- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Contents: NetMeeting Applet interfaces
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- #define UUID_IAppletSession e65dc590-a4d9-11d2-b724-00104bc51339
- #define UUID_IAppletSessionNotify f7c10ec0-a4d9-11d2-b724-00104bc51339
- #define UUID_IApplet 07970b30-a4da-11d2-b724-00104bc51339
- #define UUID_IAppletNotify 16153670-a4da-11d2-b724-00104bc51339
- #include "nmapptyp.h"
- /* ------ octet string ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletOctetString
- {
- ULONG cbStrSize;
- [size_is(cbStrSize)] BYTE* pbValue;
- }
- AppletOctetString;
- typedef struct tagAppletLongString
- {
- ULONG nStrLen;
- [size_is(nStrLen)] ULONG *pnValue;
- }
- AppletLongString;
- /* ------ object, session, and registry keys ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletObjectKey
- {
- AppletKeyType eType;
- AppletLongString lstrObjectID;
- AppletOctetString ostrH221NonStdID;
- }
- AppletObjectKey;
- typedef struct tagAppletSessionKey
- {
- AppletObjectKey AppletProtocolKey;
- AppletSessionID nSessionID;
- }
- AppletSessionKey;
- typedef struct tagAppletRegistryKey
- {
- AppletSessionKey SessionKey;
- AppletOctetString ostrResourceID;
- }
- AppletRegistryKey;
- /* ------ registry request ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletRegistryRequest
- {
- AppletRegistryCommand eCommand;
- AppletRegistryKey RegistryKey;
- // register channel
- AppletChannelID nChannelID;
- // set parameter
- AppletOctetString ostrParamValue;
- AppletModificationRights eParamModifyRights;
- // allocate handle
- ULONG cHandles;
- }
- AppletRegistryRequest;
- /* ------ channel request ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletChannelRequest
- {
- AppletChannelCommand eCommand;
- AppletChannelID nChannelID;
- ULONG cUsers;
- [size_is(cUsers)] AppletUserID *aUsers;
- }
- AppletChannelRequest;
- /* ------ token request ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletTokenRequest
- {
- AppletTokenCommand eCommand;
- AppletTokenID nTokenID;
- AppletUserID uidGiveTo;
- HRESULT hrGiveResponse;
- }
- AppletTokenRequest;
- /* ------ capability ------ */
- typedef struct tagAppletCapabilityID
- {
- AppletCapIDType eType;
- AppletObjectKey nNonStdCap;
- ULONG nStdCap;
- }
- AppletCapabilityID;
- typedef struct tagAppletCapability
- {
- AppletCapabilityID CapID;
- AppletCapabilityClass CapClass;
- ULONG cEntities;
- }
- AppletCapability;
- typedef struct tagAppletCapability2
- {
- AppletCapabilityID CapID;
- AppletOctetString *pCapData;
- }
- AppletCapability2;
- typedef struct tagAppletProtocolEntity
- {
- AppletSessionKey SessionKey;
- AppletChannelType eStartupChannelType;
- BOOL fMustBeInvoked;
- ULONG cExpectedCapabilities;
- [size_is(cExpectedCapabilities)] AppletCapability **apExpectedCapabilities;
- }
- AppletProtocolEntity;
- //
- // T120 Applet Session Callback
- //
- typedef struct tagAppletRecord
- {
- AppletNodeID nNodeID;
- AppletEntityID nEntityID;
- BOOL fEnrolledActively;
- BOOL fConductingCapable;
- AppletChannelType eStartupChannelType;
- AppletUserID nAppletUserID;
- ULONG cCapabilities;
- [size_is(cCapabilities)] AppletCapability2 **apCapabilities;
- }
- AppletRecord;
- typedef struct tagAppletRoster
- {
- AppletSessionKey SessionKey;
- BOOL fRosterChanged;
- ULONG nInstanceNumber;
- BOOL fNodesAdded;
- BOOL fNodesRemoved;
- BOOL fCapabilitiesChanged;
- ULONG cRecords;
- [size_is(cRecords)] AppletRecord **apAppletRecords;
- ULONG cCapabilities;
- [size_is(cCapabilities)] AppletCapability **apCapabilities;
- }
- AppletRoster;
- typedef struct tagAppletRegistryItem
- {
- AppletRegistryItemType ItemType;
- // channel
- AppletChannelID nChannelID;
- // token
- AppletTokenID nTokenID;
- // parameter
- AppletOctetString ostrParamValue;
- }
- AppletRegistryItem;
- typedef struct tagAppletRegistryEntryOwner
- {
- BOOL fEntryOwned;
- AppletNodeID nOwnerNodeID;
- AppletEntityID nOwnerEntityID;
- }
- AppletRegistryEntryOwner;
- typedef struct tagAppletSessionRequest
- {
- // session specific
- AppletSessionKey SessionKey;
- // applet enroll
- AppletChannelType nStartupChannelType;
- // collapsed capability
- ULONG cCollapsedCaps;
- [size_is(cCollapsedCaps)] AppletCapability **apCollapsedCaps;
- // non-collapsing capability
- ULONG cNonCollapsedCaps;
- [size_is(cNonCollapsedCaps)] AppletCapability2 **apNonCollapsedCaps;
- // static channels
- ULONG cStaticChannels;
- [size_is(cStaticChannels)] AppletChannelID *aStaticChannels;
- // dynamic channels
- ULONG cDynamicChannels;
- [size_is(cDynamicChannels)] AppletRegistryKey *aChannelRegistryKeys;
- }
- AppletSessionRequest;
- [
- object,
- uuid(UUID_IAppletSessionNotify),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IAppletSessionNotify : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT JoinSessionConfirm(
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] AppletUserID uidMyself,
- [in] AppletNodeID nidMyself,
- [in] AppletSessionID sidMyself,
- [in] AppletEntityID eidMyself,
- [in] ULONG cDynamicChannels,
- [in,size_is(cDynamicChannels)] AppletChannelID aDynamicChannels[]);
- HRESULT LeaveSessionIndication(
- [in] AppletReason eReason,
- [in] AppletUserID uidLeave);
- HRESULT SendDataIndication(
- [in] BOOL fUniformSend,
- [in] AppletUserID uidInitiator,
- [in] AppletChannelID nChannelID,
- [in] AppletPriority eDataPriority,
- [in] AppletOctetString Data);
- HRESULT RosterReportIndication(
- [in] ULONG cRosters,
- [in,size_is(cRosters)] AppletRoster **apAppRosters);
- HRESULT InquireRosterConfirm(
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] ULONG cRosters,
- [in,size_is(cRosters)] AppletRoster **apAppRosters);
- HRESULT InvokeAppletConfirm(
- [in] AppletRequestTag nReqTag,
- [in] HRESULT hrResult);
- HRESULT RegistryConfirm(
- [in] AppletRegistryCommand eCommand,
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] AppletRegistryKey *pRegistryKey,
- [in] AppletRegistryItem *pRegistryItem,
- [in] AppletRegistryEntryOwner *pEntryOwner,
- [in] AppletModificationRights eRights);
- HRESULT AllocateHandleConfirm(
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] ULONG nFirstHandle,
- [in] ULONG cHandles);
- HRESULT ChannelConfirm(
- [in] AppletChannelCommand eCommand,
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] AppletChannelID nChannelID);
- HRESULT ChannelIndication(
- [in] AppletChannelCommand eCommand,
- [in] AppletChannelID nChannelID,
- [in] AppletReason eReason,
- [in] AppletUserID uidManager);
- HRESULT TokenConfirm(
- [in] AppletTokenCommand eCommand,
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] AppletTokenID nTokenID);
- HRESULT TestTokenConfirm(
- [in] AppletTokenID nTokenID,
- [in] AppletTokenStatus eStatus);
- HRESULT TokenIndication(
- [in] AppletTokenCommand eCommand,
- [in] AppletReason eReason,
- [in] AppletTokenID nTokenID,
- [in] AppletUserID uidInitiator);
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(UUID_IAppletSession),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IAppletSession : IUnknown
- {
- /* ------ Basic Info ------ */
- HRESULT GetConfID([out] AppletConfID *pnConfID);
- HRESULT IsThisNodeTopProvider([out] BOOL *pfTopProvider);
- /* ------ Join Conference ------ */
- HRESULT Join([in] AppletSessionRequest *pRequest);
- HRESULT Leave(void);
- /* ------ Send Data ------ */
- HRESULT SendData(
- [in] BOOL fUniformSend,
- [in] AppletChannelID nChannelID,
- [in] AppletPriority ePriority,
- [in] ULONG cbBufSize,
- [in,size_is(cbBufSize)] BYTE *pBuffer);
- /* ------ Invoke Applet ------ */
- HRESULT InvokeApplet(
- [out] AppletRequestTag *pnReqTag,
- [in] AppletProtocolEntity *pAPE,
- [in] ULONG cNodes,
- [in,size_is(cNodes)] AppletNodeID aNodeIDs[]);
- /* ------ Inquiry ------ */
- HRESULT InquireRoster([in] AppletSessionKey *pSessionKey);
- /* ------ Registry Services ------ */
- HRESULT RegistryRequest([in] AppletRegistryRequest *pRequest);
- /* ------ Channel Services ------ */
- HRESULT ChannelRequest([in] AppletChannelRequest *pRequest);
- /* ------ Token Services ------ */
- HRESULT TokenRequest([in] AppletTokenRequest *pRequest);
- /* ------ Notification registration / unregistration------ */
- HRESULT Advise( [in] IAppletSessionNotify *pNotify,
- [out] DWORD *pdwCookie);
- HRESULT UnAdvise([in] DWORD dwCookie);
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(UUID_IAppletNotify),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IAppletNotify : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT PermitToJoinSessionIndication(
- [in] AppletConfID nConfID,
- [in] BOOL fPermissionGranted);
- HRESULT AutoJoinSessionIndication(
- [in] IAppletSession *pSession,
- [in] HRESULT hrResult,
- [in] AppletUserID uidMyself,
- [in] AppletNodeID nidMyself,
- [in] AppletSessionID sidMyself,
- [in] AppletEntityID eidMyself,
- [in] ULONG cDynamicChannels,
- [in,size_is(cDynamicChannels)] AppletChannelID aDynamicChannels[]);
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(UUID_IApplet),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IApplet : IUnknown
- {
- /* ------ Initialization ------ */
- HRESULT Initialize(void);
- /* ------ Auto Join ------ */
- HRESULT RegisterAutoJoin([in] AppletSessionRequest *pRequest);
- HRESULT UnregisterAutoJoin(void);
- /* ------ Session ------ */
- HRESULT CreateSession(
- [out] IAppletSession **ppSession,
- [in] AppletConfID nConfID);
- /* ------ Notification registration / unregistration------ */
- HRESULT Advise( [in] IAppletNotify *pNotify,
- [out] DWORD *pdwCookie);
- HRESULT UnAdvise([in] DWORD dwCookie);
- };
- // These version numbers should match the version attribute in the library definitoen below
- cpp_quote("enum { NmApplet_Ver_Major = 1};")
- cpp_quote("enum { NmApplet_Ver_Minor = 0};")
- [
- uuid(8C3ADF96-CCFE-11d2-AD10-00C04F72DD47),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("NmApplet 1.0 Type Library")
- ]
- library NmApplet
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- [
- uuid(8C3ADF99-CCFE-11d2-AD10-00C04F72DD47),
- helpstring("NetMeeting Applet")
- ]
- coclass NmApplet
- {
- [default] interface IApplet;
- };
- };