- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- //
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
- //
- // File: mmcobj.idl
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // mmcobj.idl : IDL source for the MMC object model.
- //
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL compiler to produce the
- // type library (MMCObj.tlb).
- cpp_quote("#ifndef MMC_VER")
- cpp_quote("#define MMC_VER 0x0200")
- cpp_quote("#endif")
- cpp_quote("#if (MMC_VER >= 0x0200)")
- import "oaidl.idl";
- // interfaces - in alphabetical order.
- interface _Application;
- interface Column;
- interface Columns;
- interface ContextMenu;
- interface Document;
- interface Frame;
- interface MenuItem;
- interface Node;
- interface Nodes;
- interface Properties;
- interface Property;
- interface ScopeNamespace;
- interface SnapIn;
- interface SnapIns;
- interface Extension;
- interface Extensions;
- interface View;
- interface Views;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Interfaces implemented by the Common Console's Node Manager
- interface ISnapinPropertiesCallback;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Interfaces implemented by the Snap-in server
- interface ISnapinProperties;
- // typedefs - same order as interfaces, for the pointer and the pointer to pointer.
- typedef _Application* PAPPLICATION;
- typedef _Application** PPAPPLICATION;
- typedef Column* PCOLUMN;
- typedef Column** PPCOLUMN;
- typedef Columns* PCOLUMNS;
- typedef Columns** PPCOLUMNS;
- typedef ContextMenu* PCONTEXTMENU;
- typedef ContextMenu** PPCONTEXTMENU;
- typedef Document* PDOCUMENT;
- typedef Document** PPDOCUMENT;
- typedef Frame* PFRAME;
- typedef Frame** PPFRAME;
- typedef MenuItem* PMENUITEM;
- typedef MenuItem** PPMENUITEM;
- typedef Node* PNODE;
- typedef Node** PPNODE;
- typedef Nodes* PNODES;
- typedef Nodes** PPNODES;
- typedef Properties* PPROPERTIES;
- typedef Properties** PPPROPERTIES;
- typedef Property* PPROPERTY;
- typedef Property** PPPROPERTY;
- typedef ScopeNamespace* PSCOPENAMESPACE;
- typedef ScopeNamespace** PPSCOPENAMESPACE;
- typedef SnapIn* PSNAPIN;
- typedef SnapIn** PPSNAPIN;
- typedef SnapIns* PSNAPINS;
- typedef SnapIns** PPSNAPINS;
- typedef Extension* PEXTENSION;
- typedef Extension** PPEXTENSION;
- typedef Extensions* PEXTENSIONS;
- typedef Extensions** PPEXTENSIONS;
- typedef View* PVIEW;
- typedef View** PPVIEW;
- typedef Views* PVIEWS;
- typedef Views** PPVIEWS;
- typedef ISnapinProperties* LPSNAPINPROPERTIES;
- typedef ISnapinPropertiesCallback* LPSNAPINPROPERTIESCALLBACK;
- // typedefs for external types
- typedef BOOL* PBOOL;
- typedef int* PINT;
- typedef BSTR* PBSTR;
- typedef long* PLONG;
- typedef IDispatch* PDISPATCH;
- typedef IDispatch** PPDISPATCH;
- /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * ISnapinProperties
- * ISnapinPropertiesCallback
- *
- * These define the interfaces used by the snap-in to support Properties.
- * They are not object model interfaces per se, but they ISnapinProperties
- * requires the definition of Properties, and ISnapinPropertiesCallback
- * requires the definition of ISnapinProperties.
- *
- * These interfaces should be defined in mmc.idl, since they're not
- * object model interfaces per se. ISnapinProperties, however, requires
- * the definition of Properties, so we can either import mmcobj.idl into
- * mmc.idl or define ISnapinProperties here (a foward declaration of
- * Properties isn't sufficient).
- *
- * We don't want to import mmcobj.idl into mmc.idl because that causes too
- * many dependency difficulties, so we define these non-object model
- * interfaces here instead.
- *
- * ISnapinPropertiesCallback requires the definition of ISnapinProperties,
- * so it is defined here for the same reason.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- [
- object,
- uuid(F7889DA9-4A02-4837-BF89-1A6F2A021010),
- helpstring("ISnapinProperties Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISnapinProperties : IUnknown
- {
- typedef enum _MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION
- {
- typedef struct _MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY
- {
- LPCOLESTR pszPropName; // name of property
- VARIANT varValue; // value of the property
- MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION eAction; // what happened to this property
- [helpstring("Provides the snap-in with the Properties interface from which it can initialize itself.")]
- HRESULT Initialize ([in] Properties* pProperties);
- [helpstring("Returns the names of the properties this snap-in uses for configuration.")]
- HRESULT QueryPropertyNames ([in] ISnapinPropertiesCallback* pCallback);
- [helpstring("Informs the snap-in that one or more of the properties is uses for its configuration has been added, deleted, or changed.")]
- HRESULT PropertiesChanged (
- [in] long cProperties,
- [in, size_is(cProperties)] MMC_SNAPIN_PROPERTY* pProperties);
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(A50FA2E5-7E61-45EB-A8D4-9A07B3E851A8),
- helpstring("ISnapinPropertiesCallback Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISnapinPropertiesCallback : IUnknown
- {
- // flags for the dwFlags parameter of AddPropertyName
- const DWORD MMC_PROP_MODIFIABLE = 0x00000002;
- const DWORD MMC_PROP_REMOVABLE = 0x00000004;
- const DWORD MMC_PROP_PERSIST = 0x00000008;
- [helpstring("Defines a property which the snap-in can use.")]
- HRESULT AddPropertyName (
- [in] LPCOLESTR pszPropName,
- [in] DWORD dwFlags);
- };
- [
- uuid(8E80422B-CAC4-472b-B272-9635F1DFEF3B),
- helpstring("Microsoft Management Console 2.0"),
- version(1.0),
- ]
- library MMC20
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // Enumerations
- //
- // The syntax used below has the reasons why it is used
- // 1. defining all pointer types separatelly [instead of right after
- // the enum] is chosen, because VB 6.0 will display all of them in the
- // Object Browser else.
- // 2. DOCUMENTMODE [and similar for other enums] is defined since MIDL
- // will crash if "enum DocumentMode" is specified as a method parameter.
- // 3. _DocumentMode cannot be used as parameter since VB 6.0 will crash
- // whenever the type of parameter is hidden.
- // 4. typedef and _DocumentMode could be removed, but MIDL will crash else.
- // 5. Enum tag (DocumentMode) must be present, since MIDL will generate one if missing
- // 6. Enum tag (DocumentMode) will be displayed in VB Obect browser. It cannot
- // be hidden.
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- typedef
- [ v1_enum, helpstring("Document Mode enumeration")]
- enum DocumentMode
- {
- [helpstring("Document opens in Author Mode")]
- DocumentMode_Author,
- [helpstring("Document opens in Full-Access User Mode")]
- DocumentMode_User,
- [helpstring("Document opens in Limited-Access User Mode with multiple windows")]
- DocumentMode_User_MDI,
- [helpstring("Document opens in Limited-Access User Mode with single window")]
- DocumentMode_User_SDI
- } _DocumentMode;
- typedef enum DocumentMode DOCUMENTMODE;
- typedef enum DocumentMode *PDOCUMENTMODE;
- typedef enum DocumentMode **PPDOCUMENTMODE;
- typedef
- [ v1_enum, helpstring("List View Mode enumeration") ]
- enum ListViewMode
- {
- [helpstring("List View with small icons")]
- ListMode_Small_Icons,
- [helpstring("List View with large icons")]
- ListMode_Large_Icons,
- [helpstring("List View displaying simple list view")]
- ListMode_List,
- [helpstring("List View displaying detailed view")]
- ListMode_Detail,
- [helpstring("List View displaying filtered view")]
- ListMode_Filtered
- } _ListViewMode;
- typedef enum ListViewMode LISTVIEWMODE;
- typedef enum ListViewMode *PLISTVIEWMODE;
- typedef enum ListViewMode **PPLISTVIEWMODE;
- typedef
- [ v1_enum, helpstring("View Options enumeration") ]
- enum ViewOptions
- {
- [helpstring("Default view options")]
- ViewOption_Default = 0x0000,
- [helpstring("View with a Scope Tree pane hidden")]
- ViewOption_ScopeTreeHidden = 0x0001,
- [helpstring("View with Tool Bars hidden")]
- ViewOption_NoToolBars = 0x0002,
- [helpstring("Temporary View without persistence capability")]
- ViewOption_NotPersistable = 0x0004
- } _ViewOptions;
- typedef enum ViewOptions VIEWOPTIONS;
- typedef enum ViewOptions *PVIEWOPTIONS;
- typedef enum ViewOptions **PPVIEWOPTIONS;
- typedef
- [ v1_enum, helpstring("List Export Option enumeration") ]
- enum ExportListOptions
- {
- [helpstring("Default List Export options")]
- ExportListOptions_Default = 0x0000,
- [helpstring("Exports List to unicode")]
- ExportListOptions_Unicode = 0x0001,
- [helpstring("Exports List to tab-delimited format")]
- ExportListOptions_TabDelimited = 0x0002,
- [helpstring("Exports only selected files")]
- ExportListOptions_SelectedItemsOnly = 0x0004
- } _ExportListOptions;
- typedef enum ExportListOptions EXPORTLISTOPTIONS;
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Application class and the _Application interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(A3AFB9CC-B653-4741-86AB-F0470EC1384C) ,
- dual,
- helpstring("_Application Interface")
- ]
- interface _Application : IDispatch
- {
- [id(2), helpstring("Displays Help for the console")]
- void Help();
- [id(3), helpstring("Ends the MMC application")]
- void Quit();
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the document object")]
- HRESULT Document([out,retval] PPDOCUMENT Document);
- [id(5), helpstring("Loads the document from the specified file.")]
- HRESULT Load([in] BSTR Filename);
- [id(6), propget, helpstring("Returns the frame subobject")]
- HRESULT Frame([out, retval] PPFRAME Frame);
- [id(7), propget, helpstring("Returns the visible property")]
- HRESULT Visible([out, retval] PBOOL Visible);
- [id(8), helpstring("Shows the application - sets Visible to true")]
- HRESULT Show();
- [id(9), helpstring("Hides the application - sets Visible to false")]
- HRESULT Hide();
- [id(10), propget, helpstring("Returns the UserControl property")]
- HRESULT UserControl([out, retval] PBOOL UserControl);
- [id(10), propput, helpstring("Sets the UserControl property")]
- HRESULT UserControl([in] BOOL UserControl);
- [id(11), propget, helpstring("Gets the installed MMC's major version number")]
- HRESULT VersionMajor([out, retval] PLONG VersionMajor);
- [id(12), propget, helpstring("Gets the installed MMC's minor version number")]
- HRESULT VersionMinor([out, retval] PLONG VersionMinor);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The AppEvents event source interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(DE46CBDD-53F5-4635-AF54-4FE71E923D3F),
- dual,
- helpstring("_AppEvents Interface")
- ]
- interface _AppEvents : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("Occurs when application is closed")]
- HRESULT OnQuit( [in] PAPPLICATION Application);
- [id(2), helpstring("Occurs when document is opened")]
- HRESULT OnDocumentOpen([in] PDOCUMENT Document, [in] BOOL New);
- [id(3), helpstring("Occurs before the document is destroyed")]
- HRESULT OnDocumentClose( [in] PDOCUMENT Document);
- [id(4), helpstring("Occurs when a snapin is added")]
- HRESULT OnSnapInAdded( [in] PDOCUMENT Document, [in] PSNAPIN SnapIn);
- [id(5), helpstring("Occurs when the snapin is removed")]
- HRESULT OnSnapInRemoved( [in] PDOCUMENT Document, [in] PSNAPIN SnapIn);
- [id(6), helpstring("Occurs when a view is added")]
- HRESULT OnNewView( [in] PVIEW View);
- [id(7), helpstring("Occurs when the view is destroyed")]
- HRESULT OnViewClose( [in] PVIEW View );
- [id(8), helpstring("Occurs when the view is changed, for instance by a scope node selection change")]
- HRESULT OnViewChange( [in] PVIEW View, [in] PNODE NewOwnerNode );
- [id(9), helpstring("Occurs when the result item selection for a view is changed")]
- HRESULT OnSelectionChange([in] PVIEW View, [in] PNODES NewNodes);
- [id(11), helpstring("Occurs when a context menu item is executed")]
- HRESULT OnContextMenuExecuted( [in] PMENUITEM MenuItem );
- [id(12), helpstring("Occurs when a toolbar button is clicked")]
- HRESULT OnToolbarButtonClicked( );
- [id(13), helpstring("Occurs when one or more list items are updated")]
- HRESULT OnListUpdated([in] PVIEW View );
- };
- [
- uuid(FC7A4252-78AC-4532-8C5A-563CFE138863) ,
- helpstring("AppEvents Interface")
- ]
- dispinterface AppEvents
- {
- interface _AppEvents;
- };
- [
- uuid(49B2791A-B1AE-4C90-9B8E-E860BA07F889)
- ]
- coclass Application
- {
- [default] interface _Application;
- [default, source] dispinterface AppEvents;
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The AppEventsDHTMLConnector class and the _EventConnector interface
- //
- // Connector class to enable access for the script on DHTML page
- // to application events of current MMC instance
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(C0BCCD30-DE44-4528-8403-A05A6A1CC8EA) ,
- dual,
- helpstring("_EventConnector Interface")
- ]
- interface _EventConnector : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("Connects to application events and starts forwarding them")]
- HRESULT ConnectTo( [in] PAPPLICATION Application );
- [id(2), helpstring("Disconnects from application")]
- HRESULT Disconnect();
- };
- [
- uuid(ADE6444B-C91F-4e37-92A4-5BB430A33340),
- helpstring("Connector class to enable access from DHTML page to the events of current MMC instance")
- ]
- coclass AppEventsDHTMLConnector
- {
- [default] interface _EventConnector;
- [default, source] dispinterface AppEvents;
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Frame interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(E5E2D970-5BB3-4306-8804-B0968A31C8E6),
- dual,
- helpstring("Frame Interface")
- ]
- interface Frame : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("Maximizes the frame")]
- HRESULT Maximize();
- [id(2), helpstring("Minimizes the frame")]
- HRESULT Minimize();
- [id(3), helpstring("Restores the frame to its normal size")]
- HRESULT Restore();
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the coordinate of the top of the frame")]
- HRESULT Top([out, retval] PINT Top);
- [id(4), propput, helpstring("Sets the coordinate of the top of the frame")]
- HRESULT Top([in] int top);
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Returns the coordinate of the bottom of the frame")]
- HRESULT Bottom([out, retval] PINT Bottom);
- [id(5), propput, helpstring("Sets the coordinate of the bottom of the frame")]
- HRESULT Bottom([in] int bottom);
- [id(6), propget, helpstring("Returns the coordinate of the left of the frame")]
- HRESULT Left([out, retval] PINT Left);
- [id(6), propput, helpstring("Sets the coordinate of the left of the frame")]
- HRESULT Left([in] int left);
- [id(7), propget, helpstring("Returns the coordinate of the right of the frame")]
- HRESULT Right([out, retval] PINT Right);
- [id(7), propput, helpstring("Sets the coordinate of the right of the frame")]
- HRESULT Right([in] int right);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Node interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(F81ED800-7839-4447-945D-8E15DA59CA55),
- dual,
- helpstring("Node Interface")
- ]
- interface Node : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Returns the display name of the node")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] PBSTR Name);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Returns the data corresponding to a specified clipboard format")]
- HRESULT Property([in] BSTR PropertyName, [out, retval] PBSTR PropertyValue);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Returns a persistable bookmark for the node")]
- HRESULT Bookmark([out, retval] PBSTR Bookmark);
- [id(4), helpstring("Returns whether the node is a scope (tree) or result (list or leaf) item.")]
- HRESULT IsScopeNode([out, retval]PBOOL IsScopeNode);
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Returns the nodetype GUID identifier for the node")]
- HRESULT Nodetype([out, retval] PBSTR Nodetype);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The ScopeNamespace interface
- //
- // This interface provides access to the scope tree.
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(EBBB48DC-1A3B-4D86-B786-C21B28389012),
- dual,
- helpstring("ScopeNamespace Interface")
- ]
- interface ScopeNamespace : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), helpstring("Returns the parent of a scope node")]
- HRESULT GetParent( [in] PNODE Node, [out, retval] PPNODE Parent);
- [id(2), helpstring("Returns the child of a scope node")]
- HRESULT GetChild( [in] PNODE Node, [out, retval] PPNODE Child);
- [id(3), helpstring("Returns the next node in the namespace")]
- HRESULT GetNext( [in] PNODE Node, [out, retval] PPNODE Next);
- [id(4), helpstring("Gets the root of the namespace")]
- HRESULT GetRoot( [out, retval] PPNODE Root);
- [id(5), helpstring("Causes a node to be expanded")]
- HRESULT Expand( [in] PNODE Node);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Document interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(225120D6-1E0F-40A3-93FE-1079E6A8017B),
- dual,
- helpstring("Document Interface")
- ]
- interface Document : IDispatch
- {
- // methods
- [id(1), helpstring("Saves the document.")]
- HRESULT Save();
- [id(2), helpstring("Saves the document using the specified name")]
- HRESULT SaveAs([in] BSTR Filename);
- [id(3), helpstring("Closes the document.")]
- HRESULT Close( [in] BOOL SaveChanges);
- // properties
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the collection of all views (MDI children)")]
- HRESULT Views ([out, retval] PPVIEWS Views);
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Returns the set of all snap-ins that have been loaded")]
- HRESULT SnapIns([out, retval] PPSNAPINS SnapIns);
- [id(6), propget, helpstring("Returns the currently active view")]
- HRESULT ActiveView([out, retval] PPVIEW View);
- [id(7), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the current document")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] PBSTR Name);
- [id(7), propput, helpstring("Sets the name of the current document")]
- HRESULT Name([in] BSTR Name);
- // location is a read-only property.
- [id(8), propget, helpstring("Gets the location of the current document")]
- HRESULT Location([out, retval] PBSTR Location);
- [id(9), propget, helpstring("Returns whether the file was saved. If not, it is dirty and needs to be saved")]
- HRESULT IsSaved([out, retval] PBOOL IsSaved);
- [id(10), propget, helpstring("Returns the mode of the document")]
- HRESULT Mode([out, retval] PDOCUMENTMODE Mode);
- [id(10), propput, helpstring("Sets the mode of the document")]
- [id(11), propget, helpstring("Returns the console root node")]
- HRESULT RootNode([out, retval] PPNODE Node);
- [id(12), propget, helpstring("Returns the scope namespace")]
- HRESULT ScopeNamespace([out, retval] PPSCOPENAMESPACE ScopeNamespace);
- [id(13), helpstring("Returns a new, empty properties collection")]
- HRESULT CreateProperties([out, retval] PPPROPERTIES Properties);
- [id(20), propget, helpstring("Returns the parent application for the document")]
- HRESULT Application([out, retval] PPAPPLICATION Application);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The SnapIns and SnapIn interfaces
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(3BE910F6-3459-49C6-A1BB-41E6BE9DF3EA),
- dual,
- helpstring("SnapIn Interface")
- ]
- interface SnapIn : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the snapin")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] PBSTR Name);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin vendor name")]
- HRESULT Vendor([out, retval] PBSTR Vendor);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin version")]
- HRESULT Version([out, retval] PBSTR Version);
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the list of extension snapins")]
- HRESULT Extensions([out, retval] PPEXTENSIONS Extensions);
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin CLSID in string form")]
- HRESULT SnapinCLSID([out, retval] PBSTR SnapinCLSID);
- [id(6), propget, helpstring("Returns the properties collection for the snapin")]
- HRESULT Properties([out, retval] PPPROPERTIES Properties);
- [id(7), helpstring("Enable or not enable all the extensions for this snapin.")]
- HRESULT EnableAllExtensions([in] BOOL Enable);
- }
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(2EF3DE1D-B12A-49D1-92C5-0B00798768F1),
- dual,
- helpstring("SnapIns Interface")
- ]
- interface SnapIns : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] PPSNAPIN SnapIn);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- [id(2), helpstring("Adds a snapin given its CLSID or ProgID")]
- [in] BSTR SnapinNameOrCLSID,
- [in, optional] VARIANT ParentSnapin,
- [in, optional] VARIANT Properties,
- [out, retval] PPSNAPIN SnapIn);
- [id(3), helpstring("Removes a snapin from the list of snapins and hence from the console.")]
- HRESULT Remove([in] PSNAPIN SnapIn);
- };
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(AD4D6CA6-912F-409b-A26E-7FD234AEF542),
- dual,
- helpstring("Extension Interface")
- ]
- interface Extension : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Returns the name of the snapin")]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] PBSTR Name);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin vendor name")]
- HRESULT Vendor([out, retval] PBSTR Vendor);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin version")]
- HRESULT Version([out, retval] PBSTR Version);
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the list of extension snapins")]
- HRESULT Extensions([out, retval] PPEXTENSIONS Extensions);
- [id(5), propget, helpstring("Returns the snapin CLSID in string form")]
- HRESULT SnapinCLSID([out, retval] PBSTR SnapinCLSID);
- [id(6), helpstring("Enable or not enable all the extensions for this snapin.")]
- HRESULT EnableAllExtensions([in] BOOL Enable);
- [id(7), helpstring("Enable/Disable this extension")]
- HRESULT Enable([in] BOOL Enable /*= TRUE*/);
- }
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(82DBEA43-8CA4-44bc-A2CA-D18741059EC8),
- dual,
- helpstring("Extensions Interface")
- ]
- interface Extensions : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] PPEXTENSION Extension);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Columns interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(383D4D97-FC44-478B-B139-6323DC48611C),
- dual,
- helpstring("Columns Interface")
- ]
- interface Columns : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] PPCOLUMN Column);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Column interface
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(FD1C5F63-2B16-4D06-9AB3-F45350B940AB),
- dual,
- helpstring("Column Interface")
- ]
- interface Column : IDispatch
- {
- typedef enum ColumnSortOrder
- {
- SortOrder_Ascending,
- SortOrder_Descending
- } _ColumnSortOrder;
- typedef enum ColumnSortOrder COLUMNSORTORDER;
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *Name);
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Returns the width of a column")]
- HRESULT Width([out, retval] PLONG Width);
- [id(1), propput, helpstring("Sets the width of a column")]
- HRESULT Width([in] long Width);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("returns the display position of the column in the set of columns")]
- HRESULT DisplayPosition([out, retval] PLONG DisplayPosition);
- [id(2), propput, helpstring("Sets the display position of the column in the set of columns")]
- HRESULT DisplayPosition([in] long Index);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Returns true if column is hidden")]
- HRESULT Hidden([out, retval] PBOOL Hidden);
- [id(3), propput, helpstring("Sets the Hidden status for column")]
- HRESULT Hidden([in] BOOL Hidden);
- [id(4), helpstring("Sorts on this column")]
- HRESULT SetAsSortColumn([in] COLUMNSORTORDER SortOrder);
- [id(5), helpstring("Returns whether this column is the sort column")]
- HRESULT IsSortColumn([out, retval] PBOOL IsSortColumn);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Views and View interfaces
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(D6B8C29D-A1FF-4D72-AAB0-E381E9B9338D),
- dual,
- helpstring("Views Interface")
- ]
- interface Views : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] PPVIEW View);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- [id(2), helpstring("Creates a new view rooted at a particular node")]
- HRESULT Add([in] PNODE Node, [in, defaultvalue(ViewOption_Default)] VIEWOPTIONS viewOptions);
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- };
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(6EFC2DA2-B38C-457E-9ABB-ED2D189B8C38),
- dual,
- helpstring("View Interface")
- ]
- interface View : IDispatch
- {
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // Item and item collection related methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Gets the active scope node, ie the one that owns the view")]
- HRESULT ActiveScopeNode([out, retval] PPNODE Node);
- [id(1), propput, helpstring("Sets the active scope node, ie changes the view")]
- HRESULT ActiveScopeNode([in] PNODE Node);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Gets the set of selected result items")]
- HRESULT Selection([out, retval] PPNODES Nodes);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Gets the set of all items in the list")]
- HRESULT ListItems([out, retval] PPNODES Nodes);
- [id(4), helpstring("Returns the automation interface supplied by the snapin for the specified scope node")]
- HRESULT SnapinScopeObject([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */, [out, retval] PPDISPATCH ScopeNodeObject);
- [id(5), helpstring("Returns the automation interface supplied by the snapin")]
- HRESULT SnapinSelectionObject([out, retval] PPDISPATCH SelectionObject);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(9), helpstring("Returns whether it's the same view")]
- HRESULT Is([in] PVIEW View, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *TheSame);
- [id(10), propget, helpstring("Returns the parent document of the view")]
- HRESULT Document([out, retval] PPDOCUMENT Document);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // Selection changing methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(20), helpstring("Selects all items in the result pane")]
- HRESULT SelectAll();
- [id(21), helpstring("Selects a node in the result pane")]
- HRESULT Select([in] PNODE Node);
- [id(22), helpstring("Deselects a node in the view")]
- HRESULT Deselect([in] PNODE Node);
- [id(23), helpstring("Returns whether a node is selected in this view")]
- HRESULT IsSelected([in] PNODE Node, [out, retval] PBOOL IsSelected);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // Verb and selection related methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(40), helpstring("Displays the property for a given scope node")]
- HRESULT DisplayScopeNodePropertySheet([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */);
- [id(41), helpstring("Displays the property for the current selection")]
- HRESULT DisplaySelectionPropertySheet();
- [id(42), helpstring("Copies the data object of the active scope node to the clipboard")]
- HRESULT CopyScopeNode([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode);
- [id(43), helpstring("Copies the data object of the selection to the clipboard")]
- HRESULT CopySelection();
- [id(44), helpstring("Deletes the specified scope node")]
- HRESULT DeleteScopeNode([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */);
- [id(45), helpstring("Deletes the selected items")]
- HRESULT DeleteSelection();
- [id(46), helpstring("Renames a scope node to the specified name")]
- HRESULT RenameScopeNode([in] BSTR NewName, [in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */);
- [id(47), helpstring("Renames a node in this view to the specified name")]
- HRESULT RenameSelectedItem([in] BSTR NewName);
- [id(48), propget, helpstring("Returns the context menu for a node in this view")]
- HRESULT ScopeNodeContextMenu([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode, [out, retval] PPCONTEXTMENU ContextMenu);
- [id(49), propget, helpstring("Returns the context menu for a node in this view")]
- HRESULT SelectionContextMenu([out, retval] PPCONTEXTMENU ContextMenu);
- [id(50), helpstring("Refreshes the specified scope node")]
- HRESULT RefreshScopeNode([in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */);
- [id(51), helpstring("Refreshes the selected items")]
- HRESULT RefreshSelection();
- [id(52), helpstring("Executes a context menu item on the selection. The parameter is the language-independent or language-dependent path of the menu item")]
- HRESULT ExecuteSelectionMenuItem([in] BSTR MenuItemPath);
- [id(53), helpstring("Executes a context menu item on the specified scope node. The parameter is the language-independent or language-dependent path of the menu item")]
- HRESULT ExecuteScopeNodeMenuItem([in] BSTR MenuItemPath, [in, optional] VARIANT ScopeNode /* = ActiveScopeNode */);
- [id(54), helpstring("Executes a shell command with the specified parameters in the specified directory with the correct window size")]
- HRESULT ExecuteShellCommand([in] BSTR Command, [in] BSTR Directory, [in] BSTR Parameters, [in] BSTR WindowState);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // Frame and view related methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(60), propget, helpstring("Returns the frame")]
- HRESULT Frame([out, retval] PPFRAME Frame);
- [id(61), helpstring("Closes the view window")]
- HRESULT Close();
- [id(62), propget, helpstring("Returns ScopeTreeVisible property")]
- HRESULT ScopeTreeVisible([out, retval] PBOOL Visible);
- [id(62), propput, helpstring("Sets ScopeTreeVisible property")]
- HRESULT ScopeTreeVisible([in] BOOL Visible);
- [id(66), helpstring("Navigates to the previous view")]
- HRESULT Back();
- [id(67), helpstring("Navigates to the next view")]
- HRESULT Forward();
- [id(68), propput, helpstring("Sets the status bar text")]
- HRESULT StatusBarText([in] BSTR StatusBarText);
- [id(69), propget, helpstring("Returns a memento for the current view. A memento is the programmatic equivalent of a favorite setting")]
- HRESULT Memento([out, retval] PBSTR Memento);
- [id(70), helpstring("Sets the view to the specified memento, which contains information about the view to be re-created.")]
- HRESULT ViewMemento([in] BSTR Memento);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // List related methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(80), propget, helpstring("Returns the set of columns in the list")]
- HRESULT Columns([out, retval] PPCOLUMNS Columns);
- [id(81), propget, helpstring("Returns the contents of a given cell")]
- HRESULT CellContents([in] PNODE Node, [in] long Column, [out, retval] PBSTR CellContents);
- [id(82), helpstring("Exports the list (if one exists) to the specified file")]
- HRESULT ExportList([in] BSTR File, [in, defaultvalue(ExportListOptions_Default)] EXPORTLISTOPTIONS exportoptions);
- [id(83), propget, helpstring("Returns the list view mode, if a list view is being displayed")]
- HRESULT ListViewMode([out, retval] PLISTVIEWMODE Mode);
- [id(83), propput, helpstring("Sets the list view mode, if a list view is being displayed")]
- HRESULT ListViewMode([in] LISTVIEWMODE mode);
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // ActiveX control related methods
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [id(100), propget, helpstring("Returns the automation interface supplied by the OCX in the result pane.")]
- HRESULT ControlObject([out, retval] PPDISPATCH Control);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Nodes interface
- // Purpose: The collection of selected result items in a view.
- // This interface is created solely by the view interface.
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(313B01DF-B22F-4D42-B1B8-483CDCF51D35),
- dual,
- helpstring("Nodes Interface")
- ]
- interface Nodes : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/)]
- HRESULT Item([in] long Index, [out, retval] PPNODE Node);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The ContextMenu interface
- // Purpose: Allows iteration of a context menu
- // Note: the list of items is flat. Submenu items just
- // have qualified names like "View.Large"
- // Submenus themselves and separators are not included in the
- // enumeration.
- //
- // NOTE: There is no method to enable a disabled menu item. This
- // is by design; a snapin may not be prepared to handle
- // a menu item it has disabled.
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(DAB39CE0-25E6-4E07-8362-BA9C95706545),
- dual,
- helpstring("ContextMenu Interface")
- ]
- interface ContextMenu : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/), propget, helpstring("Accesses a context menu item by index or by name")]
- HRESULT Item([in] VARIANT IndexOrPath, [out, retval] PPMENUITEM MenuItem);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- };
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The MenuItem interface
- // Purpose: Encapsulates a single context menu item.
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(0178FAD1-B361-4B27-96AD-67C57EBF2E1D),
- dual,
- helpstring("MenuItem Interface")
- ]
- interface MenuItem : IDispatch
- {
- [id(1), propget, helpstring("Returns the display name of the menu item, which includes accelerators. Eg '&Properties ALT+ENTER' ")]
- HRESULT DisplayName([out, retval] PBSTR DisplayName);
- [id(2), propget, helpstring("Returns the language-independent name of the menu item. If there is no language independent name, returns the display name without accelerators.")]
- HRESULT LanguageIndependentName([out, retval] PBSTR LanguageIndependentName);
- [id(3), propget, helpstring("Returns the path of the menu item starting from the root. Does not include accelerators. Eg View->Large")]
- HRESULT Path([out, retval] PBSTR Path);
- [id(4), propget, helpstring("Returns the language independent path of the menu item starting from the root. Eg _VIEW->_LARGE")]
- HRESULT LanguageIndependentPath([out, retval] PBSTR LanguageIndependentPath);
- [id(5), helpstring("Executes the context menu item")]
- HRESULT Execute();
- [id(6), propget, helpstring("Returns whether the menu item is enabled or disabled")]
- HRESULT Enabled([out, retval] PBOOL Enabled);
- }
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Properties interface
- // Purpose: The collection of properties of a SnapIn object.
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(2886ABC2-A425-42b2-91C6-E25C0E04581C),
- dual,
- helpstring("Properties Interface")
- ]
- interface Properties : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_NEWENUM), propget]
- HRESULT _NewEnum([out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE), helpstring("Returns the property identified by Name.")]
- HRESULT Item([in] BSTR Name, [out, retval] PPPROPERTY Property);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Count([out, retval] PLONG Count);
- [id(2), helpstring("Removes a property identified by Name from the properties collection.")]
- HRESULT Remove([in] BSTR Name);
- }
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- //
- // The Property interface
- // Purpose: Encapsulates a single property
- //
- //#######################################################################
- //#######################################################################
- [
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- nonextensible,
- uuid(4600C3A5-E301-41d8-B6D0-EF2E4212E0CA),
- dual,
- helpstring("Property Interface")
- ]
- interface Property : IDispatch
- {
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/), propget]
- HRESULT Value([out, retval] PVARIANT Value);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE /*=0*/), propput]
- HRESULT Value([in] VARIANT Value);
- [id(1), propget]
- HRESULT Name([out, retval] PBSTR Name);
- }
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif // MMC_VER >= 0x0200")