- /*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
- Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
- Module Name:
- ntdsbcli.h
- Abstract:
- This header contains the interface definition for the NT Directory Service
- Backup Client APIs.
- Environment:
- User Mode - Win32
- Notes:
- --*/
- #ifndef _NTDSBCLI_H_
- #define _NTDSBCLI_H_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #ifdef MIDL_PASS
- #define xRPC_STRING [string]
- #else
- #define xRPC_STRING
- #if !defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
- typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
- #else
- typedef wchar_t WCHAR;
- #endif
- #endif
- #define NTDSBCLI_API __declspec(dllimport) _stdcall
- #else
- #define NTDSBCLI_API
- #endif
- // HRESULT should be defined if the user included ntdef.h or winnt.h or wtypes.h
- // Define it anyways just in case it is not defined yet
- typedef LONG HRESULT;
- #endif // _HRESULT_DEFINED
- #define g_wszBackupAnnotation L"NTDS Backup Interface"
- #define g_aszBackupAnnotation "NTDS Backup Interface"
- #define g_wszRestoreAnnotation L"NTDS Restore Interface"
- #define g_aszRestoreAnnotation "NTDS Restore Interface"
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define g_szBackupAnnotation g_wszBackupAnnotation
- #define g_szRestoreAnnotation g_wszRestoreAnnotation
- #else
- #define g_szBackupAnnotation g_aszBackupAnnotation
- #define g_szRestoreAnnotation g_aszRestoreAnnotation
- #endif // UNICODE
- // Type of Backup passed to DsBackupPrepare()
- // BACKUP_TYPE_FULL: Requesting backup of the complete DS (DIT, Log files, and Patch files)
- // BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY: Requesting backup of only the log files
- // BACKUP_TYPE_INCREMENTAL: Requesting incremental backup i.e. backing up only changes that happened since last backup
- #define BACKUP_TYPE_FULL 0x01
- #define BACKUP_TYPE_LOGS_ONLY 0x02
- #define BACKUP_TYPE_INCREMENTAL 0x04 // not supported in product1
- // Type of Restore passed to DsRestorePrepare()
- // RESTORE_TYPE_AUTHORATATIVE: The restored version wins throughout the enterprise
- // RESTORE_TYPE_ONLINE: Restoration is done when NTDS is online.
- // RESTORE_TYPE_CATCHUP: The restored version is reconciled through the standard reconciliation logic so that the
- // restored DIT can catchup with the rest of the enterprise.
- #define RESTORE_TYPE_ONLINE 0x02 // not supported in product1
- #define RESTORE_TYPE_CATCHUP 0x04 // this is the default restore mode
- // Setting the current log # to this value would disable incremental/differential backup
- // BFT is the bit flag used to represent file types (directory/dit/logfile/etc.)
- // We keep them as a character so that we can append/prepend them to the actual file
- // path. The code in the Backup API's rely on the fact that values 0-256 in 8 bit ascii
- // map to the values 0-256 in unicode.
- #ifdef UNICODE
- typedef WCHAR BFT;
- #else
- typedef CHAR BFT;
- #endif
- // Bit flags:
- // BFT_DIRECTORY - indicates path specified is a directory
- // BFT_DATABASE_DIRECTORY - indicates that file goes into database directory
- // BFT_LOG_DIRECTORY - indicates that the file goes into log directory
- #define BFT_DIRECTORY 0x80
- #define BFT_LOG_DIRECTORY 0x20
- // Following combinations are defined for easy use of the filetype and the directory into
- // into which it goes
- #define BFT_LOG (BFT)(TEXT('x01') | BFT_LOG_DIRECTORY)
- #define BFT_LOG_DIR (BFT)(TEXT('x02') | BFT_DIRECTORY)
- #define BFT_UNKNOWN (BFT)(TEXT('x0f'))
- #include <ntdsbmsg.h>
- // Backup Context Handle
- typedef void *HBC;
- typedef struct tagEDB_RSTMAPA
- {
- xRPC_STRING char *szDatabaseName;
- xRPC_STRING char *szNewDatabaseName;
- } EDB_RSTMAPA, *PEDB_RSTMAPA; /* restore map */
- // required for NTDS unicode support.
- typedef struct tagEDB_RSTMAPW {
- xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszDatabaseName;
- xRPC_STRING WCHAR *wszNewDatabaseName;
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #else
- #endif
- // For all the functions in this interface that have atleast one string
- // parameter provide macros to invoke the appropriate version of the
- // corresponding function.
- #ifdef UNICODE
- #define DsIsNTDSOnline DsIsNTDSOnlineW
- #define DsBackupPrepare DsBackupPrepareW
- #define DsBackupGetDatabaseNames DsBackupGetDatabaseNamesW
- #define DsBackupOpenFile DsBackupOpenFileW
- #define DsBackupGetBackupLogs DsBackupGetBackupLogsW
- #define DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocations DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsW
- #define DsRestorePrepare DsRestorePrepareW
- #define DsRestoreRegister DsRestoreRegisterW
- #define DsSetCurrentBackupLog DsSetCurrentBackupLogW
- #define DsSetAuthIdentity DsSetAuthIdentityW
- #else
- #define DsIsNTDSOnline DsIsNTDSOnlineA
- #define DsBackupPrepare DsBackupPrepareA
- #define DsBackupGetDatabaseNames DsBackupGetDatabaseNamesA
- #define DsBackupOpenFile DsBackupOpenFileA
- #define DsBackupGetBackupLogs DsBackupGetBackupLogsA
- #define DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocations DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsA
- #define DsRestorePrepare DsRestorePrepareA
- #define DsRestoreRegister DsRestoreRegisterA
- #define DsSetCurrentBackupLog DsSetCurrentBackupLogA
- #define DsSetAuthIdentity DsSetAuthIdentityA
- #endif // #ifdef UNICODE
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsIsNTDSOnline
- Checks to see if the NTDS is Online on the given server. This call is
- guaranteed to return quickly.
- Arguments:
- [in] szServerName - UNC name of the server to check
- [out] pfNTDSOnline - pointer to receive the bool result (TRUE if NTDS is
- online; FALSE, otherwise)
- Return Value:
- ERROR_SUCCESS if the call executed successfully;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsIsNTDSOnlineA(
- LPCSTR szServerName,
- BOOL *pfNTDSOnline
- );
- DsIsNTDSOnlineW(
- LPCWSTR szServerName,
- BOOL *pfNTDSOnline
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupPrepare
- Prepares the DS for the online backup and returns a Backup Context Handle
- which should be used in the subsequent calls to other backup functions.
- Arguments:
- [in] szBackupServer - UNC name of the server to be prepared for online backup
- [in] grbit - flag to be passed to jet while backing up dbs
- [out] ppvExpiryToken - pointer that will receive the pointer to the
- Expiry Token associated with this backup; Client should save
- this token and send it back through DsRestorePrepare() when
- attempting a restore; allocated memory should be freed using
- DsBackupFree() API by the caller when it is no longer needed.
- [out] pcbExpiryTokenSize - pointer to receive the size of the expiry token
- returned.
- [out] phbc - pointer that will receive the backup context handle
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupPrepareA(
- LPCSTR szBackupServer,
- ULONG grbit,
- ULONG btFlag,
- PVOID *ppvExpiryToken,
- LPDWORD pcbExpiryTokenSize,
- HBC *phbc
- );
- DsBackupPrepareW(
- LPCWSTR szBackupServer,
- ULONG grbit,
- ULONG btFlag,
- PVOID *ppvExpiryToken,
- LPDWORD pcbExpiryTokenSize,
- HBC *phbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupGetDatabaseNames
- Gives the list of data bases that need to be backed up for the given
- backup context
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- [out] pszAttachmentInfo - pointer that will receive the pointer to the attachment
- info; allocated memory should be freed using DsBackupFree() API by the
- caller when it is no longer needed; Attachment info is an array of
- null-terminated filenames and and the list is terminated by two-nulls.
- [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupGetDatabaseNamesA(
- HBC hbc,
- LPSTR *pszAttachmentInfo,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- DsBackupGetDatabaseNamesW(
- HBC hbc,
- LPWSTR *pszAttachmentInfo,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupOpenFile
- Opens the given attachment for read.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- [in] szAttachmentName - name of the attachment to be opened for read
- [in] cbReadHintSize - suggested size in bytes that might be used during the
- subsequent reads on this attachement
- [out] pliFileSize - pointer to a large integer that would receive the size in
- bytes of the given attachment
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupOpenFileA(
- HBC hbc,
- LPCSTR szAttachmentName,
- DWORD cbReadHintSize,
- LARGE_INTEGER *pliFileSize
- );
- DsBackupOpenFileW(
- HBC hbc,
- LPCWSTR szAttachmentName,
- DWORD cbReadHintSize,
- LARGE_INTEGER *pliFileSize
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupRead
- Reads the currently open attachment bytes into the given buffer. The client
- application is expected to call this function repeatedly until it gets the
- entire file (the application would have received the file size through the
- DsBackupOpenFile() call before.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- [in] pvBuffer - pointer to the buffer that would receive the read data.
- [in] cbBuffer - specifies the size of the above buffer
- [out] pcbRead - pointer to receive the actual number of bytes read.
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupRead(
- HBC hbc,
- PVOID pvBuffer,
- DWORD cbBuffer,
- PDWORD pcbRead
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupClose
- To be called by the application after it completes reading all the data in
- the currently opened attachement.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupClose(
- HBC hbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupGetBackupLogs
- Gives the list of log files that need to be backed up for the given
- backup context
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- [out] pszBackupLogFiles - pointer that will receive the pointer to the list of
- log files; allocated memory should be freed using DsBackupFree() API by the
- caller when it is no longer needed; Log files are returned in an array of
- null-terminated filenames and and the list is terminated by two-nulls.
- [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupGetBackupLogsA(
- HBC hbc,
- LPSTR *pszBackupLogFiles,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- DsBackupGetBackupLogsW(
- HBC hbc,
- LPWSTR *pszBackupLogFiles,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupTruncateLogs
- Called to truncate the already read backup logs.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupTruncateLogs(
- HBC hbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupEnd
- Called to end the current backup session.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle of the backup session
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupEnd(
- HBC hbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsBackupFree
- Should be used by the application to free any buffer allocated by the
- Arguments:
- [in] pvBuffer - pointer to the buffer that is to be freed.
- Return Value:
- None.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsBackupFree(
- PVOID pvBuffer
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocations
- Called both at backup time as well at restoration time to get the data base
- locations for different types of files.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle which would have been obtained through
- DsBackupPrepare() in the backup case and through DsRestorePrepare()
- in the restore case.
- [out] pszDatabaseLocationList - pointer that will receive the pointer to the list of
- database locations; allocated memory should be freed using DsBackupFree() API by the
- caller when it is no longer needed; locations are returned in an array of
- null-terminated names and and the list is terminated by two-nulls.
- The first character of each name is the BFT character that indicates the type
- of the file and the rest of the name tells gives the path into which that
- particular type of file should be restored.
- [out] pcbSize - will receive the number of bytes returned
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsA(
- HBC hbc,
- LPSTR *pszDatabaseLocationList,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- DsRestoreGetDatabaseLocationsW(
- HBC hbc,
- LPWSTR *pszDatabaseLocationList,
- LPDWORD pcbSize
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsRestorePrepare
- Called to indicate beginning of a restore session.
- Arguments:
- [in] szServerName - UNC name of the server into which the restore operation is
- going to be performed.
- [in] rtFlag - Or'ed combination of RESTORE_TYPE_* flags; 0 if no special flags
- are to be specified
- [in] pvExpiryToken - pointer to the expiry token associated with this
- backup. The client would have received this when they backed up the DS.
- [in] cbExpiryTokenSize - size of the expiry token.
- [out] phbc - pointer to receive the backup context handle which is to be passed
- to the subsequent restore APIs
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsRestorePrepareA(
- LPCSTR szServerName,
- ULONG rtFlag,
- PVOID pvExpiryToken,
- DWORD cbExpiryTokenSize,
- HBC *phbc
- );
- DsRestorePrepareW(
- LPCWSTR szServerName,
- ULONG rtFlag,
- PVOID pvExpiryToken,
- DWORD cbExpiryTokenSize,
- HBC *phbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsRestoreRegister
- This will register a restore operation. It will interlock all sbsequent restore
- operations, and will prevent the restore target from starting until the call
- to DsRestoreRegisterComplete() is made.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle for the restore session.
- [in] szCheckPointFilePath - path where the check point files are restored
- [in] szLogPath - path where the log files are restored
- [in] rgrstmap - restore map
- [in] crstmap - tells if ther is a new restore map
- [in] szBackupLogPath - path where the backup logs are located
- [in] genLow - Lowest log# that was restored in this restore session
- [in] genHigh - Highest log# that was restored in this restore session
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsRestoreRegisterA(
- HBC hbc,
- LPCSTR szCheckPointFilePath,
- LPCSTR szLogPath,
- EDB_RSTMAPA rgrstmap[],
- LONG crstmap,
- LPCSTR szBackupLogPath,
- ULONG genLow,
- ULONG genHigh
- );
- DsRestoreRegisterW(
- HBC hbc,
- LPCWSTR szCheckPointFilePath,
- LPCWSTR szLogPath,
- EDB_RSTMAPW rgrstmap[],
- LONG crstmap,
- LPCWSTR szBackupLogPath,
- ULONG genLow,
- ULONG genHigh
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsRestoreRegisterComplete
- Called to indicate that a previously registered restore is complete.
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- [in] hrRestoreState - success code if the restore was successful
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsRestoreRegisterComplete(
- HBC hbc,
- HRESULT hrRestoreState
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsRestoreEnd
- Called to end a restore session
- Arguments:
- [in] hbc - backup context handle
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsRestoreEnd(
- HBC hbc
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsSetCurrentBackupLog
- Called to set the current backup log number after a successful restore
- Arguments:
- [in] szServerName - UNC name of the server for which the current backup log has
- to be set
- [in] dwCurrentLog - current log number
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsSetCurrentBackupLogA(
- LPCSTR szServerName,
- DWORD dwCurrentLog
- );
- DsSetCurrentBackupLogW(
- LPCWSTR szServerName,
- DWORD dwCurrentLog
- );
- /*************************************************************************************
- Routine Description:
- DsSetAuthIdentity
- Used to set the security context under which the client APIs are to be
- called. If this function is not called, security context of the current
- process is assumed.
- Arguments:
- [in] szUserName - name of the user
- [in] szDomainName - name of the domain the user belongs to
- [in] szPassword - password of the user in the specified domain
- Return Value:
- One of the standard HRESULT success codes;
- Failure code otherwise.
- **************************************************************************************/
- DsSetAuthIdentityA(
- LPCSTR szUserName,
- LPCSTR szDomainName,
- LPCSTR szPassword
- );
- DsSetAuthIdentityW(
- LPCWSTR szUserName,
- LPCWSTR szDomainName,
- LPCWSTR szPassword
- );
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif // _NTDSBCLI_H_