- //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- // File: shtypes.idl
- //
- // Contents: This interface definition contains typedefs for remotable
- // shell data types.
- //
- // History: 18-JUN-99 ZekeL - created file
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows")
- cpp_quote("// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- //
- // Import definitions of the base types related to the 64b porting effort.
- //
- import "wtypes.idl";
- cpp_quote("//===========================================================================")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// Object identifiers in the explorer's name space (ItemID and IDList)")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// All the items that the user can browse with the explorer (such as files,")
- cpp_quote("// directories, servers, work-groups, etc.) has an identifier which is unique")
- cpp_quote("// among items within the parent folder. Those identifiers are called item")
- cpp_quote("// IDs (SHITEMID). Since all its parent folders have their own item IDs,")
- cpp_quote("// any items can be uniquely identified by a list of item IDs, which is called")
- cpp_quote("// an ID list (ITEMIDLIST).")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ID lists are almost always allocated by the task allocator (see some")
- cpp_quote("// description below as well as OLE 2.0 SDK) and may be passed across")
- cpp_quote("// some of shell interfaces (such as IShellFolder). Each item ID in an ID list")
- cpp_quote("// is only meaningful to its parent folder (which has generated it), and all")
- cpp_quote("// the clients must treat it as an opaque binary data except the first two")
- cpp_quote("// bytes, which indicates the size of the item ID.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// When a shell extension -- which implements the IShellFolder interace --")
- cpp_quote("// generates an item ID, it may put any information in it, not only the data")
- cpp_quote("// with that it needs to identifies the item, but also some additional")
- cpp_quote("// information, which would help implementing some other functions efficiently.")
- cpp_quote("// For example, the shell's IShellFolder implementation of file system items")
- cpp_quote("// stores the primary (long) name of a file or a directory as the item")
- cpp_quote("// identifier, but it also stores its alternative (short) name, size and date")
- cpp_quote("// etc.")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// When an ID list is passed to one of shell APIs (such as SHGetPathFromIDList),")
- cpp_quote("// it is always an absolute path -- relative from the root of the name space,")
- cpp_quote("// which is the desktop folder. When an ID list is passed to one of IShellFolder")
- cpp_quote("// member function, it is always a relative path from the folder (unless it")
- cpp_quote("// is explicitly specified).")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//===========================================================================")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// SHITEMID -- Item ID (mkid)")
- cpp_quote("// USHORT cb; // Size of the ID (including cb itself)")
- cpp_quote("// BYTE abID[]; // The item ID (variable length)")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#include <pshpack1.h>")
- typedef struct _SHITEMID
- {
- USHORT cb;
- BYTE abID[];
- cpp_quote("#include <poppack.h>")
- cpp_quote("#if defined(_M_IX86)")
- cpp_quote("#define __unaligned")
- cpp_quote("#endif // __unaligned")
- // WARNING: SHITEMID's have no marshalling support
- typedef SHITEMID __unaligned *LPSHITEMID;
- typedef const SHITEMID __unaligned *LPCSHITEMID;
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// ITEMIDLIST -- List if item IDs (combined with 0-terminator)")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#include <pshpack1.h>")
- typedef struct _ITEMIDLIST // idl
- {
- SHITEMID mkid;
- cpp_quote("#include <poppack.h>")
- typedef [unique] BYTE_BLOB * wirePIDL;
- typedef [wire_marshal(wirePIDL)] ITEMIDLIST __unaligned * LPITEMIDLIST;
- typedef [wire_marshal(wirePIDL)] const ITEMIDLIST __unaligned * LPCITEMIDLIST;
- #ifndef MAX_PATH
- #define MAX_PATH 260
- #endif
- // make midl see a def of this stuct, but when the marshallers are built
- // the defs of these get pulled from winbase.h
- typedef struct _WINBASE_DEFINED_STRUCT { int dummy; } WINBASE_DEFINED_STRUCT ;
- cpp_quote("#ifdef WINBASE_DEFINED_MIDL")
- cpp_quote("#endif // WINBASE_DEFINED_MIDL")
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// struct STRRET")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// structure for returning strings from IShellFolder member functions")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// uType indicate which union member to use ")
- cpp_quote("// STRRET_WSTR Use STRRET.pOleStr must be freed by caller of GetDisplayNameOf")
- cpp_quote("// STRRET_OFFSET Use STRRET.uOffset Offset into SHITEMID for ANSI string ")
- cpp_quote("// STRRET_CSTR Use STRRET.cStr ANSI Buffer")
- cpp_quote("//")
- typedef [v1_enum] enum tagSTRRET_TYPE{
- STRRET_WSTR = 0x0000, // Use STRRET.pOleStr
- STRRET_OFFSET = 0x0001, // Use STRRET.uOffset to Ansi
- STRRET_CSTR = 0x0002, // Use STRRET.cStr
- cpp_quote("#include <pshpack8.h>")
- typedef struct _STRRET
- {
- UINT uType;
- [switch_type(UINT), switch_is(uType)] union
- {
- [case(STRRET_WSTR)][string] LPWSTR pOleStr;
- [case(STRRET_OFFSET)] UINT uOffset;
- [case(STRRET_CSTR)] char cStr[MAX_PATH];
- cpp_quote("#include <poppack.h>")
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// struct SHELLDETAILS")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// structure for returning strings from IShellDetails")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("//-------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("// fmt; // LVCFMT_* value (header only)")
- cpp_quote("// cxChar; // Number of 'average' characters (header only)")
- cpp_quote("// str; // String information")
- cpp_quote("//")
- cpp_quote("#include <pshpack1.h>")
- typedef struct _SHELLDETAILS
- {
- int fmt; // LVCFMT_* value (header only)
- int cxChar; // Number of "average" characters (header only)
- STRRET str; // String information
- cpp_quote("#include <poppack.h>")