- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- import "msado15.idl";
- interface IMessage;
- interface IMessages;
- interface IBodyPart;
- interface IConfiguration;
- interface IBodyParts;
- interface IDataSource;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:calendar:attendeerole property, the value of which identifies whether the attendee is required, optional, or not a participant, or the meeting chairperson.")]
- typedef enum CdoAttendeeRoleValues
- {
- [helpstring("This attendee is required.")]
- cdoRequiredParticipant = 0,
- [helpstring("This attendee is optional.")]
- cdoOptionalParticipant = 1,
- [helpstring("This attendee is not a participant in the meeting and is copied for informational purposes only.")]
- cdoNonParticipant = 2,
- [helpstring("This attendee is the meeting chairperson.")]
- cdoChair = 3,
- } CdoAttendeeRoleValues;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:calendar:attendeestatus (IAttendee.Status) property, the value of which identifies whether the attendee has accepted, declined, or indicated their status as tentative.")]
- typedef enum CdoAttendeeStatusValues
- {
- [helpstring("The attendee has accepted the appointment.")]
- cdoAccepted = 0,
- [helpstring("This attendee has declined the meeting request.")]
- cdoDeclined = 1,
- [helpstring("The attendee status is tentative.")]
- cdoAttendeeStatusTentative = 2,
- [helpstring("The attendee has not yet responded. This is the default for the attendee status value.")]
- cdoNeedsAction = 3,
- cdoDelegated = 4,
- cdoCompleted = 5,
- cdoInProgress = 6,
- } CdoAttendeeStatusValues;
- [helpstring("Used to examine the ICalendarPart.ComponentType property, the value of which indicates the calendar body part type.")]
- typedef enum CdoComponentType
- {
- [helpstring("The calendar body part type is unknown.")]
- cdoComponentTypeUnknown = 0,
- [helpstring("The calendar body part is an appointment.")]
- cdoComponentTypeAppointment = 1,
- } CdoComponentType;
- [helpstring("Used with the IConfiguration.Load method to specify which default configuration values are to be loaded.")]
- typedef enum CdoConfigSource
- {
- [helpstring("Load all applicable default values from both Outlook Express and Internet Information Services.")]
- cdoDefaults = -1,
- [helpstring("Load configuration default values from the local Internet Information Service.")]
- cdoIIS = 1,
- [helpstring("Load configuration values from the default identity of the default Outlook Express account.")]
- cdoOutlookExpress = 2,
- [helpstring("Load configuration from the directory object specified in the URL parameter.")]
- cdoDirectory = 3,
- } CdoConfigSource;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the IRecurrencePattern.FirstDayOfWeek property, the value of which indicates what day is to be designated as the first of a week.")]
- typedef enum CdoDayOfWeek
- {
- [helpstring("Sunday")]
- cdoSunday = 0,
- [helpstring("Monday")]
- cdoMonday = 1,
- [helpstring("Tuesday")]
- cdoTuesday = 2,
- [helpstring("Wednesday")]
- cdoWednesday = 3,
- [helpstring("Thursday")]
- cdoThursday = 4,
- [helpstring("Friday")]
- cdoFriday = 5,
- [helpstring("Saturday")]
- cdoSaturday = 6,
- } CdoDayOfWeek;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the IMessage.DSNOptions property, the value of which identifies the condition(s) under which Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs) are to be sent.")]
- typedef enum CdoDSNOptions
- {
- [helpstring("No DSN commands are issued.")]
- cdoDSNDefault = 0,
- [helpstring("No DSNs are issued.")]
- cdoDSNNever = 1,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery fails.")]
- cdoDSNFailure = 2,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery succeeds.")]
- cdoDSNSuccess = 4,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery is delayed.")]
- cdoDSNDelay = 8,
- [helpstring("Return a DSN if delivery succeeds, fails, or is delayed.")]
- cdoDSNSuccessFailOrDelay = 14,
- } CdoDSNOptions;
- [helpstring("Passed to SMTP-NNTP transport event sinks through corresponding event methods and used by a sink to indicate to the event source whether it has consumed the event.")]
- typedef enum CdoEventStatus
- {
- [helpstring("Proceed to run the next sink.")]
- cdoRunNextSink = 0,
- [helpstring("Do not notify (skip) any remaining sinks for the event. This sink has consumed the event.")]
- cdoSkipRemainingSinks = 1,
- } CdoEventStatus;
- [helpstring("Used to identify the type of transport event.")]
- typedef enum CdoEventType
- {
- [helpstring("The event is SMTPOnArrival.")]
- cdoSMTPOnArrival = 1,
- [helpstring("The event is NNTPOnPostEarly.")]
- cdoNNTPOnPostEarly = 2,
- [helpstring("The event is NNTPOnPost.")]
- cdoNNTPOnPost = 3,
- [helpstring("The event is NNTPOnPostFinal.")]
- cdoNNTPOnPostFinal = 4,
- } CdoEventType;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:contacts:fileasid property, the value of which identifies how the corresponding urn:schemas:contacts:fileas property is or has been constructed.")]
- typedef enum CdoFileAsMappingId
- {
- [helpstring("No construction. FileAs property is as entered.")]
- cdoMapToNone = 0,
- [helpstring("File contact using the property order sn, givenname, and middlename.")]
- cdoMapToLastFirst = 1,
- [helpstring("File contact using the property order givenname, middlename, and sn.")]
- cdoMapToFirstLast = 2,
- [helpstring("File contact using the o (organization) property.")]
- cdoMapToOrg = 3,
- [helpstring("File contact using the property order sn, givenname, middlename, and o.")]
- cdoMapToLastFirstOrg = 4,
- [helpstring("File contact using the property order o, givenname, sn, and middlename.")]
- cdoMapToOrgLastFirst = 5,
- } CdoFileAsMappingId;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the IRecurrencePattern.Frequency property, the value of which indicates the recurring appointment's frequency.")]
- typedef enum CdoFrequency
- {
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is secondly (1 per second).")]
- cdoSecondly = 1,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is minutely (1 per minute).")]
- cdoMinutely = 2,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is hourly (1 per hour).")]
- cdoHourly = 3,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is daily (1 per day).")]
- cdoDaily = 4,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is weekly (1 per week).")]
- cdoWeekly = 5,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is monthly (1 per month).")]
- cdoMonthly = 6,
- [helpstring("The recurrence frequency is yearly (1 per year).")]
- cdoYearly = 7,
- } CdoFrequency;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:contacts:gender property, the value of which identifies a contact's gender.")]
- typedef enum CdoGenderValues
- {
- [helpstring("The contact's gender is unspecified.")]
- cdoGenderUnspecified = 0,
- [helpstring("The contact is female.")]
- cdoFemale = 1,
- [helpstring("The contact is male.")]
- cdoMale = 2,
- } CdoGenderValues;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:httpmail:importance property, the value of which identifies the item's importance.")]
- typedef enum cdoImportanceValues
- {
- [helpstring("The item is of low importance.")]
- cdoLow = 0,
- [helpstring("The item is of normal importance.")]
- cdoNormal = 1,
- [helpstring("The item is of high importance.")]
- cdoHigh = 2,
- } cdoImportanceValues;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype property, the value of which identifies the appointment instance type.")]
- typedef enum CdoInstanceTypes
- {
- [helpstring("This instance is a single, non recurring appointment.")]
- cdoSingle = 0,
- [helpstring("This instance is the master for a recurring appointment.")]
- cdoMaster = 1,
- [helpstring("This is a single instance of a recurring appointment.")]
- cdoInstance = 2,
- [helpstring("This instance is an exception to a recurring appointment.")]
- cdoException = 3,
- } CdoInstanceTypes;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:contacts:mailingaddressid property, the value of which identifies what address is the contact's current mailing address.")]
- typedef enum CdoMailingAddressIdValues
- {
- [helpstring("The mailing addresses are not constructed from other entries (and will be empty).")]
- cdoNoAddress = 0,
- [helpstring("The mailing entries are constructed from the home address entries of the contact.")]
- cdoHomeAddress = 1,
- [helpstring("The mailing entries are constructed from the contact's work address entries.")]
- cdoBusinessAddress = 2,
- [helpstring("The mailing entries are constructed from the contact's other address entries.")]
- cdoOtherAddress = 3,
- } CdoMailingAddressIdValues;
- [helpstring("Used by SMTP OnArrival transport event sinks to set or examine the property, the value of which indicates the message's transport status.")]
- typedef enum CdoMessageStat
- {
- [helpstring("Success. Proceed to deliver message.")]
- cdoStatSuccess = 0,
- [helpstring("Discard message and do not deliver.")]
- cdoStatAbortDelivery = 2,
- [helpstring("Do not deliver message and place it in the bad mail location.")]
- cdoStatBadMail = 3,
- } CdoMessageStat;
- [helpstring("Used with the IMessage.CreateMHTMLBody method to specify what resource types referenced within the page specified by the URL parameter should not be downloaded.")]
- typedef enum CdoMHTMLFlags
- {
- [helpstring("Download all resources referred to in elements within the resource at the specified URI (not recursive).")]
- cdoSuppressNone = 0,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in IMG elements.")]
- cdoSuppressImages = 1,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in BGSOUND elements.")]
- cdoSuppressBGSounds = 2,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in FRAME elements.")]
- cdoSuppressFrames = 4,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in OBJECT elements.")]
- cdoSuppressObjects = 8,
- [helpstring("Do not download resources referred to in LINK elements.")]
- cdoSuppressStyleSheets = 16,
- [helpstring("Do not download any resources referred to from within the page.")]
- cdoSuppressAll = 31,
- } CdoMHTMLFlags;
- [helpstring("Used by NNTP transport event sinks to set or examine the property, the value of which indicates what message processing is to occur.")]
- typedef enum CdoNNTPProcessingField
- {
- [helpstring("Post the message.")]
- cdoPostMessage = 1,
- [helpstring("Send message through process control.")]
- cdoProcessControl = 2,
- [helpstring("Send message to moderator.")]
- cdoProcessModerator = 4,
- } CdoNNTPProcessingField;
- [helpstring("Determines how a recurrence pattern ends")]
- typedef enum CdoPatternEndType
- {
- [helpstring("Pattern repeats for ever")]
- cdoNoEndDate = 0,
- [helpstring("Pattern ends after generating a specific number of instances")]
- cdoEndByInstances = 1,
- [helpstring("Pattern stops generating instances after a specific date and time")]
- cdoEndByDate = 2,
- } CdoPatternEndType;
- [helpstring("Used with the property, the value of which specifies how a message is to be posted.")]
- typedef enum CdoPostUsing
- {
- [helpstring("Post the message using the local NNTP Service pickup directory.")]
- cdoPostUsingPickup = 1,
- [helpstring("Post the message using the NNTP protocol over the network.")]
- cdoPostUsingPort = 2,
- [helpstring("Post the message using Exchange (WebDAV transmission URI).")]
- cdoPostUsingExchange = 3,
- } CdoPostUsing;
- typedef enum cdoPriorityValues
- {
- [helpstring("The item is of non-urgent priority.")]
- cdoPriorityNonUrgent = -1,
- [helpstring("The item is of normal priority.")]
- cdoPriorityNormal = 0,
- [helpstring("The item is of urgent priority.")]
- cdoPriorityUrgent = 1,
- } cdoPriorityValues;
- [helpstring("Used with and, the values of which specify the network authentication mechansim used when sending and posting messages.")]
- typedef enum CdoProtocolsAuthentication
- {
- [helpstring("Perform no authentication (anonymous).")]
- cdoAnonymous = 0,
- [helpstring("Use the basic (clear text) authentication mechanism.")]
- cdoBasic = 1,
- [helpstring("Use the NTLM authentication mechanism")]
- cdoNTLM = 2,
- } CdoProtocolsAuthentication;
- [helpstring("Used with the IMessage.AddRelatedBodyPart method to specify how the new body part is to be referenced within the related HTML body part.")]
- typedef enum CdoReferenceType
- {
- [helpstring("The reference parameter contains a value for the Content-ID header. The HTML body refers to the resource using this Content-ID header.")]
- cdoRefTypeId = 0,
- [helpstring("The reference parameter contains a value for the Content-Location MIME header. The HTML body refers to this resource using this message-relative URL.")]
- cdoRefTypeLocation = 1,
- } CdoReferenceType;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the IAddressee.ResolvedStatus property, the value of which identifies whether the addressee name was unambiguously resolved by IAddressee.CheckName.")]
- typedef enum CdoResolvedStatus
- {
- [helpstring("The addressee name has not been resolved.")]
- cdoUnresolved = 0,
- [helpstring("The addressee name was unambiguously resolved.")]
- cdoResolved = 1,
- [helpstring("The indicated recipient was ambiguous. A list of possible recipients is provided in the IAddressee.AmbiguousNames collection.")]
- cdoAmbiguous = 2,
- } CdoResolvedStatus;
- [helpstring("Used with the property, the value of which specifies how a message is to be sent.")]
- typedef enum CdoSendUsing
- {
- [helpstring("Send message using the local SMTP service pickup directory.")]
- cdoSendUsingPickup = 1,
- [helpstring("Send the message using the SMTP protocol over the network.")]
- cdoSendUsingPort = 2,
- [helpstring("Send message using Exchange (WebDAV transmission URI).")]
- cdoSendUsingExchange = 3,
- } CdoSendUsing;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the property, the value of which identifies the item's sensitivity.")]
- typedef enum cdoSensitivityValues
- {
- [helpstring("The item is of no designated sensitivity.")]
- cdoSensitivityNone = 0,
- [helpstring("The item is of personal sensitivity.")]
- cdoPersonal = 1,
- [helpstring("The item is of private sensitivity.")]
- cdoPrivate = 2,
- [helpstring("The item is confidential to the company.")]
- cdoCompanyConfidential = 3,
- } cdoSensitivityValues;
- [helpstring("Used to set or examine the urn:schemas:calendar:timezoneid property, the value of which specifies the local time zone to use when returning Date values.")]
- typedef enum CdoTimeZoneId
- {
- [helpstring("(UTC) Universal Coordinated Time")]
- cdoUTC = 0,
- [helpstring("(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time; Dublin, Edinburgh, London")]
- cdoGMT = 1,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Warsaw, Zagreb")]
- cdoSarajevo = 2,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Paris, Madrid, Brussels, Copenhagen")]
- cdoParis = 3,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Vienna")]
- cdoBerlin = 4,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Bucharest, Eastern Europe")]
- cdoEasternEurope = 5,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) Prague, Central Europe")]
- cdoPrague = 6,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk")]
- cdoAthens = 7,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:00) Brasilia")]
- cdoBrasilia = 8,
- [helpstring("(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)")]
- cdoAtlanticCanada = 9,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoEastern = 10,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoCentral = 11,
- [helpstring("(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)")]
- cdoMountain = 12,
- [helpstring("(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana")]
- cdoPacific = 13,
- [helpstring("(GMT-09:00) Alaska")]
- cdoAlaska = 14,
- [helpstring("(GMT-10:00) Hawaii")]
- cdoHawaii = 15,
- [helpstring("(GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa")]
- cdoMidwayIsland = 16,
- [helpstring("(GMT+12:00) Wellington, Auckland")]
- cdoWellington = 17,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Brisbane, East Australia")]
- cdoBrisbane = 18,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:30) Adelaide, Central Australia")]
- cdoAdelaide = 19,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:00) Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo")]
- cdoTokyo = 20,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore")]
- cdoSingapore = 21,
- [helpstring("(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi")]
- cdoBangkok = 22,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:30) Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi, India Standard Time")]
- cdoBombay = 23,
- [helpstring("(GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat")]
- cdoAbuDhabi = 24,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:30) Tehran")]
- cdoTehran = 25,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) Baghdad")]
- cdoBaghdad = 26,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Israel, Jerusalem Standard Time")]
- cdoIsrael = 27,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland")]
- cdoNewfoundland = 28,
- [helpstring("(GMT-01:00) Azores")]
- cdoAzores = 29,
- [helpstring("(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic")]
- cdoMidAtlantic = 30,
- [helpstring("(GMT) Monrovia, Casablanca")]
- cdoMonrovia = 31,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown")]
- cdoBuenosAires = 32,
- [helpstring("(GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz")]
- cdoCaracas = 33,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)")]
- cdoIndiana = 34,
- [helpstring("(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima")]
- cdoBogota = 35,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan")]
- cdoSaskatchewan = 36,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Mexico City, Tegucigalpa")]
- cdoMexicoCity = 37,
- [helpstring("(GMT-07:00) Arizona")]
- cdoArizona = 38,
- [helpstring("(GMT-12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein, Dateline Time")]
- cdoEniwetok = 39,
- [helpstring("(GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.")]
- cdoFiji = 40,
- [helpstring("(GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia")]
- cdoMagadan = 41,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Hobart, Tasmania")]
- cdoHobart = 42,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby")]
- cdoGuam = 43,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:30) Darwin")]
- cdoDarwin = 44,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi")]
- cdoBeijing = 45,
- [helpstring("(GMT+06:00) Almaty, North Central Asia, Novosibirsk")]
- cdoAlmaty = 46,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent")]
- cdoIslamabad = 47,
- [helpstring("(GMT+04:30) Kabul")]
- cdoKabul = 48,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Cairo")]
- cdoCairo = 49,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria")]
- cdoHarare = 50,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd")]
- cdoMoscow = 51,
- [helpstring("The time zone is floating.")]
- cdoFloating = 52,
- [helpstring("(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.")]
- cdoCapeVerde = 53,
- [helpstring("(GMT+04:00) Caucasus, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan")]
- cdoCaucasus = 54,
- [helpstring("(GMT-06:00) Central America")]
- cdoCentralAmerica = 55,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) East Africa, Nairobi")]
- cdoEastAfrica = 56,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Melbourne, Sydney")]
- cdoMelbourne = 57,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg")]
- cdoEkaterinburg = 58,
- [helpstring("(GMT+02:00) Helsinki")]
- cdoHelsinki = 59,
- [helpstring("(GMT-03:00) Greenland")]
- cdoGreenland = 60,
- [helpstring("(GMT+06:30) Rangoon")]
- cdoRangoon = 61,
- [helpstring("(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu, Nepal")]
- cdoNepal = 62,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk")]
- cdoIrkutsk = 63,
- [helpstring("(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk")]
- cdoKrasnoyarsk = 64,
- [helpstring("(GMT-04:00) Santiago")]
- cdoSantiago = 65,
- [helpstring("(GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka")]
- cdoSriLanka = 66,
- [helpstring("(GMT+13:00) Tonga, Nuku'alofa")]
- cdoTonga = 67,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok")]
- cdoVladivostok = 68,
- [helpstring("(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa")]
- cdoWestCentralAfrica = 69,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk")]
- cdoYakutsk = 70,
- [helpstring("(GMT+06:00) Dhaka")]
- cdoDhaka = 71,
- [helpstring("(GMT+09:00) Seoul, Korea Standard Time")]
- cdoSeoul = 72,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Perth, Western Australia")]
- cdoPerth = 73,
- [helpstring("(GMT+03:00) Arab, Kuwait, Riyadh")]
- cdoArab = 74,
- [helpstring("(GMT+08:00) Taipei")]
- cdoTaipei = 75,
- [helpstring("(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart (Year 2000 only)")]
- cdoSydney2000 = 76,
- [helpstring("The time zone is unrecognized or invalid.")]
- cdoInvalidTimeZone = 77,
- } CdoTimeZoneId;
- [helpstring("Identifies if the cdoMailboxURL is an Exchange Server URL or a Client Store URL")]
- typedef enum cdoURLSourceValues
- {
- [helpstring("Exchange Server URL")]
- cdoExchangeServerURL = 0,
- [helpstring("Client Store URL")]
- cdoClientStoreURL = 1,
- } cdoURLSourceValues;
- [ object, uuid(CD000029-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to bind to data sources, such as other objects or resources at the specified URL."), helpcontext(0x00000100), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDataSource : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 207 ), propget, helpstring( "The interface name (type) of the currently bound object. When you bind resources by URL, the value _Record is returned." ), helpcontext( 0x00000101 ), readonly ] HRESULT SourceClass ([out,retval] BSTR* varSourceClass);
- [ id( 208 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the currently bound object. When you bind resources by URL, an ADO _Record interface is returned on an open Record object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000102 ), readonly ] HRESULT Source ([out,retval] IUnknown** varSource);
- [ id( 209 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the local data has been changed since the last save or bind operation." ), helpcontext(0x00000103) ] HRESULT IsDirty ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pIsDirty); [ id( 209 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether the local data has been changed since the last save or bind operation." ), helpcontext(0x00000103) ] HRESULT IsDirty ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varIsDirty);
- [ id( 210 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the URL of the currently bound resource. (Not applicable if bound to an object.)" ), helpcontext( 0x00000104 ), readonly ] HRESULT SourceURL ([out,retval] BSTR* varSourceURL);
- [ id( 211 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current ActiveConnection object if bound to a resource at a specified URL. (Not applicable if bound to an object.)" ), helpcontext( 0x00000105 ), readonly ] HRESULT ActiveConnection ([out,retval] _Connection** varActiveConnection);
- [ id( 251 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and saves data into the specified object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000106 ) ] HRESULT SaveToObject(
- [in] IUnknown* Source,
- [in] BSTR InterfaceName);
- [ id( 252 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and opens data from the specified object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000108 ) ] HRESULT OpenObject(
- [in] IUnknown* Source,
- [in] BSTR InterfaceName);
- [ id( 253 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and saves data into the resource specified by URL." ), helpcontext( 0x00000109 ) ] HRESULT SaveTo(
- [in] BSTR SourceURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, optional] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 254 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and opens data from the resource specified by URL. SourceClass returns _Record." ), helpcontext( 0x0000010a ) ] HRESULT Open(
- [in] BSTR SourceURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, defaultvalue(adFailIfNotExists)] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 255 ), helpstring ( "Saves data into the currently bound object or resource." ), helpcontext( 0x0000010b ) ] HRESULT Save();
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Binds to and saves data into a new item created in the container (folder) specified by URL." ), helpcontext( 0x00000107 ) ] HRESULT SaveToContainer(
- [in] BSTR ContainerURL,
- [in, defaultvalue(0)] IDispatch* ActiveConnection,
- [in, optional] ConnectModeEnum Mode,
- [in, optional] RecordCreateOptionsEnum CreateOptions,
- [in, optional] RecordOpenOptionsEnum Options,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000020-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage a message."), helpcontext(0x00000110), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMessage : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 101 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's hidden carbon copy (BCC header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000111) ] HRESULT BCC ([out,retval] BSTR* pBCC); [ id( 101 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's hidden carbon copy (BCC header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000111) ] HRESULT BCC ([in] BSTR varBCC);
- [ id( 103 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's secondary (CC header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000112) ] HRESULT CC ([out,retval] BSTR* pCC); [ id( 103 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's secondary (CC header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000112) ] HRESULT CC ([in] BSTR varCC);
- [ id( 105 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's follow-up recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000113) ] HRESULT FollowUpTo ([out,retval] BSTR* pFollowUpTo); [ id( 105 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's follow-up recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000113) ] HRESULT FollowUpTo ([in] BSTR varFollowUpTo);
- [ id( 106 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's principle (From header) authors." ), helpcontext(0x00000114) ] HRESULT From ([out,retval] BSTR* pFrom); [ id( 106 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's principle (From header) authors." ), helpcontext(0x00000114) ] HRESULT From ([in] BSTR varFrom);
- [ id( 107 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's keywords." ), helpcontext(0x00000115) ] HRESULT Keywords ([out,retval] BSTR* pKeywords); [ id( 107 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's keywords." ), helpcontext(0x00000115) ] HRESULT Keywords ([in] BSTR varKeywords);
- [ id( 110 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the message is to be serialized using the MIME (True) or UUENCODE (False) format." ), helpcontext(0x00000116) ] HRESULT MimeFormatted ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pMimeFormatted); [ id( 110 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether the message is to be serialized using the MIME (True) or UUENCODE (False) format." ), helpcontext(0x00000116) ] HRESULT MimeFormatted ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varMimeFormatted);
- [ id( 111 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's newsgroup (Newsgroups header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000117) ] HRESULT Newsgroups ([out,retval] BSTR* pNewsgroups); [ id( 111 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's newsgroup (Newsgroups header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x00000117) ] HRESULT Newsgroups ([in] BSTR varNewsgroups);
- [ id( 112 ), propget, helpstring( "The sender's organization name." ), helpcontext(0x00000118) ] HRESULT Organization ([out,retval] BSTR* pOrganization); [ id( 112 ), propput, helpstring( "The sender's organization name." ), helpcontext(0x00000118) ] HRESULT Organization ([in] BSTR varOrganization);
- [ id( 114 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time the message was received." ), helpcontext( 0x00000119 ), readonly ] HRESULT ReceivedTime ([out,retval] DATE* varReceivedTime);
- [ id( 115 ), propget, helpstring( "The email addresses (Reply-To header) to which to reply." ), helpcontext(0x0000011a) ] HRESULT ReplyTo ([out,retval] BSTR* pReplyTo); [ id( 115 ), propput, helpstring( "The email addresses (Reply-To header) to which to reply." ), helpcontext(0x0000011a) ] HRESULT ReplyTo ([in] BSTR varReplyTo);
- [ id( 116 ), propget, helpstring( "The delivery status notification (DSN) options for the message." ), helpcontext(0x0000011b) ] HRESULT DSNOptions ([out,retval] CdoDSNOptions* pDSNOptions); [ id( 116 ), propput, helpstring( "The delivery status notification (DSN) options for the message." ), helpcontext(0x0000011b) ] HRESULT DSNOptions ([in] CdoDSNOptions varDSNOptions);
- [ id( 119 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time the message was sent." ), helpcontext( 0x0000011c ), readonly ] HRESULT SentOn ([out,retval] DATE* varSentOn);
- [ id( 120 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's subject (Subject header)." ), helpcontext(0x0000011d) ] HRESULT Subject ([out,retval] BSTR* pSubject); [ id( 120 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's subject (Subject header)." ), helpcontext(0x0000011d) ] HRESULT Subject ([in] BSTR varSubject);
- [ id( 121 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's principle (To header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x0000011e) ] HRESULT To ([out,retval] BSTR* pTo); [ id( 121 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's principle (To header) recipients." ), helpcontext(0x0000011e) ] HRESULT To ([in] BSTR varTo);
- [ id( 123 ), propget, helpstring( "The text/plain portion of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x0000011f) ] HRESULT TextBody ([out,retval] BSTR* pTextBody); [ id( 123 ), propput, helpstring( "The text/plain portion of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x0000011f) ] HRESULT TextBody ([in] BSTR varTextBody);
- [ id( 124 ), propget, helpstring( "The text/html portion of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x00000120) ] HRESULT HTMLBody ([out,retval] BSTR* pHTMLBody); [ id( 124 ), propput, helpstring( "The text/html portion of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x00000120) ] HRESULT HTMLBody ([in] BSTR varHTMLBody);
- [ id( 125 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Attachments collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000121 ), readonly ] HRESULT Attachments ([out,retval] IBodyParts ** varAttachments);
- [ id( 126 ), propget, helpstring( "The message's actual sender." ), helpcontext(0x00000122) ] HRESULT Sender ([out,retval] BSTR* pSender); [ id( 126 ), propput, helpstring( "The message's actual sender." ), helpcontext(0x00000122) ] HRESULT Sender ([in] BSTR varSender);
- [ id( 127 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000123) ] HRESULT Configuration ([out,retval] IConfiguration ** pConfiguration); [ id( 127 ), propput, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000123 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration); [ id( 127 ), propputref, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000123 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration);
- [ id( 128 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether a text/plain alternate representation should automatically be generated from the text/html part of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x00000124) ] HRESULT AutoGenerateTextBody ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pAutoGenerateTextBody); [ id( 128 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether a text/plain alternate representation should automatically be generated from the text/html part of the message body." ), helpcontext(0x00000124) ] HRESULT AutoGenerateTextBody ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varAutoGenerateTextBody);
- [ id( 129 ), propget, helpstring( "The transport envelope Fields collection for the message (transport event sinks only)." ), helpcontext( 0x00000125 ), readonly ] HRESULT EnvelopeFields ([out,retval] Fields ** varEnvelopeFields);
- [ id( 130 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the BodyPart object (IBodyPart interface) containing the text/plain part of the message body." ), helpcontext( 0x00000126 ), readonly ] HRESULT TextBodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varTextBodyPart);
- [ id( 131 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the BodyPart object (IBodyPart interface) containing the text/html portion of the message body." ), helpcontext( 0x00000127 ), readonly ] HRESULT HTMLBodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varHTMLBodyPart);
- [ id( 132 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IBodyPart interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00000128 ), readonly ] HRESULT BodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart ** varBodyPart);
- [ id( 133 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IDataSource interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00000129 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource ** varDataSource);
- [ id( 134 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Fields collection." ), helpcontext( 0x0000012a ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 135 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether a mail delivery notification (MDN) should be sent when the message is received." ), helpcontext(0x0000012b) ] HRESULT MDNRequested ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pMDNRequested); [ id( 135 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether a mail delivery notification (MDN) should be sent when the message is received." ), helpcontext(0x0000012b) ] HRESULT MDNRequested ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varMDNRequested);
- [ id( 150 ), helpstring ( "Adds a BodyPart object with content referenced within the text/html portion of the message body." ), helpcontext( 0x0000012c ) ] HRESULT AddRelatedBodyPart(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in] BSTR Reference,
- [in] CdoReferenceType ReferenceType,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password,
- [out,retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [ id( 151 ), helpstring ( "Adds an attachment (BodyPart) to the message." ), helpcontext( 0x0000012d ) ] HRESULT AddAttachment(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password,
- [out,retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [ id( 152 ), helpstring ( "Creates an MHTML-formatted message body using the resource(s) at the specified URL." ), helpcontext( 0x0000012e ) ] HRESULT CreateMHTMLBody(
- [in] BSTR URL,
- [in, defaultvalue(cdoSuppressNone)] CdoMHTMLFlags Flags,
- [in, optional] BSTR UserName,
- [in, optional] BSTR Password);
- [ id( 153 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object used to forward a message." ), helpcontext( 0x0000012f ) ] HRESULT Forward(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 154 ), helpstring ( "Posts the message using the method specified in the associated Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000130 ) ] HRESULT Post();
- [ id( 155 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object used to post a reply to the message." ), helpcontext( 0x00000131 ) ] HRESULT PostReply(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 156 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object used to reply to the message." ), helpcontext( 0x00000132 ) ] HRESULT Reply(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 157 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Message object used to post a reply to all recipients of the message." ), helpcontext( 0x00000133 ) ] HRESULT ReplyAll(
- [out,retval] IMessage **ppMsg);
- [ id( 158 ), helpstring ( "Sends the message using the method specified in the associated Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000136 ) ] HRESULT Send();
- [ id( 159 ), helpstring ( "Returns an ADO Stream object containing the message in serialized, RFC 822 format. The message body is encoded using either MIME or UUENCODE as specified by the MIMEFormatted property." ), helpcontext( 0x00000134 ) ] HRESULT GetStream(
- [out,retval] _Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00000135 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000021-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage a message body part."), helpcontext(0x00000140), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBodyPart : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 200 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's BodyParts collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000141 ), readonly ] HRESULT BodyParts ([out,retval] IBodyParts ** varBodyParts);
- [ id( 201 ), propget, helpstring( "The method used to encode the body part content. For example, quoted-printable or base64." ), helpcontext(0x00000142) ] HRESULT ContentTransferEncoding ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentTransferEncoding); [ id( 201 ), propput, helpstring( "The method used to encode the body part content. For example, quoted-printable or base64." ), helpcontext(0x00000142) ] HRESULT ContentTransferEncoding ([in] BSTR varContentTransferEncoding);
- [ id( 202 ), propget, helpstring( "The content media type portion of the body part's content type." ), helpcontext(0x00000143) ] HRESULT ContentMediaType ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentMediaType); [ id( 202 ), propput, helpstring( "The content media type portion of the body part's content type." ), helpcontext(0x00000143) ] HRESULT ContentMediaType ([in] BSTR varContentMediaType);
- [ id( 203 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Fields collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000144 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 204 ), propget, helpstring( "The character set of the body part's text content (not applicable for non-text content types)." ), helpcontext(0x00000145) ] HRESULT Charset ([out,retval] BSTR* pCharset); [ id( 204 ), propput, helpstring( "The character set of the body part's text content (not applicable for non-text content types)." ), helpcontext(0x00000145) ] HRESULT Charset ([in] BSTR varCharset);
- [ id( 205 ), propget, helpstring( "The value of the filename parameter for the content-disposition MIME header." ), helpcontext( 0x00000146 ), readonly ] HRESULT FileName ([out,retval] BSTR* varFileName);
- [ id( 207 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IDataSource interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00000147 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource ** varDataSource);
- [ id( 208 ), propget, helpstring( "The body part's content class." ), helpcontext(0x00000148) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentClass); [ id( 208 ), propput, helpstring( "The body part's content class." ), helpcontext(0x00000148) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([in] BSTR varContentClass);
- [ id( 209 ), propget, helpstring( "Deprecated. Do not use." ), helpcontext(0x00000149) ] HRESULT ContentClassName ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentClassName); [ id( 209 ), propput, helpstring( "Deprecated. Do not use." ), helpcontext(0x00000149) ] HRESULT ContentClassName ([in] BSTR varContentClassName);
- [ id( 210 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's parent object in the body part hierarchy." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014a ), readonly ] HRESULT Parent ([out,retval] IBodyPart** varParent);
- [ id( 250 ), helpstring ( "Adds a body part to the object's BodyParts collection." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014b ) ] HRESULT AddBodyPart(
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppPart);
- [ id( 251 ), helpstring ( "Saves the body part content to the specified file." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014c ) ] HRESULT SaveToFile(
- [in] BSTR FileName);
- [ id( 252 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the body part content in encoded format. The encoding method is specified in the ContentTransferEncoding property." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014d ) ] HRESULT GetEncodedContentStream(
- [out, retval]_Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 253 ), helpstring ( "Returns a Stream object containing the body part content in decoded format." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014e ) ] HRESULT GetDecodedContentStream(
- [out, retval]_Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 254 ), helpstring ( "Returns an ADO Stream object containing the body part in serialized, MIME encoded format." ), helpcontext( 0x0000014f ) ] HRESULT GetStream(
- [out,retval] _Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 255 ), helpstring ( "Returns the specified parameter from the body part's specified header field." ), helpcontext( 0x00000150 ) ] HRESULT GetFieldParameter(
- [in] BSTR FieldName,
- [in] BSTR Parameter,
- [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrValue);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00000151 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000022-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage configuration information for CDO objects."), helpcontext(0x00000160), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IConfiguration : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 0 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Fields collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000161 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields ** varFields);
- [ id( 50 ), helpstring ( "Loads the specified configuration." ), helpcontext( 0x00000162 ) ] HRESULT Load(
- [in] CdoConfigSource LoadFrom,
- [in, optional] BSTR URL);
- [ id( 160 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00000163 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface(
- [in] BSTR Interface,
- [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000025-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods and properties used to manage a collection of Message objects on the file system. Returned by IDropDirectory.GetMessages."), helpcontext(0x00000180), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMessages : IDispatch
- {
- [
- id( 0 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "Returns the message specified by index from the collection." ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000181 ),
- readonly
- ] HRESULT Item (long Index,
- [out, retval] IMessage **ppMessage);
- [ id( 1 ), propget, helpstring( "The number of message objects in the collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000182 ), readonly ] HRESULT Count ([out,retval] long* varCount);
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Deletes the specified message object in the collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000183 ) ] HRESULT Delete(
- [in] long Index);
- [ id( 3 ), helpstring ( "Deletes all message objects in the collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000184 ) ] HRESULT DeleteAll();
- [propget, restricted, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)]
- HRESULT _NewEnum(
- [out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [
- id( 5 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "Returns the name of the file containing the specified message in the file system." ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000185 ),
- readonly
- ] HRESULT Filename (VARIANT var,
- [out, retval] BSTR *Filename);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000024-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage a collection of messages on the file system."), helpcontext(0x00000190), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDropDirectory : IDispatch
- {
- [
- id( 200 ),
- helpstring( "Returns a collection of messages contained in the specified directory on the file system. The default location is the SMTP drop directory." ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000191 ),
- readonly
- ]
- HRESULT GetMessages ([in, optional] BSTR DirName,
- [out,retval] IMessages** Msgs);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000023-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods and properties used to manage a collection of BodyPart objects."), helpcontext(0x00000170), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IBodyParts : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 1 ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of BodyPart objects in the collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000171 ), readonly ] HRESULT Count ([out,retval] long* varCount);
- [
- id( 0 ),
- propget,
- helpstring( "The specified BodyPart object in the collection." ),
- helpcontext( 0x00000172 ),
- readonly
- ]
- HRESULT Item (
- [in] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppBody);
- [propget, restricted, id(DISPID_NEWENUM)]
- HRESULT _NewEnum(
- [out, retval] IUnknown** retval);
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Deletes the specified BodyPart object from the collection. Can use the index or a reference to the object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000173 ) ] HRESULT Delete(
- [in] VARIANT varBP);
- [ id( 3 ), helpstring ( "Deletes all BodyPart objects in the collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000174 ) ] HRESULT DeleteAll();
- [ id( 4 ), helpstring ( "Adds a BodyPart object to the collection at the specified index, and returns the newly added object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000175 ) ] HRESULT Add(
- [in, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index,
- [out, retval] IBodyPart **ppPart);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000030-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("ISMTPScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface ISMTPScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000034-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPFinalScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPEarlyScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000031-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPPostScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPPostScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000032-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("INNTPFinalScriptConnector interface"), pointer_default(unique), hidden ] interface INNTPFinalScriptConnector : IDispatch
- {
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000026-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Implement when creating SMTP OnArrival event sinks."), helpcontext(0x00000200), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISMTPOnArrival : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the SMTP event dispatcher when a message arrives." ), helpcontext( 0x00000201 ) ] HRESULT OnArrival(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000033-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Implement when creating NNTP OnPostEarly event sinks."), helpcontext(0x00000210), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPostEarly : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event dispatcher when message headers arrive." ), helpcontext( 0x00000211 ) ] HRESULT OnPostEarly(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- }
- [ object, uuid(CD000027-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Implement when creating NNTP OnPost event sinks."), helpcontext(0x00000220), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPost : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event dispatcher when a message is posted." ), helpcontext( 0x00000221 ) ] HRESULT OnPost(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000028-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Implement when creating NNTP OnPostFinal event sinks."), helpcontext(0x00000230), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INNTPOnPostFinal : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 256 ), helpstring ( "Called by the NNTP event dispatcher after a posted message has been saved to its final location." ), helpcontext( 0x00000231 ) ] HRESULT OnPostFinal(
- [in] IMessage *Msg, [in,out]CdoEventStatus *EventStatus);
- };
- [
- object,
- uuid(CD000083-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IProxyObject : IUnknown
- {
- [propget,readonly]
- HRESULT Object([out] IUnknown** ppParent);
- };
- interface IContactGroupMembers;
- interface IRecurrencePatterns;
- interface IExceptions;
- interface ICalendarMessage;
- interface ICalendarParts;
- interface IAttendee;
- interface IAttendees;
- interface IPerson;
- interface IEventRegistration;
- interface IEventAction;
- interface IAddressees;
- [ object, uuid(CD000126-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage an item."), helpcontext(0x00000400), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IItem : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 1 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00000401 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface([in] BSTR Interface, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Returns an ADO Stream object containing the item's stream (adDefaultStream property)." ), helpcontext( 0x00000402 ) ] HRESULT GetStream([out,retval] _Stream **ppStream);
- [ id( 3 ), propget, helpstring( "The number of items, including subfolders, within a folder. Only valid when bound to a folder." ), helpcontext( 0x00000403 ), readonly ] HRESULT ChildCount ([out,retval] long* varChildCount);
- [ id( 4 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000404) ] HRESULT Configuration ([out,retval] IConfiguration** pConfiguration); [ id( 4 ), propput, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000404 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration* varConfiguration); [ id( 4 ), propputref, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00000404 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration* varConfiguration);
- [ id( 5 ), propget, helpstring( "The item's content class." ), helpcontext(0x00000405) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([out,retval] BSTR* pContentClass); [ id( 5 ), propput, helpstring( "The item's content class." ), helpcontext(0x00000405) ] HRESULT ContentClass ([in] BSTR varContentClass);
- [ id( 6 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time the item was created." ), helpcontext( 0x00000406 ), readonly ] HRESULT CreationDate ([out,retval] DATE* varCreationDate);
- [ id( 7 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IDataSource interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00000407 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource** varDataSource);
- [ id( 8 ), propget, helpstring( "The item's display name." ), helpcontext( 0x00000408 ), readonly ] HRESULT DisplayName ([out,retval] BSTR* varDisplayName);
- [ id( 9 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Fields collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00000409 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields** varFields);
- [ id( 10 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the item is a collection." ), helpcontext( 0x0000040a ), readonly ] HRESULT IsCollection ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* varIsCollection);
- [ id( 11 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the item is hidden." ), helpcontext(0x0000040b) ] HRESULT IsHidden ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pIsHidden); [ id( 11 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether the item is hidden." ), helpcontext(0x0000040b) ] HRESULT IsHidden ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varIsHidden);
- [ id( 12 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the item is a structured document." ), helpcontext( 0x0000040c ), readonly ] HRESULT IsStructuredDocument ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* varIsStructuredDocument);
- [ id( 13 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time the item was last modified." ), helpcontext( 0x0000040d ), readonly ] HRESULT LastModified ([out,retval] DATE* varLastModified);
- [ id( 14 ), propget, helpstring( "The number of non-folder items in a folder, including any hidden items. Only valid when bound to a folder." ), helpcontext( 0x0000040e ), readonly ] HRESULT ObjectCount ([out,retval] long* varObjectCount);
- [ id( 15 ), propget, helpstring( "The absolute URL of the item's parent folder." ), helpcontext( 0x0000040f ), readonly ] HRESULT ParentURL ([out,retval] BSTR* varParentURL);
- [ id( 16 ), propget, helpstring( "The number of visible items in the folder (Each item's DAV:ishidden property is False). Only valid when bound to a folder." ), helpcontext( 0x00000410 ), readonly ] HRESULT VisibleCount ([out,retval] long* varVisibleCount);
- }
- [ object, uuid(CD000120-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to manage information about appointments."), helpcontext(0x00001000), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAppointment : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 2 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Attachments collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00001002 ), readonly ] HRESULT Attachments ([out,retval] IBodyParts** varAttachments);
- [ id( 3 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Attendees collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00001004 ), readonly ] HRESULT Attendees ([out,retval] IAttendees** varAttendees);
- [ id( 5 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates how the appointment appears in the user's Free/Busy status." ), helpcontext(0x00001006) ] HRESULT BusyStatus ([out,retval] BSTR* pBusyStatus); [ id( 5 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates how the appointment appears in the user's Free/Busy status." ), helpcontext(0x00001006) ] HRESULT BusyStatus ([in] BSTR varBusyStatus);
- [ id( 6 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's keywords." ), helpcontext(0x00001008) ] HRESULT Keywords ([out,retval] VARIANT* pKeywords); [ id( 6 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's keywords." ), helpcontext(0x00001008) ] HRESULT Keywords ([in] VARIANT varKeywords);
- [ id( 8 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x0000100c) ] HRESULT Configuration ([out,retval] IConfiguration** pConfiguration); [ id( 8 ), propput, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x0000100c ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration* varConfiguration); [ id( 8 ), propputref, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x0000100c ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration* varConfiguration);
- [ id( 9 ), propget, helpstring( "A person's name as a contact for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000100f) ] HRESULT Contact ([out,retval] BSTR* pContact); [ id( 9 ), propput, helpstring( "A person's name as a contact for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000100f) ] HRESULT Contact ([in] BSTR varContact);
- [ id( 10 ), propget, helpstring( "A URL used to access an alternative format of the contact information." ), helpcontext(0x00001011) ] HRESULT ContactURL ([out,retval] BSTR* pContactURL); [ id( 10 ), propput, helpstring( "A URL used to access an alternative format of the contact information." ), helpcontext(0x00001011) ] HRESULT ContactURL ([in] BSTR varContactURL);
- [ id( 15 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IDataSource interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00001013 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource** varDataSource);
- [ id( 18 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time the appointment ends." ), helpcontext(0x00001019) ] HRESULT EndTime ([out,retval] DATE* pEndTime); [ id( 18 ), propput, helpstring( "The date and time the appointment ends." ), helpcontext(0x00001019) ] HRESULT EndTime ([in] DATE varEndTime);
- [ id( 19 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Exceptions collection." ), helpcontext( 0x0000101b ), readonly ] HRESULT Exceptions ([out,retval] IExceptions** varExceptions);
- [ id( 21 ), propget, helpstring( "The duration of the appointment in seconds." ), helpcontext(0x0000101d) ] HRESULT Duration ([out,retval] long* pDuration); [ id( 21 ), propput, helpstring( "The duration of the appointment in seconds." ), helpcontext(0x0000101d) ] HRESULT Duration ([in] long varDuration);
- [ id( 22 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Fields collection." ), helpcontext( 0x00001020 ), readonly ] HRESULT Fields ([out,retval] Fields** varFields);
- [ id( 27 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's meeting location." ), helpcontext(0x00001022) ] HRESULT Location ([out,retval] BSTR* pLocation); [ id( 27 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's meeting location." ), helpcontext(0x00001022) ] HRESULT Location ([in] BSTR varLocation);
- [ id( 28 ), propget, helpstring( "The URL for accessing an alternative format of the location information." ), helpcontext(0x00001024) ] HRESULT LocationURL ([out,retval] BSTR* pLocationURL); [ id( 28 ), propput, helpstring( "The URL for accessing an alternative format of the location information." ), helpcontext(0x00001024) ] HRESULT LocationURL ([in] BSTR varLocationURL);
- [ id( 34 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's priority status: Normal, Urgent, or Non-urgent." ), helpcontext(0x00001026) ] HRESULT Priority ([out,retval] long* pPriority); [ id( 34 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's priority status: Normal, Urgent, or Non-urgent." ), helpcontext(0x00001026) ] HRESULT Priority ([in] long varPriority);
- [ id( 38 ), propget, helpstring( "The date and time a recipient replied to the meeting request." ), helpcontext( 0x00001028 ), readonly ] HRESULT ReplyTime ([out,retval] DATE* varReplyTime);
- [ id( 39 ), propget, helpstring( "A list of supportive resources for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000102a) ] HRESULT Resources ([out,retval] BSTR* pResources); [ id( 39 ), propput, helpstring( "A list of supportive resources for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000102a) ] HRESULT Resources ([in] BSTR varResources);
- [ id( 40 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates if a response is requested for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000102c) ] HRESULT ResponseRequested ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pResponseRequested); [ id( 40 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates if a response is requested for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x0000102c) ] HRESULT ResponseRequested ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varResponseRequested);
- [ id( 41 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's RecurrencePatterns collection." ), helpcontext( 0x0000102f ), readonly ] HRESULT RecurrencePatterns ([out,retval] IRecurrencePatterns** varRecurrencePatterns);
- [ id( 42 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's sensitivity: Company-Confidential, Personal, or Private." ), helpcontext(0x00001031) ] HRESULT Sensitivity ([out,retval] long* pSensitivity); [ id( 42 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's sensitivity: Company-Confidential, Personal, or Private." ), helpcontext(0x00001031) ] HRESULT Sensitivity ([in] long varSensitivity);
- [ id( 44 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's starting date and time." ), helpcontext(0x00001033) ] HRESULT StartTime ([out,retval] DATE* pStartTime); [ id( 44 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's starting date and time." ), helpcontext(0x00001033) ] HRESULT StartTime ([in] DATE varStartTime);
- [ id( 45 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's status: Tentative, Confirmed, or Cancelled." ), helpcontext(0x00001035) ] HRESULT MeetingStatus ([out,retval] BSTR* pMeetingStatus); [ id( 45 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's status: Tentative, Confirmed, or Cancelled." ), helpcontext(0x00001035) ] HRESULT MeetingStatus ([in] BSTR varMeetingStatus);
- [ id( 46 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's topic." ), helpcontext(0x00001037) ] HRESULT Subject ([out,retval] BSTR* pSubject); [ id( 46 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's topic." ), helpcontext(0x00001037) ] HRESULT Subject ([in] BSTR varSubject);
- [ id( 48 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the appointment appears in the free/busy string." ), helpcontext(0x00001039) ] HRESULT Transparent ([out,retval] BSTR* pTransparent); [ id( 48 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether the appointment appears in the free/busy string." ), helpcontext(0x00001039) ] HRESULT Transparent ([in] BSTR varTransparent);
- [ id( 52 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IBodyPart interface." ), helpcontext( 0x0000103b ), readonly ] HRESULT BodyPart ([out,retval] IBodyPart** varBodyPart);
- [ id( 54 ), propget, helpstring( "The geographical latitude of the appointment's location." ), helpcontext(0x0000103d) ] HRESULT GEOLatitude ([out,retval] double* pGEOLatitude); [ id( 54 ), propput, helpstring( "The geographical latitude of the appointment's location." ), helpcontext(0x0000103d) ] HRESULT GEOLatitude ([in] double varGEOLatitude);
- [ id( 55 ), propget, helpstring( "The geographical longitude of the appointment's location." ), helpcontext(0x0000103f) ] HRESULT GEOLongitude ([out,retval] double* pGEOLongitude); [ id( 55 ), propput, helpstring( "The geographical longitude of the appointment's location." ), helpcontext(0x0000103f) ] HRESULT GEOLongitude ([in] double varGEOLongitude);
- [ id( 56 ), propget, helpstring( "Indicates whether the appointment duration is all day." ), helpcontext(0x00001056) ] HRESULT AllDayEvent ([out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pAllDayEvent); [ id( 56 ), propput, helpstring( "Indicates whether the appointment duration is all day." ), helpcontext(0x00001056) ] HRESULT AllDayEvent ([in] VARIANT_BOOL varAllDayEvent);
- [ id( 61 ), propget, helpstring( "The appointment's text description." ), helpcontext(0x00001054) ] HRESULT TextBody ([out,retval] BSTR* pTextBody); [ id( 61 ), propput, helpstring( "The appointment's text description." ), helpcontext(0x00001054) ] HRESULT TextBody ([in] BSTR varTextBody);
- [ id( 62 ), propget, helpstring( "The attendee response text for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x00001057) ] HRESULT ResponseText ([out,retval] BSTR* pResponseText); [ id( 62 ), propput, helpstring( "The attendee response text for the appointment." ), helpcontext(0x00001057) ] HRESULT ResponseText ([in] BSTR varResponseText);
- [ id( 201 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to accept the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001041 ) ] HRESULT Accept ([out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Response);
- [ id( 202 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to tentatively accept the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001043 ) ] HRESULT AcceptTentative ([out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Response);
- [ id( 203 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to cancel the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001045 ) ] HRESULT Cancel ([in, optional] BSTR EmailList, [in, optional] VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar, [in, optional] BSTR UserName, [in, optional] BSTR Password, [out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Request);
- [ id( 205 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to invite attendees to the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001047 ) ] HRESULT CreateRequest ([out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Request);
- [ id( 206 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to decline the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001049 ) ] HRESULT Decline ([in, optional] VARIANT_BOOL CleanupCalendar, [in, optional] BSTR UserName, [in, optional] BSTR Password, [out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Response);
- [ id( 211 ), helpstring ( "Returns a CalendarMessage object used to invite other attendees to the appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x0000104b ) ] HRESULT Invite ([in] BSTR EmailList, [out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Request);
- [ id( 212 ), helpstring ( "Publishes the appointment to a file or URL." ), helpcontext( 0x0000104d ) ] HRESULT Publish ([out, retval] ICalendarMessage **Request);
- [ id( 217 ), helpstring ( "Returns the first instance of the recurring appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x0000104f ) ] HRESULT GetFirstInstance ([in] DATE MinDate, [in] DATE MaxDate, [out, retval] IAppointment **Appointment);
- [ id( 218 ), helpstring ( "Returns the next instance of the recurring appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001051 ) ] HRESULT GetNextInstance ([out, retval] IAppointment **Appointment);
- [ id( 219 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00001053 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface ([in] BSTR Interface, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- [ id( 220 ), helpstring ( "Returns the master recurring appointment for an exception or instance of the master appointment." ), helpcontext( 0x00001055 ) ] HRESULT GetRecurringMaster ([in, optional] BSTR CalendarLocation, [in, optional] BSTR UserName, [in, optional] BSTR Password, [out, retval] IAppointment **Appointment);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD000122-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods, properties, and collections used to create and process meeting requests."), helpcontext(0x00011000), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ICalendarMessage : IDispatch
- {
- [ id( 2 ), helpstring ( "Returns a specified interface on this object; provided for script languages." ), helpcontext( 0x00011002 ) ] HRESULT GetInterface ([in] BSTR Interface, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppUnknown);
- [ id( 3 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's CalendarParts collection. Contains all calendar-related body parts in the message." ), helpcontext( 0x00011003 ), readonly ] HRESULT CalendarParts ([out,retval] ICalendarParts ** varCalendarParts);
- [ id( 5 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IMessage interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00011005 ), readonly ] HRESULT Message ([out,retval] IMessage ** varMessage);
- [ id( 6 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's IDataSource interface." ), helpcontext( 0x00011006 ), readonly ] HRESULT DataSource ([out,retval] IDataSource ** varDataSource);
- [ id( 7 ), propget, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00011007) ] HRESULT Configuration ([out,retval] IConfiguration ** pConfiguration); [ id( 7 ), propput, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00011007 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration); [ id( 7 ), propputref, helpstring( "The object's Configuration object." ), helpcontext( 0x00011007 ) ] HRESULT Configuration ([in] IConfiguration * varConfiguration);
- };
- [ object, uuid(CD00012E-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D), dual, nonextensible, helpstring("Defines methods and properties used to manage a collection of integers. Used in recurrence patterns."), helpcontext(0x00011100), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IIntegers : IDispatch
- {
- [propget, id(0), helpstring("The integer at the specified index in the collection."),helpcontext(0x00011100)] HRESULT Item(long Index, [out, retval] long *Value);
- [propget, id(1), helpstring("The number of integers in the collection."),helpcontext(0x00011100)] HRESULT Count([out, retval] long *Count);
- [id(2), helpstring("Deletes the integer at the specified index."),helpcontext(0x00011100)] HRESULT Delete([in] long *Value);