- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- cpp_quote("/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */")
- // rend.idl : IDL source for rend.dll
- //
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
- // produce the type library (rend.tlb) and marshalling code.
- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "tapi3if.idl";
- // Conference and user object Interfaces
- const DISPID IDISPDIROBJECT = 0x00010000;
- const DISPID IDISPDIROBJUSER = 0x00030000;
- // Directory object interfaces
- const DISPID IDISPDIRECTORY = 0x00010000;
- const DISPID IDISPILSCONFIG = 0x00020000;
- typedef enum DIRECTORY_TYPE
- {
- DT_NTDS = 1,
- DT_ILS = 2
- {
- OT_USER = 2
- {
- RAS_LOCAL = 1,
- RAS_SITE = 2,
- [
- object,
- uuid(F1029E5D-CB5B-11D0-8D59-00C04FD91AC0),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface for conference announcements."),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ITDirectoryObjectConference : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 1), helpstring("The protocol used in describing the conference.")]
- HRESULT Protocol(
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppProtocol
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 2), helpstring("The originator of the conference.")]
- HRESULT Originator(
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppOriginator
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 2), helpstring("The originator of the conference.")]
- HRESULT Originator(
- [in] BSTR pOriginator
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 3), helpstring("The scope of the conference.")]
- HRESULT AdvertisingScope(
- [out, retval] RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE *pAdvertisingScope
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 3), helpstring("The scope of the conference.")]
- HRESULT AdvertisingScope(
- [in] RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE AdvertisingScope
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 4), helpstring("The Url for the conference.")]
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppUrl
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 4), helpstring("The Url for the conference.")]
- [in] BSTR pUrl
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 5), helpstring("The description of the conference.")]
- HRESULT Description(
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppDescription
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 5), helpstring("The description of the conference.")]
- HRESULT Description(
- [in] BSTR pDescription
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 6), helpstring("If the conference is encrypted.")]
- HRESULT IsEncrypted(
- [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfEncrypted
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 6), helpstring("If the conference is encrypted.")]
- HRESULT IsEncrypted(
- [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEncrypted
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 7), helpstring("The start time of the conference.")]
- HRESULT StartTime(
- [out, retval] DATE *pDate
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 7), helpstring("The start time of the conference.")]
- HRESULT StartTime(
- [in] DATE Date
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 8), helpstring("The stop time of the conference.")]
- HRESULT StopTime(
- [out, retval] DATE *pDate
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJCONFERENCE | 8), helpstring("The stop time of the conference.")]
- HRESULT StopTime(
- [in] DATE Date
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(34621D6F-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface for user object."),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ITDirectoryObjectUser : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJUSER | 1), helpstring("The primary IP phone attribute.")]
- HRESULT IPPhonePrimary(
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppName
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJUSER | 1), helpstring("The primary IP phone attribute.")]
- HRESULT IPPhonePrimary(
- [in] BSTR pName
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(34621D70-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- helpstring("IEnumDialableAddresses interface"),
- hidden,
- restricted,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IEnumDialableAddrs : IUnknown
- {
- [in] ULONG celt,
- [out, size_is(celt)] BSTR * ppElements,
- [in,out,ptr] ULONG * pcFetched
- );
- HRESULT Reset( void );
- HRESULT Skip (
- [in] ULONG celt
- );
- HRESULT Clone (
- [out, retval] IEnumDialableAddrs ** ppEnum
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(34621D6E-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface for an object in the directory."),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface ITDirectoryObject : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 1), helpstring("The type of this object.")]
- HRESULT ObjectType(
- [out, retval] DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE * pObjectType
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 2), helpstring("The name of this object.")]
- [out, retval] BSTR *ppName
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 2), helpstring("The name of this object.")]
- [in] BSTR pName
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 3), helpstring("The addresses of the object that can be dialed.")]
- HRESULT DialableAddrs(
- [in] long dwAddressType, //defined in tapi.h
- [out, retval] VARIANT * pVariant
- );
- [id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 4), hidden, restricted, helpstring("method EnumerateDialableAddrs")]
- HRESULT EnumerateDialableAddrs(
- [in] DWORD dwAddressType, //defined in tapi.h
- [out] IEnumDialableAddrs ** ppEnumDialableAddrs
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 5), helpstring("The security descriptor.")]
- HRESULT SecurityDescriptor(
- [out, retval] IDispatch ** ppSecDes
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIROBJECT | 5), helpstring("The security descriptor.")]
- HRESULT SecurityDescriptor(
- [in] IDispatch * pSecDes
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(06C9B64A-306D-11D1-9774-00C04FD91AC0),
- helpstring("IEnumDirectoryObject interface"),
- hidden,
- restricted,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IEnumDirectoryObject : IUnknown
- {
- [in] ULONG celt,
- [out, size_is(celt)] ITDirectoryObject **pVal,
- [in, out, ptr] ULONG * pcFetched
- );
- HRESULT Reset( void );
- HRESULT Skip (
- [in] ULONG celt
- );
- HRESULT Clone (
- [out, retval] IEnumDirectoryObject ** ppEnum
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- public,
- uuid(34621D72-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface to configure ILS server.")
- ]
- interface ITILSConfig : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(IDISPILSCONFIG | 1), helpstring("The port the ILS server is listening on.")]
- [out, retval] long *pPort
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPILSCONFIG | 1), helpstring("The port the ILS server is listening on.")]
- [in] long Port
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- public,
- uuid(34621D6C-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface to a generic directory service.")
- ]
- interface ITDirectory : IDispatch
- {
- // find the type of the directory, NTDS, ILS, etc.
- [propget, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 1), helpstring("The type of the directory.")]
- HRESULT DirectoryType(
- [out, retval] DIRECTORY_TYPE * pDirectoryType
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 2), helpstring("The name of the directory.")]
- HRESULT DisplayName(
- [out, retval] BSTR * pName
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 3), helpstring("If the object on the server needs refresh.")]
- HRESULT IsDynamic(
- [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfDynamic
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 4), helpstring("The default Time To Live value(in seconds) for object created. Only apply to dynamic servers.")]
- HRESULT DefaultObjectTTL(
- [out, retval] long *pTTL
- );
- [propput, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 4), helpstring("The default Time To Live value(in seconds) for object created. Only apply to dynamic servers. Minimum 300 seconds.")]
- HRESULT DefaultObjectTTL(
- [in] long TTL
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 5), helpstring("Enable the auto refresh for object created afterwards. Only apply to dynamic servers.")]
- HRESULT EnableAutoRefresh(
- [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnable
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 6), helpstring("Connect to the server.")]
- HRESULT Connect(
- [in] VARIANT_BOOL fSecure
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 7), helpstring("Bind to the server.")]
- [in] BSTR pDomainName, // Can be NULL.
- [in] BSTR pUserName, // Can be NULL.
- [in] BSTR pPassword, // Can be NULL.
- [in] long lFlags
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 8), helpstring("Add an object to the server.")]
- HRESULT AddDirectoryObject(
- [in] ITDirectoryObject *pDirectoryObject
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 9), helpstring("Modify an object on the server.")]
- HRESULT ModifyDirectoryObject(
- [in] ITDirectoryObject *pDirectoryObject
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 10), helpstring("Refresh the TTL for an object on the server. Only apply to dynamic servers.")]
- HRESULT RefreshDirectoryObject(
- [in] ITDirectoryObject *pDirectoryObject
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 11), helpstring("Delete an object from the server.")]
- HRESULT DeleteDirectoryObject(
- [in] ITDirectoryObject *pDirectoryObject
- );
- [propget, id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 12), helpstring("All the objects on the server with specified type and name.")]
- HRESULT DirectoryObjects(
- [in] DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE DirectoryObjectType,
- [in] BSTR pName,
- [out, retval] VARIANT * pVariant
- );
- [id(IDISPDIRECTORY | 13), hidden, restricted, helpstring("method EnumerateDirectoryObjects")]
- HRESULT EnumerateDirectoryObjects(
- [in] DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE DirectoryObjectType,
- [in] BSTR pName,
- [out] IEnumDirectoryObject ** ppEnumObject
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(34621D6D-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- helpstring("IEnumDirectory interface"),
- hidden,
- restricted,
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IEnumDirectory : IUnknown
- {
- [in] ULONG celt,
- [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pcFetched)] ITDirectory ** ppElements,
- [in,out,ptr] ULONG * pcFetched
- );
- HRESULT Reset( void );
- HRESULT Skip (
- [in] ULONG celt
- );
- HRESULT Clone (
- [out, retval] IEnumDirectory ** ppEnum
- );
- };
- [
- object,
- public,
- uuid(34621D6B-6CFF-11d1-AFF7-00C04FC31FEE),
- dual,
- helpstring("Interface to access directories and obejcts.")
- ]
- interface ITRendezvous : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(1), helpstring("The default directories configured by system administrator.")]
- HRESULT DefaultDirectories(
- [out, retval] VARIANT * pVariant
- );
- [id(2), hidden, restricted, helpstring("method Enumerate directories")]
- HRESULT EnumerateDefaultDirectories(
- [out] IEnumDirectory ** ppEnumDirectory
- );
- [id(3), helpstring("Create a directory of given type and name.")]
- HRESULT CreateDirectory(
- [in] DIRECTORY_TYPE DirectoryType,
- [in] BSTR pName,
- [out, retval] ITDirectory ** ppDir
- );
- [id(4), helpstring("Create a new directory object.")]
- HRESULT CreateDirectoryObject(
- [in] DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE DirectoryObjectType,
- [in] BSTR pName,
- [out, retval] ITDirectoryObject ** ppDirectoryObject
- );
- };
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("/***************************************************************/")
- cpp_quote("/* Rend constants -- defined here for C apps */")
- cpp_quote("/* The subsequent definitions that MIDL generates from the */")
- cpp_quote("/* module declaration are not used. The module declaration is */")
- cpp_quote("/* retained, however, so that the constants show up in the */")
- cpp_quote("/* type library. */")
- cpp_quote("/***************************************************************/")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("#define RENDBIND_AUTHENTICATE 0x00000001")
- cpp_quote("#define RENDBIND_DEFAULTDOMAINNAME 0x00000002")
- cpp_quote("#define RENDBIND_DEFAULTUSERNAME 0x00000004")
- cpp_quote("#define RENDBIND_DEFAULTPASSWORD 0x00000008")
- cpp_quote("/* this is just the previous three |'ed together for convenience. */")
- cpp_quote("#define RENDBIND_DEFAULTCREDENTIALS 0x0000000e")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("#define __RendConstants_MODULE_DEFINED__")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("/***************************************************************/")
- cpp_quote("/* end of rend constants section */")
- cpp_quote("/***************************************************************/")
- cpp_quote("")
- cpp_quote("")
- [
- uuid(F1029E4D-CB5B-11D0-8D59-00C04FD91AC0),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("Microsoft Rendezvous control 1.0 Type Library")
- ]
- library RENDLib
- {
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- interface ITRendezvous;
- interface ITDirectoryObjectConference;
- interface ITDirectoryObjectUser;
- interface ITDirectoryObject;
- interface ITILSConfig;
- interface ITDirectory;
- [
- uuid(F1029E5B-CB5B-11D0-8D59-00C04FD91AC0),
- helpstring("The Rendezvous Control Class")
- ]
- coclass Rendezvous
- {
- [default] interface ITRendezvous;
- };
- [
- uuid(A2382C3C-A108-11d2-B117-006008B0E5D2),
- dllname("rend.dll"),
- helpstring("TAPI 3.0 Rendezvous Control Constants")
- ]
- module RendConstants
- {
- const long RENDBIND_AUTHENTICATE = 0x00000001;
- const long RENDBIND_DEFAULTDOMAINNAME = 0x00000002;
- const long RENDBIND_DEFAULTUSERNAME = 0x00000004;
- const long RENDBIND_DEFAULTPASSWORD = 0x00000008;
- // this is just the previous three |'ed together for convenience.
- const long RENDBIND_DEFAULTCREDENTIALS = 0x0000000e;
- };
- };
- // eof