- /*++
- Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
- */
- #ifndef __TVOUT__
- #define __TVOUT__
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifndef GUID_DEFINED
- #include <guiddef.h>
- #endif
- typedef struct _VIDEOPARAMETERS {
- GUID Guid; // GUID for this structure
- ULONG dwOffset; // leave it 0 for now.
- ULONG dwCommand; // VP_COMMAND_* SET or GET
- ULONG dwFlags; // bitfield, defined below SET or GET
- ULONG dwMode; // bitfield, defined below SET or GET
- ULONG dwTVStandard; // bitfield, defined below SET or GET
- ULONG dwAvailableModes; // bitfield, defined below GET
- ULONG dwAvailableTVStandard; // bitfield, defined below GET
- ULONG dwFlickerFilter; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwOverScanX; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwOverScanY; // SET or GET
- ULONG dwMaxUnscaledX; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwMaxUnscaledY; // SET or GET
- ULONG dwPositionX; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwPositionY; // SET or GET
- ULONG dwBrightness; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwContrast; // value SET or GET
- ULONG dwCPType; // copy protection type SET or GET
- ULONG dwCPCommand; // VP_CP_CMD_
- ULONG dwCPStandard; // what TV standards CP is available on. GET
- ULONG dwCPKey;
- ULONG bCP_APSTriggerBits; // (a dword for alignment) SET(bits 0 and 1 valid).
- UCHAR bOEMCopyProtection[256]; // oem specific copy protection data SET or GET
- #define VP_COMMAND_GET 0x0001 // size set, return caps.
- // returned Flags = 0 if not supported.
- #define VP_COMMAND_SET 0x0002 // size and params set.
- #define VP_FLAGS_TV_MODE 0x0001
- #define VP_FLAGS_TV_STANDARD 0x0002
- #define VP_FLAGS_FLICKER 0x0004
- #define VP_FLAGS_OVERSCAN 0x0008
- #define VP_FLAGS_MAX_UNSCALED 0x0010 // do not use on SET
- #define VP_FLAGS_POSITION 0x0020
- #define VP_FLAGS_BRIGHTNESS 0x0040
- #define VP_FLAGS_CONTRAST 0x0080
- #define VP_FLAGS_COPYPROTECT 0x0100
- #define VP_MODE_WIN_GRAPHICS 0x0001
- #define VP_MODE_TV_PLAYBACK 0x0002 // optimize for TV video playback
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_M 0x0001 // 75 IRE Setup
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_M_J 0x0002 // Japan, 0 IRE Setup
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_B 0x0004
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_D 0x0008
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_H 0x0010
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_I 0x0020
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_M 0x0040
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_N 0x0080
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_B 0x0100
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_D 0x0200
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_G 0x0400
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_H 0x0800
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_K 0x1000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_K1 0x2000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_L 0x4000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_WIN_VGA 0x8000
- // and the rest
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_NTSC_433 0x00010000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_G 0x00020000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_PAL_60 0x00040000
- #define VP_TV_STANDARD_SECAM_L1 0x00080000
- #define VP_CP_TYPE_APS_TRIGGER 0x0001 // DVD trigger bits only
- #define VP_CP_TYPE_MACROVISION 0x0002 // full macrovision data available
- #define VP_CP_CMD_ACTIVATE 0x0001 // CP command type
- #define VP_CP_CMD_DEACTIVATE 0x0002
- #define VP_CP_CMD_CHANGE 0x0004
- #endif