262. #else
  263. #define IDirectInput2_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b)
  264. #define IDirectInput2_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef()
  265. #define IDirectInput2_Release(p) (p)->Release()
  266. #define IDirectInput2_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->CreateDevice(a,b,c)
  267. #define IDirectInput2_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->EnumDevices(a,b,c,d)
  268. #define IDirectInput2_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->GetDeviceStatus(a)
  269. #define IDirectInput2_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->RunControlPanel(a,b)
  270. #define IDirectInput2_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->Initialize(a,b)
  271. #define IDirectInput2_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->FindDevice(a,b,c)
  272. #endif
  273. #undef INTERFACE
  274. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput7W
  275. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput7W, IDirectInput2W)
  276. {
  277.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  278.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  280.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  281.     /*** IDirectInput2W methods ***/
  284.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  285.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  288.     /*** IDirectInput7W methods ***/
  290. };
  291. typedef struct IDirectInput7W *LPDIRECTINPUT7W;
  292. #undef INTERFACE
  293. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput7A
  294. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput7A, IDirectInput2A)
  295. {
  296.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  297.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  299.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  300.     /*** IDirectInput2A methods ***/
  303.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  304.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  307.     /*** IDirectInput7A methods ***/
  309. };
  310. typedef struct IDirectInput7A *LPDIRECTINPUT7A;
  311. #ifdef UNICODE
  312. #define IID_IDirectInput7 IID_IDirectInput7W
  313. #define IDirectInput7 IDirectInput7W
  314. #define IDirectInput7Vtbl IDirectInput7WVtbl
  315. #else
  316. #define IID_IDirectInput7 IID_IDirectInput7A
  317. #define IDirectInput7 IDirectInput7A
  318. #define IDirectInput7Vtbl IDirectInput7AVtbl
  319. #endif
  320. typedef struct IDirectInput7 *LPDIRECTINPUT7;
  321. #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE)
  322. #define IDirectInput7_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b)
  323. #define IDirectInput7_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p)
  324. #define IDirectInput7_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p)
  325. #define IDirectInput7_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateDevice(p,a,b,c)
  326. #define IDirectInput7_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d)
  327. #define IDirectInput7_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetDeviceStatus(p,a)
  328. #define IDirectInput7_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->RunControlPanel(p,a,b)
  329. #define IDirectInput7_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->Initialize(p,a,b)
  330. #define IDirectInput7_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->FindDevice(p,a,b,c)
  331. #define IDirectInput7_CreateDeviceEx(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateDeviceEx(p,a,b,c,d)
  332. #else
  333. #define IDirectInput7_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b)
  334. #define IDirectInput7_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef()
  335. #define IDirectInput7_Release(p) (p)->Release()
  336. #define IDirectInput7_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->CreateDevice(a,b,c)
  337. #define IDirectInput7_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->EnumDevices(a,b,c,d)
  338. #define IDirectInput7_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->GetDeviceStatus(a)
  339. #define IDirectInput7_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->RunControlPanel(a,b)
  340. #define IDirectInput7_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->Initialize(a,b)
  341. #define IDirectInput7_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->FindDevice(a,b,c)
  342. #define IDirectInput7_CreateDeviceEx(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->CreateDeviceEx(a,b,c,d)
  343. #endif
  344. #if(DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800)
  345. #undef INTERFACE
  346. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput8W
  347. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput8W, IUnknown)
  348. {
  349.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  350.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  352.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  353.     /*** IDirectInput8W methods ***/
  356.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  357.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  362. };
  363. typedef struct IDirectInput8W *LPDIRECTINPUT8W;
  364. #undef INTERFACE
  365. #define INTERFACE IDirectInput8A
  366. DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirectInput8A, IUnknown)
  367. {
  368.     /*** IUnknown methods ***/
  369.     STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
  371.     STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
  372.     /*** IDirectInput8A methods ***/
  375.     STDMETHOD(GetDeviceStatus)(THIS_ REFGUID) PURE;
  376.     STDMETHOD(RunControlPanel)(THIS_ HWND,DWORD) PURE;
  381. };
  382. typedef struct IDirectInput8A *LPDIRECTINPUT8A;
  383. #ifdef UNICODE
  384. #define IID_IDirectInput8 IID_IDirectInput8W
  385. #define IDirectInput8 IDirectInput8W
  386. #define IDirectInput8Vtbl IDirectInput8WVtbl
  387. #else
  388. #define IID_IDirectInput8 IID_IDirectInput8A
  389. #define IDirectInput8 IDirectInput8A
  390. #define IDirectInput8Vtbl IDirectInput8AVtbl
  391. #endif
  392. typedef struct IDirectInput8 *LPDIRECTINPUT8;
  393. #if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE)
  394. #define IDirectInput8_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(p,a,b)
  395. #define IDirectInput8_AddRef(p) (p)->lpVtbl->AddRef(p)
  396. #define IDirectInput8_Release(p) (p)->lpVtbl->Release(p)
  397. #define IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->CreateDevice(p,a,b,c)
  398. #define IDirectInput8_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d)
  399. #define IDirectInput8_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->lpVtbl->GetDeviceStatus(p,a)
  400. #define IDirectInput8_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->RunControlPanel(p,a,b)
  401. #define IDirectInput8_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->lpVtbl->Initialize(p,a,b)
  402. #define IDirectInput8_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->lpVtbl->FindDevice(p,a,b,c)
  403. #define IDirectInput8_EnumDevicesBySemantics(p,a,b,c,d,e) (p)->lpVtbl->EnumDevicesBySemantics(p,a,b,c,d,e)
  404. #define IDirectInput8_ConfigureDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->lpVtbl->ConfigureDevices(p,a,b,c,d)
  405. #else
  406. #define IDirectInput8_QueryInterface(p,a,b) (p)->QueryInterface(a,b)
  407. #define IDirectInput8_AddRef(p) (p)->AddRef()
  408. #define IDirectInput8_Release(p) (p)->Release()
  409. #define IDirectInput8_CreateDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->CreateDevice(a,b,c)
  410. #define IDirectInput8_EnumDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->EnumDevices(a,b,c,d)
  411. #define IDirectInput8_GetDeviceStatus(p,a) (p)->GetDeviceStatus(a)
  412. #define IDirectInput8_RunControlPanel(p,a,b) (p)->RunControlPanel(a,b)
  413. #define IDirectInput8_Initialize(p,a,b) (p)->Initialize(a,b)
  414. #define IDirectInput8_FindDevice(p,a,b,c) (p)->FindDevice(a,b,c)
  415. #define IDirectInput8_EnumDevicesBySemantics(p,a,b,c,d,e) (p)->EnumDevicesBySemantics(a,b,c,d,e)
  416. #define IDirectInput8_ConfigureDevices(p,a,b,c,d) (p)->ConfigureDevices(a,b,c,d)
  417. #endif
  418. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION >= 0x0800 */
  419. #if DIRECTINPUT_VERSION > 0x0700
  420. extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectInput8Create(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, REFIID riidltf, LPVOID *ppvOut, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter);
  421. #else
  422. extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectInputCreateA(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, LPDIRECTINPUTA *ppDI, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter);
  423. extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectInputCreateW(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, LPDIRECTINPUTW *ppDI, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter);
  424. #ifdef UNICODE
  425. #define DirectInputCreate  DirectInputCreateW
  426. #else
  427. #define DirectInputCreate  DirectInputCreateA
  428. #endif // !UNICODE
  429. extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectInputCreateEx(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwVersion, REFIID riidltf, LPVOID *ppvOut, LPUNKNOWN punkOuter);
  430. #endif /* DIRECTINPUT_VERSION > 0x700 */
  431. #endif /* DIJ_RINGZERO */
  432. /****************************************************************************
  433.  *
  434.  *  Return Codes
  435.  *
  436.  ****************************************************************************/
  437. /*
  438.  *  The operation completed successfully.
  439.  */
  440. #define DI_OK                           S_OK
  441. /*
  442.  *  The device exists but is not currently attached.
  443.  */
  444. #define DI_NOTATTACHED                  S_FALSE
  445. /*
  446.  *  The device buffer overflowed.  Some input was lost.
  447.  */
  448. #define DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW               S_FALSE
  449. /*
  450.  *  The change in device properties had no effect.
  451.  */
  452. #define DI_PROPNOEFFECT                 S_FALSE
  453. /*
  454.  *  The operation had no effect.
  455.  */
  456. #define DI_NOEFFECT                     S_FALSE
  457. /*
  458.  *  The device is a polled device.  As a result, device buffering
  459.  *  will not collect any data and event notifications will not be
  460.  *  signalled until GetDeviceState is called.
  461.  */
  462. #define DI_POLLEDDEVICE                 ((HRESULT)0x00000002L)
  463. /*
  464.  *  The parameters of the effect were successfully updated by
  465.  *  IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters, but the effect was not
  466.  *  downloaded because the device is not exclusively acquired
  467.  *  or because the DIEP_NODOWNLOAD flag was passed.
  468.  */
  469. #define DI_DOWNLOADSKIPPED              ((HRESULT)0x00000003L)
  470. /*
  471.  *  The parameters of the effect were successfully updated by
  472.  *  IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters, but in order to change
  473.  *  the parameters, the effect needed to be restarted.
  474.  */
  475. #define DI_EFFECTRESTARTED              ((HRESULT)0x00000004L)
  476. /*
  477.  *  The parameters of the effect were successfully updated by
  478.  *  IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters, but some of them were
  479.  *  beyond the capabilities of the device and were truncated.
  480.  */
  481. #define DI_TRUNCATED                    ((HRESULT)0x00000008L)
  482. /*
  483.  *  The settings have been successfully applied but could not be 
  484.  *  persisted. 
  485.  */
  486. #define DI_SETTINGSNOTSAVED ((HRESULT)0x0000000BL)
  487. /*
  489.  */
  490. #define DI_TRUNCATEDANDRESTARTED        ((HRESULT)0x0000000CL)
  491. /*
  492.  *  A SUCCESS code indicating that settings cannot be modified.
  493.  */
  494. #define DI_WRITEPROTECT                 ((HRESULT)0x00000013L)
  495. /*
  496.  *  The application requires a newer version of DirectInput.
  497.  */
  500. /*
  501.  *  The application was written for an unsupported prerelease version
  502.  *  of DirectInput.
  503.  */
  506. /*
  507.  *  The object could not be created due to an incompatible driver version
  508.  *  or mismatched or incomplete driver components.
  509.  */
  510. #define DIERR_BADDRIVERVER              
  512. /*
  513.  * The device or device instance or effect is not registered with DirectInput.
  514.  */
  516. /*
  517.  * The requested object does not exist.
  518.  */
  519. #define DIERR_NOTFOUND                  
  521. /*
  522.  * The requested object does not exist.
  523.  */
  524. #define DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND            
  526. /*
  527.  * An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function,
  528.  * or the object was not in a state that admitted the function
  529.  * to be called.
  530.  */
  531. #define DIERR_INVALIDPARAM              E_INVALIDARG
  532. /*
  533.  * The specified interface is not supported by the object
  534.  */
  535. #define DIERR_NOINTERFACE               E_NOINTERFACE
  536. /*
  537.  * An undetermined error occured inside the DInput subsystem
  538.  */
  539. #define DIERR_GENERIC                   E_FAIL
  540. /*
  541.  * The DInput subsystem couldn't allocate sufficient memory to complete the
  542.  * caller's request.
  543.  */
  544. #define DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY               E_OUTOFMEMORY
  545. /*
  546.  * The function called is not supported at this time
  547.  */
  548. #define DIERR_UNSUPPORTED               E_NOTIMPL
  549. /*
  550.  * This object has not been initialized
  551.  */
  552. #define DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED            
  554. /*
  555.  * This object is already initialized
  556.  */
  557. #define DIERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED        
  559. /*
  560.  * This object does not support aggregation
  561.  */
  563. /*
  564.  * Another app has a higher priority level, preventing this call from
  565.  * succeeding.
  566.  */
  568. /*
  569.  * Access to the device has been lost.  It must be re-acquired.
  570.  */
  571. #define DIERR_INPUTLOST                 
  573. /*
  574.  * The operation cannot be performed while the device is acquired.
  575.  */
  576. #define DIERR_ACQUIRED                  
  578. /*
  579.  * The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired.
  580.  */
  581. #define DIERR_NOTACQUIRED               
  583. /*
  584.  * The specified property cannot be changed.
  585.  */
  586. #define DIERR_READONLY                  E_ACCESSDENIED
  587. /*
  588.  * The device already has an event notification associated with it.
  589.  */
  590. #define DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS              E_ACCESSDENIED
  591. /*
  592.  * Data is not yet available.
  593.  */
  594. #ifndef E_PENDING
  595. #define E_PENDING                       0x8000000AL
  596. #endif
  597. /*
  598.  * Unable to IDirectInputJoyConfig_Acquire because the user
  599.  * does not have sufficient privileges to change the joystick
  600.  * configuration.
  601.  */
  602. #define DIERR_INSUFFICIENTPRIVS         0x80040200L
  603. /*
  604.  * The device is full.
  605.  */
  606. #define DIERR_DEVICEFULL                0x80040201L
  607. /*
  608.  * Not all the requested information fit into the buffer.
  609.  */
  610. #define DIERR_MOREDATA                  0x80040202L
  611. /*
  612.  * The effect is not downloaded.
  613.  */
  614. #define DIERR_NOTDOWNLOADED             0x80040203L
  615. /*
  616.  *  The device cannot be reinitialized because there are still effects
  617.  *  attached to it.
  618.  */
  619. #define DIERR_HASEFFECTS                0x80040204L
  620. /*
  621.  *  The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired
  622.  *  in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode.
  623.  */
  624. #define DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED      0x80040205L
  625. /*
  626.  *  The effect could not be downloaded because essential information
  627.  *  is missing.  For example, no axes have been associated with the
  628.  *  effect, or no type-specific information has been created.
  629.  */
  630. #define DIERR_INCOMPLETEEFFECT          0x80040206L
  631. /*
  632.  *  Attempted to read buffered device data from a device that is
  633.  *  not buffered.
  634.  */
  635. #define DIERR_NOTBUFFERED               0x80040207L
  636. /*
  637.  *  An attempt was made to modify parameters of an effect while it is
  638.  *  playing.  Not all hardware devices support altering the parameters
  639.  *  of an effect while it is playing.
  640.  */
  641. #define DIERR_EFFECTPLAYING             0x80040208L
  642. /*
  643.  *  The operation could not be completed because the device is not
  644.  *  plugged in.
  645.  */
  646. #define DIERR_UNPLUGGED                 0x80040209L
  647. /*
  648.  *  SendDeviceData failed because more information was requested
  649.  *  to be sent than can be sent to the device.  Some devices have
  650.  *  restrictions on how much data can be sent to them.  (For example,
  651.  *  there might be a limit on the number of buttons that can be
  652.  *  pressed at once.)
  653.  */
  654. #define DIERR_REPORTFULL                0x8004020AL
  655. /*
  656.  *  A mapper file function failed because reading or writing the user or IHV 
  657.  *  settings file failed.
  658.  */
  659. #define DIERR_MAPFILEFAIL               0x8004020BL
  660. /*--- DINPUT Mapper Definitions: New for Dx8         ---*/
  661. /*--- Keyboard
  662.       Physical Keyboard Device       ---*/
  663. #define DIKEYBOARD_ESCAPE                       0x81000401
  664. #define DIKEYBOARD_1                            0x81000402
  665. #define DIKEYBOARD_2                            0x81000403
  666. #define DIKEYBOARD_3                            0x81000404
  667. #define DIKEYBOARD_4                            0x81000405
  668. #define DIKEYBOARD_5                            0x81000406
  669. #define DIKEYBOARD_6                            0x81000407
  670. #define DIKEYBOARD_7                            0x81000408
  671. #define DIKEYBOARD_8                            0x81000409
  672. #define DIKEYBOARD_9                            0x8100040A
  673. #define DIKEYBOARD_0                            0x8100040B
  674. #define DIKEYBOARD_MINUS                        0x8100040C    /* - on main keyboard */
  675. #define DIKEYBOARD_EQUALS                       0x8100040D
  676. #define DIKEYBOARD_BACK                         0x8100040E    /* backspace */
  677. #define DIKEYBOARD_TAB                          0x8100040F
  678. #define DIKEYBOARD_Q                            0x81000410
  679. #define DIKEYBOARD_W                            0x81000411
  680. #define DIKEYBOARD_E                            0x81000412
  681. #define DIKEYBOARD_R                            0x81000413
  682. #define DIKEYBOARD_T                            0x81000414
  683. #define DIKEYBOARD_Y                            0x81000415
  684. #define DIKEYBOARD_U                            0x81000416
  685. #define DIKEYBOARD_I                            0x81000417
  686. #define DIKEYBOARD_O                            0x81000418
  687. #define DIKEYBOARD_P                            0x81000419
  688. #define DIKEYBOARD_LBRACKET                     0x8100041A
  689. #define DIKEYBOARD_RBRACKET                     0x8100041B
  690. #define DIKEYBOARD_RETURN                       0x8100041C    /* Enter on main keyboard */
  691. #define DIKEYBOARD_LCONTROL                     0x8100041D
  692. #define DIKEYBOARD_A                            0x8100041E
  693. #define DIKEYBOARD_S                            0x8100041F
  694. #define DIKEYBOARD_D                            0x81000420
  695. #define DIKEYBOARD_F                            0x81000421
  696. #define DIKEYBOARD_G                            0x81000422
  697. #define DIKEYBOARD_H                            0x81000423
  698. #define DIKEYBOARD_J                            0x81000424
  699. #define DIKEYBOARD_K                            0x81000425
  700. #define DIKEYBOARD_L                            0x81000426
  701. #define DIKEYBOARD_SEMICOLON                    0x81000427
  702. #define DIKEYBOARD_APOSTROPHE                   0x81000428
  703. #define DIKEYBOARD_GRAVE                        0x81000429    /* accent grave */
  704. #define DIKEYBOARD_LSHIFT                       0x8100042A
  705. #define DIKEYBOARD_BACKSLASH                    0x8100042B
  706. #define DIKEYBOARD_Z                            0x8100042C
  707. #define DIKEYBOARD_X                            0x8100042D
  708. #define DIKEYBOARD_C                            0x8100042E
  709. #define DIKEYBOARD_V                            0x8100042F
  710. #define DIKEYBOARD_B                            0x81000430
  711. #define DIKEYBOARD_N                            0x81000431
  712. #define DIKEYBOARD_M                            0x81000432
  713. #define DIKEYBOARD_COMMA                        0x81000433
  714. #define DIKEYBOARD_PERIOD                       0x81000434    /* . on main keyboard */
  715. #define DIKEYBOARD_SLASH                        0x81000435    /* / on main keyboard */
  716. #define DIKEYBOARD_RSHIFT                       0x81000436
  717. #define DIKEYBOARD_MULTIPLY                     0x81000437    /* * on numeric keypad */
  718. #define DIKEYBOARD_LMENU                        0x81000438    /* left Alt */
  719. #define DIKEYBOARD_SPACE                        0x81000439
  720. #define DIKEYBOARD_CAPITAL                      0x8100043A
  721. #define DIKEYBOARD_F1                           0x8100043B
  722. #define DIKEYBOARD_F2                           0x8100043C
  723. #define DIKEYBOARD_F3                           0x8100043D
  724. #define DIKEYBOARD_F4                           0x8100043E
  725. #define DIKEYBOARD_F5                           0x8100043F
  726. #define DIKEYBOARD_F6                           0x81000440
  727. #define DIKEYBOARD_F7                           0x81000441
  728. #define DIKEYBOARD_F8                           0x81000442
  729. #define DIKEYBOARD_F9                           0x81000443
  730. #define DIKEYBOARD_F10                          0x81000444
  731. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMLOCK                      0x81000445
  732. #define DIKEYBOARD_SCROLL                       0x81000446    /* Scroll Lock */
  733. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD7                      0x81000447
  734. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD8                      0x81000448
  735. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD9                      0x81000449
  736. #define DIKEYBOARD_SUBTRACT                     0x8100044A    /* - on numeric keypad */
  737. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD4                      0x8100044B
  738. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD5                      0x8100044C
  739. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD6                      0x8100044D
  740. #define DIKEYBOARD_ADD                          0x8100044E    /* + on numeric keypad */
  741. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD1                      0x8100044F
  742. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD2                      0x81000450
  743. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD3                      0x81000451
  744. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPAD0                      0x81000452
  745. #define DIKEYBOARD_DECIMAL                      0x81000453    /* . on numeric keypad */
  746. #define DIKEYBOARD_OEM_102                      0x81000456    /* <> or | on RT 102-key keyboard (Non-U.S.) */
  747. #define DIKEYBOARD_F11                          0x81000457
  748. #define DIKEYBOARD_F12                          0x81000458
  749. #define DIKEYBOARD_F13                          0x81000464    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  750. #define DIKEYBOARD_F14                          0x81000465    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  751. #define DIKEYBOARD_F15                          0x81000466    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  752. #define DIKEYBOARD_KANA                         0x81000470    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
  753. #define DIKEYBOARD_ABNT_C1                      0x81000473    /* /? on Brazilian keyboard */
  754. #define DIKEYBOARD_CONVERT                      0x81000479    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
  755. #define DIKEYBOARD_NOCONVERT                    0x8100047B    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
  756. #define DIKEYBOARD_YEN                          0x8100047D    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
  757. #define DIKEYBOARD_ABNT_C2                      0x8100047E    /* Numpad . on Brazilian keyboard */
  758. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPADEQUALS                 0x8100048D    /* = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */
  759. #define DIKEYBOARD_PREVTRACK                    0x81000490    /* Previous Track (DIK_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) */
  760. #define DIKEYBOARD_AT                           0x81000491    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  761. #define DIKEYBOARD_COLON                        0x81000492    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  762. #define DIKEYBOARD_UNDERLINE                    0x81000493    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  763. #define DIKEYBOARD_KANJI                        0x81000494    /* (Japanese keyboard)            */
  764. #define DIKEYBOARD_STOP                         0x81000495    /*                     (NEC PC98) */
  765. #define DIKEYBOARD_AX                           0x81000496    /*                     (Japan AX) */
  766. #define DIKEYBOARD_UNLABELED                    0x81000497    /*                        (J3100) */
  767. #define DIKEYBOARD_NEXTTRACK                    0x81000499    /* Next Track */
  768. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPADENTER                  0x8100049C    /* Enter on numeric keypad */
  769. #define DIKEYBOARD_RCONTROL                     0x8100049D
  770. #define DIKEYBOARD_MUTE                         0x810004A0    /* Mute */
  771. #define DIKEYBOARD_CALCULATOR                   0x810004A1    /* Calculator */
  772. #define DIKEYBOARD_PLAYPAUSE                    0x810004A2    /* Play / Pause */
  773. #define DIKEYBOARD_MEDIASTOP                    0x810004A4    /* Media Stop */
  774. #define DIKEYBOARD_VOLUMEDOWN                   0x810004AE    /* Volume - */
  775. #define DIKEYBOARD_VOLUMEUP                     0x810004B0    /* Volume + */
  776. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBHOME                      0x810004B2    /* Web home */
  777. #define DIKEYBOARD_NUMPADCOMMA                  0x810004B3    /* , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) */
  778. #define DIKEYBOARD_DIVIDE                       0x810004B5    /* / on numeric keypad */
  779. #define DIKEYBOARD_SYSRQ                        0x810004B7
  780. #define DIKEYBOARD_RMENU                        0x810004B8    /* right Alt */
  781. #define DIKEYBOARD_PAUSE                        0x810004C5    /* Pause */
  782. #define DIKEYBOARD_HOME                         0x810004C7    /* Home on arrow keypad */
  783. #define DIKEYBOARD_UP                           0x810004C8    /* UpArrow on arrow keypad */
  784. #define DIKEYBOARD_PRIOR                        0x810004C9    /* PgUp on arrow keypad */
  785. #define DIKEYBOARD_LEFT                         0x810004CB    /* LeftArrow on arrow keypad */
  786. #define DIKEYBOARD_RIGHT                        0x810004CD    /* RightArrow on arrow keypad */
  787. #define DIKEYBOARD_END                          0x810004CF    /* End on arrow keypad */
  788. #define DIKEYBOARD_DOWN                         0x810004D0    /* DownArrow on arrow keypad */
  789. #define DIKEYBOARD_NEXT                         0x810004D1    /* PgDn on arrow keypad */
  790. #define DIKEYBOARD_INSERT                       0x810004D2    /* Insert on arrow keypad */
  791. #define DIKEYBOARD_DELETE                       0x810004D3    /* Delete on arrow keypad */
  792. #define DIKEYBOARD_LWIN                         0x810004DB    /* Left Windows key */
  793. #define DIKEYBOARD_RWIN                         0x810004DC    /* Right Windows key */
  794. #define DIKEYBOARD_APPS                         0x810004DD    /* AppMenu key */
  795. #define DIKEYBOARD_POWER                        0x810004DE    /* System Power */
  796. #define DIKEYBOARD_SLEEP                        0x810004DF    /* System Sleep */
  797. #define DIKEYBOARD_WAKE                         0x810004E3    /* System Wake */
  798. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBSEARCH                    0x810004E5    /* Web Search */
  799. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBFAVORITES                 0x810004E6    /* Web Favorites */
  800. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBREFRESH                   0x810004E7    /* Web Refresh */
  801. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBSTOP                      0x810004E8    /* Web Stop */
  802. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBFORWARD                   0x810004E9    /* Web Forward */
  803. #define DIKEYBOARD_WEBBACK                      0x810004EA    /* Web Back */
  804. #define DIKEYBOARD_MYCOMPUTER                   0x810004EB    /* My Computer */
  805. #define DIKEYBOARD_MAIL                         0x810004EC    /* Mail */
  806. #define DIKEYBOARD_MEDIASELECT                  0x810004ED    /* Media Select */
  808. /*--- MOUSE
  809.       Physical Mouse Device             ---*/
  810. #define DIMOUSE_XAXISAB                         (0x82000200 |DIMOFS_X ) /* X Axis-absolute: Some mice natively report absolute coordinates  */ 
  811. #define DIMOUSE_YAXISAB                         (0x82000200 |DIMOFS_Y ) /* Y Axis-absolute: Some mice natively report absolute coordinates */
  812. #define DIMOUSE_XAXIS                           (0x82000300 |DIMOFS_X ) /* X Axis */
  813. #define DIMOUSE_YAXIS                           (0x82000300 |DIMOFS_Y ) /* Y Axis */
  814. #define DIMOUSE_WHEEL                           (0x82000300 |DIMOFS_Z ) /* Z Axis */
  815. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON0                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON0) /* Button 0 */
  816. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON1                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON1) /* Button 1 */
  817. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON2                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON2) /* Button 2 */
  818. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON3                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON3) /* Button 3 */
  819. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON4                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON4) /* Button 4 */
  820. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON5                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON5) /* Button 5 */
  821. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON6                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON6) /* Button 6 */
  822. #define DIMOUSE_BUTTON7                         (0x82000400 |DIMOFS_BUTTON7) /* Button 7 */
  823. /*--- VOICE
  824.       Physical Dplay Voice Device       ---*/
  825. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL1                        0x83000401
  826. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL2                        0x83000402
  827. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL3                        0x83000403
  828. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL4                        0x83000404
  829. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL5                        0x83000405
  830. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL6                        0x83000406
  831. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL7                        0x83000407
  832. #define DIVOICE_CHANNEL8                        0x83000408
  833. #define DIVOICE_TEAM                            0x83000409
  834. #define DIVOICE_ALL                             0x8300040A
  835. #define DIVOICE_RECORDMUTE                      0x8300040B
  836. #define DIVOICE_PLAYBACKMUTE                    0x8300040C
  837. #define DIVOICE_TRANSMIT                        0x8300040D
  838. #define DIVOICE_VOICECOMMAND                    0x83000410
  839. /*--- Driving Simulator - Racing
  840.       Vehicle control is primary objective  ---*/
  841. #define DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_RACE                  0x01000000
  842. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_STEER                   0x01008A01 /* Steering */
  843. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_ACCELERATE              0x01039202 /* Accelerate */
  844. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_BRAKE                   0x01041203 /* Brake-Axis */
  845. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_SHIFTUP               0x01000C01 /* Shift to next higher gear */
  846. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_SHIFTDOWN             0x01000C02 /* Shift to next lower gear */
  847. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_VIEW                  0x01001C03 /* Cycle through view options */
  848. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_MENU                  0x010004FD /* Show menu options */
  849. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  850. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGR_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE         0x01014A04 /* Some devices combine accelerate and brake in a single axis */
  851. #define DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGR_GLANCE             0x01004601 /* Look around */
  852. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_BRAKE                 0x01004C04 /* Brake-button */
  853. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_DASHBOARD             0x01004405 /* Select next dashboard option */
  854. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_AIDS                  0x01004406 /* Driver correction aids */
  855. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_MAP                   0x01004407 /* Display Driving Map */
  856. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_BOOST                 0x01004408 /* Turbo Boost */
  857. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_PIT                   0x01004409 /* Pit stop notification */
  858. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_ACCELERATE_LINK       0x0103D4E0 /* Fallback Accelerate button */
  859. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_STEER_LEFT_LINK       0x0100CCE4 /* Fallback Steer Left button */
  860. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_STEER_RIGHT_LINK      0x0100CCEC /* Fallback Steer Right button */
  861. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK      0x0107C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  862. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK     0x0107C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  863. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_DEVICE                0x010044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  864. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGR_PAUSE                 0x010044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  865. /*--- Driving Simulator - Combat
  866.       Combat from within a vehicle is primary objective  ---*/
  867. #define DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_COMBAT                0x02000000
  868. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_STEER                   0x02008A01 /* Steering  */
  869. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_ACCELERATE              0x02039202 /* Accelerate */
  870. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_BRAKE                   0x02041203 /* Brake-axis */
  871. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_FIRE                  0x02000C01 /* Fire */
  872. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_WEAPONS               0x02000C02 /* Select next weapon */
  873. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_TARGET                0x02000C03 /* Select next available target */
  874. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_MENU                  0x020004FD /* Show menu options */
  875. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  876. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGC_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE         0x02014A04 /* Some devices combine accelerate and brake in a single axis */
  877. #define DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGC_GLANCE             0x02004601 /* Look around */
  878. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_SHIFTUP               0x02004C04 /* Shift to next higher gear */
  879. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_SHIFTDOWN             0x02004C05 /* Shift to next lower gear */
  880. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_DASHBOARD             0x02004406 /* Select next dashboard option */
  881. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_AIDS                  0x02004407 /* Driver correction aids */
  882. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_BRAKE                 0x02004C08 /* Brake-button */
  883. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_FIRESECONDARY         0x02004C09 /* Alternative fire button */
  884. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_ACCELERATE_LINK       0x0203D4E0 /* Fallback Accelerate button */
  885. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_STEER_LEFT_LINK       0x0200CCE4 /* Fallback Steer Left button */
  886. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_STEER_RIGHT_LINK      0x0200CCEC /* Fallback Steer Right button */
  887. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK      0x0207C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  888. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK     0x0207C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  889. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_DEVICE                0x020044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  890. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGC_PAUSE                 0x020044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  891. /*--- Driving Simulator - Tank
  892.       Combat from withing a tank is primary objective  ---*/
  893. #define DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_TANK                  0x03000000
  894. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_STEER                   0x03008A01 /* Turn tank left / right */
  895. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_BARREL                  0x03010202 /* Raise / lower barrel */
  896. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ACCELERATE              0x03039203 /* Accelerate */
  897. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ROTATE                  0x03020204 /* Turn barrel left / right */
  898. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_FIRE                  0x03000C01 /* Fire */
  899. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_WEAPONS               0x03000C02 /* Select next weapon */
  900. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_TARGET                0x03000C03 /* Selects next available target */
  901. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_MENU                  0x030004FD /* Show menu options */
  902. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  903. #define DIHATSWITCH_DRIVINGT_GLANCE             0x03004601 /* Look around */
  904. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_BRAKE                   0x03045205 /* Brake-axis */
  905. #define DIAXIS_DRIVINGT_ACCEL_AND_BRAKE         0x03014A06 /* Some devices combine accelerate and brake in a single axis */
  906. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_VIEW                  0x03005C04 /* Cycle through view options */
  907. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_DASHBOARD             0x03005C05 /* Select next dashboard option */
  908. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BRAKE                 0x03004C06 /* Brake-button */
  909. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_FIRESECONDARY         0x03004C07 /* Alternative fire button */
  910. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ACCELERATE_LINK       0x0303D4E0 /* Fallback Accelerate button */
  911. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_STEER_LEFT_LINK       0x0300CCE4 /* Fallback Steer Left button */
  912. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_STEER_RIGHT_LINK      0x0300CCEC /* Fallback Steer Right button */
  913. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BARREL_UP_LINK        0x030144E0 /* Fallback Barrel up button */
  914. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_BARREL_DOWN_LINK      0x030144E8 /* Fallback Barrel down button */
  915. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK      0x030244E4 /* Fallback Rotate left button */
  916. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK     0x030244EC /* Fallback Rotate right button */
  917. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK      0x0307C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  918. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK     0x0307C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  919. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_DEVICE                0x030044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  920. #define DIBUTTON_DRIVINGT_PAUSE                 0x030044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  921. /*--- Flight Simulator - Civilian 
  922.       Plane control is the primary objective  ---*/
  923. #define DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_CIVILIAN               0x04000000
  924. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_BANK                     0x04008A01 /* Roll ship left / right */
  925. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_PITCH                    0x04010A02 /* Nose up / down */
  926. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_THROTTLE                 0x04039203 /* Throttle */
  927. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_VIEW                   0x04002401 /* Cycle through view options */
  928. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_DISPLAY                0x04002402 /* Select next dashboard / heads up display option */
  929. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GEAR                   0x04002C03 /* Gear up / down */
  930. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_MENU                   0x040004FD /* Show menu options */
  931. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  932. #define DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGC_GLANCE              0x04004601 /* Look around */
  933. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_BRAKE                    0x04046A04 /* Apply Brake */
  934. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_RUDDER                   0x04025205 /* Yaw ship left/right */
  935. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGC_FLAPS                    0x04055A06 /* Flaps */
  936. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FLAPSUP                0x04006404 /* Increment stepping up until fully retracted */
  937. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FLAPSDOWN              0x04006405 /* Decrement stepping down until fully extended */
  938. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_BRAKE_LINK             0x04046CE0 /* Fallback brake button */
  939. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_FASTER_LINK            0x0403D4E0 /* Fallback throttle up button */
  940. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_SLOWER_LINK            0x0403D4E8 /* Fallback throttle down button */
  941. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK       0x0407C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  942. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK      0x0407C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  943. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_UP_LINK         0x0407C4E0 /* Fallback Glance Up button */
  944. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK       0x0407C4E8 /* Fallback Glance Down button */
  945. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_DEVICE                 0x040044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  946. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGC_PAUSE                  0x040044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  947. /*--- Flight Simulator - Military 
  948.       Aerial combat is the primary objective  ---*/
  949. #define DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_MILITARY               0x05000000
  950. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_BANK                     0x05008A01 /* Bank - Roll ship left / right */
  951. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_PITCH                    0x05010A02 /* Pitch - Nose up / down */
  952. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_THROTTLE                 0x05039203 /* Throttle - faster / slower */
  953. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FIRE                   0x05000C01 /* Fire */
  954. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_WEAPONS                0x05000C02 /* Select next weapon */
  955. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_TARGET                 0x05000C03 /* Selects next available target */
  956. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_MENU                   0x050004FD /* Show menu options */
  957. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  958. #define DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGM_GLANCE              0x05004601 /* Look around */
  959. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_COUNTER                0x05005C04 /* Activate counter measures */
  960. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_RUDDER                   0x05024A04 /* Rudder - Yaw ship left/right */
  961. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_BRAKE                    0x05046205 /* Brake-axis */
  962. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_VIEW                   0x05006405 /* Cycle through view options */
  963. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_DISPLAY                0x05006406 /* Select next dashboard option */
  964. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGM_FLAPS                    0x05055206 /* Flaps */
  965. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FLAPSUP                0x05005407 /* Increment stepping up until fully retracted */
  966. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FLAPSDOWN              0x05005408 /* Decrement stepping down until fully extended */
  967. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FIRESECONDARY          0x05004C09 /* Alternative fire button */
  968. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GEAR                   0x0500640A /* Gear up / down */
  969. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_BRAKE_LINK             0x050464E0 /* Fallback brake button */
  970. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_FASTER_LINK            0x0503D4E0 /* Fallback throttle up button */
  971. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_SLOWER_LINK            0x0503D4E8 /* Fallback throttle down button */
  972. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK       0x0507C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  973. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK      0x0507C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  974. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_UP_LINK         0x0507C4E0 /* Fallback Glance Up button */
  975. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK       0x0507C4E8 /* Fallback Glance Down button */
  976. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_DEVICE                 0x050044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  977. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGM_PAUSE                  0x050044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  978. /*--- Flight Simulator - Combat Helicopter
  979.       Combat from helicopter is primary objective  ---*/
  980. #define DIVIRTUAL_FLYING_HELICOPTER             0x06000000
  981. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGH_BANK                     0x06008A01 /* Bank - Roll ship left / right */
  982. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGH_PITCH                    0x06010A02 /* Pitch - Nose up / down */
  983. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGH_COLLECTIVE               0x06018A03 /* Collective - Blade pitch/power */
  984. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FIRE                   0x06001401 /* Fire */
  985. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_WEAPONS                0x06001402 /* Select next weapon */
  986. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_TARGET                 0x06001403 /* Selects next available target */
  987. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_MENU                   0x060004FD /* Show menu options */
  988. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  989. #define DIHATSWITCH_FLYINGH_GLANCE              0x06004601 /* Look around */
  990. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGH_TORQUE                   0x06025A04 /* Torque - Rotate ship around left / right axis */
  991. #define DIAXIS_FLYINGH_THROTTLE                 0x0603DA05 /* Throttle */
  992. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_COUNTER                0x06005404 /* Activate counter measures */
  993. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_VIEW                   0x06006405 /* Cycle through view options */
  994. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GEAR                   0x06006406 /* Gear up / down */
  995. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FIRESECONDARY          0x06004C07 /* Alternative fire button */
  996. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_FASTER_LINK            0x0603DCE0 /* Fallback throttle up button */
  997. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_SLOWER_LINK            0x0603DCE8 /* Fallback throttle down button */
  998. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK       0x0607C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  999. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK      0x0607C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  1000. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_UP_LINK         0x0607C4E0 /* Fallback Glance Up button */
  1001. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK       0x0607C4E8 /* Fallback Glance Down button */
  1002. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_DEVICE                 0x060044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1003. #define DIBUTTON_FLYINGH_PAUSE                  0x060044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1004. /*--- Space Simulator - Combat
  1005.       Space Simulator with weapons  ---*/
  1006. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPACESIM                      0x07000000
  1007. #define DIAXIS_SPACESIM_LATERAL                 0x07008201 /* Move ship left / right */
  1008. #define DIAXIS_SPACESIM_MOVE                    0x07010202 /* Move ship forward/backward */
  1009. #define DIAXIS_SPACESIM_THROTTLE                0x07038203 /* Throttle - Engine speed */
  1010. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FIRE                  0x07000401 /* Fire */
  1011. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_WEAPONS               0x07000402 /* Select next weapon */
  1012. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TARGET                0x07000403 /* Selects next available target */
  1013. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_MENU                  0x070004FD /* Show menu options */
  1014. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1015. #define DIHATSWITCH_SPACESIM_GLANCE             0x07004601 /* Look around */
  1016. #define DIAXIS_SPACESIM_CLIMB                   0x0701C204 /* Climb - Pitch ship up/down */
  1017. #define DIAXIS_SPACESIM_ROTATE                  0x07024205 /* Rotate - Turn ship left/right */
  1018. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_VIEW                  0x07004404 /* Cycle through view options */
  1019. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_DISPLAY               0x07004405 /* Select next dashboard / heads up display option */
  1020. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_RAISE                 0x07004406 /* Raise ship while maintaining current pitch */
  1021. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_LOWER                 0x07004407 /* Lower ship while maintaining current pitch */
  1022. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GEAR                  0x07004408 /* Gear up / down */
  1023. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FIRESECONDARY         0x07004409 /* Alternative fire button */
  1024. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_LEFT_LINK             0x0700C4E4 /* Fallback move left button */
  1025. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_RIGHT_LINK            0x0700C4EC /* Fallback move right button */
  1026. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FORWARD_LINK          0x070144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1027. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_BACKWARD_LINK         0x070144E8 /* Fallback move backwards button */
  1028. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_FASTER_LINK           0x0703C4E0 /* Fallback throttle up button */
  1029. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_SLOWER_LINK           0x0703C4E8 /* Fallback throttle down button */
  1030. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TURN_LEFT_LINK        0x070244E4 /* Fallback turn left button */
  1031. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_TURN_RIGHT_LINK       0x070244EC /* Fallback turn right button */
  1032. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK      0x0707C4E4 /* Fallback Glance Left button */
  1033. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK     0x0707C4EC /* Fallback Glance Right button */
  1034. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_UP_LINK        0x0707C4E0 /* Fallback Glance Up button */
  1035. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK      0x0707C4E8 /* Fallback Glance Down button */
  1036. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_DEVICE                0x070044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1037. #define DIBUTTON_SPACESIM_PAUSE                 0x070044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1038. /*--- Fighting - First Person 
  1039.       Hand to Hand combat is primary objective  ---*/
  1040. #define DIVIRTUAL_FIGHTING_HAND2HAND            0x08000000
  1041. #define DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_LATERAL                0x08008201 /* Sidestep left/right */
  1042. #define DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_MOVE                   0x08010202 /* Move forward/backward */
  1043. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_PUNCH                0x08000401 /* Punch */
  1044. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_KICK                 0x08000402 /* Kick */
  1045. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_BLOCK                0x08000403 /* Block */
  1046. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_CROUCH               0x08000404 /* Crouch */
  1047. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_JUMP                 0x08000405 /* Jump */
  1048. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SPECIAL1             0x08000406 /* Apply first special move */
  1049. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SPECIAL2             0x08000407 /* Apply second special move */
  1050. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_MENU                 0x080004FD /* Show menu options */
  1051. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1052. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_SELECT               0x08004408 /* Select special move */
  1053. #define DIHATSWITCH_FIGHTINGH_SLIDE             0x08004601 /* Look around */
  1054. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DISPLAY              0x08004409 /* Shows next on-screen display option */
  1055. #define DIAXIS_FIGHTINGH_ROTATE                 0x08024203 /* Rotate - Turn body left/right */
  1056. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DODGE                0x0800440A /* Dodge */
  1057. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_LEFT_LINK            0x0800C4E4 /* Fallback left sidestep button */
  1058. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_RIGHT_LINK           0x0800C4EC /* Fallback right sidestep button */
  1059. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_FORWARD_LINK         0x080144E0 /* Fallback forward button */
  1060. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_BACKWARD_LINK        0x080144E8 /* Fallback backward button */
  1061. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_DEVICE               0x080044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1062. #define DIBUTTON_FIGHTINGH_PAUSE                0x080044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1063. /*--- Fighting - First Person Shooting
  1064.       Navigation and combat are primary objectives  ---*/
  1065. #define DIVIRTUAL_FIGHTING_FPS                  0x09000000
  1066. #define DIAXIS_FPS_ROTATE                       0x09008201 /* Rotate character left/right */
  1067. #define DIAXIS_FPS_MOVE                         0x09010202 /* Move forward/backward */
  1068. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_FIRE                       0x09000401 /* Fire */
  1069. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_WEAPONS                    0x09000402 /* Select next weapon */
  1070. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_APPLY                      0x09000403 /* Use item */
  1071. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_SELECT                     0x09000404 /* Select next inventory item */
  1072. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_CROUCH                     0x09000405 /* Crouch/ climb down/ swim down */
  1073. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_JUMP                       0x09000406 /* Jump/ climb up/ swim up */
  1074. #define DIAXIS_FPS_LOOKUPDOWN                   0x09018203 /* Look up / down  */
  1075. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_STRAFE                     0x09000407 /* Enable strafing while active */
  1076. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_MENU                       0x090004FD /* Show menu options */
  1077. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1078. #define DIHATSWITCH_FPS_GLANCE                  0x09004601 /* Look around */
  1079. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_DISPLAY                    0x09004408 /* Shows next on-screen display option/ map */
  1080. #define DIAXIS_FPS_SIDESTEP                     0x09024204 /* Sidestep */
  1081. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_DODGE                      0x09004409 /* Dodge */
  1082. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCEL                    0x0900440A /* Glance Left */
  1083. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCER                    0x0900440B /* Glance Right */
  1084. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_FIRESECONDARY              0x0900440C /* Alternative fire button */
  1085. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK           0x0900C4E4 /* Fallback rotate left button */
  1086. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK          0x0900C4EC /* Fallback rotate right button */
  1087. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_FORWARD_LINK               0x090144E0 /* Fallback forward button */
  1088. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_BACKWARD_LINK              0x090144E8 /* Fallback backward button */
  1089. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCE_UP_LINK             0x0901C4E0 /* Fallback look up button */
  1090. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK           0x0901C4E8 /* Fallback look down button */
  1091. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_STEP_LEFT_LINK             0x090244E4 /* Fallback step left button */
  1092. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_STEP_RIGHT_LINK            0x090244EC /* Fallback step right button */
  1093. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_DEVICE                     0x090044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1094. #define DIBUTTON_FPS_PAUSE                      0x090044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1095. /*--- Fighting - Third Person action
  1096.       Perspective of camera is behind the main character  ---*/
  1097. #define DIVIRTUAL_FIGHTING_THIRDPERSON          0x0A000000
  1098. #define DIAXIS_TPS_TURN                         0x0A020201 /* Turn left/right */
  1099. #define DIAXIS_TPS_MOVE                         0x0A010202 /* Move forward/backward */
  1100. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_RUN                        0x0A000401 /* Run or walk toggle switch */
  1101. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_ACTION                     0x0A000402 /* Action Button */
  1102. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_SELECT                     0x0A000403 /* Select next weapon */
  1103. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_USE                        0x0A000404 /* Use inventory item currently selected */
  1104. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_JUMP                       0x0A000405 /* Character Jumps */
  1105. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_MENU                       0x0A0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1106. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1107. #define DIHATSWITCH_TPS_GLANCE                  0x0A004601 /* Look around */
  1108. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_VIEW                       0x0A004406 /* Select camera view */
  1109. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_STEPLEFT                   0x0A004407 /* Character takes a left step */
  1110. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_STEPRIGHT                  0x0A004408 /* Character takes a right step */
  1111. #define DIAXIS_TPS_STEP                         0x0A00C203 /* Character steps left/right */
  1112. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_DODGE                      0x0A004409 /* Character dodges or ducks */
  1113. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_INVENTORY                  0x0A00440A /* Cycle through inventory */
  1114. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_TURN_LEFT_LINK             0x0A0244E4 /* Fallback turn left button */
  1115. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_TURN_RIGHT_LINK            0x0A0244EC /* Fallback turn right button */
  1116. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_FORWARD_LINK               0x0A0144E0 /* Fallback forward button */
  1117. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_BACKWARD_LINK              0x0A0144E8 /* Fallback backward button */
  1118. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_UP_LINK             0x0A07C4E0 /* Fallback look up button */
  1119. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_DOWN_LINK           0x0A07C4E8 /* Fallback look down button */
  1120. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_LEFT_LINK           0x0A07C4E4 /* Fallback glance up button */
  1121. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_GLANCE_RIGHT_LINK          0x0A07C4EC /* Fallback glance right button */
  1122. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_DEVICE                     0x0A0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1123. #define DIBUTTON_TPS_PAUSE                      0x0A0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1124. /*--- Strategy - Role Playing
  1125.       Navigation and problem solving are primary actions  ---*/
  1126. #define DIVIRTUAL_STRATEGY_ROLEPLAYING          0x0B000000
  1127. #define DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_LATERAL                0x0B008201 /* sidestep - left/right */
  1128. #define DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_MOVE                   0x0B010202 /* move forward/backward */
  1129. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_GET                  0x0B000401 /* Acquire item */
  1130. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_APPLY                0x0B000402 /* Use selected item */
  1131. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_SELECT               0x0B000403 /* Select nextitem */
  1132. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ATTACK               0x0B000404 /* Attack */
  1133. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_CAST                 0x0B000405 /* Cast Spell */
  1134. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_CROUCH               0x0B000406 /* Crouch */
  1135. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_JUMP                 0x0B000407 /* Jump */
  1136. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_MENU                 0x0B0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1137. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1138. #define DIHATSWITCH_STRATEGYR_GLANCE            0x0B004601 /* Look around */
  1139. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_MAP                  0x0B004408 /* Cycle through map options */
  1140. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_DISPLAY              0x0B004409 /* Shows next on-screen display option */
  1141. #define DIAXIS_STRATEGYR_ROTATE                 0x0B024203 /* Turn body left/right */
  1142. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_LEFT_LINK            0x0B00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1143. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_RIGHT_LINK           0x0B00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1144. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_FORWARD_LINK         0x0B0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1145. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_BACK_LINK            0x0B0144E8 /* Fallback move backward button */
  1146. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK     0x0B0244E4 /* Fallback turn body left button */
  1147. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK    0x0B0244EC /* Fallback turn body right button */
  1148. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_DEVICE               0x0B0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1149. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYR_PAUSE                0x0B0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1150. /*--- Strategy - Turn based
  1151.       Navigation and problem solving are primary actions  ---*/
  1152. #define DIVIRTUAL_STRATEGY_TURN                 0x0C000000
  1153. #define DIAXIS_STRATEGYT_LATERAL                0x0C008201 /* Sidestep left/right */
  1154. #define DIAXIS_STRATEGYT_MOVE                   0x0C010202 /* Move forward/backwards */
  1155. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_SELECT               0x0C000401 /* Select unit or object */
  1156. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_INSTRUCT             0x0C000402 /* Cycle through instructions */
  1157. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_APPLY                0x0C000403 /* Apply selected instruction */
  1158. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_TEAM                 0x0C000404 /* Select next team / cycle through all */
  1159. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_TURN                 0x0C000405 /* Indicate turn over */
  1160. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_MENU                 0x0C0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1161. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1162. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_ZOOM                 0x0C004406 /* Zoom - in / out */
  1163. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_MAP                  0x0C004407 /* cycle through map options */
  1164. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_DISPLAY              0x0C004408 /* shows next on-screen display options */
  1165. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_LEFT_LINK            0x0C00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1166. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_RIGHT_LINK           0x0C00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1167. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_FORWARD_LINK         0x0C0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1168. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_BACK_LINK            0x0C0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1169. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_DEVICE               0x0C0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1170. #define DIBUTTON_STRATEGYT_PAUSE                0x0C0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1171. /*--- Sports - Hunting
  1172.       Hunting                ---*/
  1173. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HUNTING                0x0D000000
  1174. #define DIAXIS_HUNTING_LATERAL                  0x0D008201 /* sidestep left/right */
  1175. #define DIAXIS_HUNTING_MOVE                     0x0D010202 /* move forward/backwards */
  1176. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FIRE                   0x0D000401 /* Fire selected weapon */
  1177. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_AIM                    0x0D000402 /* Select aim/move */
  1178. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_WEAPON                 0x0D000403 /* Select next weapon */
  1179. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_BINOCULAR              0x0D000404 /* Look through Binoculars */
  1180. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_CALL                   0x0D000405 /* Make animal call */
  1181. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_MAP                    0x0D000406 /* View Map */
  1182. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_SPECIAL                0x0D000407 /* Special game operation */
  1183. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_MENU                   0x0D0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1184. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1185. #define DIHATSWITCH_HUNTING_GLANCE              0x0D004601 /* Look around */
  1186. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_DISPLAY                0x0D004408 /* show next on-screen display option */
  1187. #define DIAXIS_HUNTING_ROTATE                   0x0D024203 /* Turn body left/right */
  1188. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_CROUCH                 0x0D004409 /* Crouch/ Climb / Swim down */
  1189. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_JUMP                   0x0D00440A /* Jump/ Climb up / Swim up */
  1190. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FIRESECONDARY          0x0D00440B /* Alternative fire button */
  1191. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_LEFT_LINK              0x0D00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1192. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_RIGHT_LINK             0x0D00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1193. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_FORWARD_LINK           0x0D0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1194. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_BACK_LINK              0x0D0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1195. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK       0x0D0244E4 /* Fallback turn body left button */
  1196. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK      0x0D0244EC /* Fallback turn body right button */
  1197. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_DEVICE                 0x0D0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1198. #define DIBUTTON_HUNTING_PAUSE                  0x0D0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1199. /*--- Sports - Fishing
  1200.       Catching Fish is primary objective   ---*/
  1201. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FISHING                0x0E000000
  1202. #define DIAXIS_FISHING_LATERAL                  0x0E008201 /* sidestep left/right */
  1203. #define DIAXIS_FISHING_MOVE                     0x0E010202 /* move forward/backwards */
  1204. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_CAST                   0x0E000401 /* Cast line */
  1205. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_TYPE                   0x0E000402 /* Select cast type */
  1206. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_BINOCULAR              0x0E000403 /* Look through Binocular */
  1207. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_BAIT                   0x0E000404 /* Select type of Bait */
  1208. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_MAP                    0x0E000405 /* View Map */
  1209. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_MENU                   0x0E0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1210. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1211. #define DIHATSWITCH_FISHING_GLANCE              0x0E004601 /* Look around */
  1212. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_DISPLAY                0x0E004406 /* Show next on-screen display option */
  1213. #define DIAXIS_FISHING_ROTATE                   0x0E024203 /* Turn character left / right */
  1214. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_CROUCH                 0x0E004407 /* Crouch/ Climb / Swim down */
  1215. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_JUMP                   0x0E004408 /* Jump/ Climb up / Swim up */
  1216. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_LEFT_LINK              0x0E00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1217. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_RIGHT_LINK             0x0E00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1218. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_FORWARD_LINK           0x0E0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1219. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_BACK_LINK              0x0E0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1220. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK       0x0E0244E4 /* Fallback turn body left button */
  1221. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK      0x0E0244EC /* Fallback turn body right button */
  1222. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_DEVICE                 0x0E0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1223. #define DIBUTTON_FISHING_PAUSE                  0x0E0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1224. /*--- Sports - Baseball - Batting
  1225.       Batter control is primary objective  ---*/
  1226. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_BAT           0x0F000000
  1227. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLB_LATERAL                0x0F008201 /* Aim left / right */
  1228. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLB_MOVE                   0x0F010202 /* Aim up / down */
  1229. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_SELECT               0x0F000401 /* cycle through swing options */
  1230. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_NORMAL               0x0F000402 /* normal swing */
  1231. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_POWER                0x0F000403 /* swing for the fence */
  1232. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BUNT                 0x0F000404 /* bunt */
  1233. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_STEAL                0x0F000405 /* Base runner attempts to steal a base */
  1234. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BURST                0x0F000406 /* Base runner invokes burst of speed */
  1235. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_SLIDE                0x0F000407 /* Base runner slides into base */
  1236. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_CONTACT              0x0F000408 /* Contact swing */
  1237. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_MENU                 0x0F0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1238. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1239. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_NOSTEAL              0x0F004409 /* Base runner goes back to a base */
  1240. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BOX                  0x0F00440A /* Enter or exit batting box */
  1241. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_LEFT_LINK            0x0F00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1242. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_RIGHT_LINK           0x0F00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1243. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_FORWARD_LINK         0x0F0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1244. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_BACK_LINK            0x0F0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1245. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_DEVICE               0x0F0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1246. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLB_PAUSE                0x0F0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1247. /*--- Sports - Baseball - Pitching
  1248.       Pitcher control is primary objective   ---*/
  1249. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_PITCH         0x10000000
  1250. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLP_LATERAL                0x10008201 /* Aim left / right */
  1251. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLP_MOVE                   0x10010202 /* Aim up / down */
  1252. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_SELECT               0x10000401 /* cycle through pitch selections */
  1253. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_PITCH                0x10000402 /* throw pitch */
  1254. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_BASE                 0x10000403 /* select base to throw to */
  1255. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_THROW                0x10000404 /* throw to base */
  1256. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_FAKE                 0x10000405 /* Fake a throw to a base */
  1257. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_MENU                 0x100004FD /* Show menu options */
  1258. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1259. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_WALK                 0x10004406 /* Throw intentional walk / pitch out */
  1260. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_LOOK                 0x10004407 /* Look at runners on bases */
  1261. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_LEFT_LINK            0x1000C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1262. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_RIGHT_LINK           0x1000C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1263. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_FORWARD_LINK         0x100144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1264. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_BACK_LINK            0x100144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1265. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_DEVICE               0x100044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1266. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLP_PAUSE                0x100044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1267. /*--- Sports - Baseball - Fielding
  1268.       Fielder control is primary objective  ---*/
  1269. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASEBALL_FIELD         0x11000000
  1270. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLF_LATERAL                0x11008201 /* Aim left / right */
  1271. #define DIAXIS_BASEBALLF_MOVE                   0x11010202 /* Aim up / down */
  1272. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_NEAREST              0x11000401 /* Switch to fielder nearest to the ball */
  1273. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_THROW1               0x11000402 /* Make conservative throw */
  1274. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_THROW2               0x11000403 /* Make aggressive throw */
  1275. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_BURST                0x11000404 /* Invoke burst of speed */
  1276. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_JUMP                 0x11000405 /* Jump to catch ball */
  1277. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_DIVE                 0x11000406 /* Dive to catch ball */
  1278. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_MENU                 0x110004FD /* Show menu options */
  1279. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1280. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_SHIFTIN              0x11004407 /* Shift the infield positioning */
  1281. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_SHIFTOUT             0x11004408 /* Shift the outfield positioning */
  1282. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_AIM_LEFT_LINK        0x1100C4E4 /* Fallback aim left button */
  1283. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_AIM_RIGHT_LINK       0x1100C4EC /* Fallback aim right button */
  1284. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_FORWARD_LINK         0x110144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1285. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_BACK_LINK            0x110144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1286. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_DEVICE               0x110044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1287. #define DIBUTTON_BASEBALLF_PAUSE                0x110044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1288. /*--- Sports - Basketball - Offense
  1289.       Offense  ---*/
  1290. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_OFFENSE     0x12000000
  1291. #define DIAXIS_BBALLO_LATERAL                   0x12008201 /* left / right */
  1292. #define DIAXIS_BBALLO_MOVE                      0x12010202 /* up / down */
  1293. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SHOOT                   0x12000401 /* shoot basket */
  1294. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_DUNK                    0x12000402 /* dunk basket */
  1295. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PASS                    0x12000403 /* throw pass */
  1296. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_FAKE                    0x12000404 /* fake shot or pass */
  1297. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SPECIAL                 0x12000405 /* apply special move */
  1298. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PLAYER                  0x12000406 /* select next player */
  1299. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_BURST                   0x12000407 /* invoke burst */
  1300. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_CALL                    0x12000408 /* call for ball / pass to me */
  1301. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_MENU                    0x120004FD /* Show menu options */
  1302. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1303. #define DIHATSWITCH_BBALLO_GLANCE               0x12004601 /* scroll view */
  1304. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SCREEN                  0x12004409 /* Call for screen */
  1305. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PLAY                    0x1200440A /* Call for specific offensive play */
  1306. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_JAB                     0x1200440B /* Initiate fake drive to basket */
  1307. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_POST                    0x1200440C /* Perform post move */
  1308. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_TIMEOUT                 0x1200440D /* Time Out */
  1309. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_SUBSTITUTE              0x1200440E /* substitute one player for another */
  1310. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_LEFT_LINK               0x1200C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1311. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_RIGHT_LINK              0x1200C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1312. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_FORWARD_LINK            0x120144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1313. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_BACK_LINK               0x120144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1314. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_DEVICE                  0x120044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1315. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLO_PAUSE                   0x120044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1316. /*--- Sports - Basketball - Defense
  1317.       Defense  ---*/
  1318. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BASKETBALL_DEFENSE     0x13000000
  1319. #define DIAXIS_BBALLD_LATERAL                   0x13008201 /* left / right */
  1320. #define DIAXIS_BBALLD_MOVE                      0x13010202 /* up / down */
  1321. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_JUMP                    0x13000401 /* jump to block shot */
  1322. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_STEAL                   0x13000402 /* attempt to steal ball */
  1323. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_FAKE                    0x13000403 /* fake block or steal */
  1324. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_SPECIAL                 0x13000404 /* apply special move */
  1325. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PLAYER                  0x13000405 /* select next player */
  1326. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_BURST                   0x13000406 /* invoke burst */
  1327. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PLAY                    0x13000407 /* call for specific defensive play */
  1328. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_MENU                    0x130004FD /* Show menu options */
  1329. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1330. #define DIHATSWITCH_BBALLD_GLANCE               0x13004601 /* scroll view */
  1331. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_TIMEOUT                 0x13004408 /* Time Out */
  1332. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_SUBSTITUTE              0x13004409 /* substitute one player for another */
  1333. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_LEFT_LINK               0x1300C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1334. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_RIGHT_LINK              0x1300C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1335. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_FORWARD_LINK            0x130144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1336. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_BACK_LINK               0x130144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1337. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_DEVICE                  0x130044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1338. #define DIBUTTON_BBALLD_PAUSE                   0x130044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1339. /*--- Sports - Football - Play
  1340.       Play selection  ---*/
  1341. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_FIELD         0x14000000
  1342. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_PLAY                 0x14000401 /* cycle through available plays */
  1343. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_SELECT               0x14000402 /* select play */
  1344. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_HELP                 0x14000403 /* Bring up pop-up help */
  1345. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_MENU                 0x140004FD /* Show menu options */
  1346. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1347. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_DEVICE               0x140044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1348. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLP_PAUSE                0x140044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1349. /*--- Sports - Football - QB
  1350.       Offense: Quarterback / Kicker  ---*/
  1351. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_QBCK          0x15000000
  1352. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLQ_LATERAL                0x15008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1353. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLQ_MOVE                   0x15010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1354. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SELECT               0x15000401 /* Select */
  1355. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SNAP                 0x15000402 /* snap ball - start play */
  1356. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_JUMP                 0x15000403 /* jump over defender */
  1357. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_SLIDE                0x15000404 /* Dive/Slide */
  1358. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_PASS                 0x15000405 /* throws pass to receiver */
  1359. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FAKE                 0x15000406 /* pump fake pass or fake kick */
  1360. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_MENU                 0x150004FD /* Show menu options */
  1361. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1362. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FAKESNAP             0x15004407 /* Fake snap  */
  1363. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_MOTION               0x15004408 /* Send receivers in motion */
  1364. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_AUDIBLE              0x15004409 /* Change offensive play at line of scrimmage */
  1365. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_LEFT_LINK            0x1500C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1366. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_RIGHT_LINK           0x1500C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1367. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_FORWARD_LINK         0x150144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1368. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_BACK_LINK            0x150144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1369. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_DEVICE               0x150044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1370. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLQ_PAUSE                0x150044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1371. /*--- Sports - Football - Offense
  1372.       Offense - Runner  ---*/
  1373. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_OFFENSE       0x16000000
  1374. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLO_LATERAL                0x16008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1375. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLO_MOVE                   0x16010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1376. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_JUMP                 0x16000401 /* jump or hurdle over defender */
  1377. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_LEFTARM              0x16000402 /* holds out left arm */
  1378. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_RIGHTARM             0x16000403 /* holds out right arm */
  1379. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_THROW                0x16000404 /* throw pass or lateral ball to another runner */
  1380. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SPIN                 0x16000405 /* Spin to avoid defenders */
  1381. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_MENU                 0x160004FD /* Show menu options */
  1382. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1383. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_JUKE                 0x16004406 /* Use special move to avoid defenders */
  1384. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SHOULDER             0x16004407 /* Lower shoulder to run over defenders */
  1385. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_TURBO                0x16004408 /* Speed burst past defenders */
  1386. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_DIVE                 0x16004409 /* Dive over defenders */
  1387. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_ZOOM                 0x1600440A /* Zoom view in / out */
  1388. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_SUBSTITUTE           0x1600440B /* substitute one player for another */
  1389. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_LEFT_LINK            0x1600C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1390. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_RIGHT_LINK           0x1600C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1391. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_FORWARD_LINK         0x160144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1392. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_BACK_LINK            0x160144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1393. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_DEVICE               0x160044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1394. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLO_PAUSE                0x160044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1395. /*--- Sports - Football - Defense
  1396.       Defense     ---*/
  1397. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_DEFENSE       0x17000000
  1398. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLD_LATERAL                0x17008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1399. #define DIAXIS_FOOTBALLD_MOVE                   0x17010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1400. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_PLAY                 0x17000401 /* cycle through available plays */
  1401. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SELECT               0x17000402 /* select player closest to the ball */
  1402. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_JUMP                 0x17000403 /* jump to intercept or block */
  1403. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_TACKLE               0x17000404 /* tackler runner */
  1404. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_FAKE                 0x17000405 /* hold down to fake tackle or intercept */
  1405. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SUPERTACKLE          0x17000406 /* Initiate special tackle */
  1406. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_MENU                 0x170004FD /* Show menu options */
  1407. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1408. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SPIN                 0x17004407 /* Spin to beat offensive line */
  1409. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SWIM                 0x17004408 /* Swim to beat the offensive line */
  1410. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_BULLRUSH             0x17004409 /* Bull rush the offensive line */
  1411. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_RIP                  0x1700440A /* Rip the offensive line */
  1412. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_AUDIBLE              0x1700440B /* Change defensive play at the line of scrimmage */
  1413. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_ZOOM                 0x1700440C /* Zoom view in / out */
  1414. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_SUBSTITUTE           0x1700440D /* substitute one player for another */
  1415. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_LEFT_LINK            0x1700C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1416. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_RIGHT_LINK           0x1700C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1417. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_FORWARD_LINK         0x170144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1418. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_BACK_LINK            0x170144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1419. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_DEVICE               0x170044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1420. #define DIBUTTON_FOOTBALLD_PAUSE                0x170044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1421. /*--- Sports - Golf
  1422.                                 ---*/
  1423. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_GOLF                   0x18000000
  1424. #define DIAXIS_GOLF_LATERAL                     0x18008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1425. #define DIAXIS_GOLF_MOVE                        0x18010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1426. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_SWING                     0x18000401 /* swing club */
  1427. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_SELECT                    0x18000402 /* cycle between: club / swing strength / ball arc / ball spin */
  1428. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_UP                        0x18000403 /* increase selection */
  1429. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_DOWN                      0x18000404 /* decrease selection */
  1430. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_TERRAIN                   0x18000405 /* shows terrain detail */
  1431. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_FLYBY                     0x18000406 /* view the hole via a flyby */
  1432. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_MENU                      0x180004FD /* Show menu options */
  1433. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1434. #define DIHATSWITCH_GOLF_SCROLL                 0x18004601 /* scroll view */
  1435. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_ZOOM                      0x18004407 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1436. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_TIMEOUT                   0x18004408 /* Call for time out */
  1437. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_SUBSTITUTE                0x18004409 /* substitute one player for another */
  1438. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_LEFT_LINK                 0x1800C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1439. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_RIGHT_LINK                0x1800C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1440. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_FORWARD_LINK              0x180144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1441. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_BACK_LINK                 0x180144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1442. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_DEVICE                    0x180044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1443. #define DIBUTTON_GOLF_PAUSE                     0x180044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1444. /*--- Sports - Hockey - Offense
  1445.       Offense       ---*/
  1446. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_OFFENSE         0x19000000
  1447. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYO_LATERAL                  0x19008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1448. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYO_MOVE                     0x19010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1449. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SHOOT                  0x19000401 /* Shoot */
  1450. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_PASS                   0x19000402 /* pass the puck */
  1451. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_BURST                  0x19000403 /* invoke speed burst */
  1452. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SPECIAL                0x19000404 /* invoke special move */
  1453. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_FAKE                   0x19000405 /* hold down to fake pass or kick */
  1454. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_MENU                   0x190004FD /* Show menu options */
  1455. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1456. #define DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYO_SCROLL              0x19004601 /* scroll view */
  1457. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_ZOOM                   0x19004406 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1458. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_STRATEGY               0x19004407 /* Invoke coaching menu for strategy help */
  1459. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_TIMEOUT                0x19004408 /* Call for time out */
  1460. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_SUBSTITUTE             0x19004409 /* substitute one player for another */
  1461. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_LEFT_LINK              0x1900C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1462. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_RIGHT_LINK             0x1900C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1463. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_FORWARD_LINK           0x190144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1464. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_BACK_LINK              0x190144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1465. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_DEVICE                 0x190044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1466. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYO_PAUSE                  0x190044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1467. /*--- Sports - Hockey - Defense
  1468.       Defense       ---*/
  1469. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_DEFENSE         0x1A000000
  1470. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYD_LATERAL                  0x1A008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1471. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYD_MOVE                     0x1A010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1472. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_PLAYER                 0x1A000401 /* control player closest to the puck */
  1473. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_STEAL                  0x1A000402 /* attempt steal */
  1474. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BURST                  0x1A000403 /* speed burst or body check */
  1475. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BLOCK                  0x1A000404 /* block puck */
  1476. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_FAKE                   0x1A000405 /* hold down to fake tackle or intercept */
  1477. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_MENU                   0x1A0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1478. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1479. #define DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYD_SCROLL              0x1A004601 /* scroll view */
  1480. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_ZOOM                   0x1A004406 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1481. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_STRATEGY               0x1A004407 /* Invoke coaching menu for strategy help */
  1482. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_TIMEOUT                0x1A004408 /* Call for time out */
  1483. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_SUBSTITUTE             0x1A004409 /* substitute one player for another */
  1484. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_LEFT_LINK              0x1A00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1485. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_RIGHT_LINK             0x1A00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1486. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_FORWARD_LINK           0x1A0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1487. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_BACK_LINK              0x1A0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1488. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_DEVICE                 0x1A0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1489. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYD_PAUSE                  0x1A0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1490. /*--- Sports - Hockey - Goalie
  1491.       Goal tending  ---*/
  1492. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_HOCKEY_GOALIE          0x1B000000
  1493. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYG_LATERAL                  0x1B008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1494. #define DIAXIS_HOCKEYG_MOVE                     0x1B010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1495. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_PASS                   0x1B000401 /* pass puck */
  1496. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_POKE                   0x1B000402 /* poke / check / hack */
  1497. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_STEAL                  0x1B000403 /* attempt steal */
  1498. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_BLOCK                  0x1B000404 /* block puck */
  1499. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_MENU                   0x1B0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1500. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1501. #define DIHATSWITCH_HOCKEYG_SCROLL              0x1B004601 /* scroll view */
  1502. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_ZOOM                   0x1B004405 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1503. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_STRATEGY               0x1B004406 /* Invoke coaching menu for strategy help */
  1504. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_TIMEOUT                0x1B004407 /* Call for time out */
  1505. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_SUBSTITUTE             0x1B004408 /* substitute one player for another */
  1506. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_LEFT_LINK              0x1B00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1507. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_RIGHT_LINK             0x1B00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1508. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_FORWARD_LINK           0x1B0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1509. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_BACK_LINK              0x1B0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1510. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_DEVICE                 0x1B0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1511. #define DIBUTTON_HOCKEYG_PAUSE                  0x1B0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1512. /*--- Sports - Mountain Biking
  1513.                      ---*/
  1514. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_BIKING_MOUNTAIN        0x1C000000
  1515. #define DIAXIS_BIKINGM_TURN                     0x1C008201 /* left / right */
  1516. #define DIAXIS_BIKINGM_PEDAL                    0x1C010202 /* Pedal faster / slower / brake */
  1517. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_JUMP                   0x1C000401 /* jump over obstacle */
  1518. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_CAMERA                 0x1C000402 /* switch camera view */
  1519. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SPECIAL1               0x1C000403 /* perform first special move */
  1520. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SELECT                 0x1C000404 /* Select */
  1521. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SPECIAL2               0x1C000405 /* perform second special move */
  1522. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_MENU                   0x1C0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1523. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1524. #define DIHATSWITCH_BIKINGM_SCROLL              0x1C004601 /* scroll view */
  1525. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_ZOOM                   0x1C004406 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1526. #define DIAXIS_BIKINGM_BRAKE                    0x1C044203 /* Brake axis  */
  1527. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_LEFT_LINK              0x1C00C4E4 /* Fallback turn left button */
  1528. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_RIGHT_LINK             0x1C00C4EC /* Fallback turn right button */
  1529. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_FASTER_LINK            0x1C0144E0 /* Fallback pedal faster button */
  1530. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_SLOWER_LINK            0x1C0144E8 /* Fallback pedal slower button */
  1531. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_BRAKE_BUTTON_LINK      0x1C0444E8 /* Fallback brake button */
  1532. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_DEVICE                 0x1C0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1533. #define DIBUTTON_BIKINGM_PAUSE                  0x1C0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1534. /*--- Sports: Skiing / Snowboarding / Skateboarding
  1535.         ---*/
  1536. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SKIING                 0x1D000000
  1537. #define DIAXIS_SKIING_TURN                      0x1D008201 /* left / right */
  1538. #define DIAXIS_SKIING_SPEED                     0x1D010202 /* faster / slower */
  1539. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_JUMP                    0x1D000401 /* Jump */
  1540. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_CROUCH                  0x1D000402 /* crouch down */
  1541. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_CAMERA                  0x1D000403 /* switch camera view */
  1542. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_SPECIAL1                0x1D000404 /* perform first special move */
  1543. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_SELECT                  0x1D000405 /* Select */
  1544. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_SPECIAL2                0x1D000406 /* perform second special move */
  1545. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_MENU                    0x1D0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1546. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1547. #define DIHATSWITCH_SKIING_GLANCE               0x1D004601 /* scroll view */
  1548. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_ZOOM                    0x1D004407 /* Zoom view in / out */
  1549. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_LEFT_LINK               0x1D00C4E4 /* Fallback turn left button */
  1550. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_RIGHT_LINK              0x1D00C4EC /* Fallback turn right button */
  1551. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_FASTER_LINK             0x1D0144E0 /* Fallback increase speed button */
  1552. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_SLOWER_LINK             0x1D0144E8 /* Fallback decrease speed button */
  1553. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_DEVICE                  0x1D0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1554. #define DIBUTTON_SKIING_PAUSE                   0x1D0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1555. /*--- Sports - Soccer - Offense
  1556.       Offense       ---*/
  1557. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SOCCER_OFFENSE         0x1E000000
  1558. #define DIAXIS_SOCCERO_LATERAL                  0x1E008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1559. #define DIAXIS_SOCCERO_MOVE                     0x1E010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1560. #define DIAXIS_SOCCERO_BEND                     0x1E018203 /* Bend to soccer shot/pass */
  1561. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOT                  0x1E000401 /* Shoot the ball */
  1562. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PASS                   0x1E000402 /* Pass  */
  1563. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_FAKE                   0x1E000403 /* Fake */
  1564. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PLAYER                 0x1E000404 /* Select next player */
  1565. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SPECIAL1               0x1E000405 /* Apply special move */
  1566. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SELECT                 0x1E000406 /* Select special move */
  1567. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_MENU                   0x1E0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1568. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1569. #define DIHATSWITCH_SOCCERO_GLANCE              0x1E004601 /* scroll view */
  1570. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SUBSTITUTE             0x1E004407 /* Substitute one player for another */
  1571. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOTLOW               0x1E004408 /* Shoot the ball low */
  1572. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SHOOTHIGH              0x1E004409 /* Shoot the ball high */
  1573. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PASSTHRU               0x1E00440A /* Make a thru pass */
  1574. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_SPRINT                 0x1E00440B /* Sprint / turbo boost */
  1575. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_CONTROL                0x1E00440C /* Obtain control of the ball */
  1576. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_HEAD                   0x1E00440D /* Attempt to head the ball */
  1577. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_LEFT_LINK              0x1E00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1578. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_RIGHT_LINK             0x1E00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1579. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_FORWARD_LINK           0x1E0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1580. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_BACK_LINK              0x1E0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1581. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_DEVICE                 0x1E0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1582. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERO_PAUSE                  0x1E0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1583. /*--- Sports - Soccer - Defense
  1584.       Defense       ---*/
  1585. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_SOCCER_DEFENSE         0x1F000000
  1586. #define DIAXIS_SOCCERD_LATERAL                  0x1F008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1587. #define DIAXIS_SOCCERD_MOVE                     0x1F010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1588. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_BLOCK                  0x1F000401 /* Attempt to block shot */
  1589. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_STEAL                  0x1F000402 /* Attempt to steal ball */
  1590. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FAKE                   0x1F000403 /* Fake a block or a steal */
  1591. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_PLAYER                 0x1F000404 /* Select next player */
  1592. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SPECIAL                0x1F000405 /* Apply special move */
  1593. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SELECT                 0x1F000406 /* Select special move */
  1594. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SLIDE                  0x1F000407 /* Attempt a slide tackle */
  1595. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_MENU                   0x1F0004FD /* Show menu options */
  1596. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1597. #define DIHATSWITCH_SOCCERD_GLANCE              0x1F004601 /* scroll view */
  1598. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FOUL                   0x1F004408 /* Initiate a foul / hard-foul */
  1599. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_HEAD                   0x1F004409 /* Attempt a Header */
  1600. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_CLEAR                  0x1F00440A /* Attempt to clear the ball down the field */
  1601. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_GOALIECHARGE           0x1F00440B /* Make the goalie charge out of the box */
  1602. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_SUBSTITUTE             0x1F00440C /* Substitute one player for another */
  1603. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_LEFT_LINK              0x1F00C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1604. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_RIGHT_LINK             0x1F00C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1605. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_FORWARD_LINK           0x1F0144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1606. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_BACK_LINK              0x1F0144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1607. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_DEVICE                 0x1F0044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1608. #define DIBUTTON_SOCCERD_PAUSE                  0x1F0044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1609. /*--- Sports - Racquet
  1610.       Tennis - Table-Tennis - Squash   ---*/
  1611. #define DIVIRTUAL_SPORTS_RACQUET                0x20000000
  1612. #define DIAXIS_RACQUET_LATERAL                  0x20008201 /* Move / Aim: left / right */
  1613. #define DIAXIS_RACQUET_MOVE                     0x20010202 /* Move / Aim: up / down */
  1614. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SWING                  0x20000401 /* Swing racquet */
  1615. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_BACKSWING              0x20000402 /* Swing backhand */
  1616. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SMASH                  0x20000403 /* Smash shot */
  1617. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SPECIAL                0x20000404 /* Special shot */
  1618. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SELECT                 0x20000405 /* Select special shot */
  1619. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_MENU                   0x200004FD /* Show menu options */
  1620. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1621. #define DIHATSWITCH_RACQUET_GLANCE              0x20004601 /* scroll view */
  1622. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_TIMEOUT                0x20004406 /* Call for time out */
  1623. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_SUBSTITUTE             0x20004407 /* Substitute one player for another */
  1624. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_LEFT_LINK              0x2000C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1625. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_RIGHT_LINK             0x2000C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1626. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_FORWARD_LINK           0x200144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1627. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_BACK_LINK              0x200144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1628. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_DEVICE                 0x200044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1629. #define DIBUTTON_RACQUET_PAUSE                  0x200044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1630. /*--- Arcade- 2D
  1631.       Side to Side movement        ---*/
  1632. #define DIVIRTUAL_ARCADE_SIDE2SIDE              0x21000000
  1633. #define DIAXIS_ARCADES_LATERAL                  0x21008201 /* left / right */
  1634. #define DIAXIS_ARCADES_MOVE                     0x21010202 /* up / down */
  1635. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_THROW                  0x21000401 /* throw object */
  1636. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_CARRY                  0x21000402 /* carry object */
  1637. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_ATTACK                 0x21000403 /* attack */
  1638. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_SPECIAL                0x21000404 /* apply special move */
  1639. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_SELECT                 0x21000405 /* select special move */
  1640. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_MENU                   0x210004FD /* Show menu options */
  1641. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1642. #define DIHATSWITCH_ARCADES_VIEW                0x21004601 /* scroll view left / right / up / down */
  1643. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_LEFT_LINK              0x2100C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1644. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_RIGHT_LINK             0x2100C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1645. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_FORWARD_LINK           0x210144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1646. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_BACK_LINK              0x210144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1647. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_UP_LINK           0x2107C4E0 /* Fallback scroll view up button */
  1648. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_DOWN_LINK         0x2107C4E8 /* Fallback scroll view down button */
  1649. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_LEFT_LINK         0x2107C4E4 /* Fallback scroll view left button */
  1650. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_VIEW_RIGHT_LINK        0x2107C4EC /* Fallback scroll view right button */
  1651. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_DEVICE                 0x210044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1652. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADES_PAUSE                  0x210044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1653. /*--- Arcade - Platform Game
  1654.       Character moves around on screen  ---*/
  1655. #define DIVIRTUAL_ARCADE_PLATFORM               0x22000000
  1656. #define DIAXIS_ARCADEP_LATERAL                  0x22008201 /* Left / right */
  1657. #define DIAXIS_ARCADEP_MOVE                     0x22010202 /* Up / down */
  1658. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_JUMP                   0x22000401 /* Jump */
  1659. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FIRE                   0x22000402 /* Fire */
  1660. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_CROUCH                 0x22000403 /* Crouch */
  1661. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_SPECIAL                0x22000404 /* Apply special move */
  1662. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_SELECT                 0x22000405 /* Select special move */
  1663. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_MENU                   0x220004FD /* Show menu options */
  1664. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1665. #define DIHATSWITCH_ARCADEP_VIEW                0x22004601 /* Scroll view */
  1666. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FIRESECONDARY          0x22004406 /* Alternative fire button */
  1667. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_LEFT_LINK              0x2200C4E4 /* Fallback sidestep left button */
  1668. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_RIGHT_LINK             0x2200C4EC /* Fallback sidestep right button */
  1669. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_FORWARD_LINK           0x220144E0 /* Fallback move forward button */
  1670. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_BACK_LINK              0x220144E8 /* Fallback move back button */
  1671. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_UP_LINK           0x2207C4E0 /* Fallback scroll view up button */
  1672. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_DOWN_LINK         0x2207C4E8 /* Fallback scroll view down button */
  1673. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_LEFT_LINK         0x2207C4E4 /* Fallback scroll view left button */
  1674. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_VIEW_RIGHT_LINK        0x2207C4EC /* Fallback scroll view right button */
  1675. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_DEVICE                 0x220044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1676. #define DIBUTTON_ARCADEP_PAUSE                  0x220044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1677. /*--- CAD - 2D Object Control
  1678.       Controls to select and move objects in 2D  ---*/
  1679. #define DIVIRTUAL_CAD_2DCONTROL                 0x23000000
  1680. #define DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_LATERAL                0x23008201 /* Move view left / right */
  1681. #define DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_MOVE                   0x23010202 /* Move view up / down */
  1682. #define DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_INOUT                  0x23018203 /* Zoom - in / out */
  1683. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SELECT               0x23000401 /* Select Object */
  1684. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL1             0x23000402 /* Do first special operation */
  1685. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL              0x23000403 /* Select special operation */
  1686. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_SPECIAL2             0x23000404 /* Do second special operation */
  1687. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_MENU                 0x230004FD /* Show menu options */
  1688. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1689. #define DIHATSWITCH_2DCONTROL_HATSWITCH         0x23004601 /* Hat switch */
  1690. #define DIAXIS_2DCONTROL_ROTATEZ                0x23024204 /* Rotate view clockwise / counterclockwise */
  1691. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_DISPLAY              0x23004405 /* Shows next on-screen display options */
  1692. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_DEVICE               0x230044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1693. #define DIBUTTON_2DCONTROL_PAUSE                0x230044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1694. /*--- CAD - 3D object control
  1695.       Controls to select and move objects within a 3D environment  ---*/
  1696. #define DIVIRTUAL_CAD_3DCONTROL                 0x24000000
  1697. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_LATERAL                0x24008201 /* Move view left / right */
  1698. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_MOVE                   0x24010202 /* Move view up / down */
  1699. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_INOUT                  0x24018203 /* Zoom - in / out */
  1700. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SELECT               0x24000401 /* Select Object */
  1701. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL1             0x24000402 /* Do first special operation */
  1702. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL              0x24000403 /* Select special operation */
  1703. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_SPECIAL2             0x24000404 /* Do second special operation */
  1704. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_MENU                 0x240004FD /* Show menu options */
  1705. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1706. #define DIHATSWITCH_3DCONTROL_HATSWITCH         0x24004601 /* Hat switch */
  1707. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEX                0x24034204 /* Rotate view forward or up / backward or down */
  1708. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEY                0x2402C205 /* Rotate view clockwise / counterclockwise */
  1709. #define DIAXIS_3DCONTROL_ROTATEZ                0x24024206 /* Rotate view left / right */
  1710. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_DISPLAY              0x24004405 /* Show next on-screen display options */
  1711. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_DEVICE               0x240044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1712. #define DIBUTTON_3DCONTROL_PAUSE                0x240044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1713. /*--- CAD - 3D Navigation - Fly through
  1714.       Controls for 3D modeling  ---*/
  1715. #define DIVIRTUAL_CAD_FLYBY                     0x25000000
  1716. #define DIAXIS_CADF_LATERAL                     0x25008201 /* move view left / right */
  1717. #define DIAXIS_CADF_MOVE                        0x25010202 /* move view up / down */
  1718. #define DIAXIS_CADF_INOUT                       0x25018203 /* in / out */
  1719. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_SELECT                    0x25000401 /* Select Object */
  1720. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL1                  0x25000402 /* do first special operation */
  1721. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL                   0x25000403 /* Select special operation */
  1722. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_SPECIAL2                  0x25000404 /* do second special operation */
  1723. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_MENU                      0x250004FD /* Show menu options */
  1724. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1725. #define DIHATSWITCH_CADF_HATSWITCH              0x25004601 /* Hat switch */
  1726. #define DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEX                     0x25034204 /* Rotate view forward or up / backward or down */
  1727. #define DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEY                     0x2502C205 /* Rotate view clockwise / counterclockwise */
  1728. #define DIAXIS_CADF_ROTATEZ                     0x25024206 /* Rotate view left / right */
  1729. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_DISPLAY                   0x25004405 /* shows next on-screen display options */
  1730. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_DEVICE                    0x250044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1731. #define DIBUTTON_CADF_PAUSE                     0x250044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1732. /*--- CAD - 3D Model Control
  1733.       Controls for 3D modeling  ---*/
  1734. #define DIVIRTUAL_CAD_MODEL                     0x26000000
  1735. #define DIAXIS_CADM_LATERAL                     0x26008201 /* move view left / right */
  1736. #define DIAXIS_CADM_MOVE                        0x26010202 /* move view up / down */
  1737. #define DIAXIS_CADM_INOUT                       0x26018203 /* in / out */
  1738. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_SELECT                    0x26000401 /* Select Object */
  1739. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL1                  0x26000402 /* do first special operation */
  1740. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL                   0x26000403 /* Select special operation */
  1741. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_SPECIAL2                  0x26000404 /* do second special operation */
  1742. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_MENU                      0x260004FD /* Show menu options */
  1743. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1744. #define DIHATSWITCH_CADM_HATSWITCH              0x26004601 /* Hat switch */
  1745. #define DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEX                     0x26034204 /* Rotate view forward or up / backward or down */
  1746. #define DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEY                     0x2602C205 /* Rotate view clockwise / counterclockwise */
  1747. #define DIAXIS_CADM_ROTATEZ                     0x26024206 /* Rotate view left / right */
  1748. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_DISPLAY                   0x26004405 /* shows next on-screen display options */
  1749. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_DEVICE                    0x260044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1750. #define DIBUTTON_CADM_PAUSE                     0x260044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1751. /*--- Control - Media Equipment
  1752.       Remote        ---*/
  1753. #define DIVIRTUAL_REMOTE_CONTROL                0x27000000
  1754. #define DIAXIS_REMOTE_SLIDER                    0x27050201 /* Slider for adjustment: volume / color / bass / etc */
  1755. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_MUTE                    0x27000401 /* Set volume on current device to zero */
  1756. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_SELECT                  0x27000402 /* Next/previous: channel/ track / chapter / picture / station */
  1757. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_PLAY                    0x27002403 /* Start or pause entertainment on current device */
  1758. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CUE                     0x27002404 /* Move through current media */
  1759. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_REVIEW                  0x27002405 /* Move through current media */
  1760. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CHANGE                  0x27002406 /* Select next device */
  1761. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_RECORD                  0x27002407 /* Start recording the current media */
  1762. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_MENU                    0x270004FD /* Show menu options */
  1763. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1764. #define DIAXIS_REMOTE_SLIDER2                   0x27054202 /* Slider for adjustment: volume */
  1765. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_TV                      0x27005C08 /* Select TV */
  1766. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CABLE                   0x27005C09 /* Select cable box */
  1767. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_CD                      0x27005C0A /* Select CD player */
  1768. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_VCR                     0x27005C0B /* Select VCR */
  1769. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_TUNER                   0x27005C0C /* Select tuner */
  1770. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DVD                     0x27005C0D /* Select DVD player */
  1771. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_ADJUST                  0x27005C0E /* Enter device adjustment menu */
  1772. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT0                  0x2700540F /* Digit 0 */
  1773. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT1                  0x27005410 /* Digit 1 */
  1774. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT2                  0x27005411 /* Digit 2 */
  1775. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT3                  0x27005412 /* Digit 3 */
  1776. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT4                  0x27005413 /* Digit 4 */
  1777. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT5                  0x27005414 /* Digit 5 */
  1778. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT6                  0x27005415 /* Digit 6 */
  1779. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT7                  0x27005416 /* Digit 7 */
  1780. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT8                  0x27005417 /* Digit 8 */
  1781. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DIGIT9                  0x27005418 /* Digit 9 */
  1782. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_DEVICE                  0x270044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1783. #define DIBUTTON_REMOTE_PAUSE                   0x270044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1784. /*--- Control- Web
  1785.       Help or Browser            ---*/
  1786. #define DIVIRTUAL_BROWSER_CONTROL               0x28000000
  1787. #define DIAXIS_BROWSER_LATERAL                  0x28008201 /* Move on screen pointer */
  1788. #define DIAXIS_BROWSER_MOVE                     0x28010202 /* Move on screen pointer */
  1789. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_SELECT                 0x28000401 /* Select current item */
  1790. #define DIAXIS_BROWSER_VIEW                     0x28018203 /* Move view up/down */
  1791. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_REFRESH                0x28000402 /* Refresh */
  1792. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_MENU                   0x280004FD /* Show menu options */
  1793. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1794. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_SEARCH                 0x28004403 /* Use search tool */
  1795. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_STOP                   0x28004404 /* Cease current update */
  1796. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_HOME                   0x28004405 /* Go directly to "home" location */
  1797. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_FAVORITES              0x28004406 /* Mark current site as favorite */
  1798. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_NEXT                   0x28004407 /* Select Next page */
  1799. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PREVIOUS               0x28004408 /* Select Previous page */
  1800. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_HISTORY                0x28004409 /* Show/Hide History */
  1801. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PRINT                  0x2800440A /* Print current page */
  1802. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_DEVICE                 0x280044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1803. #define DIBUTTON_BROWSER_PAUSE                  0x280044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1804. /*--- Driving Simulator - Giant Walking Robot
  1805.       Walking tank with weapons  ---*/
  1806. #define DIVIRTUAL_DRIVING_MECHA                 0x29000000
  1807. #define DIAXIS_MECHA_STEER                      0x29008201 /* Turns mecha left/right */
  1808. #define DIAXIS_MECHA_TORSO                      0x29010202 /* Tilts torso forward/backward */
  1809. #define DIAXIS_MECHA_ROTATE                     0x29020203 /* Turns torso left/right */
  1810. #define DIAXIS_MECHA_THROTTLE                   0x29038204 /* Engine Speed */
  1811. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_FIRE                     0x29000401 /* Fire */
  1812. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_WEAPONS                  0x29000402 /* Select next weapon group */
  1813. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_TARGET                   0x29000403 /* Select closest enemy available target */
  1814. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_REVERSE                  0x29000404 /* Toggles throttle in/out of reverse */
  1815. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_ZOOM                     0x29000405 /* Zoom in/out targeting reticule */
  1816. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_JUMP                     0x29000406 /* Fires jump jets */
  1817. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_MENU                     0x290004FD /* Show menu options */
  1818. /*--- Priority 2 controls                            ---*/
  1819. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_CENTER                   0x29004407 /* Center torso to legs */
  1820. #define DIHATSWITCH_MECHA_GLANCE                0x29004601 /* Look around */
  1821. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_VIEW                     0x29004408 /* Cycle through view options */
  1822. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_FIRESECONDARY            0x29004409 /* Alternative fire button */
  1823. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_LEFT_LINK                0x2900C4E4 /* Fallback steer left button */
  1824. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_RIGHT_LINK               0x2900C4EC /* Fallback steer right button */
  1825. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_FORWARD_LINK             0x290144E0 /* Fallback tilt torso forward button */
  1826. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_BACK_LINK                0x290144E8 /* Fallback tilt toroso backward button */
  1827. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_ROTATE_LEFT_LINK         0x290244E4 /* Fallback rotate toroso right button */
  1828. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_ROTATE_RIGHT_LINK        0x290244EC /* Fallback rotate torso left button */
  1829. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_FASTER_LINK              0x2903C4E0 /* Fallback increase engine speed */
  1830. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_SLOWER_LINK              0x2903C4E8 /* Fallback decrease engine speed */
  1831. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_DEVICE                   0x290044FE /* Show input device and controls */
  1832. #define DIBUTTON_MECHA_PAUSE                    0x290044FC /* Start / Pause / Restart game */
  1833. /*
  1834.  *  "ANY" semantics can be used as a last resort to get mappings for actions 
  1835.  *  that match nothing in the chosen virtual genre.  These semantics will be 
  1836.  *  mapped at a lower priority that virtual genre semantics.  Also, hardware 
  1837.  *  vendors will not be able to provide sensible mappings for these unless 
  1838.  *  they provide application specific mappings.
  1839.  */
  1840. #define DIAXIS_ANY_X_1                          0xFF00C201 
  1841. #define DIAXIS_ANY_X_2                          0xFF00C202 
  1842. #define DIAXIS_ANY_Y_1                          0xFF014201 
  1843. #define DIAXIS_ANY_Y_2                          0xFF014202 
  1844. #define DIAXIS_ANY_Z_1                          0xFF01C201 
  1845. #define DIAXIS_ANY_Z_2                          0xFF01C202 
  1846. #define DIAXIS_ANY_R_1                          0xFF024201 
  1847. #define DIAXIS_ANY_R_2                          0xFF024202 
  1848. #define DIAXIS_ANY_U_1                          0xFF02C201 
  1849. #define DIAXIS_ANY_U_2                          0xFF02C202 
  1850. #define DIAXIS_ANY_V_1                          0xFF034201 
  1851. #define DIAXIS_ANY_V_2                          0xFF034202 
  1852. #define DIAXIS_ANY_A_1                          0xFF03C201 
  1853. #define DIAXIS_ANY_A_2                          0xFF03C202 
  1854. #define DIAXIS_ANY_B_1                          0xFF044201 
  1855. #define DIAXIS_ANY_B_2                          0xFF044202 
  1856. #define DIAXIS_ANY_C_1                          0xFF04C201 
  1857. #define DIAXIS_ANY_C_2                          0xFF04C202 
  1858. #define DIAXIS_ANY_S_1                          0xFF054201 
  1859. #define DIAXIS_ANY_S_2                          0xFF054202 
  1860. #define DIAXIS_ANY_1                            0xFF004201 
  1861. #define DIAXIS_ANY_2                            0xFF004202 
  1862. #define DIAXIS_ANY_3                            0xFF004203 
  1863. #define DIAXIS_ANY_4                            0xFF004204 
  1864. #define DIPOV_ANY_1                             0xFF004601 
  1865. #define DIPOV_ANY_2                             0xFF004602 
  1866. #define DIPOV_ANY_3                             0xFF004603 
  1867. #define DIPOV_ANY_4                             0xFF004604 
  1868. #define DIBUTTON_ANY(instance)                  ( 0xFF004400 | instance )
  1869. #ifdef __cplusplus
  1870. };
  1871. #endif
  1872. #endif  /* __DINPUT_INCLUDED__ */
  1873. /****************************************************************************
  1874.  *
  1875.  *  Definitions for non-IDirectInput (VJoyD) features defined more recently
  1876.  *  than the current sdk files
  1877.  *
  1878.  ****************************************************************************/
  1879. #ifdef _INC_MMSYSTEM
  1880. #ifndef MMNOJOY
  1881. #ifndef __VJOYDX_INCLUDED__
  1882. #define __VJOYDX_INCLUDED__
  1883. #ifdef __cplusplus
  1884. extern "C" {
  1885. #endif
  1886. /*
  1887.  * Flag to indicate that the dwReserved2 field of the JOYINFOEX structure
  1888.  * contains mini-driver specific data to be passed by VJoyD to the mini-
  1889.  * driver instead of doing a poll.
  1890.  */
  1891. #define JOY_PASSDRIVERDATA          0x10000000l
  1892. /*
  1893.  * Informs the joystick driver that the configuration has been changed
  1894.  * and should be reloaded from the registery.
  1895.  * dwFlags is reserved and should be set to zero
  1896.  */
  1897. WINMMAPI MMRESULT WINAPI joyConfigChanged( DWORD dwFlags );
  1898. /*
  1899.  * Hardware Setting indicating that the device is a headtracker
  1900.  */
  1901. #define JOY_HWS_ISHEADTRACKER       0x02000000l
  1902. /*
  1903.  * Hardware Setting indicating that the VxD is used to replace
  1904.  * the standard analog polling
  1905.  */
  1906. #define JOY_HWS_ISGAMEPORTDRIVER    0x04000000l
  1907. /*
  1908.  * Hardware Setting indicating that the driver needs a standard
  1909.  * gameport in order to communicate with the device.
  1910.  */
  1911. #define JOY_HWS_ISANALOGPORTDRIVER  0x08000000l
  1912. /*
  1913.  * Hardware Setting indicating that VJoyD should not load this
  1914.  * driver, it will be loaded externally and will register with
  1915.  * VJoyD of it's own accord.
  1916.  */
  1917. #define JOY_HWS_AUTOLOAD            0x10000000l
  1918. /*
  1919.  * Hardware Setting indicating that the driver acquires any
  1920.  * resources needed without needing a devnode through VJoyD.
  1921.  */
  1922. #define JOY_HWS_NODEVNODE           0x20000000l
  1923. /*
  1924.  * Hardware Setting indicating that the device is a gameport bus
  1925.  */
  1926. #define JOY_HWS_ISGAMEPORTBUS       0x80000000l
  1927. #define JOY_HWS_GAMEPORTBUSBUSY     0x00000001l
  1928. /*
  1929.  * Usage Setting indicating that the settings are volatile and
  1930.  * should be removed if still present on a reboot.
  1931.  */
  1932. #define JOY_US_VOLATILE             0x00000008L
  1933. #ifdef __cplusplus
  1934. };
  1935. #endif
  1936. #endif  /* __VJOYDX_INCLUDED__ */
  1937. #endif  /* not MMNOJOY */
  1938. #endif  /* _INC_MMSYSTEM */
  1939. /****************************************************************************
  1940.  *
  1941.  *  Definitions for non-IDirectInput (VJoyD) features defined more recently
  1942.  *  than the current ddk files
  1943.  *
  1944.  ****************************************************************************/
  1945. #ifndef DIJ_RINGZERO
  1946. #ifdef _INC_MMDDK
  1947. #ifndef MMNOJOYDEV
  1948. #ifndef __VJOYDXD_INCLUDED__
  1949. #define __VJOYDXD_INCLUDED__
  1950. /*
  1951.  * Poll type in which the do_other field of the JOYOEMPOLLDATA
  1952.  * structure contains mini-driver specific data passed from an app.
  1953.  */
  1955. #endif  /* __VJOYDXD_INCLUDED__ */
  1956. #endif  /* not MMNOJOYDEV */
  1957. #endif  /* _INC_MMDDK */
  1958. #endif /* DIJ_RINGZERO */