- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* winmgt.h - header file for Management API structures (CNOS,DISPLAY,..) */
- /* */
- /* Copyright Data Connection Ltd. 1991 - 2000 */
- /* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Change for ES1.0 which also defines luw_id_overlay */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include <winappc.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Ensure the correct packing of structures */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef WIN32
- #pragma pack(4)
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Definitions from APPCDEF.H file (retired) */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- typedef struct fqpcid_overlay {
- unsigned char unique_proc_id[8]; /* Unique procedure identifier */
- unsigned char fq_length; /* Length of Fully Qualified Name */
- unsigned char fq_name[17]; /* Fully Qualified Name (EBCDIC) */
- /* 1-17 bytes (EBCDIC type A) */
- typedef struct alt_alias_overlay {
- unsigned char alt_plu_alias[8]; /* Alternate Partner LU Alias (ASCII */
- /* 1-8 bytes */
- #define MGT_LO_UC(w) ((unsigned char)(((unsigned short)(w)) & 0xFF))
- #define MGT_HI_UC(w) ((unsigned char)(((unsigned short)(w) >> 8) & 0xff))
- #define MGT_MAKUS(l, h) (((unsigned short)(l)) | ((unsigned short)(h)) << 8)
- #define MGT_MAKUL(l, h) ((unsigned long)(((unsigned short)(l))|
- ((unsigned long)((unsigned short)(h))) << 16))
- #define MGT_LO_US(l) ((unsigned short)(((unsigned long)(l)) & 0xFFFF))
- #define MGT_HI_US(l) ((unsigned short)(((unsigned long)(l) >> 16)
- & 0xffff))
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* CONSTFLIP macros. Ordinary flipping macros include function calls and so */
- /* PFLIPI(constant) does not appear constant to the compiler */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define CONSTFLIPI(X) (X)
- #define CONSTFLIPL(X) (X)
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* ELSE (Intel environment) */
- /* define flipping macros */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #else
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Primary Return Codes */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define AP_CNOS_LOCAL_RACE_REJECT CONSTFLIPI(0x0017) /* 0017 */
- #define AP_CNOS_PARTNER_LU_REJECT CONSTFLIPI(0x0018) /* 0018 */
- #define AP_INVALID_KEY CONSTFLIPI(0xF020) /* F020 */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Secondary Return Codes */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define AP_BAD_MODE_NAME CONSTFLIPL(0x00000157L)
- #define AP_CNOS_ACCEPTED CONSTFLIPL(0x00000000L)
- #define AP_LU_DETACHED CONSTFLIPL(0x0000015EL)
- #define AP_MIN_GT_TOTAL CONSTFLIPL(0x00000155L)
- #define AP_MODE_CLOSED CONSTFLIPL(0x00000156L)
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Parameter values */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #define AP_SOURCE (0x00)
- #define AP_TARGET (0x01)
- #define AP_ONE (0x00)
- #define AP_ALL (0x01)
- #define AP_QUEUED_AM_STARTED (0x01)
- #define AP_NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED (0x02)
- #define AP_BACKGROUND (0x00)
- #define AP_FULL_SCREEN (0x01)
- #define AP_VIO_WINDOWABLE (0x03)
- #define AP_LEARN (0x00)
- #define AP_LEN (0x01)
- #define AP_NN (0x02)
- #define AP_EN (0x03)
- #define AP_SEC_NONSECURE (0x01)
- #define AP_SEC_SECURE_CONDUIT (0x60)
- #define AP_SEC_GUARDED_CONDUIT (0x80)
- #define AP_SEC_ENCRYPTED (0xA0)
- #define AP_SEC_MAXIMUM (0xFF)
- #define AP_PROP_DELAY_MINIMUM (0x00)
- #define AP_PROP_DELAY_LAN (0x4C)
- #define AP_PROP_DELAY_TELEPHONE (0x71)
- #define AP_PROP_DELAY_SATELLITE (0x99)
- #define AP_SWITCHED (0x01)
- #define AP_NONSWITCHED (0x02)
- #define AP_SECONDARY (0x00)
- #define AP_PRIMARY (0x01)
- #define AP_NEGOTIABLE (0x03)
- #define AP_OUTBOUND (0x00)
- #define AP_INBOUND (0x01)
- #define AP_NOT_IN_PROGRESS (0x00)
- #define AP_IN_PROGRESS (0x01)
- #define AP_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x00)
- #define AP_SUPPORTED (0x01)
- #define AP_SSCP_PU_SESSION (0x00)
- #define AP_SSCP_LU_SESSION (0x01)
- #define AP_LU_LU_SESSION (0x02)
- #define AP_DEACTIVATED (0x00)
- #define AP_ACTIVATED (0x80)
- #define AP_ACTIVATING (0x40)
- #define AP_DEACTIVATING (0x20)
- #define AP_DETACHING (0x10)
- #define AP_HOST_CONNECTION (0x01)
- #define AP_PEER_CONNECTION (0x02)
- #define AP_BOTH_CONNECTION (0x03)
- #define AP_CONALS_PND (0x02)
- #define AP_XID_PND (0x03)
- #define AP_CONTACT_PND (0x05)
- #define AP_CONTACTED (0x06)
- #define AP_DISC_PND (0x07)
- #define AP_DISC_RQ (0x08)
- #define AP_3270_EMULATION (0x00)
- #define AP_LUA (0x01)
- #define AP_LU0 (0x00)
- #define AP_LU1 (0x01)
- #define AP_LU2 (0x02)
- #define AP_LU3 (0x03)
- #define AP_LU62 (0x06)
- #define AP_UNKNOWN (0xFF)
- #define AP_LEASED_LINE (0x00)
- #define AP_VX32 (0x01)
- #define AP_DISCONNECT (0x00)
- #define AP_CONNECT (0x01)
- #define AP_AUTO_CONNECT (0x02)
- #define AP_FIXED (0x12)
- #define AP_ADAPTIVE (0x13)
- #define AP_NOT_BOUND (0x00)
- #define AP_BOUND (0x80)
- #define AP_BINDING (0x40)
- #define AP_UNBINDING (0x20)
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* End Definitions from APPCDEF.H file (retired) */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- typedef struct cnos {
- unsigned short opcode; /* Verb operation code */
- /* AP_CNOS */
- unsigned char reserv2[2]; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short primary_rc; /* Primary RETURN_CODE */
- unsigned long secondary_rc; /* Secondary RETURN_CODE */
- unsigned char key[8]; /* Key (ASCII) */
- unsigned char lu_alias[8]; /* LU Alias (ASCII) */
- /* 0 or 1-8 bytes */
- unsigned char plu_alias[8]; /* Partner LU Alias (ASCII) */
- /* 0 or 1-8 bytes */
- unsigned char fqplu_name[17]; /* FQ Partner LU Name (EBCDIC type A */
- /* 0-17 bytes */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char mode_name[8]; /* Mode Name (EBCDIC type A) */
- /* 0-8 bytes */
- unsigned int mode_name_select:1; /* Bit 15 */
- /* Mode name select */
- /* AP_ONE */
- /* AP_ALL */
- unsigned int set_negotiable:1; /* Bit 14 */
- /* Set negotiable? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int reserv4:6; /* Bits 8-13 */
- /* Reserved */
- unsigned int reserv5:8; /* Bits 0-7 */
- /* Reserved */
- unsigned short plu_mode_sess_lim; /* Partner LU mode session limit */
- /* 0-32767 */
- unsigned short min_conwinners_source;
- /* Minimum contention winners source */
- /* 0-32767 */
- unsigned short min_conwinners_target;
- /* Minimum contention winners target */
- /* 0-32767 */
- unsigned short auto_act; /* Auto Activate */
- /* 0-32767 */
- unsigned int drain_target:1; /* Bit 15 */
- /* Drain Target? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int drain_source:1; /* Bit 14 */
- /* Drain Source? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int responsible:1; /* Bit 13 */
- /* Responsible? */
- /* AP_SOURCE */
- /* AP_TARGET */
- unsigned int reserv6:5; /* Bits 8-12 */
- /* Reserved */
- unsigned int reserv7:8; /* Bit 0-7 */
- /* Reserved */
- } CNOS;
- typedef struct display {
- unsigned short opcode; /* Verb operation code */
- /* AP_DISPLAY */
- unsigned char reserv2[2]; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short primary_rc; /* Primary RETURN_CODE */
- unsigned long secondary_rc; /* Secondary RETURN_CODE */
- unsigned long init_sect_len; /* Length of this section */
- unsigned long buffer_len; /* Length of passed buffer */
- unsigned char far *buffer_ptr; /* Passed address */
- unsigned long num_sections; /* Number of sections */
- unsigned long display_len; /* Returned, length used */
- unsigned long area_needed; /* Returned, length required */
- unsigned char sna_global_info; /* SNA global info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char lu62_info; /* LU 6.2 info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char am_info; /* Attach Manager info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char tp_info; /* TP info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char sess_info; /* Session info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char link_info; /* Link info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char lu_0_3_info; /* LU 0, 1, 2, & 3 info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char gw_info; /* Gateway info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char x25_physical_link_info; /* X.25 info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char sys_def_info; /* System Default info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char adapter_info; /* Adapter info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char lu_def_info; /* LU definition info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char plu_def_info; /* Remote LU def info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char mode_def_info; /* Mode Definition info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char link_def_info; /* Link Definition info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char ms_info; /* Management Services info? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- /* Returned Pointers */
- /* Note that the address of the first of these pointers is */
- /* address of the verb control block + init_sect_len */
- struct sna_global_info_sect far *sna_global_info_ptr;
- struct lu62_info_sect far *lu62_info_ptr;
- struct am_info_sect far *am_info_ptr;
- struct tp_info_sect far *tp_info_ptr;
- struct sess_info_sect far *sess_info_ptr;
- struct link_info_sect far *link_info_ptr;
- struct lu_0_3_info_sect far *lu_0_3_info_ptr;
- struct gw_info_sect far *gw_info_ptr;
- struct x25_physical_link_info_sect far *x25_physical_link_info_ptr;
- struct sys_def_info_sect far *sys_def_info_ptr;
- struct adapter_info_sect far *adapter_info_ptr;
- struct lu_def_info_sect far *lu_def_info_ptr;
- struct plu_def_info_sect far *plu_def_info_ptr;
- struct mode_def_info_sect far *mode_def_info_ptr;
- struct link_def_info_sect far *link_def_info_ptr;
- struct ms_info_sect far *ms_info_ptr;
- typedef struct psid_struct /* Product set id structure */
- {
- unsigned char machine_type[4]; /* Machine type */
- unsigned char machine_mod_num[3]; /* Machine model number */
- unsigned char plant_of_mfg[2]; /* IBM manufacturing plant */
- unsigned char machine_seq_num[7]; /* Machine sequence number */
- } type_product_set_id;
- typedef struct sna_global_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: sna_global_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned char version; /* Communications Manager version */
- unsigned char release; /* Communications Manager release */
- unsigned char net_name[8]; /* NETID (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char pu_name[8]; /* PU name (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char node_id[4]; /* Node ID used in XID */
- type_product_set_id product_set_id; /* Product Set ID */
- unsigned char alias_cp_name[8]; /* Alias CP Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char node_type; /* Node Type */
- /* AP_NN */
- /* AP_EN */
- /* AP_LEN */
- unsigned char cp_nau_addr; /* CP NAU Address */
- /* 0 (not used...independent LU) OR */
- /* 1-254 */
- unsigned char corr_serv_disk; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char reserved; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char appc_version; /* APPC version */
- unsigned char appc_release; /* APPC release */
- unsigned short appc_fixlevel; /* APPC fix level */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct lu62_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: lu62_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu62_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_lu62s; /* Number of configured LUs displaye */
- unsigned short total_lu62s; /* Total Number of configured LUs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct lu62_overlay { /* One for each LU */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: lu62_info_ptr +*/
- /* lu62_info_ptr->lu62_init_sect_len to find the next LU, add: */
- /* lu62_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu62_entry_len; /* Size of this LU entry */
- unsigned long lu62_overlay_len; /* This value contains */
- /* sizeof(struct lu62_overlay) - */
- /* sizeof(lu62_entry_len) */
- unsigned char lu_name[8]; /* LU Name (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char lu_alias[8]; /* LU Alias (ASCII) */
- unsigned short num_plus; /* Number of partner LUs */
- unsigned char fqlu_name[17]; /* Fully Qualified LU Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char default_lu; /* Default LU? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char lu_local_addr; /* NAU address 0-254 */
- unsigned short lu_sess_lim; /* Configured session limit */
- /* 0-255 */
- unsigned char max_tps; /* Max number of TPs 1-255 */
- unsigned char lu_type; /* Always LU type 6.2 */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct plu62_overlay { /* One for each partner LU */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: The address of */
- /* the current lu62_overlay + lu62_overlay_len + sizeof(lu62_entry_len) */
- /* To find the next partner LU, add: plu62_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long plu62_entry_len; /* Size of this partner LU */
- unsigned long plu62_overlay_len; /* This value contains */
- /* sizeof(struct plu62_overlay) - */
- /* sizeof(plu62_entry_len) */
- unsigned char plu_alias[8]; /* Partner LU Alias (ASCII) */
- unsigned short num_modes; /* Number of modes */
- unsigned char plu_un_name[8]; /* Partner LU Uninterpreted Name */
- /* (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char fqplu_name[17]; /* Fully Qualified Partner LU Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short plu_sess_lim; /* Partner LU session limit */
- unsigned char dlc_name[8]; /* DLC name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char adapter_num; /* DLC adapter number */
- unsigned char dest_addr_len; /* Length of adapter addr */
- unsigned char dest_addr[32]; /* Destination adapter addr */
- unsigned int par_sess_supp:1; /* Bit 15 Parallel sessions? */
- unsigned int reserv4:7; /* Bits 8-14 Reserved */
- unsigned int def_already_ver:1; /* Bit 7 Configured already verif? */
- unsigned int def_conv_sec:1; /* Bit 6 Configured conv security? */
- unsigned int def_sess_sec:1; /* Bit 5 Configured session securit */
- unsigned int reserv5:5; /* Bits 0-4 Reserved */
- unsigned int act_already_ver:1; /* Bit 15 Active already verified? */
- unsigned int act_conv_sec:1; /* Bit 14 Active conversation sec? */
- unsigned int reserv6:6; /* Bits 8-13 Reserved */
- unsigned int implicit_part:1; /* Bit 7 Implicit partner? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int reserv7:7; /* Bits 0-6 Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct mode_overlay { /* One for each mode */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: The address of */
- /* the current plu62_overlay + plu62_overlay_len + sizeof(plu62_entry_len)*/
- /* To find the next mode, add: mode_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long mode_entry_len; /* Size of this mode */
- unsigned char mode_name[8]; /* Mode Name (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned short max_ru_size_upp; /* Upper Limit on Max RU */
- unsigned short max_ru_size_low; /* Lower Limit on Max RU */
- unsigned short max_neg_sess_lim; /* Max Limit on Sessions */
- unsigned short curr_sess_lim; /* Current Session Limit */
- unsigned short min_win_lim; /* Min Negotiated Winners */
- unsigned short min_lose_lim; /* Min Negotiated Losers */
- unsigned short act_sess_count; /* Active Session Count */
- unsigned short pend_sess_count; /* Pending Session Count */
- unsigned short auto_act_sess_count; /* Auto Activate Session Count */
- unsigned short act_win_lim; /* Active Winner Sessions */
- unsigned short act_lose_lim; /* Active Loser Sessions */
- unsigned short term_count; /* Session Termination Count */
- unsigned int drain_target:1; /* Bit 15 Drain Target? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int drain_source:1; /* Bit 14 Drain Source? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int reserv3:6; /* Bits 8-13 Reserved */
- unsigned int pacing_size:8; /* Bits 0-7 Pacing size */
- /* The preceeding fields were previously defined as "unsigned char". */
- /* They have been integrated into a bitfield to eliminate warning */
- /* messages about 'bitfield types other than int'. */
- unsigned int implicit_mode:1; /* Bit 15 Implicit Mode? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int reserv4:7; /* Bits 8-14 Reserved */
- unsigned int reserv5:8; /* Bits 0-7 Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Reserved Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct am_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: am_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long am_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned char am_active; /* Attach Manager active? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char reserv4; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short num_tps; /* Number of configured TPs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct am_overlay { /* One for each configued TP */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: am_info_ptr + */
- /* am_info_ptr->am_init_sect_len. To find the next block of TP, */
- /* information, add: am_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long am_entry_len; /* Size of this structure */
- unsigned char tp_name[64]; /* TP name (EBCDIC type AE) */
- unsigned char filespec[64]; /* TP filespec (ASCII) */
- unsigned int reserv3:1; /* Bit 15 Reserved */
- unsigned int sync_level_conf:1; /* Bit 14 Sync Level (Confirm) ? */
- unsigned int sync_level_none:1; /* Bit 13 Sync Level (None) ? */
- unsigned int reserv4:5; /* Bits 8-12 Reserved */
- unsigned int conv_type:8; /* Bits 0-7 Conversation type */
- /* AP_EITHER */
- /* The preceeding fields were previously defined as "unsigned char". */
- /* They have been integrated into a bitfield to eliminate warning */
- /* messages about 'bitfield types other than int'. */
- unsigned short in_all_qdpth_lim; /* Incoming Allocate queue depth lim */
- unsigned short in_all_qdpth; /* Incoming Allocate queue depth */
- short in_all_timeout; /* Incoming Allocate t/o */
- /* AP_HOLD_FOREVER or time in sec */
- unsigned short num_rcv_all_pend; /* Number of pending */
- short rcv_all_timeout; /* RECEIVE_ALLOCATE t/o */
- /* AP_HOLD_FOREVER or time in sec */
- unsigned char tp_type; /* TP type */
- unsigned char pgm_state; /* Program state */
- /* AP_LOADED */
- /* AP_LOADING */
- /* AP_RUNNING */
- unsigned char conv_sec; /* Conversation security? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char reserv5; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short process_id; /* OS/2 process ID */
- unsigned char parm_string[32]; /* Pgm parameter string */
- unsigned char program_type; /* Program Type */
- unsigned char reserv5a; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char tp_initiated; /* TP initiated */
- /* AP_LOCALLY */
- unsigned char reserv6; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char icon_filespec[80]; /* Icon Filespec (ASCII) */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct tp_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: tp_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long tp_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_tps; /* Number of active TPs displayed */
- unsigned short total_tps; /* Total Number of Active TPs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct tp_overlay { /* One for each active TP */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: tp_info_ptr + */
- /* tp_info_ptr->tp_init_sect_len. To find the next block of active TP */
- /* information, add: tp_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long tp_entry_len; /* Size of this TP record */
- unsigned long tp_overlay_len; /* This value contains */
- /* sizeof(struct tp_overlay) - */
- /* sizeof(tp_entry_len) */
- unsigned short num_conv; /* Number of conversations */
- unsigned char tp_id[8]; /* TP ID */
- unsigned char tp_name[64]; /* TP name (EBCDIC type AE) */
- unsigned char user_id[10]; /* User ID (EBCDIC type AE) */
- unsigned int reserv3:7; /* Bits 9-15 Reserved */
- unsigned int loc_or_rem:1; /* Bit 8 Initiated local or remote? */
- /* AP_LOCAL */
- /* AP_REMOTE */
- unsigned int reserv4:8; /* Bits 0-7 Reserved */
- unsigned char lu_alias[8]; /* LU_ALIAS (ASCII) */
- LUW_ID_OVERLAY luw_id; /* Logical Unit of Work ID */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct conv_overlay { /* One for each active conv */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: The address of */
- /* the current tp_overlay + tp_overlay_len + sizeof(tp_entry_len). To find*/
- /* the next block of conversation information, add: conv_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long conv_entry_len; /* Size of conversation information */
- unsigned long conv_id; /* Conversation ID */
- unsigned char reserv3[9]; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char state; /* Conversation state */
- unsigned char sess_id[8]; /* Session ID */
- unsigned char sync_level; /* Sync level */
- /* AP_NONE */
- /* AP_CONFIRM */
- unsigned char conv_type; /* Conversation type */
- unsigned long conv_group_id; /* Conversation Group ID */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct sess_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: sess_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long sess_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_sessions; /* Number of Active Sessions */
- unsigned short total_sessions; /* Total Number of Active Sessions */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct sess_overlay { /* One for each active sess */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: sess_info_ptr +*/
- /* sess_info_ptr->sess_init_sect_len. To find the next block of session */
- /* information, add: sess_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long sess_entry_len; /* Size of session info */
- unsigned long reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char sess_id[8]; /* Session ID */
- unsigned long conv_id; /* Conversation ID */
- unsigned char lu_alias[8]; /* LU Alias (ASCII) */
- unsigned char plu_alias[8]; /* Partner LU Alias (ASCII) */
- unsigned char mode_name[8]; /* Mode Name (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned short send_ru_size; /* Max RU size for send */
- unsigned short rcv_ru_size; /* Max RU size for receive */
- unsigned char send_pacing_size; /* Send pacing size */
- unsigned char rcv_pacing_size; /* Receive pacing size */
- unsigned char link_id[12]; /* Link ID (in APPC), or */
- /* First Hop Link Name (in APPN) */
- unsigned char daf; /* Outbound DAF */
- unsigned char oaf; /* Outbound OAF */
- unsigned char odai; /* ODAI */
- unsigned char sess_type; /* Type of session */
- unsigned char conn_type; /* Type of connection */
- unsigned char reserv4; /* Reserved */
- FQPCID_OVERLAY fqpcid; /* Fully Qualified Procedure */
- /* Correlation Identifier */
- unsigned char cgid[4]; /* Conversation Group ID */
- unsigned char fqlu_name[17]; /* Local Fully Qualifed LU Name */
- /* (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char fqplu_name[17]; /* Partner Fully Qualifed LU Name */
- /* (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char pacing_type; /* Type of Pacing */
- /* AP_FIXED */
- unsigned char reserv5; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct link_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: link_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long link_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_links; /* Number of active links */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* This field added to make link_info_sect in API match the Link info */
- /* section returned by the NS/2 management DLL. */
- /*************************************************************************/
- unsigned short total_links; /* Total number of active links */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct link_overlay { /* One for each active link */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: link_info_ptr +*/
- /* link_info_ptr->link_init_sect_len. To find the next block of link */
- /* information, add: link_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long link_entry_len; /* Size of link info, incl link spec */
- unsigned char link_id[12]; /* Link ID (Link Name in EBCDIC A) */
- unsigned char dlc_name[8]; /* DLC name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char adapter_num; /* DLC adapter number */
- unsigned char dest_addr_len; /* Length of adapter addr */
- unsigned char dest_addr[32]; /* Destination adapter addr */
- unsigned char inbound_outbound; /* Inbound or outbound? */
- /* AP_INBOUND */
- unsigned char state; /* Link state */
- /* AP_XID_PND */
- /* AP_DISC_PND */
- /* AP_DISC_RQ */
- unsigned char deact_link_flag; /* Deactivate logical link */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short num_sessions; /* Number of active sessions 0-65535 */
- unsigned short ru_size; /* RU size 99-32767 (BTU Size) */
- unsigned short reserv4; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char adj_fq_cp_name[17]; /* Adjacent Fully Qualified CP Name */
- unsigned char reserv5; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char adj_node_type; /* Adjacent Node Type */
- /* AP_EN */
- /* AP_NN */
- /* AP_LEN */
- unsigned char cp_cp_sess_spt; /* CP CP Session Support */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char conn_type; /* Type of Connection */
- unsigned char ls_role; /* Link Station Role */
- /* AP_PRIMARY */
- unsigned char line_type; /* Line Type */
- unsigned char tg_number; /* Transmission Group Number */
- unsigned long eff_capacity; /* Effective Capacity */
- /* 0 | 1200 | 2400 | ... */
- /* ... | 16M | ... */
- unsigned char conn_cost; /* Cost Per Connect Time */
- unsigned char byte_cost; /* Cost Per Byte */
- unsigned char propagation_delay; /* AP_PROP_DELAY_MINIMUM */
- unsigned char user_def_1; /* User Defined 1 */
- unsigned char user_def_2; /* User Defined 2 */
- unsigned char user_def_3; /* User Defined 3 */
- unsigned char security; /* Security */
- unsigned char reserv6; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields of unspecified length are located in this position.*/
- /* Use link_entry_len to skip over them. */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct lu_0_3_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: lu_0_3_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu_0_3_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_lu_0_3s; /* Number of configured LUs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- } LU_0_3_INFO_SECT;
- typedef struct lu_0_3_overlay { /* One for each configured LU */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: lu_0_3_info_ptr*/
- /* + lu_0_3_info_ptr->lu_0_3_init_sect_len. To find the next one, add: */
- /* lu_0_3_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu_0_3_entry_len; /* Size of this LU info */
- unsigned char access_type; /* Access type */
- /* AP_3270_EMULATION */
- /* AP_LUA */
- unsigned char lu_type; /* LU type */
- /* AP_LU0 */
- /* AP_LU1 */
- /* AP_LU2 */
- /* AP_LU3 */
- unsigned char lu_daf; /* NAU address */
- unsigned char lu_short_name; /* LU Short Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char lu_long_name[8]; /* LU Long Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char sess_id[8]; /* Session ID */
- unsigned char dlc_name[8]; /* DLC Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char adapter_num; /* DLC Adapter number */
- unsigned char dest_addr_len; /* Length of Adapter Addr */
- unsigned char dest_addr[32]; /* Destination Adapter Addr */
- unsigned char sscp_lu_sess_state; /* SSCP-LU Session State */
- /* any of these 4 states can be */
- /* &'ed with: AP_DETACHING */
- unsigned char lu_lu_sess_state; /* LU-LU Session State */
- /* AP_NOT_BOUND */
- /* AP_BOUND */
- /* AP_BINDING */
- unsigned char link_id[12]; /* Link ID */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- } LU_0_3_OVERLAY;
- typedef struct gw_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: gw_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long gw_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_gw_lus; /* Number of configured */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* gateway LUs Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct gw_overlay { /* One for each gateway LU */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: gw_info_ptr + */
- /* gw_info_ptr->gw_init_sect_len. To find the next one, add: gw_entry_len.*/
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long gw_entry_len; /* Size of the gateway info */
- unsigned char ws_lu_name[8]; /* WS LU name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char ws_pu_name[8]; /* WS PU name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char ws_pool_class; /* WS pool class */
- unsigned char ws_local_addr; /* Workstation local address */
- unsigned char host_local_addr; /* Host local address */
- unsigned char ws_lu_type; /* Workstation LU type */
- /* AP_LU0 */
- /* AP_LU1 */
- /* AP_LU2 */
- /* AP_LU3 */
- /* AP_LU62 */
- /* AP_UNKNOWN */
- unsigned char host_lu_name[17]; /* Host LU name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char ws_dlc_name[8]; /* WS DLC name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char ws_adapter_num; /* Workstation adapter num */
- unsigned char ws_dest_addr_len; /* WS dest addr length */
- unsigned char ws_dest_addr[32]; /* WS destination addr */
- unsigned int ws_link_act:1; /* Bit 15 WS link active? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_lu_pend_term:1; /* Bit 14 LU-LU pending termination? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_lu_pend_init:1; /* Bit 13 LU-LU pending initiation? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_lu_act:1; /* Bit 12 LU-LU Active? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_cp_pend_term:1; /* Bit 11 LU-CP Pending Termination? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_cp_pend_init:1; /* Bit 10 LU-CP pending initiation? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_cp_act_offline:1; /* Bit 9 LU-CP active offline? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int lu_cp_act_online:1; /* Bit 8 LU-CP active online? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned int reserv4:8; /* Bits 0-7 Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Reserved Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct x25_physical_link_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: x25_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long x25_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_x25_links; /* Number of X.25 physical links */
- unsigned short num_x25_link_entries;
- /* Total Number of X.25 phys. links */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* physical link entries Additional fields may be added here in future */
- /* releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct x25_overlay { /* One for each X.25 link */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: x25_info_ptr + */
- /* x25_info_ptr->x25_init_sect_len. To find the next one, add: */
- /* x25_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long x25_entry_len; /* Size of X.25 information */
- unsigned char link_name[8]; /* X.25 Link Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char link_comments[60]; /* Comment Field (ASCII) */
- unsigned short adapter_slot_num; /* Adapter Slot Number */
- unsigned char link_type; /* Link Type */
- /* AP_VX32 */
- unsigned char link_mode; /* Link Mode */
- /* AP_CONNECT */
- unsigned char link_state; /* Link State */
- /* AP_ERROR_LEVEL_1 */
- /* AP_ERROR_LEVEL_2 */
- unsigned char link_direction; /* Link Direction */
- /* AP_2_WAY */
- unsigned short num_act_pvcs; /* Number of Active PVCs */
- unsigned short total_num_pvcs; /* Total Number of PVCs */
- unsigned short num_act_svcs; /* Number of Active SVCs */
- unsigned short num_incoming_svcs; /* Num of Incoming SVCs */
- unsigned short num_2_way_svcs; /* Number of 2-way SVCs */
- unsigned short num_outgoing_svcs; /* Num of Outgoing SVCs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- } X25_OVERLAY;
- typedef struct sys_def_info_sect { /* */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: sys_def_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned char default_mode_name[8];
- /* Default Mode Name (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char default_local_lu_name[8];
- /* Default Local LU Name (EBCDIC */
- /* type A) */
- unsigned char implicit_inb_rlu_supp; /* Implicit Remote LU Support */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char max_held_alerts; /* Max Held Alerts 0-255 */
- unsigned char tp_conv_sec_rqd; /* TP Conversation Security Requeste */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned short max_mc_ll_send_size; /* Maximum Mapped Conversation */
- /* Logical Record Send Size */
- /* 0 or 2048 - 32767 */
- unsigned char dir_for_attaches[64]; /* Directory For Inbound Attaches */
- unsigned char tp_operation; /* Default TP Operation */
- unsigned char tp_program_type; /* Default TP Program Type */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct adapter_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: adapter_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long adapter_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_adapters; /* Number of Adapters Displayed */
- unsigned short total_adapters; /* Total Number of Adapters */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct adapter_overlay { /* One for each adapter Displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: */
- /* adapter_info_ptr + adapter_info_ptr->adapter_init_sect_len. */
- /* To find the next one, add: adapter_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long adapter_entry_len; /* Size of Adapter Info */
- unsigned char dlc_name[8]; /* DLC Name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char adapter_number; /* Adapter Number */
- /* 0-255 */
- unsigned char ls_role; /* Link Station Role */
- /* AP_PRIMARY */
- unsigned long eff_capacity; /* Effective Capacity */
- /* 1200 | 2400 |...|16M|... */
- unsigned char conn_cost; /* Cost Per Connect Time */
- unsigned char byte_cost; /* Cost Per Byte */
- unsigned char propagation_delay; /* AP_PROP_DELAY_MINIMUM */
- unsigned char user_def_1; /* User Defined 1 */
- unsigned char user_def_2; /* User Defined 2 */
- unsigned char user_def_3; /* User Defined 3 */
- unsigned char security; /* Security */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char line_type; /* Line Yype */
- unsigned char lim_res; /* Limited Resource ? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned short lim_res_timeout; /* Limited Resource Timeout */
- /* 0-127 ??? */
- unsigned short max_btu_size; /* Maximum BTU Size 99-32767 */
- unsigned char rcv_window; /* Receive Window 0-127 */
- unsigned char send_window; /* Send Window 0-127 */
- unsigned short max_ls_used; /* Max Link Stations */
- unsigned char abm_support; /* Asynchronous Balanced Mode Used? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char reserv4; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct lu_def_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: lu_def_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu_def_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_lu_def; /* Number of LU Definitions Displaye */
- unsigned short total_lu_def; /* Total Number of LU Definitions */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct lu_def_overlay { /* One for each lu_def Displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: lu_def_info_ptr*/
- /* + lu_def_info_ptr->lu_def_init_sect_len. To find the next one, add: */
- /* lu_def_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long lu_def_entry_len; /* Size of lu def info */
- unsigned char lu_name[8]; /* LU_NAME (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char lu_alias[8]; /* LU_ALIAS (ASCII) */
- unsigned char lu_nau_addr; /* NAU address 0-254 */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct plu_def_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: plu_def_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long plu_def_init_sect_len; /* Struct length */
- unsigned short num_plu_def; /* Number of Partner LU defs Display */
- unsigned short total_plu_def; /* Total Number of Partner LU defs */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct plu_def_overlay { /* One for each plu_def displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: */
- /* plu_def_info_ptr + plu_def_info_ptr->plu_def_init_sect_len. To find */
- /* the next one, add: plu_def_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long plu_def_entry_len; /* Size of plu def info */
- unsigned char fqplu_name[17]; /* PLU Name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char plu_alias[8]; /* Partner LU Alias */
- unsigned char plu_uninterpreted_name[8];
- /* Partner LU Uninterpreted Name */
- /* (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned short max_mc_ll_ssize; /* Maximum Mapped Conversation */
- /* Logical Record Send Size */
- /* 0 or 2048 - 32767 */
- unsigned char conv_security; /* Conversation Security */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char parallel_sess; /* Parallel Session Support */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char alt_alias_flag; /* Alternate PLU aliases flag */
- /* 0 = Alternate PLU aliases */
- /* appended to end of struct */
- unsigned char num_of_alt_aliases; /* Number of alternate PLU aliases */
- /* (not including the plu_alias). */
- /* 0 or # of alt_alias_overlays */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first alternate partner LU alias is: */
- /* plu_def_overlay + sizeof(struct plu_def_overlay). To build the addr */
- /* of the next partner LU alias, add: sizeof(struct alt_alias_overlay). */
- /* See struct alt_alias_overlay in APPCDEF.H. */
- /************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct mode_def_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: mode_def_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long mode_def_init_sect_len; /* Struct length */
- unsigned short num_mode_def; /* Number of Mode Definitions Dsplyd */
- unsigned short total_mode_def; /* Total Number of Mode Definitions */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct mode_def_overlay { /* One for each mode_def Displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: */
- /* mode_def_info_ptr + mode_def_info_ptr->mode_def_init_sect_len. To find*/
- /* the next one, add: mode_def_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long mode_def_entry_len; /* Size of mode def info */
- unsigned char cos_name[8]; /* COS Name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char mode_name[8]; /* Mode Name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned short reserv3; /* reserved */
- unsigned short rusize_upper; /* max RU size upper bound */
- /* 256-65535 */
- unsigned char rcv_window; /* receive pacing window */
- /* 0 or 1-63 */
- unsigned char default_ru_size; /* default ru size? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned short max_neg_sess_lim; /* Max limit on sessions */
- unsigned short curr_sess_lim; /* Current session limit */
- unsigned short min_win_lim; /* Min negotiated winners */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct link_def_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: link_def_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long link_def_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned short num_link_def; /* Number of Active Links Displayed */
- unsigned short total_link_def; /* Total Number of Active Links */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct link_def_overlay { /* One for each active link Displayed*/
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: */
- /* link_def_info_ptr + link_def_info_ptr->link_def_init_sect_len. To find */
- /* the next block of link information, add: link_def_entry_len */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long link_def_entry_len; /* Size of link info, */
- /* including link specific */
- unsigned char link_name[8]; /* Link Name (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char adj_fq_cp_name[17]; /* Adjacent Fully Qualified CP Name */
- /* (EBCDIC) */
- unsigned char adj_node_type; /* adjacent node type */
- /* AP_LEARN */
- /* AP_LEN */
- unsigned char dlc_name[8]; /* DLC name (ASCII) */
- unsigned char adapter_num; /* DLC adapter number */
- unsigned char dest_addr_len; /* Length of adapter addr */
- unsigned char dest_addr[32]; /* Destination adapter addr */
- unsigned char cp_cp_sess_spt; /* CP CP session support? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char preferred_nn_server; /* Is this the Pref. NN Server? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char auto_act_link; /* Auto Activate Link? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char tg_number; /* Transmission Group Number */
- unsigned char lim_res; /* Limited Resource ? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char solicit_sscp_session; /* Solicit SSCP Session? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char initself; /* Initself Indicator */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char bind_support; /* Bind Support? */
- /* AP_NO */
- /* AP_YES */
- unsigned char ls_role; /* link station role */
- /* AP_PRIMARY */
- unsigned char line_type; /* Line Type */
- unsigned long eff_capacity; /* Effective Capacity */
- /* 0 | 1200 | 2400 | ... */
- /* ... | 16M | ... */
- unsigned char conn_cost; /* Cost Per Connect Time */
- unsigned char byte_cost; /* Cost Per Byte */
- unsigned char propagation_delay; /* AP_PROP_DELAY_MINIMUM */
- unsigned char user_def_1; /* User Defined 1 */
- unsigned char user_def_2; /* User Defined 2 */
- unsigned char user_def_3; /* User Defined 3 */
- unsigned char security; /* Security */
- unsigned char reserv; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields of unspecified length are located in this position.*/
- /* Use link_entry_len to skip over them. */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct ms_info_sect { /* One of these */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of this structure should be: ms_info_ptr */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long ms_init_sect_len; /* Structure length */
- unsigned char held_mds_mu_alerts; /* Held mds alerts */
- /* 1-255 */
- unsigned char held_nmvt_alerts; /* Held nmvt alerts */
- /* 1-255 */
- unsigned short num_fps; /* Number of Focal Points Displayed */
- unsigned short total_fps; /* Total Number of Focal Points */
- unsigned short num_ms_appls; /* Num. of MS Applications Displayed */
- unsigned short total_ms_appls; /* Total Number of MS Applications */
- unsigned short num_act_trans; /* # of Active Transactions Displaye */
- unsigned short total_act_trans; /* Total Num. of Active Transactions */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields may be added here in future releases */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct ms_fp_overlay { /* One each MS Focal Point Displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The address of the first of these structures should be: ms_info_ptr + */
- /* ms_info_ptr->ms_init_sect_len. To find the next the next one, add: */
- /* ms_fp_entry_len. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long ms_fp_entry_len; /* Size of MS Focal point info */
- unsigned char ms_appl_name[8]; /* MS Application name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char ms_category[4]; /* MS Category */
- /* 0 or 4 byte SNA Defined Category */
- unsigned char fp_fq_cp_name[17]; /* Focal Point Fully Qual. CP Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char bkup_appl_name[8]; /* Backup MS Application Name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char bkup_fp_fq_cp_name[17]; /* Backup Focal Point Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char reserv1; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char fp_type; /* focal point rank */
- /* AP_BACKUP_FP */
- /* AP_DOMAIN_FP */
- /* AP_HOST_FP */
- /* AP_NO_FP */
- unsigned char fp_status; /* focal point status */
- /* AP_ACTIVE */
- /* AP_PENDING */
- unsigned char fp_routing; /* focal point routing */
- /* AP_DEFAULT */
- /* AP_DIRECT */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields of unspecified length are located in this position.*/
- /* Use ms_fp_entry_len to skip over them. */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct ms_appl_overlay { /* One each MS application Displayed */
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The first ms_appl_overlay follows immediately after the last ms_fp */
- /* overlay. Hence, the address of the first ms_appl_overlay should be: */
- /* the address of the last ms_fp_overlay + ms_fp_entry length. */
- /* To find the next ms_appl_overlay, add: ms_appl_entry_length. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long ms_appl_entry_len; /* Size of MS application info */
- unsigned char ms_appl_name[8]; /* MS Application name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char ms_category[4]; /* MS Category */
- /* 0 or 4 byte SNA Defined Category */
- unsigned char q_name[81]; /* OS/2 Queue Name (ASCIIZ) */
- unsigned char reserv3; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char reserv4; /* Reserved */
- unsigned char reserv5; /* Reserved */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields of unspecified length are located in this position.*/
- /* Use ms_appl_entry_len to skip over them. */
- /************************************************************************/
- typedef struct ms_act_trans_overlay { /* One each MS active trans Displayed*/
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* The first ms_act_trans_overlay follows immediately after the last */
- /* ms_appl overlay. Hence, the address of the first ms_act_trans_overlay */
- /* should be: */
- /* the address of the last ms_appl_overlay + ms_appl_entry length. */
- /* To find the next ms_act_trans_overlay, add: ms_act_trans_entry_length.*/
- /**************************************************************************/
- unsigned long ms_act_trans_entry_len; /* Size of info */
- unsigned char fq_origin_cp_name[17];
- /* Fully Qualified Origin CP Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char origin_ms_appl_name[8]; /* Origin MS Application Name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char fq_dest_cp_name[17]; /* Fully Qualified Dest. CP Name */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char dest_ms_appl_name[8]; /* Dest. MS Application Name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* the following 3 fields are part of the Unit of Work (UOW) */
- /************************************************************************/
- unsigned char fq_req_loc_cp_name[17]; /* Requester Location */
- /* (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char req_agent_appl_name[8]; /* Requester Application Name */
- /* 4 byte SNA Defined MS Appl Name*/
- /* or 1-8 byte (EBCDIC type A) */
- unsigned char seq_num_dt[15]; /* Sequence Number / date - time */
- /************************************************************************/
- /* Additional fields of unspecified length are located in this position.*/
- /* Use ms_act_trans_entry_len to skip over them. */
- /************************************************************************/
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* Restore to default packing of structures */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #ifdef WIN32
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #endif