- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- import "msado15.idl";
- interface IMessage;
- interface IMessages;
- interface IBodyPart;
- interface IConfiguration;
- interface IBodyParts;
- interface IDataSource;
- [helpstring("Used with the IConfiguration.Load method to specify which default configuration values are to be loaded.")]
- typedef enum CdoConfigSource
- {
- [helpstring("Load all applicable default values from both Outlook Express (OE) and Internet Information Services.")]
- cdoDefaults = -1,
- [helpstring("Load configuration default values from the local Internet Information Service.")]
- cdoIIS = 1,
- [helpstring("Load configuration values from the default identify of the default Outlook Express account.")]
- cdoOutlookExpress = 2,
- } CdoConfigSource;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the IMessage.DSNOptions property, the value of which identifies the condition(s) under which Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs) are to be sent.")]
- typedef enum CdoDSNOptions
- {
- [helpstring("No DSN commands are issued.")]
- cdoDSNDefault = 0,
- [helpstring("No DSNs are issued.")]
- cdoDSNNever = 1,
- [helpstring("Return an DSN if delivery fails.")]
- cdoDSNFailure = 2,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery succeeds.")]
- cdoDSNSuccess = 4,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery is delayed.")]
- cdoDSNDelay = 8,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery succeeds, fails, or is delayed.")]
- cdoDSNSuccessFailOrDelay = 14,
- } CdoDSNOptions;
- [helpstring("Passed to SMTP-NNTP transport event sinks through corresponding event methods and used by sinks to indicate to the event source whether or not they have consumed the event.")]
- typedef enum CdoEventStatus
- {
- [helpstring("Proceed to run the next sink.")]
- cdoRunNextSink = 0,
- [helpstring("Do not notify (skip) any remaining sinks for the event (i.e. this sink has consumed the event).")]
- cdoSkipRemainingSinks = 1,
- } CdoEventStatus;
- typedef enum CdoEventType
- {
- cdoSMTPOnArrival = 1,
- cdoNNTPOnPostEarly = 2,
- cdoNNTPOnPost = 3,
- cdoNNTPOnPostFinal = 4,
- } CdoEventType;
- typedef enum cdoImportanceValues
- {
- cdoLow = 0,
- cdoNormal = 1,
- cdoHigh = 2,
- } cdoImportanceValues;
- [helpstring("Used by SMTP transport event sinks to set or examine the property, the value of which indicates the current message status.")]
- typedef enum CdoMessageStat
- {
- [helpstring("Success. Proceed to deliver message.")]
- cdoStatSuccess = 0,
- [helpstring("Discard message and do not deliver.")]
- cdoStatAbortDelivery = 2,
- [helpstring("Do not deliver message and place it in the bad mail location.")]
- cdoStatBadMail = 3,
- } CdoMessageStat;
- [helpstring("Used with the IMessage.CreateMHTMLBody method to specify what resource types referenced within the page specified by the URL parameter should not be downloaded.")]
- typedef enum CdoMHTMLFlags
- {
- [helpstring("Download all resources referred to in elements within the resource at the specified URI. (not recursive)")]
- cdoSuppressNone = 0,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in IMG elements.")]
- cdoSuppressImages = 1,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in BGSOUND elements.")]
- cdoSuppressBGSounds = 2,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in FRAME elements.")]
- cdoSuppressFrames = 4,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in OBJECT elements.")]
- cdoSuppressObjects = 8,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in LINK elements.")]
- cdoSuppressStyleSheets = 16,
- [helpstring("Do not download any resources referred to from within the page.")]
- cdoSuppressAll = 31,
- } CdoMHTMLFlags;
- [helpstring("Used by NNTP transport event sinks to set or examine the property, the value of which indicates what message processing is to occur.")]
- typedef enum CdoNNTPProcessingField
- {
- [helpstring("Post the message.")]
- cdoPostMessage = 1,
- [helpstring("Send message through process control.")]
- cdoProcessControl = 2,
- [helpstring("Send message to moderator.")]
- cdoProcessModerator = 4,
- } CdoNNTPProcessingField;
- [helpstring("Used with the property, the value of which specifies how a message is to be posted.")]
- typedef enum CdoPostUsing
- {
- [helpstring(" Post the message using the local NNTP Service pickup directory.")]
- cdoPostUsingPickup = 1,
- [helpstring(" Post the message using the NNTP protocol over the network.")]
- cdoPostUsingPort = 2,
- } CdoPostUsing;
- typedef enum cdoPriorityValues
- {
- cdoPriorityNonUrgent = -1,
- cdoPriorityNormal = 0,
- cdoPriorityUrgent = 1,
- } cdoPriorityValues;
- [helpstring("Used with the and properties, the values of which specify the network authentication mechansim to use when sending messages.")]
- typedef enum CdoProtocolsAuthentication
- {
- [helpstring("Perform no authentication (anonymous)")]
- cdoAnonymous = 0,
- [helpstring("Use the basic (clear text) authentication mechanism.")]
- cdoBasic = 1,
- [helpstring("Use the NTLM authentication mechanism")]
- cdoNTLM = 2,
- } CdoProtocolsAuthentication;
- [helpstring("Used with the IMessage.AddRelatedBodyPart method to specify how the new body part is to be referenced within the related HTML body part.")]
- typedef enum CdoReferenceType
- {
- [helpstring("The reference paramter contains a value for the Content-ID header. The HTML body refers to the resource using this Content-ID header")]
- cdoRefTypeId = 0,
- [helpstring("The reference parameter contains a value for the Content-Location MIME header. The HTML body refers to this resource using this message-relative URL.")]
- cdoRefTypeLocation = 1,
- } CdoReferenceType;
- [helpstring(" Used with the property, the value of which specifies how a message is to be sent.")]
- typedef enum CdoSendUsing
- {
- [helpstring("Send message using the local SMTP service pickup directory.")]
- cdoSendUsingPickup = 1,
- [helpstring("Send the message using the SMTP protocol over the network.")]
- cdoSendUsingPort = 2,
- } CdoSendUsing;
- typedef enum cdoSensitivityValues
- {
- cdoSensitivityNone = 0,
- cdoPersonal = 1,
- cdoPrivate = 2,
- cdoCompanyConfidential = 3,
- } cdoSensitivityValues;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid property, the value of which specifies the local timezone to use when returning Date properties.")]
- typedef enum CdoTimeZoneId
- {
- [helpstring("(UTC) Universal Coordinated Time")]
- cdoUTC = 0,
- [helpstring("(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, London")]
- cdoGMT = 1,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Lisbon, Warsaw")]
- cdoLisbon = 2,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Paris, Madrid")]
- cdoParis = 3,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Brussels, Vienna")]
- cdoBerlin = 4,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Eastern Europe")]
- cdoEasternEurope = 5,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Prague")]
- cdoPrague = 6,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul")]
- cdoAthens = 7,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:00) Brasilia")]
- cdoBrasilia = 8,
- [helpstring("(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)")]
- cdoAtlanticCanada = 9,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoEastern = 10,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoCentral = 11,
- [helpstring("(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoMountain = 12,
- [helpstring("(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana")]
- cdoPacific = 13,
- [helpstring("(GMT-09:00) Alaska")]
- cdoAlaska = 14,
- [helpstring("(GMT-10:00) Hawaii")]
- cdoHawaii = 15,
- [helpstring("(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa")]
- cdoMidwayIsland = 16,
- [helpstring("(GMT+12:00) Wellington, Auckland")]
- cdoWellington = 17,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney")]
- cdoBrisbane = 18,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:30) Adelaide")]
- cdoAdelaide = 19,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Yakutsk")]
- cdoTokyo = 20,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei")]
- cdoHongKong = 21,
- [helpstring("(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi")]
- cdoBangkok = 22,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:30) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo")]
- cdoBombay = 23,
- [helpstring("(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Tbilisi, Kazan, Volgograd")]
- cdoAbuDhabi = 24,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:30) Tehran")]
- cdoTehran = 25,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh")]
- cdoBaghdad = 26,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Israel")]
- cdoIsrael = 27,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland")]
- cdoNewfoundland = 28,
- [helpstring("(GMT-01:00) Azores, Cape Verde Is.")]
- cdoAzores = 29,
- [helpstring("(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic")]
- cdoMidAtlantic = 30,
- [helpstring("(GMT) Monrovia, Casablanca")]
- cdoMonrovia = 31,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown")]
- cdoBuenosAires = 32,
- [helpstring("(GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz")]
- cdoCaracas = 33,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)")]
- cdoIndiana = 34,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima")]
- cdoBogota = 35,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan")]
- cdoSaskatchewan = 36,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Mexico City, Tegucigalpa")]
- cdoMexicoCity = 37,
- [helpstring("(GMT-07:00) Arizona")]
- cdoArizona = 38,
- [helpstring("(GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein")]
- cdoEniwetok = 39,
- [helpstring("(GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.")]
- cdoFiji = 40,
- [helpstring("(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia")]
- cdoMagadan = 41,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Hobart")]
- cdoHobart = 42,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby, Vladivostok")]
- cdoGuam = 43,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:30) Darwin")]
- cdoDarwin = 44,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi")]
- cdoBeijing = 45,
- [helpstring("(GMT+06:00) Almaty, Dhaka")]
- cdoAlmaty = 46,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent")]
- cdoIslamabad = 47,
- [helpstring("(GMT+04:30) Kabul")]
- cdoKabul = 48,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Cairo")]
- cdoCairo = 49,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria")]
- cdoHarare = 50,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg")]
- cdoMoscow = 51,
- cdoInvalidTimeZone = 52,
- } CdoTimeZoneId;
- [ object, uuid(CD000029-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to extract messages from or embed messages into other CDO message body parts"), helpcontext(0x00000100), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDataSource : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 207 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name (type) of the interface originally used to bind the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000101 ), readonly ] HRESULT SourceClass ([out,retval] BSTR* varSourceClass);
- [ id( 208 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the currently bound object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000102 ), readonly ] HRESULT Source ([out,retval] IUnknown** varSource);
- [ id( 209 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether or not the local data has been changed since the last save or bind operation" ), helpcontext(0x00000103) ] HRESULT IsDirty ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pIsDirty); [ id( 209 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether or not the local data has been changed since the last save or bind operation" ), helpcontext(0x00000103) ] HRESULT IsDirty ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varIsDirty);
- [ id( 210 ), propget, helpstring( "Not Implemented. Reserved for future use" ), helpcontext( 0x00000104 ), readonly ] HRESULT SourceURL ([out,retval] BSTR* varSourceURL);
- [ id( 211 ), propget, helpstring( "Not Implemented. Reserved for future use" ), helpcontext( 0x00000105 ), readonly ] HRESULT ActiveConnection ([out,retval] _Connection** varActiveConnection);
- [ id( 251 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and saves data into the specified object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000106 ) ] HRESULT SaveToObject(
- [in] IUnknown* Source,
- [in] BSTR InterfaceName);
- [ id( 252 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and opens data from the specified object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000108 ) ] HRESULT OpenObject(
- [in] IUnknown* Source,
- [in] BSTR InterfaceName);
- [ id( 253 ), helpstring ( "Not Implemented. Reserved for future use" ), helpcontext( 0x00000109 ) ] HRESULT SaveTo(
- [in] BSTR SourceURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, optional] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 254 ), helpstring ( "Not implemented. Reserved for future use" ), helpcontext( 0x0000010a ) ] HRESULT Open(
- [in] BSTR SourceURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, optional] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 255 ), helpstring ( "Saves data into the currently bound object" ), helpcontext( 0x0000010b ) ] HRESULT Save();
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Not Implemented. Reserved for future use" ), helpcontext( 0x00000107 ) ] HRESULT SaveToContainer(
- [in] BSTR ContainerURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, optional] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000020-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage a complete message"), helpcontext(0x00000110), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMessage : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 101 ), propget, helpstring( "The intended blind carbon copy (BCC header) recipients" ), helpcontext(0x00000111) ] HRESULT BCC ([out,retval] BSTR* pBCC); [ id( 101 ), propput, helpstring( "The intended blind carbon copy (BCC header) recipients" ), helpcontext(0x00000111) ] HRESULT BCC ([in] BSTR varBCC);
- [ id( 103 ), propget, helpstring( "The intended secondary (carbon copy) recipients" ), helpcontext(0x00000112) ] HRESULT CC ([out,retval] BSTR* pCC); [ id( 103 ), propput, helpstring( "The intended secondary (carbon copy) recipients" ), helpcontext(0x00000112) ] HRESULT CC ([in] BSTR varCC);
- [ id( 105 ), propget, helpstring( "The recipient to which follow up messages should be sent" ), helpcontext(0x00000113) ] HRESULT FollowUpTo ([out,retval] BSTR* pFollowUpTo); [ id( 105 ), propput, helpstring( "The recipient to which follow up messages should be sent" ), helpcontext(0x00000113) ] HRESULT FollowUpTo ([in] BSTR varFollowUpTo);
- [ id( 106 ), propget, helpstring( "The principle recipients from which the message is sent" ), helpcontext(0x00000114) ] HRESULT From ([out,retval] BSTR* pFrom); [ id( 106 ), propput, helpstring( "The principle recipients from which the message is sent" ), helpcontext(0x00000114) ] HRESULT From ([in] BSTR varFrom);
- [ id( 107 ), propget, helpstring( "The keywords for the message" ), helpcontext(0x00000115) ] HRESULT Keywords ([out,retval] BSTR* pKeywords); [ id( 107 ), propput, helpstring( "The keywords for the message" ), helpcontext(0x00000115) ] HRESULT Keywords ([in] BSTR varKeywords);
- [ id( 110 ), propget, helpstring( "Specifies whether or not the message is to be formatted using MIME (True) or UUEncode (False)" ), helpcontext(0x00000116) ] HRESULT MimeFormatted ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pMimeFormatted); [ id( 110 ), propput, helpstring( "Specifies whether or not the message is to be formatted using MIME (True) or UUEncode (False)" ), helpcontext(0x00000116) ] HRESULT MimeFormatted ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varMimeFormatted);
- [ id( 111 ), propget, helpstring( "The names of newsgroups (NewsGroups header) to which the message is to be posted" ), helpcontext(0x00000117) ] HRESULT Newsgroups ([out,retval] BSTR* pNewsgroups); [ id( 111 ), propput, helpstring( "The names of newsgroups (NewsGroups header) to which the message is to be posted" ), helpcontext(0x00000117) ] HRESULT Newsgroups ([in] BSTR varNewsgroups);
- [ id( 112 ), propget, helpstring( "The organization of the sender" ), helpcontext(0x00000118) ] HRESULT Organization ([out,retval] BSTR* pOrganization); [ id( 112 ), propput, helpstring( "The organization of the sender" ), helpcontext(0x00000118) ] HRESULT Organization ([in] BSTR varOrganization);
- [ id( 114 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the time the message was received" ), helpcontext( 0x00000119 ), readonly ] HRESULT ReceivedTime ([out,retval] DATE* varReceivedTime);
- [ id( 115 ), propget, helpstring( "The addresses (Reply-To header) to which to reply" ), helpcontext(0x0000011a) ] HRESULT ReplyTo ([out,retval] BSTR* pReplyTo); [ id( 115 ), propput, helpstring( "The addresses (Reply-To header) to which to reply" ), helpcontext(0x0000011a) ] HRESULT ReplyTo ([in] BSTR varReplyTo);
- [ id( 116 ), propget, helpstring( "The delivery status notification options for the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011b) ] HRESULT DSNOptions ([out,retval] CdoDSNOptions* pDSNOptions); [ id( 116 ), propput, helpstring( "The delivery status notification options for the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011b) ] HRESULT DSNOptions ([in] CdoDSNOptions varDSNOptions);
- [ id( 119 ), propget, helpstring( "The date on which the message was sent" ), helpcontext( 0x0000011c ), readonly ] HRESULT SentOn ([out,retval] DATE* varSentOn);
- [ id( 120 ), propget, helpstring( "The subject (Subject header) of the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011d) ] HRESULT Subject ([out,retval] BSTR* pSubject); [ id( 120 ), propput, helpstring( "The subject (Subject header) of the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011d) ] HRESULT Subject ([in] BSTR varSubject);
- [ id( 121 ), propget, helpstring( "The principle (To header) recipients of the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011e) ] HRESULT To ([out,retval] BSTR* pTo); [ id( 121 ), propput, helpstring( "The principle (To header) recipients of the message" ), helpcontext(0x0000011e) ] HRESULT To ([in] BSTR varTo);
- [ id( 123 ), propget, helpstring( "The text/plain portion of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x0000011f) ] HRESULT TextBody ([out,retval] BSTR* pTextBody); [ id( 123 ), propput, helpstring( "The text/plain portion of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x0000011f) ] HRESULT TextBody ([in] BSTR varTextBody);
- [ id( 124 ), propget, helpstring( "The text/html portion of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x00000120) ] HRESULT HTMLBody ([out,retval] BSTR* pHTMLBody); [ id( 124 ), propput, helpstring( "The text/html portion of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x00000120) ] HRESULT HTMLBody ([in] BSTR varHTMLBody);
- [ id( 125 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the message's Attachments collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000121 ), readonly ] HRESULT Attachments ([out,retval] IBodyParts ** varAttachments);
- [ id( 126 ), propget, helpstring( "The sender of the message" ), helpcontext(0x00000122) ] HRESULT Sender ([out,retval] BSTR* pSender); [ id( 126 ), propput, helpstring( "The sender of the message" ), helpcontext(0x00000122) ] HRESULT Sender ([in] BSTR varSender);
- [ id( 127 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's associated Configuration object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000123) ] HRESULT Configuration ([out,retval] IConfiguration ** pConfiguration); [ id( 127 ), propput, helpstring( "The object's associated Configuration object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000123 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration); [ id( 127 ), propputref, helpstring( "The object's associated Configuration object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000123 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration);
- [ id( 128 ), propget, helpstring( "Specifies whether a text/plain alternate representation should automatically be generated from the text/html part of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x00000124) ] HRESULT AutoGenerateTextBody ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pAutoGenerateTextBody); [ id( 128 ), propput, helpstring( "Specifies whether a text/plain alternate representation should automatically be generated from the text/html part of the message body" ), helpcontext(0x00000124) ] HRESULT AutoGenerateTextBody ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varAutoGenerateTextBody);
- [ id( 129 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the transport envelope Fields collection for the message (transport event sinks only) " ), helpcontext( 0x00000125 ), readonly ] HRESULT EnvelopeFields ([out,retval] Fields ** varEnvelopeFields);
- [ id( 130 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the BodyPart object (IBodyPart interface) containing the text/plain part of the message body" ), helpcontext( 0x00000126 ), readonly ] HRESULT TextBodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varTextBodyPart);
- [ id( 131 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the BodyPart object (IBodyPart interface) containing the text/html portion of the message body" ), helpcontext( 0x00000127 ), readonly ] HRESULT HTMLBodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varHTMLBodyPart);
- [ id( 132 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the IBodyPart interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000128 ), readonly ] HRESULT BodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varBodyPart);
- [ id( 133 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the IDataSource interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000129 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource ** varDataSource);
- [ id( 134 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the Fields collection for the message" ), helpcontext( 0x0000012a ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 135 ), propget, helpstring( "Specifies whether or not mail delivery notifications should be sent when the message is received" ), helpcontext(0x0000012b) ] HRESULT MDNRequested ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pMDNRequested); [ id( 135 ), propput, helpstring( "Specifies whether or not mail delivery notifications should be sent when the message is received" ), helpcontext(0x0000012b) ] HRESULT MDNRequested ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varMDNRequested);
- [ id( 150 ), helpstring ( "Adds a BodyPart object with content referenced within the text/html portion of the message body" ), helpcontext( 0x0000012c ) ] HRESULT AddRelatedBodyPart(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in] BSTR Reference,
- [in] CdoReferenceType ReferenceType,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password,
- [out,retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [ id( 151 ), helpstring ( "Adds an attachment (BodyPart) to the message" ), helpcontext( 0x0000012d ) ] HRESULT AddAttachment(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password,
- [out,retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [ id( 152 ), helpstring ( "Creates an MHTML-formatted message body using the contents at the specified URL" ), helpcontext( 0x0000012e ) ] HRESULT CreateMHTMLBody(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in, defaultvalue(cdoSuppressNone)] CdoMHTMLFlags Flags,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 153 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object that can be used to forward the message" ), helpcontext( 0x0000012f ) ] HRESULT Forward(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 154 ), helpstring ( "Post the message using the method specified in the associated Configuration object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000130 ) ] HRESULT Post();
- [ id( 155 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object that can be used to post a reply to the message" ), helpcontext( 0x00000131 ) ] HRESULT PostReply(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 156 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object that can be used to reply to the message" ), helpcontext( 0x00000132 ) ] HRESULT Reply(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 157 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object that can be used to post a reply to all recipients of the message" ), helpcontext( 0x00000133 ) ] HRESULT ReplyAll(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 158 ), helpstring ( "Send the message using the method specified in the associated Configuration object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000136 ) ] HRESULT Send();
- [ id( 159 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the message in serialized format" ), helpcontext( 0x00000134 ) ] HRESULT GetStream(
- [out,retval] _Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns the specified interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000135 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000021-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage a message body part"), helpcontext(0x00000140), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBodyPart : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 200 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the object's BodyParts collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000141 ), readonly ] HRESULT BodyParts ([out,retval] IBodyParts ** varBodyParts);
- [ id( 201 ), propget, helpstring( "The encoding mechanism for the body part's content" ), helpcontext(0x00000142) ] HRESULT ContentTransferEncoding ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentTransferEncoding); [ id( 201 ), propput, helpstring( "The encoding mechanism for the body part's content" ), helpcontext(0x00000142) ] HRESULT ContentTransferEncoding ([in] BSTR varContentTransferEncoding);
- [ id( 202 ), propget, helpstring( "The content media type portion of the body part's content type" ), helpcontext(0x00000143) ] HRESULT ContentMediaType ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentMediaType); [ id( 202 ), propput, helpstring( "The content media type portion of the body part's content type" ), helpcontext(0x00000143) ] HRESULT ContentMediaType ([in] BSTR varContentMediaType);
- [ id( 203 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the Fields collection for the body part" ), helpcontext( 0x00000144 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 204 ), propget, helpstring( "The character set of the body part text content (not applicable for non-text content types)" ), helpcontext(0x00000145) ] HRESULT Charset ([out,retval] BSTR* pCharset); [ id( 204 ), propput, helpstring( "The character set of the body part text content (not applicable for non-text content types)" ), helpcontext(0x00000145) ] HRESULT Charset ([in] BSTR varCharset);
- [ id( 205 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the value of the filename parameter for the content-disposition MIME header" ), helpcontext( 0x00000146 ), readonly ] HRESULT FileName ([out,retval] BSTR* varFileName);
- [ id( 207 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the IDataSource interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000147 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource ** varDataSource);
- [ id( 208 ), propget, helpstring( "The content class for the body part's content" ), helpcontext(0x00000148) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentClass); [ id( 208 ), propput, helpstring( "The content class for the body part's content" ), helpcontext(0x00000148) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([in] BSTR varContentClass);
- [ id( 209 ), propget, helpstring( "The friendly name for the body part's content class" ), helpcontext(0x00000149) ] HRESULT ContentClassName ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentClassName); [ id( 209 ), propput, helpstring( "The friendly name for the body part's content class" ), helpcontext(0x00000149) ] HRESULT ContentClassName ([in] BSTR varContentClassName);
- [ id( 210 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the parent object in the body part hierarchy" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014a ), readonly ] HRESULT Parent ([out,retval] IBodyPart** varParent);
- [ id( 250 ), helpstring ( "Adds a body part to the object's BodyParts collection" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014b ) ] HRESULT AddBodyPart(
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppPart);
- [ id( 251 ), helpstring ( "Saves the body part contents to the specified file" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014c ) ] HRESULT SaveToFile(
- [in] BSTR FileName);
- [ id( 252 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the body part content in serialized, encoded format" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014d ) ] HRESULT GetEncodedContentStream(
- [out, retval]_Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 253 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the body part content in serialized, decoded format" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014e ) ] HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream(
- [out, retval]_Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 254 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the complete body part in serialized, encoded format" ), helpcontext( 0x0000014f ) ] HRESULT GetStream(
- [out,retval] _Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 255 ), helpstring ( "Returns the specified parameter from the body part's specified MIME header" ), helpcontext( 0x00000150 ) ] HRESULT GetFieldParameter(
- [in] BSTR FieldName,
- [in] BSTR Parameter,
- [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrValue);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns the specified interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000151 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000022-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage configuration information for CDO objects"), helpcontext(0x00000160), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IConfiguration : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 0 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the Fields collection for the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000161 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 50 ), helpstring ( "Loads the specified configuration" ), helpcontext( 0x00000162 ) ] HRESULT Load(
- [in] CdoConfigSource LoadFrom,
- [in, optional] BSTR URL);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns the specified interface on the object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000163 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000025-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage a collection of Message objects on the file system. Returned by IDropDirectory.GetMessages"), helpcontext(0x00000180), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMessages : IDispatch
- {
- [
- id( 0 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "Returns the message specified by index from the collection" ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000181 ),
- readonly
- ] HRESULT Item (long Index,
- [out, retval] IMessage **ppMessage);
- [ id( 1 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of message objects in the collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000182 ), readonly ] HRESULT Count ([out,retval] long* varCount);
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Deletes the specifed message object in the collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000183 ) ] HRESULT Delete(
- [in] long Index);
- [ id( 3 ), helpstring ( "Deletes all message objects in the collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000184 ) ] HRESULT DeleteAll();
- [propget, restricted, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)]
- HRESULT _NewEnum(
- [out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [
- id( 5 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "Returns the name of the file containing the specified message on the file system" ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000185 ),
- readonly
- ] HRESULT Filename (VARIANT var,
- [out, retval] BSTR *Filename);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000024-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage a collection of messages on the file system"), helpcontext(0x00000190), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDropDirectory : IDispatch
- {
- [
- id( 200 ),
- helpstring( "Returns a collection of messages contained in the specified directory on the file system. Default is SMTP drop directory." ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000191 ),
- readonly
- ]
- HRESULT GetMessages ([in, optional] BSTR DirName,
- [out,retval] IMessages** Msgs);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000023-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines abstract methods and properties used to manage a collection of BodyPart objects"), helpcontext(0x00000170), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBodyParts : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 1 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of BodyPart objects in the collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000171 ), readonly ] HRESULT Count ([out,retval] long* varCount);
- [
- id( 0 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "Returns the specified BodyPart object from the collection" ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000172 ),
- readonly
- ]
- HRESULT Item (
- [in] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [propget, restricted, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)]
- HRESULT _NewEnum(
- [out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Deletes the specified BodyPart object from the collection. Can use index or object reference" ), helpcontext( 0x00000173 ) ] HRESULT Delete(
- [in] VARIANT varBP);
- [ id( 3 ), helpstring ( "Deletes all BodyPart objects in the collection" ), helpcontext( 0x00000174 ) ] HRESULT DeleteAll();
- [ id( 4 ), helpstring ( "Adds a BodyPart object to the collection at the specified index, and returns the newly added object" ), helpcontext( 0x00000175 ) ] HRESULT Add(
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppPart);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000030-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("ISMTPScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface ISMTPScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000034-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPFinalScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPEarlyScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000031-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPPostScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPPostScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000032-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPFinalScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPFinalScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000026-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("The interface to implement when creating SMTP OnArrival event sinks"), helpcontext(0x00000200), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISMTPOnArrival : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the SMTP event source when a message arrives" ), helpcontext( 0x00000201 ) ] HRESULT OnArrival(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000033-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("The interface to implement when creating NNTP OnPostEarly event sinks"), helpcontext(0x00000210), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPostEarly : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event source when message headers arrive" ), helpcontext( 0x00000211 ) ] HRESULT OnPostEarly(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- }
- [ object, uuid(CD000027-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("The interface to implement when creating NNTP OnPost event sinks"), helpcontext(0x00000220), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPost : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event source when a message is posted" ), helpcontext( 0x00000221 ) ] HRESULT OnPost(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000028-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("The interface to implement when creating NNTP OnPostFinal event sinks"), helpcontext(0x00000230), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPostFinal : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event source after a posted message has been saved to disk or the Exchange store" ), helpcontext( 0x00000231 ) ] HRESULT OnPostFinal(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [
- uuid(CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D),
- version(1.0),
- helpfile("cdosys.chm"),
- helpstring("Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library")
- ]
- library CDO
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- importlib("msado15.dll");
- enum CdoConfigSource;
- enum CdoDSNOptions;
- enum CdoEventStatus;
- enum cdoImportanceValues;
- enum CdoMessageStat;
- enum CdoMHTMLFlags;
- enum CdoNNTPProcessingField;
- enum CdoPostUsing;
- enum cdoPriorityValues;
- enum CdoProtocolsAuthentication;
- enum CdoReferenceType;
- enum CdoSendUsing;
- enum cdoSensitivityValues;
- enum CdoTimeZoneId;
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoCalendar
- {
- const BSTR cdoTimeZoneIDURN =L"urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoCharset
- {
- const BSTR cdoBIG5 =L"big5";
- const BSTR cdoEUC_JP =L"euc-jp";
- const BSTR cdoEUC_KR =L"euc-kr";
- const BSTR cdoGB2312 =L"gb2312";
- const BSTR cdoISO_2022_JP =L"iso-2022-jp";
- const BSTR cdoISO_2022_KR =L"iso-2022-kr";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_1 =L"iso-8859-1";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_2 =L"iso-8859-2";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_3 =L"iso-8859-3";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_4 =L"iso-8859-4";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_5 =L"iso-8859-5";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_6 =L"iso-8859-6";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_7 =L"iso-8859-7";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_8 =L"iso-8859-8";
- const BSTR cdoISO_8859_9 =L"iso-8859-9";
- const BSTR cdoKOI8_R =L"koi8-r";
- const BSTR cdoShift_JIS =L"shift-jis";
- const BSTR cdoUS_ASCII =L"us-ascii";
- const BSTR cdoUTF_7 =L"utf-7";
- const BSTR cdoUTF_8 =L"utf-8";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoConfiguration
- {
- const BSTR cdoAutoPromoteBodyParts =L"";
- const BSTR cdoFlushBuffersOnWrite =L"";
- const BSTR cdoHTTPCookies =L"";
- const BSTR cdoLanguageCode =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPAccountName =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPAuthenticate =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPConnectionTimeout =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPServer =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPServerPickupDirectory =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPServerPort =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPUseSSL =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPostEmailAddress =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPostPassword =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPostUserName =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPostUserReplyEmailAddress =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPostUsingMethod =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSaveSentItems =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSendEmailAddress =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSendPassword =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSendUserName =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSendUserReplyEmailAddress =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSendUsingMethod =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPAccountName =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPAuthenticate =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPServer =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPServerPickupDirectory =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPServerPort =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSMTPUseSSL =L"";
- const BSTR cdoURLGetLatestVersion =L"";
- const BSTR cdoURLProxyBypass =L"";
- const BSTR cdoURLProxyServer =L"";
- const BSTR cdoUseMessageResponseText =L"";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoContentTypeValues
- {
- const BSTR cdoGif =L"image/gif";
- const BSTR cdoJpeg =L"image/jpeg";
- const BSTR cdoMessageExternalBody =L"message/external-body";
- const BSTR cdoMessagePartial =L"message/partial";
- const BSTR cdoMessageRFC822 =L"message/rfc822";
- const BSTR cdoMultipartAlternative =L"multipart/alternative";
- const BSTR cdoMultipartDigest =L"multipart/digest";
- const BSTR cdoMultipartMixed =L"multipart/mixed";
- const BSTR cdoMultipartRelated =L"multipart/related";
- const BSTR cdoTextHTML =L"text/html";
- const BSTR cdoTextPlain =L"text/plain";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoEncodingType
- {
- const BSTR cdo7bit =L"7bit";
- const BSTR cdo8bit =L"8bit";
- const BSTR cdoBase64 =L"base64";
- const BSTR cdoBinary =L"binary";
- const BSTR cdoMacBinHex40 =L"mac-binhex40";
- const BSTR cdoQuotedPrintable =L"quoted-printable";
- const BSTR cdoUuencode =L"uuencode";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoExchange
- {
- const BSTR cdoSensitivity =L"";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoHTTPMail
- {
- const BSTR cdoAttachmentFilename =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:attachmentfilename";
- const BSTR cdoBcc =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:bcc";
- const BSTR cdoCc =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:cc";
- const BSTR cdoContentDispositionType =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:content-disposition-type";
- const BSTR cdoContentMediaType =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:content-media-type";
- const BSTR cdoDate =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:date";
- const BSTR cdoDateReceived =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived";
- const BSTR cdoFrom =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:from";
- const BSTR cdoHasAttachment =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment";
- const BSTR cdoHTMLDescription =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:htmldescription";
- const BSTR cdoImportance =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:importance";
- const BSTR cdoNormalizedSubject =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:normalizedsubject";
- const BSTR cdoPriority =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:priority";
- const BSTR cdoReplyTo =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:reply-to";
- const BSTR cdoSender =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:sender";
- const BSTR cdoSubject =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:subject";
- const BSTR cdoTextDescription =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription";
- const BSTR cdoThreadTopic =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:thread-topic";
- const BSTR cdoTo =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:to";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoInterfaces
- {
- const BSTR cdoAdoStream =L"_Stream";
- const BSTR cdoIBodyPart =L"IBodyPart";
- const BSTR cdoIConfiguration =L"IConfiguration";
- const BSTR cdoIDataSource =L"IDataSource";
- const BSTR cdoIMessage =L"IMessage";
- const BSTR cdoIStream =L"IStream";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoMailHeader
- {
- const BSTR cdoApproved =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:approved";
- const BSTR cdoComment =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:comment";
- const BSTR cdoContentBase =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-base";
- const BSTR cdoContentDescription =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-description";
- const BSTR cdoContentDisposition =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-disposition";
- const BSTR cdoContentId =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-id";
- const BSTR cdoContentLanguage =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-language";
- const BSTR cdoContentLocation =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-location";
- const BSTR cdoContentTransferEncoding =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-transfer-encoding";
- const BSTR cdoContentType =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type";
- const BSTR cdoControl =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:control";
- const BSTR cdoDisposition =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition";
- const BSTR cdoDispositionNotificationTo =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:disposition-notification-to";
- const BSTR cdoDistribution =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:distribution";
- const BSTR cdoExpires =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:expires";
- const BSTR cdoFollowupTo =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:followup-to";
- const BSTR cdoInReplyTo =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:in-reply-to";
- const BSTR cdoLines =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:lines";
- const BSTR cdoMessageId =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:message-id";
- const BSTR cdoMIMEVersion =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:mime-version";
- const BSTR cdoNewsgroups =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:newsgroups";
- const BSTR cdoOrganization =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:organization";
- const BSTR cdoOriginalRecipient =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:original-recipient";
- const BSTR cdoPath =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:path";
- const BSTR cdoPostingVersion =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:posting-version";
- const BSTR cdoReceived =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:received";
- const BSTR cdoReferences =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:references";
- const BSTR cdoRelayVersion =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:relay-version";
- const BSTR cdoReturnPath =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:return-path";
- const BSTR cdoReturnReceiptTo =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:return-receipt-to";
- const BSTR cdoSummary =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:summary";
- const BSTR cdoThreadIndex =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:thread-index";
- const BSTR cdoXMailer =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:x-mailer";
- const BSTR cdoXref =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:xref";
- const BSTR cdoXUnsent =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:x-unsent";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoNamespace
- {
- const BSTR cdoNSConfiguration =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNSContacts =L"urn:schemas:contacts:";
- const BSTR cdoNSHTTPMail =L"urn:schemas:httpmail:";
- const BSTR cdoNSMailHeader =L"urn:schemas:mailheader:";
- const BSTR cdoNSNNTPEnvelope =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNSSMTPEnvelope =L"";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoNNTPEnvelope
- {
- const BSTR cdoNewsgroupList =L"";
- const BSTR cdoNNTPProcessing =L"";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoSMTPEnvelope
- {
- const BSTR cdoArrivalTime =L"";
- const BSTR cdoClientIPAddress =L"";
- const BSTR cdoMessageStatus =L"";
- const BSTR cdoPickupFileName =L"";
- const BSTR cdoRecipientList =L"";
- const BSTR cdoSenderEmailAddress =L"";
- };
- [ dllname("cdosys.dll") ]
- module CdoErrors
- {
- const LONG CDO_E_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION = 0x80040201L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NOT_OPENED = 0x80040202L;
- const LONG CDO_E_PROP_UNSUPPORTED = 0x80040205L;
- const LONG CDO_E_INACTIVE = 0x80040206L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NO_SUPPORT_FOR_OBJECTS = 0x80040207L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x80040208L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NO_DEFAULT_DROP_DIR = 0x80040209L;
- const LONG CDO_E_FROM_MISSING = 0x8004020DL;
- const LONG CDO_E_SENDER_REJECTED = 0x8004020EL;
- const LONG CDO_E_NNTP_POST_FAILED = 0x80040210L;
- const LONG CDO_E_SMTP_SEND_FAILED = 0x80040211L;
- const LONG CDO_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED = 0x80040212L;
- const LONG CDO_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT = 0x80040213L;
- const LONG CDO_E_INVALID_POST = 0x80040214L;
- const LONG CDO_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = 0x80040216L;
- const LONG CDO_E_LOGON_FAILURE = 0x80040217L;
- const LONG CDO_E_HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 0x80040218L;
- const LONG CDO_E_HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 0x80040219L;
- const LONG CDO_E_HTTP_FAILED = 0x8004021AL;
- const LONG CDO_E_MULTIPART_NO_DATA = 0x8004021BL;
- const LONG CDO_E_PROP_NOT_FOUND = 0x8004021EL;
- const LONG CDO_E_INVALID_SEND_OPTION = 0x80040220L;
- const LONG CDO_E_INVALID_POST_OPTION = 0x80040221L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NO_PICKUP_DIR = 0x80040222L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NOT_ALL_DELETED = 0x80040223L;
- const LONG CDO_E_PROP_READONLY = 0x80040227L;
- const LONG CDO_E_PROP_CANNOT_DELETE = 0x80040228L;
- const LONG CDO_E_BAD_DATA = 0x80040229L;
- const LONG CDO_E_PROP_NONHEADER = 0x8004022AL;
- const LONG CDO_E_INVALID_CHARSET = 0x8004022BL;
- const LONG CDO_E_BAD_SENDER = 0x80040233L;
- const LONG CDO_E_SELF_BINDING = 0x80040234L;
- const LONG CDO_E_ARGUMENT1 = 0x80044000L;
- const LONG CDO_E_ARGUMENT2 = 0x80044001L;
- const LONG CDO_E_ARGUMENT3 = 0x80044002L;
- const LONG CDO_E_ARGUMENT4 = 0x80044003L;
- const LONG CDO_E_ARGUMENT5 = 0x80044004L;
- const LONG CDO_E_NOT_FOUND = 0x800CCE05L;
- };
- interface IBodyParts;
- interface IMessages;
- [ uuid(CD000001-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("Defines an object used to manage or create a complete message"), helpcontext(0x00000010) ] coclass Message
- {
- [default] interface IMessage;
- interface IDataSource;
- interface IBodyPart;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000002-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("Defines an object used to store configuration information for CDO objects"), helpcontext(0x00000012) ] coclass Configuration
- {
- [default] interface IConfiguration;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000004-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("Defines an object used to access messages on the file system"), helpcontext(0x00000011) ] coclass DropDirectory
- {
- [default] interface IDropDirectory;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000008-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("SMTPConnector Class"), hidden ] coclass SMTPConnector
- {
- [default] interface ISMTPScriptConnector;
- [default,source] interface ISMTPOnArrival;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000011-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("NNTPEarlyConnector Class"), hidden ] coclass NNTPEarlyConnector
- {
- [default] interface INNTPEarlyScriptConnector;
- [default,source] interface INNTPOnPostEarly;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000009-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("NNTPPostConnector Class"), hidden ] coclass NNTPPostConnector
- {
- [default] interface INNTPPostScriptConnector;
- [default,source] interface INNTPOnPost;
- };
- [ uuid(CD000010-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), helpstring("NNTPFinalConnector Class"), hidden ] coclass NNTPFinalConnector
- {
- [default] interface INNTPFinalScriptConnector;
- [default,source] interface INNTPOnPostFinal;
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(CD0ff000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IGetInterface : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- HRESULT GetInterfaceInner(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- };