- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: msdaosp.idl
- //
- // Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
- //
- // Contents: Interfaces, UUIDs and Properties For the OLE DB Simple
- // Provider Toolkit.
- //
- // Comments: The OLE DB Simple Provider Toolkit reuses two interface
- // files, msdatsrc.idl and simpdata.idl. Now all of the
- // definitions needed to build a simple provider are
- // included in these files. This IDL completes the
- // definitions required to build a simple propvider
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Use the Data Source and OSP Headers
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- cpp_quote("#include "msdatsrc.h"")
- cpp_quote("#include "simpdata.h"")
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Generate GUIDs for the OSP to Rowset Mapper
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- cpp_quote("#ifdef DBINITCONSTANTS")
- cpp_quote("extern const GUID CLSID_MSDAOSP = {0xdfc8bdc0,0xe378,0x11d0,{0x9b,0x30,0x0,0x80,0xc7,0xe9,0xfe,0x95}};")
- cpp_quote("extern const GUID DBPROPSET_PWROWSET = {0xe6e478db,0xf226,0x11d0,{0x94,0xee,0x0,0xc0,0x4f,0xb6,0x6a,0x50}};")
- cpp_quote("#else // !DBINITCONSTANTS")
- cpp_quote("extern const GUID CLSID_MSDAOSP;")
- cpp_quote("extern const GUID DBPROPSET_PWROWSET;")
- cpp_quote("#endif // DBINITCONSTANTS")
- cpp_quote("#define PWPROP_OSPVALUE 2")
- import "oaidl.idl";
- [
- uuid(0ae9a4e0-18d4-11d1-b3b3-00aa00c1a924),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider Toolkit Definitions")
- ]
- library MSDAOSPT
- {
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Standard imports
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // importlib("STDOLE2.TLB");
- //importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- //import "msdatsrc.idl";
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Define methods for IDispatch interface DataSource Object, since these
- // aren't defined in msdatsrc.idl or simpdata.idl.
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- [
- uuid(0ae9a4e4-18d4-11d1-b3b3-00aa00c1a924)
- ]
- dispinterface DataSourceObject
- {
- properties:
- methods:
- [id(-3900)] HRESULT msDataSourceObject([in]BSTR bstrDM, [out,retval]IUnknown** ppUnk);
- //[id(-3901)] HRESULT addDataSourceListener([in]DataSourceListener* pEvent);
- };
- };