- // scardssp.idl : IDL source for scardssp.dll
- //
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
- // produce the type library (scardssp.tlb) and marshalling code.
- cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Microsoft Smart Card Support")
- cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// File: scardssp.h")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Imports")
- cpp_quote("//")
- #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS
- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- #endif
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Interface declarations")
- cpp_quote("//")
- interface IByteBuffer;
- interface ISCardTypeConv;
- interface ISCardCmd;
- interface ISCardISO7816;
- interface ISCard;
- interface ISCardDatabase;
- interface ISCardLocate;
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Types and Constants")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _NULL_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _NULL_DEFINED")
- #define NULL 0
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_NULL_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _BYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _BYTE_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] unsigned char BYTE;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_BYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPBYTE_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] BYTE *LPBYTE;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPBYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPCBYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPCBYTE_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] const BYTE *LPCBYTE;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPCBYTE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _HSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _HSCARD_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] ULONG_PTR HSCARD;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_HSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPHSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPHSCARD_DEFINED")
- typedef [unique] HSCARD *PHSCARD;
- typedef [unique] HSCARD *LPHSCARD;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPHSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _HSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _HSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] ULONG_PTR HSCARDCONTEXT;
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_HSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPHSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPHSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPHSCARDCONTEXT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _BYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _BYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- typedef [helpstring("Helpful byte array."),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- version(1.0)]
- struct tagBYTEARRAY {
- DWORD dwSize;
- [size_is(dwSize)] LPBYTE pbyData;
- cpp_quote("#define _CB_BYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define CB_BYTEARRAY (sizeof(BYTEARRAY))")
- cpp_quote("#define _PBYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] BYTEARRAY *PBYTEARRAY;
- cpp_quote("#define _PCBYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] const BYTEARRAY *PCBYTEARRAY;
- cpp_quote("#define _LPBYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] BYTEARRAY *LPBYTEARRAY;
- cpp_quote("#define _LPCBYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] const BYTEARRAY *LPCBYTEARRAY;
- cpp_quote("#endif // _BYTEARRAY_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _STATSTRUCT")
- cpp_quote("#define _STATSTRUCT")
- typedef [helpstring("Stream status structure."),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- version(1.0)]
- struct tagSTATSTRUCT {
- LONG type;
- LONG cbSize;
- LONG grfMode;
- LONG grfLocksSupported;
- LONG grfStateBits;
- cpp_quote("#define _CB_STATSTRUCT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define CB_STATSTRUCT (sizeof(STATSTRUCT))")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSTATSTRUCT_DEFINED")
- typedef [public] STATSTRUCT* LPSTATSTRUCT;
- cpp_quote("#endif // _STATSTRUCT_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _ISO_APDU_TYPE")
- cpp_quote("#define _ISO_APDU_TYPE")
- typedef [helpstring("ISO 7816-4 APDU Case types."),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- version(1.0)]
- enum tagISO_APDU_TYPE {
- ISO_CASE_1 = 1,
- ISO_CASE_2 = 2,
- ISO_CASE_3 = 3,
- ISO_CASE_4 = 4
- cpp_quote("#endif // _ISO_APDU_TYPE")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _SCARD_SHARE_MODES_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _SCARD_SHARE_MODES_DEFINED")
- typedef [helpstring("SCard Share Modes"),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- v1_enum, // force 32-bit transmission over RPC, if in use...
- version(1.0)]
- SHARED = 2
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_SCARD_SHARE_MODES_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _SCARD_DISPOSITIONS_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _SCARD_DISPOSITIONS_DEFINED")
- typedef [helpstring("SCard Dispositions"),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- v1_enum, // force 32-bit transmission over RPC, if in use...
- version(1.0)]
- LEAVE = 0,
- RESET = 1,
- UNPOWER = 2,
- EJECT = 3
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_SCARD_DISPOSITIONS_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _SCARD_STATES_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _SCARD_STATES_DEFINED")
- typedef [helpstring("SCard States"),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- v1_enum, // force 32-bit transmission over RPC, if in use...
- version(1.0)]
- enum tagSCARD_STATES {
- ABSENT = 1,
- PRESENT = 2,
- POWERED = 4,
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_SCARD_STATES_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _SCARD_PROTOCOLS_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _SCARD_PROTOCOLS_DEFINED")
- typedef [helpstring("SCard Protocols"),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- v1_enum, // force 32-bit transmission over RPC, if in use...
- version(1.0)]
- T0 = 0x01, // T=0 is the active protocol.
- T1 = 0x02, // T=1 is the active protocol.
- RAW = 0xff // Raw is the active protocol.
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_SCARD_PROTOCOLS_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _SCARD_INFO")
- cpp_quote("#define _SCARD_INFO")
- typedef [helpstring("FindCard returned information structure."),
- //uuid(),
- //helpcontext(),
- version(1.0)]
- struct tagSCARDINFO {
- HSCARD hCard;
- SCARD_PROTOCOLS ActiveProtocol;
- LONG_PTR hwndOwner;
- LONG_PTR lpfnConnectProc;
- LONG_PTR lpfnCheckProc;
- LONG_PTR lpfnDisconnectProc;
- //
- // Do we want to include any of the following???
- //
- // 1. card state (i.e., disposition)
- // 2. process ID, thread ID (...a DWORD)
- // 3. card GUID
- // 4. GUID of class factory
- //
- cpp_quote ("#define _LPSCARDINFO")
- cpp_quote ("#endif //_SCARD_INFO")
- //
- // The following values are merely defined as default states for use
- // here in this IDL file. They will NOT be bound into the type library
- // for use.
- //
- // These codes are defined in \ntprivateispucalaissspsincIsoCodes.h
- // for use and redefinition, if wanted, in the sources of the SCardSrv.DLL.
- //
- //
- #define ISO_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_0 (0x00)
- #define ISO_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_1 (0x01)
- #define ISO_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_2 (0x02)
- #define ISO_LOGICAL_CHANNEL_3 (0x03)
- //
- //
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// IByteBuffer Interface")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPBYTEBUFFER_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPBYTEBUFFER_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(E126F8FE-A7AF-11D0-B88A-00C04FD424B9),
- // dual,
- helpstring("IByteBuffer Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IByteBuffer : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointers -
- typedef [unique] IByteBuffer* LPBYTEBUFFER;
- typedef [unique] const IByteBuffer *LPCBYTEBUFFER;
- // Properties -
- [ id(0), propget, hidden,
- helpstring("Returns a pointer to the internal IStream object.")]
- HRESULT Stream( [out, retval] LPSTREAM* ppStream );
- [ id(0), propput, hidden,
- helpstring("Sets the internal IStream pointer.")]
- HRESULT Stream( [in] LPSTREAM pStream );
- // Methods -
- [ id(1),
- helpstring("Creates a new object with its own seek pointer that references the same bytes as the original.")
- ]
- HRESULT Clone([in, out] LPBYTEBUFFER* ppByteBuffer);
- [ id(2),
- helpstring("Ensures that any changes made to an object open in transacted mode are reflected in the parent storage.")
- ]
- HRESULT Commit([in] LONG grfCommitFlags);
- [ id(3),
- helpstring("Copies a specified number of bytes from the current seek pointer in the object to the current seek pointer in another object.")
- ]
- HRESULT CopyTo( [in,out] LPBYTEBUFFER* ppByteBuffer,
- [in] LONG cb,
- [in,out, defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG* pcbRead,
- [in,out, defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG* pcbWritten);
- [ id(4),
- helpstring("Initializes the object. This must be called prior to calling any other methods!")]
- HRESULT Initialize( [in, defaultvalue(1)] LONG lSize,
- [in, defaultvalue(NULL)] BYTE* pData );
- [ id(5),
- helpstring("Restricts access to a specified range of bytes in the buffer object.")
- ]
- HRESULT LockRegion( [in] LONG libOffset,
- [in] LONG cb,
- [in] LONG dwLockType);
- [ id(6),
- helpstring("Reads a specified number of bytes from the buffer object into memory starting at the current seek pointer.")
- ]
- HRESULT Read( [in,out] BYTE* pByte,
- [in] LONG cb,
- [in, out, defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG* pcbRead);
- [ id(7),
- helpstring("Discards all changes that have been made to a transacted stream since the last IByteBuffer::Commit call.")
- ]
- HRESULT Revert ( void );
- [ id(8),
- helpstring("Changes the seek pointer to a new location relative to the beginning of the buffer, to the end of the buffer, or to the current seek pointer.")
- ]
- HRESULT Seek( [in] LONG dLibMove,
- [in] LONG dwOrigin,
- [in,out, defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG* pLibnewPosition);
- [ id(9),
- helpstring("Changes the size of the stream object.")
- ]
- HRESULT SetSize([in] LONG libNewSize);
- [ id(10),
- helpstring("Retrieves the STATSTG structure for this object.")
- ]
- HRESULT Stat( [in,out] LPSTATSTRUCT pstatstg,
- [in] LONG grfStatFlag);
- [ id(11),
- helpstring("Removes the access restriction on a range of bytes previously restricted with IByteBuffer::LockRegion.")
- ]
- HRESULT UnlockRegion( [in] LONG libOffset,
- [in] LONG cb,
- [in] LONG dwLockType);
- [ id(12),
- helpstring("Writes a specified number from bytes into the stream object starting at the current seek pointer.")
- ]
- HRESULT Write( [in,out] BYTE* pByte,
- [in] LONG cb,
- [in,out] LONG* pcbWritten);
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif //_LPBYTEBUFFER_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCardTypeConv Interface Definition")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARDTYPECONV_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARDTYPECONV_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(53B6AA63-3F56-11D0-916B-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCardTypeConv Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCardTypeConv : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s);
- typedef [unique] ISCardTypeConv *LPSCARDTYPECONV;
- // Methods:
- [id(0), helpstring("Convert an array of bytes to an IByteBuffer")]
- HRESULT ConvertByteArrayToByteBuffer(
- [in] LPBYTE pbyArray,
- [in] DWORD dwArraySize,
- [out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppbyBuffer);
- [id(1), helpstring("Convert an IByteBuffer to an array of bytes")]
- HRESULT ConvertByteBufferToByteArray(
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pbyBuffer,
- [out,retval] LPBYTEARRAY *ppArray);
- [id(2), helpstring("Convert an IByteBuffer to a SAFEARRAY(unsigned char)")]
- HRESULT ConvertByteBufferToSafeArray(
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pbyBuffer,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppbyArray);
- [id(3), helpstring("Convert a SAFEARRAY(unsigned char) to an IByteBuffer")]
- HRESULT ConvertSafeArrayToByteBuffer(
- [in] LPSAFEARRAY pbyArray,
- [out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppbyBuff);
- [id(4), helpstring("Create an array of bytes")]
- HRESULT CreateByteArray(
- [in] DWORD dwAllocSize,
- [out,retval] LPBYTE *ppbyArray);
- [id(5), helpstring("Create an IByteBuffer object")]
- HRESULT CreateByteBuffer(
- [in] DWORD dwAllocSize,
- [out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppbyBuff);
- [id(6), helpstring("Create a SAFEARRAY(unsigned char)")]
- HRESULT CreateSafeArray(
- [in] UINT nAllocSize,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppArray);
- [id(7), helpstring("Free a pointer to the memory block managed by the IStream")]
- HRESULT FreeIStreamMemoryPtr(
- [in] LPSTREAM pStrm,
- [in] LPBYTE pMem);
- [id(8), helpstring("Get a pointer to the memory block managed by the IStream")]
- HRESULT GetAtIStreamMemory(
- [in] LPSTREAM pStrm,
- [out,retval] LPBYTEARRAY *ppMem);
- [id(9), helpstring("How many bytes are in the given IStream")]
- HRESULT SizeOfIStream(
- [in] LPSTREAM pStrm,
- [out,retval] ULARGE_INTEGER* puliSize);
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif // _LPSCARDTYPECONV_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCardCmd Interface Definition")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARDCMD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARDCMD_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(D5778AE3-43DE-11D0-9171-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCardCmd Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCardCmd : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s) -
- typedef [unique] ISCardCmd *LPSCARDCMD;
- // Properties -
- [id(0), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the raw ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT Apdu([out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppApdu);
- [id(0), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Copy a new APDU over the current one")]
- [id(1), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the byte count (size) of the raw ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT ApduLength([out,retval] LONG* plSize);
- [id(2), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the raw reply ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT ApduReply([out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppReplyApdu);
- [id(2), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Set the raw reply ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT ApduReply([in] LPBYTEBUFFER pReplyApdu);
- [id(3), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the byte count (size) of the raw reply ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT ApduReplyLength([out,retval] LONG* plSize);
- [id(3), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Set the byte count (size) of the raw reply ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT ApduReplyLength([in] LONG lSize);
- [id(4), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the current class ID of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT ClassId([out,retval] BYTE* pbyClass);
- [id(4), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new class ID in the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT ClassId([in,defaultvalue(0)] BYTE byClass);
- [id(5), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the current data portion of the ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT Data([out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppData);
- [id(5), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new data portion of the ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- [id(6), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the current instruction ID of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT InstructionId([out,retval] BYTE* pbyIns);
- [id(6), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new instruction ID in the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT InstructionId([in] BYTE byIns);
- [id(7), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the Le parameter (expected length of reply data) of the ISO 7816 APDU")]
- HRESULT LeField([out,retval] LONG* plSize);
- [id(8), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the first parameter of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT P1([out,retval] BYTE* pbyP1);
- [id(8), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new first parameter in the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT P1([in] BYTE byP1);
- [id(9), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the second parameter of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT P2([out,retval] BYTE* pbyP2);
- [id(9), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new second parameter in the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT P2([in] BYTE byP2);
- [id(10), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the third parameter of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT P3([out,retval] BYTE* pbyP3);
- [id(11), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the reply status word")]
- HRESULT ReplyStatus([out,retval] LPWORD pwStatus);
- [id(11), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Set (save) the reply status word")]
- HRESULT ReplyStatus([in] WORD wStatus);
- [id(12), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the reply status SW1 byte.")]
- HRESULT ReplyStatusSW1([out,retval] BYTE* pbySW1);
- [id(13), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the reply status SW2 byte.")]
- HRESULT ReplyStatusSW2([out,retval] BYTE* pbySW2);
- [id(14), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the current ISO 7816-4 type of the encapsulated APDU.")]
- HRESULT Type([out,retval] ISO_APDU_TYPE* pType);
- [id(18), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the T=1 Node Address")]
- HRESULT Nad([out,retval] BYTE* pbNad);
- [id(18), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Set (save) the T=1 Node Address")]
- HRESULT Nad([in] BYTE bNad);
- [id(19), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the T=1 Reply Node Address")]
- HRESULT ReplyNad([out,retval] BYTE* pbNad);
- [id(19), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Set (save) the T=1 Reply Node Address")]
- HRESULT ReplyNad([in] BYTE bNad);
- // Methods -
- [id(15),
- helpstring("Build a valid ISO 7816 APDU string")]
- HRESULT BuildCmd([in] BYTE byClassId,
- [in] BYTE byInsId,
- [in,defaultvalue(0)] BYTE byP1,
- [in,defaultvalue(0)] BYTE byP2,
- [in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LPBYTEBUFFER pbyData,
- [in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LONG* plLe);
- [id(16),
- helpstring("Clear the current APDU data")]
- HRESULT Clear(void);
- [id(17),
- helpstring("Encapsulate onother APDU into this one as data")]
- HRESULT Encapsulate([in] LPBYTEBUFFER pApdu,
- [in] ISO_APDU_TYPE ApduType);
- [id(20), propget/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Get the alternate class ID of the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT AlternateClassId([out,retval] BYTE* pbyClass);
- [id(20), propput/*, defaultcollelem*/,
- helpstring("Assign a new alternate class ID in the ISO 7816 APDU header")]
- HRESULT AlternateClassId([in] BYTE byClass);
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif //!_LPSCARDCMD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCardISO7816 Interface Definition")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARDISO7816_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARDISO7816_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(53B6AA68-3F56-11D0-916B-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCardISO7816 Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCardISO7816 : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s) -
- typedef [unique] ISCardISO7816 *LPSCARDISO;
- typedef [unique] LPSCARDISO LPSCARDISO7816;
- // Methods -
- [id(0),
- helpstring("Write a record to the end of an EF of linear structure of location one of a cyclic structure")]
- HRESULT AppendRecord([in] BYTE byRefCtrl, // currently selected EF
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(1),
- helpstring("Set part of an EF file content to its erased state sequentially")]
- HRESULT EraseBinary([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(2),
- helpstring("Update the card after a GET CHALLENGE command serviced")]
- HRESULT ExternalAuthenticate([in]BYTE byAlgorithmRef,
- [in ] BYTE bySecretRef,
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pChallenge,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(3),
- helpstring("Issue a challenge for use in a security related procedure")]
- HRESULT GetChallenge([in ] LONG lBytesExpected,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(4),
- helpstring("Retrieve a primitive data object")]
- HRESULT GetData([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in ] LONG lBytesToGet,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(5),
- helpstring("Retrieve further data")]
- HRESULT GetResponse([in ] BYTE byP1, //=0
- [in] BYTE byP2, //=0
- [in] LONG lDataLength, // =0
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(6),
- helpstring("Compute authentication data on card using challenge data sent to card")]
- HRESULT InternalAuthenticate([in ] BYTE byAlgorithmRef,
- [in] BYTE bySecretRef,
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pChallenge,
- [in] LONG lReplyBytes,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(7),
- helpstring("Open or close a logical channel")]
- HRESULT ManageChannel([in ] BYTE byChannelState,
- [in] BYTE byChannel,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(8),
- helpstring("Write a primitive data object")]
- HRESULT PutData([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(9),
- helpstring("Read part of the content of an EF with transparent structure")]
- HRESULT ReadBinary([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in ] LONG lBytesToRead,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(10),
- helpstring("Read contents of a specified record from an EF")]
- HRESULT ReadRecord([in] BYTE byRecordId, // current record
- [in] BYTE byRefCtrl,
- [in] LONG lBytesToRead,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(11),
- helpstring("Set a current file within a logical channel")]
- HRESULT SelectFile([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in ] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in ] LONG lBytesToRead,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(12),
- helpstring("Change the default class ID used in command construction")]
- HRESULT SetDefaultClassId([in] BYTE byClass);
- [id(13),
- helpstring("Update bits already present in an EF with command APDU bits")]
- HRESULT UpdateBinary([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(14),
- helpstring("Update a specific record with the APDU bits")]
- HRESULT UpdateRecord([in ] BYTE byRecordId, // current record
- [in] BYTE byRefCtrl, // first record in currently selected EF
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(15),
- helpstring("Compare the verification data sent to the card with its stored reference data")]
- HRESULT Verify([in] BYTE byRefCtrl, // no info is given
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(16),
- helpstring("Write binary values into an EF")]
- HRESULT WriteBinary([in] BYTE byP1,
- [in] BYTE byP2,
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(17),
- helpstring("Write to the specified record in an EF")]
- HRESULT WriteRecord([in] BYTE byRecordId, // current record
- [in] BYTE byRefCtrl, // first record in currently selected EF
- [in] LPBYTEBUFFER pData,
- [in, out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif //!_LPSCARDISO7816_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCard Interface")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARD_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(1461AAC3-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCard Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCard : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s) -
- typedef [unique] ISCard* LPSCARD;
- typedef [unique] LPSCARD LPSMARTCARD;
- // Properties -
- [id(0), propget,
- helpstring("Retrieve the ATR string for the Smart Card")]
- HRESULT Atr([out,retval] LPBYTEBUFFER *ppAtr);
- [id(1), propget,
- helpstring("Retrieve the current card handle.")]
- HRESULT CardHandle([out,retval] HSCARD *pHandle);
- [id(2), propget,
- helpstring("Retrieve the current context handle.")]
- HRESULT Context([out,retval] HSCARDCONTEXT *pContext);
- [id(3), propget,
- helpstring("Retrieve the protocol in use on the Smart Card")]
- HRESULT Protocol([out,retval] SCARD_PROTOCOLS *pProtocol);
- [id(4), propget,
- helpstring("Retrieve the current state that the Smart Card is in")]
- HRESULT Status([out,retval] SCARD_STATES *pStatus);
- // Methods -
- [id(5),
- helpstring("Attach an open SCard handle to this object")]
- HRESULT AttachByHandle([in] HSCARD hCard);
- [id(6),
- helpstring("Open a connection to a card in the named reader")]
- HRESULT AttachByReader([in] BSTR bstrReaderName,
- [in,defaultvalue(EXCLUSIVE)]
- [in,defaultvalue(T0)]
- SCARD_PROTOCOLS PrefProtocol);
- [id(7),
- helpstring("Close a connection to an open card")]
- HRESULT Detach([in,defaultvalue(LEAVE)]
- [id(8),
- helpstring("Acquire exclusive access and use of the open Smart Card")]
- HRESULT LockSCard(void);
- [id(9),
- helpstring("Reattach an existing connection to an in use Smart Card ")]
- HRESULT ReAttach([in,defaultvalue(EXCLUSIVE)]
- [in,defaultvalue(LEAVE)]
- [id(10),
- helpstring("Execute a card transaction with a card command interface")]
- HRESULT Transaction([in,out] LPSCARDCMD *ppCmd);
- [id(11),
- helpstring("Release the exclusive access lock on the Smart Card")]
- HRESULT UnlockSCard([in,defaultvalue(LEAVE)]
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPSCARD_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCardDatabase Interface")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARDDATABASE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARDDATABASE_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(1461AAC8-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCardDatabase Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCardDatabase : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s) -
- typedef [unique] ISCardDatabase* LPSCARDDATABASE;
- // Methods -
- [id(0),
- helpstring("Retrieve the provider ID for the named card")]
- HRESULT GetProviderCardId([in] BSTR bstrCardName,
- [out,retval] LPGUID *ppguidProviderId);
- [id(1),
- helpstring("Retrieve a list of the interfaces (GUIDs) for the named card")]
- HRESULT ListCardInterfaces([in] BSTR bstrCardName,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppInterfaceGuids); // BSTR
- [id(2),
- helpstring("Retrieve a list of the names of the defined cards")]
- HRESULT ListCards([in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LPBYTEBUFFER pAtr,
- [in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LPSAFEARRAY pInterfaceGuids, // BSTR
- [in,lcid,defaultvalue(0x0409)] long localeId,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppCardNames); // BSTR
- [id(3),
- helpstring("Retrieve a list of the names of the defined card reader groups")]
- HRESULT ListReaderGroups([in,lcid,defaultvalue(0x0409)] long localeId,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppReaderGroups); // BSTR
- [id(4),
- helpstring("Retrieve a list of the names of the defined card readers")]
- HRESULT ListReaders([in,lcid,defaultvalue(0x0409)] long localeId,
- [out,retval] LPSAFEARRAY *ppReaders); // BSTR
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPSCARDDATABASE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ISCardLocate Interface")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#ifndef _LPSCARDLOCATE_DEFINED")
- cpp_quote("#define _LPSCARDLOCATE_DEFINED")
- [
- object,
- uuid(1461AACD-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- // dual,
- helpstring("ISCardLocate Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ISCardLocate : IDispatch
- {
- // Pointer(s) -
- typedef [unique] ISCardLocate* LPSCARDLOCATE;
- // Type(s) -
- // Methods -
- [id(0),
- helpstring("Configure the search based on the card GUIDs")]
- HRESULT ConfigureCardGuidSearch(
- [in] LPSAFEARRAY pCardGuids, // BSTR
- [in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LPSAFEARRAY pGroupNames, // BSTR
- [in,defaultvalue("")] BSTR bstrTitle,
- [in,defaultvalue(1)] LONG lFlags);
- [id(1),
- helpstring("Configure the search based on card names")]
- HRESULT ConfigureCardNameSearch(
- [in] LPSAFEARRAY pCardNames, // BSTR
- [in,defaultvalue(NULL)] LPSAFEARRAY pGroupNames, // BSTR
- [in,defaultvalue("")] BSTR bstrTitle,
- [in,defaultvalue(1)] LONG lFlags);
- [id(2),
- helpstring("Find and open a connection to the named Smart Card")]
- HRESULT FindCard([in,defaultvalue(EXCLUSIVE)]
- [in,defaultvalue(T0)]
- [in,defaultvalue(1)] LONG lFlags,
- [out,retval] LPSCARDINFO *ppCardInfo);
- };
- cpp_quote("#endif // !_LPSCARDLOCATE_DEFINED")
- [
- uuid(82C38704-19F1-11D3-A11F-00C04F79F800),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("scardssp 1.0 Type Library")
- ]
- library SCARDSSPLib
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- [
- uuid(E126F8FF-A7AF-11D0-B88A-00C04FD424B9),
- helpstring("ByteBuffer Class")
- ]
- coclass CByteBuffer
- {
- [default] interface IByteBuffer;
- };
- [
- uuid(53B6AA67-3F56-11D0-916B-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCardTypeConv Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCardTypeConv
- {
- [default] interface ISCardTypeConv;
- };
- [
- uuid(D5778AE7-43DE-11D0-9171-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCardCmd Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCardCmd
- {
- [default] interface ISCardCmd;
- };
- [
- uuid(53B6AA6C-3F56-11D0-916B-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCardISO7816 Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCardISO7816
- {
- [default] interface ISCardISO7816;
- };
- [
- uuid(1461AAC7-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCard Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCard
- {
- [default] interface ISCard;
- };
- [
- uuid(1461AACC-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCardDatabase Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCardDatabase
- {
- [default] interface ISCardDatabase;
- };
- [
- uuid(1461AAD1-6810-11D0-918F-00AA00C18068),
- helpstring("SCardLocate Class")
- ]
- coclass CSCardLocate
- {
- [default] interface ISCardLocate;
- };
- };