- /* librcv.c - Crash Recovery Utility Library
- * Kernel of GNU SQL-server. Recovery utilities
- *
- * This file is a part of GNU SQL Server
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Free Software Foundation, Inc
- * Developed at the Institute of System Programming
- * This file is written by Vera Ponomarenko
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Contacts:
- *
- */
- /* $Id: librcv.c,v 1.247 1997/04/15 11:46:20 vera Exp $ */
- #include "setup_os.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #endif
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <assert.h>
- # include <dirent.h>
- # define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
- #else
- # define dirent direct
- # define NAMLEN(dirent) (dirent)->d_namlen
- # include <sys/ndir.h>
- # endif
- # include <sys/dir.h>
- # endif
- # if HAVE_NDIR_H
- # include <ndir.h>
- # endif
- #endif
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/msg.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/shm.h>
- #endif
- # include <sys/wait.h>
- #endif
- # define WEXITSTATUS(stat_val) ((unsigned)(stat_val) >> 8)
- #endif
- #ifndef WIFEXITED
- # define WIFEXITED(stat_val) (((stat_val) & 255) == 0)
- #endif
- #include "destrn.h"
- #include "strml.h"
- #include "puprcv.h"
- #include "fdclrcv.h"
- #include "f1f2decl.h"
- /**************************************************************/
- extern i4_t msqidl, msqidm, msqidb;
- extern i4_t fdcurlj;
- char ljpage[RPAGE];
- u2_t pagenum;
- extern i4_t N_AT_SEG;
- extern COST cost;
- extern struct ADREC bllj;
- extern struct d_r_t *firstrel;
- extern struct ADBL admj;
- extern char *pbufmj;
- extern char *pbuflj;
- extern struct ldesind **TAB_IFAM;
- extern i4_t TIFAM_SZ;
- extern i4_t idtr;
- extern struct ADBL adlj;
- extern struct ADREC blmj;
- extern char *bufmj;
- extern unsigned ljmsize;
- extern u2_t trnum;
- extern struct ADREC blmj;
- extern i4_t minidnt;
- #define adfsize sizeof(struct ADF)
- static void
- rllbck_tr (i4_t fd, i4_t cidtr, struct ADBL cadlj)
- {
- register char *a, type;
- i4_t newidtr;
- u2_t blsz;
- char *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- for (; (blsz = LJ_prev (fd, &cadlj, &pnt, mas)) > 0;)
- {
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == EOTLJ || type == GRLBLJ)
- continue;
- newidtr = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- if (newidtr == cidtr)
- {
- cadlj.npage = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- backactn (blsz, a, type);
- break;
- }
- }
- idtr = cidtr;
- r_tr (cadlj);
- }
- static void
- rollb_nftr(i4_t fd, struct ADBL cadlj, char *a, u2_t n)
- {
- u2_t i, NFTRANS;
- i4_t cidtr;
- NFTRANS = n / size4b;
- for (i = 0; i < NFTRANS; i++, a += size4b)
- {
- cidtr = t4bunpack (a);
- rllbck_tr (fd, cidtr, cadlj);
- }
- }
- static void
- frwrd_mtn (struct ADBL cadlj)
- {
- char *a, type;
- u2_t blsz;
- char *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- for (; (blsz = LJ_next (fdcurlj, &cadlj, &pnt, mas)) > 0;)
- { /*The motion forward */
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == CPRLJ)
- continue;
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- getmint (a, blsz - size1b);
- continue;
- }
- if (type == GRLBLJ)
- {
- adlj = cadlj;
- blsz = LJ_prev (fdcurlj, &adlj, &pnt, mas);
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type != EOTLJ)
- fprintf (stderr, "Serious error! LIBRCV.frwrd_mtn: type |= EOTLJ (=%d) before GRLBLJn", type);
- rollb_nftr (fdcurlj, adlj, a, blsz - size1b);
- continue;
- }
- idtr = t4bunpack (a);
- forward_action (a + size4b, type, blsz - ljmsize);
- }
- }
- struct ADBL
- frwdmtn (void)
- {
- struct ADBL cadlj;
- read_page (fdcurlj, 1, ljpage);
- cadlj.npage = 1;
- frwrd_mtn (cadlj);
- return (adlj); /* use adlj because cadlj doesn't change */
- /* in frwrd_mnt but adlj */
- }
- static struct d_r_t *
- cr_rd(struct id_rel *idr)
- {
- char *a, *asp;
- struct A pg;
- struct d_r_t *desrel;
- u2_t *ai;
- unsigned char t;
- asp = getpg (&pg, idr->urn.segnum, idr->pagenum, 's');
- ai = (u2_t *) (asp + phsize) + idr->index;
- a = asp + *ai;
- t = *a & MSKCORT;
- if (t == IND)
- { /* indirect reference */
- u2_t pn2, ind2;
- char *asp = NULL;
- ind2 = t2bunpack (a + 1);
- pn2 = t2bunpack (a + 1 + size2b);
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- while ((asp = getpg (&pg, pg.p_sn, pn2, 's')) == NULL);
- ai = (u2_t *) (asp + phsize) + ind2;
- a = asp + *ai;
- assert ((*a & CREM) != 0 && *ai != 0);
- }
- desrel = crtfrd (idr, a);
- putpg (&pg, 'n');
- return (desrel);
- }
- u2_t
- LJ_next (i4_t fd, struct ADBL *adj, char **pnt, char *mas)
- {
- u2_t N, offbeg, n, blsz, off, n1;
- char *a, *beg_of_record;
- N = adj->npage;
- offbeg = adj->cm;
- if (pagenum != N)
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- a = ljpage + size4b;
- off = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- if (off == offbeg && *a == 0)
- return (0);
- a = ljpage + offbeg;
- if (offbeg + RTBLK > RPAGE)
- { /* the top-block places in two pages*/
- char buff[size2b];
- n = RPAGE - offbeg;
- bcopy (a, buff, n);
- N++;
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- n1 = RTBLK - n;
- bcopy (ljpage + RTPAGE, buff + n, n1);
- blsz = t2bunpack (buff);
- n = RTPAGE + n1;
- beg_of_record = ljpage + n;
- }
- else
- { /* the top-block places in (N)-page */
- blsz = t2bunpack (a);
- beg_of_record = a + RTBLK;
- n = offbeg + RTBLK;
- }
- if (n + blsz > RPAGE)
- { /* block-record places in two page*/
- n = RPAGE - n;
- bcopy(beg_of_record, mas, n);
- N++;
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- n1 = blsz - n;
- bcopy (ljpage + RTPAGE, mas + n, n1);
- *pnt = mas;
- n = RTPAGE + n1;
- }
- else
- {
- *pnt = beg_of_record;
- n += blsz;
- }
- if (n + RTBLK > RPAGE)
- { /* the endtop-block places in two pages*/
- N++;
- offbeg = RTPAGE + RTBLK - (RTBLK - n);
- }
- else
- offbeg = n + RTBLK;
- adj->npage = N;
- adj->cm = offbeg;
- return (blsz);
- }
- static void
- rollback_action (char *a)
- {
- char type;
- struct ADBL cadlj;
- struct ADREC bllj;
- cadlj.npage = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- rcv_LJ_GETREC (&bllj, &cadlj);
- a = bllj.block;
- type = *a++;
- backactn (bllj.razm, a + size4b + 2 * size2b, type);
- }
- void
- forward_action (char *a, char type, u2_t n)
- {
- u2_t pn, ind, pnr, indr;
- u2_t sn;
- i4_t rn, ordrn;
- struct d_r_t *desrel;
- struct des_tid tid;
- struct id_rel idr;
- if (type == RLBLJ || type == RLBLJ_AS_OP)
- rollback_action (a);
- a += 2 * size2b;
- sn = idr.urn.segnum = t2bunpack (a);
- assert (sn != 0);
- a += size2b;
- rn = idr.urn.obnum = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- idr.pagenum = pnr = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- idr.index = indr = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- tid.tpn = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- tid.tindex = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- pn = tid.tpn;
- ind = tid.tindex;
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- {
- for (desrel = firstrel; desrel != NULL; desrel = desrel->drlist)
- if (desrel->desrbd.relnum == rn)
- break;
- if (desrel == NULL)
- desrel = cr_rd (&idr);
- }
- else
- desrel = NULL;
- if (type == DELLJ)
- redo_dltn (sn, desrel, rn, &tid, n, a);
- else if (type == INSLJ)
- {
- struct des_tid newtid;
- newtid = ordins (sn, rn, a, n, 'n');
- if (newtid.tpn != pn || newtid.tindex != ind)
- fprintf (stderr, "LIBRCV.frwrd_mtn: Serious error! tids don't matched pn=%dn",
- pn);
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- proind (ordindi, desrel, desrel->desrbd.indnum, a, &tid);
- else
- {
- ordrn = t4bunpack (a + scscal (a));
- idr.urn.obnum = ordrn;
- desrel = crtfrd (&idr, a);
- }
- }
- else if (type == CRILJ)
- redo_cind (a, n, sn, pnr, indr, &tid);
- else
- { /* The modification */
- u2_t corsize;
- struct des_tid ref_tid;
- corsize = get_placement (sn, &tid, &ref_tid);
- n -= corsize;
- ordmod (sn, rn, &tid, &ref_tid, corsize, a + corsize, n);
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- mproind (desrel, desrel->desrbd.indnum, a, a + corsize, &tid);
- else
- {
- ordrn = t4bunpack (a + scscal (a));
- desrel = firstrel;
- for (; desrel->desrbd.relnum != ordrn; desrel = desrel->drlist);
- if (desrel == NULL)
- perror ("LIBRCV.frwrd_mtn: The correspondent desrel is absentn");
- if (type == DLILJ) /*nead to delete an index */
- redo_dind (desrel, a + corsize);
- else if (type == ADFLJ)
- { /*nead to add fields */
- struct d_r_bd drbd;
- u2_t fn;
- a += scscal (a) + corsize;
- drbdunpack (&drbd, a);
- fn = drbd.fieldnum;
- desrel->desrbd.fieldnum = fn;
- dfunpack (desrel, fn * rfsize, a + drbdsize);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void
- getmint (char *a, u2_t n)
- {
- register u2_t i, NFTRANS;
- i4_t cidtr;
- NFTRANS = n / size4b;
- if (NFTRANS == 0)
- return;
- minidnt = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- for (i = 1; i < NFTRANS; i++, a += size4b)
- {
- cidtr = t4bunpack (a);
- if (cidtr < minidnt)
- minidnt = cidtr;
- }
- }
- void
- r_tr (struct ADBL cadlj)
- {
- char *a, type;
- struct ADREC bllj;
- while ( != 0 )
- {
- rcv_LJ_GETREC (&bllj, &cadlj);
- a = bllj.block;
- type = *a++;
- a += size4b;
- cadlj.npage = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- backactn (bllj.razm, a, type);
- }
- }
- struct ADBL
- bmtn_feot (i4_t fd, struct ADBL cadlj)
- /* The motion back to the first EOTLJ */
- {
- char *a, type;
- i4_t prnftr = 0;
- struct ADBL ladlj;
- u2_t blsz;
- char *pnt, mas[RPAGE];
- ladlj = cadlj;
- while ((blsz = LJ_prev (fd, &cadlj, &pnt, mas)) > 0)
- {
- a = pnt;
- type = *a++;
- if (type == GRLBLJ)
- {
- ladlj = cadlj;
- prnftr = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (type == EOTLJ)
- {
- getmint (a, blsz - size1b);
- if (prnftr == 0)
- rollb_nftr (fd, cadlj, a, blsz - size1b);
- break;
- }
- idtr = t4bunpack (a);
- backactn (blsz, a + size4b + 2 * size2b, type);
- ladlj = cadlj;
- }
- return (ladlj);
- }
- void
- backactn (u2_t blsz, char * a, char type)
- {
- u2_t sn, pn, ind, pnr, indr;
- i2_t n;
- struct d_r_t *desrel;
- struct des_tid tid;
- i4_t rn;
- struct id_rel idr;
- if (type == RLBLJ || type == CPRLJ || type == RLBLJ_AS_OP)
- return;
- sn = idr.urn.segnum = t2bunpack (a);
- assert (sn != 0);
- a += size2b;
- rn = idr.urn.obnum = t4bunpack (a);
- a += size4b;
- idr.pagenum = pnr = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- idr.index = indr = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- tid.tpn = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- tid.tindex = t2bunpack (a);
- a += size2b;
- pn = tid.tpn;
- ind = tid.tindex;
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- {
- for (desrel = firstrel; desrel != NULL; desrel = desrel->drlist)
- if (desrel->desrbd.relnum == rn)
- break;
- if (desrel == NULL)
- desrel = cr_rd (&idr);
- }
- else
- desrel = NULL;
- n = blsz - ljmsize;
- if (type == DELLJ)
- {
- redo_insrtn (sn, desrel, rn, &tid, n, a);
- }
- else if (type == INSLJ)
- {
- redo_dltn (sn, desrel, rn, &tid, n, a);
- }
- else if (type == DLILJ)
- { /*nead to create an index */
- redo_cind (a, n, sn, pnr, indr, &tid);
- }
- else
- { /* The modification */
- u2_t corsize;
- struct des_tid ref_tid;
- corsize = get_placement (sn, &tid, &ref_tid);
- n -= corsize;
- ordmod (sn, rn, &tid, &ref_tid, corsize, a, n);
- if (rn != RDRNUM)
- {
- mproind (desrel, desrel->desrbd.indnum, a + n, a, &tid);
- }
- else
- {
- i4_t ordrn;
- ordrn = t4bunpack (a + scscal(a));
- idr.urn.obnum = ordrn;
- desrel = firstrel;
- for (; desrel->desrbd.relnum != ordrn; desrel = desrel->drlist);
- if (desrel == NULL)
- crtfrd (&idr, a);
- if (type == CRILJ)
- { /* nead to delete an index */
- redo_dind (desrel, a);
- }
- else if (type == ADFLJ)
- { /*nead to delete fields */
- struct d_r_bd drbd;
- a++;
- drbdunpack (&drbd, a);
- desrel->desrbd.fieldnum = drbd.fieldnum;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- u2_t
- LJ_prev (i4_t fd, struct ADBL *adj, char **pnt, char *mas)
- {
- u2_t N, n, blsz, n1;
- char *end_of_record;
- N = adj->npage;
- n = adj->cm;
- if (n == RTPAGE && pagenum == 1)
- return (0);
- if (pagenum != N)
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- n -= RTPAGE;
- if (n < RTBLK)
- { /* the endtop-block places in two pages*/
- char buff[RTBLK];
- n1 = RTBLK - n;
- bcopy (ljpage + RTPAGE, buff + n1, n);
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- end_of_record = ljpage + RPAGE - n1;
- bcopy (end_of_record, buff, n1);
- blsz = t2bunpack (buff);
- n = RPAGE - RTPAGE - n1;
- }
- else
- { /* the top-block places in (N)-page */
- end_of_record = ljpage + n + RTPAGE - RTBLK;
- blsz = t2bunpack (end_of_record);
- n -= RTBLK;
- if (n == 0)
- {
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- end_of_record = ljpage + RPAGE;
- }
- }
- if (n < blsz)
- { /* block-record places in two pages */
- n1 = blsz - n;
- bcopy (ljpage + RTPAGE, mas + n1, n);
- N--;
- read_page (fd, N, ljpage);
- bcopy (ljpage + RPAGE - n1, mas, n1);
- *pnt = mas;
- n = RPAGE - RTPAGE - n1;
- }
- else
- {
- *pnt = end_of_record - blsz;
- n -= blsz;
- if (n == 0)
- {
- N--;
- }
- }
- if (n < RTBLK)
- { /* the endtop-block places in two pages */
- N--;
- n1 = RTBLK - n;
- n = RPAGE - RTPAGE - n1;
- }
- else
- n -= RTBLK;
- adj->npage = N;
- adj->cm = n + RTPAGE;
- return (blsz);
- }
- static void
- write_page(i4_t fd, u2_t N, char *buf)
- {
- if (lseek (fd, (i4_t) (RPAGE * (N - 1)), SEEK_SET) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV: lseek");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (write (fd, buf, RPAGE) != RPAGE)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV: read");
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- static void
- do_cont (void)
- {
- register char *a;
- i4_t NB;
- NB = t4bunpack (ljpage);
- *(ljpage + size4b + size2b) = SIGN_CONT;
- write_page (fdcurlj, pagenum, ljpage);
- a = ljpage;
- t4bpack (NB, a);
- a += size4b;
- t2bpack (RTPAGE, a);
- a += size2b;
- pagenum++;
- }
- static char *
- write_topblock(u2_t size, u2_t off, char *a)
- {
- if (off + RTBLK > RPAGE)
- { /* the top-block places in two pages*/
- u2_t n, n1;
- char buff[size2b];
- n = RPAGE - off;
- t2bpack (size, buff);
- bcopy (buff, a, n);
- do_cont ();
- a = ljpage + RTPAGE;
- n1 = RTBLK - n;
- bcopy (buff + n, a, n1);
- a += n1;
- }
- else
- { /* the top-block places in (N)-page */
- t2bpack (size, a);
- a += size2b;
- }
- return (a);
- }
- void
- rcv_wmlj (struct ADBL *cadlj)
- {
- u2_t off, razm;
- register char *p;
- read_page (fdcurlj, cadlj->npage, ljpage);
- off = cadlj->cm;;
- razm = 1;
- p = write_topblock (razm, off, ljpage + off);
- if (p + razm > ljpage + RPAGE)
- {
- do_cont ();
- p = ljpage + RTPAGE;
- }
- *p++ = (char) GRLBLJ;
- p = write_topblock (razm, p - ljpage, p);
- off = p - ljpage;
- t2bpack (off, ljpage + size4b);
- *(ljpage + size4b + size2b) = SIGN_NOCONT;
- write_page (fdcurlj, pagenum, ljpage);
- ftruncate (fdcurlj, pagenum * RPAGE);
- }
- void
- rcv_LJ_GETREC (struct ADREC *bllj, struct ADBL *pcadlj)
- {
- char *p;
- struct msg_buf sbuf;
- sbuf.mtype = GETREC;
- t2bpack (trnum, sbuf.mtext);
- bcopy ((char *) pcadlj, sbuf.mtext, adjsize);
- if (msgsnd (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, adjsize + size2b, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgsnd: LJ GETREC");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (msgrcv (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, sizeof (struct ADREC), trnum, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgrcv: Answer from LJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- p = sbuf.mtext;
- bllj->razm = t2bunpack (p);
- p += size2b;
- bcopy (p, bllj->block, bllj->razm);
- }
- int
- dir_copy (char *dir_from, char *dir_to)
- {
- DIR *dp;
- struct dirent *dir;
- i4_t num;
- if ((dp = opendir (dir_from)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "LIBRCV: %s cannot openn", dir_from);
- exit (1);
- }
- dir = readdir (dp);
- dir = readdir (dp);
- for (num = 0; (dir = readdir (dp)) != NULL; num++)
- {
- if (dir->d_ino == 0)
- continue;
- copy (dir->d_name, dir_from, dir_to);
- }
- closedir (dp);
- return (num);
- }
- void
- copy (char *name, char *dir_from, char *dir_to)
- {
- i4_t i;
- pid_t pidcp;
- char *args[4], mch[4][1024];
- i4_t status;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- args[i] = mch[i];
- if ((pidcp = fork ())< 0)
- {
- perror ("fork cp");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (pidcp == 0)
- {
- args[0] = CP;
- sprintf (args[1], "%s/%s", dir_from, name);
- sprintf (args[2], "%s/%s", dir_to, name);
- args[3] = NULL;
- execvp (*args, args);
- perror ("LIBRCV.copy: CP doesn't exec");
- exit (1);
- }
- while (waitpid (-1, &status, 0) != pidcp);
- }
- int
- LOGJ_FIX (void)
- {
- struct msg_buf sbuf;
- sbuf.mtype = BEGFIX;
- if (msgsnd (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, 0, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgsnd: LOGJ->FIX");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (msgrcv (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, 1, ANSLJ, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgrcv: BEGFIX LJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- return ( (i4_t)*sbuf.mtext);
- }
- /* Read "N"-page from JRN-basefile into buf */
- void
- read_page(i4_t fd, u2_t N, char *buf)
- {
- if (lseek (fd, (i4_t) (RPAGE * (N - 1)), SEEK_SET) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV: lseek");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (read (fd, buf, RPAGE) != RPAGE)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV: read");
- exit (1);
- }
- pagenum = N;
- }
- void
- dubl_segs (void)
- {
- dir_copy (DIR_SEGS, DIR_DUB_SEGS);
- dir_copy (DIR_SEGS, DIR_REP_SEGS);
- }
- void
- rcv_ini_lj ()
- {
- struct msg_buf sbuf;
- sbuf.mtype = INILJ;
- t2bpack (trnum, sbuf.mtext);
- if (msgsnd (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, size2b, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgsnd: LJ INILOGJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (msgrcv (msqidl, (void *) &sbuf, 0, trnum, 0) < 0)
- {
- perror ("LIBRCV.msgrcv: Answer from LJ on INILOGJ");
- exit (1);
- }
- }