- /*++ BUILD Version: 0000 Increment this if a change has global effects
- Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Module Name:
- commctrl.rh
- Abstract:
- This module defines the 32-Bit Windows resource codes from commctrl.h.
- Revision History:
- --*/
- #define HDS_HORZ 0x0000
- #define HDS_BUTTONS 0x0002
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define HDS_HOTTRACK 0x0004
- #endif
- #define HDS_HIDDEN 0x0008
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define HDS_DRAGDROP 0x0040
- #define HDS_FULLDRAG 0x0080
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500)
- #define HDS_FILTERBAR 0x0100
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x501)
- #define HDS_FLAT 0x0200
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- #define RBS_TOOLTIPS 0x0100
- #define RBS_VARHEIGHT 0x0200
- #define RBS_BANDBORDERS 0x0400
- #define RBS_FIXEDORDER 0x0800
- #define RBS_REGISTERDROP 0x1000
- #define RBS_AUTOSIZE 0x2000
- #define RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER 0x4000 // this always has the vertical gripper (default for horizontal mode)
- #define RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE 0x8000
- #else
- #define RBS_TOOLTIPS 0x00000100
- #define RBS_VARHEIGHT 0x00000200
- #define RBS_BANDBORDERS 0x00000400
- #define RBS_FIXEDORDER 0x00000800
- #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0400
- #define TTS_ALWAYSTIP 0x01
- #define TTS_NOPREFIX 0x02
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500)
- #define TTS_NOANIMATE 0x10
- #define TTS_NOFADE 0x20
- #define TTS_BALLOON 0x40
- #define TTS_CLOSE 0x80
- #endif
- #define SBARS_SIZEGRIP 0x0100
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500)
- #define SBARS_TOOLTIPS 0x0800
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- // this is a status bar flag, preference to SBARS_TOOLTIPS
- #define SBT_TOOLTIPS 0x0800
- #endif
- #define TBS_AUTOTICKS 0x0001
- #define TBS_VERT 0x0002
- #define TBS_HORZ 0x0000
- #define TBS_TOP 0x0004
- #define TBS_BOTTOM 0x0000
- #define TBS_LEFT 0x0004
- #define TBS_RIGHT 0x0000
- #define TBS_BOTH 0x0008
- #define TBS_NOTICKS 0x0010
- #define TBS_ENABLESELRANGE 0x0020
- #define TBS_FIXEDLENGTH 0x0040
- #define TBS_NOTHUMB 0x0080
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define TBS_TOOLTIPS 0x0100
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500)
- #define TBS_REVERSED 0x0200 // Accessibility hint: the smaller number (usually the min value) means "high" and the larger number (usually the max value) means "low"
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501)
- #define TBS_DOWNISLEFT 0x0400 // Down=Left and Up=Right (default is Down=Right and Up=Left)
- #endif
- #define UDS_WRAP 0x0001
- #define UDS_SETBUDDYINT 0x0002
- #define UDS_ALIGNRIGHT 0x0004
- #define UDS_ALIGNLEFT 0x0008
- #define UDS_AUTOBUDDY 0x0010
- #define UDS_ARROWKEYS 0x0020
- #define UDS_HORZ 0x0040
- #define UDS_NOTHOUSANDS 0x0080
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define UDS_HOTTRACK 0x0100
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define PBS_SMOOTH 0x01
- #define PBS_VERTICAL 0x04
- #endif
- //====== COMMON CONTROL STYLES ================================================
- #define CCS_TOP 0x00000001L
- #define CCS_NOMOVEY 0x00000002L
- #define CCS_BOTTOM 0x00000003L
- #define CCS_NORESIZE 0x00000004L
- #define CCS_NOPARENTALIGN 0x00000008L
- #define CCS_ADJUSTABLE 0x00000020L
- #define CCS_NODIVIDER 0x00000040L
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define CCS_VERT 0x00000080L
- #endif
- #define LVS_ICON 0x0000
- #define LVS_REPORT 0x0001
- #define LVS_SMALLICON 0x0002
- #define LVS_LIST 0x0003
- #define LVS_TYPEMASK 0x0003
- #define LVS_SINGLESEL 0x0004
- #define LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 0x0008
- #define LVS_SORTASCENDING 0x0010
- #define LVS_SORTDESCENDING 0x0020
- #define LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS 0x0040
- #define LVS_NOLABELWRAP 0x0080
- #define LVS_AUTOARRANGE 0x0100
- #define LVS_EDITLABELS 0x0200
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define LVS_OWNERDATA 0x1000
- #endif
- #define LVS_NOSCROLL 0x2000
- #define LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK 0xfc00
- #define LVS_ALIGNTOP 0x0000
- #define LVS_ALIGNLEFT 0x0800
- #define LVS_ALIGNMASK 0x0c00
- #define LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0400
- #define LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER 0x4000
- #define LVS_NOSORTHEADER 0x8000
- #define TVS_HASBUTTONS 0x0001
- #define TVS_HASLINES 0x0002
- #define TVS_LINESATROOT 0x0004
- #define TVS_EDITLABELS 0x0008
- #define TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP 0x0010
- #define TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 0x0020
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define TVS_RTLREADING 0x0040
- #define TVS_NOTOOLTIPS 0x0080
- #define TVS_CHECKBOXES 0x0100
- #define TVS_TRACKSELECT 0x0200
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- #define TVS_SINGLEEXPAND 0x0400
- #define TVS_INFOTIP 0x0800
- #define TVS_FULLROWSELECT 0x1000
- #define TVS_NOSCROLL 0x2000
- #define TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT 0x4000
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500)
- #define TVS_NOHSCROLL 0x8000 // TVS_NOSCROLL overrides this
- #endif
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE 0x0001 // assumes multiline tab
- #define TCS_BOTTOM 0x0002
- #define TCS_RIGHT 0x0002
- #define TCS_MULTISELECT 0x0004 // allow multi-select in button mode
- #endif
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- #define TCS_FLATBUTTONS 0x0008
- #endif
- #define TCS_FORCEICONLEFT 0x0010
- #define TCS_FORCELABELLEFT 0x0020
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define TCS_HOTTRACK 0x0040
- #define TCS_VERTICAL 0x0080
- #endif
- #define TCS_TABS 0x0000
- #define TCS_BUTTONS 0x0100
- #define TCS_SINGLELINE 0x0000
- #define TCS_MULTILINE 0x0200
- #define TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY 0x0000
- #define TCS_FIXEDWIDTH 0x0400
- #define TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT 0x0800
- #define TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x2000
- #define TCS_TOOLTIPS 0x4000
- #define TCS_FOCUSNEVER 0x8000
- #define ACS_CENTER 0x0001
- #define ACS_TRANSPARENT 0x0002
- #define ACS_AUTOPLAY 0x0004
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
- #define ACS_TIMER 0x0008 // don't use threads... use timers
- #endif
- #define MCS_DAYSTATE 0x0001
- #define MCS_MULTISELECT 0x0002
- #define MCS_WEEKNUMBERS 0x0004
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0400)
- #define MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE 0x0008
- #define MCS_NOTODAY 0x0010
- #else
- #define MCS_NOTODAY 0x0008
- #endif
- #define DTS_UPDOWN 0x0001 // use UPDOWN instead of MONTHCAL
- #define DTS_SHOWNONE 0x0002 // allow a NONE selection
- #define DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT 0x0000 // use the short date format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages)
- #define DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT 0x0004 // use the long date format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages)
- #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500)
- #define DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT 0x000C// short date format with century (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages)
- #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500)
- #define DTS_TIMEFORMAT 0x0009 // use the time format (app must forward WM_WININICHANGE messages)
- #define DTS_APPCANPARSE 0x0010 // allow user entered strings (app MUST respond to DTN_USERSTRING)
- #define DTS_RIGHTALIGN 0x0020 // right-align popup instead of left-align it
- #define PGS_VERT 0x00000000
- #define PGS_HORZ 0x00000001
- #define PGS_AUTOSCROLL 0x00000002
- #define PGS_DRAGNDROP 0x00000004
- // style definition
- #define NFS_EDIT 0x0001
- #define NFS_STATIC 0x0002
- #define NFS_LISTCOMBO 0x0004
- #define NFS_BUTTON 0x0008
- #define NFS_ALL 0x0010
- #define NFS_USEFONTASSOC 0x0020