- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 .
- //
- // File: dom.idl
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifdef UNIX
- import "ocidl.idl";
- #endif
- cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows")
- cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- #include "domdid.h"
- #include <idispids.h>
- interface IDOMImplementation;
- interface IDOMNode;
- interface IDOMDocumentFragment;
- interface IDOMDocument;
- interface IDOMNodeList;
- interface IDOMNamedNodeMap;
- interface IDOMCharacterData;
- interface IDOMAttribute;
- interface IDOMElement;
- interface IDOMText;
- interface IDOMComment;
- interface IDOMProcessingInstruction;
- interface IDOMCDATASection;
- interface IDOMDocumentType;
- interface IDOMNotation;
- interface IDOMEntity;
- interface IDOMEntityReference;
- [
- // local, object,
- // nonextensible,
- // pointer_default(unique),
- odl,
- oleautomation,
- dual,
- uuid(3efaa410-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782) // IID_IDOMImplementation
- ]
- interface IDOMImplementation : IDispatch
- {
- // boolean hasFeature(in wstring feature,
- // in wstring version);
- // [id(-1)]
- HRESULT hasFeature(
- [in] BSTR feature,
- [in] BSTR version,
- [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * hasFeature);
- };
- typedef [
- helpstring("Constants that define a node's type")
- ] enum tagDOMNodeType
- {
- NODE_INVALID, // = 0
- NODE_ELEMENT, // = 1
- NODE_TEXT, // = 3
- NODE_ENTITY, // = 6
- NODE_COMMENT, // = 8
- } DOMNodeType;
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa411-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_INode
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- helpstring("Core DOM node interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMNode : IDispatch
- {
- // readonly attribute wstring nodeName;
- helpstring("name of the node")]
- HRESULT nodeName(
- [out, retval] BSTR * name);
- // attribute wstring nodeValue;
- helpstring("value stored in the node")]
- HRESULT nodeValue(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * value);
- helpstring("value stored in the node")]
- HRESULT nodeValue(
- [in] VARIANT value);
- // readonly attribute unsigned short nodeType;
- helpstring("the node's type")]
- HRESULT nodeType(
- [out, retval] DOMNodeType * type);
- // readonly attribute Node parentNode;
- helpstring("parent of the node")]
- HRESULT parentNode(
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** parent);
- // readonly attribute NodeList childNodes;
- helpstring("the collection of the node's children")]
- HRESULT childNodes(
- [out, retval] IDOMNodeList ** childList);
- // readonly attribute Node firstChild;
- helpstring("first child of the node")]
- HRESULT firstChild(
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** firstChild);
- // readonly attribute Node lastChild;
- helpstring("first child of the node")]
- HRESULT lastChild(
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** lastChild);
- // readonly attribute Node previousSibling;
- helpstring("left sibling of the node")]
- HRESULT previousSibling(
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** previousSibling);
- // readonly attribute Node nextSibling;
- helpstring("right sibling of the node")]
- HRESULT nextSibling(
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** nextSibling);
- // readonly attribute NamedNodeMap attributes;
- helpstring("the collection of the node's attributes")]
- HRESULT attributes(
- [out, retval] IDOMNamedNodeMap ** atrributeMap);
- // Node insertBefore(in Node newChild,
- // in Node refChild)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("insert a child node")]
- HRESULT insertBefore(
- [in] IDOMNode * newChild,
- [in] VARIANT refChild,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** outNewChild);
- // Node replaceChild(in Node newChild,
- // in Node oldChild)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("replace a child node")]
- HRESULT replaceChild(
- [in] IDOMNode * newChild,
- [in] IDOMNode * oldChild,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** outOldChild);
- // Node removeChild(in Node childNode)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("remove a child node")]
- HRESULT removeChild(
- [in] IDOMNode * childNode,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** oldChild);
- // Node appendChild(in Node newChild);
- helpstring("append a child node")]
- HRESULT appendChild(
- [in] IDOMNode * newChild,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** outNewChild);
- // boolean hasChildNodes();
- helpstring("")]
- HRESULT hasChildNodes(
- [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * hasChild);
- // readonly attribute Node ownerDocument;
- helpstring("document that contains the node")]
- HRESULT ownerDocument(
- [out, retval] IDOMDocument ** DOMDocument);
- // Node cloneNode(in boolean deep);
- helpstring("")]
- HRESULT cloneNode(
- [in] VARIANT_BOOL deep,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** cloneRoot);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa413-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMDocumentFragment
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMDocumentFragment : IDOMNode
- {
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa414-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMDocument
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMDocument : IDOMNode
- {
- // readonly attribute DocumentType doctype;
- helpstring("node corresponding to the DOCTYPE")]
- HRESULT doctype(
- [out, retval] IDOMDocumentType ** documentType);
- // readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
- helpstring("info on this DOM implementation")]
- HRESULT implementation(
- [out, retval] IDOMImplementation ** impl);
- // attribute Element documentElement;
- helpstring("the root of the tree")]
- HRESULT documentElement(
- [out, retval] IDOMElement ** DOMElement);
- helpstring("the root of the tree")]
- HRESULT documentElement(
- [in] IDOMElement * DOMElement);
- // Element createElement(in wstring tagName);
- helpstring("create an Element node")]
- HRESULT createElement(
- [in] BSTR tagName,
- [out, retval] IDOMElement ** element);
- // DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
- helpstring("create a DocumentFragment node")]
- HRESULT createDocumentFragment(
- [out, retval] IDOMDocumentFragment ** docFrag );
- // Text createTextNode(in wstring data);
- helpstring("create a text node")]
- HRESULT createTextNode(
- [in] BSTR data,
- [out, retval] IDOMText ** text);
- // Comment createComment(in wstring data);
- helpstring("create a comment node")]
- HRESULT createComment(
- [in] BSTR data,
- [out, retval] IDOMComment ** comment);
- // CDATASection createCDATASection(in wstring data);
- helpstring("create a CDATA section node")]
- HRESULT createCDATASection(
- [in] BSTR data,
- [out, retval] IDOMCDATASection ** cdata);
- // ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(in wstring target,
- // in wstring data);
- helpstring("create a processing instruction node")]
- HRESULT createProcessingInstruction(
- [in] BSTR target,
- [in] BSTR data,
- [out, retval] IDOMProcessingInstruction ** pi);
- // Attribute createAttribute(in wstring name);
- helpstring("create an attribute node")]
- HRESULT createAttribute(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] IDOMAttribute ** attribute);
- // EntityReference createEntityReference(in wstring name);
- helpstring("create an entity reference node")]
- HRESULT createEntityReference(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] IDOMEntityReference ** entityRef);
- // NodeList getElementsByTagName(in wstring tagname);
- helpstring("build a list of elements by name")]
- HRESULT getElementsByTagName(
- [in] BSTR tagName,
- [out, retval] IDOMNodeList ** resultList);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa416-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMNodeList
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMNodeList : IDispatch
- {
- // Node item(in unsigned long index);
- [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("collection of nodes")]
- HRESULT item(
- [in] long index,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** listItem);
- // readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- helpstring("number of nodes in the collection")]
- HRESULT length(
- [out, retval] long * listLength);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa418-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMNamedNodeMap
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMNamedNodeMap : IDispatch
- {
- // Node getNamedItem(in wstring name);
- helpstring("lookup item by name")]
- HRESULT getNamedItem(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** namedItem);
- // void setNamedItem(in Node arg);
- helpstring("set item by name")]
- HRESULT setNamedItem(
- [in] IDOMNode * newItem,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** nameItem);
- // Node removeNamedItem(in wstring name);
- helpstring("remove item by name")]
- HRESULT removeNamedItem(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** namedItem);
- // Node item(in unsigned long index);
- [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("collection of nodes")]
- HRESULT item(
- [in] long index,
- [out, retval] IDOMNode ** listItem);
- // readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- helpstring("number of nodes in the collection")]
- HRESULT length(
- [out, retval] long * listLength);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa41a-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMCharacterData
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMCharacterData : IDOMNode
- {
- // attribute wstring data;
- [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("value of the node")]
- HRESULT data(
- [out, retval] BSTR * data);
- [propput, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("value of the node")]
- HRESULT data(
- [in] BSTR data);
- // readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- [propget, id(DISPID_DOM_DATA_LENGTH),
- helpstring("number of characters in value")]
- HRESULT length(
- [out, retval] long * dataLength);
- // wstring substring(in unsigned long offset,
- // in unsigned long count)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("retrieve substring of value")]
- HRESULT substringData(
- [in] long offset,
- [in] long count,
- [out, retval] BSTR * data);
- // void append(in wstring arg);
- helpstring("append string to value")]
- HRESULT appendData(
- [in] BSTR data);
- // void insert(in unsigned long offset,
- // in wstring arg)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("insert string into value")]
- HRESULT insertData(
- [in] long offset,
- [in] BSTR data);
- // void delete(in unsigned long offset,
- // in unsigned long count)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("delete string within the value")]
- HRESULT deleteData(
- [in] long offset,
- [in] long count);
- // void replace(in unsigned long offset,
- // in unsigned long count,
- // in wstring arg)
- // raises(DOMException);
- helpstring("replace string within the value")]
- HRESULT replaceData(
- [in] long offset,
- [in] long count,
- [in] BSTR data);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa41b-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMAttribute
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMAttribute : IDOMNode
- {
- // wstring name;
- helpstring("get name of the attribute")]
- HRESULT name(
- [out, retval] BSTR * attributeName);
- // attribute boolean specified;
- helpstring("indicates whether attribute has a default value")]
- HRESULT specified(
- [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL * isSpecified);
- // attribute wstring value;
- [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("string value of the attribute")]
- HRESULT value(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * attributeValue);
- [propput, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("string value of the attribute")]
- HRESULT value(
- [in] VARIANT attributeValue);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa41c-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMElement
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMElement : IDOMNode
- {
- // readonly attribute wstring tagName;
- helpstring("get the tagName of the element")]
- HRESULT tagName(
- [out, retval] BSTR * tagName);
- // wstring getAttribute(in wstring name);
- helpstring("look up the string value of an attribute by name")]
- HRESULT getAttribute(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] VARIANT * value);
- // void setAttribute(in string name,
- // in string value);
- helpstring("set the string value of an attribute by name")]
- HRESULT setAttribute(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [in] VARIANT value);
- // void removeAttribute(in wstring name);
- helpstring("remove an attribute by name")]
- HRESULT removeAttribute(
- [in] BSTR name);
- // Attribute getAttributeNode(in wstring name);
- helpstring("look up the attribute node by name")]
- HRESULT getAttributeNode(
- [in] BSTR name,
- [out, retval] IDOMAttribute ** attributeNode);
- // void setAttributeNode(in Attribute newAttr);
- helpstring("set the specified attribute on the element")]
- HRESULT setAttributeNode(
- [in] IDOMAttribute * DOMAttribute,
- [out, retval] IDOMAttribute ** attributeNode);
- // void removeAttributeNode(in Attribute oldAttr);
- helpstring("remove the specified attribute")]
- HRESULT removeAttributeNode(
- [in] IDOMAttribute * DOMAttribute,
- [out, retval] IDOMAttribute ** attributeNode);
- // NodeList getElementsByTagName(in wstring tagname);
- helpstring("build a list of elements by name")]
- HRESULT getElementsByTagName(
- [in] BSTR tagName,
- [out, retval] IDOMNodeList ** resultList);
- // void normalize();
- helpstring("collapse all adjacent text nodes in sub-tree")]
- HRESULT normalize();
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(9cafc72d-272e-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMText
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMText : IDOMCharacterData
- {
- // Text splitText(in unsigned long offset);
- helpstring("split the text node into two text nodes at the position specified")]
- HRESULT splitText(
- [in] long offset,
- [out, retval] IDOMText ** rightHandTextNode);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa41e-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMComment
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMComment : IDOMCharacterData
- {
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa41f-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMProcessingInstruction
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMProcessingInstruction : IDOMNode
- {
- // read-only attribute wstring target;
- [propget, id(DISPID_DOM_PI_TARGET),
- helpstring("the target")]
- HRESULT target(
- [out, retval] BSTR * name);
- // attribute wstring data;
- [propget, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("the data")]
- HRESULT data(
- [out, retval] BSTR * value);
- [propput, id(DISPID_VALUE),
- helpstring("the data")]
- HRESULT data(
- [in] BSTR value);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa420-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMCDATASection
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMCDATASection : IDOMText
- {
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa421-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMDocumentType
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMDocumentType : IDOMNode
- {
- // readonly attribute wstring name;
- helpstring("name of the document type (root of the tree)")]
- HRESULT name(
- [out, retval] BSTR * rootName);
- // readonly attribute NamedNodeMap entities;
- helpstring("a list of entities in the document")]
- HRESULT entities(
- [out, retval] IDOMNamedNodeMap ** entityMap);
- // readonly attribute NamedNodeMap notations;
- helpstring("a list of notations in the document")]
- HRESULT notations(
- [out, retval] IDOMNamedNodeMap ** notationMap);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa422-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMNotation
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMNotation : IDOMNode
- {
- // attribute wstring publicId;
- helpstring("the public ID")]
- HRESULT publicId(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * publicID);
- // attribute wstring systemId;
- helpstring("the system ID")]
- HRESULT systemId(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * systemID);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa423-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMEntity
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMEntity : IDOMNode
- {
- // attribute wstring publicId;
- helpstring("the public ID")]
- HRESULT publicId(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * publicID);
- // attribute wstring systemId;
- helpstring("the system ID")]
- HRESULT systemId(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * systemID);
- // attribute wstring notationName;
- helpstring("the name of the notation")]
- HRESULT notationName(
- [out, retval] BSTR * name);
- };
- [
- local, object,
- uuid(3efaa424-272f-11d2-836f-0000f87a7782), // IID_IDOMEntityReference
- odl,
- dual,
- oleautomation,
- nonextensible,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IDOMEntityReference : IDOMNode
- {
- };