- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'FILE DESCRIPTION: Script for registering for SMTP Protocol sinks.
- '
- 'File Name: smtpreg.vbs
- '
- '
- ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1999. All rights reserved.
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option Explicit
- '
- '
- ' the OnArrival event GUID
- Const GUIDComCatOnArrival = "{ff3caa23-00b9-11d2-9dfb-00C04FA322BA}"
- ' the SMTP source type
- Const GUIDSourceType = "{FB65C4DC-E468-11D1-AA67-00C04FA345F6}"
- '
- Const GUIDCat = "{871736c0-fd85-11d0-869a-00c04fd65616}"
- Const GUIDSources = "{DBC71A31-1F4B-11d0-869D-80C04FD65616}"
- ' the SMTP service display name. This is used to key which service to
- ' edit
- Const szService = "smtpsvc"
- ' the event manager object. This is used to communicate with the
- ' event binding database.
- Dim EventManager
- Set EventManager = WScript.CreateObject("Event.Manager")
- '
- ' register a new sink with event manager
- '
- ' iInstance - the instance to work against
- ' szEvent - OnArrival
- ' szDisplayName - the display name for this new sink
- ' szProgID - the progid to call for this event
- ' szRule - the rule to set for this event
- '
- public sub RegisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szProgID, szRule)
- Dim SourceType
- Dim szSourceDisplayName
- Dim Source
- Dim Binding
- Dim GUIDComCat
- Dim PrioVal
- ' figure out which event they are trying to register with and set
- ' the comcat for this event in GUIDComCat
- select case LCase(szEvent)
- case "onarrival"
- GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
- exit sub
- end select
- ' enumerate through each of the registered instances for the SMTP source
- ' type and look for the display name that matches the instance display
- ' name
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
- ' we've found the desired instance. now add a new binding
- ' with the right event GUID. by not specifying a GUID to the
- ' Add method we get server events to create a new ID for this
- ' event
- set Binding = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat).Add("")
- ' set the binding properties
- Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName
- Binding.SinkClass = szProgID
- ' register a rule with the binding
- Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Rule", szRule
- ' register a priority with the binding
- PrioVal = GetNextPrio(Source, GUIDComCat)
- If PrioVal < 0 then
- WScript.Echo "assigning priority to default value (24575)"
- Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Priority", 24575
- else
- WScript.Echo "assigning priority (" & PrioVal & " of 32767)"
- Binding.SourceProperties.Add "Priority", PrioVal
- end if
- ' save the binding
- Binding.Save
- WScript.Echo "registered " & szDisplayName
- exit sub
- end if
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' iterate through the bindings in a source, find the binding
- ' with the lowest priority, and return the next priority value.
- ' If the next value exceeds the range, return -1.
- '
- public function GetNextPrio(oSource, GUIDComCat)
- ' it's possible that priority values will not be
- ' numbers, so we add error handling for this case
- on error resume next
- Dim Bindings
- Dim Binding
- Dim nLowestPrio
- Dim nPrioVal
- nLowestPrio = 0
- set Bindings = oSource.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- ' if the bindings collection is empty, then this is the first
- ' sink. It gets the highest priority (0).
- if Bindings.Count = 0 then
- GetNextPrio = 0
- else
- ' get the lowest existing priority value
- for each Binding in Bindings
- nPrioVal = Binding.SourceProperties.Item("Priority")
- if CInt(nPrioVal) > nLowestPrio then
- if err.number = 13 then
- err.clear
- else
- nLowestPrio = CInt(nPrioVal)
- end if
- end if
- next
- ' assign priority values in increments of 10 so priorities
- ' can be shuffled later without the need to reorder all
- ' binding priorities. Valid priority values are 0 - 32767
- if nLowestPrio + 10 > 32767 then
- GetNextPrio = -1
- else
- GetNextPrio = nLowestPrio + 10
- end if
- end if
- end function
- '
- ' check for a previously registered sink with the passed in name
- '
- ' iInstance - the instance to work against
- ' szEvent - OnArrival
- ' szDisplayName - the display name of the event to check
- ' bCheckError - Any errors returned
- public sub CheckSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, bCheckError)
- Dim SourceType
- Dim GUIDComCat
- Dim szSourceDisplayName
- Dim Source
- Dim Bindings
- Dim Binding
- bCheckError = FALSE
- select case LCase(szEvent)
- case "onarrival"
- GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
- exit sub
- end select
- ' find the source for this instance
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
- ' find the binding by display name. to do this we enumerate
- ' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
- set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- for each Binding in Bindings
- if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
- ' we've found the binding, now log an error
- WScript.Echo "Binding with the name " & szDisplayName & " already exists"
- exit sub
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- bCheckError = TRUE
- end sub
- '
- ' unregister a previously registered sink
- '
- ' iInstance - the instance to work against
- ' szEvent - OnArrival
- ' szDisplayName - the display name of the event to remove
- '
- public sub UnregisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName)
- Dim SourceType
- Dim GUIDComCat
- Dim szSourceDisplayName
- Dim Source
- Dim Bindings
- Dim Binding
- select case LCase(szEvent)
- case "onarrival"
- GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
- exit sub
- end select
- ' find the source for this instance
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
- ' find the binding by display name. to do this we enumerate
- ' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
- set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- for each Binding in Bindings
- if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
- ' we've found the binding, now remove it
- Bindings.Remove(Binding.ID)
- WScript.Echo "removed " & szDisplayName & " " & Binding.ID
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' add or remove a property from the source or sink propertybag for an event
- '
- ' iInstance - the SMTP instance to edit
- ' szEvent - the event type (OnArrival)
- ' szDisplayName - the display name of the event
- ' szPropertyBag - the property bag to edit ("source" or "sink")
- ' szOperation - "add" or "remove"
- ' szPropertyName - the name to edit in the property bag
- ' szPropertyValue - the value to assign to the name (ignored for remove)
- '
- public sub EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, szOperation, szPropertyName, szPropertyValue)
- Dim SourceType
- Dim GUIDComCat
- Dim szSourceDisplayName
- Dim Source
- Dim Bindings
- Dim Binding
- Dim PropertyBag
- select case LCase(szEvent)
- case "onarrival"
- GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid event: " & szEvent
- exit sub
- end select
- ' find the source for this instance
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- szSourceDisplayName = szService & " " & iInstance
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
- set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- ' find the binding by display name. to do this we enumerate
- ' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
- for each Binding in Bindings
- if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
- ' figure out which set of properties we want to modify
- ' based on the szPropertyBag parameter
- select case LCase(szPropertyBag)
- case "source"
- set PropertyBag = Binding.SourceProperties
- case "sink"
- set PropertyBag = Binding.SinkProperties
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid propertybag: " & szPropertyBag
- exit sub
- end select
- ' figure out what operation we want to perform
- select case LCase(szOperation)
- case "remove"
- ' they want to remove szPropertyName from the
- ' property bag
- PropertyBag.Remove szPropertyName
- WScript.echo "removed property " & szPropertyName
- case "add"
- ' add szPropertyName to the property bag and
- ' set its value to szValue. if this value
- ' already exists then this will change the value
- ' it to szValue.
- PropertyBag.Add szPropertyName, szPropertyValue
- WScript.echo "set property " & szPropertyName & " to " & szPropertyValue
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid operation: " & szOperation
- exit sub
- end select
- ' save the binding
- Binding.Save
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' this helper function takes an IEventSource object and a event category
- ' and dumps all of the bindings for this category under the source
- '
- ' Source - the IEventSource object to display the bindings for
- ' GUIDComCat - the event category to display the bindings for
- '
- public sub DisplaySinksHelper(Source, GUIDComCat)
- Dim Binding
- Dim propval
- ' walk each of the registered bindings for this component category
- for each Binding in Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- ' display the binding properties
- WScript.echo " Binding " & Binding.ID & " {"
- WScript.echo " DisplayName = " & Binding.DisplayName
- WScript.echo " SinkClass = " & Binding.SinkClass
- if Binding.Enabled = True then
- WScript.echo " Status = Enabled"
- else
- WScript.echo " Status = Disabled"
- end if
- ' walk each of the source properties and display them
- WScript.echo " SourceProperties {"
- for each propval in Binding.SourceProperties
- WScript.echo " " & propval & " = " & Binding.SourceProperties.Item(propval)
- next
- WScript.echo " }"
- ' walk each of the sink properties and display them
- WScript.echo " SinkProperties {"
- for each Propval in Binding.SinkProperties
- WScript.echo " " & propval & " = " & Binding.SinkProperties.Item(Propval)
- next
- WScript.echo " }"
- WScript.echo " }"
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' dumps all of the information in the binding database related to SMTP
- '
- public sub DisplaySinks
- Dim SourceType
- Dim Source
- ' look for each of the sources registered for the SMTP source type
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- ' display the source properties
- WScript.echo "Source " & Source.ID & " {"
- WScript.echo " DisplayName = " & Source.DisplayName
- ' display all of the sinks registered for the OnArrival event
- WScript.echo " OnArrival Sinks {"
- call DisplaySinksHelper(Source, GUIDComCatOnArrival)
- WScript.echo " }"
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' enable/disable a registered sink
- '
- ' iInstance - the instance to work against
- ' szEvent - OnArrival
- ' szDisplayName - the display name for this new sink
- '
- public sub SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szEnable)
- Dim SourceType
- Dim GUIDComCat
- Dim szSourceDisplayName
- Dim Source
- Dim Bindings
- Dim Binding
- select case LCase(szEvent)
- case "onarrival"
- GUIDComCat = GUIDComCatOnArrival
- case else
- WScript.echo "invalid event: " + szEvent
- exit sub
- end select
- ' find the source for this instance
- set SourceType = EventManager.SourceTypes(GUIDSourceType)
- szSourceDisplayName = szService + " " + iInstance
- for each Source in SourceType.Sources
- if Source.DisplayName = szSourceDisplayName then
- ' find the binding by display name. to do this we enumerate
- ' all of the bindings and try to match on the display name
- set Bindings = Source.GetBindingManager.Bindings(GUIDComCat)
- for each Binding in Bindings
- if Binding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then
- ' we've found the binding, now enable/disable it
- ' we don't need "case else' because szEnable's value
- ' is set internally, not by users
- select case LCase(szEnable)
- case "true"
- Binding.Enabled = True
- Binding.Save
- WScript.Echo "enabled " + szDisplayName + " " + Binding.ID
- case "false"
- Binding.Enabled = False
- Binding.Save
- WScript.Echo "disabled " + szDisplayName + " " + Binding.ID
- end select
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- end sub
- '
- ' display usage information for this script
- '
- public sub DisplayUsage
- WScript.echo "usage: cscript smtpreg.vbs <command> <arguments>"
- WScript.echo " commands:"
- WScript.echo " /add <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <SinkClass> <Rule>"
- WScript.echo " /remove <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
- WScript.echo " /setprop <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <PropertyBag> <PropertyName> "
- WScript.echo " <PropertyValue>"
- WScript.echo " /delprop <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName> <PropertyBag> <PropertyName>"
- WScript.echo " /enable <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
- WScript.echo " /disable <Instance> <Event> <DisplayName>"
- WScript.echo " /enum"
- WScript.echo " arguments:"
- WScript.echo " <Instance> is the SMTP instance to work against"
- WScript.echo " <Event> can be OnArrival"
- WScript.echo " <DisplayName> is the display name of the event to edit"
- WScript.echo " <SinkClass> is the sink class for the event"
- WScript.echo " <Rule> is the rule to use for the event"
- WScript.echo " <PropertyBag> can be Source or Sink"
- WScript.echo " <PropertyName> is the name of the property to edit"
- WScript.echo " <PropertyValue> is the value to assign to the property"
- end sub
- Dim iInstance
- Dim szEvent
- Dim szDisplayName
- Dim szSinkClass
- Dim szRule
- Dim szPropertyBag
- Dim szPropertyName
- Dim szPropertyValue
- dim bCheck
- '
- ' this is the main body of our script. it reads the command line parameters
- ' specified and then calls the appropriate function to perform the operation
- '
- if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- Select Case LCase(WScript.Arguments(0))
- Case "/add"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 6 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- szSinkClass = WScript.Arguments(4)
- szRule = WScript.Arguments(5)
- call CheckSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, bCheck)
- if bCheck = TRUE then
- call RegisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szSinkClass, szRule)
- End if
- end if
- Case "/remove"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- call UnregisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName)
- end if
- Case "/setprop"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 7 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4)
- szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5)
- szPropertyValue = WScript.Arguments(6)
- call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, "add", szPropertyName, szPropertyValue)
- end if
- Case "/delprop"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 6 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4)
- szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5)
- call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szPropertyBag, "remove", szPropertyName, "")
- end if
- Case "/enable"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, "True")
- end if
- Case "/disable"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 4 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1)
- szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2)
- szDisplayName = WScript.Arguments(3)
- call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, "False")
- end if
- Case "/enum"
- if not WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 then
- call DisplayUsage
- else
- call DisplaySinks
- end if
- Case Else
- call DisplayUsage
- End Select
- end if