- /****************************************************************************
- * *
- * ZMOUSE.H -- Include file for IntelliMouse(tm) 1.0 *
- * *
- * NOTE: Zmouse.h contains #defines required when providing IntelliMouse *
- * wheel support for Windows95 and NT3.51. Wheel is supported *
- * natively in WinNT4.0, please refer to the NT4.0 SDK for more info *
- * on providing support for IntelliMouse in NT4.0. *
- * *
- * Copyright (c) 1983-1999, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- Client Appplication (API) Defines for Wheel rolling
- ***************************************************************************/
- // Apps need to call RegisterWindowMessage using the #define below to
- // get the message number that is sent to the foreground window
- // when a wheel roll occurs
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #else
- #endif
- // wParam = wheel rotation expressed in multiples of WHEEL_DELTA
- // lParam is the mouse coordinates
- #define WHEEL_DELTA 120 // Default value for rolling one notch
- #define WM_MOUSEWHEEL (WM_MOUSELAST+1) // message that will be supported
- // by the OS
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- Client Appplication (API) Defines for
- * determining if wheel support active
- * determining # of Scroll Lines
- ***************************************************************************/
- // Class name for MSWHEEL.EXE's invisible window
- // use FindWindow to get hwnd to MSWHEEL
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define MOUSEZ_CLASSNAME L"MouseZ" // wheel window class
- #define MOUSEZ_TITLE L"Magellan MSWHEEL" // wheel window title
- #else
- #define MOUSEZ_CLASSNAME "MouseZ" // wheel window class
- #define MOUSEZ_TITLE "Magellan MSWHEEL" // wheel window title
- #endif
- // Apps need to call RegisterWindowMessage using the #defines
- // below to get the message numbers for:
- // 1) the message that can be sent to the MSWHEEL window to
- // query if wheel support is active (MSH_WHEELSUPPORT)>
- // 2) the message to query for the number of scroll lines
- //
- // To send a message to MSWheel window, use FindWindow with the #defines
- // for CLASS and TITLE above. If FindWindow fails to find the MSWHEEL
- // window or the return from SendMessage is false, then Wheel support
- // is not currently available.
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define MSH_WHEELSUPPORT L"MSH_WHEELSUPPORT_MSG" // name of msg to send
- // to query for wheel support
- #else
- #define MSH_WHEELSUPPORT "MSH_WHEELSUPPORT_MSG" // name of msg to send
- // to query for wheel support
- #endif
- // wParam - not used
- // lParam - not used
- // returns BOOL - TRUE if wheel support is active, FALSE otherwise
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #else
- #endif
- // wParam - not used
- // lParam - not used
- // returns int - number of lines to scroll on a wheel roll
- #define WHEEL_PAGESCROLL (UINT_MAX) // signifies to scroll a page, also
- // defined in winuser.h in the
- // NT4.0 SDK
- #endif
- #define SPI_SETWHEELSCROLLLINES 105 // Also defined in winuser.h in the
- // NT4.0 SDK, please see the NT4.0 SDK
- // documentation for NT4.0 implementation
- // specifics.
- // For Win95 and WinNT3.51,
- // Mswheel broadcasts the message
- // WM_SETTINGCHANGE (equivalent to
- // WM_WININICHANGE) when the scroll
- // lines has changed. Applications
- // will recieve the WM_SETTINGCHANGE
- // message with the wParam set to
- // this message is recieved the application
- // should query Mswheel for the new
- // setting.
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- * Purpose : Get a reference to MSWheel Window, the registered messages,
- * wheel support active setting, and number of scrollLines
- * Params : PUINT puiMsh_MsgMouseWheel - address of UINT to contain returned registered wheel message
- * PUINT puiMsh_Msg3DSupport - address of UINT to contain wheel support registered message
- * PUINT puiMsh_MsgScrollLines - address of UINT to contain Scroll lines registered message
- * PBOOL pf3DSupport - address of BOOL to contain returned flag for wheel support active
- * PINT piScrollLines - address of int to contain returned scroll lines
- * Returns : HWND handle to the MsWheel window
- * Note : The return value for pf3DSupport and piScrollLines is dependant
- * on the POINT32 module. If POINT32 module is not running then
- * the values returned for these parameters will be
- * FALSE and 3, respectively.
- *********************************************************************/
- __inline HWND HwndMSWheel(
- PUINT puiMsh_MsgMouseWheel,
- PUINT puiMsh_Msg3DSupport,
- PUINT puiMsh_MsgScrollLines,
- PBOOL pf3DSupport,
- PINT piScrollLines
- )
- {
- HWND hdlMsWheel;
- *puiMsh_MsgMouseWheel = RegisterWindowMessage(MSH_MOUSEWHEEL);
- *puiMsh_Msg3DSupport = RegisterWindowMessage(MSH_WHEELSUPPORT);
- *puiMsh_MsgScrollLines = RegisterWindowMessage(MSH_SCROLL_LINES);
- if (*puiMsh_Msg3DSupport)
- *pf3DSupport = (BOOL)SendMessage(hdlMsWheel, *puiMsh_Msg3DSupport, 0, 0);
- else
- *pf3DSupport = FALSE; // default to FALSE
- if (*puiMsh_MsgScrollLines)
- *piScrollLines = (int)SendMessage(hdlMsWheel, *puiMsh_MsgScrollLines, 0, 0);
- else
- *piScrollLines = 3; // default
- return(hdlMsWheel);
- }